Where can I upload maps to the navigator. How to load maps on a navigator USB stick. Unofficial Navitel maps

Mikhail Orekhov

Every lover of long-distance car travel should learn how to use the navigator: leave a route, download updates. This is difficult to do for those who have recently purchased a device and still do not know how to use all of its capabilities, or for those who are going to visit a new country whose map is missing in the navigator. In the latter case, it becomes necessary to upload maps to the navigator.

The easiest way to load maps into the navigator is by contacting the service center. Professionals can easily select the necessary software and install the necessary data in the shortest time.

The price of the service (the most difficult option) does not exceed 1 thousand rubles. And in this case, the motorist can be calm about the reliability of the downloaded information.

Self-installation of cards

If you do this process yourself, you can save money. To do this, you need to visit the official server of the navigation program, whose brand of device you use. Further, after being authorized on the site and go directly to the instructions for downloading maps:

  1. Select the section "Personal Account" on the website.
  2. In the section "My devices" find the subsection "Updates" and select it.
  3. Further, it is necessary to determine which software corresponds to the navigator model and download it to the memory of a personal computer.
  4. Unpack the update archive. This will require a special program for unpacking archives.
  5. Connect the device to a personal computer via USB cable
  6. Shut down by saving the downloaded add-on to the "Maps" section on the device.

For further use of the navigation device, it is enough to reboot. According to the software, reboot and partition addresses may not match.

You should load new data into the navigator after making sure that it has enough free memory. Otherwise, it is worth deleting unnecessary files, having previously saved them on your computer.

The modern updated models of navigators are equipped with a Wi-Fi function, allowing you to easily synchronize the necessary information immediately. For this you need:

  1. On the site, select the section responsible for the software and find the required update.
  2. Allow the navigator to use the updated settings.
  3. Reboot device.

In the future, available updates will be downloaded automatically. If this does not happen, you need to re-perform the actions manually.

When downloading updates, the system will require you to enter the license key, which is indicated on the package or instructions for the navigator. If the package is lost and the license number cannot be restored, there is a method described below that will tell you how to download updates.

Downloading non-original software

The Internet is full of free sites that offer new maps for any navigation system. The main distinguishing feature of such resources is non-original software, which is added to the site by ordinary users. The maps may have some differences from the "real" versions, but nevertheless be reliable. The process of downloading data is no different from the above method. The updated data will be saved separately in the folder assigned to it.

Read how to install GPS in your car.

If the model of the gadget is not equipped with the function of adding files, updates on these sites will not work.

Summing up, it should be noted that downloading the necessary maps to the navigator is not a complicated process that requires you to prepare. It is enough to connect to the Internet, register on a website that has the software. And if you suddenly have problems in the implementation of your plan, you can always rely on the help of a professional.

Very often, when using navigators, their owners are faced with the problem of updating maps. As a rule, the majority turn to either the firms that sell these devices, or to local "craftsmen" with a request to help in this matter. But with the right approach, money can be saved, because updating the navigator is not such a difficult business.
First, let's figure out which maps and for which navigators are most suitable.

On the market of navigators and navigation maps, there are now a lot of manufacturers who use third-party maps in their devices. If you buy a Prestigio or Prology navigator, the maps of the Navitel system will be preinstalled on them, but by purchasing the Garmin nuvi 1300, you will become the owner of maps developed specifically for this device, which will complicate the transition to maps and services of another manufacturer, although today day all the developers for GPS are actively expanding the capabilities of the devices and they are equivalent in functionality.

To update your navigator, you need a computer and a USB cable to connect your navigator to your computer. We load the map for the device to the computer, then connect the navigator and copy your maps to it. This procedure is slightly different for each manufacturer.
Let's start with devices controlled by Navitel software, as the most widespread and popular in the CIS.

Video tutorial on how to update Navitel on the car navigator and put new maps

The first thing to do is to download the latest map update from the manufacturer on the www.navitel.su website. To counteract pirates stealing cards, the developers have implemented registration of each device, so you will need to register, and then download the update from the "My devices" menu from your personal account.

Select the type of map depending on your navigator. Unpack the resulting file. We connect the navigator to the computer, go into its memory, cut out all the old maps to the computer, fill in new maps instead. Disconnect the device from the computer and launch the Navitel program. If you did everything correctly, then the program itself will find the map files and run them. Sometimes you need to create a map for a specific region, but you will also need maps installed on your navigator.

In this case, create a folder with any name on the USB flash drive from your navigator, for example, Home.

We load maps into this folder, insert the USB flash drive into the navigator, and in the settings of the Navitel program, manually specify the path to the folder:

  • Select "Open Atlas", click to create an atlas at the bottom.
  • In the window that opens, indicate where our Home directory is located.
  • Open the folder and click the "Create Atlas" button.
  • We are waiting for the program to load the map, click on the checkmark.
  • We mark the map in the list and use it.

The instruction refers to devices that work with Navitel cards. The most common navigators that you will come across are Explay, Prestigio, Prology navigators.

But the update of the Garmin navigator is a little different. For proper installation, you need a utility from the manufacturer, called "Garmin Communicator", which is located on the official website:

  • We go to the site and select the type of device.
  • We connect the navigator.
  • If necessary, we enter the serial number.
  • We pass to the search for updates, press the button "Find updates for maps".

Update types

NuMaps Guarantee ™ update for Nuvo, Zumu, Dezl devices:

  • Go to www.garmin.com, go to the update section.
  • We connect the device.
  • Double click on "Update now".
  • We determine with the format of your card.
  • Click "Download".
  • We save.

You need to install as follows:

  • Launch the saved GarminMapsUpdate.
  • If necessary, we go through the update procedure.
  • After accepting the "License Agreement", click "Continue" and follow the prompts that appear on the screen.
  • If the update asks for a key, then enter the license number in the add key field.

To find out the license number, on the Garmin website in the Maps Updates section, select your navigator and click "content on device", copy and paste:

  • We press the inscription "You can start updating the maps."
  • We select the region of the map that we want to install. Don't be alarmed if the update takes a long time, sometimes a couple of hours.

It happens that there is not enough space to add new cards and the system will ask a question about cleaning the device. By checking the box next to "Save music and pictures to computer", you will save them to your computer.

Your attention may be drawn to the inscription "Installation options". In it, you decide which card should be updated or installed, and you can also specify the region that will be displayed on the device.

This method is quite difficult for a beginner, so Garmin has created an easier and easier method. With the Garmin Lifetime Updater software, it became possible to update maps offline.

The program itself constantly searches and updates maps depending on which maps are installed or on your location and updates them:

  • Double click on the file of the "Garmin Lifetime Updater" installer launcher, which has permissions or exe (or dmg, if you are a lucky MacPc owner), then carefully read and follow the instructions.
  • Add your device by clicking "add device", enter the name of the device, giving it a nickname.
  • Click Add Device.

In the event that you already have an old version of the file installed, you will need to update the map.
Garmin Lifetime Updater has many settings that will make your life much easier later.

Let's dwell on them in more detail:

  • "Devices". In this section, you can add or remove a device.
  • "Schedule". Here you indicate after what period you need to update the maps.
  • "Compound". If you have a connection through a proxy server, then write its settings in this paragraph.
  • "Installation" is the most interesting section, your device can be updated immediately, or it is possible for the maps to be downloaded to the computer themselves, and then uploaded to the connected device. It is very convenient if you make money from it. A client comes in, and you have his navigator in the settings. Connect, and the update immediately began, without unnecessary movements.
  • "About the program". Here, except for information about the installed version, you will not find anything else.
    Sometimes you will need a map that is not in your package on the navigator. Then you can go in two ways. The first one is correct, but expensive - using the nuMapsLifetime utility.

Connect the navigator to the computer, go to the Garmin website, then enter the serial number:

  • Next to the desired card, click the item "Add to the list of selected goods".
  • Follow all subsequent instructions.

The second method is illegal, but free. On the Internet, you are looking for maps, as a rule, along with them, there is a keygen, which will help you break the protection against pirates.

  • Then we connect the navigator to the computer, before installing the SD card into it. Your navigator will now appear in My Computer as two new drives.
  • We go to the USB flash drive (not to the internal memory of the navigator), there we create the “Garmin” folder, where we write down the downloaded files with maps and with keys to them. These are two different files, one contains the map, and the second is generated using keygen. You can find how to create it in the archive with maps. The fact is that each keygen has its own instruction, which is, as a rule, in the readme file (opened with notepad). And the identifier number will help generate the key file for the map.

Another fairly new service of maps for navigators is "Cityguide". Maps work with both GPS and Glonas. Their peculiarity is that they are released free of charge, but with a trial period. Also, with the help of additional paid content, their capabilities are expanded. The maps are very convenient and accurate, they were developed by the Russian company "Mit" LLC.

In the free version, your navigator will only work for 15 days. But paid add-ons will make it just an amazing device that will show traffic jams, will be able to correct the map online with a change in traffic flow or new installed signs, indicate where road works are being carried out, and you will not need to update them.

All this is realized by involving all traffic participants in the service of informing others, you can mark problem areas on the navigator, which will transmit them to the server, where they will be marked and broadcast to other people. The software package implements the ability to communicate with friends through the built-in radio program, which has a separate channel on the Internet, and you can also see where they are at any time. But this is possible if their navigator has a "Citygid".

Another advantage of this system is the use of maps from the free OpenStreetMap project, which are adapted for this system. But paid functions do not work on them, except for some cards that can display traffic jams.

Installing the program is very simple: directly from the device we go to the program service (for example, GooglePlay or AppStore) and download it from there. Next, launch it and select the trial or paid download option for the program. If you choose a trial, then your cards will be able to work only 15 days from the date of download and only if you have the Internet.

We install the cards using a computer:

  • We go to the website www.probki.net.
  • We enter the password and username obtained during the activation of the trial (you can find them along this path: Menu -\u003e Miscellaneous -\u003e Settings -\u003e Cityguide -\u003e Account).
  • In the list "Your licenses" select a trial license, the first will be the letters TMPA, then the numbers.
  • Go to the map section and select the card that we need, while hovering the mouse cursor over the word "date", as a result it will change to the word "download", and from the date the free time will start counting.
  • In the panel that appears after "download", select the desired service and download it to your computer.
  • We connect the navigator using the USB cable that comes with the kit. Before that, you will need to change the operating mode of the device, see the instructions for the device.
  • Select the SD memory card and copy the downloaded maps into it, into a folder on the navigator called CGMaps.

  • Disconnect the navigator from the computer.
  • We launch the navigation program in the main menu of the navigator.
    You can also install maps online from your device, if it has a high-speed connection. For this:
  • We select the menu "Download maps" along the path: Menu -\u003e Miscellaneous -\u003e Settings -\u003e Maps -\u003e Map manager.
  • We select the necessary maps from the server, put a check mark.
  • We confirm the download by clicking on the checkmark in the lower right corner. Downloading.
    After downloading we get licenses
  • Go to: Menu -\u003e Miscellaneous -\u003e Settings -\u003e Maps -\u003e Map Manager -\u003e Map Licenses.
  • We are waiting for the license activation.

If you receive a negative answer, then check if the username and password are entered correctly, as well as the Internet connection.

As with the rest of the navigation systems, the pirates also hacked Citygid, the most common cure for it is from the Freedom forum. The instruction is very simple:

  • Loading the Frеdоm forum.
  • We delete the CityGuide folder on the navigator, before that, be sure to save all bookmarks and other files on your computer.
  • Download and run the installer with the .apk extension (for android OS), install it and close it immediately.
  • Install the Freedom forum.
  • Launch CityGuide and download trial cards.
  • When the download is complete, a buy message appears. By clicking on it, a message will appear that the application has been purchased. Congratulations, you are now a working paid card holder.

But this option does not always work, so there are already hacked programs for navigation. To replace it, simply erase the official one and replace it with the hacked one by pirates. Follow the instructions below.

Cityguide navigation software will work perfectly on all models of navigators from Explay, Prestigio and Prology. Even if you install them instead of those that were already there.
I would like to note that the maps from Navitel have all the features that Cityigid does, but at the same time some functions are implemented in them much more inconveniently than in navigation maps from Cityigid.

It is also worth considering another navigator and a set of navigation maps. It is called Shturmann. True, its developer has closed the project and they are no longer released. But the cards for him remained and, moreover, not bad ones. The easiest way to use it is to run the Installer.exe file and all maps are installed on the navigator, just do not forget to connect it to your computer first.

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Hello readers of our portal GadgetMir. Today we will tell you a little about the Navitel GPS navigator, which can be downloaded from official site, and for Android devices with Google play market... Navitel is one of the most popular navigators, it can be installed on almost any device and on any operating system. On Android devices, the number of installations is approximately 20,000,000. Unlike most navigation systems, this navigator can work without access to the Internet, that is, it is enough to download and install it on the device once.

Once one of our friends asked me how you can add a map to the Navitel GPS navigator? Well, let's try to deal with this issue.

When do I need to add a map to the Navitel GPS navigator?

The newly installed program does not have any maps in the kit, you need to load the map yourself into the Navitel GPS navigator, and this is correct. The cards take up a lot of space, so there is no need for all the cards, you only install the one you need.

Another case is when you decided to go on a trip abroad, then you need to add a map to the Navitel GPS navigator.

Perhaps there are other cases, but we will not consider them, since the article is about something else.

Ways to add a map to the GPS navigator Navitel

Method 1. Well, you have installed the navigator and you are going to add a map to the Navitel GPS navigator. Before adding a map, you must first start the navigator, it will create all the folders it needs on the device's memory. After starting, he will immediately ask you to specify the path to the folder with the map lying in it. But in order not to accidentally delete the map, I suggest placing it in the navigator folder, so we press the "Exit" button.

Next, using the file manager, we take the desired card and slip it into the program at the following address: Phone storage / NavitelContent / Maps. There are times when the phone's memory is split into two parts: internal and sdcard0. In this case, the address will be slightly different: Device memory / sdcard0 / NavitelContent / Maps. Now we launch our Navitel and enjoy the application, it will no longer ask for the path to the folder.

It is very common that the memory of smartphones is very small, most often this is found on budget versions of smartphones. In this case, this method will not work, then see method 2.

Did you know that?

Method 2. In cases where there is not enough space in the device's memory for installing cards, then you need to place the card in any directory (so that you remember and do not delete it). Then launch the application and start adding a map to the Navitel GPS navigator. If the navigator does not yet have maps, then at startup the window shown in Figure 1 will open and press the "Add atlas" button. But if you have one connected, then this window will not appear. In any case, you need to add a map to the Navitel GPS navigator, for this we go to the application settings.

- In the lower left corner of the window, press the "Menu" button

- Then click on the "Settings" button

- Choose "Other cards"

- You are on the list of connected cards. Now, to add a map to the Navitel GPS navigator, you need to tap on the "Add Atlas" button

Here you need to specify the full path to the map. The GPS navigator Navitel sees all the memory of the device, including the system memory, so some inexperienced users may have difficulties because of a misunderstanding of how to choose a smartphone memory or a memory card. As soon as you clicked the "Add Atlas" button, you will see a large list of folders in the system memory of the device. In order to get into the phone's memory or on a flash drive, you should open the "mnt" folder there you will find the device memory and a flash card.

There were cases when a flashcard was not displayed in this folder, in such cases you should return to the level up and enter the "storage" folder. Only the device memory and memory card are displayed in the "storage" folder.

That's all there is to adding maps to the Navitel GPS navigator. If you have any questions, write in the comments.

Stay tuned, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead.

Navitel GPS navigator is one of the most advanced and developed applications for working with navigation. With its help, you can get to the desired point both online via mobile Internet and offline, having previously installed certain maps.

Step 1: Install the app

Before installing, make sure your phone has at least 200 megabytes of available memory. After that, follow the link below and click on the button "Install".

To open Navitel Navigator, tap on the icon that appears on the desktop of your smartphone. Confirm the request to access various data on your phone, after which the application will be ready to use.

Since the navigator does not provide an initial package of maps, the first time you start the application, you will be offered to download them from the list for free.

Step 3: Install from the official website

If for some reason you do not have access to an Internet connection on your smartphone, then the necessary maps can be downloaded to a PC from the official Navitel website, after which you should move them to the device.

If you often use a navigator or your workload requires high-quality GPS navigation, then Navitel Navigator is a worthy assistant in this matter. And if you decide to purchase a license with all the necessary cards, then in the future you will be pleasantly surprised by the operation of the application.

Nowadays, almost any car enthusiast uses a navigator. With it, it is convenient to find the desired street and address of the house, view traffic jams in the city, and also plot the best route. Usually navigators come with pre-installed city maps, however, these maps may be out of date or inaccurate. Then motorists are looking for how to load new maps into the navigator, and not only official ones, but also amateur ones.

Let's take a closer look at how you can properly load new official and unofficial maps into different navigators yourself.

Installing official maps

To navigator Garmin

To install a free map update on Garmin navigator, you need

  1. Download and install MapChecker from the official website.
  2. Run the program and check the navigator for map versions. To do this, you need to connect the navigator via a USB-wire to the computer or use a USB flash drive from the navigator.
  3. Then the program will give a link on which you need to go and download new maps to the navigator or USB flash drive.

Your navigator will then have the latest version of the official maps.

Navigator Navitel

To install Navitel maps on the navigator, you need

  1. Go to your personal account on the official Navitel website. Go to the subsection "My devices (updates)".
  2. We select the last update in the table and download it. Consider compatibility with your device.
  3. We connect the device or memory card to the computer.
  4. Before loading maps, delete the previous versions from the folder "\\ NavitelContent \\ Maps \\".
  5. We load the updated maps into the same folder and launch the device so that it updates the atlases.

You can also download the update of the Navitel navigator maps via wireless networks on the device itself. We go to the menu in the item "My Navitel - updates" and select the cards that you need to update. After that, the files will be downloaded from the network.

Navigator Autosputnik

Installing unofficial maps

To navigator Garmin

Installation of unofficial free maps based on OpenStreetMap goes like this

  1. Download and install MapSource software from Garmin official website.
  2. Unzip the files and run the MSMAIN.msi file, followed by the Setup.exe file. The program will install automatically.
  3. Download unofficial maps for Garmin navigator. It is important that the files have the same extension as the official ones.
  4. For each map file, you must run the INSTALL file to add the data to the computer's registry.
  5. Start MapSource and under "Tools-\u003e Manage Map Products" you will see all installed maps.

After completing the process, you can view all the files in the program window and send them to the Garmin navigator, which is connected to the computer.

Navigator Navitel

To install any maps on the Navitel navigator, you need

  1. Download amateur maps from Rambler file storage.
  2. Connect the navigator or USB flash drive from it to the computer.
  3. Create any separate folder for unofficial maps. The name can be anything, but in English.
  4. In the new folder, create more folders for each new file that you will add.
  5. Move all downloaded files to folders.
  6. Disconnect the navigator from the computer or insert a USB flash drive with maps into the navigator.
  7. In the navigator menu, click the "Open atlas" item and create a new atlas. To do this, go through the path to the new cards and click on them.
  8. We are waiting for the new atlas to be created.

After that, you can use the new maps on the Navitel device.

Navigator Autosputnik

Unofficial maps for the Avtosputnik navigator are loaded in the same way as the official ones, but with the omission of the registration point. You can see how the process takes place on this navigator in the "Installing official maps (on the Avtosputnik navigator)" section.