How to determine the concurrency of a request in Yandex. How to use the Detailed Query Analysis tool for search phrases and SEO? Features of using single-word queries

Low-performing keywords? How to determine the concurrency of a request? How to calculate the cost of a promotion? For these purposes, we need a set of indicators that will allow us to operate with absolute values, and not with abstracted concepts like "plastic windows are difficult and expensive." With such a task as assessing the competitiveness of requests, KEIs and frequencies will do an excellent job.

What is KEI?

Collecting and analyzing the competitiveness of queries is often associated with such an indicator as KEI (Keyword Effectiveness Index), i.e. a digital performance score that is given to a keyword or phrase. The KEI is calculated based on two factors.

The first factor depends on how often users search for something using a given phrase. The second factor reflects how many other sites and pages on them exist that are optimized for the same word structure.

Therefore, a KEI is a numeric value assigned to a keyword or phrase that takes into account both of the above. IT helps to determine the competitiveness of queries in Yandex, how effective it will be in terms of cost-benefit will be promoting them.

In my interpretation, this indicator is also composite and takes into account:

  • the number of sites with this key in the header of the main page;
  • the number of pages with the given key in the header.

The collection of the values \u200b\u200bnecessary for calculating the KEI parameter is possible using the program.

KEI calculation in Key Collector

The first step is to set the formula for calculating KEI in the program settings. I personally use the following:

((Number of sites with this key in the header of the main page) ^ 3) + ((Number of pages with this key in the header) ^ 3)

Translated into a language understandable by Key Collector, the KEI formula for Key Collector takes the following form:

(KEI_YandexMainPagesCount * KEI_YandexMainPagesCount * KEI_YandexMainPagesCount) + (KEI_YandexTitlesCount * KEI_YandexTitlesCount * KEI_YandexTitlesCount)

After saving the formula, the collection of initial data is initiated (Get data for Yandex PS), necessary for the calculation, and then, in fact, the direct calculation (Calculate KEI from the available data).

Upon completion of the calculation, all data will be available in the subject area of \u200b\u200bthe program:

Experimental KEI Formula

The formula for calculating KEI described in the previous paragraph is all right, don't worry, it still shows the stability of its estimates and allows you to check the competitiveness. I was worried about something else - it can be used rather limitedly when assessing the cost of promotion. For the last half year I have been using the following construction:

30 * ((KEI_YandexMainPagesCount * KEI_YandexMainPagesCount * KEI_YandexMainPagesCount) + (KEI_YandexTitlesCount * KEI_YandexTitlesCount * KEI_YandexTitlesCount)) + 20 * KEI_YandexTitlesCount + 40 * KEI_YandexMainPagesCount + 0.00001 * KEI_YandexDocCount + 0.3 * YandexWordstatBaseFreq + 0.5 * YandexWordstatQuotePointFreq

Yes, yes, horror. It was based on the distribution of significance weights between the main estimated values \u200b\u200bof the request: KEI, frequency (general and exact), the number of occurrences in page titles (including main ones) and the number of documents with this phrase in general.

I no longer remember why the set of weights was the same - they were redistributed many times, the resulting estimate of the competitiveness of the query was analyzed in practice and then the formula was corrected again.

The calculation procedure for this formula is exactly the same as for the first, with the only difference that in advance, in addition to the KEI parameters, it is necessary to collect a general and accurate frequency.

Types of Keyword Frequencies

So, now about the frequencies. Frequency is a numerical value that reflects the number of requests from users of the Yandex search engine, or any other one, to any word combination or its word forms over the last calendar month. They will not help to find out the competitiveness, but it is easy to assess the capacity of the direction. There are three types in total:

  • general,
  • permissible,
  • accurate.

Overall frequency is an indicator that includes statistics of impressions for a given request with all its possible word forms, additional words and symbols. In other words, if you collect the total frequency for the query "website promotion", then information will also be collected and summarized on structures like "website promotion in St. Petersburg", "inexpensive website promotion", etc. This mode is more suitable for a general assessment of the region's demand.

Permissible frequency is a frequency that allows declination and morphological deformation of the original query. In other words, if you collect the admissible frequency of the query "website promotion", then the results will include word forms like "website promotion", "website promotion", etc.

Accurate frequency is an indicator reflecting the number of requests to a particular request, without any changes and additions.

An automated check of these values \u200b\u200bcan also be done using the Key Collector program.

To obtain the most reliable information, it is better to determine the exact frequency as the main frequency.

After completing the collection of all the described parameters and after checking the competitiveness of requests, we can proceed to.

Hey. In today's article, I would like to talk about how to determine the competition and the frequency of the request, or more precisely, about the three most important parameters that you should pay attention to when compiling a semantic core and when writing articles for a blog. You may have already guessed what these parameters are. Yes, that's right, these are the frequency of the request, the KEI and the competition of the request.

So, let's take a look at each of these parameters to understand what it is and how to define it.

What is request frequency and how to determine it?

Millions of different phrases go through search engines every day. Some phrases are entered very often. Take the standard phrase "buy a phone" for example. Every month this phrase is entered into Yandex more than 50,000 times.

This monthly number of requests is called the frequency of the request. In this example, the phrase “buy a phone” is high frequency.

If we take the less common query "buy a samsung phone", we will see that the frequency of this phrase is much lower, and amounts to 1,609 times, and this query can be called mid-range.

Finally, take the even rarer 'buy a Samsung Galaxy s7' request, which has only 81 impressions. This is a low frequency request.

What conclusion can be drawn from this? The higher the frequency of the request, the more traffic. Therefore, you need to write articles not what you want, but what users are looking for.

You need to select queries with good frequency. You can check the frequency of the request in (number of requests to Yandex) and (number of requests to Google).

However, there is one but. We are not the only ones so smart 🙂 It was possible to focus on only one frequency 7-10 years ago. It won't work now. There is huge competition on the Internet and high-frequency queries have long been occupied by trust sites. Of course, these queries can and should be used, but it is unrealistic for a newly-made electronics store to bypass M. Video and Eldorado. Therefore, in addition to the frequency, you need to check the competition of the request, which I will write about below.

What is KEI and how to calculate it?

KEI stands for Keyword Effectiveness Index. Literally translated, this means the keyword performance index.

The concept of KEI was first coined by Samantha Roy. She reproduced the classic formula for calculating the Keyword Performance Index. Its formula looked like this:

KEI \u003d P2 / C

  • P is the number of requests for the phrase in the last 60 days;
  • C - the number of sites in the search results for a key phrase.

As a result, the more KEIs, the more traffic you can get for the key phrase, since KEI depends on the popularity of the request. However, the more competition, the lower the KEI.

Many people confuse KEI with competition. This is far from the case. KEI is only an approximate estimate of the effectiveness of the key, that is, this indicator tells us whether it is worth spending our efforts and funds at all on promoting a particular key.

The above formula of Samantha Roy has not been used for a long time, because when evaluating the effectiveness of a key, one cannot focus only on the frequency of the phrase and the number of sites in the search results.

On the Internet, many different formulas for calculating KEI have appeared, which began to include such data as - the number of main pages in the search results, the number of pages with exact matches, the presence of vital pages in the TOP 10, as well as the basic, general and exact frequency of the phrase. It is impossible to assert that some of the formulas are correct, and some are not. What works in one topic may not work in another.

Many have tried to find the ideal KEI formula that would determine the competition of a request, but the ideal one was never found. At least it's not in the public domain 🙂

Of course, no one counts KEI manually, this is done using special programs. For example, in Kay Collector, you can set your own formula, which you think is ideal.

What is keyword competition and how can you test it?

The less competition, the easier it is to promote the request, this is an elementary law. Therefore, be sure to check the competition requests for your articles. There are several ways to check the competition.

1. Checking search results manually. This is the simplest, but at the same time not very useful method. Just open the browser in incognito mode by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + N (it does not work in all browsers) and see which sites are in the TOP of the search results. If the search results are trust sites that are known to everyone by their brand, then the competition is mega high. And vice versa, if your site is trust, and in the results there are little-known sites with zero TCI and low traffic, then it makes sense to write articles for this request.

2. Checking the number of documents in issue upon request. This method is also of little use and I do not advise using it to check the competition.

The principle of this check is simple - we drive the request into the search and look at the number of sites in the search results. The more sites there are, the higher the competition.

Of course, when you have hundreds or even thousands of requests, you get tired of manually checking the number of sites in the SERP. For this purpose, you can use a special software - Kay Collector, or its stripped-down analogue Slovoeb.

3. Checking the KEI request. Of course, KEI can be used as a test of competition, but only if you deduce the ideal formula for calculating KEI, which is practically unrealistic, since the number of ranking factors is large, and some of them tend to weaken, while others, on the contrary, increase their value.

4. Checking the competition through the Mutagen service. I think this option is ideal. It most accurately defines competition.

In the Mutagen service, the competition is calculated with a numerical value from 1 to 25. The higher the numerical value, the higher the competition. If you take keys with competition up to 5, then having written a well-optimized article, you can be sure that after indexing or a couple of updates it will be in the TOP 10. As examples I can give you my site on women's topics.

During the year, the traffic on it did not exceed 300 visitors. In mid-November, 10 articles were published on it with good frequency and competition for the mutagen less than 5. As a result, immediately after indexing, traffic on it exceeded a thousand visitors, and the maximum traffic per day was 1,988 visitors.

Of course, such a great service cannot be completely free. The cost of 100 checks is 30 rubles, that is, one check will cost only 30 kopecks. But if you do not need to check hundreds of keys, then you can easily use the free option, since Mutagen gives everyone the opportunity to check 10 keys per day for free, which is more than enough to check the competition of key queries for 1-2 articles.

About six months ago I put 500 rubles on the mutagen balance, and spent only half of the balance.

By the way, whoever uses the Kay Collector program, you can check the Mutagen competition right in the program.

What conclusion can be drawn from this article? First, be sure to check the frequency of key queries, and only then write articles for these queries. Second - Check the contention of requests through Mutagen. Only together, these two parameters are the key to an excellent keyword that will bring good traffic. As for KEI, I don't see any point in it, who counts KEI can try to convince me.

Hello, friends. glad to welcome you on the blog pages. In this article I will try to tell you in detail what is low competitive queries and how to select them for the site. There is quite a bit of information on the net on this topic. If you purposefully search for information on a topic, then everywhere is about the same information that you need to move sites for low-frequency queries, but few people say that a low-frequency operator can be highly competitive and it simply will not work to get to the top of the search results. The point is that there is competition among requests. That is, there are many people interested in the same topic and everyone wants to get to the top, but only 10 sites get to the first page. Therefore, when choosing keywords for the site, one should take into account their competition.

How to evaluate competition for a keyword

If, when selecting key queries, you focus on low-frequency results and I dare to assume that this is the case, then you need to take into account that these queries are low competitive... And to do this, you need to study the search results and see the list of issued documents for a specific request. Let's take an example.

As you can see in the screenshot for the phrase "how to choose keywords", there are only 93 impressions per month and this is a fairly low-frequency query. But let's enter this search query into Yandex search and look at the results.

For this request, Yandex gave 2 million results and this indicates that for these keywords high competition... It will not be easy for young sites to get to the top lines in the search results, and if you take into account that the first 2 positions are occupied by Yandex pages, then it is completely impossible. In this regard, you need to choose lower-competitive queries so that you can get from the top only due to internal factors, without resorting to paid ones. And let's see what are VK, SK and NK requests.

  • Low-competitive queries - 150-200 thousand results
  • Medium-competitive - up to 1-1.5 million results
  • Highly competitive - anything above 1.5 million

If, when choosing keywords, you learn to take into account competition requests, then website promotion will be easier and cheaper. It is also worth looking at the sites that are in the top for the queries you need. if these are entirely trust authoritative resources, then again, I repeat, it will be extremely difficult to compete with them. If your site already has some weight and traffic from search engines comes to it, then you can experiment and select medium-competitive queries and track the results. That's all for today. I wish you successful progress.

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How to determine low competitive requests

The high level of competition is a boon only for the consumer, but not for the manufacturer, seller or site owner. The webmaster has to put a lot of effort into the struggle for advantageous positions in the TOP 10 search engines. Therefore, a natural question arises - how to find low competitive queries in your segment?

It is interesting! Many confuse low competitive and low-frequency key phrases. However, there is one major difference. Low-frequency (LF) keys are queries that users rarely type in search engines. For example, the phrase “buy a Bentley” in its direct entry was searched only 297 times in Yandex in the last month. But this does not mean that this request is low competitive.

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To determine the competition for a particular query, you can manually analyze the search results. You need to pay attention to the following indicators:

  • number of authoritative sites in the TOP 10;
  • how many answers the search engine provided;
  • the number of start pages in the search results.

If the top is dominated by main pages, then most likely. The number of impressions in the search engine is a conditional characteristic. Usually low competitive requests get up to 1 million impressions. Authoritative sites should be understood as trust internet projectsof a solid age, high attendance and significant indicators X and PR.

NK requests without a commercial component

The most competitive are transactional or. These are phrases that contain the words: "buy", "price", "order" and other expressions indicating a person's readiness to make a purchase / deal. If you would like to know how to find low competitive queries, then you should consider keywords belonging to the following groups:

  1. informational;
  2. navigational;
  3. multimedia;
  4. are common.

Information requests often contain the words "reviews", "instructions", "advice". These are search phrases that the user enters in the event that he needs to get any information. Navigation queries perform a similar function - they are typed to find a specific site.

General queries are difficult to assign to a specific group. For example, the phrase "Hyundai car" can be typed by a person interested in purchasing this vehicle. On the other hand, the user may need information about the appearance or technical characteristics of the car.

Multimedia queries are related to the search for various media files - music, video, photo materials, online presentations. The NK queries of this group contain the words “download”, “watch”, “free”, as well as the names of the artists and the names of the groups.

Advice! To reveal low competitive special online services help requests. For example, the selection of keys can be done using the site This service calculates the level of competition based on the issuance of Yandex TOP 30 PS for the last month. To take advantage of its functionality, you will need to register.

To determine the concurrency of a request right now, you need to use the Mutagen service. Having learned the exact indicator, it is easier to get into the TOP

Hello dear readers of the blog site. In this article, we will teach you how to determine the competitiveness of a request. After all, we know by ourselves that this is a very important factor that significantly affects the promotion in the future.

If you are a blogger, you should know that you can't just pick up and start writing an article. First, you need to do a lot of work with queries, determine their frequency, competitiveness, choose a focal word, and only then start writing.

So now we will analyze just the competition. Find out where it comes from and how it is calculated?

Assessing the competitiveness of a request

The competitiveness of search queries (not to be confused with frequency) refers to the total number of sites relevant to the selected keywords and shown in the search engine results. This indicator depends on a large number of factors:

  1. The length of the request (one word, two, three, etc.).
  2. The number of main site pages in the search results.
  3. The number of external links to top sites.
  4. Average age of domains.
  5. Availability of giant sites in the search results (Yandex Market, Wikipedia, YouTube).

Determining the competitiveness of queries is necessary in order to analyze the upcoming costs of promotion for the selected keywords and find out the likelihood of success in work. Also, knowledge about competitiveness helps to develop the right strategy for optimization and website promotion.

Features of using single-word queries

Single word queries have some disadvantages that are significant for promotion. First, they are too general. They lack specifics, so it is difficult to attract the target audience using such queries. Second, they are less likely to convert search traffic. In addition, promotion based on one-word queries requires significant investments - financial, time.

It is better to start promotion with complex queries, i.e. key phrases consisting of 4-5 words. This method will attract targeted traffic and cut costs. It will be easier for you to promote your site to the leaders, because complex queries are usually the least competitive.

Parameters on which query concurrency depends

To determine the competitiveness of requests, you will need to analyze key parameters.

  • Frequency

This indicator can be calculated using wordstat. This service provides information on the popularity of keywords in various occurrences. Frequency is an important competitive parameter, but not the only one.

  • Purposefulness
The request can be targeted or non-targeted. One-word queries, for example, are mostly inappropriate, because they cannot be used to determine exactly what the user needs. Targeted queries consist of several words that specify the interests of the user.
  • Resource topic

The topic of queries has a huge impact on the level of competition. Thus, commercial queries are more frequent and more competitive than informational ones.

  • Regionality

The competitiveness of a search query depends on its regional affiliation. For example, search results for the Moscow or Nizhny Novgorod regions will vary greatly.

  • Number of main pages

In the process of analyzing the competition, the number of main pages of the top sites is estimated. The more main pages are displayed on request, the higher its competitiveness.

  • Site indicators

To calculate the competitiveness, important indicators of top sites are evaluated - the age of the domain, the number of external links to the issued page, the quality of SEO. The last parameter is best estimated manually. To do this, you need to visit the site and analyze the internal optimization.

We figured out what affects the competitiveness of the request. Now another question comes up: is there a service that will make it possible to test this competition online?

There is. Project name Mutagen... An excellent SEO tool that we still use today.

Let's see with an example how exactly it works Mutagen.

We select any request, for example, how to make money online.

Competition level: over 25. This is the highest indicator. It will be very difficult to promote an article to the TOP with such a request. See what you need to do next. Move to the bottom of the page and click the "Show Tails, 50 Pieces" button. An inscription "check the competition of all tails" will appear on the right:

Go and then click "submit for review" again.

Before you will be a list of all the tails of the main query, and most interestingly, the level of competition will be displayed. This is how it should look:

From the picture we see that the query "how to make 500 rubles on the Internet" suits us best. Competitiveness - only 20, and exact occurrences - 77. Thus, we select all requests for our new articles. Another secret is revealed.

Now you know what query concurrency is and which service to use. How do you choose the competitiveness? What service do you use?

Thank you all for your attention. Good luck to you!.

Best regards, Mogish Ivan