Application for learning programming. A selection of online compilers: we run and test the code right in the browser. Center for Modern Informatics, Programming and Data Analysis

August 7, 2015


The specialty of a programmer has been one of the most demanded for many years. We associate it first of all with a stable and high income, so many regret it: "Oh, I should have studied to be a programmer!" And at the same time, many forget that it is never too late to study, and if we got an interest in programming after graduating from university in a completely different specialty, this does not mean that we will not learn anything.

Yes, a second higher education is expensive. But fortunately we have the internet. And on the Internet there are many excellent portals with online courses, including programming. We will tell you about some of them today.

Of course, not all online platforms are mentioned here. If you use other training portals, do not hesitate to share them in the comments. For now, let's present our list.

So let's go:


  • Level: beginner
  • Course language: english
  • What are taught: JavaScript, Python, PHP, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML, etc.

The portal, which opened in 2011, has already registered more than 24 million users. The site will be useful for those who want to get basic programming skills. On the portal you can take language courses for free Python,PHP,jQuery,JavaScript,CSS,Htmland others. Here you can learn how to write simple programs and create your own websites. The site has a user-friendly interface, and you can register here in just two clicks. Each course is divided into several sections, divided into exercises, with explanations on the left and a field on the right where you must enter the code. The system remembers your progress, so you can continue exercising at any time you like. In addition, you can see what percentage of the course you have already completed. You can take an unlimited number of courses at the same time. The only problem is that somehow you have to remember all this - so we recommend that you take courses in turn, and not all at once.

  • Pros: visibility, the ability to immediately see the result, a minimum of boring theory
  • Minuses:not identified


  • Profile: programming
  • Level: beginner
  • Course language: English, Russian, French, Spanish, etc.
  • What are taught: JavaScript

Who said that programming is boring codes and nothing else? The authors of the CodeCombat project refute this stereotype and offer everyone to learn the language for free JavaScriptplaying. You will need to choose a character for yourself who has to go through an entertaining quest, and write a set of commands so that he can move through the maze. Hints will be displayed on the right side of the screen so you play and learn to code at the same time. In order to start the game, it is not necessary to register, but it is advisable. By the way, the participants themselves can contribute to the development of the project: for example, help with the translation of the site or offer their tasks for the quest.

  • Pros: interactivity, clarity, simplicity
  • Minuses:only one programming language

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

  • Level: beginner, intermediate and advanced
  • Course language: english
  • What are taught: Python, C, C ++, Java

One of the most prestigious technical universities in the world - the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - invites everyone to familiarize themselves with the materials of their courses, including programming, for free. There are both basic courses in Python, C, C ++ and Java, as well as programs for more advanced users. You can download lecture texts, assignments, and sometimes video materials. By the way, the site was originally created for teachers, but unexpectedly attracted students around the world, so now tens of millions of people around the world use its materials.

  • Pros: detailed explanations, high level of materials
  • Minuses: inability to check tasks and complete them online

Distance learning in computer science

  • Level: beginner
  • Course language: Russian
  • What are taught: Python


Teachers from the best Moscow universities and schools have created this site for students who would like to take part in programming contests. The site contains the best materials for preparing for the Olympiad, including the author's course of the teacher of computer science D.P. Kirienko on the basics of the popular Python programming language. Python is considered one of the most understandable and at the same time useful programming languages, so it is the experts who advise you to study it first. The course consists of 16 lessons, most of which contain video lectures, theoretical material and tasks. The materials will be useful not only for schoolchildren, but also for all those who want to seriously start learning programming.

  • pros: a very detailed course with a maximum of explanations in Russian
  • Minuses: to some, the course may not seem interactive enough


  • Level: beginner
  • Language coursea: Russian, English
  • What are taught: Python, C ++, but new courses may appear

Stepic is a domestic platform, created like Coursera, which contains courses in a variety of disciplines, including programming. At the moment, the site has training materials on the Python and C ++ languages, however, given that anyone can add their course, we can expect that there will be more courses soon. All courses are divided into several lessons, each of which consists of several subsections. Participants receive a lesson plan in advance and information on how long the course will be. Each course contains a video tutorial explaining the material and assignment. Stepic is ideal for those who prefer to study on their own, but still want to have the illusion of real learning.

  • pros: video tutorials, intuitive interface
  • Minuses: small selection

HTML Academy

  • Level: beginner, advanced
  • Course language: Russian
  • What are taught: HTML, HTML5, CSS

The portal resembles CodeAcademy, but specializes in teaching HTML and CSS. There are many courses for both complete beginners and advanced users who already have a basic set of HTML knowledge. Just like CodeAcademy, on HTML Academy you can write codes and see the result immediately. On the right side of the screen, there are short theoretical explanations. To save progress, you must register in the system. It takes literally two minutes, especially when you consider that your HTML Academy account can be linked to your VKontakte or Facebook accounts.

  • pros: clarity, simple interface, the ability to save progress
  • Minuses: not seen

“Live and learn”, who disagrees? 🙂

That way you can figure out what you like and what you don't like before you spend money on any coding language or courses.

But the selection of free resources, lessons and books is huge. This article contains 45 of the best ones.

For convenience, I have categorized all resources by topic. Use the Contents below to quickly jump to a specific section.

1. Codecademy

Codecademy is where most newbies to the coding world start. If you have not been to this site yet, then ... where did you disappear at all !? The platform is based on interactive learning: that is, you read a little theoretical material, and then enter your code directly in the browser and immediately see the results.

Topics taught: HTML & CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Angularjs, command line and more

2. Codewars

Codewars offers users a fun way to learn coding. Dedicated to the topic of martial arts, the program offers users tasks called "kata." Users must complete tasks, earn reputation, moving to new, higher levels.

Topics taught: CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Java, Clojure, and Haskell

3. Coursera

A large library of online courses taught by university professors. All courses are free, but you can pay for the “Coursera Verified Certificate” to receive proof of course completion. It costs from $ 30 to $ 100, depending on the course. Topics taught: Many (well beyond basic coding / computer science)


An open-source higher education program sponsored by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard. Offers 107 courses in the Computer Science category, teaches various coding languages.

Topics taught: Java, C #, Python, and more

5. Free Code Camp

First, coding is taught through a standard curriculum (about 800 hours in total), and then you are encouraged to gain hands-on experience working on projects for non-profit organizations

Topics learned: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Databases, DevTools, Node.js and Angular.js

6. GA Dash

Free online learning platform from the General Assembly. Learning is based on projects. After completing each lesson, you create a "project".

It is one of the very few platforms that offers a course on how to create a Tumblr theme from scratch.

Topics taught: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, responsive design

7. Khan Academy

Huge selection of topics (as written on their main page, "You can learn anything"), including computer programming. Courses are offered for younger users as well.

Topics taught: JS, HTML / CSS, SQL and more

8. MIT OpenCourseware

The competition for a place at MIT may be fierce, but you do not need to pass exams to use their online courses. Here you will find an online library with all the subjects studied at MIT. Moreover, you don't even need to create an account to use these resources.

Topics taught: Many

9. The Odin Project

A project from the creators of Viking Code School, the first online coding tutorial. Odin Project is its free version. You can get together and work in groups - both in person and online!

Topics taught: HTML, CSS, JavaScript & jQuery, Ruby programming, Ruby on Rails

10. Udacity

Offers individual courses, as well as so-called "nanodegrees", within which knowledge is acquired in highly specialized areas (for example, front-end web developer or data analyst). The course materials are free, but you will have to pay a fee to receive the nano-degree.

Topics taught: Many

11. Udemy

Paid and free courses. Anyone can create courses, so read reviews carefully. Discount coupons can be easily obtained. Take a look at their development courses.

Topics taught: Many

12. The Code Player

A collection of video tutorials that walk you through the entire process from start to finish. Great for taking turns exploring "small" projects / tasks. Topics taught: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Regex, JQuery

13. Coder's Guide

Coding Video Series: 19 JavaScript video series, 19 more HTML / CSS videos, and more.

Topics studied: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, WordPress, iOS and Android and others Number of subscribers: 35,870 people

14. DevTips

One of the Travis Neilson channels. The main topics are web design and web development, and there are also Q&A videos.

Topics taught: HTML, CSS, responsive design, development tips Number of subscribers: 41,576 people


My personal favorite. Web Development Videos from Will Stern. Topics covered: Sublime Text, Responsive Design, Node.js, Angular.js, Backbone.js, Deployment Strategies and more Subscribers: 92,758

16. thenewboston

Over 4,000 videos on programming, game development and design. Almost one million subscribers.

Topics taught: Android development, C programming, MySQL, Python and more. Subscribers: 934,845 Here's a more complete list of 33 YouTube channels to learn how to code.

17. A List Apart

18. CSS-Tricks

An in-depth study of CSS with a large CSS almanac The blog now covers many topics besides CSS - for example, Sass, JavaScript, PHP, and more. You can check out a huge amount of resources and even code snippets.

19. David Walsh

The blog is maintained by David Walsh, a senior developer at Mozilla, although articles by other authors appear. Tutorials, how-to guides, demos, and more.


Covers many topics related to web development and workflows: Angular, node.js, laravel, Sublime Text, and more.

21. Site Point

22. Tuts +

Many free training programs, as well as paid forms of training - for example, courses. More than 570 video courses from professionals, and on all topics, not just computer-related. E-books are available.

23. Command Line Power User

Free video series from Wes Bos. Most of the video tutorials are designed not for an initial, but for an intermediate level of user training.

24. Conquering the Command Line

Free e-book by Mark Bates. Very detailed. You can purchase the book in hard copy and screencasts.

25. Learn Command Line the Hard Way

Free e-book by Zed Shaw. (My personal favorite on the command line topic).


26. Git Immersion

A step-by-step guide to the basics of Git. You can customize the settings and create your own projects.

27. Try Git

An interactive series from Code School that will walk you through and experiment with Git.


28. HTML5 Dog

You will find a beginner's HTML tutorial here. (They also offer intermediate and advanced courses.) You can find CSS courses here.


For beginners. Consists of four sections: The web, HTML5, CSS3 and Sass. Resembles an e-book, but is provided under the terms of International License 4.0 Attribution-Non-Commercial Use-Subject to Creative Commons. So you can customize it according to your preference.

30. Mozilla Developer Network

Free documentation for HTML and CSS (as well as JavaScript). There are training courses for users of different skill levels - from basic to advanced. Start of form End of form


31. Eloquent Javascript

Another e-book, but quite long. Has financial support from major sponsors - Mozilla and Hack Reactor ("Harvard for those who study coding").


Authors - Code School. Ideal for beginners from scratch. (Be warned: JS is much more complicated in real life.) 9 mini-lessons. At the end of the course, users are advised more in-depth and complex JS materials.

33. JavaScript for Cats

An e-book placed on one page and divided into sections. The author is programmer Max Ogden. There are many GIFs without cats, but there are still images with cats at the end. Like this. Lol.

34. NodeSchool

Conducts seminars and events around the world, and provides a large number of online learning opportunities. Training courses can be viewed here.

35. Learn JS

Take the lessons, type the code in the box at the bottom of the page. The authors are the guys who worked on



37. WPBeginner

Website for WP beginners. Great WP vocabulary, coupon discounts, video tutorials, and a blog with helpful articles from various authors. PYTHON

38. A Byte of Python

Free e-book for beginners. You can download a PDF file or buy a paper version.


An interactive tutorial on Python coding. There is a small window at the bottom where you can type your code as you progress through the lessons.

40. Learn Python The Hard Way

The book is for money, and the website is free. Posted by Zed Shaw. (I learned from this book when I first started.) RUBY

41. Learn Ruby the Hard Way

Free HTML version of the e-book. When you buy a paper version of the book, you get access to video tutorials. The author is the same Zed Shaw.

42. Rails For Zombies

An interactive way to learn Ruby on Rails right in your browser. (More suitable for those who are already a little familiar with Ruby). Created by Code School.

43. Rails Tutorial

A 12-chapter book by Michael Hartl. You can purchase e-books, screencasts from the author, and more. Or read online for free.

44. RubyMonk

Completely free, but you can donate. Interactive lessons: read the lesson and type the code. Then you "banish" it.

RubyMonk offers one course for beginners, two for intermediate and one for advanced.

45. Try Ruby

Another project from Code School. More suitable for beginners. As you progress through the lessons, you can enter your code into a special window right in your browser.


CodeGym is a popular online resource for learning the Java language with tons of tasks, instant validation, and bug fixing tips. However, at CodeGym, in addition to the main course, you can also find "Harvard CS50". This is one of the most famous courses in the basics of programming in the world, it was developed, as you might have guessed, at Harvard University. CS50 Programming Basics has been fully translated into Russian, and - most importantly - it is absolutely free.


For those who are just starting to learn the code, all the free resources are a huge help in their work. But most of these resources will only give you basic knowledge.

After learning the basics, you need paid training options. I advise you to register for programming tutorials or courses. Have I missed out on some great free coding courses or books? Then let me know in the comments!

In our age of technological progress, there is nothing surprising in the fact that many valuable and important knowledge can be found in the public domain. This also applies to knowledge in such an area as programming, which is now becoming an increasingly popular activity in the labor market. You can become a programmer without having a lot of money in your pocket.

What online platforms in the world provide the opportunity for free training in programming courses.

Created by professors at Stanford University in 2012, this platform is one of the most popular in the field of online education today. Courses are held free of charge in several languages, including Russian, but obtaining a certificate of passing some of them is only paid.

Currently, the site offers online training courses "Programming for All (Python)" from the University of Michigan, "Programming in R" from Johns Hopkins University, "Developer skills required to create a new company from scratch" from Stanford University and "Programming Cloud Services for Android Smartphones" from Vanderbilde University and others.

The online resource offers students a variety of programming training courses. Learn how to develop apps for HTML5, Windows and Windows Phone, SQL Server, Microsoft Office 365, Azure, and System Center. The training is free, but it is mandatory to have a Windows Live ID account. Free training to advanced user level. Teaching in Russian and English.

Training takes place on a specially designed application. The mentioned school promises to teach the correct writing of code and the correct search for information. In case of difficulties, online consultants will help students.

Here you will learn MySQL, javascript, HTML, PHP, Frameworks and more. The training takes place in Russian, in such courses they will help to master knowledge at the level from beginner to intermediate. Free and paid courses are available.

The founders of the company, who believe that modern education is stuck at the level of the 19th century, as a solution to this problem, provide their own methodology by which you can gain knowledge in the field of HTML, CSS, javascript, Python, jQuery, PHP, Ruby. The site contains convenient online lessons that you can work with directly in your browser.

The company provides free training for beginners. The courses are divided into blocks of 10-15 lessons each. No certificate of completion is issued. The buildings are also available for Russian-speaking listeners.

This platform exists to create and sell short practical programming lessons, their motto is "Knowledge must be free." The project was founded in 2012 and continues to be a non-profit, working only through donations from students and help from the community.

Training in Russian. The level of knowledge gained as a result - from beginner to advanced. Here you can sign up for lessons, for example, Swift, OS X development, or JavaScript programming.

Online training at this site takes place in a non-standard form, and at the end of each exercise, the student is invited to play a small game that will help consolidate the newly acquired knowledge. In total, the site contains two types of courses, each of which is divided into three levels. Here you can master HTML5, CSS3 and javascript.

Here you can get knowledge at the initial level for free, other levels are paid. Education in English.

Run by a private educational organization, Udacity is the brainchild of Stanford University and was launched in 2012. The resource provides many courses for different levels of student training. After some of them, you can take an exam at Pearson VUE centers for a fee.

The courses on the site are divided into various specialties: creating a search engine, algorithms and social analysis. networks, development of computer programs, development of web applications, programming of unmanned vehicles, programming languages, now popular cryptography.

After completing the courses, you can raise your level of knowledge from zero to advanced. However, you will not learn the basics of programming here - the lessons focus the listener's attention on the development of specific products.

Video training takes place in English, you can turn on English subtitles.

At the end of each lesson, a reinforcement test follows, and homework is also mandatory. You can take one or several courses at the same time.

Here you can get training in such disciplines as Introduction to Java Programming, Introduction to Parallel Programming, or Mobile Web Development. Free and paid training is possible. All students at the end of the course receive certificates.

A popular educational online service, at one time mentioned in the news of the New York Times, and Forbes, and one of the teachers is the founder of the social network Facebook Mark Zuckerberg.

Here you can gain knowledge on courses such as iOS8 and Swift App Programming Crash Course, Kids Coding - Introduction to HTML, CSS and javascript and Advanced Java Programming.

The level of knowledge gained is from zero to advanced. Free and paid training is possible. Training takes place in English.

The resource was founded by representatives from Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The educational program is rich: unlike many online training sites, whose courses take on average several hours a week, the courses of this project are designed for 12-15 hours of work per week.

The site's courses are divided into specializations such as Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Software as a Service, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Numerical Methods in Clinical Research.

The certificate of completion of the courses is issued to the most outstanding students (this is decided by the certification committee).

The project was launched in 2003 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was conceived as a platform for more advanced users in their field, in particular, teachers, so the courses provided here are not full-fledged training lessons, but rather a collection of valuable lectures.

In addition, in the educational process itself, a large amount of educational material is provided in the form of text. And with the solution of homework, an embarrassing situation may arise: some of the work involves the purchase of educational materials, and it is impossible for students to see the answers to the tasks and tests.

Courses on this online resource cover such specializations as algorithms and data structures, design and computing, computer networks, data mining, graphics and visualization, artificial intelligence, computer interfaces, cryptography, operating systems, programming languages, design software and engineering, theory of computing. No certificate is issued upon completion of training.

School of programming


This school is supported by developers Microsoft and Kaspersky Lab. On the school's website, you can enroll and gain valuable knowledge on online courses in various areas, from "Programming Basics for Beginners" to "Linux. Administration and Configuration ". After completing the courses, the participant is issued a certificate, and they can also help with employment.

Center for Modern Informatics, Programming and Data Analysis


A project created as a result of the initiative of the Academy of Modern Programming, the School of Data Analysis and the Computer Science Center club at POMI RAS. Here students are offered free full-time evening courses in Russian.
You can learn things like C ++ and computer architecture.

A resource that is the brainchild of Modern Teaching Technologies. On the site, the student will find many programming courses, including CSS / CSS 3 for beginners, PHP Basics, as well as HTML5, SQL, PHP, javascript. Lessons are held in Russian, the level of knowledge is so far only for beginners. There are paid and free courses.

Interactive online courses in HTML and CSS. The site of future layout designers is immediately taught to work with "live" code by solving practical problems. There are both free and paid courses. The online lessons presented on the site range from basic lessons, such as Links and Images, to advanced ones, such as Selectors. Training takes place in Russian.

This online platform was created for professional web developers. Here you can improve your knowledge in the field of HTML5, javascript, Backbone.JS, CSS3, JQuery, AngularJS, etc. The site will seem interesting to web developers who have already been working in their industry for 1 to 3 years. During the training, a lot of attention is paid to theory, history and best practices. Lessons are in English only.

  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git, Node.js, React.js and others.
  • English language.

The freeCodeCamp program consistently teaches the user all the basic aspects of web programming, from basic concepts to complex development techniques. At the beginning of each lesson, you read the theory, then put it into practice: write the code in a special editor, and the system checks you. If difficulties arise, you can discuss them with other students in the forum.

At the end of the theoretical modules, you are shown projects that you should use to create your own web applications. Development results must be published on the resource, after which they can be evaluated by other users.

In addition, freeCodeCamp helps students get together and collaborate on real non-profit projects. This is a good chance to gain valuable development experience and portfolio needed for employment.

2. Codecademy

  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular.js, React.js, Python, Ruby and others.
  • Cost: free or from $ 20 per month for additional content.
  • English language.
  • Difficulty level: easy-medium.

Like the previous resource, Codecademy focuses on learning web programming. You read the theory and then complete the assignments in an interactive code editor. The user is provided with separate courses on different technologies. Most of each of them is available for free, but verification tests and project development tasks are opened after subscribing.

Codecademy also has comprehensive paid programs that organize and combine materials from different courses. For example, Build Websites from Scratch teaches you step by step how to develop a simple website from scratch using various technologies.

3. Coursera

  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular.js, Java, Python, Ruby, Swift and others.
  • Cost: free or from $ 49 per month for additional content.
  • Language: English, Russian and others.
  • Difficulty level: all levels.

Coursera offers a variety of courses in a variety of programming languages \u200b\u200bfrom the world's leading universities. Here you can learn not only web development, but also the creation of mobile and desktop programs. Some courses are self-contained, but most are bundled into specializations - sets of related courses.

You can view the theoretical material presented by texts and videos for free. But most of the test and practice tasks that require verification by a teacher or other users are available only with a paid subscription.


  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, Python, Ruby and others.
  • Cost: free or from $ 49 per month for a certificate.
  • Language: English and others.
  • Difficulty level: all levels.

On edX, you can access courses from renowned companies and universities. Among them is, for example, the famous introduction to novice programmers, Introduction to Computer Science from Harvard University. Educational content is presented mainly by video lectures and texts. Some courses contain tests and other interactive activities.

For the passage of most of the materials, the platform does not ask for money. But you can only get a certificate confirming the successful completion of a particular course for money.


  • Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, algorithms and databases, C #, Java, Python, Ruby, and others.
  • Cost: free of charge or from 500 rubles per month for the services of a tutor.
  • Russian language.
  • Difficulty level: all levels.

The catalog of the educational platform "INTUIT" contains text and video courses from Russian educational institutions and international IT companies. The content of the site covers all the main areas of programming from website development to the creation of desktop programs. Self-study is free, but there is a paid service in which the user is assisted by a personal tutor.

6. Stepic

  • Technologies: JavaScript, C #, neural networks, C ++ and others.
  • Cost: completely free.
  • Language: Russian, English.
  • Difficulty level: easy-medium.

Another non-profit platform, courses for which are created by Russian companies and universities. Although there is not much material on specific programming languages \u200b\u200bon Stepic, here you can learn fundamental knowledge of mathematics and the theory of algorithms that will be useful to every developer.

7. Modern Javascript Tutorial

  • Technologies: JavaScript and others.
  • Cost: free or from 6,500 rubles for an additional course.
  • Russian language.
  • Difficulty level: all levels.

This resource is dedicated to JavaScript and related web technologies. Here you will find a very detailed, well-structured and easy-to-understand text-based JS course. Assignments after each topic will help to consolidate the knowledge gained. At the same time, the material is purely theoretical and does not teach the creation of projects in practice.

You can study the textbook on your own for free or pay for advanced courses that include learning JavaScript itself or related technologies with a teacher.

Despite the ever-increasing interest in technological knowledge, the IT industry continues to experience a serious shortage of personnel in almost all specialties. A selection of free online resources from the Wezom startup posted on will help you get basic knowledge in programming and continue development in this direction.

1. CS50 (Computer Science 50)

One of the best introductory courses in programming fundamentals in the world from Harvard and Yale. This course can actually be taken for free and is publicly available.

Duration: 12 weeks.

Cost: all materials are absolutely free, but the original Harvard University certificate received after completing the course will cost you $ 90.

What is taught: C, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, CSS (coverage of all 6 languages \u200b\u200bin one course).

Level: for newbies.


  • edX - Original lectures, hands-on exercises, videos, additional materials and online chat support.
  • CodeGym - the entire course in Russian translation;
  • Prometheus - the entire course in Ukrainian translation and a nice bonus in the form of a free certificate supported by the Technology Nation initiative.

2. Codecademy

One of the most famous and popular educational companies. According to 2014 statistics, 24 million users have completed over 100 million tasks on this platform.

Duration: depends on the language you plan to learn.

Cost: absolutely free.

What is taught: Python, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, SQL, Java, Rails, jQuery, AngularJS, ReactJS, Git, HTML, CSS, APIs.

Level: for newbies.

Platform: one - codecademy and only in English.

3. Code Avengers

A resource that offers to learn programming in an easy and fun way. Thoughtful and engaging lessons can be reinforced with games that cover class blocks. As they progress through the courses, students build a portfolio and achieve their goals.

Duration: 1 course lasts on average 12-17 hours.


  • first 7 days - free (5 lessons per course);
  • 1 month - $ 29;
  • 6 months - $ 120.

What is taught: Python, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Web Development, Design, Intro to coding, Computer Science, Game Development.

Level: for beginners and advanced.

Platform: Code Avengers supports 6 languages, including Russian.

4. Coursera

It is an online education giant with over 2,000 courses and 169 majors. A significant part of the platform is occupied by IT courses for every taste and color, from beginner to advanced.

Duration: 6 to 10 weeks.

Cost: free, but if you want to get a certificate of completion of the course, you must pay from 30 to 100 $, depending on the course. Both individual programs and "specializations" are available, within which the chosen discipline is studied in depth.

What is taught: from the basics of programming to computer science.

Level: from beginner to advanced.

Platform: Courses on Coursera are presented in English, Russian and other languages, in addition, many videos have subtitles.

5. Code School

It is one of the most advanced programming schools with over 60 different courses from IT professionals. A good offer for everyone who has already mastered the basics and wants to reach a new level.


Cost: is generally free, but some of the lessons you have to pay for.

What is taught: CSS, CSS3, HTML5, Ruby, PHP, Python, Git, Javascript, Elixir, .Net, Database, Electives.

Level: for intermediate and advanced.

Platform: Code School works only in English.

6. FreeCodeCamp

A free resource to help you learn how to write code correctly. Each course is designed for self-study, during which you can compete with other students, create projects and receive certificates. Many students, after completing the courses, can join the school community and get a chance to find work.

Duration: 2 thousand hours for obtaining the status of a specialist with a wide profile.

Cost: absolutely free.

What is taught: CSS3, HTML5, Git & GitHub, Javascript, Database, Node.js, React.js, D3.js.

Level: for beginners.

Platform: FreeCodeCamp - English only.

7. Udacity

An online private educational school that was based on the Computer Science program at Stanford University. There are 14 unique and informative courses in total.

Duration: depends on the complexity and structure of the course.

Cost: free, but some lessons are paid.

What is taught: from nanotechnology to mobile application development.

Level: from beginner to advanced.