Autocomplete forms with the XWeb Human Emulator. What is form autocomplete. Form autocomplete and save passwords How to clear form autocomplete

When you visit a website for the first time, you can make a typo, and the browser will not forgive you. If you accidentally enter faceboik instead of facebook, then the program will suggest the wrong version in the first place.

Most solve this problem by a radical method of clearing the browsing history and even files. After that, you have to re-enter all your accounts, which takes a lot of time. But there is also a much easier way to remove unneeded addresses from autocomplete. However, it does not work in all browsers.


Start typing the site address, and when the browser gives you the wrong recommendation, hold Shift (or Shift + Fn on macOS) and press Delete. You can scroll through the results with the up and down arrows and delete the ones you don't need.


The same trick works in Mozilla's browser as in Chrome. To delete an unwanted address, simply select it using the arrows on your keyboard and press Delete if you have Windows, or Shift + Delete if you have a Mac.

You can also delete an entire site from your browser history.

  1. Click on the left button in the upper right corner and select "Journal".
  2. At the bottom, click "Show entire log".
  3. Right-click on the resource you don't want and click Forget About This Site.


In Edge, you will have to follow the old method - completely delete history.

  1. Click on the three dots in the upper right and open "Options".
  2. Under the heading "Clear Browser Data" click "Select what you want to clear."
  3. Check only "Browser history" and click "Clear".


Here the situation is the same as in Edge.

  1. Go to the "History" menu and select "Clear history".
  2. In the drop-down menu, specify for what period you want to clear records.
  3. Confirm the action by clicking on "Clear history".

Autocomplete forms on a website is a great way to save time when using Internet resources. If you wish, you can use the specified option by digging into your browser settings.

The main possibilities for using autocomplete are the following actions with data:

  • addition;
  • editing;
  • deletion.

Data storage features

Many users do not know what data for auto-filling forms should be and what it is in general. Typically, the information that can be saved in this way includes the following autocomplete options:

  1. username;
  2. e-mail address;
  3. phone number;
  4. name of the organization;
  5. mailing address.

When using the Internet, ordinary users are often faced with the proposal to remember the data intended for authorization on various resources. And with the proliferation of payments in electronic form, the possibility of auto-filling on the site of data concerning information about a bank card is becoming popular, although you should be extremely careful when providing access to financial information.

Program for auto-filling forms in the browser

Form autocomplete in Firefox is the ability for a drop-down list to appear when you start typing in a special text box on various sites. Variants previously used on the site, similar to those entered now, are provided as a drop-down list. This is done automatically. You can customize autofill in FireFox if you want.

Does it differ from the previous version? In principle, the main possible actions with data will be similar. In addition, the user will have the ability to save passwords using the "Passwords and Forms" section, which can also be enabled, saved, edited and deleted.
Synchronization settings are applied to use passwords from different devices. When shopping on the Internet, synchronization with the Google Payments service is used. If you are afraid to leave confidential information related to financial issues to third-party resources, Google will partially eliminate your fears. When you go to suspicious resources, it will warn you in advance about possible risks with information about an unsecured or dangerous connection, unsafe login and unsafe payment, advising you to refrain from auto-filling.

Finally, let's take a look at autofilling forms in the domestic Yandex browser. In the section "Passwords and Forms" there is an option to enable this service with one click. You can also add the information you want, delete it, or clear the entire history.
In the classic interface, the user has the opportunity to independently specify a list of addresses for which it is allowed or prohibited to use the function we are considering.

The Yandex browser stores passwords in the form of hashes in its own database and assures that it will take an attacker about a hundred years to find the right combination. It uses additional protection against phishing and warns in advance about the undesirability of using the same passwords for different resources. In addition, the Yandex Help service offers users detailed instructions on how to disable the storage of data on the site in the main popular browsers that are used today.

Have a great day!

Hello! Today you will learn how you can very simply and quickly disable auto-filling of forms in the Yandex browser. You've probably noticed that when you enter a site that you often visit, the login form is automatically filled with your data. That is, you do not need to constantly enter your data. The browser saves your data and makes it available to you when needed.

Auto-complete can work during registration, ordering, booking, etc. This is a handy feature, but you'd better disable it if you are using a work computer and someone else can use your computer.

To configure this parameter, open the Yandex. At the top of the page on the right, click on the three horizontal lines icon. In the window that opens, click on the tab - Settings.

- Auto-fill in forms with one click.

- Save passwords for sites.

- Enable phishing protection.

Note! You can set up auto-filling of forms. Next to this parameter, click on the button - Configure. A window will open. Here you can:

- Add your address.

- Add bank card details.

Further, on the add address page, you can add an address that will be automatically filled in the forms. For example, when registering on the site or placing an order, etc. The same is with the card details.

Everything is ready! It's so simple and quick you can enable or disable the auto-fill function in the Yandex browser!

There are 2 ways to enter data on the registration pages of any sites: manually enter your login and password, or use the automatic filling of the fields. Form autocompletion in Yandex browser is a helper function that saves user data in the browser storage and, if necessary, extracts information by inserting it on sites in the appropriate fields. Going to the page with login forms, Yandex browser independently recognizes and fills them in with the appropriate information.

The principle of the function is extremely simple:

The introduction of user data into the fields of the login form occurs with a high degree of accuracy, any errors in the input are extremely rare. Incorrect data entry can be caused by the presence of several accounts on the service, changing or recovering a forgotten password.

Is autofill safe in Yandex browser

The answer to the question is ambiguous. If you look from the point of view of a hacker, all the data entered into the browser can really be stolen. Trojans are used to steal personal data. Users who use the computer in public places are at greatest risk. When you enter the site, forms are automatically filled in, it is not difficult to click on the "Show password" function and steal it. True, this functionality is not available on all sites.

If we compare the security of Yandex browser with other browsers, then there is an advantage here - secure password storage. Yandex has implemented the “Master Key” function in its product, which is a password for gaining access to the storage of information used to enter sites. Even if you gain access to the computer or steal the password file from the system, you will have to enter the password to decrypt the records.

With modern computers based on Asics, cracking simple passwords takes a matter of seconds, but when installing: numbers, various symbols, letters of different case, with a password length of 12 characters or more, we are relatively safe. Deciphering such a complex password is a daunting task, it will take months, the hacker will simply give up.

Important! The greatest danger of theft of logins and passwords arises when a traffic interceptor enters the system, which sends data not only to the site, but also to the owner of the virus. Such a program easily bypasses blocking with a master key, the only way to fight is an active antivirus in the system. One more thing - the master password must be set separately, by default it is not used.

To summarize: the function is relatively safe, but it still has vulnerabilities, it is especially easy to bypass it when gaining physical access to a PC. To store important data, it is better not to use the built-in storage, but to remember passwords in your head or use more secure solutions, such as the LastPass extension.

How to add data for autocomplete

By default, the data is automatically added to the browser storage, you just need to enter data on any site. In the future, the substitution will happen automatically. If after entering the information into the browser, the login information was changed, you will have to manually change the password. You also manually add contact information.

Important! The browser has a function to save the card number. In general, it is convenient, but if other users have access to the computer, there is a risk of data theft.

Add a password to Yandex browser:

Add the address:

We add a bank card number, both credit and debit are suitable:

  1. Follow the section for adding a map.
  2. Click on the "Add Map" button (screenshot above).
  3. We indicate the name of the owner, the hexadecimal code of the card and the expiration date.
  4. Click on "Ok".

Add data for self-filling the search phrase:

How to change autocomplete data

If the password was compromised or was simply forgotten (had to be restored), it is also worth making the appropriate adjustments in the Yandex browser.

How to change your password:

When changing the card number or in the event of a change in company data, personal address, contact mail, phone number, etc., we make adjustments to the data for implementation on web resources:

How to delete data for self-filling Yandex browser

The information is gradually becoming obsolete and requires updating or replacement. If you do not delete outdated data in a timely manner, they will start to interfere when entering sites and when surfing. How often to update the information - we decide for ourselves, but periodically it needs to be done.

The easiest way to clear all information used for autocomplete is to use the Clear History feature. We can go to the appropriate tab by pressing the hotkey combination Ctrl + Shift + Del or manually.

We clear user data for filling in web forms and search queries:

It's even easier to remove templates for auto-complete addresses and bank cards:

How to turn off autocomplete forms in Yandex browser

If the data on your computer is too valuable and it is important to prevent any risks of information theft, we recommend turning off the automatic addition of user data to web forms.

Disable the vulnerable autocomplete feature:

Alternative shutdown method:

We can also disable saving directly on the site, where we enter the password.

The search module is not installed.

Nadezhda Balovsyak

Those users who often have to spend a lot of time on the Internet doing, for example, registering products, sending out materials or online shopping, spend a lot of time filling out various web forms. Logins, passwords, names, addresses, zip code and much more ...

Endless waiting for the registration to complete after entering practically the same data. To simplify this routine work can special programs designed to automatically fill in forms.

There are a lot of programs of this class on the Web, but there are only a few real generalists among them, since most of such programs often have too narrow specialization.

While surfing the Internet, you often have to fill out various forms on the web pages, while indicating the same data - last name, first name, address, date of birth and much more. With the help of special programs, you can save this data in a special database, and, if necessary, substitute them into forms on web pages.

IE Scripter

Distribution size:1.2 Mb

As a result of installation, IE Scripter adds its own button to the Internet Explorer browser toolbar. Having met the form on the web page, you need to enter the data, and then click this button. An additional panel will be displayed in the browser window, with the help of which the program operation is controlled. You can save the data entered into the form. In this case, the program allows you to select which values \u200b\u200bshould be saved and which ones should be omitted.

Having met the form on another site, in order to use the saved data, click the Load button, and the program will automatically substitute all the values \u200b\u200bin the required fields. However, it should be noted that the program does not always work correctly, especially for drop-down fields. In addition, it is not possible to use different data for one page opened in Internet Explorer, for example, you cannot apply data from several mailboxes - the program cannot remember several sets of values.

In addition to this filling method, you can save in the IE Scripter database a standard set of values \u200b\u200bthat the program will use when filling out forms encountered on web pages. These parameters should be set in the program settings window. It should be noted that the set of standard parameters is insufficient, and they are not always enough for filling out forms. These parameters can be loaded from a set saved in Internet Explorer settings. In addition, the program does not have the ability to edit the list of keywords by which the type of field in the web form is determined.

The program has flexible settings. The settings can be saved in a special file. Additional features of the program include a password generation tool and viewing cookies.


Developer site:
Distribution size: 2.8 MB
Status: Shareware

After installation and mandatory registration of the iNetFormFiller program, its icon will be placed in the system tray.

The main window of the program contains questionnaires with very detailed information about the user. It seems that the program developers have provided all possible options for input fields, even those that are very rare when filling out web forms. Form data is saved in a profile, which can be customized by arbitrarily selecting the fields that will be included in it, as well as creating groups of fields. In addition, the questionnaire can contain fields of absolutely any standard. However, some fields can be linked together. In this case, when you enter certain information in one field, the rest associated with it can be filled in automatically with the specified values. When creating a profile, the program supports the removal of unnecessary fields. And ready-made profiles can be saved as templates and used later when creating other profiles.

After installing the program, an additional iNEtFormFiller toolbar is built into the Internet Explorer browser.

This program can also fill out forms in two ways - by substituting saved data into fields on a web page, or by saving data that was entered into forms on a web page. To fill out the form, just click the Fill button, and all data will be saved in the form.

All pages filled with the program are saved in a special section - the list of form cards. If you select a form card in the list, the fields of this page will be shown next to the program window, which can be edited offline, simply by entering the necessary values \u200b\u200bthere. Basically, a form card is the same web page with a form, but only with the structure saved.

In the batch data entry mode, the program allows you to fill in online forms with typical data, while you can specify which data should be substituted from the profile, and which should be entered manually.

Another interesting tool available in iNetFormFiller allows you to record every user action performed in the browser. In this mode of operation, the program remembers not only the completed fields, but also each click on a link or button. You can memorize almost any set of actions, and then just play it the required number of times, changing, if necessary, some parameters.

It should be noted that the program is flexible in its customization. For each page, the program allows you to set your own settings, including various options for saving and filling. Thanks to the functions of export and import of settings and saved profiles, the program database can be transferred to another computer.


Developer site:
Distribution size: 1.8 MB
Status: Shareware

RoboForm's functionality sets it apart from its peers, making it one of the best in its category.

This program also adds its own button to the browser toolbar. RoboForm can save the data that you enter into web pages. The program stores this data in special records called pass cards. These pass cards can be used to fill out forms. And if you enter some data into the forms on the web pages, the program will be able to recognize your actions and offer you to save this data.

Using the persona editor, you can manually save the data for later use when filling out forms. The contents of the program database, pass cards, as well as the ability to add new entries to the program database can be protected by passwords.

If several users are using the program, you can set their own parameters for filling out forms for each of them.

It should be noted that the program is highly customizable. For example, RoboForm allows you to completely customize the composition of the context menu of Internet Explorer, you can also customize the keyboard shortcuts used by the program for filling out forms.


Developer site:
Distribution size: 1.59 Mb
Status: Shareware

The program allows you to work with a lot of different data for filling out web forms. The main inconvenience of working with the program is that for each form you need to create its own separate list of field values. And to fill out the form, you should select in the program the necessary list of field values \u200b\u200bfor it, prepared in advance. Therefore, using WebM8, it is quite difficult to fill out different web forms found on different web pages. But if you need to fill out the same forms, the program will be the perfect solution for you.