How to make a starter browser. How to make Yandex a start page in different browsers? How to make Yandex start page on Android in Google Chrome browser

The start page is available in most browsers. Users choose the most familiar and convenient search engine in this capacity. Yandex is popular in Russia. Therefore, users make it their home page. The main thing is to set up your computer correctly.

Sometimes the user doesn't like the default start page in the browser. Therefore, you have to change it. One of the options is to make Yandex your start page. Then it will be much more convenient to search for the information you need.

The start page is a site that loads every time you start your default browser. It also opens when the user presses the Home button or the Alt + Home key combination, or Ctrl + Spacebar. In this capacity, users usually use:

  • frequently viewed sites;
  • email;
  • resource lists;
  • news feeds;
  • search engines;
  • anti-virus resources;
  • online translators;
  • services for sending SMS.

Thanks to such pages, it is easier for the average person to use the Internet. There are also special pages containing links to popular resources. They are built into bootloaders, for example, Chrome or Opera.

However, the home page is a great target for viruses that inject ads or pornography instead. Therefore, competent users install antivirus software. Then virtual reality will be comfortable and relatively safe.

Automatic setting method

If the user does not want to use Google, it is better to replace the start page with Yandex. Automatic replacement is carried out in three steps. They are simple:

  • the owner of the computer follows the link;
  • now you need to find and download an application that will automatically configure the search engine;
  • the user launches the downloaded application.

How to make Yandex a start page in different browsers?

Many computer owners install multiple browsers on their favorite laptops or desktop PCs. Therefore, the owner often prefers that on his device, each bootloader produces a different start page. This problem is solved by manual configuration, which is performed differently for different browsers.

The newest (tenth and eleventh) versions of Internet Explorer are configured in the same way as those known from Windows 98. However, they are compatible only with the new versions of Windows - 7, 8, 8.1, 10. To make Yandex start page in Internet Explorer, you need to run four simple steps.

  1. Click the "Settings" button in the upper right corner and select the "Internet Options" menu.
  2. Enter the desired home page address. Sometimes there are several of them, for example, Yandex and Google.
  3. In the "Startup" menu, check the "Start from home page" option.
  4. Now you can click OK!

Microsoft Edge

The Edge bootloader for the latest version of Windows uses Microsoft's MSN search engine. However, it is rarely used in the Russian Federation, unlike Google, Yandex, or They are more comfortable for Internet surfing. Here's how to make Yandex your start page in this downloader.

  1. Go to the bootloader settings by clicking on the upper right on the three dots.
  2. Select the "Options" menu.
  3. Open the item "Show in new Microsoft Edge window" and check "Specific page or pages".
  4. Remove with a cross.
  5. Enter the Yandex URL.

Setting up Yandex in Chrome is even easier. The whole process consists of three steps. Let's list them.

  1. Open the bootloader menu and select the item called "Settings".
  2. In the browser settings, find the "Appearance" section and tick the "Show the Home button" option.
  3. Now look at the address of the existing home site and select "Change" by entering the address

After that, Yandex turns into a home site. But to open it, you have to press the button in the form of a house. And to start automatically, you need to do the following.

  1. In the upper right menu of the bootloader, select the "Settings" item.
  2. In the "Start group" check the item "Next pages".
  3. Select the "Add" link and enter the Yandex address in the corresponding line.
  4. Set Yandex as the main (default) search engine - using the "Search" section.
  5. Close the settings page.

The migration is now complete. It is important to remember that in this search engine, the home page is opened by pressing the Alt + Home buttons. It also makes life easier for the user.

Mozilla Firefox

It is not difficult to make Yandex a starting site in Mozilla. The main thing is user attentiveness. The default page changes as follows.

  1. The user searches for "Settings" in the bootloader menu and opens the "General" tab.
  2. The host of the computer opens the item "When Firefox starts" and "Show home page".
  3. Enter in the field titled "Home page".
  4. The owner of the gadget clicks OK.

The home page in MoZilla Firefox is now set up. If the laptop is cleaned of viruses, everything will start functioning. To go to the start page, press Alt + Home.


In Opera, the home site is not difficult to set up. There is a standard algorithm. Let's give it.

  1. Open the Opera bootloader menu.
  2. Find "Tools" and select "General Settings".
  3. Select the "General" tab, find the field called "At Startup" and "Start from Home Page."
  4. Select the "Home" option and write the address
  5. You can click OK.

Now Yandex is the start page in your opera! This search engine will automatically start when the user opens the browser. Everything is ready!

At this point, all the steps necessary to make Yandex the start page in the Opera have been done - now the Yandex site will open automatically every time you start the browser.


In this browser, they also start changing the main site from the "Settings" and the "General" tab. Now you need to find New windows open with and select Home page. In the address field, write

Sometimes you can't change the home page. One of the reasons for the trouble is computer viruses. Usually, Webalta becomes the main site in each browser. To fix the problem, you need to check the shortcuts. This is done as follows.

  1. The owner of the laptop clicks with the mouse (right button) on the shortcut and looks at "Properties".
  2. Now you need to pay attention to the "Object" field - there may be an indication of Vebalt. You just need to delete it and click OK.

In most cases, this will fix the problem. However, sometimes you have to turn to professional programmers. They will carefully check the gadget for viruses and make the necessary settings for Google, Opera or Mozilla.


Setting up Yandex as a start site is easy in any modern browser. The main condition is to carefully read the instructions on the Internet and make sure that there are no viruses on the computer. The schemes are similar for different bootloaders, so even a novice user can handle this task.

Good day.

I'm almost sure () that almost every user, accessing the Internet, is interested in (at least) the most ordinary things: what the weather will be like tomorrow, what's going on in the World (i.e. news), what interesting films are shown, how the dollar / ruble "feels" there (recently relevant for our country)... It is so?

If you count, then in order to find out such information - you need to visit 3 ÷ 5 sites! You can, of course, do it this way, but in my opinion, it is much better to customize it for yourself yandex home page and receive this information in its entirety by visiting one web page. In addition, having read all the news, you can immediately go to the search. Very comfortably!

Actually, in this article I will show you how to install Yandex with the start page in the browser, I will give some basic setup and service capabilities. I think that many, having configured their browser once, will be able to significantly save time (and time is money) !

How to make it start in the browser

Perhaps the article should begin with how to make it so that when the browser starts, the Yandex main page automatically opens (ie so as not to open any "Favorites" tabs and not follow links from any menu).

Method 1

If you have not visited the Yandex home page for a long time (the link is given above), then when you visit it, a small window will pop up in the corner of the screen with a proposal to change the home page. If you don't mind, just agree ...

Method 2

You can do everything manually. I will consider several popular browsers below.

Google chrome

First, open your browser settings. You can do it in 2 ways:

  1. or in the upper right corner of the window, click on the "three" points;
  2. or insert the following address into the address bar of the browser: chrome: // settings /

Actually, after restarting the browser, you will see that Yandex has automatically opened for you ...

Mozilla Firefox

In general, in this browser, almost everything is done in the same way (as in Chrome): first, open the settings (an alternative way is to go to the page about: preferences # home ) .

Firefox (start) / Clickable

By the way, please note that when working in Firefox you can open the home page at any time: just click on the "house" icon next to the address bar.

Microsoft Edge

First you need to open parameters (To do this, click on the icon in the upper right corner of the "three dots", and find this item in the menu).

Further it is necessary in subsection "Show in new Microsoft Edge window" choose option "Specific page or pages" and specify the desired web address (see example below on the screenshot).

If the page cannot be installed

As a complement ...

If you cannot change the start page in the browser, you may have "caught" a virus (note: many of them block the ability to change the page. Another option is also possible: the settings can be changed, but after restarting the browser, the "old" page opens again) ...

If you are faced with a similar problem, I recommend that you read a couple of my articles:

  1. programs to remove Malware, ads from browsers, malware that antiviruses cannot see -
  2. How to remove virus from browser - in 5 steps -

Choosing your city and setting the theme

Next, what I would recommend to do (after switching to Yandex and installing it as a start page) is to specify your city (in general, usually the search engine determines it automatically, but this does not always happen correctly) ... This will let you know about all the news in your city, incidents, posters, etc.

This is done quite simply: in the upper right corner of the screen, click on the link "customization" and go to the section for specifying the city. See screenshot below.

There is an option for both automatic determination of your location and manual adjustment. In general, everything is quite simple.

Please note that after specifying your city: you will be able to quickly view all the events and news taking place in it. It is very comfortable!

In addition to the city, I would also note that you can change the standard theme to something more interesting (for example, many make it darker, more contrasting). To do this, just select an option among the settings (see example below).

Theme selection / Clickable

After choosing one of the themes, the search engine will be transformed (for example, I installed New Year's Eve ...).


All settings made on the Yandex home page will be saved only in the browser in which you made them. To make them "work" always and in any browser - get yourself a profile on Yandex (for example).

Note: to register, you just need to indicate your initials and phone number (for security and confirmation of some operations). See screenshot below.

How to delete or move some blocks

Some of the blocks on the Yandex home page (for example, maps, TV program, weather, traffic jams, etc.) can either be deleted or moved to another more convenient place.

To do this, you need to use the tab "Settings / Configure Yandex" .

After that, you will see that each block is highlighted in gray, and a cross appears in its corner. Now you can just close everything you don't need, and move the rest to a more convenient place.

When all the blocks are in their place - just press the button "Save" at the bottom of the screen. Further, all blocks will be fixed and will be displayed in this form every time you visit Yandex.

How to set up a currency rate (select currencies to display)

In Yandex, the exchange rate is very conveniently "attached" (right above the search bar). If you click on the "three dots" next to the rate, you can see the exchange quotes of the major currencies (dollar, ruble, oil).

By the way, on the quotes page there is also a settings option (you can add other currencies that you would like to watch).

I note that the possibilities are quite extensive: you can even track the Bitcoin rate (in addition, Yandex can mark sharp rate fluctuations in a separate color, which is also convenient).

The added quotes are displayed (and tracked) immediately after you save the settings. In general, it is quite convenient to find out in time what happened to the ruble ...

How to customize the news feed (according to your interests)

On the Yandex home page (if you skip it a little lower, under the posters and films) there is a tape (Zen). In general, it is generated automatically (using artificial intelligence) based on your interests. And interesting life news often pops up in it, which it would be nice to know about in advance ...

Automation-automation, but the Zen feed can also be formed based on personal added channels (for example, you can add websites on cars, economics, politics to it - depending on your tastes) ... To do this, click on the "Zen" link (see the screen below).

After which you will see dozens of sections: auto, home, business, food, etc. Choose one of the sections that interest you.

After that, you will see dozens of different popular portals that you can subscribe to. For example, I chose "Mail Auto" - and now posts on automotive topics will flash among the feed. Very convenient!

Of course, you can add dozens of different interesting portals to your liking (in a similar way). Thus, the news feed will delight you with interesting events every day ...

That's all for now. Happy work!

The start page is the site, the web page, that loads with the browser when it starts. This may be your personal website, the status of which you check daily, a weather page in your city, a search engine.

This is a very handy browser feature. I will show you how to make Yandex your start page in Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer browsers.

Make Yandex the start page in Google Chrome

In the upper right corner of the Google Chrome browser, click on the 3 dots icon located vertically.

Finding Google Chrome settings

We go to the management of start pages

In the settings, we find the section At startup, open (Manage start pages).
Press the triangle pointing to the right.

A menu opens that indicates the pages to open when the browser starts.
You can choose to open at startup:

  1. New tab
  2. Previously open tabs
  3. Specified Pages

We switch the button to the last option - the specified pages. We see the home page there. To the right of it, press the button of three dots. Additional items will appear: Change, Delete.

Click - change

Changing the home page

The Edit Page window appears. Enter the Yandex address in the field provided for this and click the Save button.

Now close your browser and run it again to make sure the start page is installed.

How to set the home page in Mozilla Firefox browser

In order to make Yandex home page in Firefox, click Tools.

Finding Firefox settings

In the drop-down menu, click Settings

Setting up the home page

In the settings, on the General tab, look at the Launch section.

When Firefox starts, select Show home page. Now we enter the link to the page in one of three ways:

1 - copy, in the usual way and paste the Yandex address into the address bar.

2 - press the button Use current pages and all open pages will become home pages. Nothing wrong! Leave Yandex, and delete the rest of the pages.

3 - press the button Use bookmark. Then all the bookmarks will open - Favorites. Choose the one you want from them.

After you insert the address, you do not need to look for additional buttons, just close the settings and that's it. You can close the browser and re-run to check the installation of the home page.

How to install Yandex as the start page in Opera

In order to find the settings of the Opera browser, in the upper left corner of the browser, click on the O (Opera) logo.

Go to Opera settings

In the settings, in the section At startupyou need to set the switch to the position: Open a specific page or several pages.

Adding a home page

The Home Pages window opens.

In the Add a new page line, insert the address of the Yandex home page (or whatever you want).

By the way, if the desired page is open in the browser now, then it is enough to press the "Use current pages" button, and they will all become initial. If some page turns out to be superfluous, hover over it - a cross will appear on the right, clicking on which, you will delete this page.

Push the button OK - home page added! Now close your browser and run again to make sure the start page is installed.

How to set the home page in Internet Explorer

The site has a lesson - where to download for updates and how to configure. Nevertheless, so that you do not waste time looking for information, in this lesson I will show you how to make Yandex your start page in the IE browser.

In the Tools menu, select Browser Properties.

Install Yandex home page

On the General tab, in the Home page 1 field, insert the address of the page that you want to make the start page, for example, the main page of the Yandex search engine.
Set switch 2 to the position Start from home page.

After that, press the button Apply 3 and OK 4.
That's it, the start page is installed. Close your browser and launch it again to test this.

A start page is a page that is loaded immediately after starting the browser. Some uninformed users may think that it is set by default and cannot be changed in any way. However, this myth is completely dispelled, since it is definitely possible to make changes to the settings. In addition, the whole process will take just a couple of minutes, which is good news. Initially, after installing the browser, a blank page or express panel (an area consisting of "tiles" where you can set a set of bookmarks) opens before the user.

There are only a few ways to replace the start page in a browser. First of all, you need to decide in which of the browsers you will need to change the page. In order to consider this issue in more detail, the start page will be changed to Yandex in all popular browsers. Why change it at all? With this, you can save time. That is, you will not need to enter the address of the search engine, but you just have to start the browser and enter the desired search phrase. It is quite convenient, but the choice is clearly made by the user.

There are two main options for achieving this goal (changing the start page): manual and automatic. If you use the first, then all the settings will need to be entered manually. The second method is easier, but for this you need to download a special application. Let's focus on the second option:

If the user does not trust various utilities, then you can go the other way and make the necessary changes manually. This will take a little longer, but the result will be the same.

So, the process of changing the start page in Chrome is quite simple, you just need to follow a few simple steps:

In the Opera browser, the start page is configured a little differently, but still there is nothing complicated about it.

If you need to change the start page in Firefox, you can do it like this:

How to make Yandex start page in Internet Explorer

The IE browser is used by a small number of users, but it is still worth telling how to change the start page to Yandex.

Today Yandex is considered one of the most widespread search engines. Many people think that this search engine selects only the most useful answers to the question posed when giving results. Recently, we have already considered how to install the Google search engine on Opera at. According to the instructions described in this article, you can make Yandex your home page in any browser in a few minutes.

A large number of users spend a very large amount of time on the Internet, and it is convenient for many that it is Yandex that is the page that is loaded when the browser is opened. Sometimes it happens that when you install the browser that suits you best, the start page is automatically installed by the developers.

Also, the start page may be reinstalled if you did not uncheck the corresponding box when installing certain programs, a free application to which there will be some completely unnecessary search engine. You can also expect such a "gift" plan from malicious programs or viruses that can install any site instead of the start page, by the way, you can find out how to check your computer for viruses.

In any case, it is in your power to change or reinstall the start page at any time to the one you need and convenient for you. Since each browser is slightly different not only the interface, but in some cases, and the manual, the method of creating the start page will be different for each browser. So let's start with the Opera browser.

How to make Yandex the start page in Opera

In order to install Yandex home page, we need to go to the settings. To do this, right-click on the tab at the top, which is called " Tools", And select there at the very bottom the item" ".

Using the buttons Alt and P you can get into the settings faster. In the window that opens in front of us, we need to select the tab " The main«.

To begin with, you need to specify exactly how our browser should do when it starts. From the entire drop-down list, select the item: “ Start from home page". And on the next line, we need to specify this very page. We write the Yandex address there.

And if you now have a page of this search engine open, then it is better to click on " Current page»To the right of the home page (it is highlighted in the picture above). And after all that has been done, we press the button " OK«.

Making Yandex the start page in Mozilla

For the browser Mozilla Yandex was the start page - you need to go to the tab “ Tools", Then we select the desired settings item from the proposed list, and already in it - such a tab as" The main". At the next stage, in the drop-down list, click on “ Show home page". And then we do exactly the same as in Opera - write the address of the search engine and click on " OK«.

Install Yandex as the start page in Google Chrome

To create a start page in Chrome click on the icon located at the top right and select the item ““.

After all these steps, you will see a small house in your toolbar, by clicking on which you will return to your home page (Yandex).

How to make Yandex home page in Internet Explorer

There are two ways to make Yandex your start page in Explorer. First, let's go to a browser. IN Internet Explorer you can set the start page using the control panel. Open it by clicking on " Start", Then we look for and go to" Network and Internet connection". A window will open in front of you, in which you will need to go to the " General»And enter in the Yandex URL field.

You can also set Yandex as the home page and through the interface. We find for this in the right corner the settings icon in the form of an asterisk and click on it. After that, a window will open in which we select at the very bottom "" as in the picture:

We enter in the field that is located near the house yandex address and click " Apply«.

Or, if you are now on the page of the desired search engine, you can click on the button " Current"And the address will be entered by itself. Click on the button " OK"- and use it for our pleasure.

The process of creating a start page is not at all difficult, and you can install not only a search engine, but also any site that you use more often than others.