How to post a story on Instagram from several. Instagram Stories: How to Add a Story Using All Features. What is this about

Materials used

The short lifespan reserved for this type of publication assumes the use of only relevant materials. In other words, the history can include photos and videos created by the user himself over the past 24 hours. You cannot post a video shot last year or photographs from childhood. Music is also not in the category of permitted materials.

Setting up

Now that we know what goes into the story, let's set up our own. The interface of VK mobile applications for Android and iOS differs in many ways, but in this case it is almost identical.

  1. On the news page in the upper left corner there is a stylized camera icon. It is designed to create this kind of plot.

  1. After launching the program, we see an interface that is very similar to camera control. The icon in the lower left corner gives access to the latest photos and videos. You can use them to create a story, or use the camera in real time. By expanding it with the indicated button, we select shooting ourselves or surrounding objects. A single press will add a photo. While holding the center button, we record a video, while the ring around it will be filled with color. The average length of a video is 15 seconds. You can turn off the sound when recording videos.

  1. The second section regulates the ability to discuss the posted story. You cannot attach a poll to it or send it to the community, but the comment settings are quite flexible. You can select a specific group of friends or open access to the discussion to all Contact users.

After reviewing the general settings and choosing the publishing options, let's move on to the next step.


Submissions can be pre-processed before being posted online. Let's consider what capabilities the built-in editor has.

  1. We take the first picture on the phone. We have new control elements, using which you can give it an emotional coloring or immediately put it on the page.

  1. Let's use the tools located in the left corner of the screen. By adding text, a picture and a sticker, you can create an attractive and memorable image. To publish it, click on the arrow button.

  1. When adding a selfie as the next element of the story, you can use a mask. Some of them transform the user beyond recognition and can cheer up your friends.

  1. The blue circle around the photo indicates that the publication contains new, not yet viewed materials.

Within 24 hours from the moment of posting, the publication created in this way will be located in the top of the news feed.


The peculiarity of the story is that you cannot publish pictures or videos in a whole series. After posting the first photo, you can add the next to it, again performing the full cycle of the operations described above.

  1. The piece you like can be saved to the iPhone, and the unsuccessful materials can be deleted. You cannot erase a story if there are too many elements in it or you change your mind about posting it in one move. This function is not provided. You will have to use the method described above to delete each fragment. With the latter, you completely erase the post and it disappears from the feed.

  1. As we know, you can create a post only in the mobile application, but the viewing and editing functions are available on the PC. Opening your page on a laptop, you will see the story at the top of the news feed.

  1. The management interface is completely similar to the mobile application. There is a possibility of sending in a private message or editing.

  1. When uninstalling, a warning window will appear. Despite the formidable content about the irreversibility of actions, in the desktop version it is also impossible to manage the story with one click. Only the item currently displayed in the monitor will be erased.

If desired, you can introduce a "division of labor". Create a publication in the mobile application and edit it on a PC.


Following the instructions below, you will quickly become familiar with this feature and can use it to spice up your chat with friends.

Video instruction

If you still have questions regarding the publication of stories in VK, watch the video below. The whole process described is shown clearly, and, perhaps, there you will find the right answer.

Want to know how to add a story to Instagram? And you probably want to know how the Instagram Stories or Stories add-on works?

Instagram Stories allows you to record live videos or take photos with your smartphone and add them to a story that will be available to subscribers within 24 hours.

In this article, you will learn how to create and add Instagram Stories and interact with people who post their stories.

What does Instagram Stories look like?

First, let's take a look at what Instagram is like. When you log into your Instagram account, you will see the latest Instagram stories from people you follow at the top of your news feed.

The top of the Instagram feed shows users who posted the latest stories.

When you click on one of these circles, you will see the user's Instagram story for the day in 10 second increments, it can be a photo or video.

When you view another Instagram user's profile that has a current history, you will see a circle around that user's profile photo. By clicking on the profile photo, you will be able to view the current history of the user.

When viewing a history where the owner allows messaging, you will see an option to send messages at the bottom left of the history. The message will end up in the user's posts, as opposed to if it was a regular post, comments to which everyone could see.

Now that you know how to view Instagram Stories, let's take a look at an example of how you can create your own story.

How to upload a story to Instagram.

  • 1: Refresh Instagram app to access Story features.

Your first task is to update your Instagram app to see if you have the ability to create Instagram Stories. On the App Store, the update looks like this.

Updating the Instagram app to complement Instagram Stories.

Once you've downloaded this update, you should see the new feature at the top of your Instagram app, along with the latest Stories from the people you follow and who are already using Stories.

The top of the Instagram news feed that shows the most recent stories.

  • 2: Configuring the Story settings.

When it comes to Instagram Stories, you have two options. You can change your privacy settings for each individual story you post or for all of your stories in general in the main Instagram settings. For the latter, go to your Instagram profile and click on the settings icon in the upper right corner.

Go to your profile to find the settings in the upper right corner.

Then click on Story Settings under Profile.

A general view of all your Instagram account settings.

From here, you can select specific people to whom you don't want to show your stories. You can also choose who will have access to commenting on your stories.

Settings for all your stories.

Please note that these settings will be available to you before publishing each new story, and this is very convenient.

  • 3: Create your first Instagram Story.

When you're ready to create and add your first story, click on the circled + icon in the upper left corner of your Instagram screen.

Click on the circled + button in the upper left corner to create your first story.

Here, you can use the icons at the bottom of the screen from left to right to adjust the flash settings (if you are adding a photo), select a photo or video, or you can switch the camera from front to main - rear camera. If you press and hold the center button, you can record a 10-second video.

Take a photo or video.

It is worth noting that you can take a video or photo with your camera in landscape orientation, but Instagram will post your photo or video of your story in portrait mode.

After you finish adding photos or video recordings to the story, you will have the option to add text or draw something to your photo or video using the options in the upper right corner of the screen. At the bottom of the screen, there are options with which you can cancel everything or start over your story.

After you're done describing your photo / video, click on the checkmark at the bottom to add a photo or video to your story.

Edit photo or video, cancel upload, add to your story.

Once you've created and added your story, you'll see your profile picture at the top of your feed. Your photo will always appear first so you can easily access your current story at any time.

Your story will appear first at the top of your app, above the feed for easier and faster access.

If you want to add another photo or video to your already created or added story, click on the “+ in a circle” icon in the upper left corner to record a video or take a photo. Each new video or photo will be added to the end of your story and will be available for 24 hours.

  • 4: How to change part of your Instagram story.

When you first click on your story, you will see three dots in the bottom right corner. Click on these three dots to bring up the following options.

Options and features for every part of your story.

Note that any of these options apply to every 10 second chunk (photo or video) of your story. This means that you can do the following:

The same settings apply to newly added videos in your story. You can delete unnecessary photos or videos of parts of the story, except for those that are needed, etc.

  • 5: View history statistics.

When followers start viewing your story, you can see the number of people who have viewed a specific part of your story.

View history statistics.

You can click on that number or number to see more detailed information, such as how many views you have for each part of your story and who viewed which part of your story.

We look - who viewed your Instagram story.

From here, you can also add a photo or video part to a story, post a photo or video part of your story as posts on your Instagram profile, or delete a photo or video part of a story. You can also change history options using the wheel-shaped customization icon in the upper left corner.

  • 6: Browse incoming messages from your stories.

If you've given subscribers the ability to send you messages from your story, you should be careful when checking your inbox. Also keep in mind that when someone you are not subscribed to sends you a message, that message will end with a message request and you will not receive a notification that the person sent you a message from your story.

To check your posts, click on the post icon in the upper right corner of the Instagram app.

Click on the message box in the upper right corner to find messages in

Here you will see if you have messages and message requests.

In Direct, Incoming messages from Instagram.

When you click on the message request link, you can often find some spam, but you can also find messages related to your history. These posts will be accompanied by the snapshot portion of your story where the user left a comment.

An example of a request for a post to a story.

If you have opened access to commenting on your stories, do not forget to reply to messages, as in all social networks popularity, incl. also depends on interaction with the audience!

In addition, if you write letters in response to the stories of other users, your message may end up in the same message requests that came to you. If you really want to get a response to your message, then you may have to duplicate it in a comment to one of the posts of this user on Instagram, because the person might not even guess that your message is not available to him.

How to combine parts of a story into one video file?

One of the biggest features Snapchat can do is upload your entire story in a day into one video file. Unfortunately, Instagram itself does not have this option right now. At least not yet. For now, you can only upload a specific photo or video of your story individually.

If you only used photos, you can use an application such as PhotoGrid, this application allows you to combine the most interesting photos into a video collage of photos with various effects.


With the new Instagram algorithm, you can be in the forefront of the general news feed. By adding new content to your Instagram Stories, you can stay at the top of your followers' Stories News feed throughout the day. The key to popularity will depend on understanding when the most subscribers will be online and what content will be most interesting to them!

If you actively use the functions of the social network Instagram, you are familiar with all the modes that are present in this site. Have you started to master the media platform or want to learn the intricacies? You have discovered the right material! In this guide, we will go into detail on how to add a second Instagram Story and if such a feature is available in the latest version of the mobile client.

Recently, the developers added a story mode to Instagram, which we know from other media platforms. Instagram did not become a "discoverer", but this social network "Stories" is the most common. Open the public feed and you will see that many of your followers and people you follow are regularly uploading new content. No wonder, because Insta is focused on photography and video recording.

The function is present in the official mobile client. Today it is available for the following operating systems: Android, iOS (all portable devices from Apple work on it) and Windows Phone. As for the web version, which you can open on your computer, the functionality is noticeably limited. It is also impossible to view "stories" through a browser, so we will review all actions in the application.

To use the new mode, you need to update to the latest version of the mobile client. Play Market or its equivalent automatically downloads updates to your smartphone.

If you cannot use "Stories", then you should check on the official page in your store which buttons are available there. If you see an active "Refresh" key, tap on it.

After examining the main features, you will receive an answer. The function has been added so that users can share interesting events from their daily life with their followers, demonstrate relaxation, travel and funny situations. Thus, you do not need to fill the feed with the same photos.

Important: each "Story" is active within 24 hours from the moment of adding the first image or video. After this period, the story is automatically deleted. This is how developers reduce the load on Instagram servers.

Some members of the media platform mistakenly believe that each publication through "Stories" is a separate story. In fact, a story can consist of several posts, and videos can replace pictures and vice versa. It is impossible to post several Stories on Instagram at once. The system allows you to create only one "Story" per day, you can fill it with various materials. There is no way to post several stories of information on Instagram in the official center of the media platform. Now let's go through the features:

  • Your followers can easily familiarize themselves with the materials from the "Story", they are shown as slides. If necessary, subscribers and other users can comment on the pictures and like them. After deleting the story, these elements will also be erased.
  • You can add new content using a standard camera or upload pictures from the memory of your device, that is, from the gallery. The system does not allow using old materials, so in the gallery you will see photos and videos taken from the last 24 hours. Of course, the system can be fooled.
  • After a day has passed since the first slide was added, the “mini-report” is deleted, but you can save all materials until you delete them. In the future, they can be re-published, but in the main Insta album. You will see the corresponding button on the screen.
  • Insta has many filters, and especially for Stories, the developers added masks - funny augmented reality objects that are visible to everyone who opened the slides. There is also a brush option that you can use to decorate images.

Instagram creators take security seriously, which is why there are additional privacy options in the settings. Initially, all users see your stories. When the profile is closed, only approved followers can view slides. If desired, access to "Stories" can be closed for individuals, but other publications will remain available to them. There is a black list in the privacy settings, getting into it means a complete blocking.

How to make multiple Stories on Instagram

We figured out the features of the mode, now we need to analyze the process of adding several pictures or videos:

Done, we figured out how to add several stories to Instagram - at the moment there is no such function on the social network. Perhaps in the next updates, the developers will diversify the lives of users and will allow you to create several stories at the same time on different topics.

How to add multiple stories to Instagram

In other social networks, the mode works similarly. The system allows you to post only one "Story" per day, then the option is updated and you can start a new story. Feedback from users suggests that the function is useful not only for communication, but also for promotion. Online retailers with Instagram profiles often advertise products through Story. If the article was helpful, please share it with your friends.

Photos are the backbone of content on Instagram. Many users have faced the problem of choosing a snapshot. Sometimes you want to post several similar photos at once and it is difficult to decide which one is better. It is for such cases that the function of simultaneous loading of up to 10 different images works! Below we will describe step by step how exactly to add multiple photos to one post on Instagram.

Features of the function of uploading a series of photos to Instagram

Before you start uploading a photo to your profile, you should familiarize yourself with some of the features of this function:

  1. There can be no more than 10 photographs in a series;
  2. All photos will be the same size - square. This can be changed by clicking on the icon with two diagonal checkmarks in the lower left corner of the image upload;
  3. You can only upload photos at a time - this function is not available for videos and boomerangs.
    These are the basic rules for uploading multiple photos to one post on Instagram. Now let's move on to the algorithm for using the function in versions of the application for different operating systems.


In the version of the application for smartphones and tablets based on Android, everything is very simple. Actions are performed directly from the social network. The algorithm is as follows:



On iPhones and iPads, it is also very easy to load several photos into one post on Instagram. To do this, you need to open a social network, and then follow these steps:

Done, after these steps, the photos will be saved in one post on your Instagram profile. You can scroll through them with a swipe to the left.

Several photos on Instagram via computer

For computers and laptops not the official Instagram program. Through the social networking site, you can use only basic functions: view the feed, like and comment on posts, edit the basic information of your profile.
However, there are a few clever ways that you can even upload your photos via your PC. So, you can upload several pictures to Instagram on your computer in the following ways.

Via the official Windows emulator

An emulator is an application that recreates the features of the original version. The most famous emulator of programs for Android on PC is BlueStacks. After downloading and installing it, you need to find the download Instagram installation file (it has the * .apk extension). After opening through BlueStacks, you will have access to all the features of Instagram, including uploading a series of photos.

Initially, the social network Instagram allowed only one photo to be published in a post. Agree, it was extremely inconvenient, especially if several pictures from a series were required to upload. Fortunately, the developers heard the requests of their users and implemented the ability to publish multiple images.

Add multiple photos to Instagram

The function was named "Carousel"... When deciding to use it, consider a couple of features:

  • The tool allows you to publish up to 10 photos and videos in one Instagram post;
  • If you do not plan to upload square pictures, then first you need to work with them in another photo editor - "Carousel" allows you to publish pictures only 1: 1. The same goes for videos.

Otherwise, everything is the same.

  1. Launch the Instagram application and open the central tab at the bottom of the window.
  2. Make sure you have a tab open at the bottom of the window "Library"... After selecting the first picture for the "Carousel", tap in the right corner on the icon shown in the screenshot (3).
  3. Number one appears next to the selected image. Accordingly, in order to lay out the pictures in the order you need, select the images with one tap, numbering them (2, 3, 4, etc.). When finished with the selection of pictures, tap in the upper right corner on the button "Further".
  4. Next, the pictures will open in the built-in editor. Select a filter for the current image. If you want to edit the picture in more detail, tap it once, after which the advanced settings will appear on the screen.
  5. Thus, switch between other images of the "Carousel" and make the necessary changes. When finished, select the button "Further".
  6. Add a description to the publication, if necessary. If the photos show people you know, select the button "Flag users"... After that, by switching between the pictures with a swipe left or right, you can add links to all users captured in the pictures.
  7. The posted post will be marked with a special icon that will tell users that it contains several photos and videos. You can switch between pictures by swiping left and right.

    It's easy to post multiple photos in one Instagram post. We hope we were able to prove it to you. If you have any questions on the topic, be sure to ask them in the comments.