Server key 1c over the network. Software protection key. If everything went wrong...

I came across this problem the other day. One of the machines refused to work network version 1C Enterprise. When connecting to the database, the following error occurred.

I would like to point out that the error appeared on a computer that had 2 network cards with 2 different networks. For some reason I didn’t immediately attach any importance to this moment. Apparently because HASP monitor I detected these keys perfectly, which is why I looked for a problem in 1C. As a result, I lost half a day of working time. The problem really lay in two network cards, or more precisely, 2 different networks, the solution was in the file C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\conf\nethasp.ini

Having disconnected the network in which there are no HASP keys, after rebooting the machine, 1C started up.... I went to Google to find a solution to this problem. The search did not take long, the solution was as follows:

Protection keys for 1C are divided into:

1. Single-user(must be physically connected to the computer on which 1C is running)

model HASP HL ​​Basic (of blue color ), this key is marked H4 M1 ORGL8, does not have built-in memory and personal ID, does not store any parameters and settings. Supplied with products licensed for one workplace.

2. Multi-user (the key is on the network, 1C can be launched on any computer in within the local network or domain)

Network client keys include a series HASP HL ​​Net (Red ). They have an internal memory that stores the number of licenses and a unique ID. There are varieties for 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 users. Has markings NETXX ORGL8 , Where XX- number of licenses (for example NET5 ORGL8 ). There are also keys for 300 and 500 users that are marked NET250+ ORG8A And NET250+ ORG8B . Supplied with products licensed for 5 workstations, as well as separately, in the form of additional client licenses.

3. Server (must be physically connected locally to the computer on which the 1C Enterprise agent server is installed and running)

Keys for 1C Enterprise server are only local. 32-bit version has a protection key HASP HL ​​Pro (purple ), which has internal memory and a unique ID. Has markings ENSR8 , comes with a license for the 1C Enterprise server.

For 64-bit server key is used HASP HL ​​Max (Green colour ) with internal memory and unique ID. Has markings EN8SA and also supports 32-bit server. Those. Having a license for a 64-bit server, you can use the 32-bit version without changing the key, but not vice versa.

A single-user and server key is sufficient to operate install the security key driver on the local machine and insert the security key into the local USB port.

For a multi-user (network) security key you need:
1. Install the security key driver on one of the machines on the network, which will serve as the key server -
2. Install the security key server (service) on the same machine -
3. Insert the security key into the server’s USB port
4. Install 1C on client machines

In general, these actions are sufficient for 1C to work. During the launch and further operation of 1C:Enterprise 8 on local machines, the system will contact using a broadcast request on port 475 and look for the protection key. If the search is unsuccessful, a message will be displayed “Program protection key not found” and the work of 1C:Enterprise will be interrupted.

If you encounter the message " application protection key not found“need to check:
1. presence of a protection key in the USB port of the key server
2. check whether the key server is running on the server (process named “Hasp loader”)
3. use the telnet command to check the availability of the key server from the local machine on port 475 (for example: telnet 475)

If all checks were successful, but the error remains, move on to more detailed settings. In the 1C:Enterprise 8 installation folder (usually c:\program files\1cv81\bin\conf or c:\program files\1cv8\bin\) there is a file nethasp.ini . This is the security key configuration file, it is divided into sections, we are interested in the section . When installing 1C, by default, in this section all parameters are separated by double signs ";", which means that these settings are ignored. In this case, the key driver behaves as follows:
1. a broadcast type packet is sent over the local network on port 475 in search of a security key server
2. if no response is received - error

Disadvantages of the default configuration:
1. broadcast takes some time
2. not all servers respond to such packets
3. broadcast is okay, but it’s a load on the network

To solve this problem you need to do the following:
1. indicate the specific address where to look for the key server (for example: NH_SERVER_ADDR =
2. disable broadcast search (NH_USE_BROADCAST = Disabled)
3. and limit the packet types to the TCP protocol only (NH_TCPIP_METHOD = TCP)

As practice shows, the launch speed of 1C:Enterprise 8 after such a setup increases noticeably!

But there are also some disadvantages of this method:

You must ensure that the address of the security key server does not change, otherwise you will have to reconfigure the nethasp.ini file on all local machines!

I would also like to clarify a few points about working with keys that I had to deal with during my work:

1. Monitor HASP does not show the key

The monitor itself can only show the presence of a license manager at a particular address. He will be able to see the key only after the protected application successfully opens at least one session with the key. In addition, it should be taken into account that Aladdin Monitor only works over the UDP protocol, port 475. Thus, the absence of data about the key in the monitor does not mean that the key is not available to the application.

2. Two 1C HASP protection keys on one computer

When installing two or more HASP software protection keys on one computer, please note that:

  • Keys with different series will work fine. (in relation to 1C: 1 server and 1 network will work fine)
  • Keys of the same series will work if this feature was implemented by the developer of the protected software. If the developer has not implemented this feature, then keys belonging to the same series will not work together on one computer; only one of them will be visible: either the one closest to the port (in the case of LPT keys), or located on the port with junior address (in the case of USB keys for protecting HASP programs). (in relation to 1C, - 2 local or 2 network keys on one computer will most likely not work correctly)
  • It is not recommended to put a local and network key together; this is due to the security feature of 1C Enterprise: when finding a local key, the program will never look for a network one.

Possible solutions to this problem:

  • Replacing several protection keys for HASP programs with one, with a larger number of licenses (this is well written here:
  • Installing protection keys on different computers, followed by installing and configuring license managers for each key.

3. Two or more license managers (License Manager) on the network

If you have two or more network keys, it is not always enough to distribute them across different computers. License managers must be configured. Each license manager must have a unique name, which must be explicitly communicated to the protected program. It is recommended to perform a similar setup if you are using a terminal server, even with the same network key.

On the machine where the key is installed we find the file nhsrv.ini in the folder with the license manager. The NHS_SERVERNAMES parameter is responsible for the name of the license server; it can consist of Latin letters and numbers and contain no more than 7 characters.


After which, on client machines, it is advisable to edit the nethasp.ini file, explicitly specifying the addresses and names of license managers:

NH_TCPIP = Enabled

Protection of the 1C:Enterprise system can be built on the use of the HASP4 Net network protection system. In this case, user counting can be carried out either by the 1C:Enterprise server part or by a special program - HASP License Manager. This article is devoted to installing the HASP License Manager and configuring the 1C:Enterprise system to work with it.

Security keys and their markings

HASP4 Net hardware protection keys are connected to the USB ports of the computer. The total number of users who can work with the 1C:Enterprise system is equal to the sum of available licenses from all computers on the network to which the hardware keys are connected and the HASP License Manager is configured.

Hardware keys are similar to a USB flash drive and look something like this:

They may vary in color and markings. By the marking you can determine what kind of key it is: what software products it is suitable for and how many licenses it provides.

  • ORGL8- Local client key;
  • NET5 ORGL8- Multi-user client key for 5 users;
  • NET10 ORGL8- Multi-user client key for 10 users;
  • NET20 ORGL8- Multi-user client key for 20 users;
  • NET50 ORGL8- Multi-user client key for 50 users;
  • NET100 ORGL8- Multi-user client key for 100 users;
  • NET250+ ORG8A- Multi-user client key for 300 users;
  • NET250+ ORG8B- Multi-user client key for 500 users;
  • ENSR8- Local key of the 32-bit server;
  • EN8SA- Local key of the 64-bit server.

So, the photo above shows a multi-user client key for 5 users. It should be noted that only one key of each series (ORGL8, ORG8A and ORG8B) can work on one computer. If you connect several keys of the same series to one computer, only one of them, chosen at random, will be used.

Installing the security driver

HASP Device Driver must be installed on those computers to which hardware protection keys are directly connected. This driver is included in the 1C:Enterprise package and can be installed from the Start menu:

Installing the security driver from the Start menu

Or from the command line:

C:\>"Program Files\1cv8\common\haspdinst.exe" -i

For Linux OS you need to download the driver from the SafeNet website. The downloaded archive contains a DEB package for Ubuntu/Debian, an RPM package for RedHat/SuSE and a script for automatic installation. Let's try the option with a script; to do this, download and unpack the required archive. Next, make the dinst file executable and run it:

sudo chmod +x ./dinst

The result will look something like this:

It is recommended to install the driver on any operating system with the USB key disconnected.

The HASP License Manager distribution can be found on the SafeNet website. When installing on Windows OS, you will need to select an installation option - an application or a service; usually select the service:

On Linux OS, installing HASP LM is a little more complicated. The archive from the SafeNet site contains two RPM packages for RedHat and SuSE (probably for these systems, installing HASP LM is quite simple) and a packaged hasplm file for everything else. Following the instructions from the ITS website, I was unable to run the hasplm file on Ubuntu 16.04.

Therefore, I had to use a solution from Etersoft. We go to the FTP company and find the desired version. For my 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04 I chose this version: Download the files and first install the necessary packages; in my case, I needed to install the make package:

sudo apt-get install make

and the libc6-i386 package (even though I downloaded the 64-bit version of HASP LM, it is essentially still a 32-bit application and requires 32-bit libraries):

sudo apt-get install libc6-i386

after that we install the HASP LM packages:

sudo dpkg -i haspd_7.60-eter1ubuntu_amd64.deb

sudo dpkg -i haspd-modules_7.60-eter1ubuntu_amd64.deb

Restarting the service:

sudo service haspd restart

As you can see from the screenshot, the settings file is located here: /etc/haspd/hasplm.conf.



On Windows OS, the nhsrv.ini file can be located in various places:

  • directory with HASP LM installed (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Aladdin\HASP LM);
  • Windows directory (C:\Windows);
  • Windows system directory (C:\Windows\system32 or C:\Windows\system).

For Linux OS, the settings file is specified using the “-c” parameter and its name and location are not defined by default.

The HASP LM settings are specified by the parameter values ​​of the section of the nhsrv.ini file:

  • NHS_IP_LIMIT- defines the range of IP addresses served by HASP LM. For example: 192.168.*.*,
  • NHS_ADAPTER- defines the IP address of one or more network cards that will serve HASP LM. Applicable when using HASP LM with Win32. For example:,
  • NHS_USERLIST- defines the maximum number of users simultaneously connected to HASP LM Default value: 250 (important for keys for 300 and 500 users).


To configure the interaction of the 1C:Enterprise system with HASP LM, use the nethasp.ini configuration file. Although in most cases no additional configuration is required, it is useful to have an idea of ​​the capabilities offered by this file.

The nethasp.ini file, in Windows OS, is usually located in the 1C directory (for example, C:\Program Files\1cv8\conf), and in Linux OS it can be located in the user’s home directory or in the /etc directory.

The example below specifies that the security server is located at and disables the TCP/IP broadcast mechanism.



  • NH_IPX- use or not use the IPX protocol for communication with HASP LM, options: Enabled, Disabled (Enabled by default);
  • NH_NETBIOS- use or not use the NetBIOS protocol for communication with HASP LM, options: Enabled, Disabled (Enabled by default);
  • NH_TCPIP- use or not use the TCP/IP protocol for communication with HASP LM, options: Enabled, Disabled (Enabled by default);
  • NH_SESSION- sets the interval in seconds during which the program tries to establish a connection with HASP LM (default 2 seconds);
  • NH_SEND_RCV- sets the maximum time for HASP LM to receive or send a packet (default 1 second).

The last two parameters can be used in all sections.


  • NH_USE_SAP- use or not use the SAP service to search the HASP LM network, options: Enabled, Disabled (Enabled by default);
  • NH_USE_BROADCAST- use only the Broadcast mechanism to search the HASP LM network, options: Enabled, Disabled (Enabled by default);
  • NH_BC_SOCKET_NUM- defines the socket number (number in hexadecimal) for the broadcast mechanism (default: 7483Н);
  • NH_SERVER_NAME- determines whether the application will exchange data only with a HASP LM located on the local network, or with any other HASP LM, options: localnet, Internet (Internet by default);
  • NH_DATFILE_PATH- the path along which the haspaddr.dat and newhaddr.dat files containing the HASP LM network address will be searched.


  • NH_NBNAME- sets the HASP LM name (no more than 8 characters);
  • NH_USELANANUM- sets the number of the communication channel.


  • NH_SERVER_ADDR- sets the IP addresses of HASP LM servers (the number of addresses is not limited);
  • NH_SERVER_NAME- exchanges data with HASP LM with a specific name (maximum 6 names, each no more than 7 characters);
  • NH_PORT_NUMBER- sets the network port number (default 475);
  • NH_TCPIP_METHOD- sends a TCP or UDP packet; access to HASP LM is always performed via UDP, regardless of the value of this parameter;
  • NH_USE_BROADCAST- use the UDP broadcast mechanism, options: Enabled, Disabled (Enabled by default).

That's all, I hope that this article was useful to you.

In this article, we will try to tell 1C users about Enterprise 8 client software licenses in an accessible form.

So, let's decipher the term - software license. This is a file containing information about the PC and launches 1C: Enterprise 8 without hardware protection. The license is activated using a PIN code (the registration number is included with the license).

There are 2 types of client software license: single-user and multi-user. A single-user license is installed respectively on one user’s PC, while maintaining the ability to work with various configurations and 1C information bases.

A multi-user license can be installed on three server options:

  • Web server
  • 1C: Enterprise 8;
  • RDP terminal server.

It is important to know that if the 1C:Enterprise database is running in file mode, working over a multi-user license network will not be possible!

1C protection software key appeared on the market not so long ago. Its main feature is that before using it you need to decide on the type of license (single-user or multi-user). When choosing a single-user client software license, you will be able to run several applications at once, without restrictions in number, in 1C mode (Trade Management, Accounting, Human Resources Management, etc.) from one workstation.

But when choosing a multi-user software license, you will be able to run a certain number of client applications from arbitrary computers. This choice is important to make for terminal servers; however many licenses you install on your PC, so many copies of 1C: Enterprise can be launched.

Multi-seat licenses come with two sets of PIN codes. In this case, you can activate licenses both as one multi-user license and several single-user ones.

That is, a license for 10 users can be activated for one, or for 10 users on a terminal server. The second option is to activate 10 single-user licenses on multiple computers.

Also, keep in mind that before using a multi-user license, you need to accurately determine its type. If you decide to activate a license as a single-user license, you will no longer be able to use it with a set of multi-user licenses, and vice versa.

But licenses from 50 to 500 seats are already supplied with a PIN code to obtain only a multi-user license. You can install several software licenses on one PC at once.

Another important point is that during virtualization, licenses are installed on a virtual machine.

When issuing client licenses, the 1C server takes into account two factors:

1. issued licenses will be available only to those 1C databases that are installed on this server;
2. licenses will be used only for sessions (when starting 1C: ZiUP 8 and 1C: B 8, 2 licenses will be used, since 2 sessions are running).

Licenses can also be intended for a 1C server; they can be 32 or 64-bit. With this option, the license will be installed on the PC where the 1C: Enterprise 8 server is installed. The license for the 1C server includes: version and name of the OS, installation date, PC serial number, lists of hard drives and their partitions, processors, network and video adapters, memory capacity and much more.

In cases where, after activating a 1C software license, any of the parameters changes their value, the license stops working. To prevent such situations, you need to be extremely careful and run the license renewal mechanism. Using the activated PIN code, the license on the computer will be restored.

And the last important note - if the license is installed on a new computer, you will need to activate the backup PIN code. In those cases, they have run out, you should contact the 1C licensing service.

The 1C technical support service offers its users the following recommendations:

Obtaining a license for one product must be done using one type of PIN code. If there are two different products with different client licenses, then for one product licenses are obtained using multi-user PIN codes, for the other - using multi-user PIN codes.

Multi-user licenses can be issued by a web server and a 1C:8 server (only for web clients that work with file databases and clients that work with a 1C server, respectively). You can also install a multi-user license on the terminal server (launch the client - multi-user license “for this computer” - option “for all users of this PC”).

When launching a license in a terminal session, 1C: Enterprise 8.2 thick clients have the ability to independently search for a file with a license and determine the available number of licenses. There is no need to use a web server or 1C server. In other cases (from 5 to 20 workstations), a multi-user software license should be installed using single-user PIN codes (for each individual workstation).

In this article we will look at the licensing policy of the 1C company for the 1C product line: what license keys there are, how to install the keys, how much 1C licenses cost, how and where.

According to the delivery method, keys can be divided into:

  • hardware;
  • software.

Let's take a closer look at each type of key.

1C software keys

Now 1C is slowly but surely switching to new security keys - software ones. Software keys physically represent an A4 sheet on which a certain number of PIN codes is written. These PIN codes must be associated with each computer or for the network as a whole. The keys are tied to the hardware of the system - to the hardware of the computer, and often when replacing or modifying some part of the computer, the keys stop working.

Hardware keys 1C

Hardware is divided into 3 categories:

blue (or purple)— a single-user protection key that comes with standard configurations. Marked as H4 M1 ORGL8.


  • Hardware protection - 8200 rubles.
  • Software key (PIN code) - 6300 rubles.

red— network version of the key, installed on 1 machine on the network and visible to other users. They differ in the number of users by 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 300, 500. Marking - H4 NET XX ORGL8, where XX is the number of users and NET250+ ORG8A, NET250+ ORG8B for versions for 300 and 500 users, respectively.

Cost of 1C hardware protection keys:

  • 5 jobs - 28,100 rub.
  • 10 jobs - 51,900 rub.
  • 20 jobs - 97,600 rub.
  • 50 jobs - 227,400 rub.
  • 100 jobs - 432,000 rub.
  • 300 jobs - 1,281,600 rubles.
  • 500 jobs - 2,131,200 rub.

Price of software keys in the form of 1C PIN codes:

  • 5 jobs - 21,600 rub.
  • 10 jobs - 41,500 rub.
  • 20 jobs - 78,000 rub.
  • 50 jobs - 187,200 rub.
  • 100 jobs - 360,000 rub.
  • 300 jobs - 1,068,000 rub.
  • 500 jobs - 1,776,000 rubles.

blue and green - keys for server applications, 32-bit - blue, 64-bit - green. Blue can be distinguished from single-player by markings. Marking - H4 M1 ENSR8 and Max EN8SA.

If after installation such keys do not work immediately, you need to install drivers for the 1C hardware key.

Prices for 1C server license keys

Software keys for 1C server:

  • 1C Enterprise Server 8.3 32 bits— 50,400 rubles.
  • 1C Enterprise Server 8.3 64 bits— 86,400 rubles.

Hardware versions (USB):

  • 1C Enterprise Server 8.3 32 bits— 60,500 rubles.
  • 1C Enterprise Server 8.3 64 bits— 103,700 rubles.

When ordering 1C license keys from us you will receive:

  • free delivery and installation in Moscow and regions;
  • best price (we sell 1C products at the lowest acceptable price)

Starting from the very first version 8.0, software products of the 1C:Enterprise 8 family were released with USB protection keys. A USB security key is a physical device, similar in size to a flash drive, that is installed into the USB port of a computer. USB keys for protecting 1C programs have different colors depending on their purpose.

How to determine which 1C USB protection key is in front of you?

The table below shows the different types of security keys, indicating the color and main symbols of the factory markings that can be found on the key itself. To see what the 1C protection key looks like in the picture, follow the link given in the table with the corresponding type of software product.

Description and example of a software product Color Marking

Local key program protection is a USB key that ensures the operation of the 1C program on one workstation. This key is installed on a specific user's computer. There is no point in installing this key on the server.

Example of 1C programs that include a local protection key:
1C Accounting 8 PROF USB
1C:Enterprise 8 Client license for 1 workstation (USB)



Network key Program protection is a USB key that allows several users of 1C programs to work on the same local network. Typically, such a key is installed on a server or other computer that is constantly turned on. In the case of using several 1C network keys, the total number of workstations is determined by the amount of client licenses in one local network. For correct operation in this case, no more than one hardware protection key should be located on one hardware device.

An example of 1C programs that include a network security key:
1C Accounting 8 PROF set for 5 USB users
1C:Enterprise 8 Client license for 10 workstations (USB)

ORGL8 Net (number of licenses)

For example, for a key for 5 users the marking will be: "Net 5"

Key for 32-bit server 1C:Enterprise 8. This key ensures the operation of a special software application - the 1C:Enterprise 8 server. Usually this key is installed in the server or computer on which the 1C:Enterprise 8 server program is installed. In appearance, with the exception of the markings, this key is similar to the local one key 1C:Enterprise 8.

An example of 1C licenses, which include a license for a 32-bit 1C:Enterprise 8 server:
1C:Enterprise 8 license for USB server



Key for 64-bit server 1C:Enterprise 8. This key ensures the operation of a special software application - the 1C:Enterprise 8 server. Typically this key is installed on the server or computer on which the 1C:Enterprise 8 server program is installed. This license is intended for use of the 1C:Enterprise 8 server on 64- x bit operating systems. This license allows you to use the 32-bit version of the 1C:Enterprise 8 server too.

An example of 1C licenses, which include a license for a 64-bit 1C:Enterprise 8 server:
1C:Enterprise 8 server license (x86-64) USB


USB 1C Enterprise 8 protection keys purchased as part of previous versions, for example, 8.0, can be legally used with subsequent versions, for example, 8.1, 8.2 or 8.3. In this case, there is no need to purchase new keys and licenses.

Electronic keys or software protection 1C:Enterprise 8

Starting from version 8.2, electronic keys can be used to operate 1C Enterprise 8 programs - software protection. Software protection is a set of PIN codes for activating the program. The set of PIN codes is unique for each copy of the software product and is supplied in a sealed envelope.

Example of 1C programs with software protection:
1C:Enterprise 8 Client license for 1 workstation (pin code)
1C Accounting 8 PROF software protection (PIN code)

If you need to reinstall a program with software protection on another computer, in addition to the main PIN code, depending on the number of licenses, the kit includes from two to five backup PIN codes. Upon completion of the backup codes, the 1C licensing center can provide additional backup PIN codes if the requirements of the license agreement have not been violated by the user.

Local software licenses must be activated on the specific user's computer. Network licenses can be activated in two ways: as a corresponding number of local licenses or as one network license. The choice of option: several local or one network, is carried out once during initial activation. A network software license is distributed over a local network only if there is a 1C:Enterprise 8 server.

How to buy a 1C key or how much do additional 1C licenses cost?

In most cases, the question “how to buy a 1C key” means how to buy and how much additional client licenses for 1C programs cost. Additional client licenses for 1C Enterprise 8 are universal for all major programs of this family. This means that the license for 1C: Accounting 8 PROF can also be used to work with the 1C: Salary and HR management 8 PROF program, if such a program was previously purchased.

As you have already learned on this page, 1C client licenses differ fundamentally in the type of protection. So you can buy 1C licenses with a USB key and 1C licenses with software protection. You can read more about the advantages and disadvantages of both types of licenses on this page just below. The following table summarizes the denominations and costs of licenses with software protection and with a USB key.

How much do 1C Enterprise 8 licenses cost? pin USB
1C client license for 1 workstationRUB 6,300.00RUB 8,200.00
1C client license for 5 workstationsRUB 21,600.00RUB 28,100.00
1C client license for 10 workstationsRUB 41,400.00RUB 51,900.00
1C client license for 20 workstationsRUB 78,000.00RUB 97,600.00
1C client license for 50 connectionsRUB 187,200.00RUB 224,700.00
1C client license for 100 workstationsRUB 360,000.00RUB 432,000.00
1C client license for 300 workstationsRUB 1,068,000.00RUB 1,281,600.00
1C client license for 500 workstationsRUB 1,776,000.00RUB 2,131,200.00

You can also buy a 1C:Enterprise 8 server license with both software protection and a USB key.

Which 1C:Enterprise 8 protection option should I choose? USB key or software protection?

Above on this page you can find a description of the differences and features of software protection for 1C Enterprise 8 and USB keys. Which protection option should you choose? To answer this question, we have compiled a table of advantages and disadvantages for each option.

USB key 1C:Enterprise 8 - comparison with software protection

Advantages of a USB key: Local USB keys are convenient to use if you need to work alternately with a program of the 1C:Enterprise 8 family on different computers. For example, if an accountant needs to take a database home on weekends, when no one is working with the program in the office.

Network USB keys are also convenient in case of "floating" workstations. The USB network key installed on the server determines the number of simultaneously working users, while it is assumed that the program can be installed on a larger number of workstations, but only a certain number of people with a certain number of licenses can run it at the same time. In the case of software protection for the network option, you need to buy a 1C:Enterprise 8 server, otherwise software licenses must be activated locally on individual specific computers. In the network version of work, the 1C:Enterprise 8 server counts the number of software licenses by the number of connections to databases, and not by the number of users, as is the case with a USB key.

In the case of working in the terminal server version, the number of users when using a USB key is determined by the number of terminal sessions, regardless of how many program variants are launched within one terminal session. In the case of using software protection in the terminal server version, the number of users is determined by the number of connections to the database, i.e. opening two 1C:Enterprise 8 windows will require two free licenses in the terminal server version.

Support for outdated versions. If you need to use, for example, your own development on version 1C:Enterprise 8.1 or 8.0, which for some reason has not yet been transferred to the current version, then this can only be done with a USB key.

Disadvantages of a USB key: The main disadvantage of USB protection keys is their higher cost compared to software protection.

Risk of theft, loss, breakage. Despite the fact that stolen and “burnt” USB keys can be restored at 1C with some additional payment, obtaining a backup software license does not require additional payments and is carried out via the Internet or by phone without a trip to the 1C office. Lost USB keys cannot be recovered. Losing an electronic license is much more difficult.

Inconvenient to use on mobile computers, such as laptops, where there are no or limited number of USB ports. If the laptop is supposed to be moved regularly, then the risk of breakage or loss of the key is significantly reduced when using software protection.

Software protection can be activated on a rented remote or virtual server, but, as a rule, you cannot install a USB key on it.

How many times is 1C Enterprise 8 software protection activated?

Software protection is included with 1C software products PROF versions and basic versions. Basic versions are equipped only with software protection (PIN code), for most PRO versions you can choose a protection option - software protection (PIN code) or hardware protection (USB key). Software products and additional licenses with a USB key are somewhat more expensive than their counterparts with software protection.

How many times is software protection activated for basic versions of 1C? Basic versions of programs are electronically licensed, with the ability to reinstall the program (for example, when replacing a computer) no more than 3 times. Those. The delivery set includes a PIN code with the ability to activate the program once during initial installation and two spare options. At the end of three activations, you need to buy another of the same basic version with the possibility of three more activations or exchange your program for the PROF version.

How many times is the software protection of PROF versions of 1C activated? Typically, the PROF version package includes one main code for obtaining a license and two backup codes. Backup codes are intended, for example, to reinstall a program when replacing a computer. Once the number of backup PIN codes has expired, you can contact the 1C licensing center to obtain additional backup codes. If there was no violation of the license agreement, the 1C licensing center will issue additional backup codes. What may be violations of the license agreement? For example, if a user activates the primary and backup codes for a single-user license on two computers, either on purpose or by accident, such a violation may be grounds for refusing to provide additional backup codes.

Can a 1C electronic key with software protection be replaced with a USB key?

If we are talking about additional 1C licenses with software protection, then you can replace them with similar 1C licenses with a USB key. You can change the type of protection through the exchange of 1C licenses. If you want to find out how much it costs to replace a 1C electronic key with software protection with a 1C USB key, then use the 1C license exchange cost calculator, in which in the upper field indicate the number of USB licenses, and in the field below - the same number of software licenses to be handed over.

Is it possible to replace software protection with a USB key for basic 1C ZUP or 1C Accounting 8? Unfortunately, none of the basic versions of 1C programs provide the ability to replace software activation codes with a USB key. The fact is that activation codes for the basic version impose a limit on the number of activations - no more than three. The first time activation of the basic version of 1C 8 is used during the main installation, and two backup ones are provided in case of computer replacement, reinstallation, etc. Obviously, such conditions cannot be realized using a USB key. Therefore, replacing software licenses with a 1C USB key for basic versions is not possible, but is possible only for 1C PROF version programs, which have no limit on the number of installations.