And what is better than Yandex. Which search engine is better: Google or Yandex? Google, Yandex taxi: comparison

Often, the long-term use of the same brand involuntarily makes you believe that it is better than the rest, I notice it myself. But does this rule apply to the search engines we use every day now?

Many people honestly admit that this or that search engine is just familiar to them. But if you compare them according to the given parameters, you can identify the leader objectively. Are those who claim that Google is better than Yandex right? Now let's compare them visually.

Here we opened the main page of Google in one tab, and Yandex in another. What do we see? The snow-white surface and the line at the Google search in the center, it cannot be confused with anything, the main purpose of the site is immediately clear.

When we go to Yandex, we immediately come across lines of some news, all kinds of widgets, even there are ads. The search line is not immediately found among the abundance of information garbage.

The appearance of the site is one of its most important parameters. How to make your own website more attractive,.

Surely there are connoisseurs of additional informational links who find this approach convenient. Therefore, based on the appearance of the main page, it is too early to make a final verdict on superiority. And before these sites.

searching results

As for the search in Russian, the search results are similar for both search engines. But from personal experience, I can say that the search engine from Silicon Valley is much more efficient in retrieving information in other languages.

This time, the award for versatility goes to Google. Perhaps putting it in your browser with a default search would be the right idea.

However, according to some research, Yandex continues to be more popular than Google among users in Russia. True, preference is given to him rather under the influence of advertising and active promotion. After all, a simple user usually does not engage in practical comparison.

Let mi speaker from may hart

Comparing the services provided by search engines, you can also draw conclusions about their quality. The translator provided by Yandex is very close in functionality to Google's, now it even has voice input.

However, you still cannot draw a letter by hand, which is very useful when translating unfamiliar hieroglyphs or Arabic script. The translation quality of Google Translate is much higher.

Attendance control

To analyze traffic, Google provides an analytics service that reflects the number of users and the moments that interest them.

For this, the Russian search engine has Yandex Metrica - a service for analyzing the popularity of a site. Has about the same set of functions. True, the metric is relatively easier to use and this service will be easier for a beginner to master. Q, how to use Yandex Metrica together with one popular website builder.

Google's Analytics service provides extensive reporting of user behavior on the site. Almost in real time, you can observe the actions of visitors, where exactly they go most often and what they pay attention to in the first place.

Among the independent analytical services, the website developer may also need ... Along with many useful tools, there is a support service that is ready to help you at any time.

To have the most complete picture of a site's performance, you need to use all available analytics tools. Then it will be much easier to optimize the work of your site and focus it on success.

The choice is yours

Trying to find the information you need, be it movies or music, both the search engine will cope with this task. There may be some differences in the search results, but you will most likely find what you were looking for.

Everyone determines for himself which search engine will be his priority. This article will help you make this choice more deliberately. After all, everything is learned in comparison.

More interesting reviews and articles are coming soon. Do not forget to subscribe to updates and tell your friends about this site. You can catch the latest updates in my group in VK .

From this article you will find out which is better - the search engine Yandex or Google.

Search sites have made Internet searches much easier in recent years. After all, if 10-15 years ago, in order to find the necessary information on the World Wide Web, a person had to accumulate knowledge of special query languages. Now it is enough to simply enter a query, and the system itself will provide thousands of results for it - moreover, not only exact ones, but also those in which even one - a single word, or even a subject - coincides.

What's cooler - Yandex or Google? To understand this, it is important to be aware of the similarities and differences. Read more in this article.

Search launch systems, pages, www and what are the main differences, which search engine is more popular, better?

Some people use Yandex, others use Google. What are the advantages of this or that system, which one is better? What are the main differences, which search engine is more popular, better -, www and This is the difference between these search engine start engines, search pages:

The interface difference is not that big or significant.

  • It's all about functionality.
  • Despite the fact that the monthly audience Google in Russia significantly outnumbers the number of adherents Yandex, the latter is better in that it is "sharpened" specifically for the needs of Russians.
  • Accordingly, the processing of local information in it is more detailed.
  • Let's say there is even a schedule for turning off hot water. It is really very convenient.

It is impossible to call any of these search engines the best.

  • Plus Yandex you can call a more "meticulous" search for pages and information on the territory of Russia - therefore, for domestic users it is more useful.
  • However, it all depends on the purpose of use - after all, Russians can also search for foreign data and resources.
  • Therefore, for such users it is much more convenient Google.

Personal preference matters.

  • In some cases, the choice depends on personal tastes - someone who has used Yandex, is unlikely to switch to Google for the sake of fashion, and vice versa.
  • By the way, social. polls show that more mature Russians prefer "Yandex", and young people - "Google".
  • In addition, indexing files in Yandex much slower, and its additional components are not always needed.

That is why more users prefer Google - it is more modern, functional and simpler.

How to make Yandex the start page of Google Chrome: instructions

Adherents of Yandex often need to make this page the start page in Google Chrome. This fairly simple process consists of several stages - instructions:

  • In the browser menu, select the item "Settings".
  • Then "Appearance" (a check mark is placed in front of "Show Home button").
  • After that, the address of the main page will appear, which needs to be changed (in this case,
  • So that in the future the site opens in "Google Chrome" immediately, you need to go to the section "Launching Chrome".
  • Select item "Preset Pages" / "Add Page".

Now specify Yandex as a start page. Now when you start the browser, it will open first

"Ok (ok) Google", Yandex translator: comparison

Since cumbersome paper dictionaries became a thing of the past, human life has become even easier. After all, an online translator is more functional. Plus, it presents the finished result much faster. However, there is also a decent disadvantage - this translation almost always has to be corrected manually. Indeed, in most cases, it is more than perfect.

But which is better - "Ok (ok) Google" or Yandex translator? It's worth checking it out. Here's a comparison:

  • "Ok Google, what is an eagle?" Google, without hesitation, answers the "trencher". Doubtful translation.
  • Now Yandex. The latter says that the eagle is a see eagle, that is, a sea eagle. 1: 0 in favor of "Yandex".

Now let's check it out in the text. User - Google:

Google - to the user:

  • “Within Temptation has its roots in vocalist Sharon den Adele and guitarist and singer Robert Westerholt. In 1996, the musicians got together and created a Doom Metal project called The Portal. The duo soon expanded with the addition of Robert's former The Circle colleagues, keyboardist Martin Westerholt, guitarist Mikhail Papenhove, bassist Jeroen van Ven and drummer Dennis Leflang. The group came together under the name "In Temptation."

In principle, not a bad translation. Of course, you can tweak the designs to make them sound more beautiful. Let's say “have created a doom metal project”, refrain from translating personal names and titles. But overall, Google did the job.

Now Yandex. User:

  • “At the origins of Within Temptation were vocalist Sharon den Adele and guitarist and singer Robert Westerholt. In 1996, the musicians came together and created a doom metal project called The Portal. Soon, the duo expanded with the arrival of Robert’s former colleagues on The Circle, keyboardist Martain Westerholt, guitarist Mikhail Papenhove, bass player Jeroen van Ven and drummer Dennis Leflang. The group came together under the name Within Temptation. "
  • “In lineages Within Temptation were vocalist Adele Sharon's lair and guitarist and singer Robert Westerholt. In 1996, the musicians came together and created a fate metal project called Portal. Soon, the duo expanded with the arrival of Robert's former bandmates on the Circle, keyboardist Martain Westerholt, guitarist Mikhail Papenhove, bassist Jeroen van Ven and drummer Dennis Leflang. The group came together under the name Within Temptation. "

As you can see, this translation is more than funny. Perhaps it's the text, but Google did a better job. There is a logical reason for this, though. A test text about a foreign music group, the hypothesis stated earlier is confirmed - the Google search engine knows "foreign information" better, and "Yandex" is more focused on domestic data. Perhaps that is why Google's translation is more adequate.

Yandex browser vs Google Chrome: comparative characteristics

Now is the time to figure out which web browser is the best? Naturally, the analysis will be carried out in such categories as: launch speed, system resource requirements, functionality, platform extensibility, data security and privacy, ecosystem and appearance. You will find a detailed comparative characteristic later in the text.

It is worth saying that browsers are priced without add-ons and tabs, on an equal footing. Outcome:

Launching the start page:

  • "Yandex browser launched for 1.84 sec, and Google Chrome in 1.65 sec.
  • Considering that this difference in speed is almost invisible to the human eye, they can be called identical.

Website opening speed:

  • "YouTube" was launched in the "Yandex" browser for 3.66 sec, Google Chrome - for 3.44 sec.
  • Again, a slight difference, but "Chrome" is a little ahead.
  • Processor load: in Chrome it is much less. Accordingly, one more point in his favor.

RAM costs:

  • Results of processing 10 "YouTube" tabs: "Yandex" - 297 mb, and "Chrome" - 480 mb... Accordingly, it is much more profitable to use Yandex "under load".
  • Analysis of the built-in functions shows that they are equal in both browsers - the only difference is in the interface.

Platform extensibility:

  • Google Chrome has its own add-ons and extensions store.
  • Therefore, it is more suitable for those who like fast and efficient Internet surfing, chats on various sites, etc.
  • Yandex does not have such a store. However, you can also put extensions on it: those used by the Opera browser are suitable.
  • Accordingly, the functionality is again a draw.
  • Although, of course, it is much easier to install "native" extensions on the browser.

Security level:

  • Yandex is one step ahead - after all, it has such functions as: Anti-shock against aggressive advertising, the Protect system.
  • Also, this system has protection against fraud and phishing, site verification and compliance with the security of personal data.

Interesting: Another advantage of Yandex is the function "Turbo", Smart line, the ability to translate words immediately after selection, beautiful screensavers. As for "Chrome" - it's simpler, but faster.

So often each user chooses a browser based on the purpose of use and habits. However, the number of Google users has increased significantly also for the reason that it has become problematic for residents of Ukraine to use Russian sites like Yandex, Rambler, VK. Of course, there is a VPN, but not everyone knows about it.

What is better Yandex.Direct or Google Adwords?

Both of these ad platforms are equal. Accordingly, this question is “Which is better Yandex.Direct or Google Adwords? ", Rather, a matter of taste for everyone. Some argue that there is nothing more convenient than Direct, while others - that only Google and use advertising. But the main disadvantage of advertising in the latter is constant updates. That is why Direct is simpler and more convenient.

However, the new adwords cabinet has undergone changes, it has become much more convenient and it is very easy to customize it for yourself. However, in Direct it is also very easy to switch between phrases, campaigns, and groups. And, which is very pleasing, there are recommendations.

As for the selection of keys (which is very important for advertising), it is available in both options. Accordingly, a draw. But in terms of cost, Google is a little cheaper (meaning cost per click). Of course, what to use is a personal choice.

What is better than Yandex.Money or Google Pay?

Yandex.Money or Google Pay

In order to understand which is better - Yandex, Money or Google Pay, it is important to compare all the pros and cons of these payment services. In, you can find out a lot of useful information about how and where to find out your self-wallet number.

"Yandex money":

  • Only for the citizens of the Russian Federation (there is a process of identification of "foreigners", but not everyone understands this and not everyone dares to follow the specified procedure) - this is a minus.
  • You can turn off "intrusive" notifications - plus.
  • There is no reference to utility rates - minus.
  • Free wallet maintenance up to 2 years - plus
  • Fast registration, simple interface is a plus.
  • Translations in a few clicks are also "+".
  • Protection codes - "+".
  • There is no credit system - a minus.
  • High commission for withdrawal (higher than that of competitors) is a minus.
  • Lack of anonymity is a minus.

Google Pay:

  • Security and data protection.
  • The ability to use multiple cards.
  • Works on any gadget.
  • Fast operations.
  • Possibility of using not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in other countries.
  • Withdrawal fees are much lower.

Of course, one cannot say that Google Pay has only advantages, and Yandex Money only has disadvantages. Often the choice is made based on personal needs, convenience, and other factors.

Yandex metrics and Google analytics: comparison

Yandex metric allows you to qualitatively analyze visited sites. The service is absolutely free. It may well be called a hit counter. It allows you to collect information about visitors, manage ads and group data. An unconditional advantage of this service is the ability to monitor advertising goals and visually see which part of users performed a particular action. The main advantages:

  • High efficiency
  • Quality filtration function

Google analytics - not only tracks the number of visits, but also shows the actions of users, their time spent, etc. Can generate reports for 50 various resources. Shareware. Has several segmentation modes.

Which is better - conclusion: it can be said with confidence that these services are equivalent. There are no obvious disadvantages of one over the other.

Google, Yandex taxi: comparison

Many people use taxi services - it is convenient and fast. Below you will find a comparison of the two most popular services in this area.

Design Yandex taxi obviously disappointed:

  • The UI resembles the fruit of the activity of the one who first created the iOS application.
  • However, the search is quite simple, the cartographic service is beyond praise, there is a predictive input, there are full addresses.
  • Plus the low cost of the trip.

"Google taxi" - newer service:

  • Naturally, the "debugging" and potential still leave much to be desired.
  • Accordingly, in this case it is better to choose "Yandex".
  • Nevertheless, there are pluses, among which: the possibility of a profitable trip, the function of registering both drivers and users.

Now you know all the advantages and disadvantages, but what to use is up to you personally, based on personal preferences.

Can you make money in Yandex.Taxi?


It is quite possible to make money in this service. However, if a person knows the city well and has a fairly long driving experience. Otherwise, there is a huge risk not only to permanently lose customers, but also to lower your rating.

In case of driver violations, the service can even block him. Therefore, there are two unspoken rules for Yandex.Taxi:

  1. "Beginners better not try"
  2. "I'm not sure - don't take the order"

Of course, the amount of earnings depends both on the city and on the skill of the driver. Basic conditions: driving experience of at least three years, age from 23 years, a navigator or knowledge of the city, a smartphone and a four-door car.

Google, Yandex music: comparison

Which is better - Google or Yandex music? Here's a comparison:

  • "Google Music" gives each new user a 4-month trial and the number of tracks and albums there is much more than in "Yandex".
  • On "Ya. search engine "always has to wait for the next release, but on Google albums appear almost immediately on the day of release. Already two unconditional pluses.
  • Google has quite interesting collections. But “I. music ”gives recommendations.
  • The disadvantage of Yandex.Music is that you cannot use the application abroad.

What can you use if you need a more diverse music library, cool collections? If "Android" is an application, then Google. And if a convenient application and recommendations, but a smaller number of tracks, then the Russian search engine.

Yandex Alice or Google Assistant: which is better?

Yandex Alice or Google Assistant

Currently, a fairly large number of Internet users cannot imagine their life without electronic assistants. Without a doubt, Yandex Alice and Google Assistant are the most popular. But which one is better?

Google knows how:

  • React to voice
  • Reminds you of calendar events
  • Tells about the weather
  • Plots the route
  • Offers information on interests
  • Notifies about parcels
  • Calls and writes to the right people
  • Recognizes artists and music tracks

Alicealso does a lot of things from the list above:

  • She searches quickly
  • Clarifies the date and day
  • Controls the computer
  • Focuses on routes
  • Can play with user
  • Communicate (even on philosophical topics)
  • Planning expenses
  • Lets you dress for the weather
  • Recognizes music and more

Accordingly, despite the fact that the functions of the helpers are similar, Alice is more functional.

Which is better and more popular - Yandex or Google mail: comparison

It may seem to many people that both services are - Yandex and Google mailare absolutely identical. In fact, this is far from the case - after all, they have quite a lot of differences and similarities. So, a hundred is better and more popular? Here's a comparison:

  • The main advantage of "Google Mail" in that it can be synchronized with your YouTube account and has its own cloud on 15 GB... (in "Ya. mail" all 10 gb). It can also be used from any device.
  • There is no search in Yandex mail... But the competitor does not have the ability to transfer contacts. The advantage of "Ya. Mail" is the ability to view documents. You need to download a file from a competing system, and only then you can read it.

Hence, there is no clear winner. Nevertheless, Google mail slightly more popular.

Is it possible to transfer Google settings to Yandex: how to make Google in Yandex?

In order to transfer Google settings to Yandex, you need to do the following:

  • Export them as HTML file
  • Launch chrome browser
  • Then select the icon "Setting" and "Manage Google Chrome".
  • Then select "Bookmarks" - "Import bookmarks and settings".

In the menu that opens, select HTML file.

Yandex search in Google Chrome: how to ask?

One of the options for adding Yandex search in Google Chromeserves as "embedding" of a special button with search. But don't be alarmed - this is a common Chrome browser extension. After installation, the “I. search ". That's it, we have set the Yandex search in Chrome and now you can use it (of course, if the country of residence is not Ukraine).

Google, Yandex cloud drive: comparison

The main difference (it is also a plus of the "Google" disk) is the volume. After all, the free starter package "Google" - 15 GB, but Yandex Cloud Disk has only 10 GB... You can of course pay for the increase, but free 5 GB are not superfluous.

Cloud Disk has a plus - this is the maximum file size ( 10 GB), while Google has only 5 GB. Accordingly, if you need to place more information in general, the latter is better, and a Yandex disk is suitable for bulky files.

Rating, site positions in Yandex and Google service: how to check?

Rating, site positions in Yandex and Google service
  • You can track the positions of keywords only on one search engine, and no more.
  • In addition, it is impossible to add new positions - this is a significant disadvantage.
  • However, there is good data granularity and the ability to collect analyzes for different periods.

As for the inspector from Google, it has a simple interface, flexible tariff system and more functions regarding keywords. Hence, it is much better.

How to restore Yandex visual bookmarks in Google Chrome: instructions

Visual bookmarks are very easy to use. But it often happens that they disappear in Yandex... How to restore them in Google chrome? Here's the instruction:

  • First, you need to make the Yandex home page home. If this has already been done, skip the step.
  • The spy module is now disabled.
  • Next, run the installer. It will reconfigure the browser.
  • A menu with bookmarks should appear.
  • If you move the cursor over the rectangle, a plus sign appears.
  • Now it remains to enter the address and fill in the appropriate fields.

You can restore bookmarks only if they have been partially deleted. If completely, then alas - you have to do it all over again.

Advertising in Yandex and Google: where is less, which is better?

Advertising in Yandex and Google

A large number of users agree that in Yandex more advertising. In addition, she is more intrusive, sometimes very annoying. Of course, a blocker can be installed in both browsers.

But there is still a strong opinion that Google less persistent, less advertising and less tiring for consumers. Accordingly, in this context, it is much better.

Applying filters for Yandex and Google search engines: comparison

Almost all users use search filters. Let's compare the facts in terms of applying search engine filters Yandex and Google:

  • The first is more aimed at suppressing manipulative attempts caused by behavioral factors.
  • Yandex also fights aggressive advertising and makes sure that the text information is reliable and of high quality.

Google sees only a problem with link ranking factors being manipulated by optimizers.

Simple Yandex navigator or Google: choosing the best app, comparison

Plain Yandex Navigator capable of much. For example, it shows cameras hidden on the roads, has voice overs in various voices in a large number, an understandable map, a quick shutdown and an offline map function. With it, you can build a route even without the Internet. But for trips abroad it is better suited Google.

When comparing, choosing the best application will not work, since the popularity depends on the preferences of users. If you need to go abroad, then choose Google. For trips around Russia, a navigator from Yandex is suitable.

Yandex, Rambler, Google Russia: which is better?

The three search engines are modern corporations and the best systems. Which is better - Yandex, Rambler or Google Russia? Here's a comparison:


  • It is possible not to use special characters when entering.
  • Pros - speed, information accuracy.
  • The search engine also takes into account the number of pages, has many functions.
  • As for the shortcomings, these are: links to old resources, data on which no one needs for a long time.
  • "Superfluous" results reduce work productivity.


  • "Kills" with a huge amount of advertising.
  • Its advantage is lower data processing costs, a fairly prompt support service, as well as the Yandex. Money".


  • Finds information even on "vague" queries, convenient e-mail.
  • But many users don't like the search engine itself.
  • However, this is not a minus, but personal preference.

Which is better? Internet users give Google first place, Yandex second, and Rambler only third. Quite a fair gradation.

Why does Yandex not open pages, but the Internet works, can this be in Google?

The reasons why Yandex does not open pages, but the Internet works, there may be problems:

  • With site
  • Antivirus
  • By connection
  • By the Yandex browser itself

You can try clearing your cookies. Also, access can be blocked by programs that fight advertising, for example, "Adguard"... As for Google, this can also be, but less often. AT Chrome these are often DNS problems.

Yandex, you are a honey, but Google is better for the Internet: user reviews - where is it better to search for a request, on Yandex or Google?

If you still do not understand where it is better to search for a request - on Yandex or Google, then read the reviews of other users below.

Sergey, 25 years old

I use the Internet not only for work, but also for entertainment - movies, music, online games. Many people praise Yandex, but when I need to quickly find the information I need, I always use Google. I think it's faster and more convenient. Yes, Yandex is believed to be more focused on Russia. But I have negative memories associated with it: once I downloaded a program, and instead of it I downloaded a Yandex browser with all its components. So he cluttered his computer that then for an hour he deleted everything from the "Programs and Features". Of course, this is not a reason not to use the search if it is convenient. But I tried a couple of times - not mine. And the results are not what we want, and the interface is not the same. My choice is definitely Google.

Katya, 19 years old

I am a student, so I use search quite often. Often you need to download the abstract (sorry, do it), supplement knowledge of the disciplines (material in lectures is sometimes given very succinctly). When working, I'm used to sitting with a bunch of open tabs. Yandex, you are a honey, but Google is better for the Internet. Despite the fact that many say that the performance of "I. Search" is higher, Google has never let me down. And you find what you need immediately, and quickly.

Anton, 65 years old

I am an "advanced" grandfather. In our time, it cannot be otherwise, but I am not experimenting. The grandson taught me how to use Google. I am not changing the browser, and therefore the search. Perhaps there is something better, but everything suits me. Fast and easy.

Video: Google or Yandex? Comparison

Read the articles

Over time, we are surrounded by more and more information, from entertaining "memas" to quite serious popular science articles. How not to get lost in this sea of \u200b\u200bcontent and get the most relevant answers to your queries? Of course use search engines.

Today we will consider from all sides and sort out the two most popular search engines "by cogs" and answer the rhetorical question - which is better, Yandex or Google? It should be noted that the research will be based not only on statistical data, but also on a purely personal, subjective opinion, and the final result may differ from your preferences.

But before we start, let's plunge into history a little to understand how the Internet giants developed and whether Yandex is really a “domestic” search engine.

A brief history of the search engines Yandex and Google

Starting to work with search technologies, Arkady Volozh and Ilya Segalovich (the founding fathers of the company) assigned their brainchild a quite "modest" role - searching for information on users' hard drives. And only 4 years later, the web version of the search engine was ready, capable of indexing individual documents on the web.

In 1997, began a struggle for the Russian-language segment of the Internet with the leaders of that time - Rambler and Altavista, and in 2001 it overtook its competitors and became the most popular search tool in the CIS.

The name "Yandex" comes from the English phrase "Yet another indexer", which literally means - Another indexer.

At the moment, the company has turned 20 years old, and it still occupies a leading position in "ru-net". The legal address, however, is located in the Netherlands - here's the "domestic" search engine for you.
The company claims that the bot uses more than 1,300 algorithms to build the search results, but the main focus is on page content and text in particular.

The beginning of the largest search engine in the world was laid when writing a thesis, then a Stanford student - Larry Page. Its main topic was the construction of index results based on the number and quality of external links to a document (PageRank algorithm). Later, Paige's friend, Sergei Brin, a child of Soviet emigrants, joined the writing.

The first version of Google became available in 1996 at, and only at the end of 1997 did the search engine find its current address -

Google's name comes from "Googol", which stands for a number followed by one hundred zeros. When registering a domain name, an error occurred in the spelling of the address, which the founders liked and it was decided to leave it.

Just like 20 years ago, the PageRank algorithm is one of the main ones when building search results. Therefore, it is much easier to manipulate them than in Yandex, despite constantly updated filters that punish sites for such actions.

Visual component and "Usability"

User friendliness is integral to determining the best search engine. The presence of advertising, additional services and recommendations will distract users from the ultimate goal of obtaining the necessary information.

Referring to the main pages of the search engines, we see:

  • Minimalistic Google design, which is based on the "search box" and "Doodle", and all additional services are available via the button in the upper right corner
  • Saturated with information, from the level of traffic jams to and the search bar in the center - Yandex. I deliberately do not take into account the same minimalistic page -, since the main one is -

The goal of any company is profit. The bulk of Google's profit, thanks to its widespread worldwide distribution, is formed from ad units in search results. Yandex, not having such an extensive traffic, took a course towards conquering all kinds of niches on the Internet and ousting its main competitors, masking such activity - by caring for users. It is worth noting that some services are quite worthy and “have the right to be”.

Although the search line is in the center of the user's attention, the whole page load and the imposition of my own services make me give the well-deserved final score for Usability to Google's piggy bank.

Google and Yandex search results, which is better?

The main component in evaluating search engines is how relevant the search results were to the user's request. Search phrases of several types will help to be more objective in the assessment:

  • Informational;
  • Commercial;
  • Ambiguous requests.

The purity of the experiment can be spoiled by “personal results” based on earlier requests and the history of visits to sites. I hope it's not a secret for anyone that Yandex and Google collect, process and store information about each visit. Also, search results for mobile devices will not be included.

Information requests

As an informational one, for our test, we chose "how to check ping" - a fairly common question and quite unambiguous. Search terms Yandex - region Moscow, desktop version of the browser, for Google - region Russia (it is not possible to specify the location more precisely), desktop version of the browser.

Yandex search resultsare constructed as follows:

  1. 9 out of 10 are highly informative informative articles.
  2. The page from the "help" of the search engine also entered the top ten.

Outcome: the results of the issue, quite meet the user's request, but there are no videos and services to check.

Google Results, look different.

  1. In the first place, we are greeted by the same page from the "help".
  2. 5 out of 10 places are occupied by informational articles.
  3. 2 places reserved for video instructions.
  4. At the bottom of the page there is a link to the service for verification.

Outcome: the top ten results are 100% consistent with the keyword entered by the user and does not force him to make additional clicks in search of information.

Commercial and Regional Inquiries

As a commercial request, we chose "pizza home delivery", without specifying a specific location, but implying Sochi. In the search settings, we will set automatic location based on the ip address.

Results for Yandex:

  1. 10 out of 10 places are occupied by pizzerias delivering in the indicated region.
  2. Confused only by one thing - in addition to the results of the issuance, there are 8 advertisements on the page, you must agree - this is overkill.

Results for Google:

  1. Only 3 out of 10 places meet the request and offer delivery in the desired city.
  2. 6 out of 10 places offer delivery in Perm, Buzuluk, Moscow and Tula.
  3. The first and second places are given to the same site, but with different regional affiliations.
  4. Only 2 advertisements can brighten up the sad picture (although they offer delivery in Sochi).

In the Google search engine, under the search bar there is a button "I'm Lucky", which redirects directly to one of the search results. Try it, maybe you're lucky to find the answer you want on the first try?

Outcome: confidently coped with the task, upsetting with the amount of advertising. Google did not cope with the task, leaving us hungry :). The situation can be aggravated if your location is not determined correctly, this is often the case with Rostelecom users.

Ambiguous requests

Technologies have reached a serious level, but it is still far from a full-fledged artificial intelligence capable of correctly understanding human needs from the floor. Therefore, we will try to mislead the search engines with an "ambiguous query" - Napoleon, meaning not a commander, but a cake recipe.

It is this search phrase that appears in the description of the "Spectrum" technology used to rank similar queries in Yandex. But will it do better than Google?

Results in Yandex:

  1. The issue is dominated by information regarding the French commander (biography) and only one result allows you to make a cake.
  2. The page contains an interactive map, with the address of the pastry shop and an honest note that the establishment is no longer working.

Results in Google:

  1. The issue looks more diverse, although to a greater extent it relates to Bonaparte, but there are references to biographies and journalistic articles. P.S. You can also make a cake :).
  2. Confused by the link to the English version of WikiPedia and a map with 3 marks of the same institution, which also does not work.

Outcome: in a specific experiment, the “Spectrum” technology is sent to Yandex for revision. strongly inferior to the opponent in results.

User choice. Who is more popular than Yandex or Google

Many analysts and bloggers claim that based on statistics, Google overtook its domestic counterpart in terms of attendance back in the spring of 2017. But is everything so clear? Or are there pitfalls that they are silent about?

Indeed, looking at one of the few available sources - Liveinternet statistics, you will see confirmation of this.

These are statistics on transitions from search engines to sites with an installed traffic counter. This information directly indicates the number of users using search engines to find information, and not access to mail or maps.

But why does everyone forget one important fact - Google has this advantage, thanks to the Android operating system and its own built-in search. The market for mobile devices is constantly growing, and statistics are also growing, but only due to the ignorance of users.

An indirect confirmation of Yandex's leading positions is their own statistics - Radar.

As we can see from reliable sources, users prefer Yandex and its search algorithms over a foreign colleague. As a result of what this situation is developing - because of more aggressive marketing or a really higher quality issue, one can only guess.

Results and comparison table

It is impossible to say with certainty that Yandex or Google is better, because the world consists of many shades, and not only black and white colors. So it is with search engines, one is better looking for regional queries, the other informational. The purpose of this article was not to define a “leader” precisely - it does not exist as such, I just wanted to show the subtle points in the search that you may not have paid attention to.

And in the end, I summarized all the results in a table to help you decide which is better, but I have already decided and, and the search from Google is in the address bar.

* All ratings are subjective and are presented for clarity.

Which search engine is better? - this question is asked by many Internet users and the answer to it is not as obvious as it seems at first glance. People argue, name their options, but they cannot give any convincing arguments, and they only confirm what has been said with the phrase “because everything is better” and similar statements. Well, let's dot the i's by comparing the two best search engines Yandex and Google. Why exactly are they? - take a look at the rating of the use of such services on the Russian-speaking Internet. For Yandex more than 50% of the total number of users, for Google - almost 35%. The rest of the services occupy a little more than 10% of the total turnover and, as you guessed, are not very popular.

So which search engine is better - Yandex or Google

Consider from the side of an ordinary user all the main features of these search engines: the interface, the availability of additional services, advertising and, of course, the most important thing - the quality of the search.


  1. With Google, everything is simple with this - on the main search page, we will not see almost anything, only the search bar and links for quickly navigating to mail and other Google services.
  2. With Yandex, everything is a little different: the main page partially displays information from other projects. For example, as a person who has been without TV for years, I am very pleased with the news service. I went to find information on the Internet, noticed interesting news, read it. Very comfortably. On the other hand, for many, all these add-ons will seem overkill, because the main task of search engines is search and nothing else.


The majority of Internet users have a negative attitude towards the abundance of advertising materials on websites, forums and other resources. Search engines are no exception.

  1. If we talk about Yandex, then an unpleasant moment comes up - its creators, in addition to contextual ads, began to place banners in the search results (of course, not on every page, but still). This is very annoying.
  2. Google is not so greedy and the number of contextual advertising blocks is much less than that of Yandex, plus there are no banners. Experiment with different search terms and see for yourself. In some cases, Google doesn't even display context, while Yandex shows users a consistently high amount of ads.

Search quality

As I said earlier, this is the most important criterion when choosing a search engine. It is assessed on the basis of how the displayed results correspond to the user's needs. And in order for the search engine to hit the bull's-eye as often as possible, it must display as many different options on the page as possible, but at the same time avoid duplicates. For example, for the query “schoolboy” you can display options about schoolchildren as schoolchildren, information about a person with the surname Shkolnik, photos and videos with schoolchildren, thereby eliminating the need to further specify your request.

On forums and blogs to this day, disputes persist: which search engine is better, Yandex or Google? Moreover, each of them has advantages and disadvantages. But basically the use of one or the other search engine is a matter of taste, because some people like the interface of a Russian search engine, while others like its foreign competitor. Yandex and Google compete not only in the virtual world, but at the slightest opportunity they sue each other.

How was the confrontation between Yandex and Google formed in Runet?

At first, both search engines had no complaints about each other. In 2007, at the central office of Yandex, Sergey Brin admired the Android operating system, demonstrating it to his colleagues. But in 2015 Yandex filed a multipage complaint against Google with the Federal Antimonopoly Service. The reason for this was the alleged impossibility of Yandex to integrate its products on the Android OS.

But Google's management countered all these claims, pointing out that any product can be installed on the Android platform, without restrictions.

Where is the best place to look for information requests?

With the help of information requests, a person finds the information he is interested in. Examples of this can be "How to build a house?", "Why is the sky blue", etc. A feature of such queries is that the user in this case, looks through the search results not only from the TOP-10, but in search of information of interest to him goes to the second, third and, possibly, subsequent pages. As a rule, these queries are characterized by the following words: "Why", "Why", "How", "Forum", "Reviews" and others.

To obtain comprehensive information on their information request, users open several sites. Basically, the owners of information, scientific and educational sites are guided by such requests. At the same time, they may not pursue a commercial goal at all from their resource.

According to analytical data, it is better to ask information queries to the Google search engine. Compared to Yandex, the results of a foreign search engine are better oriented towards information requests.

Where is it more convenient to search for commerce?

A feature of commercial requests is that the user wants to make a purchase or he needs a certain service. For example, if a person wants to buy a laptop, he can enter “buy a laptop Samsung 700g7c-t02” into the search box. It is clear from this request that a person needs a specific laptop model. Therefore, the search results should offer pages of sites where this particular product is presented.

According to many experts, Yandex is better targeted for commercial requests.

Is the interface better for Yandex or Google?

Users who are more attracted to minimalism will give preference to the Google search engine. On its start page, in addition to the search line, there are only links that allow you to quickly go to the services of a foreign search engine.

Yandex, however, literally imposes all its services, right from the start, advertising them in every possible way. Perhaps this is a feature of Russian companies, since Mail and Rambler are also actively promoting all their services.

Therefore, regarding the thoughtfulness of the interface of these most popular search engines in Russia, how many people, so many opinions.

Who has better image search?

Who has better cards?

Regardless of the search engine, Maps is becoming more and more popular. Therefore, now it is difficult to imagine a tablet or smartphone where this service would be absent.

When evaluating this application, people most often pay attention to the interface. And, according to many users, it is Google maps that are more thoughtful and understandable. However, Yandex maps have more functionality than Google maps. For example, Yandex.Maps informs drivers about:

  • Cameras for fixing traffic violations;
  • Road works;
  • Provide other functions.

Using this service, drivers can independently mark road events along the way. For example, road works or a speed camera. You can also leave a short message for other road users.

On Google Maps, each company has its own mark indicating not only the address with coordinates, but also contact information.

Both services have good navigation, so they are equally popular among drivers. However, Yandex.Maps still benefit from more features.