Online html code formatting. Tools for formatting CSS code. Single and double quotes

With formatting tags, you can highlight semantically important text on pages, create "handwritten" texts, insert superscript and subscript characters into HTML documents, and increase and decrease font size.

What are semantics?

Semantics in HTML is the practice of providing meaning and structure to the content of a document using an appropriate tag. Semantic code describes the meaning of the content of a document, regardless of its style or appearance. There are several benefits to using semantic elements:

  1. semantic code directly affects the amount of HTML code. The less code the "lighter" the document, which means that web pages load faster and less memory is required on the user's side. The site becomes faster and less expensive.
  2. computers, screen readers for whom tags and their attributes are important, adequately read and understand the content of the web page.
  3. semantic code other things being equal, it will appear higher in the search engine results than a page with a non-semantic code.


To make the text bold and draw attention to it, we'll use an inline element. ... There are two tags that you can use to make text bold: tags and ... It is important to understand the semantic difference between the two.

Tag semantically it is used to give more importance to text and thus is the most popular option for bold text. Tag on the other hand, semantically means the stylistic emphasis of text, which is not always the best choice for noteworthy text. You should evaluate the significance of the text for which you want to set the weight and select the appropriate tag. Even though browsers display them exactly the same, search engines may give them different meanings when parsing a page.

HTML code with tags and :

Attention: steep descent.

These are the recipes russian salad and vinaigrette.

Example: important and bold text

  • Try it yourself "

Attention: steep descent. These are the recipes russian salad and vinaigrette.

Attention: steep descent.

These are the recipes russian salad and vinaigrette.

Italic text

For emphasized italic text, we'll use the inline element ... As with tags for bold text, there are two different tags that set italic text, each with its own semantic meaning.

Tag it is used to emphasize a piece of text - this is the most popular option for italics. Another option is to use the tag , which is used simply to create italic text.

HTML code with tags and :

I love Homeland!

Name Victoria means victory.

Tags and

Tag Decreases the font size by one compared to regular text. In HTML, the font size is measured in conventional units from 1 to 7, the average text size used by default is 3. Thus, adding a tag decreases the text by one conventional unit. Tag on the contrary, increases the font size by one over regular text.

HTML code with tags and :

This is plain text.

This is text with smaller letters.

This is a text with large letters.

Example: reduced and enlarged font

  • Try it yourself "

This is plain text.

This is text with smaller letters.

This is a text with large letters.

HTML tag

Tag used to highlight or highlight text due to its relevance in context. A good example is highlighting a word that the user was looking for in a document. Usually in browsers the background color of the text inside the container highlighted in yellow like an ink marker.

HTML tag

Tag used to highlight text that has been deleted in a new version of the document. This formatting allows you to keep track of what changes have been made to the revised text of the document. Browsers usually mark text in a container as crossed out .

HTML tag

Tag is designed to highlight text that has been added to a new version of the document. This formatting allows you to keep track of which piece of content was added when the document was last updated. Browsers usually mark text in a container .

HTML tag

Tag displays text in subscript. At the same time, the text is located below the baseline of the rest of the line characters and the reduced size. Such text can be used in practice, for example, to write various formulas in subscript .

HTML tag

Tag displays text in superscript. The text is displayed at a reduced size and positioned higher than the baseline of the rest of the characters in the line. Such text can be used in practice, for example, to write various formulas or footnotes. superscript .

Line translation and horizontal lines

(line feed)

As you've seen before, the tag

It allows you to logically and physically separate one paragraph of text from another, but what if you need to wrap the text on a new line inside a paragraph? A single tag is specially designed for this purpose.
... One of the first-glance differences of this tag from

Is no indentation after and before the tag
... This allows adjacent lines of text to be positioned closer together. The ability to independently determine the transfer location can be useful when writing verses or for separating various elements in a document. Add an element
on any line where you want to interrupt the flow of text and insert a line break.

(horizontal line)

Horizontal lines allow long formally unrestricted text to be divided into separate subsections. Horizontal lines in a web document play the same role as ornamental stripes in print. A single tag is used to insert a horizontal line

... This blocky single tag allows you to insert a horizontal line whose width is either the entire width of the container the tag is nesting in, or the width of the browser window.

Example: line feeds and horizontal lines

  • Try it yourself "

These lines are separated from each other by paragraph (p):

This is the first paragraph.

This is the second paragraph.

This is the line:

These lines are separated from each other using the br tag:
Our Tanya cries out loud
Dropped a ball into the river

HTML code with tags , , , , :

There is a word in the text: luck.

Word trouble has been removed from the text.

Word victory was added to the text.

Water formula: H 2O.

Wind speed: 20m 3/ sec.

Example: formatting text

  • Try it yourself "

There is a word in the text: luck. The word trouble has been removed from the text. The word has been added to the text. Water formula: Н 2 O. Wind speed: 20m 3 / sec.

There is a word in the text: luck.

Word trouble has been removed from the text.

Word victory was added to the text.

Water formula: H 2O.

Wind speed: 20m 3/ sec.


Final task

In this lesson, you learned about elements for marking up small phrases and single words. Particular attention was paid to the logical markup of text using tags that allow you to indicate the importance of a word or phrase, and not just visual formatting.

It's time to repeat what you learned and complete five simple tasks:

Semantically strong word

  • Decide for yourself "

Highlight the word "professional" in bold, thereby indicating the special semantic importance of this word.

Semantically strong word

You must become a professional in your field

Semantically strong word

You must become professional their business

Emphasis on the word

  • Decide for yourself "

Emphasize the word "complete". At the same time, visually, this word should be displayed in italics.

HTML Beautifier & Formatter

Load URL Load URL

HTML Formatter

Enter your messy, minified, or obfuscated HTML into the field above to have it cleaned up and made pretty. The editor above also contains helpful line numbers and syntax highlighting. There are many option to tailor the beautifier to your personal formatting tastes.

When do you use HTML Viewer, HTML Formatter, HTML Formatter

Often when writing HTML your indentation, spacing, and other formatting can become a bit disorganized. It is also common for multiple developers to work on a single project who have different formatting techniques. This tool is helpful for making the formatting of a file consistent. It is also common for HTML to be minified or obfuscated. You can use this tool to make that code look pretty and readable so it is easier to edit.


The minified HTML below:

Becomes this beautified:

Text alignment determines its appearance and the orientation of the paragraph edges, and can be left-aligned, right-aligned, centered, or justified. Table 1 shows options for aligning a block of text.

Tab. 1. Ways to align text
Left align Right align Center align Justify to width
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.

The most common option is left-alignment, where the left side of the text shifts to the edge, while the right text remains jagged. Right alignment and center alignment are mainly used in headings and subheadings. It should be borne in mind that when you use justification in the text, large spacing may appear between words, which is not very nice.

To set text alignment, a paragraph tag is usually used

With the align attribute, which defines the alignment method. Also, a block of text can be aligned using the tag

with a similar align attribute, as shown in table. 2.

Tab. 2. Aligning text using the align parameter
HTML code Description
Adds a new paragraph of text, aligned to the left by default. Small vertical indents are automatically added before and after the paragraph.


Center alignment.


Left alignment.



Width justification.
Text Disables automatic line wrapping, even if the text is wider than the browser window.
Text Allows the browser to do a line break at the specified location, even if the tag is used .
Center alignment.
Left alignment.
Right alignment.
Width justification.

Left alignment is set by default, so there is no need to specify it again. So align \u003d "left" can be omitted.

Difference between paragraph (tag

) and tag

in the fact that at the beginning and end of the paragraph there is a vertical indentation, which is not the case in the case of using

The align attribute is quite versatile and can be applied not only to body text, but also to headings like

... Example 1 shows how to set the alignment in such a case.

Example 1. Text alignment

Text alignment

How to catch a lion?

Brute force method

We divide the desert into a number of elementary sections, the size of which coincides with the overall dimensions of the lion, but at the same time less than the size of the cage. Then, by simple search, we determine the area in which the lion is located, which automatically leads to its capture.

Dichotomy method

We divide the desert into two halves. In one part there is a lion, in the other it is not. Take the lion's half and divide it in half again. We repeat this until the lion is caught.

The example result is shown in Fig. 1.

Figure: 1. Align text to the right and left

In this example, the title is aligned to the center of the browser window, the selected paragraph is aligned to the right, and the body text is aligned to the left.

Until now, you and I have aligned elements only to the left. More precisely, we did not do this at all, and the browser itself by default aligns elements to the left. Of course, it would be too boring to align everything to the left. Therefore, there are different ways to center and right align.

The alignment of elements is something that you just need to know when. The first thing to do is to type the simplest page.

Once upon a time there was a tag

I do not advise you to use it now, due to the availability of more modern methods, but I cannot but mention it. It is very, very simple to use. Anything you need to center-align is placed inside this tag. For example, here we are centering the 1st level heading.

You can add a picture, also aligned in the center, also let's go to the next line using the tag

Level 1 heading centered

It was a tag

which is already deprecated, in addition, contrary to your expectations of tags and just doesn't exist. Let's say left aligned by default, center aligned using the tag
, but what about the right?

To solve this problem, the developers came up with a universal way to align elements. Html... The way is to use the so-called containers, which are created using the tag

... That is, everything that needs to be placed in a specific container is placed inside the tag
... And this tag already has an attribute " align", the value of which determines the position of this container. There are three values:" left", "center", "right". By default, it is worth" left"however, I think you are not surprised.

Let's write the same now Html codebut with the use of containers, in addition, let's not align the center, but right.

As you can see, everything works. I advise you to also change the attribute values \u200b\u200b" align"to look at other kinds of container alignment.

Another way to align elements Html - these are tables, but this topic deserves a separate discussion, so we will talk about it in one of the following articles.

Until then, your page should look like this:

Level 1 heading centered

Level 1 heading, right aligned

Best regards, Mikhail Rusakov.

P.S. If you want to know more about Htmlthen watch my free course with an example of creating a website at Html:

Do you love your CSS the way I love it? If so, then undoubtedly strive to ensure that he not only behaves and feels good, but also looks pleasant.
I hope the tools below will help your code get closer to ideal.

1. Styleneat

Probably the simplest service in the review.
The tool has not so many possibilities:
  • Sorting properties alphabetically
  • Sort selectors alphabetically (if “Safe Organize” is checked - this option is not available)
  • Ability to choose formatting style: multiline or single line
  • Knows how to pull CSS-files connected with import into the main file and process them mercilessly
  • You can submit code for processing using: a text box, uploading a file or providing a link to CSS
  • The result can be taken in the form of CSS-code or you can upload a file

2. FormatCSS

Despite its formidable appearance, the tool does an excellent job with its functions, of which it has plenty.
You can customize a lot:
  • placement of spaces / tabs / new lines,
  • sorting properties and names of selectors,
  • converting property names and selectors to lowercase, etc.
What I especially liked this service: the ability to “ladder” formatting subrules (I find this to be a very convenient way to organize styles).

3. CleanCSS

A powerful enough tool that provides us with many opportunities:
  • You can feed CSS by copy-paste in the “CSS-Code” field or as a link to a style file
  • You can get the result in the form of text or in a file
  • The user can choose from 4 types of source formatting: the code can be optimized for the smallest size, or, conversely, for better readability. It is possible to set a formatting template in the "Custom temlate" field
  • Knows how to combine rules, bring properties to a short form
  • If necessary - remove comments and invalid definitions
  • Like the services described above, it will gladly sort whatever your heart desires in alphabetical order and convert it to lower / upper case
By the way, this service is based on the engine “” - open source CSS parser / optimizer. So, everyone can freely depict their own beautifer based on it, with blackjack and switches.
UPD\u003e In the comments, they suggested a link to the twin of this service: CodeBeautifier. The set of functions is almost identical to CleanCSS (the service also runs on CSSTidy).

4. ProCSSor

In my sophisticated opinion - the most convenient of all presented in this review.
The service meets the user with a pleasant interface and very clear tooltips that allow you to quickly figure out the settings.
Like any self-respecting beautifier, ProCSSor will accept the code from us in the input field, in the form of a file or link. Will send the result to the browser and display a link to download the file.
The tool has enough settings to please almost any user, it doesn't make much sense to list them - it's better to try it right away.
A nice feature of the service is the ability to save your settingsso that next time you can skip the setting step and go directly to the refining process.
Another attraction is ProCSSor provides API, the documentation can be found here: