Auto tone, auto contrast, auto color correction. Auto image correction Plugin for auto color correction in Photoshop

I belong to the category of Photoshop users who ignore all program tools that contain Magic(Magic) or Auto(Auto), however, starting with Photoshop 7, the tool Auto(Auto) available in dialog boxes Levels(Levels) and Curves(Curves) has changed my attitude towards automation tools. If the dialog box Levels(Levels) or Curves(Curves) click the button Options(Options), a dialog box appears on the screen (Automatic color correction options). This is where you can set the parameters that will be used when using the command Auto Color(Automatic color correction).

ATdialog box Auto Color Correction Options(Auto Color Correction Options) There are six options available to determine the effect on color in images.

Enhance Monochromatic Contrast(Improve Monochromatic Contrast).This option allows you to quickly adjust the image by darkening shadows and brightening bright colors. Photoshop analyzes all color channels at the same time, applying identical parameter values \u200b\u200bto them, making shadows darker and highlights brighter. This is completely analogous to using the command Lmage\u003e Adjustments Auto Contrast

(Image \u003d\u003e Adjustments \u003d\u003e Dynamic Contrast) or moving sliders Shadows(Shadows)

and Highlights(Light) in the dialog box Levels(Levels) to the starting points of the RGB or CYMK composite channel histogram.

Enhance Per Channel Contrast(Improve contrast across channels).This option allows you to quickly increase the contrast and remove the overall tone of the image. Photoshop changes channel parameters independently. This is completely analogous to using the command ImagedAdjustments Auto Levels(Image Correction Automatic Tone Correction) or moving the sliders Shadows(Shadows) and Highlights(Sveta)

in the dialog box Levels(Levels) to the starting points of the histogram for the individual color channels.

Find dark & \u200b\u200blight colors(Find the dark

and brightcolors). Photoshop uses the lightest and darkest pixels in the image

as values Shadows(Shadows) and Highlights

(Sveta). It is completely analogous

using the command ImagedAdjustments Auto Color(Image O Correction1 Auto Color Correction) and may occasionally produce an overall tint in the image.

Snap Neutral Midtones(Snap to neutral midtones).If this check box is selected, Photoshop finds nearly neutral shades and renders them gray. The same principle is used when using the command Imaged Adjustments Auto Color(Image Correction Automatic color correction).

Target Colors & Clipping(Target colors

and loss of colors).The values \u200b\u200bset here tell Photoshop what percentage of tints to ignore. For example, if you set a value of 0.02% for the parameters Shadows

(Shadows) and Highlights(Light), then 0.02% of the lights will be discarded before starting the calculation

and shadows. If you want to use non-neutral shades when performing calculations, clicking on the color swatch will

to display the dialog box Color picker(Color Picker), where you can set any target color for highlights, midtones and shadows.

Save as defaults(Save as defaults).If you select this check box, Photoshop will apply the specified values \u200b\u200bwhenever you click the button. Auto(Auto) in the dialog box Levels(Levels) or Curves(Curves). If this box is checked, then the specified parameter values Clipping(Truncation)

will be used when applying commands Auto Levels(Automatic tone correction) Auto Contrast(Auto Contrast)

and Auto Color(Automatic color correction). As a result, applying adjustment layers Levels(Levels)

and Curves(Curves) can often get good results quickly enough, as shown below.

1. Open the image of the castle (fig. 6.92) and add an adjustment layer Curves(Curves).

2. Click the button Options(Parameters)

and cycle through the three available options to choose the one that suits you best.

Figure: 6.92.

The original image looks very flat

3. In this case, I selected the radio button Enhance per Channel Contrast(Improve Contrast Across Channels) and checked the box Snap Neutral Midtones(Tie

to neutral midtones) as shown na fig.6.93, as it quickly improved the appearance of the image.

Figure: 6.93.

It often makes sense to start by comparing different automatic correction options.

4. Click the button OK,then,

if necessary, adjust the shape of the curve to make the image more expressive. In this case

i used an S-curve to increase the contrast

and give the image more expressiveness (fig. 6.94).

The ability to perform tonal and color correction is a very important skill, therefore, many books are devoted to this topic, including The real world of Adobe Photoshop CS2Bruce Fraser and David Blatner and Photoshop Color CorrectionMichael Kieran.

Figure: 6.94.

After applying automatic correction, you can make some manual changes

Many functions in professional bitmap editors correct image defects, but color correction has never been considered easy. The means of automatic correction eliminate the routine, leaving only the final operations to the person.

I have been working with Photoshop for a long time, so I was skeptical about the news that some developer has released another version of the filter that automates the process of correcting colors in an image. But curiosity won out - I decided to try. I downloaded a demo version and tried to understand how such software can be useful for beginners and what is the use of it for professionals. This is how the review of automatic image correction programs was born.

I foresee the objection of skeptics - no program can completely replace human labor. But she is quite capable of getting rid of the routine even for professionals: it is convenient to see the result of several adjustments at once (in the best packages - up to 7-8 parameters, some can be disabled and the difference can be estimated). Other programs allow you to selectively affect the selected areas of the image (as a rule, limited to three standard ranges: Shadows, Midtones, Highlights and their combinations). In Photoshop, unfortunately, the simultaneous viewing of variants is only available in the Variations operation, but the limited settings reduce the practical use to zero.

But for less experienced users, when working with household digital photos, such software allows two or three clicks of the mouse to get a completely acceptable result. In fact, there are about a dozen functions for controlling image parameters (Image / Adjustments) in Photoshop, many have a gulf of adjustments. Considering that one operation is often not enough (usually the process takes 2-3 stages - correction of tonality, color balance, sharpening, and each can take several steps), then the means of automatic correction of the main image parameters will become a real life buoy.

Human Software Autocorrect

Human Software does not shine with developments that are popular with designers - all products are aimed at beginners who from time to time need to "pile" something at an amateur level. As a result, Autocorrect is a simple utility for quick color correction in images (the first and, most likely, the latest version is available). Features - sharpening photos, removing moire and color correction (the original mechanism gives good results). In the filter window, you can control the redistribution of tones (similar to Curves in Photoshop) in the composite image and separately in each channel. The speed of action is commendable.

Auto F / X AutoEye 2.0

It's just a pleasure to work with such a program.

Since 1994 Auto F / X has been developing various modules for bitmap editors (two DreamSuite sets, DreamSuite Gel and Photo / Graphic Edges). AutoEye available as a plug-in and stand-alone application. The main emphasis in the current second version was placed on the appearance - now it is in the fashionable style of the aqua interface.

All controls are divided into three groups: Enhance Controls (removal of artifacts), Color Controls (actual color correction) and Creative Controls (special effects). The first contains tools for aligning the color balance in the image (Remove Color Cast), restoration of details (Rebuild Detail), noise reduction (Smooth Noise) and moire (Anti-Moire). The settings from the second affect the redistribution of colors in the image (Saturation, Hue, Contrast, Brightness). An interesting setting is Tonal Range, which increases the depth of tone without increasing contrast and changing the overall color balance. You can add additional effects like blur (the types of Motion, Radial, Zoom known from Photoshop). The module gives very decent results, but how relevant its special capabilities are is a moot point. The quality of AutoEye's work, assessed by removing excess colors (color cast) in automatic mode, was the highest compared to other filters from the review.

The feature of the filter is Memory Dots, which stores the current results for the duration of the workflow. The required parameters are recorded in the form of Presets.

iCorrect EditLab 3.0

The developments of the Pictographics company are little known, which, however, in no way diminishes their importance. EditLab, possessing the most ascetic interface and the minimum number of settings among similar developments, it brings quite tangible practical benefits.

Correction is possible in fully automatic and manual modes. In the latter case, it is required to manually determine the gray level in the image using a standard eyedropper, and then - the white and black levels (the operation is canceled). Based on this data, the utility creates a corrected image. There are no additional settings in automatic mode - the Auto button will do everything by itself. The same window displays the brightness, contrast and saturation parameters used during auto-correction (if desired, they can be edited manually). ICorrect coped well with the task of restoring color balance, and no other product showed such radicalism (the filter almost completely suppressed the “redness” in the image). But the more advanced operations (moire suppression, sharpening), the developers, apparently, decided to leave us for an independent decision.

Among the original settings, I would like to note the automatic binding of the indicated areas to three specific color ranges (Skin, Foliage, Sky). It looks like this: let's say you need to correct the complexion. First, use the eyedropper to "pinch off" the places that should have a skin color (to make it easier to determine which colors fall into the selected range, turn on the Show sampled region option in Preferences), and then click Skin. The utility adjusts all colors within the range to the standard skin color values \u200b\u200bof Europeans. A troublesome occupation turns into a simple operation. The same applies to the color matching of foliage and sky. If the result is not satisfactory, you can readjust the default values \u200b\u200band save for recall (Save Color Circuit). Expand the capabilities of the program for adjusting the brightness and saturation of the image.

Intellihance Pro 4

There is no need to introduce Extensis too much - its products have been recognized by the design and layout fraternity. The pioneer of the direction - the Intellihance filter - has been popular for a long time. Almost since the days of Photoshop 4.0, its position has remained unshakable, and today it is the most advanced tool for adjusting images. It has three main modes - Intelligent Adjustments, Fine Tune and Power Variations.

The first is a powerful automatic complex image correction tool. In the asset - 8 adjustments covering all frequently used functions: Descreen, Dust & Scratches, Contrast, Brightness, Saturation, Cast, Sharpness, Despeckle. Each has several predefined values: for example, Auto, Newspaper, Magazine and Fine Art are available for Despeckle, which guarantees the removal of moiré that occurs when scanning any materials, and to equalize the balance of colors in the image, various settings of Purify Gray Balance, Remove Cast are used. and Agressive Removal. To facilitate the basic tasks of the operator, all settings are organized in 25 predefined sets and brought to the Photoshop menu as a separate Extensis item. Of course, you can create your own settings and also have quick access to them.

The starting point for using Intellihance is to set the Quick Enhance full automatic correction mode, the settings of which, according to the developers, will fix most problems. Then you can compare its quality with the result of other settings aimed at solving specific problems (their names speak for themselves). Accordingly, the quality of the program in this semi-automatic mode depends on how accurately the best correction option is determined. It seems to me that it is very difficult to understand them even with experience in color correction, and the procedure for correcting an image can be reduced to an automatic iteration of all available settings. I quickly got tired of this and preferred to manually adjust only those parameters that I considered necessary.

For manual correction, the Fine Tune mode is intended, in which image parameters are controlled using graphs and sliders (similar to those in Photoshop), which gives additional flexibility. The result is in the same window. The disadvantage of this mode is the small size of the graphs, which does not allow them to be manipulated with the same degree of accuracy as in Photoshop.

Power Variations is a powerful counterpart to the Variations function known from the Photo-shop. It simultaneously displays on the screen up to 25 variants of the original image, while the basic one can be pre-processed (there are many ready-made settings for different cases). The step of changing the parameters varies widely (Preferences). For color control, a special panel with information in the form of RGB, brightness and contrast is intended.

A recent update (4.1) adds support for Photoshop 7 and Mac OS X.

Reasonable automatism

Of all the modules reviewed, Intellihance Pro looks like a clear favorite, Auto Eye, the quality of which is also high, goes by a noticeable margin. It is difficult to single out someone among the rest. After testing on various types of images, I got a double impression.

None of the modules in the automatic correction mode showed truly high-quality results with all images (with some they coped well, while with others the processing left much to be desired).

Even on tasks of the same type (removing the prevailing color in different photographs), the same product gave noticeably different results. There are many explanations for this, but I would like to focus on the practical conclusion: not a single program, even the most intellectual, can replace human experience. Consequently, such utilities can be used only in case of heavy workload, for processing many images of the same type and only at the first stage of correction, and the final adjustment must be done with "pens". Where can we go without them?

About the author: Mikhail Borisov ([email protected] - Writes software reviews and helpful tips on prepress and web design for Publish.

Developer: Human Software
Platforms: Mac OS, Windows
Disadvantages: very few features, everything is implemented only at the most basic level.
Summary: the filter is recommended only for beginners and the laziest.
Demo version:
Cost: USD 60
AutoEye 2.0
Developer: Auto F / X
Platforms: Mac OS, Windows
Benefits: very decent quality of work, beautiful interface.
Disadvantages: it is not always intuitively clear what the movement of the engines will lead to; the filter noticeably "slows down", only the inclusion of the rough rendering mode Proxy (Preferences) saves.
Summary: a tool to have in your collection.
Demo version:
Cost: USD 130
iCorrect EditLab 3.0
Manufacturer: Pictographics International
Platforms: Mac OS, Windows
Benefits: good quality of work with a minimum of settings; all elements are functional, there is nothing superfluous.
Disadvantages: there are no relatively complex operations (removal of moiré, sharpening).
Summary: the program does not claim to be a professional level, but for many tasks its capabilities are quite enough.
Demo version:
Cost: USD 100
Intellihance Pro 4
Developer: Extensis
Platforms: Mac OS, Windows
Benefits: a colossal choice of parameters gives great freedom and flexibility in work; high speed of image processing.
Disadvantages: the number of parameters can be attributed to the minuses. The settings are not easy to understand (they are clearly not for beginners), and the description of the effect does not always coincide with the action it performs (to remove the obvious excess in the test image, none of the settings from the Cast setting had the expected action). The utility is expensive (for comparison: Photoshop 7 costs just over $ 600).
Summary: the most powerful utility of all considered, with a certain experience it will be useful even for professionals in the field of correction (this is what the Pro says in the name). During the period of frequent promotions, the product is sold at half price.
Cost: USD 200
Photoshop can do everything

Photoshop provides a rich arsenal of manual color correction tools, allowing you to control the slightest nuances of color in an image. Usually, the procedure consists of three stages:

  1. tonal correction (setting white and black, determines the range of colors);
  2. color balance correction (removal of the dominant shade);
  3. sharpening (increasing the degree of detail).

Let's start in order. Stage one - setting the brightness. The simplest operation for redistributing pixel brightness is Levels. The upper diagram shows the current distribution of brightness in the image, and the lower one shows the entire available range - from 100% white to 100% black. Three sliders are responsible for the darkest, neutral and brightest points in each channel or composite image. When you move the first slider towards lighter tones, the contrast of the image decreases (the darkest areas are lightened), the same happens when you move the slider, which is responsible for the brightness of the lightest point, towards dark tones (shift to the gray area). Intermediate brightness is determined by linear approximation. By changing the position of the neutral point, you can additionally affect the redistribution of dark and light areas.

More powerful operation - Curves (Curves). Unlike Levels, it changes the brightness of pixels more flexibly: the uneven law is often used to increase the contrast in an image. To do this, the graphics are given an S-shape: all pixels with brightness less than 50% are forcibly darkened, and more than 50% are brightened. If you move only the extreme points on the chart, you get the same effect as when applying Levels.

The second step is to adjust the Color balance. One of the most popular color correction operations is designed to redistribute colors in an image (the main purpose is to remove the dominant hue). It is advisable to enable the Preserve Luminosity option, which preserves the brightness range.

There are other ways to change the basic parameters of the image (hue, saturation, brightness): separately in each of the main color ranges - the operation Hue / Saturation (Hue / Saturation) or Selective Colors; directly selecting the color with the eyedropper - Replace color (Replace color). By specifying the range of capture of neighboring shades, you can change the color parameters in a wide range.

For automatic correction of some image parameters in Photoshop, a whole set of functions (Image / Adjustments) is built in - Auto Levels, Auto Contrast, Auto Colors.

Auto Contrast increases the brightness range of an image, making the darkest point 100% black and the brightest point 100% white. The intermediate values \u200b\u200bare shifted to make darker areas darker and lighter ones brighter. Since the operation is performed on the composite image, no color shift (imbalance) occurs. Auto Levels does the same, only analyzing each channel individually. Accordingly, color shifts are almost always ensured. But the Auto Colors operation restores the lost color balance, and, in principle, it alone is often enough for quick color correction of acceptable quality.

Before deciding on the purchase of additional software for correction, first try all the features of Photoshop - no wonder it is called the flagship of work with raster images.

Dealing with artifacts after scanning

As a rule, scanned images need, in addition to color correction, to remove dust, scratches, moire, and sharpen. To do this, Photoshop has a whole arsenal of tools (Noise / Dust and Scratches, Despeckle, Unsharp Mask), but for high-quality results, preliminary image preparation is needed - an accurate determination of the filter's area of \u200b\u200beffect.

The Despeckle filter removes the moiré pattern that occurs when scanning. But sometimes its one-time use is not enough. Then the filter is reused, or Noise / Median is applied with a Radius of 1-2 pixels.

Basically, Photoshop can deal with dust and scratches (Dust and Scratches / Dust and interference), but often the quality of its work leaves much to be desired (noticeably blurs the details in the image). Therefore, it is advisable to protect small parts from the effects of the filter. Considering that they are perceived to the greatest extent by the eye as changes in brightness, not color, we will work in the LAB color model (Image / Mode). Go to the L luminance channel, duplicate it and use the Find Edges filter to select sharp changes in brightness (so that they appear even sharper, the contrast can be increased). Save the channel as an image mask and quietly apply the Dust and Scratches filter - the mask protects sudden changes in brightness from the filter effect, which is what was required.

Image Doctor

Among the third-party vendors offering solutions to improve the quality of photos, I would like to mention the development of Alien Skin. The company is well known for generating filters (EyeCandy, Xenofex, EyeCandy 4000, Splat!) For various raster packages. Recently, developers turned their attention to image correction problems and now offer Image Doctor - a collection of four filters: Smart Fill, Scratch Remover, Spot Lifter and JPEG Repair. Basically, they do not fall under the category of tone correction tools, as their direct work is “worn out” images.

The first of them serves for discreet retouching of large areas of the image, but for an acceptable result on a complex background, it will have to be applied several times. Scratch Remover removes small artifacts found in scanned images: scratches, wrinkle defects. But it works extremely slowly and therefore is unlikely to compete with the usual cloning method using the Stamp tool in Photoshop. If the image was compressed with a high degree of JPEG compression and the loss in clarity is very noticeable, try using JPEG Repair - it restores the original image quality (and although the main effect is achieved with the Blur Edges parameter, the result is definitely better than Smart Blur from Photoshop - the former saves more small parts). The filter removes the characteristic block structure of "overcompressed" images, only slightly reducing the sharpness of small details.

Of all the filters in the collection, the Spot Lifter is the most interesting. Its task is to negate the polluted areas, smoothly translating them into the background image. The principle of operation is based on shading the problem part (feather) with partial duplication of the border area inward. The filter performance is average. Not the worst results can be obtained by skillfully using the standard Photoshop set (in particular, the Healing Brush).

The cost of the filter is $ 130. The Image Doctor's capabilities do not justify the price, which seriously reduces its practical value.

Anyway Photoshop?

As you can see from the example of Image Doctor, most of the defect suppression tools, for which you will have to shell out additional money (as well as tools for automatic color correction in images), are quite implementable with standard Photoshop tools. Powerful tools appeared in the seventh version of the editor - these are Healing Brush and Patch.

Basically, the Healing Brush is a more developed analogue of the well-known Clone Stamp. The tool, as it were, “dissolves” the cloned area in the edited place, exactly repeating all the features of the latter (texture, shade, brightness). This is convenient even for retouching large areas of the image. Available adjustments include brush size and blending mode.

Patch only works on the selected area, using it as a clone sample or a retouched area. Both tools do a good job with a variety of artifacts (folds at the folds, smudges and unwanted text on photos).

There are several ways to remove the unwanted effect of a bright flash and low light. Regardless of the choice, it is useful to first create a copy of the document (Image / Duplicate) and in it increase the size of the adjustable area to 100 or even 200%. In order to check how they look in the general context when making changes, place the window with the duplicate so that it does not overlap with the original document.

The easiest way to suppress is the Sponge tool. With the brush size and hardness you want, just drag over the areas with a red tint. Their saturation will decrease and the pupil will become more natural. The procedure is repeated several times.

The second way is to manipulate the blending mode of the layers. First, "chip" the color of the pupil with the eyedropper and on a new created layer (Layer / New) brush around the areas with a red tint. Set the active layer to Saturation blending mode and experiment with its transparency. If the pupil looks unnatural, duplicate the active layer and set its blending mode to Hue. By adjusting the transparency of the layer, you can achieve a very believable result.

Image enlightenment

Duplicate this layer and set its blending mode to Screen. If the result remains too dark, repeat the operation; if too light, try making the layer partially transparent. To darken overexposed areas, the easiest way is to create a transparency mask for the layer and darken problem areas with a brush of the appropriate size. Both operations with layers when adjusting images are standard, and therefore in other cases can be used without restrictions.

Darkening the image

Duplicate the image on a new layer and set its blending mode to Multiply. If the result is unsatisfactory, use the already known operation with repeated duplication, changing the transparency and creating a mask.

If the image is faded, you can duplicate the layer and set its blending mode to Soft Light (Soft light). Further actions are standard.

Increase contrast

In early versions of Photoshop, the contrast was increased only by giving an S-shaped curve in Curves (or using Auto Curves), a new Vivid light mode appeared in the "seven", which lightens pixels with brightness less than 50%, and darkens the rest - in general, it gives a similar effect ...

Freely available journals.

On the same topic:

Auto Adjust Photo is a light and simple tool for automatic color correction of photos ... May be useful for those users who find it difficult to use sophisticated graphics programs for color correction of images , or who simply have no time to spend a lot of time on manual work with images.

Incorrect colors on photos - one of the most common problems for digital "soap boxes" and cameras built into mobile phones.

Accordingly, color correction of photos is often one of the most necessary. photo operations taken at a party, on a hike, etc. There are powerful graphics programs that have many tools for this correction. However, for many users, such programs can either be difficult to learn, or there is no time to deal with them for the sake of a few family photos.

This is a small program with command line interface is intended for automatic tonal correction of photos. The program performs this operation by analyzing the original image and setting the most optimal parameters for contrast, gamma, color balance and saturation.

Aaphoto is a cross-platform application. Versions available for Windows , Mac OS X. It is available in the repositories of many popular Linux distributions. The size of the program is several hundred kilobytes. The current version is 0.41. The program belongs to the category, and in other words, it is free.

The program can be used in command line mode or integrated into the system context menu. For example, after installation in a Windows system, the "Auto Adjust Photo" option will appear in the right-click context menu of image files.

After selecting this option on a file or a group of image files, the program will automatically analyze the original image and then set the most optimal contrast, gamma and color balance values \u200b\u200bfor it. The new version of the image will be saved as a separate file with the line "new" appended to its name.

Aaphoto processes the following image formats : MIF, PNM, PGM, PPM, BMP, RAS, JP2, JPC, JPG, PNG.

Depending on the image, in some cases the enhancements produced by Aaphoto will be subtle to the eye. In other cases, the improvement in the image will be quite noticeable.

In conclusion, we can add that with Aaphoto you can not only correct photos ... In command line mode, the program can convert files from one format to another, as well as resize and perform different types of image rotation. To get acquainted with all the capabilities of Aaphoto, you need to run the program in the terminal with the "-h" parameter.


Before starting your acquaintance with color correction, it is worth clarifying that this topic is very extensive. To do color correction at the proper level, it is better to take special courses where they will teach you the basics of color harmony, teach you how to combine colors correctly and use existing methods and methods of color correction. And it is desirable to get a certificate. In the digital age, photo editing is a very lucrative business. And the most profitable investment of funds at all times has been and remains education.

We will look at a basic universal color correction method.

Before doing color correction in Photoshop, you need to understand what it is and for what purpose it is applied.

Color correction is a change in the colors, tones and saturation of an image; it is used either to improve the picture, or as a creative technique. The first case is the need to get more realistic colors or make the photo lighter. Indeed, with certain settings of photographic equipment, colors can be transmitted distorted, not the way we see them in real life. This also includes photo correction to increase the saturation of colors, for the sake of making the picture more attractive. In the second case, your own imagination will tell you color correction. This can be vintage color grading, fantastic landscape colors, and the like.

Color correction in Photoshop is done on adjustment layers. If you apply color correction to a layer with an image, then the image changes will be irreversible. Adjustment layers work like filters. All the effects of the adjustment layer will be visible in the image below this layer. Also an adjustment layer will allow you to make changes to the final result, if necessary. We discussed the topic of layers in the previous article.

Automatic color correction

The easiest and fastest way for beginners is automatic color correction. Open the image in Photoshop, duplicate the image layer ( Ctrl + G). Go to the duplicate layer and click Shift + Ctrl + B... This Photoshop command automatically adjusts the contrast and color of an image by self-determining shadows, midtones, and highlights.

This is how the shots look before and after automatic color correction.

Hue / Saturation

Open the image in Photoshop. On the layers palette, find a list of adjustment layers by clicking the half-filled circle icon.

In the list, select Hue / Saturation.

In the Layer Settings dialog box, you can change "Shade of flowers" / Hue, "Brightness" / Lightness (make the picture lighter or darker) and Saturation (to make faded or juicy shades).

The image can be split into color channels. The settings allow you to work with all color channels at the same time or with one.

When working with a separate color channel, choosing a specific shade that needs to be changed, use the tool "Pipette"... Click on the tool icon, move to the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe photo and make one click. You will see stops on the gradients. On color gradients, you can limit the color range, then changes will occur only in it. By moving the limiters, you will set the working range.

Further, by moving the sliders of hue, saturation and brightness, it remains to choose the settings according to your task. Let's give this image a magenta hue to get a more colorful sunset. To do this, select the blue channel. Drag the range stop on the gradient to the right to capture the range of magenta tones. Move the slider closer to magenta Hue / Hue, add saturation. When finished, close the settings window.

This is how it happened.

To learn more about Photoshop, take a course at


Adjustment layer Curves has more abilities than we will cover in the basic beginner's way.

Open the image, call an adjustment layer Curves from the list of adjustment layers.

A dialog box with settings will open. Initially, the curve looks straight. We are interested in the tool "Pipette"... There are three of them. The first is responsible for the shadows, the second for the mid tones, the third for the highlights.

Now we take the pipettes in turn: the first one we click on the blackest part of the photo, the second - on the gray one, the third - on the whitest part.

With each pipette applied, you will see the changes. The curves of RGB color channels (red, green, blue) will appear on the graph. When finished, the curves window can be closed.

In the end it will turn out like this.


For an adjustment layer "Levels" / Levels we will also consider only the basic application.

The bitmap, and in this case the image of our photos, consists of dots. These points each have their own color. Black, gray and white points in the image are responsible for saturation, brightness and light. Adjustment layer "Levels" / Levels allows you to change the level of the point value. Level 0 is black pixels, 255 is white. Level 128 - gray. The remaining levels range between 0 and 255. Redistributing levels changes the tonal range of the image.

For quick color correction, you need to redistribute the midtone level. Open the image, in the list of adjustment layers select "Levels" / Levels.

In the settings dialog, select the middle eyedropper, which is responsible for the middle tones. In the image, click on the area where the perfect gray should be. Then close the settings window. Thus, equal values \u200b\u200bof red, green and blue are selected.

As a result, we get a balanced saturated picture.