Free certificate of publication of methodological material. List of professional publications in which to place the publication

Publish your study material on the website and get certificate of publicationimmediately!

Do you know that according to statistics, up to 80% of a young teacher's time is spent on paperwork for certification?

Do you know what is the MAIN reason for the loss of time when ordering certificates?

No, not in the absence of sites offering a certificate of publication - there are a lot of these sites now.


Just think about these numbers: wait for YOUR certificate from 2 days to several weeks!

Certification is coming soon! I need a certificate!

We will help you and prepare a certificate of publication of educational material on our website incredibly quickly - in 2 minutes!


We have tried to make the process of obtaining a certificate of publication as convenient as possible.

  1. Delivery speed. You publish material on the site. Publishing occurs at once.
  2. The convenience of use. After the publication of the material on the site, at the bottom of the abstract page, the button "Download the publication certificate" appears.
    You can download your certificate - it is many times faster than delivering by mail or courier.
  3. Quality. The certificate is prepared in high resolution and can be printed not only on a regular printer, but also in a printing house or photo studio.

What does the evidence look like

Below are examples of electronic certificates of publication of material in the international open catalog "Summaries of Lessons".

1. Standard free certificate

2. Golden Certificate of Publication

Cost: 259 197 RUB - have time!

Period of execution: immediately after payment through convenient and secure Yandex services.

Type of certificate: certificate.

Bonuses when ordering a Gold Certificate

Bonus number 1 A set of 260 useful files.
Let icons, backgrounds, fonts, and animations help make your learning materials even more interesting!

Bonus number 2 Microsoft Office Word Online. Leadership.
Learn how to create documents in Word Online for free!

Bonus number 3 29 presentation chips.
You can make your presentations even better!

A very user-friendly site. Everything is available, you can quickly find and publish. You can get a certificate instantly.

Bekish Irina Ivanovna, teacher of mathematics "Uspenskaya secondary school"

There would be more such sites for teachers!

Kalinkina Marina Aleksandrovna, director of the school, teacher of biology MBOU secondary school No. 4, about. Krasnoarmeysk, Moscow region

To be honest, I doubted that it would be so easy and quick for the teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, more precisely for me personally, to publish their materials, and also get a certificate of publication.
Big, no, thank you so much for your cooperation!

Tulegenova Gulnur Bisembaevna, teacher of informatics at secondary school of Emba, Mugalzhar district of Aktobe region of Kazakhstan

I learned from my colleagues that there is such a site. I posted my material. You can get a certificate instantly.
Thank you for such a site. It is very convenient for teachers, you can find any material and download it for free.

Mashtieva Bayan Ziyadinovna, teacher of mathematics, KSU "Akkol secondary school"

more reviews

Submit the material and get YOUR testimony!

1. Fill out the form below

2. Place the material

3. Download the certificate

Enter your full name *:
Position and name of the educational institution
Full name co-author (if there is)!
Position and name of the OU of the co-author
E-mail address* ?

2. Information about the training material

Material name *!
For example: Verb
Subject / section *? Biology Geography Fine arts Foreign language Informatics History Kazakh language Literature Mathematics Music OBZH MHC Social studies The world around ORKSE Russian language Technology Physics Physical culture Chemistry Ecology Economics For class hours Other materials Kindergarten Primary school SPO
Annotation to the material *
Provide a brief description of the lesson, its purpose, objectives, etc.!
If you publish an article, you can copy the entire text of the article.
Attach a file with material *?
Maximum size: 10.00 MB
Allowed file types: doc, docx, rtf, zip, rar
Post material

Answers to frequently asked questions

Below is a list of common questions and answers to them.

How do I get my certificate?

After payment you will be redirected to the page with the Gold Certificate, where you can download it (jpg and pdf files) or print.

What payment methods are available?

You can pay for the Gold Certificate in several ways:

  • by credit card Visa or Master Card
  • through any bank according to the details
  • by transfer to a Visa bank card from Sberbank
  • Yandex Money, WebMoney, Qiwi
  • through payment terminals.

To which address should the payment receipt be sent?

In cases where you cannot indicate your full name when making a payment, send a scan or photo of the payment receipt to the address [email protected] ... This will speed up the execution of the application.

What are the requirements for materials?

  • On the site you can publish a summary of the lesson and accompanying materials for the lesson (presentation, tests, etc.)
  • The materials themselves must be copyrighted, interesting and useful for site users.

Where can I download bonus materials?

Bonus materials will be sent to the email address specified when adding the material.

I forgot to indicate the title when adding material. What to do?

You can send a letter to the address [email protected] to amend your certificate.

What is the status of the publication?

International. This is indicated in the certificate. The working languages \u200b\u200bof the site are: Russian, English, German, Kazakh and Ukrainian. Abstracts and articles are published by authors from Russia and the CIS countries.

Certificate format

Format: A4
Resolution: 2539? 3567 px
File size: approximately 1 MB for jpg files and up to 2 MB for a pdf file.

  1. Find your tutorial page. This can be done through a website search or a directory of abstracts.
  2. At the bottom of the page, click on the Download Certificate of Publication button.

If you have any difficulties - write in the feedback form.

For two authors and two certificate!
You can publish one material prepared in co-authorship.
When publishing, indicate the full name of the second author and on the material page you will see an additional link "Download the certificate of the co-author".

Is there a refund policy?

Yes. We have been developing educational sites since 2009 and it is very important for us to develop our projects. If you are not satisfied with the quality of the certificate or it was not accepted (you must describe the problem in detail), we will refund your funds.

To successfully pass the certification, the teacher will not be superfluous to have the publication of his lessons, extracurricular activities or articles in various media. We have compiled a list of professional publications with comments on the conditions of publication in them.

I would like to point out some general points:

  • An author's publication implies uniqueness (you can check your development for plagiarism on the website, which does not negate the citation indicating the authors and the list of used literature at the end of the article.
  • In the case of using illustrations, pictures, photographs and videos in work, you must also indicate the sources.
  • On all sites listed below, you will need to register, which can be completed with an email address.
  • A publication on a website is equivalent to a print publication only if the website has the status of a media outlet, that is, it is registered as an online publication with Roskomnadzor. If there is no such status, then such posting of the material on the site will not bring points for passing the certification.
Name Website address Media registration Certificate of publication Contributions
1 "InfoUrok" ? electronic is free
2 "Pedagogical world" yes
3 Osnova magazine yes,
23 printed magazines in various fields
sent in paper form is free
4 "Teachers magazine online" yes can be ordered in paper form after publication is free
5 Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson" yes each participant receives a complete set of final materials, including: a personal diploma; a certificate confirming the fact of publication of materials; compact discs (DVD) with full-text versions of all materials; books - collections of abstracts of all articles Registration fee (300 ₽) + cost of preparation of materials (590 ₽ or 890 ₽) + optional cost of collections of abstracts (290 ₽)
6 "Social network of educators" yes you can get a Certificate of Publication, Certificate of Site Creation, Certificate of Electronic Portfolio Placement, Certificate of Student Creative Work, Certificate of Publication of Educational Videos, Certificate of Site Creation of an Educational Institution, Class, Circle The cost of an electronic certificate (certificate) - 90 rubles
7 Internet project “Pedagogical Experience. Innovation, technology, development " methodkabinet.rf ? project participant certificate The cost of a paper participant certificate is 590 ₽
8 Educational portal ANOO "Center PKP and DO" ANEX " Yes in paper form Publications are free, the cost of one certificate of publication in the media is 400 rubles
9 "The Pedagogical Community of Ekaterina Pashkova" Yes sent in paper form Certificate of publication - 400 rubles for the first certificate in an envelope and 150 rubles - for each subsequent certificate in the same envelope
10 International community of educators "I am a teacher!" yes free electronic certificates of publication of materials and / or paid printed certificates of publication The cost of the 1st certificate is RUB 300. If several documents are ordered in one envelope, then each next document will cost 150 ₽

1. Name: Info Lesson
Website address:
: no information.
Publication certificate: electronic.
Contributions: is free.
Additional terms: when publishing 5 or more developments, the teacher receives a certificate of creating a professional website.

2. Name: Edition "Pedagogical World"
Website address:
The certificate of registration of mass media: El No. FS77- 39148 dated March 17, 2010 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor)

3. Name: Journal "Osnova"
Website address:
The certificate of registration of mass media: 23 printed magazines in various directions.
Publication certificate: sent in paper form.
Contributions: is free.
Additional terms: materials are sent to the publisher in electronic and paper form, reviewed for at least a month, published throughout the year. Authors of published materials are guaranteed to receive two copyright copies of the journal.

4. From the Osnova magazine there is also an electronic media outlet “Teacher's magazine on-line”.
Website address:
The certificate of registration of mass media: EL No. FS 77-42343 dated 20.10.10
Publication certificate: can be ordered in paper form after publication.
Contributions: is free.

5. Name: Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson"
Website address:
The certificate of registration of mass media: All publications and the Internet portal have certificates of registration of Roskomnadzor of the Russian Federation.
Publication certificate: Each participant receives a complete set of final materials, including: a personal diploma; a certificate confirming the fact of publication of materials; compact discs (DVD) with full-text versions of all materials; books - collections of abstracts of all articles.
Contributions: To calculate the cost of participation in the Festival, it should be borne in mind that the cost consists of three components: the registration fee (300 rubles per participant), the cost of preparing the publication of materials (590 or 890 rubles for one material) and the cost of collections of abstracts (290 rubles for all books ). Only those contributors who wish to have the specified books will pay the bill for the abstracts.
Additional terms: 100% discount on registration fee is provided to all members of the Pedagogical Club "September 1" and those who in the 2013/2014 academic year took part in the projects "Open Lesson" or "Student Portfolio" or studied at the courses of the Pedagogical University "September 1". Books (collections of abstracts) are sent at will and for a fee. Acceptance of applications for participation has been extended until February 15.

6. Name: Social network of educators
Website address:
The certificate of registration of mass media: El No. FS77-43268 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media on December 28, 2010.
Publication certificate: you can get a Certificate of Publication, Certificate of Site Creation, Certificate of Electronic Portfolio Placement, Certificate of Student Creative Work, Certificate of Publication of Educational Videos, Certificate of Site Creation of an Educational Institution, Class, Circle.
Contributions: The cost of an electronic certificate (certificate) is 90 rubles.

7. Name: Internet project “Pedagogical Experience. Innovations, technologies, developments "of the all-Russian pedagogical portal METODKABINET.RF
Website address: http: //methodkabinet.rf/
The certificate of registration of mass media: no information.
Publication certificate: certificate of the project participant.
Contributions: the cost of the participant certificate in paper form is 590 rubles.

8. Name: educational portal of ANOO "Center PKP and DO" ANEX "
Website address:
The certificate of registration of mass media: Email FS 77-52200 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media on December 25, 2012
Publication certificate: in paper form
Contributions: publications are free, the cost of one certificate of publication in the media is 400 rubles.
Additional terms: publications through the site only in the Electronic journal "Pedagogy online" (publications of teachers of St. Petersburg), for publication in a printed edition, you need to send an article in paper form. Publication level - regional.

9. Name: Pedagogical community of Ekaterina Pashkova - PEDSOVET.SU
Website address:
The certificate of registration of mass media: El No. FS77-41726 dated 08/20/2010
Publication certificate: sent in paper form.
Contributions: A certificate of publication costs 400 rubles for the first certificate in an envelope and 150 rubles for each subsequent certificate in the same envelope.
Additional terms: Users upload works to the site on their own through the site interface or send works by e-mail in accordance with the instructions

10. Name: International community of educators "I am a teacher!"
Website address:
The certificate of registration of mass media: El No. FS77-54568 dated June 21, 2013.
Publication certificate: free electronic proof of publication of materials and / or paid printed proof of publication
Contributions: The cost of the 1st certificate is 300 rubles. If several documents are ordered in one envelope, then each next document will cost 150 rubles.


  1. The list of sites ready to publish materials must be continued. Such well-known mass media as "Head", "Director", "Prodlenka", "Methodsovet" and others did not get into it. Write in the comments about your experience, and we will try to expand the review of sites for publications.
  2. The guarantee of the quality of the published material is its preliminary selection. Hence there are 2 consequences: sites with paid publications have material of lower quality, and sites with preliminary expertise are more difficult to publish their material.
  3. We hope that soon the site of the IMC of the Krasnoselsky region will receive a certificate of registration for the media and it will become easier and more convenient for teachers of our region to share their professional developments.

More recently, in one of our blog articles, we reviewed and you found out. We continue the topic of introducing new functionality. This time we will consider the possibility of adding and formatting articles in a new convenient and functional format.

The new option can be used by both regular users on their personal wall and administrators of public communities in order to draw attention to their posts and increase the number of subscribers / sales.

It's easy to start using the new editor. On your profile page, we find a field with the text "What's new?" and click on a specific brand new button with the letter "T".

In a group or public page, we proceed in the same way by selecting the field and pressing the corresponding button described above.

Go to the editor.

The first line "Come up with a name" will initially be spelled out in capital letters using the tag


, so it will look larger than all other text since it is a heading.

When you click on the question mark located at the bottom right, a hint appears to help you figure it out when editing an article.

We begin to fill out our post. Add text. To format the text, it is enough to select the necessary fragment and use the pop-up menu, in which it is possible to make the text bold, italic, strikethrough.

To move to a new line, press "Enter", and a new paragraph - "Shift + Enter".

How do I add media files?

Go to the next paragraph (the keyboard shortcuts were described above) and press "+".

We see the next "pop-up".

The first button allows you to add photos by directly uploading from a computer or photo content of a group / profile, take a picture via a web camera.

The second allows you to add a video to the post.

At this point, in order to add video content, you must initially place it in your videos. You can also find videos through the search that appears when you add! And one more fact. Movie in edit mode will not play! You can see it "in action" only after the publication of the article.

You can immediately set a description.

The third button allows you to add a GIF file from your documents or by direct download from your computer.

Photo content can be added without going through the above operations by using the clipboard and the well-known keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + C" (copy) and "Ctrl + V" (paste).

Hot keys used in the new editor.

Let's consider a combination of combinations that can significantly increase the speed of posting. Some of them may be already known to many:

    "Ctrl + B" - selection of text in bold;

    "Ctrl + I" - italic;

    "Ctrl + Z" - cancel the previous action;

    "Enter" - move to a new line;

    "Shift + Enter" - the cursor moves to a new paragraph;

    "*" + "Space" - create a bulleted list item;

    "Digit (0,1,2 ...)" + "." + "Space" - adding items to a numbered list.

Publishing and Draft Posts

Having examined the main points regarding editing, let's move on to saving and publishing.

Changes made to a future published article are automatically saved as a "Draft". In the "Articles" section, you can also see the "Published" subsection, which displays posts that have been edited and are displayed on the wall after publication.

You can add a new "Draft" using the "+" in the same section.

Pressing the crescent-shaped key allows you to switch to "Night mode".

So we reviewed the new editor of articles on Vkontakte.

What are the benefits and benefits of the new functionality for users?

Let's figure it out and weigh all the pros:

    the ability to save several drafts at once, which saves time and optimizes labor costs;

    highlighting those points in the article that need to be emphasized, which allows you to draw attention to the record of potential customers and subscribers;

    easy and simple adding media files.


Having considered the new functionality related to adding an article to Vkontakte, we can say with confidence that many have been looking forward to this editor. Once again, the ease of editing and clarity should be emphasized, allowing any user to understand.

It is likely that in the near future the developers will add new and interesting options (for example, smilies, photo captions, view statistics, etc.), which will undoubtedly delight all of us. Therefore, do not waste time, be in trend and keep abreast of new events! Start trying a new and not yet familiar editor "to taste", having fun.

We have released a new book, "Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Into the Heads of Subscribers and Fall in Love with Your Brand."


For example, in this article I will tell you why publishing on third-party sites is so important, where to post an article, and how to write good text.

Why is website promotion with articles so effective?

I believe that writing optimized texts and then posting them on different sites is one of the best methods of getting traffic and strengthening your position in search engines. And that's why:

  • Firstly, if you are going to publish your article somewhere, then it will 100% be a site with high TIC and PR parameters. Also, many sites where you can post an article are quite popular, and therefore are trusted by search engines. All kinds of article directories and information portals are constantly evolving: every day the moderation is getting stricter, and the amount of content is getting higher. It is for this reason that such sites attract search robots. By posting an interesting article on a high-quality resource, you speed up the indexing of your own site: your site may appear in the search results in a few minutes after publication.
  • Secondly, one link from the site is far from the limit. If your article is useful and well written, then it may well be shared and quoted. Also, directories allow you to use articles for free with the obligatory indication of the source. In other words: you post one good article and get backlinks, the number of which can increase every day.
  • On almost all sites, each author has a personal profile in which you can enter useful information. For example, you can write several sentences with the desired key phrases, as well as add any link.

Set up a posting schedule, take the time (or money) to write good articles, and after a while you will feel an increase in traffic and notice an improvement in rankings.

Where can I post an article for free?

Here you can find free articles to fill the site, as well as post your creativity. Moderation is pretty fast. The only drawback: in the article itself, all external links are awarded the nofollow attribute. But in the column "About the author" you can safely insert the desired link, which will be indexed. The topics for the articles are very different.

Base of sites with countless thematic catalogs and sites.

Where else can you write an article?

  • At least 2,000 characters, Links in the article itself are prohibited (there is a separate field).
  • At the time of this writing, the catalog contained 7351 materials. Impressive.
  • You can add an article, announcement or company.
  • It is possible to add not only an article, but also a website.
  • A maximum of four links to the article can be placed: of which 2 are commercial and two are non-commercial
  •, 1 link allowed.
  • No more than 2 links, natural anchors. Registration by invite.

Which article guarantees success: characteristics

Thinking about how to post an article on the site and charm not only the moderator and search engines, but also the readers? Here are the characteristics of the perfect article that all three will love.

  1. Only informative content... The moderator will easily skip the article without unnecessary water, the user can mark it as useful and share it with friends. The search robot will notice this and will certainly appreciate it, giving you a number of bonuses, which we talked about above.
  2. No crooked anchors! In no case should the article contain ‘Moscow office to buy’ if you are doing it. Only naturalness!
  3. Don't overdo it with optimization. A huge number of keys, tightly crammed into the article, no one will like.

By the way, we have a lot of articles about content and its creation: all sorts of tricks and a lot of practical advice with the history of my many years of practice. Yes, we thought about setting up a mailing list, but we don't have time yet. So it's most convenient

A free certificate of publication of material on the pages of educational media can be obtained in electronic form. The electronic certificate is provided in high quality with the signature of the Editor-in-Chief of the Portal and the seal of the electronic media in the field of education (the Remote Educational Portal "Prollenka" is a mass media in the field of education (media registration certificate: EL No. FS 77 - 58841).

In order to receive a free certificate, it is necessary that your material was added to the Methodological Library of the Portal.

How to add material to the Methodical Library:

  1. Read the rules for publishing methodological material.
  2. Download material. Please note that not all materials can be added to the methodological library! Materials that do not comply with the rules for publishing and formatting materials are not posted. If the material is approved, a confirmation letter will be sent to your e-mail specified during registration and sending the material. After that, your material will be available to you in the My works section.

You must download a free electronic certificate of publication of the material yourself (certificates are not sent to e-mail!).

How to download the certificate of publication:

  1. Find the necessary material through the section My works.
  2. Click on the name of the required material. Next, a window will open with the "Download certificate of publication" column. The download link is available only to registered and authorized users. Documents are opened and downloaded in pdf format. To open the certificate in * .pdf format, you need to have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.

If you have any questions, we recommend that you use the FAQ section. If you did not find answers to your questions in this section, you can ask them by sending an email to the email address This email address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it