BIOS on a sony laptop. Non-standard door or how to enter BIOS of SONY notebooks. How to enter bios sony vaio from this menu

In some cases, it is required to boot a laptop from a USB flash drive. Detailed instructions are under the cut.

In the case when it happens, or you need to boot from LIVE-usb for various technical (or non-technical) work.

Booting VAIO Notebooks from USB External Media

You can boot your Vaio laptop from a flash drive, like an installation (optical) disc, or even a USB floppy drive (yes, a floppy disk) using the BIOS. Connect the USB device to a powered off computer, and press the power key. During boot (until the VAIO logo appears), press the F11 key - the boot process from the external drive will begin. If the download does not start, you should turn off your computer and turn it on again. If the device requires additional power for operation, make sure it is connected.

Press the Assist key, boot into VaioCare mode. After downloading - select the item Start from Media

Please note that some devices may not be compatible with Vaio notebooks.

Which key goes to the Boot Menu on Sony Vaio laptops (Windows Vista, Windows XP)

Press Esc 2 times - after the first press the logo is hidden, after the second - the Sony boot menu appears.

Other options:

If the laptop supports booting from USB media “out of the box”, then look in the BIOS

Boot from a Sony Vaio laptop USB stick

For models that support booting from a USB flash drive in BIOS, as a rule, the sequence of actions is similar (if not the same) and looks like this:

Turn off your computer if it is running
Enter BIOS - during boot, press the F2 key (before the transition to loading the operating system)
Using the arrow keys, go to the Advanced tab
Opposite the External Drive Boot item, select Enabled
On the Boot tab, select the desired USB Device - our flash drive, so that the boot list is higher than the internal hard drive
Before exiting Bios, you should save the changes - Save Changes

If the laptop does not support booting from a USB flash drive how to boot from a USB flash drive

For some Sony Vaio models, the proprietary BIOS only supports booting from USB-floppy and CD-ROM / DVD-ROM optical drives, and since USB stick is recognized as a hard drive, you will not be able to boot from it.


Models that support booting from a USB stick


I faced the problem of entering the BIOS of a sony vaio laptop only a couple of years after purchasing it. I own a model that is already outdated and I wanted to modernize it. Install Windows 10 instead of 8. Change the HDD to an SSD. 4GB of RAM to increase to 8.

After installing all the new hardware, I rebooted the laptop and then problems began with the entrance to my Sonya's BIOS. Standard login methods for laptops, pressing F2, F12 and desktop computers Del (Delete) did not work.

I am quite good at computers, but this is the first time I encountered Sony's equipment, and I immediately got such a kick. This is not to be arrogant. I went to the Internet for answers and immediately understood what was the matter.

Special button

To enter the BIOS, Sony has created a special button. If you want to go into the BIOS of a Sony laptop, then first turn it off, and then start the laptop by pressing this button. Boot the recovery menu, which translates as. Inside there is an item "Run BIOS settings", which can be launched by pressing F2 or by clicking the mouse.

Below is a normal video on how to enter the BIOS on a Sony laptop. I set the beginning at the right moment, so as not to waste time looking at empty information.

Why Sony has departed from the method of entering the BIOS, which is familiar to all users, is not clear to me, but what it is. When you know how to do it, it doesn't cause any particular problems.

Also, do not neglect to read the instructions and user manuals. Most likely the moment is reflected there. Our laziness works wonders. Better to mess around with something for 2 hours than to spend 10-15 minutes studying the problem and solving it in 1 minute.

Conclusions and possible questions

  • The ASSIST button must be pressed when the laptop is turned off, then it turns on in recovery mode, where there is an item to enter the BIOS.
  • There is a lot of controversy about the fact that if the hard drive fails, then you cannot enter the BIOS, since the ASSIST button is programmatically tied to the disk. This is not entirely true.

Firstly, by pressing a button, we go not into the BIOS itself, but into the recovery mode, in which only 1 of the points allows you to enter it.

Secondly, when replacing an old disk with a new one, it will automatically boot from an external medium (flash drive, cd-dvd disk). The recovery mode will not work here, since there is nothing and nothing to recover from. We have nothing to do in the BIOS of the laptop until we install a new Windows. After installation, everything will work normally.

And so, to enter the Sony vaio BIOS, turn on the laptop and press the key F2, if the BIOS is not displayed and the normal boot of the system begins, then try pressing other keys F4, F8 or the key Delete.

On the Sony vaio PCG-71812V model, the key is used to enter bios F2... Let's look at what menu items and settings this BIOS provides us with.

The first section is Main... This section displays information about the BIOS version, serial number, RAM size - 4096MB, hard disk size - 500GB. The only thing that can be configured in this section is to adjust the time and date.

The next section is Advanced... There is only one tab in this section - Virtualization Technology. You can turn it off ( Disabled) or enable ( Enable). To do this, press the Enter key and use the arrows on the keyboard to select the function - Disable / Enable, then press the key F10 and Enter.

The next section is Security... In this section you can set passwords.

Set machine password - Set a password when entering the BIOS.
Set user password - Set user password.
Password when power on- Set a password to log into the system.

To set a password, as usual, select the tab on which you want to put the password, press the key Enter and register a password. After all that has been done, press the key F10 to save the settings.

And so the most important and necessary section of the BIOS.

Boot from USB stick or CD-Rom Sony Vaio.

To boot from a USB flash drive or cd-rom into BIOS, we need a section Boot.

Boot Configuration

External Devise Boot - Download from external device

Internal Optical Disc Drive - internal optical drive
Internal Hard Disk Drive - internal hard drive
External Device - external device
Network - net

Select the tab with the arrow on the keyboard External Devise Bootpress the key Enterin the drop-down menu, click Enable. In this way, we allow downloading from external devices.

Next, use the arrow on the keyboard to go down by selecting the tab External Device(External device) and now not with an arrow, but by pressing the key F5 we raise this tab to the very top, thereby we set the priority of loading from a USB flash drive into BIOS. To download from cd-rom, you need to select the tab Internal Optical Disc Driveand also with the key F5 raise to the very top, then the download will be from cd-rom. After setting, be sure to save everything by pressing the key F10... ... I hope it is clear!

The last section of the BIOS is Exit(Exit) . There is definitely nothing to configure, everything has to do with logging out and saving from the system.

Exit setup
Get Default Values - Exit and save the default settings.
Viscard Changes - cancel changes.
Save Changes - Save changes.
Shutdown - Malfunction.

Well, that's all friends, I hope everyone understands everything, how to enter BIOS on a Sony vaio laptopand set the boot from the Sony Vaio flash drive. If you have any questions and additions, be sure to write in the comments, I will help everyone as much as I can. Good luck !!!

In certain circumstances, you may need to call the BIOS interface, since it is used to configure the operation of certain components, prioritize boot (needed when reinstalling Windows), etc. The process of opening BIOS on different computers and laptops may differ and depends on many factors. These include the manufacturer, model, configuration features. Even on two laptops of the same line (in this case, the Sony Vaio), the conditions for entering may be slightly different.

Enter BIOS on Sony

Fortunately, the Vaio series has a dedicated key on the keyboard called ASSIST... When you click on it during computer boot (before the OS logo appears), a menu will open where you need to select the item "Start BIOS Setup"... Also, opposite each item is signed which key is responsible for calling it. Within this menu, you can navigate using the arrow keys.

In Vaio models, the spread is small and the correct key is easy to identify by the age of the model. If it is outdated, then try the keys F2, F3 and Delete... They should work most of the time. For newer models, the keys will be relevant F8, F12 and ASSIST (the features of the latter are discussed above).

If none of these keys worked, then you have to use the standard list, which is quite extensive and includes these keys: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, Delete, Esc... In some cases, it can be topped up with various combinations using Shift, Ctrl or Fn... Only one key or their combination is responsible for the input.

You should never exclude the option of obtaining the necessary information about entering the technical documentation for the device. The user manual can be found not only in the documents accompanying the laptop, but also on. In the latter case, you will have to use the search bar, where the full name of the model is entered and various documentation is searched in the results, among which there should be a user's manual in electronic form.

Also, when the laptop boots up, a message with the following content may appear on the screen "Please use (desired key) to enter setup", by which you can find out the necessary information about entering the BIOS.

Sony is headquartered in Tokyo, a multinational corporation. For the happy owners of a Sony Vaio laptop, it sometimes becomes difficult to enable bios (OS subroutine) on sony. Let's consider several options on how to do this.

How to login

You can enter the sony vaio BIOS in several ways, depending on the device model:

  1. Using the dedicated Assist key.
  2. By pressing F2.
  3. You can get into BIOS (BSVV, a set of firmware) by pressing Esc + F2.
  4. Start BIOS by typing F2 + F3 + Delete.

Attention! Before pressing the selected combination, the device must be turned off. Which way to open the BSVV depends on the year of the laptop.

If the laptop was purchased officially, then look at the documentation for it. This can be done on the official website. It is necessary to use a search engine and register the model number there. The prompt "Please use (required button) to enter setup" often helps to determine the desired combination.

F2 button

Most Sony Vaio models include a set of firmware keys F2, DELETE, F3. The combination of F2 + DEL, F3 + DEL is possible. In the new Sony Vayo models, the F8 and F12 key combination can be responsible for opening Bios.

To enter:

  • we start the laptop;
  • press F2 + DEL in turn;
  • do it quickly;
  • login takes a couple of seconds.

Attention! Only one F2 key is always responsible for opening the system firmware, the combination is the entry code. For it, we press the required key periodically until the subroutine opens. When a combination is used, one should try to press not two "positions", but alternately, hold down one, and press the other with a short interval of time.

Esc + F2 combination

The developers explain the variety of options for opening BSVV (a set of firmware) by installing different motherboards. For this reason, there is no single sign-on to open the device subsystem, it depends on the model number and year of manufacture of Sony Vayo.

ESC + F2 combination:

  • turn on the laptop;
  • when the inscription "vaio" appears on the monitor, press ESC + F2;
  • after frequent pressing, the OS subsystem (operating system) settings tab will be displayed.

If the BIOS does not open, and the system continues to load Windows, you need to "reboot" the device. To do this, often and periodically press the ESC + F2 buttons.

Dedicated Assist button

You can enter the BIOS on a sony vaio laptop by pressing the Assist key. Users try proven and standard login methods using the F2 and DEL keys. The new models of this company differ from all the previous ones in the arrangement of buttons, non-standard keyboard. The Assist key is designed to call up a special menu "Rescue windows".

Note! The Assist button should be used in the same way as everyone else. In other words, after starting the laptop, we press often and periodically, until the menu appears. It will appear on the monitor in a couple of seconds. Next, the user will be offered options for action.

To enter:

  • press Assist;
  • the menu opens;
  • press F2;
  • we get to the subsystem settings window.

When the user has opened the BIOS, one must remember that to select actions, navigate through the settings using the keys: "←", "", "→".

How to get out

The user enters the BIOS usually to set the priority of the system's actions. This must be done when reinstalling the OS (operating system). After obtaining the necessary parameters, you need to exit the system settings window.

Procedure using the Assist button to enter:

  • turn on the laptop;
  • press Assist;
  • we get to the menu;
  • press F2, the BIOS window opens;
  • select actions: "start from disk / from USB device";
  • exit with saving (or without) settings, ENTER.

With saving parameters

Many advanced users reinstall Windows OS on their own when:

  • it does not work due to a technical error;
  • there were violations in the event of a virus attack.

Actions with saving parameters:

  • we go in one of the described ways;
  • standard settings are opened, where: serial number, BIOS version, etc.;
  • go to the "Boot" page;
  • set the required parameters of the startup priority, laptop from a flash drive, from a disk;
  • save, press F10;
  • confirm saving by clicking "Yes";
  • click on ENTER.

Without saving changes

Often, the user needs to find out the system parameters, check the order of starting the product from a disk, flash drive, from a hard drive. To do this, he goes into the BIOS (Windows system settings subroutine).

This is done like this:

  • open the laptop;
  • we go in one of the ways in the BIOS;
  • after viewing the information, in the main window select "without saving" (Exit Without Sawing, Quit Without Sawing);
  • a tab will open, you must specify Y / N, (yes or no);
  • press the button "Yes" (Y), then ENTER.

Attention! After pressing ENTER, the user will exit the BIOS without saving the system subroutine changes, and the laptop will continue loading the Windows OS.

Options when you don't need to save changes:

  • accidentally changed the wrong parameters;
  • uncertainty about the choice of changes;
  • there is no point in making changes.

The F10 and ESC keys are responsible for exiting the BIOS. To do this, go to the main page of the subroutine.

From the considered options for opening the BVVV of a Sony Vaio laptop, it becomes clear that the developers specifically change the BIOS input on different models. Trained specialists should be engaged in reinstalling the OS. You must always remember that by changing the parameters of the subsystem, there is an option to take the laptop out of the working state, after which a complete flashing of the computer will be required.