Browser is blocked what to do. What to do when a virus blocks internet and data on pc? What do you need

A "Trojan virus" has appeared on the Internet, which blocks not only access to social networks, but also the search engines Yandex and Google. When you try to go to the sites, it says that suspicious activity has been noticed.

Asks to enter a phone number and send SMS to a short number, then enter the received code. The virus does not allow access to Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, and blocks the search engines Yandex and Google.

It is not a secret that by sending an SMS, no code will come, but they will simply withdraw money from the phone account. Since search engines never ask to send SMS.

As strange as it may sound, many antiviruses do not see it and, unfortunately, do not find it. But if there is a virus, then there is a solution to the problem in such a situation. Removing the virus in three steps :

Step # 1

This step is not the most important, but it's still worth checking the Hosts file!

We will remove the virus from the hosts file. We go along this path: start menu, control panel, folder option.

A window will open - click the VIEW tab and roll the wheel down, set the folder option - show hidden files, folders and drives. ()

After you have made hidden files visible, go along the path - drive C, folder Windows / system32 / drivers and the final folder etc.

It contains our hosts (perhaps the virus made a fake second file and you will have two hosts files). ( see pic.-to enlarge click on the photo)

Before deleting the hosts file, download the FIX created by Microsoft to automatically restore the hosts file.

After downloading FIX to your computer, delete all hosts files. DO NOT touch other files and run FIX by following the instructions of the hosts file automatic recovery wizard. After restoring hosts, FIX will ask you to restart your computer.

Step # 2

Important: Search engines Yandex and Google are blocked, we put it in the browser by the search engine MAYL RU, to download a new browser.

After fixing the hosts, you need to uninstall the browser (DOWNLOAD A CLEAN BROWSER IN ADVANCE TO YOUR COMPUTER). If there is more than one, delete everything except Internet Explorer.

You cannot delete it, but you can disable it,. The browser must not only be deleted, but all the folders remaining from it must be deleted.

After removing the browser, go along the path: drive C / Program Files and delete there all the folders with the name remaining from our browser. (see picture - to enlarge click on the photo)

It happens that the system does not allow you to immediately delete folders from the browser, then restart your computer and you can delete the remaining folders.

Step # 3

Finally, the very last but very important step is to remove the virus itself and install a new clean browser.

Since many antiviruses cannot find this virus, we will use a proven tool for scanning, namely the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware anti-spyware.

For a full scan, the free version of the program is suitable.

The program does not conflict with any antivirus and does not interfere with their work.

Download from the official site and install.

After installation, the database will be updated and the program window will open. First, let's configure and scan the system. ( see pic.-to enlarge click on the photo)

There are a number of programs that are capable of blocking Internet connections. Quite often it happens that after installing an anti-virus utility, it is she who does not allow you to perform actions on the World Wide Web. There are two ways to solve this issue: by calling a specialist and on your own.

The first option costs money and often is not small. But in order to save the family budget, you can make the Internet available on your own. You don't need to uninstall and reinstall anything for this. To make everything fall into place, it is enough to change the settings in both the antivirus program and the computer.

Internet blocking programs

Often internet blocking produced by programs, which include a variety of viruses. Also, the connection to the worldwide network is affected by the means of protection.

These include:

  • antivirus programs;
  • firewalls;
  • firewalls.

In addition to the above, there are a number of utilities that can take advantage of the TCP ports.

Many people ask the same question: “ Why is the Internet blocked on a newly installed OS? " Access is often interrupted by its own antivirus program if there is a threat of spyware and virus attacks. But there is another reason - improper installation or use of the program itself. In order to check if this is the reason, just turn off the antivirus program and try to go into the browser.

If the issue is resolved, then indeed internet is blocked on the computer protection agent. To do this, it is enough to install a new one or reinstall an existing antivirus program.

What to do if the Internet is blocked by viruses?

Often finding out what can block Internet access, users will learn that viruses are the cause.

But, despite the huge number of such programs, it is not difficult to calculate which one is harmful. The first sign that a virus is a blocker can be identified by a banner. If at the time of opening the browser, it is large and there is information about sending SMS - notifications to unlock, you can be sure that this is a virus.

In this case, the browser functions and the computer itself do not work. It will also not be possible to run the anti-virus program from the hard drive.

If internet is blocked, thenin order for it to become available, in this case, you must have with you any medium on which the anti-virus program is recorded.

Only in this way, you can run a system check and get rid of the banner that prevents you from entering the Internet. But there are times when the presence of a disk or flash memory does not help to solve this problem. Then you can try to remove the virus manually.

To do this, you need to start the task manager using the ctrl + alt + del key combinations. Then go to the "Processes" tab and terminate the virus. After that, you need to check the Internet.

After starting the browser, without fail, it is necessary to clean the computer from viruses. To do this, you need to click "Start", "Run" and "regedit". After that, you will go to the registry editor, where you will need to find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows NT / Current Version / Winlogon /. In this section, you need to view all the Shell and Userint options.

Their correct meaning should be as follows:

  • Shell - explorer.exe;
  • Userint - userint.exe.

If there are other parameters in the list, then all of them must be deleted.

Blocking the Internet by Kaspersky Anti-Virus

In order to prevent the Internet from blocking at the most inopportune moment, during the installation of the security program, you must immediately change some of its settings. After each installation of any antivirus program, a parameter such as "Network Filter" is automatically added to the network connection parameters.

To get rid of this filter, which is the reason for blocking access, you need to go to the "Network and Control Center". In the left part of the table, you will need to click the section titled "Changing adapter parameters".

After that, the "Network Connections" section will appear on the screen, it is here that you will need to make changes. From the list, you must select a shortcut through which you enter the Internet. You will need to right-click on the selected line. In the window that appears, click on "Properties". The "Connection Properties" window will pop up on the screen. In it, you will need to remove the check mark opposite the program that blocks the Internet.

After the work done, you need to click "OK", and carry out a complete reboot of the computer. This is the current method used to remove a lock that occurred due to the fault of the security program. If this method did not help, then you will need to manually remove the connection restriction in the antivirus settings.

Often, after installing Kaspersky Security, the Internet can turn itself off. To regain access, it is enough to change the program settings.

First, you need to right-click on the Kaspersky icon, which is located in the lower right corner of the screen. In the window that appears, you need to select "Settings", and then click on "Control of the workplace". In the table, it is worth stopping at the "Web Control" line and removing the check mark next to it. Then clear the access rules and re-put the icon.

Blocking AVASTOM

Many people use AVASTOM and have no idea that that it can block the internet.In fact, most security programs behave this way.

Often users ask a question about: “ Why is Internet access blocked and what influences this? " The reason for this blocking may be a conflict between the antivirus program and the OS firewall.

In this case, you can temporarily disable the antivirus program and try to reload the desired page. This solution will be effective when the problem affects one site. If everything went well, then you can specify the address of this page in the list of exclusions of the anti-virus program.

If the connection of the worldwide network to the computer is completely blocked, it is worth turning on the antivirus firewall. The monitor will display information indicating the blocked connections. As a rule, such lines are highlighted in red. All colored addresses need to be added to the AVASTA exclusion list.

Utilities block the Internet

Discover, what blocks the internet on the computer, you can use Task Manager and the Netstat.exe utility.


  • The first thing to do is launch the "Task Manager". In the window that opens, you will need to select the "Processes" tab.
  • In the table that appeared on the monitor, you need to find the PID column. If it is not on the screen, then you will need to press the buttons in the following sequence: "View", "Select columns" and "Check the box in the PID box".
  • Then click with the mouse on the set column and sort the data by size.
  • Next, you need to run the Netstat.exe program. To do this, you need to right-click on the file and select "Start". In the window that appears, select "Run" and then "cmd".
  • In the window that appears, you need to enter "netstat /?".

If the work is carried out correctly, a table with a list of active processes that use ТСР - connections in their work will appear on the monitor. They do not have a name, only the designation ТСР. In order to find out which of them needs to be interrupted, it is enough to compare the data with the "Task Manager" indicators.

A common reason for a lack of connection is a problem that lurks in Explorer or the computer itself. If the network is accessed via WiFi, and the devices that are connected to the router are working normally, then you can be sure that the whole PC is the cause. In this case, you need to check for viruses and the operation of the device.

Adhering to the rules and sequence of actions, you can unblock access to the Internet yourself. This way, you can easily save a decent amount of money and have a rewarding experience for the future.

If we believe the data that antivirus corporations publish for us on various sites, then it is the browser blocking virus that is almost the most popular among all users of the planet! And the most interesting thing is that the popularity of these very "blocking viruses" is growing by leaps and bounds, and, accordingly, the risk of infecting your computer is very high. Well, if this trouble has already happened to your computer, then this article will help you cope with this problem.

Get rid of the browser blocking virus

These viruses are one of the most widespread programs that harm the computer that can be encountered on the global network. What do you need to know about them? And also what can be done if an inscription appears on the monitor screen: "Your browser is blocked, send an SMS to the number ..."

Ransomware virus, what you need to know about it

The best way is to understand what to do if a virus blocks the browser, we can, having learned how this program works. Most often, this inscription is provoked by a Trojan. This virus blocks websites in the browser and requires you to pay to unblock it.

This message often contains threats to delete important files if an attempt is made to format the computer. Paying for such a demand does not work. The block is not removed, and the amount to be paid turns out to be more than the declared one.

At their core, such digital ransomware is conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. Do not allow browsers to function normally and block access to sites
  2. Block user access to the operating system or slow it down
  3. Encrypt files

How to get rid of the virus

The first thing to do in this direction is to try to "surrender." The Trojan most often disguises itself as software. Outsmart him, unless of course you are an experienced programmer, is unlikely to succeed. All that remains is to enter the code, which is required if the virus blocks sites in the browser. To do this, from another computer, smartphone or tablet, go to the official website of the anti-virus software developers. Register and fill out the form, and the system will give you an activation code.

Even if after entering the number the computer starts working normally, the Trojan is not completely defeated and is capable of doing harm. Check your operating system with an antivirus. After that, you can celebrate the victory.

It may also happen that the virus blocks websites in the browserbut it cannot be detected by an antivirus scan. Such viruses live exclusively in the browser. It can be identified by a pornographic image that pops up only if the user visits the site.

How to remove browser blocking virus?

Open the service menu in InternetExplorer... Find the add-on management graph. A list of all settings for viewing site pages should appear. Among them, we single out those that do not have a publisher graph or have an inscription saying that it is not verified.

Disable each of these settings one at a time and re-enable the browser. As soon as the desired one is found, the lock will be removed. And a utility such as AVPTool from the mighty and great Kaspersky, or CureIT from Doctor Web can help you with this problem.

There are situations in which when a virus blocks the browser, the phone asks for it cannot be resolved on its own at home. Then without hesitation, invite an experienced malware removal technician.

In the worst case, you will have to reinstall the operating system and format the drives. To minimize such risks, be careful when visiting suspicious sites and use antivirus software that is constantly updated.