What does hdd regenerator do. How to repair a hard drive using HDD Regenerator. Recovery by means of reversal technology


Information storage devices are essential components of modern computer systems. Today, the most widespread among various devices for storing data are hard disk drives - hard disk drives. These devices are quite reliable, but, like any other component of the PC, they are not immune from sudden failures and breakdowns. Many software tools have been developed for servicing and restoring the hard drive's operability, as well as preventing information loss. Among them, HDD Regenerator occupies a worthy place - an effective and popular solution to many problems with a hard drive.

Application of HDD Regenerator

HDD Regenerator is a very easy to learn and use application designed to recover bad sectors of hard drives and regenerate the surface. The developers are especially proud of the special surface magnetization reversal algorithm, on the basis of which the program works.
The application is remarkable for its simple interface and control method - there are no complicated settings, multilevel menus and switches, the commands for launching are simple and understandable even for a novice user.

In fact, the list of functions and advantages of HDD Regenerator is quite wide. We will not go deep into listing all the benefits of the application, but move on to the main uses that are used by a wide range of users.

So, in most cases, the program is used:

  • To quickly diagnose the hard drive and identify errors, as well as bad sectors (BAD-block);
  • For deep scanning and detection of all possible problems with the surface of the hard drive, as well as their elimination in automatic mode;
  • For complete surface regeneration using a special magnetization reversal algorithm.

In addition to a variety of functions, the developers have included several launch methods in the program - HDD Regenerator works at the physical level, therefore it does not depend on the type and version of the operating system. Startup and operation are possible in Windows environment (XP, Vista, 7,8,10 are supported), and when booting from USB-Flash or CD - in DOS mode. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

Launch options

Method 1: Windows

Method 2: Bootable USB stick

Starting from a USB drive is justified if the disk being recovered is the only one in the system or if it is badly damaged. In addition, a recovery flash drive can be useful for those who often diagnose hard drive malfunctions on different computers. To create a bootable USB-Flash with HDD Regenerator 2011, do the following:

To use USB Flash as a drive recovery tool, the PC must be configured to boot from the USB stick. How to do this is described in detail in the article on link .

Method 3: Bootable CD / DVD

In the event that the PC used for diagnostics and recovery does not have the ability to boot from a USB drive, it is advisable to use a bootable CD / DVD with the program. We create it by analogy with a USB flash drive.

Regardless of the chosen method of launching the program, further work with HDD Regenerator 2011 and the performance of most operations do not differ from the user's point of view. The only difference between the methods is that when launched from under Windows, the work happens in a window:

And when booting from a USB flash drive or disk - via the DOS interface:

At this stage, the preparatory procedures can be considered completed, we proceed to direct work with the program.

Use cases

Method 1: Diagnose and quickly identify BAD-blocks

Method 2: Full scan and removal of the identified problems with the hard drive

Method 3: Regeneration of the disk surface, including "healthy" sectors using the magnetization reversal algorithm

In conclusion, it should be noted that recovery of hard drives using tools such as HDD Regenerator 2011 is available to a wide range of users and does not require a deep study of the principles of complex electronics. At the same time, one should not forget that carrying out the procedures related to the maintenance and software repair of hard disk drives requires care and accuracy.

As the most fragile element of a computer, the hard disk drive (HDD) stores all of your information. But sometimes it turns out that bad sectors are formed on the hard disk. Therefore, every PC or laptop owner should know how to use the Regenerator. It is this program (hard disk recovery software) that allows you to recover a damaged hard disk.

Applying a special method of unreadable sector magnetization reversal, HDD Regenerator is able to restore, and not hide "broken" sectors. This feature of the program allows you to restore the damaged hard disk (program to restore the hard disk). To work successfully with the program, they use a special bootable disk / flash drive that is created after the program starts. How to work with HDD Regenerator is absolutely clear: the interface is intuitive.

Main features of HDD Regenerator

  • Has the ability to detect and fix bad sectors.
  • The program is able to ignore the file system, scanning the disk at the physical level, which allows you to study any file system, also with unpartitioned and unformatted hard drives.
  • Has the ability to "direct" work, i.e. act directly from the OS (WinXP and older).
  • Has the ability to create bootable disks and flash drives.

It is better to use the program when booting the computer from a USB flash drive, which was created after installing the HDD Regenerator. However, it makes sense to try hard disk recovery through the Windows interface.

HDD Regenerator - how to use

After downloading the archive with the Regenerator program, open it and run the file HDD.Regenerator.v2011.exe. When the installation on the desktop is completed, a shortcut to the program will appear and at the same time an Internet page will open. You can close the page, but run the shortcut. The program window will open.

To start scanning and recovering the hard drive directly in your operating system, you must press the topmost button. The corresponding disk selection window will appear.

Moving the cursor to the bottom of the window, select the disk and click "Start Process". The window that appears will contain information about a warning that the disk is now in use, and suggest, for the correct operation of the program, to close all programs on the computer that use the hard disk.

Therefore, find programs that "run on your hard drive" (for example, antivirus, etc.) and disable them. Then click "Retry". If you get a warning again, then something has been missed. For example, Windows 7's fast search indexing is capable of using the drive that you intend to check and repair. However, even if you are unable to disable all programs or services using the hard drive, you can still continue using the recovery tool by clicking Cancel.

The command line console that opens contains the following items:

  • Scanning and viewing bad sectors.
  • Scanning (with subsequent recovery \\ without recovery).
  • Implementation of the version view.
  • View scan statistics.

Select the number you want on the keyboard and press Enter. If it is, for example, number 2, then scanning will start, and in the lower part of the window you can see the number of bad sectors ("broken" sectors) - denoted by "B", and the number of recovered sectors (recovered) - R.

HDD Regenerator instruction

HDD regenerator is a software product designed to work with hard disks, namely, to restore their damaged sectors.

This program has the ability to work with hard drives both in the Windows operating system and from under the operating system. Having launched the program on any personal computer, the first thing it will offer us is to create copies of it on a bootable USB flash drive, or on a bootable disk.

And so we open the menu item "Regeneration" and select "Run the process under Windows". In the window that appears, we need to select the hard drive with which we will work.

Before starting work, you need to close all active programs, their work can restrict access to the disk and block the operation of the HDD Regenerator itself.

If you did everything correctly, then a Dos window will open in front of you in which four operations will be offered to choose from:
Carry out diagnostics and then restore the damaged sectors of the hard disk;
Carry out diagnostics and, upon completion, show only their results;
Carry out the regeneration of damaged sectors, having previously indicated from which and at what point;
Show statistics (in case the program cannot diagnose)

To save time, it is recommended to use the second item (for this, between the square brackets near the word "Choice", enter the ordinal number of the menu item and press "Enter") to find out where the damaged sectors are located.

This is done in order to select the next point from which point (range with damaged sectors) to restore from. Having indicated it, we also press "Enter"

After the completion of the restoration process, the program will show us information about the work done and its results.

So let's get down to business. Let's consider how to use the hdd regenerator 2011 program. First, download and install the program. Before using the program, turn off all programs whose work is associated with the hard disk. For more comfortable use of the program, you can download and install the crack. It should be accompanied by instructions on how to use hdd regenerator 2011 rus, which will help you install the crack without any problems. We strongly recommend that you strictly follow the instructions, otherwise the smooth operation of the hdd regenerator program is not guaranteed.
After starting the program, a dialog box appears. In order to check and restore the HDD in the system shell, you must click the top button "Click here to restore defective disk sectors directly from under Windows (XP / Vista / 7)". In the window that appears, select those disk partitions that should be restored.

Sometimes the system notifies that the SATA HDD is in ANCI mode. To fix this, we restart the computer through the BIOS and select SATA IDE as the mode. This is often impossible, and a dialog box pops up constantly during the check. We select the "Cancel" button, the command line console appears with 4 items:

  • Calculation and regeneration of bad sectors and partitions.
  • Full disk scan with / without data recovery
  • Software version.
  • Information about the done work of the regenerator program.
  • Select item 2 and Start, the HDD check process has started.

Note that recovery of a hard drive in this way does not always bring excellent results. What to do in this case?
A bootable USB drive will help us.
To work, you need a flash drive with a volume of at least 1 GB. After running the hdd regenerator program, select "Create a bootable USB flash drive" and wait until it is formatted and boot data appears on it. Reboot your computer. In this case, you need to go into the BIOS and select the priority of loading the OS through the USB flash drive.
A DOS window appears. It is necessary to select sections for diagnostics and regeneration. Selecting the required one, click Start. The process has begun.
To interrupt scanning, you need to press "Esc", but what results will be unknown. Therefore, it is best to wait until the process is complete.
If the HDD has suffered significant damage, then the hdd regenerator will "slow down" when processing sectors, while the operating time may last for several hours. Then you have only one way out - to buy a new HDD and drop the information on it, which still remained thanks to the hdd regenerator 2011 program.

Hdd regenerator - how to use
This is a special utility that allows you to recover information from damaged vectors of hard disks (HDD) with a high degree of probability (up to 50-60%). This is a fairly well-known program in narrow circles that specializes in restoring the performance of damaged sectors (by remagnetizing them). According to its developers, it is able to help even in very difficult cases, with which many experts agree.

Many users (experts agree with them) strongly advise against trying to "reanimate" the hard drive on their own. Even a minor mistake can lead to fatal consequences (including the inability to recover data). There are quite a few special services that are involved in recovering information from damaged media today, and such a procedure is inexpensive.

How does it work

The principle of the utility is based on the fact that it
alternately generates and sends signals of various length and power to inaccessible (damaged) sectors of the disk. Such an effect leads to magnetization reversal of individual sectors of the HDD, or the entire disk as a whole. As a rule, sectors become inoperative precisely because of improper magnetization or demagnetization.

The main advantage of the program is that such interference with the disk (its magnetization reversal) does not affect user or system files. Thus, as a result of the program's work, it is guaranteed that the information on the disk will not be affected, respectively, they will not suffer.

Hdd Regenerator (version 1.71) - how to use

How to use the program Hdd Regenerator will be described later, it is distributed free of charge (and its use is already conditionally "free"). To install it on your computer, you need to download it, and the archive with the utility contains a crack and detailed installation instructions (file "Readme.txt").

Once it is installed on the desktop, the Hdd Regenerator icon will appear. Click on it and run the program. After launching it, a window will appear where the user will be asked to make a choice (run a scan followed by disk recovery or create a new bootable USB flash drive).
In order to start the procedure for recovering information from non-working media (disks), click on the "Regeneration" button located on the top panel. From the offered (dropped out) list, select "Run process under Windows".
Next (in the next window that appears), you need to select the disk that will be restored. By the way, all disks connected to the system will be displayed here with their own numerical characteristics: the number of sectors and their size. Having selected the disk you need, press "start", which is located in the middle horizontally, and on the right vertically.

After clicking on the "start" button, a warning window will appear, which reflects all programs that are currently used by the system (and they are located on this disk). To continue the procedure, all these programs will need to be closed (or terminated).

At the next stage (if everything was done correctly in the previous one), a black and white program window should appear (as in Windows DOS).

In the window, the user will need to choose from 4 options:
1) perform diagnostics and subsequent disk recovery;
2) only diagnostics, without subsequent data recovery, with the output of a report upon completion;
3) perform only recovery (without preliminary diagnostics);
4) generate and display statistics.

In the brackets at the bottom, you must write a number (process number). For novice users, it is recommended to select item 2, i.e. diagnostics.

If you have selected operation number 2 (recommended), the following window will appear, where you will need to select a scan range, where you can select which sector to start from.
Then the program will start scanning the entire HDD from the selected sector. Upon completion, a window with scan results will appear. They will show: the number of bad sectors of the HDD disk that can be restored, the number of already fixed and unrecoverable.

During the scanning process, you can press the "Esc" key. In this case, an additional menu will appear. In the window that appears, the user will be offered 5 options:
1) continue the data recovery process;
2) generate and display statistics at the time of stopping;
3) change / edit scan boundaries;
4) change / edit scan mode;
5) go to the main menu of the program.

With the help of the Hdd Regenerator utility, the process of recovering data from non-working hard drives can be performed by anyone, even without special training (or deep knowledge). And most importantly, it doesn't take much time. Many reviews on the Internet confirm that it is capable of quite successfully recovering information from damaged disk sectors, despite its fairly small size, only 8.8 megabytes.


It should be warned right away that this product is "relatively" free. Those. you can download it and use it for the first time for free, so to speak, get acquainted with its capabilities. In case of further use of the utility, a window appears.

In short, it says here that the disk contains bad sectors (will be listed) that can be restored using this program. However, for this it is already necessary to pay (buy) for the full version in order to use it.

The main difference between this program and its counterparts, it is also its main advantage - a low-level algorithm of work. This allows, through large-scale integration into the DOS environment, to gain access to the information contained on the HDD disk, access to which was previously closed, as well as to recover data quite effectively (+ control this process).