What to do if the touchscreen doesn't work on iPhone. IPhone sensor not working: reasons, diagnostics, repair Technical reasons for iPhone sensor malfunction

Nowadays, with all models of modern phones, many breakdowns can occur, the cause of which is not only software errors, but also a large number of mechanical damages, such as chips, scratches and dents caused as a result of the phone falling. Even after hitting a hard surface, the iPhone may turn off and no longer turn on or function intermittently. At this moment, its body may burst or get cracks all over the glass, it is also possible that it stops or.

Of course, in Moscow, the most frequent type of repair, many people go to the service center as a result of the fact that their favorite gadget has suffered a mechanical failure or.

The result of a fall or the result of a strong blow tells us that the smartphone will begin to behave unstably by switching off periodically. The touchscreen under the glass will stop working and the display glass may crack. And it can happen in such a way that instead of the clean and smooth glass of the screen, you get a pattern in the form of small, sharp fragments.

The latter is the most likely option, in case of strong collisions with asphalt or concrete. And in this case, the intervention of a mobile equipment repair specialist is necessary! On the Internet, you can find many instructions for self-repair, provided that you have an idea for repair at home - for example, replace the back cover or display of your iPhone, but unfortunately this can lead to additional damage. Because without the skill and special tools, you greatly limit yourself in actions and spend more time on repairs. And the worst result could be an extra charge for yet another mess.

The experts of our technical center will advise you on many issues to bring your beloved iphone back to life, highlight the difference in prices for parts, offer the most suitable repair options, and only after your consent, they will begin their work. Upon completion of the repair, a 90-day warranty will be issued and a 15% discount coupon offered for subsequent repairs.

Owners of such "apple" products as the iPhone 4s very often face sensor breakage. It is difficult to use a gadget with such a malfunction, therefore it is necessary to fix everything as soon as possible.

Why can the sensor break in the iPhone 4s?

There are several reasons for the failure of the touchscreen in the iPhone 4s:

  • Damage to the mechanical plane that occurred due to a fall or impact.
  • Failure of software and malfunctions of motherboards.
  • Excessive pressure.
  • Incorrectly fitted protective cover.

Therefore, do not allow your iPhone 4s to fall and scratches appear on its screen. Another precautionary measure here is the use of a special film.

What to do if the sensor is out of order in the iPhone 4s?

In the event of a sensor breakdown, there is only one way out - to install a new screen. It is very problematic to eliminate such a breakdown on your own. This requires special tools. It is also important to correctly disassemble and assemble the gadget. For the iPhone to work correctly, it will be necessary to connect the cables correctly. Not every person can do this. If a loop is installed incorrectly, then, most likely, more expensive repairs will be required.

Also keep in mind that you cannot disassemble an iPhone that is under warranty. Therefore, there is only one way out - to go to the service center.

Who can help?

Better call us. There are many reasons for this. The solution to this problem with us will cost you only 2000 rubles. We not only perform all the work at a very high level and in the shortest possible time, but also provide a long-term guarantee for all services provided. And you are not threatened with repeated breakdown after repairs carried out by our craftsmen. After all, each of our specialists knows a lot about repairing the iPhone 4s.

Call us and solve any problem related to iPhone 4s quickly and easily!

Apple monitors the quality of the parts from which its devices are assembled. Almost every element is being finalized in a new generation of devices, but no one is insured against defects or problems during operation. One of the most common iPhone and iPad malfunctions is sensor failure. The touchscreen may fail in whole or in part, not responding to the user's touch across the entire surface of the screen or only in a certain area. If the sensor on the iPhone or iPad does not work, you should not immediately take the devices to a service center, often you can solve the problem yourself.

Signs of a defective iPhone sensor

In iPhone and iPad, the display module consists of three components: protective glass, display and sensor (touchscreen). Sensor malfunctions are manifested by the following symptoms:

The symptoms described above may be present continuously or appear for a while, after which the iPhone will start working normally again.

It is impossible to use a touch device with a faulty touchscreen, and you must fix the problem immediately after it occurs. At the same time, it is not always caused by improper operation of the sensor; in some cases, errors in touch processing occur at the software level.

What to do if the iPhone sensor is not working well

If the problem with touch processing is caused by a software failure, then the user of the device can fix it on his own, without resorting to the help of specialists. To do this, it is necessary to perform a "hard reboot" of the device by simultaneously holding down the "Home" and "Power off / on the device" buttons. After 15-20 seconds, the smartphone screen will go out, after which the Apple icon will light up on it - this means that the restart was successful. After the iPhone boots up, you can test it for sensor performance.

Also, if your iPhone's sensor isn't working well, you should make sure the issue isn't with your device's case (or bumper). Often, spontaneous pressing on the sensor is associated with an incorrectly pasted film on the screen. In case of errors in the operation of the touchscreen, it is better to remove all protective accessories and see how the sensor responds to touch without them.

IPhone Sensor Calibration

Apple does not allow users to calibrate the iPhone or iPad sensor. There are no tools in the device settings that would be responsible for calibration, and only service center specialists can perform it, as stated in the official documentation for Apple smartphones and tablets.

At the same time, some touchscreen settings in the iPhone are provided, but they concern only models older than the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus. It is about adjusting the sensitivity of the 3D Touch function. To adjust the pressure to perform various actions when using 3D Touch, do the following:

How to replace the touchscreen on iPhone

Replacing a sensor on an iPhone or iPad is a complex procedure that requires special skills, tools, and a spare part. In most cases, attempts to independently replace the touchscreen in a smartphone lead to damage to other components of the device, cracks / scratches on the case and other problems. That is why it is better to entrust iPhone repairs to specialists from trusted service centers.

It is important to choose the right service center to replace the touchscreen, for this, having previously read the reviews on the Internet. When contacting an unverified service, there is a great risk that a low-quality replacement sensor will be installed in the smartphone, which will quickly fail. Proven services provide a guarantee for the work performed to replace the touchscreen, which may come in handy if the sensor starts to malfunction again.

The products of the American company Apple are of high quality. It fully justifies the prices at which the manufacturer offers its devices on the market. However, iPhone owners often face problems related to a broken screen. Of course, a hail of questions immediately rains about what to do if the sensor does not work on the iPhone, or, as it is called otherwise, the touchscreen. Initially, we note that the display can either fail completely, or stop performing its functions in part.


Most often, the reasons are mechanical in nature. It is clear that in this case some object must act on the display. No wonder they say that it is better for your device to purchase immediately after purchase and install it. If this is not provided, then be sure to stick a protective film. Without additional protection, when dropped from a great height, the touchscreen of a fifth-generation iPhone, for example, stops working in 98 percent of cases. Nevertheless, it is not excluded if the sensor does not work on the iPhone, the software reason. That is, a failure inside the operating system.


What signs clearly indicate that we have problems with the sensor module of the device? Probably, first of all, this should include the lack of response to touch in one or another area of \u200b\u200bthe screen. For the second time, the touch delay is also included here, although in fact the response is still present.

A manifestation of the fact that the sensor does not work on the iPhone may be a complete ignorance of all touches to simply refuses to process them. By the way, when problems arise with the touchscreen, it becomes a real source of problems for beginners who are just getting acquainted with the "apple" technology. So they start looking if the sensor does not work. Another sign that clearly indicates the need for sensor repair is the arbitrary life of the device. That is, it itself can type a sequence of characters, applications are opened and closed in the same way, and documents are scrolled by themselves. A bit creepy when you think about horror movies.

What to do and how to turn off the iPhone if the sensor does not work?

Let's imagine the following situation. Let's say that the touchscreen of your device still functions, albeit with a lot of errors and inaccuracies. In this case, we can solve this problem quite simply. To do this, we perform a full reboot of the smartphone. To do this, follow the simple instructions. The first step is to pinch two buttons at once. This is the power button, as well as the key called "Desktop" or "Home". In this state, they need to be held for about twenty seconds. After this time, the device should restart. At the end you will see the corporate logo of the American company, which will notify you that it performed the reboot operation correctly. By the way, this instruction is one of the answers to the question of how if the sensor does not work.

Check accessories

There are times when they interfere with the correct operation of the touchscreen. For example, if it was pasted incorrectly, it can contribute to this matter. In addition, there are now a huge number of undeniably cool smartphone bumpers on the market, but not all of them are well made. If the bumper partially covers the display, it may interfere with normal operation. To check if this is the reason, you just need to remove it from the device and again use the touchscreen a little. If normal operation is restored, the problem is really in the bumper, and something will have to be done about it. If nothing has changed at all, then you need to go further and look for the cause of the incorrect functioning.

The answer to the question of how to restart an iPhone if the sensor does not work is quite simple. To do this, you need to use the appropriate key combination. Well, what to do next if the advice on restarting the device did not help? What if the sensor continues to work incorrectly, or even does not respond to touches at all? In this case, everything is much more serious, and we are not dealing with a single failure, which, in fact, is just an exception to the rule, but with a technical failure.

In this case, as quickly as possible, you need to plan and carry out a visit to the service center, where specialists will examine the screen and, if possible, return it to normal life. Don't be tormented by the question “The sensor does not work on the iPhone, what should I do?” When even a complete reboot does not help. Here we are talking about the fact that you need to act as quickly as possible so as not to aggravate the situation.

Why a service center?

If your sensor does not work on an iPhone 5S or another device of this American company, specialists with relevant work experience can always first recognize and identify the cause of the malfunction, and then localize and eradicate it. In the service center, you can find out the state of the phone. If required, specialists will replace the screen on the device for a fee.

How long will it take?

Most often, replacing the display on an iPhone of any generation takes about one hour. There may be slight variations in both directions, but usually within an hour. One should not think that such a short term of work means their poor quality.

If severe damage occurs

Deformation of the screen or even damage to the motherboard, which occurred as a result of high-intensity mechanical impact, will be the reason why you will need to part with your device for a longer period of time than an hour. Serious problems always require more thorough diagnosis. After all, this is not just a replacement of a sensor, but a whole set of activities that together make up a single complex required for further correct operation.