What to do if language switching does not work. The language does not change on the computer or laptop. Choosing additional languages

This time we will consider the problem when the language on the keyboard does not switch from Windows 10 and what to do in this case.

This problem is common. The cause of the problem lies in a damaged system file or in incorrect system settings. Therefore, we propose to consider ways to solve the problem.

Ways to solve the problem with the keyboard layout

If on a computer with Windows 10 you cannot switch from Russian to English or vice versa, it is worth checking the ctfmon.exe file for performance. It is he who is responsible for displaying the language bar and its functioning. To do this, go to "drive C / Windows / System32" and find the file "ctfmon.exe".

Run the file and see the result. You may need to reboot your system and check your PC for viruses.

It is also worth noting that the layout does not change if the same file is absent from startup. To do this, you should do the following:

  • Find the file "ctfmon.exe". Right-click on it and select "Copy".

  • Next, go to the address: "C: / Users / Username / AppDate / Roaming / Microsoft / Windows / Main menu / Programs / Startup". Right-click on an empty space and select "Paste".

  • Reboot your PC.

If after these manipulations the switch still does not work, it is worth making a change to the registry. To do this, do the following:

  • Click "Win + R" and enter "regedit".

  • The registry will open. Go to the branch "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Run". Let's see if there is a parameter with the value “ctfmon.exe” in the “Run” directory. If it is not there, right-click on an empty space and select "New", "String parameter".

  • Give the parameter any name. The value is written "ctfmon" \u003d "CTFMON.EXE" (quotation marks must be placed!).

  • We save the parameter. We close all windows and reboot the system.

You can also change the registry value by creating a .reg file with the following content:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"CTFMON.EXE" \u003d "C: \\\\ WINDOWS \\\\ system32 \\\\ ctfmon.exe"

After starting the file, the layout will change as usual. If the Russian language is missing, you will have to download the language pack and make changes to the keyboard layout settings.

To learn how to change the keys to change the language using the keyboard layout, see the video:

Often Windows users find themselves in an extremely unpleasant situation when they need to quickly change the input language (for example, when typing a test), but the keyboard does not switch to English. What is the problem? How to fix this failure yourself? This will be discussed in the article.

Why doesn't it switch to the English language bar?

There can be many reasons for this phenomenon: from short-term failures to breakdown of the keyboard itself. Let's figure it out together.

When the keyboard does not switch to English, the following are considered the main facts affecting the occurrence of such a failure:

  • short-term system failure;
  • no language required for switching;
  • incorrect switching settings;
  • lack of an installed keyboard layout;
  • disabled service responsible for layout and switching;
  • breakdown of the device.

Actually, in the simplest case, sometimes it is enough just to restart the computer terminal or laptop. Perhaps, after a second restart, this problem will disappear. But in a situation where Russian does not switch to English, as a rule, other reasons are to blame. We will talk about them now.

Keyboard does not switch to English: add language

The most common occurrence is considered to be a situation when, for some reason, the second language has been removed from the system or is initially absent altogether (although English is enabled by default in the standard Windows settings). To solve the question of why the language panel and, as a consequence, the keyboard does not switch to English, you just need to check if the second language is installed in the system.

So, go to the standard "Control Panel" and turn to the section of languages \u200b\u200band regional standards. After that, in the settings window, you need to go to the languages \u200b\u200band keyboards tab. We use the change keyboard button to display all languages \u200b\u200binstalled in the system.

Pay attention to the general parameters tab (in the window in the middle). Languages \u200b\u200bare displayed there. If only one Russian is specified, the second language must be added. To do this, use the corresponding button located a little to the right.

Then you just need to select English from the list, expand the keyboard menu, set the "USA" layout value. Be sure to save your changes. In theory, after the actions taken in the previous list, the second language will appear immediately.

Keyboard shortcut change settings

But it also happens that the language is present in the system or, as in the previous list, its setting is made correctly, but this does not give an effect. So why does the keyboard switch to English by default but not to Russian?

Perhaps the problem is that the so-called "hot" keys, which are responsible for fast switching, are not configured. In the standard system settings, Alt + Shift is initially used. If the user thinks that it is possible to switch immediately with Ctrl + Shift, he is deeply mistaken. Try the standard version first. If this does not help, on the switch tab, you need to see in the drop-down menu at the top whether such a combination is specified at all.

But in the question of why the corresponding layout does not switch to English, you need to pay attention to one more important point. In the previous window, after setting the main combination, try in the drop-down menu to select the line corresponding to the inclusion of the English language and set your own combination (for example, Ctrl + 1), save the changes and check if the switch works. Perhaps the failure is due to the inoperability of the buttons, and the new combination will give the desired effect.

Language bar display settings

Fast switching is sometimes impossible for another reason. Why doesn't it switch to English keyboard? Sometimes this is due only to the fact that the language bar itself is not pinned to the tray. It is not known why, but this can also be.

In the above section, go to the language bar tab and make sure that the checkbox is selected next to its docking line in the "Taskbar". If for some reason the buttons do not work, you can switch languages \u200b\u200bdirectly from the corresponding panel (icon next to the clock in the system tray) using the mouse.

Checking button functionality

Finally, the most unpleasant situation associated with the breakdown of the keyboard itself. You can check its performance in any text editor (but only for keys with letters, numbers and special characters). But what to do to check other buttons like Ctrl, Alt, Shift, etc.?

To do this, from the main menu, you will need to call the on-screen keyboard (special features section), and then check with it. This is done by sequentially pressing the desired buttons. Changing their color on the virtual keyboard will signal their performance. If there is no color change, you can be sure the key is not working. As already clear, in this case you will either have to carry the keyboard for repair, or (for cases with laptops) buy a new one. But in the simplest case, you can try to perform some actions yourself, for example, remove the buttons and clean the contacts from the accumulated dirt (this, unfortunately, is very common).

Additional actions

If all else fails, go to autoload via the Run console with the msconfig command and check if the ctfmon service is enabled, which is responsible for keyboards and languages.

If it is deactivated, just check the box in front of it and reboot.


To summarize, it can be noted that the most common situations were described above. If all else fails, try connecting a different keyboard. Perhaps the malfunction lies precisely in the device that was used before. By the way, check yet, there is no third-party program installed on the system that is responsible for changing the language and layout. And, of course, try checking your computer for viruses.

When working in text editors, instant messengers, the Internet, etc. we often have to change the input language on the keyboard from Russian to English and vice versa. Most advanced users do it automatically, but, unfortunately, there are those for whom this question is still open. If you belong to the second category of users, then the instructions on how to switch the language on the keyboard are for you. Here we will analyze which keys are responsible for quickly switching the input language, how their combinations change and what programs exist to automatically change the language layout of the computer keyboard.

Standard method

So how do you switch the language on your keyboard using standard keyboard shortcuts? Everything is very simple. There are two keyboard shortcuts to quickly switch keyboard layouts in Windows. The first, it is usually the default, includes the "Shift" and "Alt" buttons. Pressing them simultaneously allows you to quickly change the input language from English to Russian and vice versa.

The second combination consists of the "Shift" and "Ctrl" buttons.

Which combination you have can be tested experimentally by controlling the process by the language bar icon in the notification area.

Change the keyboard shortcut to switch the input language

If you are not satisfied with the combination of quick buttons for switching the input language, then it can be easily changed. For example, instead of the "Shift + Alt" combination, it is more convenient for you to switch the language using the "Shift" and "Ctrl" buttons. This can be done from the "Regional and Language Options" section. To do this, go to the control panel through the "Start" menu.

In the next window, go to the "Switch keyboard" tab and click "Change keyboard shortcut".

Finally, we change the settings at our discretion.

Third party software for automatic language switching

To make it easier for yourself when typing, regardless of the keyboard layout, there is a wonderful program "Punto Switcher". In fact, this is an automatic language switch when working with texts. With her, the language switches automatically. For example, when typing a Russian word in Latin, the program automatically changes the input language, correcting an incorrectly entered word. The program is free and intuitive.

As you can see from the picture, the program is replete with settings. Thus, it can be customized for yourself.

Usually, when working on a PC, several keyboard layouts are involved. Sometimes a malfunction occurs and the language cannot be changed. The reasons for this problem can be different. Solving them is simple, you just need to identify the source of the problem and fix it. The instructions in our article will help you with this.

Usually the problem is a misconfiguration of the keyboard in the Windows operating system itself, a malfunctioning computer, or damage to certain files. We will analyze in detail two methods that will solve the problem that has arisen. Let's get down to their implementation.

Method 1: customize the keyboard layout

Sometimes the set settings get confused or the parameters were set incorrectly. This problem is the most common, so it would be logical to consider its solution first. We recommend that you check the entire configuration, add the required layout and configure switching using keyboard shortcuts. You just need to follow the following instructions:

  1. Open up "Start" and select "Control Panel".
  2. Find the section Language and Regional Settings and run it.
  3. An additional menu will open, which is divided into sections. You need to go to "Languages \u200b\u200band keyboards" and click on "Change keyboard".
  4. You will see a menu with installed services. On the right are the control buttons. Press on Add.
  5. You will see a list with all available layouts. Select the required one, after which you will need to apply the settings by clicking on "OK".
  6. You will again be taken to the keyboard change menu, where you will need to select a section "Switch keyboard" and click on Change keyboard shortcut.
  7. Here specify the combination of symbols that will be used to change the layout, then click on "OK".
  8. In the change language menu, go to "Language bar", put a full stop opposite "Pinned to the taskbar" and don't forget to save your changes by clicking on "Apply".

Switching layouts is one of major OS functions. Language switching is used almost everywhere, so the situation when the layout does not change causes some difficulties when working on a computer.

Reasons There can be many occurrences of this malfunction, and it is impossible to say with precision what exactly caused the problem.

The first thing to do if the language has stopped switching is reload a computer. Most often this solves the problem, but if nothing has changed, then it is worth trying several effective ways.

Add language

If there is a language panel on the task panel, and it is possible to select all languages \u200b\u200bin it, then you can skip this instruction. Otherwise you can try change panel settings. The problem may have arisen because only one language is installed in the system.

The procedure is quite simple:

Change the keyboard shortcut

Another solution to the problem is change the combination that is used to change. Perhaps the hotkeys have been reset and need to be repeated install.

To do this, we repeat the actions of the previous section to go to settings panels.

Here you need to check whether hotkeys to switch. If the word no is everywhere, then you cannot change the language with a keyboard shortcut.

To change these settings, select the item " Switch input language"And click the button below (Change keyboard shortcut). There are three options to choose from:

  • Combination Ctrl andShift
  • Left Alt andShift
  • Accent mark or letter Yo.

We choose the necessary and confirm choice.

Also, you can assign your own combination for of each language, for which in the keyboard switching window you need highlight second point.

If all else fails

In the event that all else fails, you can try run panel manually. This requires.