What is better community or public page. Group, public page or Vkontakte event: which is better. Design and additional sections in groups

Have you decided to create your own community, but can't decide what you need a group or a public page? They are so similar, but I do not advise you to "poke" your finger in the sky, so that later you do not have to re-create the community. Therefore, I have prepared for you a selection of the main differences and functions of the group and the public page. Before making a choice, let's look at how they differ and why they are needed.

1. You can see which group this or that user belongs to by looking at his page, namely the list of groups.

But if the user in the privacy settings indicated that only those who are in the category can see the list of groups (this can be a setting that only the owner of the page can see the list) - then we will not be able to see the list of groups in which the user is a member. In other words, the visibility of the group on the user's page can be hidden by the privacy settings.

The public page is visible to everyone, it is shown at the bottom under the photo, under the list of friends in the section of interesting pages. Thus, we see the pages that the user visits most often.

When you click on the "Interesting Pages" section, we will see a window where you can see all the pages to which the user is subscribed, incl. and other people's personal pages.

Group or public page - what's the other difference?

2. The difference between a public page and a group is also that a group can be made open, closed or private. The public page is visible to everyone, and the information that is published there is also visible to everyone. Therefore, if you want to make content private, only for certain people, restrict access to published materials, then it is better to create a closed group or a private one. A private group cannot be found through a search; a person can join it only by invitation.

3. You can invite friends to the group, there is no such possibility in the public page.

4. Sections in a group can be done:

    open - materials and publications can be added by all community members,

    limited - only editors and group administrators can add materials and publications,

    the section can be turned off altogether - it will not be visible to anyone on the main page.

Sections in the public page can be either enabled or disabled. Then, (for example, in the section photo albums) you can make a setting and select those who can add photos to this album. Although there is such a function in the group))

5. You can receive news into the public page. Those. you may be offered news for the public to publish.

There is no such opportunity in the group

6. In the public page there is an information tab where you can add the date of foundation. And in the settings section, you can choose from whom to accept the proposed news - from all users or only from subscribers, and you can also turn off this function and no one will bother you)))

Now it doesn't matter if you have a group or a public page (due to recent changes), and here and there you can set the location, up to the physical address. Previously, this was only possible in groups.

To do this, go to the community address management. We turn on the address and select the checkbox to show on the map, if you want your address to be displayed on the map, or remove the checkmark.

In order to add an address, click "Add address" (Fig. 1 on the left), we have a window (Fig. 2 on the right), in which we need to enter our address or the name of the institution that we want to add.

We are thrown into another window in which we need to fill in the fields, you can even indicate the metro station. And click save. If we ticked the box to show the map, then at this stage we roll the video in the map area until the moment when we are satisfied with how the address will be displayed on the map.

After saving the address, we are asked to add a phone number and opening hours. You can also add more addresses.

This is how the location looks after adding all the fields when we go to the group. Below the information is the address, how we work and the position on the map. If we click on the address (Figure 1 on the left), then a window will drop out to us, where all the added addresses, metro and opening hours will be shown.

And this is what the location looks like if we removed the checkbox "Show map"

7. The group has the ability to create menus, wiki pages. In a public page, this can also be done, but you need to do it in workarounds, creating each page separately and then connecting to each other.

Also, don't forget that design for both groups and public pages is very important. We wrote more about it earlier.

8. In the group and the public page, the arrangement of some sections is organized differently:

    In the group, immediately below the assigned post, there is a block of discussions, products, photo albums and audio recordings.

Most Vkontakte users believe that a public and a group are one and the same. However, there are differences.

Although some users are aware of these differences, they still consider them to be insignificant. Indeed, if you are an ordinary Vkontakte user who, in his free time, flips through the feed of your favorite communities, it does not matter to you whether it is a public or a group.

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But if you are the creator of a group or plan to promote something through your community, then it is important for you to know these differences, since they greatly affect the course of promotion.

1. The first thing to pay attention to is the location of the sections.

If you paid attention, then all the main sections in public pages are located on the right.

Therefore, to pay attention to the section "discussion", "photos", "videos", you need to scroll down a little bit.

In groups, the listed sections are located at the top above the tape. Although this difference may not seem significant, if you think about it, this point can significantly affect the promotion process.

If you decide to promote something commercial through the community, then the group will be more attractive here, since the visitor to the community will immediately turn his attention to these sections, where there may be photos of goods and services, discussion of proposals that your company offers.

In public pages, these sections are located below, so the visitor does not immediately notice them, and since it is necessary to scroll through the feed, the user may not pay attention to these sections at all, since he will be distracted by the community posts.

2. Another significant difference is privacy.

In the group settings, the administration has the ability to change the types of its community. For example, a group can be open, where anyone can visit it and join if they like the content. Two more types of groups are “closed” and “private”. By making the group closed, you can join it only if the administration accepts the application.

In some cases, this can be useful to prevent non-target audiences from entering the community, as well as bots and fakes. The content in this case will be invisible to those who are not a member of the group.

And private groups can only join at the invitation of administrators. This feature can be useful for a narrow circle of people with interests that they do not want to disclose to others.

There are no such settings in public. Therefore, the public page is always open by default. Anyone can enter and join the public.

3. Another important point that affects the promotion of these two types of communities is the ways of promotion.

Groups have a distinctive 'invite friends' function. Thus, anyone who is a member of a group can invite their friends to it (no more than 40 people per day).

This is one of the methods for promoting groups, since through fake accounts you can add people as friends, and then invite them to your group. For some reason, this function is absent in public pages. Many people think this is unfair, but this does not affect the promotion of public pages, since public pages tend to self-promote. Whereby?

You may have noticed that each user's page has a "interesting pages" section. This section contains a list of publics to which the person is subscribed. This section contains only pvbliks, there are no groups.

It turns out that if a person subscribes to a public page, then in a sense he takes part in the PR of this community, since his friends and all visitors to his page see this community. And in general, Vkontakte users are more willing to subscribe to publics.

The section that lists the groups a person has joined is located in the header of each page, in the user's additional information. However, the disadvantage of this is that most people block access to their additional information, and it is not available to others.

Considering these moments, most of the creators of communities first create them as groups in order to invite people to them, and after reaching 9,900 subscribers, they change the group to pvblik, so that it unwinds on its own. By the way, you can change a group to a public or vice versa only up to 10,000 subscribers, and once a month, after that this function is absent.

So, to summarize, groups are more suitable for commercial promotion. Public pages are more relevant for entertainment content, and they are most often created to earn money from advertising.

Some time ago, a new type of communities appeared in VK - a public page. What is the difference between a group and a public page? Let's find out.

A group is an official platform, a community where people communicate with each other. This is the oldest type of community that VKontakte has.

A public page or public is an official platform for a person, brand, organization, company, etc. Accordingly, here is information about the company itself or the person to whom the public is dedicated.

What are the differences?

A public page is called such for a reason - it is really public and you cannot hide it from others. So, if you can make a group private, say, for your friends, then such a trick will not work with a public one. Moreover, the public page cannot be hidden in the list of communities on the user's page, which is what many people use, thus attracting more users. What can you say to the fact that you cannot hide a public even from users unregistered in VK?

Another important difference is that only administrators can publish all posts on the public wall. In groups, users can do this if the administrator grants such rights. At the same time, users can comment on posts in the public, as well as offer their news by clicking on the button of the same name. Comments can be left both there and there, while they can be disabled.

Groups have the ability to customize their menus, which is a great advantage for some administrators.

It is believed that there is more activity in publics than in groups, since this is due to the fact that publics are determined to promote the group. This is partly true, but not in all cases.

What to choose?

If you've decided to start a community and aren't sure which one to choose, just check out the main differences between communities. It should be noted that more and more often administrators choose public pages.

Vkontakte is today one of the most popular sites on the Russian Internet. This resource was created to bring together people with similar interests. Let's try to figure out how the page differs from the VKontakte group. The need for this article is ripe, because at the moment most sources already contain outdated information - the network is developing very quickly, one change follows another. So let's go!


Pages "Vkontakte" They are also called business cards, where the user talks about himself and according to the information provided, friends and acquaintances can find him. Moreover, by creating a public page "VKontakte", you can share company news, brand new products, products, thereby attracting the audience from the social network, interacting with it.

Groups "Vkontakte" are formed on various topics and unite like-minded people. In this case, the group can be created simply for communication. However, most of the creators of VKontakte groups pursue the goal of advertising a product or service and making money on it - and there is nothing wrong with that, right? The group is the very first interesting feature of social networks. The number of groups is constantly growing, that's why the VKontakte management has introduced pages. Groups appeared much earlier than pages.

Feature comparison

The main difference is that the pages are available to everyone, including those who are not registered on the social network. The group can be closed from other users.

Design. It can be changed only for groups, for example, by filling out the “News” block. Only the logo can be changed for the pages, and the design is unified. The interface of the pages is subjectively a bit more convenient than that of the groups.

The main difference

Each Vkontakte user can see the Interesting Pages menu under his profile photo. This is where the five most frequently visited pages are displayed. If the page created by you is in this Top among the users with the largest number of friends, then, accordingly, there will be an opportunity to get additional traffic to the page. Groups do not have such opportunities.

Conclusions site

  1. Groups appeared earlier
  2. The page is visible to everyone, and the group can be made private
  3. In groups, you can change individual design elements using wiki markup
  4. Pages appear in the Interesting Pages menu, but groups do not.

Greetings, dear blog readers. Galiulin Ruslan is in touch. Today we will talk about various social terms and talk about the types of communities in VK.

Despite the variety and variety of electronic services and portals for the dissemination of information, product promotion, blogging and other commercial activities, VKontakte remains the most popular social network on the Russian Internet and is gaining more and more users abroad. In this regard, the use of the platform for the functions listed above is justified and expedient.

The questions arise: what form of the platform community to use - a group or a public? The choice of one form or another determines the further possibilities and path of the project.

What is the difference between a group and a public VKontakte page: pros and cons

The article lists the differences and similarities of concepts, the pros and cons of each type of community.

Public page

Public in VK - this is the place where the user officially presents his product, brand, service, work. The purpose of the public page is to promote the selected subject.

Characteristics of a public page, which, depending on the user's preferences, can be both disadvantages and advantages:

  • posting posts on the wall is the prerogative of administrators; subscribers can comment on posts - if commenting on posts is open in the community, and offer news that will be published after moderation;
  • all public information - media, documents, is in open mode and available for general viewing;
  • sections "Photos", "Audio recordings", "Video recordings", "Discussions" are located on the right edge of the page;
  • no "Fresh news" - a link in the group, by which you can view the latest entries;
  • instead of this link, wiki pages are used - a way to decorate the visual appearance of the page by adding a colorful article with various types of formatting;
  • creation of events is available - events that will be notified to all subscribers of the public;
  • it is impossible to download documents - text and other files, which are usually attached from a home computer and stored on the page;
  • no button for inviting new friends;
  • on the pages of subscribers, under the "Friends" field, the community logo is displayed, which is also seen by other users - the ability to spread information about the public, use marketing techniques to remember symbols and colors that can be applied.

Group in VK

This type of community implies a platform that brings together participants of interesting topics. The goal is the exchange of information, opinions, interests. These are kind of hobby societies, on which you can set closed access and privacy settings, which makes them so popular. Groups of friends, colleagues, classmates, etc. are often formed.


  • three access modes - open, when each VKontakte user can join the society on his own and view content without joining; closed - it is impossible to see the content of the group, the entry takes place by submitting an application and with the approval of the administration; private - only admins can invite members;
  • if the group is open, members can submit their news, and they instantly hit the wall;
  • it is possible to close this feature and even remove the function of leaving comments under posts;
  • there is no function for creating events;
  • sections "Discussions", "Photos", "Audio recordings", "Videos" are located at the top of the community page;
  • "Fresh News" is present;
  • inviting friends is available, participants can invite their friends to the community;
  • it is possible to download documents and store them on the server;
  • for members, the group is displayed in the general list of groups - without a logo, just a name, which is not as attractive as the visual appearance of publics.


To promote the community, the function of inviting friends is important, which public pages are deprived of. On the other hand, a group cannot invite more than 40 people per day, this limit narrows this group's advantage.

But publics are able to attract attention thanks to the display in the form of a bright logo with the name and status in the section "interesting pages". And groups are displayed in a boring list, which, moreover, can be hidden.

Also, public pages benefit from a psychological standpoint - as a new kind of community, often with entertaining content, bright articles, they crowd out groups and make them old-fashioned. The activity of subscribers to public pages is higher than that of group members, although organized administration can bring groups to the peak of popularity.

Choosing between the two forms of community, you need to decide on the goal - what material will be published. If you intend to advertise a brand, goods, blogging, culinary or other pages, feeds about any events (popular publics about celebrities), then a public page is better suited - a bright news platform with a lot of media files.

If the goal is not to display popular and entertaining information, then rather choose a group. Groups bring together people with more serious interests, they are also used between fellow students, teachers when it is necessary to upload files for general use, colleagues, official communities of companies and entrepreneurs.

Group creation

Unlike a public page, during the formation of which it is necessary to determine the audience from the selected options, a group is created by pressing one button.

You need to come up with a name for the association, select a "Group" and then set up the community's capabilities. You can choose a topic from the proposed list, set age rating restrictions, provide a link to the main site, location, attach to the profile application from VKontakte - Snapster, in simple words, a photo editor from which processed images can be sent to friends.

As mentioned, privacy is configured in the group - an open, closed and private group.

Another difference between a group and a public is the separation of the community and its leadership. A page is both a community and a user page. The group can contain administrators, moderators, caretakers, any other positions that are displayed in the list to the right of the wall. This property of the group allows participants to contact the leaders directly and conduct personal dialogues.

With high-quality group management, for example, spending time on creating beautiful,, photo albums, discussions, fixing rules in the main information of the community, pointing out links to partner and similar pages, interacting with members, constantly adding fresh news, the community will gain its audience and can recruit such turnover, which is in no way inferior to modern public pages.

I hope you understand how the group differs from the public VKontakte page and you can always use the opportunities offered by the social network for making money and communicating. Do not forget to subscribe to the blog mailing list and look forward to seeing you in new articles. All the best -))).

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Respectfully yours, Galiulin Ruslan.