What you need to know about WebMoney certificates. Types of WebMoney certificates and their purpose Introduction of professional standards in the organization of enterprise activities and their application in the field of personnel management…

WebMoney certificate is a digital personal identifier in a given payment system. The certificate stores the contact information of its owner, his name, surname and passport details.

When making money transfers on the Internet, there is rarely the possibility of a personal meeting, and a confirmed certificate will show that its owner is a real person and he is not a fraudster.

To avoid unpleasant situations and unnecessary distrust between clients, several types of certificates were introduced in the WebMoney payment system. For each certificate there is an individual procedure for obtaining it. The higher the level of the WebMoney certificate, the more opportunities will be available to you in this system, and most importantly, the more trust its owner will inspire when making money transfers.

In the WebMoney payment system there are five main types of certificates: pseudonym certificate, formal certificate, initial certificate, personal certificate and seller certificate.

This type of certificate is free, all users receive it automatically after registering with WebMoney. The specified user data is not verified by anyone. Users having pseudonym certificate have the lowest degree of trust on the project, so I recommend immediately obtaining a certificate of the next level - a formal certificate.

Formal certificate are received free of charge after users have filled out their passport information. Owners of formal certificates in WebMoney can replenish and withdraw money from their wallets using bank transfers, postal transfers, and through various payment terminals. Also, holders of formal certificates have the opportunity to exchange currency in WebMoney.

In order to confirm the details of a formal passport, it is enough to send a color copy of the scanned pages of your passport with a photo and signature. You can also send a photo of the same pages, but the photo must be clear and not blurry!

The information you provided in your passport must match the information in your passport. Only the project administration works with document photographs. The data confirmation procedure takes place within a few days, after which you will receive a letter notifying you of receipt of the certificate by email.

A formal certificate is suitable for. Having a formal certificate, you will be able to regularly withdraw money from various projects, pay various bills, and so on.

Trust in users who have initial certificate higher than for users with a formal certificate and a pseudonym certificate, but is not the maximum.

The initial certificate is issued after a personal meeting with a company partner in your region. Obtaining an initial certificate is paid, it costs about $10. The terms of receipt depend on the selected representative of the WebMoney company.

It is also possible receiving an initial certificate automatically:

After replenishing the wallet, the WebMoney certification center will receive the details of the completed payment and the details of the account holder in the bank that made the transfer. If the specified data in the translation matches the data specified in your WebMoney account, then within three working days you will receive an initial certificate.

Personal certificate is the main one in the WebMoney payment system. You can receive a personal passport only when you meet with a company partner, after he checks your personal data. Obtaining a personal certificate is paid. Its average cost is $40.

- This is a type of personal certificate that allows you to receive funds automatically. This certificate is the best for running any business on the Internet. Any holder of a personal certificate in WebMoney can receive a seller's certificate for free.

Description of the form of the certificate of basic general education

The certificate of basic general education (hereinafter referred to as the certificate) is a counterfeit-proof printed product of security level “B” and is produced according to a single sample in the prescribed manner.

The certificate is a title pasted on the cover, format 220x160 mm in unfolded form with a fold in the middle. The cover of the certificate is made of dark coffee-colored lederin. The inscriptions and image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation on the cover are embossed with blue foil.

- the first two characters are the code for the Russian Federation or constituent entities of the Russian Federation (indicated by two numbers in accordance with the table);
- third - fourth characters – series, indicated by two capital letters, starting with “BB”; upon completion of the numbers in the “BB” series, the letter series changes to “BV”, etc. in alphabetical order every 10,000,000 forms;
- fifth - eleventh characters – serial number (seven digits, starting from 000 000 1). For example, the first certificate for the Republic of Adygea (Adygea) will be numbered - 01 BB 0000001, for federal state educational institutions - 90 BB 0000001.

  • Appendix No. 3: Form of certificate of secondary (complete) general education
  • Appendix No. 4: Form of certificate of secondary (complete) general education for those awarded a silver medal
  • Appendix No. 5: Form of certificate of secondary (complete) general education for those awarded a gold medal
  • Appendix No. 6: Form of annex to the certificate of secondary (complete) general education “Extract of final grades”

Description of the form of a certificate of secondary (complete) general education

The certificate is a title pasted on the cover, format 220x160 mm in unfolded form with a fold in the middle. The cover of the certificate is made of dark blue lederin. The inscriptions and image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation on the cover are stamped with silver foil.

Certificates have a numbering consisting of 11 characters:

- third - fourth characters – series, indicated by two capital letters, starting with “AA”; upon completion of the numbers in the “AA” series, the letter series changes to “AB”, etc. in alphabetical order every 10,000,000 forms;

Numbering is done using high quality printing.

Recommendations for filling out state document forms on basic and secondary (complete) general education in 2007. Appendix No. 1 to the Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 21, 2007 No. 03-1102 “On filling out state document forms on basic general and secondary (complete) general education in 2007”

When filling out state-issued document forms on basic general and secondary (complete) general education (hereinafter referred to as certificate forms and application form), it is recommended to be guided by the following requirements:

1. Certificate forms and the application form are filled out on a printer, typewriter or by hand with black ink, black paste or ink, in Russian.

2. The last name, first name, patronymic of a graduate of an educational institution implementing general educational programs of basic general and secondary (complete) general education (hereinafter referred to as the educational institution) are entered on the certificate form in accordance with passport data or birth certificate in the dative case.

3. In the certificate forms, after recording the last name, first name, patronymic, the year of graduation from the educational institution and the full official name of the educational institution that issues the certificate (in the instrumental case) are indicated.

4. The name of the educational institution must correspond to the name of the educational institution specified in the charter and seal of this educational institution.

5. If the official name of the institution contains complete information about the location of the institution (village (village), district, region or village (village), district, republic, etc.), then the name of the locality is not written in order to avoid duplication.

If the official name of the institution does not contain complete information about the location of the institution, then the missing information is added (the name of the specific locality on the territory of which the educational institution is located, municipal formation (district), subject of the Russian Federation).

6. When writing the name of a settlement, the following abbreviations are acceptable: city - city; village - village; region - region; platform (railway) - square; village - village; urban-type settlement - urban-type settlement; workers' settlement - workers' village; district - district; village - village; village - st-tsa; station - station; khutor - hut.

7. The form of the certificate of basic general education includes:
- final grades in all academic subjects of the invariant part of the basic curriculum, which must be mastered by a graduate in classes of the second stage of general education;
- final grades in academic subjects of the variable part of the basic curriculum, which were studied by the graduate in classes of the second stage of general education, and at least 32 hours per academic year were allocated for their study according to the curriculum of the educational institution.

If there are not enough free lines for recording academic subjects that were studied at a given level of general education, free fields on both sides of the certificate form can be used (on the left side - at the bottom of the page, on the right - at the top after the words “RUSSIAN FEDERATION”.

8. In the appendix to the form of the certificate of secondary (complete) general education the following is indicated:
- final grades in all academic subjects of the invariant part of the basic curriculum, which must be mastered by a graduate in classes of the third stage of general education;
- final grades in subjects of the variable part of the basic curriculum, which were studied by the graduate in classes of the third stage of general education, and at least 32 hours were allocated for their study according to the curriculum of the educational institution during the academic year.

9. In the certificate forms and the application form, the names of academic subjects are written in accordance with the list and name of academic subjects specified in the curriculum of the educational institution, drawn up on the basis of the basic curriculum, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated February 9, 1998 N 322, or federal the basic curriculum approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 9, 2004 N 1312.

10. The names of academic subjects for which the graduate was exempted for health reasons (physical education, technology and computer science) are not entered on the certificate form.

11. The name of each academic subject is written on a separate line with a capital letter. The numbering of items is not indicated.

12. The names of academic subjects are written in the nominative case with the following permissible abbreviations and abbreviations:
Computer Science and ICT - Computer Science;
Musical art - Music;
World artistic culture - MHC;
Fine arts - Fine Arts;
Fundamentals of life safety - life safety;
Labor training - Labor.

13. Marks for academic subjects are given in Arabic numerals and in brackets - the words: 5 (excellent), 4 (good), 3 (satisfactory). It is possible to abbreviate the word “satisfactorily” in accordance with the rules of Russian spelling (udovl.). Entries “passed”, “did not study”, etc. are not allowed.

14. The application form to the certificate of secondary (complete) general education includes: code, series and number of the certificate; last name, first name and patronymic of the graduate in the nominative case; date of birth (day, month, year), where the number is written in Arabic numerals, the month in words in the genitive case, the year of birth in four-digit Arabic numerals, there is no dot after the word “year”.

15. In the certificate forms and the application form, the date of issue of the document is indicated indicating: the number in the form of a two-digit figure (for example: 01, 12, etc.), the month in words in words in the genitive case (for example: June, July) and the year (in as a four-digit number).

16. In the certificate forms and the application form, “Z” is placed in all unfilled lines “name of subjects” and “mark”.

17. The form of education is not indicated in the certificate forms.

18. The signature of the head of the educational institution in the certificate forms and applications is affixed in black ink, black paste or ink, followed by its decoding (first and middle initials, last name). In case of temporary absence of the manager, the signature on the document forms is affixed by the person performing his duties, on the basis of the relevant order. At the same time, before the word “manager” the abbreviation “acting.” or vertical bar are not allowed.

19. The completed certificate forms and the application form are sealed with the official seal of the educational institution with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, which must comply with GOST R51511-2001 “Seals with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. Shape, dimensions and technical requirements." The seal impression must be clear, distinct and easy to read.

20. After filling out the document form, it must be carefully checked for the accuracy and error-freeness of the entries made in it

Forms of state-issued documents on basic general, secondary (complete) general education<...>and technical requirements for them, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 11, 2009 No. 295.

Form of certificate of basic general education (Appendix No. 1)

Form of certificate of basic general education with honors (Appendix No. 2)

  • Hardcover: reverse side

Technical requirements for the certificate of basic general education

The certificate of basic general education (hereinafter referred to as the certificate) is a counterfeit-proof printed product of security level “B” and is produced according to a single sample in the prescribed manner.

The hardcover measures 215mm x 305mm when unfolded and is made from coffee-colored lederine (or equivalent). On the front side of the hard cover, the words “Russian Federation”, an image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and the words “Certificate of Basic General Education” are printed in blue foil using hot stamping. The reverse side of the hard cover is covered with special paper: 80 - 100 g/sq. m with a watermark of limited distribution, which should not have a glow (visible luminescence) under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, must contain at least two types of fibers controlled in the visible or other areas of the spectrum - a flyleaf with a multi-mat grid containing the text: “basic general education” . The color background of the reverse side of the hard cover is pale turquoise.

The title, 205 x 290 mm in size, is inserted into a hard cover with an elastic soutache strip glued to the fold. The color background of the front and back of the title is turquoise-fawn. On the front side of the title there is a bas-relief image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation in a one-color grid with an iris roll, as well as the words “Russian Federation” and “Certificate”. On the reverse side of the title in the upper left part there is a stylized image of the State Flag of the Russian Federation and a heraldic image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. In the center of the left side of the reverse side of the title is a guilloche composition set in a background guilloche grid, as well as the words “Certificate of Basic General Education.” There is a serial numbering on the lower left side of the back of the title. In the center of the right side of the reverse side of the title is a bas-relief image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, inserted into the background guilloche grid.

Certificates have a numbering consisting of 11 characters:
- the first two characters are the code for the Russian Federation or constituent entities of the Russian Federation (indicated by two numbers in accordance with the table);
- the third and fourth characters are a series, which is designated by two capital letters, starting with “BV”; upon completion of the numbers in the “BV” series, the letter series changes to “BG”, etc. in alphabetical order every 10,000,000 forms;
- fifth - eleventh characters - serial number (seven digits, starting from 000 000 1).

Application forms are printed on 100 gsm paper. m, which contains 25% cotton fiber, without optical brightener, with a two-tone transparent-shaded watermark (graphic element “RF”). The paper does not glow (visible luminescence) in UV radiation and has a high-quality visible reaction - protection against etching, containing two types of protective fibers:

- elements are printed with special inks that have a yellow-green glow when exposed to UV radiation and a green glow when exposed to IR radiation and do not have absorption in the IR range of the spectrum;

Form of application to the certificate of basic general education (Appendix No. 6)

Technical requirements for the supplement to the certificate of basic general education

The supplement to the certificate of basic general education (hereinafter referred to as the supplement) is a counterfeit-proof printed product of security level “B” and is produced according to a single sample in the prescribed manner.

On the front side of the application, in the upper right part there is an image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, the words “Russian Federation” and the words “Appendix to the certificate of basic general education”. In the center of the right side of the front side of the application is a guilloche composition embedded in a background guilloche grid. On the reverse side of the application, in the center of the right and left sides, there are bas-relief images of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, introduced into the background guilloche grid.

The reverse side of the application is sealed with a two-color negative-positive guilloche mesh with an iris roll. The background color of the application is turquoise-fawn.

- invisible fiber with a yellow-green glow in UV radiation;
- invisible fiber with a red glow in UV radiation.

- an original composition containing negative-positive guilloche elements with a line thickness of 40 - 70 microns;
- two interconnected guilloche meshes with iris roll, one of which is painted with chemical protection, preventing unauthorized changes;
- negative microtext 250 microns high;
- positive microtext with a height of 200 microns;
- elements are imprinted by a metameric pair;

- elements are printed with special inks that glow red when exposed to UV radiation and absorb in the infrared range of the spectrum;

Form of certificate of secondary (complete) general education (Appendix No. 3)

  • Hardcover: reverse side

Form of certificate of secondary (complete) general education for those awarded a silver medal (Appendix No. 4)

  • Hardcover: reverse side

Form of certificate of secondary (complete) general education for those awarded a gold medal (Appendix No. 5)

  • Hardcover: reverse side

Technical requirements for a certificate of secondary (complete) general education

The certificate of secondary (complete) general education (hereinafter referred to as the certificate) is a counterfeit-proof printed product of security level “B” and is produced according to a single sample in the prescribed manner.

The certificate consists of a hard cover and a title.

The hard cover measures 215 x 305 mm when unfolded and is made from blue leatherette (or its equivalent). On the front side of the hard cover, the words “Russian Federation”, an image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and the words “Certificate of secondary (complete) general education” are printed using the hot stamping method in silver foil. The reverse side of the hard cover is covered with special paper: 80-100 g/sq.m with a watermark of limited distribution, must not have a glow (visible luminescence) under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, must contain at least two types of fibers controlled in the visible or other regions of the spectrum - endpaper with a multi-mat grid containing the text: “secondary (complete) general education.” The color background of the reverse side of the hard cover is beige.

The title, 205 x 290 mm in size, is inserted into a hard cover with an elastic soutache strip glued to the fold. The color background of the front and back of the title is gray-beige. On the front side of the title there is a bas-relief image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation in a one-color grid with an iris roll, as well as the words “Russian Federation” and “Certificate”. On the reverse side of the title in the upper left part there is a stylized image of the State Flag of the Russian Federation and a heraldic image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. In the center of the left side of the reverse side of the title there is a guilloche composition entered into the background guilloche grid, as well as the words “Certificate of secondary (complete) general education.” On the lower left side of the back of the title are serial numbering. In the center of the right side of the reverse side of the title is a bas-relief image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, inserted into the background guilloche grid.

Certificates have a numbering consisting of 11 characters:
- the first two characters are the code for the Russian Federation or constituent entities of the Russian Federation (indicated by two numbers in accordance with the table);
- the third and fourth characters are a series, which is designated by two capital letters, starting with “AB”; upon completion of the numbers in the “AB” series, the letter series changes to “AB”, etc. in alphabetical order every 10,000,000 forms;
- fifth - eleventh characters – serial number (seven digits, starting from 000 000 1).

Application forms are printed on 100 gsm paper containing 25% cotton fiber, without optical brightener, with a two-tone light-shaded watermark (graphic element “RF”). The paper does not glow (visible luminescence) in UV radiation and has a high-quality visible reaction - protection against etching, containing two types of protective fibers:
- invisible fiber with a yellow-green glow in UV radiation;
- invisible fiber with a red glow in UV radiation.

Certificate forms contain the following security elements:
- an original composition containing negative-positive guilloche elements with a line thickness of 40 - 70 microns;
- two interconnected guilloche meshes with iris roll, one of which is painted with chemical protection, preventing unauthorized changes;
- negative microtext 250 microns high;
- positive microtext with a height of 200 microns;
- elements are imprinted by a metameric pair;
- elements are printed with special inks that have a yellow-green glow when exposed to UV radiation and a green glow when exposed to IR radiation and do not have absorption in the IR range of the spectrum;
- elements are printed with special inks that glow red when exposed to UV radiation and absorb in the infrared range of the spectrum;
- numbering is carried out using a high-tech printing method using red ink, which has residual magnetization and an orange glow when exposed to UV radiation;
- a stylized image of the State Flag of the Russian Federation is printed with a stochastic raster.

Form of application to the certificate of secondary (complete) general education (Appendix No. 7)

Technical requirements for the supplement to the certificate of secondary (complete) general education

The supplement to the certificate of secondary (complete) general education (hereinafter referred to as the supplement) is a counterfeit-proof printed product of security level “B” and is produced according to a single sample in the prescribed manner.

The application is one sheet with a format of 205 x 290 mm when unfolded.

On the front side of the application, in the upper right part there is an image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, the words “Russian Federation” and the words “Appendix to the certificate of secondary (complete) general education.” In the center of the right side of the front side of the application is a guilloche composition embedded in a background guilloche grid. On the reverse side of the application, in the center of the right and left sides, there are bas-relief images of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, introduced into the background guilloche grid. On the reverse side of the application, in the center of the right and left sides, there are bas-relief images of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, introduced into the background guilloche grid. The reverse side of the application is sealed with a two-color negative-positive guilloche mesh with an iris roll. The background color of the application is turquoise-fawn.

Application forms are printed on 100 gsm paper containing 25% cotton fiber, without optical brightener, with a two-tone light-shaded watermark (graphic element “RF”). The paper does not glow (visible luminescence) in UV radiation and has a high-quality visible reaction - protection against etching, containing two types of protective fibers:
- invisible fiber with a yellow-green glow in UV radiation;
- invisible fiber with a red glow in UV radiation.

Application forms contain the following security elements:
- an original composition containing negative-positive guilloche elements with a line thickness of 40 - 70 microns;
- two interconnected guilloche meshes with iris roll, one of which is painted with chemical protection, preventing unauthorized changes;
- negative microtext 250 microns high;
- positive microtext with a height of 200 microns;
- elements are imprinted by a metameric pair;
- elements are printed with special inks that have a yellow-green glow when exposed to UV radiation and a green glow when exposed to IR radiation and do not have absorption in the IR range of the spectrum;
- elements are printed with special inks that glow red when exposed to UV radiation and absorb in the infrared range of the spectrum;
- a stylized image of the State Flag of the Russian Federation is printed with a stochastic raster;
- the manufacturer’s seven-digit numbering is made using a high-tech printing method using colorless ink with a yellow-green glow in UV radiation.

Forms of state documents on basic general, secondary general education and appendices to them (approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia N 989 of August 27, 2013)

Starting from 2014, the approved school certificate samples will change the color of the cover and the size of the document. After the 9th grade, a document with a purple cover will be awarded; excellent students after the 9th grade will receive certificates with green covers. After the 11th grade, a document with a blue cover will be issued. Excellent students after 11 years of study will be issued educational documents with a red cover. The Russian coat of arms will be placed on the front cover.

  • Certificate of Basic General Education
  • Supplement to the certificate of basic general education
  • Reverse side of the supplement to the certificate of basic general education
  • Form of certificate of secondary general education
  • Supplement to the certificate of secondary general education
  • Reverse side of the supplement to the certificate of secondary general education

Description of the certificate of basic general education / certificate of basic general education with honors and appendices to them (Appendix No. 3)

The certificate of basic general education/certificate of basic general education with honors (hereinafter referred to as the certificate) is a counterfeit-proof printed product of security level “B” and is produced according to a single sample in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Technical requirements and conditions for the production of secure printing products approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated February 7, 2003 N 14n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 17, 2003, registration N 4271), as amended by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2005 N 90n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 2, 2005, registration No. 6860).

The certificate consists of a cover, title and appendix to the certificate of basic general education/certificate of basic general education with honors.


The cover of the certificate has a spread size of 233 mm x 163 mm, made of cardboard and binding material - fabric vinyl N 67 (or its equivalent) purple.

(Note: the cover of the certificate of basic general education with honors is made of cardboard and binding material - fabric vinyl N 9 (or its analogue) red).

On the front side of the cover, using hot stamping, a single-color image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation without an image of a shield and the inscription “CERTIFICATE” in capital letters, in Lazurski Bold 31p font, and below - “ABOUT BASIC GENERAL EDUCATION” in capital letters, in Lazurski Bold 13p font, are printed with red foil.

(Note: The inscription on the front side of the hard cover of the Honors Certificate is printed in gold foil.)

The reverse side of the hard cover is covered with special paper weighing at least 120 g/m2 - a flyleaf with a multi-mat grid consisting of wavy texts “basic general education” and made using iris roll. The color background of the endpaper is a transition from lilac to turquoise and back to lilac. The paper contains a red visible protective fiber that glows crimson in UV light.


The title is made in a format of 220 mm x 155 mm. The color background of the front and back sides of the title is lilac-turquoise, made using vertical iris peals, turning from lilac to turquoise and back to lilac.

Front side of title:

- in the upper and lower parts of the right side of the title there is a frame in the form of horizontal stripes of dark purple, light purple, pink and turquoise colors and an original composition containing negative-positive guilloche elements with a line thickness of 40-90 microns and printed with special inks having absorption in the IR range of the spectrum;
- in the center is the word “CERTIFICATE” with shadow support, made with bronze paint that has a yellow glow in UV radiation, in capital letters, Lazurski 32p font, below - the words “ABOUT BASIC GENERAL EDUCATION” are made in capital letters, in Lazurski 12p font;

Back of title:
- in the upper and lower parts of the reverse side of the title there is a frame in the form of horizontal stripes of dark purple, light purple, pink and turquoise colors and an original composition containing negative-positive guilloche elements with a line thickness of 40-90 microns and printed with special inks having absorption in the IR range of the spectrum;

- below in the center there is an inscription in two lines “ABOUT BASIC GENERAL EDUCATION” made in paint that does not absorb in the IR range of the spectrum, in capital letters, in Lazurski font 12p. (Note: the certificate of basic general education with honors has an additional inscription “With honors”, made in bronze paint, which has a yellow glow in UV radiation, in italics, Lazurski font 12p);

- below in the center is the inscription “Date of issue”, made with paint that has absorption in the infrared range of the spectrum, in words, in Lazurski 11p font;
- in the upper right part, centered, there is the inscription “This certificate indicates that”, made in purple paint, which has absorption in the infrared range of the spectrum, in words, in Lazurski 11p font;
- in the center the inscription “graduated in ... year” is made with paint that absorbs in the infrared range of the spectrum, in words, in Lazurski 11p font;
- below in the center the inscription “and received (a) basic general education” is made in purple paint, which does not have absorption in the IR range of the spectrum, in words, in Lazurski font 11 points;
- along the field of the back of the title - two interconnected irregular grids with variable thickness and density of lines, forming gradient tonal transitions with an iris roll in the original composition, one of which is made with chemical protection paint that prevents unauthorized changes, the other is made with paint that has a green glow in the UV - radiation;
- in the center of the title back there are original compositions, including a one-color image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation without the image of a shield, made with variable filling properties and line copying;

- place of seal, inscription “M.P.” below, aligned to the left, is made with paint that does not absorb in the infrared range of the spectrum, in Lazurski font 11p.

The front and back sides of the title do not contain underlining or interlinear explanatory inscriptions.

The title is printed on paper weighing 100 g/m2, which contains at least 25% cotton or linen fiber without optical brightener, with a common two-tone watermark with a graphic element “RF” across the entire field, which is light-shaded, with a pronounced contrast, ensuring it reliable visual control. Additional other elements of watermarks on paper are not allowed.

- invisible fiber with a yellow-green glow in UV radiation;

It is allowed to use additional protective fiber, which is a distinctive feature of the manufacturer of certificate forms (titles).

Supplement to the certificate of basic general education / certificate of basic general education with honors

The application form for the certificate of basic general education/certificate of basic general education with honors (hereinafter referred to as the application form) is produced in a format of 290 mm x 205 mm. The color background of the front and back sides is lilac-turquoise, made using horizontal iris rolls, turning from lilac to turquoise and back to lilac.

Front side of the application:
- in the upper and lower parts of the application form there is a frame in the form of horizontal stripes of dark purple, light purple and pink colors and an original composition containing negative-positive guilloche elements with a line thickness of 40-90 microns and printed with special inks that have IR absorption - spectrum range;
- in the upper right part of the application form, in the center, there is the inscription “RUSSIAN FEDERATION”, made with paint that absorbs in the infrared range of the spectrum, in capital letters, in Lazurski 9p font;
- in the center of the application form is a one-color image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation without the image of a shield, printed with bronze paint that has a yellow glow in UV radiation;
in the center, the word “APPLICATION” with shadow support is made with bronze paint, which has a yellow glow in UV radiation, in capital letters, Lazurski 26p font;
- further the inscription “TO THE CERTIFICATE OF BASIC GENERAL EDUCATION” is made with paint that has absorption in the infrared range of the spectrum, in capital letters, in Lazurski 10p font;
- in the middle of the application form, on the left and right - original compositions, including a one-color image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation without an image of a shield, made with variable filling properties and line copying;
Below in the center the inscription “Date of Birth” is made with paint that absorbs in the infrared range of the spectrum, in words, in Lazurski 11p font;
- in the lower right part in the center there is an element in the form of a guilloche rosette, printed with orange ink, vertically (symmetrically) divided into a zone with a red glow under the influence of UV radiation and absorption in the IR range of the spectrum, and a zone with a yellow-green glow under the influence of UV radiation, without absorption in the infrared range of the spectrum. Both zones fluoresce green when exposed to IR radiation;
- below in the center is the registration number of the manufacturer of the application forms, made in a high-tech printing method with colorless yellow ink in UV radiation;
- along the field of the application form there are two interconnected irregular grids with variable thickness and line density, one of which is made with chemical protection paint that prevents unauthorized changes, and the other with paint that has a green glow in UV radiation;
at the top of the left side of the form the inscription “Additional information” is made with paint that absorbs in the infrared range of the spectrum, in Lazurski B 11p font;
- lower in the center the inscription “Date of issue” is made with paint that does not absorb in the infrared range of the spectrum, in Lazurski font 11 points;
below, aligned to the left, the inscription “Head of an educational organization” is made in paint that does not have absorption in the IR range of the spectrum, in Lazurski 11p font;

- in the lower left part of the front side, in the center, the output data of the manufacturer is located.

Back side of the application:

- negative microtext 250 microns high, made along a complex curve, as well as positive microtext 200 microns high, made along a complex curve;
- on the left and right of the application form, identical vertical tables (“Name of academic subjects” and “Final mark”) are made with paint that does not absorb in the infrared range of the spectrum, in Lazurski B 11 point font;
- along the left and right edges of the application form there is a frame in the form of vertical stripes, consisting of negative and positive guilloche elements in dark purple, light purple, pink and turquoise with the inscription “WITHOUT A CERTIFICATE OF BASIC GENERAL EDUCATION IS NOT VALID.”

The application form is printed on paper weighing 100 g/m2, which contains at least 25% cotton or linen fiber without optical brightener, with a common two-tone watermark with a graphic element “RF” across the entire field, which is light-shaded, with a pronounced contrast, providing its reliable visual control. Additional other elements of watermarks on paper are not allowed.

The paper must not have a glow (visible luminescence) under the influence of UV radiation, must contain a security thread and at least two types of security fibers:
- invisible fiber with a yellow-green glow in UV radiation;
- visible fiber of red color with a crimson glow in UV radiation.

Description of the certificate of secondary general education / certificate of basic general education with honors and appendices to them (Appendix No. 6)

The certificate of secondary general education/certificate of secondary general education with honors (hereinafter referred to as the certificate) is a counterfeit-proof printed product of security level “B” and is produced according to a single sample in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Technical requirements and conditions for the production of secure printing products approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated February 7, 2003 N 14n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 17, 2003, registration N 4271), as amended by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2005 N 90n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 2, 2005, registration No. 6860).

The certificate consists of the cover, title and appendix to the certificate of secondary general education/certificate of secondary general education with honors.


The cover of the certificate (hereinafter referred to as the cover) has a spread size of 233 mm x 163 mm, made of cardboard and binding material - fabric vinyl N 59 (or its analogue) in blue color. (Note: the cover of the certificate of secondary general education with honors is made of cardboard and binding material - fabric vinyl N 60 (or its analogue) red).

On the front side of the cover, using dark blue foil, a single-color image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation without the image of a shield, the word “CERTIFICATE” in capital letters, in Lazurski Bold font 31 p, and the inscription below “ABOUT SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION” in capital letters, in Lazurski Bold font are printed with dark blue foil. 13p.
(Note: The inscription on the front side of the hard cover of the Honors Certificate is printed in gold foil.)

The reverse side of the cover is covered with special paper weighing at least 120 g/m2 - a flyleaf with a multi-mat grid consisting of wavy texts “secondary general education” and made using iris roll. The color background of the endpaper is a transition from blue to pink and back to blue. The paper contains a red visible protective fiber that glows crimson in UV light.


The title is made in a format of 220 mm x 155 mm. The color background of the front and back sides of the title is blue-pink, made using iris rolls of vertical arrangement, turning from blue-blue to pink and back to blue-blue.

Front side:
- in the upper right part of the title, in the center, there is the inscription “RUSSIAN FEDERATION”, made with paint that absorbs in the infrared range of the spectrum, in capital letters, in Lazurski 8p font;
- in the center of the title is a one-color image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation without the image of a shield, printed with bronze paint that has a yellow glow in UV radiation;
- in the upper and lower parts of the right side of the title there is a frame in blue, light blue and cyan colors and an original composition containing negative-positive guilloche elements with a line thickness of 40-90 microns, printed with special inks that absorb in the infrared range of the spectrum;
- in the center, the word “CERTIFICATE” with shadow support is made with bronze paint, which has a yellow glow in UV radiation, in capital letters, Lazurski 32p font;
- below is the inscription “ABOUT SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION” with center alignment in Lazurski font 12p;
- in the lower right part in the center there is an element in the form of a guilloche rosette, printed with orange ink, vertically (symmetrically) divided into a zone with a red glow under the influence of UV radiation and absorption in the IR range of the spectrum, and a zone with a yellow-green glow under the influence of UV radiation without absorption in the infrared range of the spectrum. Both zones fluoresce green when exposed to IR radiation;
- in the lower left part of the front side of the title, the output data of the manufacturer is located in the center.

Reverse side:
- along the perimeter of the title there is a frame in blue, light blue, pink colors and an original composition containing negative-positive guilloche elements with a line thickness of 40-90 microns, printed with special inks that absorb in the RJ range of the spectrum;
- negative microtext with a height of 250 microns is made along a complex curve, and positive microtext with a height of 200 microns is made along a complex curve;
- at the top center - a one-color image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation without the image of a shield, printed with bronze paint that has a yellow glow in UV radiation;
- further in the center of the left side there is the inscription “RUSSIAN FEDERATION”, made with paint that absorbs in the infrared range of the spectrum, in capital letters, in Lazurski 8p font;
- in the center there is the inscription “CERTIFICATE” with shadow support, made with bronze paint that has a yellow glow in UV radiation, in capital letters, Lazurski 32p font;
- below in the center there is an inscription in two lines “ABOUT SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION” made in paint that does not absorb in the infrared range of the spectrum, in capital letters, in Lazurski font 12p. (Note: the certificate of secondary general education with honors has an additional inscription “With honors”, made in bronze paint, which has a yellow glow in UV radiation, in italics, Lazurski 12p font);
- below in the center is the numbering of the certificate form, made without spaces in high printing, in Roman font or its analogues, in red ink, which has magnetic properties and an orange glow when exposed to UV radiation;
Below in the center is the inscription “Date of issue”, made with paint that has absorption in the infrared range of the spectrum, in words, in Lazurski 11p font;
- in the upper right part in the center there is the inscription “This certificate indicates that”, made in blue paint, which has absorption in the infrared range of the spectrum, in words, in Lazurski 11p font;
- lower in the center the inscription “graduated in... year” is made with paint that has absorption in the infrared range of the spectrum, in words, in Lazurski 11p font;
lower in the center the inscription “and received secondary general education” is made in blue paint, which does not have absorption in the infrared range of the spectrum, in words, Lazurski font 11 points;
- along the field of the form there are two interconnected irregular grids with variable thickness and line density, one of which is made with chemical protection paint that prevents unauthorized changes, and the other with paint that has a green glow in UV radiation;
- in the center of the form, original compositions, including a one-color image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation without the image of a shield, are made with variable filling properties and line copying;
- lower in the center the inscription “Head of an educational organization” is made with paint that does not have absorption in the infrared range of the spectrum, in Lazurski font 11 points;
- place of seal, inscription “M.P.” below, aligned to the left, is made with paint that does not have absorption in the infrared range of the spectrum, in Lazurski font 11p.

The front and back sides of the title of the certificate do not contain underlining or interlinear explanatory inscriptions.

The use of raster structures, including special rasters, is not allowed.

The title of the certificate has a numbering consisting of 14 characters:
- the first three characters are the code for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, federal ministries, federal services and federal agencies, the activities of which are managed by the President of the Russian Federation, federal services and federal agencies subordinate to these federal ministries; federal ministries whose activities are managed by the Government of the Russian Federation, federal services and federal agencies subordinate to these federal ministries; federal services and federal agencies, the management of which is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation (indicated by three digits in accordance with the appendix to this Description);
- the fourth and fifth characters are the two-digit number of the license issued to the manufacturer by the federal executive body that licenses the production and sale of counterfeit-proof printed products (if the license number is single-digit, it is supplemented on the left with the number “0”);
- sixth - fourteenth characters - 7-digit serial number of the certificate form assigned to it by the manufacturer (starting from 0000001).

The title is printed on paper weighing 100 g/m2, which contains at least 25% cotton or linen fiber without optical brightener, with a common two-tone watermark, with a graphic element “RF” across the entire field, which is light-shaded, with a pronounced contrast, providing its reliable visual control. Other additional elements of watermarks on paper are not allowed.

The paper must not have a glow (visible luminescence) under the influence of UV radiation, must contain a security thread and at least two types of security fibers:
- invisible fiber with a yellow-green glow in UV radiation;
- visible fiber of red color with a crimson glow in UV radiation.

It is allowed to use additional protective fiber, which is a distinctive feature of the manufacturer of certificate forms.

Supplement to the certificate of secondary general education / certificate of secondary general education with honors

The application form for the certificate of secondary general education/certificate of secondary general education with honors (hereinafter referred to as the application form) is produced in a format of 290 mm x 205 mm. The color background of the front and back sides of the application form is blue-pink, made using iris peals, turning from blue-blue to pink and back to blue-blue.

Front side of the application:
- in the upper and lower parts of the application form there is a frame in the form of horizontal stripes of blue, light blue, light blue and pink colors and an original composition containing negative-positive guilloche elements with a line thickness of 40-90 microns and printed with special inks that have IR absorption - spectrum range;
- in the upper right part in the center of the application form there is the inscription “RUSSIAN FEDERATION”, made with paint that has absorption in the infrared range of the spectrum, in capital letters, in Lazurski 9p font;
- in the center of the application form, a one-color image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation without the image of a shield is printed with bronze paint, which has a yellow glow in UV radiation;
- in the center the word “APPLICATION” with shadow support is made with bronze paint, which has a yellow glow in UV radiation, in capital letters, Lazurski 26p font;
- further the inscription “TO THE CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION” is made with paint that has absorption in the infrared range of the spectrum, in capital letters, in Lazurski 10p font;
- in the middle of the application form, on the left and right, the original vertical compositions, including a one-color image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation without the image of a shield, are made with variable filling properties and line copying;
- below in the center the inscription “Date of Birth” is made with paint that absorbs in the infrared range of the spectrum, in words, in Lazurski 11p font;
in the lower right part in the center of the application form there is an element in the form of a guilloche rosette, printed with orange ink, vertically (symmetrically) divided into a zone with a red glow under the influence of UV radiation and absorption in the IR range of the spectrum, and a zone with a yellow-green glow under the influence of UV radiation without absorption in the IR range of the spectrum. Both zones fluoresce green when exposed to IR radiation;
- lower in the center - the registration number of the manufacturer of the application forms, made in a high-tech printing method with colorless yellow ink in UV radiation;
- along the field of the application form there are two interconnected irregular grids with variable thickness and line density, one of which is made with chemical protection paint that prevents unauthorized changes, and the other with paint that has a green glow when exposed to UV radiation;
- at the top of the left side of the application form the inscription “Additional information” is made in paint that has absorption in the infrared range of the spectrum, in words, in bold Lazurski B 11 p;
- at the bottom, centered, the inscription “Date of issue” is made in paint that does not absorb in the IR range of the spectrum, in Lazurski font 11 points;
- below, aligned to the left, the inscription “Head of an educational organization” is made in paint that does not have absorption in the infrared range of the spectrum, in Lazurski 11p font;
- place of seal, inscription “M.P.” below, aligned to the left, made with paint that does not absorb in the IR range of the spectrum, in Lazurski 11p font;
- in the lower left part of the front side of the application form, the output data of the manufacturer is located in the center.

Back side of the application:
- in the center of the application form, on the left and right, the original compositions, including a one-color image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation without the image of a shield, are made with variable filling properties and line copying;
- along the field of the application form - two interconnected non-rapport guilloche grids, one of which is printed with a special paint that glows green when exposed to UV radiation;
- negative microtext with a height of 250 microns is made along a complex curve, and also positive microtext with a height of 200 microns is made along a complex curve;br>
on the left and right of the application form, identical vertical tables (“Name of items”, “Final grade”) are made with paint that does not absorb in the IR range of the spectrum, in Lazurski B 11 point font;
- along the left and right edges there is a frame in the form of vertical stripes, consisting of negative and positive guilloche elements in blue, light blue, light blue and pink, with the inscription “WITHOUT A CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION IS NOT VALID.”

The front and back sides of the application form do not contain underlines or subscripts.

The use of raster structures, including special rasters, when preparing the application form is not allowed.

The application form is printed on paper weighing 100 g/m2, which contains at least 25% cotton or linen fiber without optical brightener with a common three-tone watermark, with a graphic element “RF” across the entire field, which is light-shaded, with a pronounced contrast, providing its reliable visual control. Other additional elements of watermarks on paper are not allowed.

The paper must not have a glow (visible luminescence) under the influence of UV radiation, must contain a security thread and at least two types of security fibers:
- invisible fiber with a yellow-green glow in UV radiation;
- visible fiber of red color with a crimson glow in UV radiation.

It is allowed to use additional protective fiber, which is a distinctive feature of the manufacturer of application forms.

  • Region codes of the Russian Federation

Along with this look: Diploma of primary vocational education

In most cases, anonymity is considered an advantage because it allows you to avoid disclosing information about the user and allows you to maintain confidentiality. But in the case of WebMoney, this opinion turned out to be wrong. From the very beginning of the system's operation, complete anonymity of all its clients was maintained, which gave rise to mistrust between counterparties. Anonymity has become a big obstacle for people doing business online, as buyers are often afraid to transfer money to an unknown seller for an item they have not seen. Therefore, fearing the possibility of being deceived, Internet users often abandoned the idea of ​​purchasing goods and making payments using this payment system, and entrepreneurs, accordingly, could not effectively conduct their activities.

The solution to the problem was the certification mechanism, which provides for the system to receive information about the user, including his passport data. Thanks to this refusal of anonymity, the client has the opportunity to become the owner of a WebMoney certificate, which guarantees safe financial transactions. Certificates are electronic IDs issued to system users who have renounced anonymity and provided all the necessary personal information. The Certification Center resolves all issues related to obtaining a certificate. To obtain such a document, you must use the website http://passport.webmoney.ru.

The presence of an electronic ID makes it possible to prevent fraudulent actions in the system, since the document can be canceled if illegal activities of its owner are revealed. A participant who has been deprived of his certificate will no longer be able to conduct transactions using WebMoney. In addition, re-obtaining a certificate is impossible due to the blocking of passport data. If a deceived user wants to file a case in court, then the investigation will be provided with all the information about the person who committed the crime. Such transfer of information will undoubtedly help speed up the process and punish the offender. There have already been cases of litigation regarding online fraud.

Clients who have provided the system with their personal data enjoy its trust and therefore have much more rights and opportunities than participants who prefer to maintain complete confidentiality. Having a certificate is not required when using the alert service and the exchange exchange. But carrying out financial transactions or running an online business without it will not be possible. A user's capabilities are determined by the level of certificate assigned to him by the system.

The certificate exists in electronic version. The user can receive it on paper, but this does not add any value to it and does not increase the capabilities of the WebMoney client. This virtual document contains the full name, information from the passport and other necessary information about the user of the system. To view the passport, the client should go to the WebMoney Passport website and enter or wallet in the field located in the upper right corner.

The number of non-anonymous WebMoney users is much higher than in other systems and amounts to more than 100,000. Certification services similar to the one operating in WebMoney do not exist on the world Internet. Thanks to innovations in the Internet system, business has become open and more secure. And this is the main proof that such innovations have fully justified themselves.

Certificates and their types.

WebMoney provides 12 types of certificates that determine the capabilities of its users.

The lowest level electronic document is pseudonym certificate. You can become its owner by simply registering in the system. Like other types of IDs, it contains data about the user, including the user's full name, home address, phone number and email. Providing passport data is not required to assign it. The difference between this certificate and similar documents of a higher level is that the information entered by the client does not undergo any verification, and therefore may not correspond to reality. Therefore, such a document is not the basis for the user to acquire the right to carry out financial transactions using the system. Its assignment allows the participant to replenish the wallet in cash or from a WM card. You can top up your account using an exchange office with a maximum of 2000 US dollars per day. Since the data contained in this document cannot be trusted, it has no significance. A pseudonym certificate is assigned to users automatically, immediately after they complete the registration procedure. There is no need to deposit money for it.

Formal certificate necessary to identify the system user. It is issued free of charge after the participant enters data on the system website. In order to become the owner of this ID, you must indicate not only your full name, place of residence and other registration data, but also enter the information contained in the user’s passport. An electronic ID of this type is assigned after the client has filled out all the necessary fields, including the passport number and other necessary information. A formal certificate is issued based on information that is not verified or confirmed by the system. Therefore, there is no guarantee of its authenticity, and such a certificate does not inspire much confidence.

Despite the very limited capabilities and low level of trust in the holders of formal certificates, they can perform some operations, including:

  • replenishment of wallets and withdrawal of WebMoney in any way;
  • ordering co-branded WebMoney cards for WMZ withdrawal (cards.webmoney.ru);
  • issuing vouchers (top-up.wmtransfer.com/Issue/);
  • input and output of WebMoney using an exchange exchange;
  • writing reviews about sites in Advisor (advisor.wmtransfer.com);
  • linking accounts in other systems and bank accounts/cards to (banks.webmoney.ru and passport.webmoney.ru).

Issue initial certificate occurs only after all data has been verified. It is more reliable than the formal one, but does not enjoy much trust, since the procedure for issuing it is often simplified and is carried out by Personalizers who do not have the relevant experience. Therefore, there are many certificates of this type in the system that contain incorrect data or are issued to dummies. The benefits that clients experience after receiving the initial certificate are minor and are as follows:

  • increasing the limits for depositing and withdrawing funds;
  • the possibility of user participation in capitaller.ru;

The main thing in the system is personal certificate. It provides quite a wide range of opportunities and guarantees a high level of trust in its owner. It is assigned only to clients who provide the system with paper copies of documents and provides access to almost most functions. This document is necessary for people conducting business activities using the system. Owners of such a certificate can receive payment for goods and services provided and issue Paymer checks. Its presence makes regaining control over WMID easier and makes it possible to file claims with the Arbitration Service. The certificate is also a protection in this service from groundless claims and blocking of claims.

A system user who has registered his website in the Megastock catalog and has fulfilled a number of marketing requirements becomes the owner seller's certificate and gets the opportunity to connect to automatic acceptance of WebMoney payments. In fact, this type of ID is a “superstructure” over a personal certificate.

The Payment Machine certificate is available only to legal entities and is issued based on data on the name and registration code of the company.

Two more types of “add-ons” to a personal certificate are the developer certificate and the Capitaller certificate. The first electronic ID is intended for people who write technology-based programs. But only 5 people are the owners of such certificates. Budget machines created on the basis of capitaller.ru receive a second type of certificate.

System users who issue personal certificates receive an electronic certificate of the highest level. Such a document is Registrar's certificate. Its owner actually plays the role of a notary within the system and is obliged to issue personal certificates to its other users. The capabilities of system participants who have a Registrar's certificate are the same as those who have a personal certificate. But there are restrictions to prevent high status in the system from being used for personal gain. For example, Registrars do not have access to Paymer's unsecured check issuance feature or to obtain loans.

Holders of a Registrar's certificate enjoy certain privileges. For example, they have the highest limits and the possibility of depositing and withdrawing funds at the lowest rates. If the Registrar complies with additional conditions, he will have the opportunity to become an Arbitrator of the Arbitration service.

The “exclusive” category includes the following electronic certificates: Service Certificate, Guarantor Certificate and Operator Certificate. The first one is received by the services of the System itself and is necessary so that the client can determine that the WMID does not belong to another user, but to the System, which provides him with the service. The names of the second and third certificates speak for themselves and indicate to whom they are issued. Accordingly, the Guarantor Certificate is issued to the Guarantor, and the Operator Certificate is received by the System Operator.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • trust in the user depends on the level of his certificate;
  • opportunities in the system increase in accordance with the increase in the level of certification;
  • Limits are increased and tariffs are reduced in accordance with the increase in the level of the certificate;
  • in Arbitration, the user who holds a higher-level certificate will have advantages.

The operating principle of the certification mechanism.

Among the large number of certificates, three main types can be called “real”: initial, personal and Registrar. All of them can be obtained only after completing the verification of the provided data. There are exceptions only when issuing an initial certificate.

The functioning of the certification mechanism occurs in accordance with a clear hierarchical structure. The first step in its work is assigning a pseudonym certificate to the user, which occurs immediately after successful completion of registration in the system. The second stage is the issuance of a formal certificate. The next step is to obtain an initial or immediate personal certificate, after which a seller’s ID becomes available. Only holders of personal certificates can become applicants for Registrar status. This mechanism does not provide for the participation of all other types of electronic identities that are exclusive or special.

Only Registrars have the right to issue personal certificates. Owners of personal certificates and Registrars who have made a deposit of 100 WMZ can assign initial certificates and have the status of Personalizers. The Certification Center itself issues Registrar, personal and initial certificates. Owners of the latter type of certificates do not have any rights regarding the issuance of certificates.

Thus, system users are divided into Registrars, Personalizers, Attestators and Attestees.

Registrars are participants with certificates of the Registrar who issue personal certificates.

Personalizers– these are the owners of personal certificates or certificates of the Registrar, who have paid a deposit in the amount of 100 WMZ and are issuing initial certificates.

Attestators are all users of the system involved in issuing certificates.

Certified– these are clients receiving certificates.

The process of obtaining a certificate.

Pseudonym certificate.

The basis for issuing a pseudonym certificate is that the user has completed registration. This process will be successful provided that a special form is filled out, which indicates the client’s full name, home address, date of birth, phone number and email.

You should be careful when entering data. All entries must be made in Russian or English. If the user provided information in any other language, then problems will arise when working in the system that will not allow transactions with funds. It is almost impossible to eliminate difficulties by making changes to records.

Formal certificate.

A formal certificate can be obtained after assigning an alias certificate. To do this, you need to log in to the Control Panel and fill out the form. To do this, you will need the data contained in the passport.

Initial certificate.

After assigning a formal certificate, the user can become the owner of the initial one. This can be done by filling out a form on the WebMoney Passport website and confirming the data with the Personalizer, or using a simplified procedure.

The first way to confirm data:

2. Information about you is transferred to WebMoney by the payment system after you make a money transfer. Having received the data, WebMoney checks it with the information you provided in the form posted on the WebMoney Passport website.

3. If the verification results are positive, you should upload a scan of your passport.

4. The certificate will be issued free of charge and automatically after the scan you submitted passes verification.

Personal certificate.

Only a user who already has a formal or initial one can receive a personal passport.

1. The first thing you need to do to obtain a personal certificate is to select the nearest Registrar on the website. After this, you need to pay the required amount for issuing the certificate. It is determined by the Registrar and is never lower than 5 WMZ. Once the payment has been made, the Registrar can begin reviewing your application.

2. To submit a copy of your passport and application for a certificate, you must meet with the Registrar. In this case, you must have your passport with you to present it to the Registrar. It is also possible to send documents by mail. This method is suitable if the Registrar you have chosen is grayed out in the list. The documents must include a statement certified by a notary.

3. Once the Registrar checks your passport and relevant documents and finds no discrepancies, he will issue a certificate.

4. If there are any errors in the form or discrepancies between the information specified in it and the passport data, you will have to correct all inaccuracies. Only after this the Registrar will provide the certificate.

The Registrar, like the Personalizer, sees a list of applications received from users wishing to receive a personal certificate. He checks the information specified in the application form with the passport and ticks the boxes whose accuracy he wants to certify.

The fields in which the full name and passport data are displayed must be verified. If registration is provided, it must also be verified. Whether fields with TIN and actual location will be verified depends on the Registrar/Personalizer. In order to confirm the TIN, you must provide a copy of the certificate of its assignment. All certified fields are marked with a green icon on the certificate page. If an initial/personal certificate is issued, but some of its fields are not marked in green, this does not mean that such a certificate is less valid.

Users are often interested in the question: is it possible to obtain a personal certificate without having an initial one? The answer is positive. Possession of a formal certificate makes it possible to assign a personal one. It will cost more than the initial one, but it opens up many more possibilities for the user. Therefore, it is more profitable to issue a personal certificate, skipping the stage of assigning an initial one.

Another question often asked by clients: payment for an initial/personal passport should be made only in WMZ, or can be in any other currency. The answer is as follows: payment for obtaining a certificate should be made only in WMZ. Otherwise, the application for a certificate will not be registered.

When filling out the form and application, you must remember that all entries must be made in the same language as the data in the passport and are accepted only in English or Russian. This is due to the fact that office work in the Attestation Center takes place in English and Russian. Users who have a passport in any other language must make a translation, have it certified by a notary and submit it to the Registrar/Personalizer for verification. The questionnaire and application must be completed in accordance with this translation.

In order to confirm that there were no violations when issuing the certificate, a secondary check is carried out. It consists of constant transfer from the Personalizer to the Registrar of documents for issuing initial certificates. The registrar checks the correctness of their issuance by the Personalizer and makes sure that there were no violations. The Registrar's activities in issuing personal certificates are controlled and verified by the Attestation Center, where he sends all the necessary documentation. A certificate that has passed such verification is indicated by a corresponding mark that is displayed on the certificate page. After a secondary check, you can also see here the method in which the certificate was issued: in person or by mail.

Successful completion of the secondary test allows the holder of the initial certificate to increase their level and receive a personal certificate. Such a check does not have any impact on the personal certificate.

If the Personalizer who issued your initial certificate does not fulfill its obligations to submit documents to the Registrar for verification, this may become an obstacle to obtaining a personal certificate. A way out of this situation can be found. To do this, you need to select the Registrar to receive a personal certificate and, together with the package of documents necessary to obtain it, submit to him an application similar to the one submitted to issue the initial certificate. This will be the basis for the Registrar to re-verify your initial certificate and will pave the way for you to submit and pay for your personal certificate application.

The money you paid for issuing a certificate first goes to the transit wallet of the Attestation Center. They will become available to your Attestator only when the secondary verification is completed based on the documents submitted by him.

Users are often interested in how they can become a Personalizer with a personal certificate? The answer to the question is as follows: you need to log into the Control Panel and make a deposit in the amount of 100WMZ. If the Personalizer decides to stop issuing certificates, he can return his money paid as a deposit. But to do this, he will need to transfer all the documents on the basis of which the initial certificates were issued for secondary verification. Only after its completion can the deposit be returned.

Another popular question: what needs to be done to obtain a certificate for a legal entity? There are no certificates of this type in WebMoney. But company representatives can add its TIN and name to a regular personal certificate. Private entrepreneurs have the same opportunities. But only Guarantors in Ukraine and Belarus can perform such actions, and provided that appropriate agreements have been concluded with them. Registrars do not have such powers. It is impossible to obtain a certificate for a representative of a legal entity in any country other than Ukraine and Belarus. In Russia, legal entities, instead of registering with WebMoney and obtaining a certificate, use automated services processing.webmoney.ru and capitaller.ru.

Useful advice for people asking what to do if their passport or last name has changed. Log in to the Control Panel and make changes to the profile. After this, you will be able to re-certify and re-receive your certificate within 30 days. Its issuance must also be paid in full by the user. A change in the registration form, address, or other data that does not require identification does not entail the need for re-certification.

Seller's certificate.

A seller's certificate can only be obtained after assigning a personal one and fulfilling the mandatory requirements. The seller's certificate will be issued to the user automatically immediately after he places his website in the Megastock directory.

Certificate of Calculation Machine.

To obtain a Payment Machine Certificate, the following actions must be completed:

1. Registration of a new WMID by a company employee who has a personal certificate;

2. Attaching the registered WMID to the employee’s certificate;

3. Conclusion by the company of an agreement with the Guarantor;

4. Separating the WMID from the employee’s certificate and issuing a Payment Machine Certificate for it.

Registrar's Certificate.

The Registrar's Certificate is issued only at the office of the Attestation Center located in Moscow. You can receive it only if you are present in person and meet the following requirements:

  • possession of a personal certificate;
  • at least a year has passed since the user registered with WebMoney;
  • the owner of the personal certificate is 25 years old;
  • The user has made a deposit in the amount of 2000 WMZ.

Because of these rules, there are not as many Registrars in the system as Personalizers. They must take their responsibilities responsibly and provide the documents necessary for secondary verification. A registrar who makes errors in his work and violates the rules may lose his certificate and his deposit.

What actions can be performed with the certificate?

Closing fields for viewing.

In certificates, starting from the formal one, you can close or open fields for viewing. To do this, the owner of the certificate must go to the page Certificate Control Panel - Your Personal Data and designate a field that will not be available for review. To do this, you need to check the “do not show” box next to the field that should be closed. After this, other users will not be able to see the information posted in it. The owner who has committed such actions will be able to maintain confidentiality, but will not lose the trust of the system.

Power of attorney to view the certificate.

A system participant can grant the right to view his passport to one or more selected users. This may be necessary when the owner of the certificate wants to receive a WM loan, and the lender agrees to issue money only if they familiarize themselves with the information specified in it. You can trust another person to view your passport on the page Passport Control Panel – Add a new trusted WMID. The user who has received the right to view the data can do this via the link https://passport.webmoney.ru/asp/certviewsu.asp?wmid=ХХХХХХХХХХХХ (ХХХХХХХХХХХ – WMID of the system participant who allowed viewing of his passport).

As the owner of a formal or other higher level certificate, you have the opportunity to independently verify such fields as “website”, “email”, contact phone number, “Jabber” and “ICQ”. This can be done by logging into the passport control panel. The email will be verified after you click on the link in the email sent to you. The site can be checked after placing a special html code on the title page.

For users with an initial certificate or a higher level certificate, verification of several of their sites is available. Formal certificate holders can only do this with one address.

Accounts in other systems and bank cards

In addition to passport data, the passport can store contact information and information about accounts in a number of other systems. You can enter it on the page Passport Control Panel – Registrations in other systems.

By logging into the page Passport Control Panel - Your bank cards and accounts, you can attach a bank card to your passport. To do this, you need to enter the name of the bank and card number, and then click on the “check card” link. Next, you need to follow the instructions: upload a scan of the front side of the card and a scan of the relevant pages from your passport. If scans of the passport were provided previously, then this is not required a second time. All documents must be verified by a WebMoney employee.

The ability to exchange, enter or withdraw WM through exchange offices appears only after an account in another system and a bank card are attached to the passport. It is necessary to attach a card because exchange offices ask WebMoney for permission before making a transfer. After receiving a request, the system checks to see if the card or account is linked to the client’s passport. If its results are negative, WebMoney will prohibit the operation.

Attaching WMID to the certificate.

You can attach several WMIDs to the certificate at once. The one for which the certificate was issued is considered main, and all those attached to it are called additional. Before joining a WMID, you must be authorized on the WebMoney Passport website using the main WMID. After this, you need to go to the Control Panel and click on the “Attach an additional WMID” link. After specifying the WMID to be attached, perform all actions according to the instructions.

A maximum of 10 WMIDs can be attached to a certificate. There is no difference between them and they all have the same capabilities that are provided by your certificate.

note that a system user is not allowed to have more than 1 certificate. According to the accepted rule, if the System detects several WMIDs with formal certificates that were issued for the same person, all WMIDs are blocked. As a result, the user will lose the ability to transfer funds from wallets. To eliminate the problems that have arisen and carry out the unlocking, you will have to connect the blocked WMIDs to one formal certificate. Joining a WMID that you cannot control due to lost password is not possible.

The system can also block a WMID with a formal passport if a WMID with an initial or personal passport has already been issued for the same owner. You can solve the problem by attaching a blocked WMID to one of these certificates.

If you have an initial or personal passport and want to have another WMID, you do not need to obtain a formal certificate for it. There will be no negative consequences if you join the WMID to the main initial or personal passport at the pseudonym certificate stage.

There is no provision for detaching the WMID from the certificate.

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Interregional conference “Professional standards and educational programs: vector and paths of development”

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St. Petersburg International Labor Forum

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The Ministry of Finance has established priority for IFRS over PBU

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On February 14, 2017, the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications held the first consultation webinar

On February 14, 2017, the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications conducted the first consultation webinar.

Meeting with representatives of professional qualifications councils on issues of organizing work within the Federal...

On January 24, 2017, a meeting was held organized by the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications jointly with the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

Conducting an independent qualification assessment

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Alias ​​certificate suitable only for small transfers to fully identified system participants, paying bills and making purchases in online stores. This certificate is good for beginners learning the capabilities of the WebMoney Transfer system, however, it is worth remembering that the degree of trust in a participant with a “Pseudonym Certificate” is minimal.
Conditions for receiving: Issued automatically (free of charge) upon registration in the system.

The pseudonym certificate allows you to:

  • make transfers within the WebMoney system¹ ²;
  • replenish wallets with cash (via payment terminals) and prepaid WM cards;
  • pay utility bills and make purchases in stores that accept WM²;
  • issue and pay bills;
  • conduct secure correspondence and make secure video calls;
  • exchange title units of one type for others (for example, WMR to WMZ)

1. For owners of a pseudonym certificate who use WebMoney Keeper Standard to manage their wallets, the following applies.
2. There are restrictions for some types of title units. Transfers of WMR, WMU are possible only to holders of personal and higher certificates.

Formal certificate Suitable for active users of electronic payment systems and freelancers. Among other things, it can be used to regularly pay for all kinds of government services and transfer funds into cash.
Conditions for receiving: Issued free of charge, through the WebMoney Transfer Certification Center, after the participant enters their passport data and uploads a scanned copy of the passport for verification.

A formal certificate allows you to:

  • make transfers within the WebMoney system¹;
  • top up mobile operator accounts;
  • replenish wallets by bank payment, postal order, cash through money transfer systems;
  • withdraw funds by bank payment, through money transfer systems;
  • use the cards.wmtransfer.com service - linking any VISA/MasterCard bank card to top it up from a WMZ wallet, as well as receiving new VISA/MasterCard/UnionPay bank cards to top it up from a WMZ or WME wallet;
  • use the service banks.webmoney.ru - linking bank cards, bank accounts and accounts in electronic money systems to WMID;
  • use the payments.webmoney.ru service - pay taxes and fines, payments to the account of any Russian company or government body;
  • use the service perevod.webmoney.ru - replenishing wallets and withdrawing funds through money transfer systems CONTACT, Unistream, Anelik, etc.;
  • use the Merchant WebMoney Transfer service to receive funds;
  • use the services of specialized sections of the exchange exchange: wire.exchanger.ru, p2p.exchanger.ru, sdp.exchanger.ru, emoney.exchanger.ru;
  • communicate with your “compatriots” through the website geo.webmoney.ru/users;
  • leave reviews about any sites in the advisor.wmtransfer.com service;
  • submit claims and claims to other participants in the system to the arbitration system;
  • comment on news on the official blog of the WebMoney Transfer system;
  • create X-wallets for replenishment and withdrawal of WMX title units

1. For owners of a formal passport who use WebMoney Keeper Standard to manage their wallets, financial restrictions (limits) apply.

Initial certificate Recommended for small businesses and employees of Internet companies. An initial certificate will distinguish you from an anonymous user of the system, but still does not guarantee unconditional trust in you from experienced participants.
Conditions for receiving: By a personalizer (participant of the Certification Center affiliate program) or automatically (free of charge) when certain conditions are met.

The initial certificate allows you to:

  • transfer title units to other participants in the system with limits significantly exceeding the limits for holders of formal certificates.¹
  • replenish wallets and withdraw funds from the system with limits exceeding the limits for holders of formal certificates;
  • participate in the operation of the Capitaller service (access to an existing budget machine);
  • register Internet resources in some sections of the Megastock catalogue;
  • publish news on the official blog of the WebMoney Transfer system;

1. For owners of an initial certificate who use WebMoney Keeper Standard to manage their wallets, financial restrictions (limits) apply.

Personal certificate recommended for businesses and advanced private users who want to not only spend and transfer funds, but also earn money online using the entire range of services of the WebMoney Transfer system. A personal passport provides a high degree of trust on the part of other participants in the system, because your passport details will be checked in person with the provision of originals (or notarized copies) of documents.
Conditions for receiving: Issued for a fee after verification of passport data by the Registrar (participant of the Certification Center affiliate program)