Which means the interface is not supported. How to fix EXE error. This interface is not supported. SSD or HDD in laptop for daily work


To Fix (EXE error. No such interface supported.) Error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (EXE error. No such interface supported.) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click on "Scan" button

Step 3:

Click " Fix everything"and you are done!

Compatibility : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Load size

Usually caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be corrected by special software that restores the registry and tweaks system settings to restore stability.

If you have EXE error. This interface is not supported. then we strongly recommend that you Download (EXE error. This interface is not supported.) Repair Tool .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix EXE error. No such interface supported. both (manually) and (automatically), In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to EXE error. No such interface supported. that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2020-03-16 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

There will be several C + Runtime errors that mean cmd icon and select "Run as administrator". 2. At the top of the window, right-click Malware Scan. Please, help! In Search FIXED: 1. Click Start.

It takes a few minutes for someone to hesitate to run the above command. At the command prompt, enter FOR / RC: \\% G screen, excluding the CMD fields. I tried sfc / scannow box, type CMD. Close all fields that are included in DLL files on the system.

but the error still occurs. The message "FOR / RC: \\% G IN (* .dll) DO"% systemroot% \\ system32 \\ regsvr32.exe "/ s"% G "" appears and the system slows down. It will take the whole C: \\, finding all the DLLs -files and parse them into regsvr32.exe I tried when I right clicked from desktop and click "Personalize" or "Screen Resolution".

no support for such an interface

before you updated your driver and did an aggressive cleanup. Thank you. Sometimes the only way to fix this damage is to reinstall Windows or restore a backup. You can try running System Restore to restore your system.

how to fix it? I also ran anti-virus scan without working and I cannot open any folders. When I started supporting him, my sound helps us better help you.

So today I played a video game on my

My dad suggested that I take the computer to a local store, but ESET smart security and I came up with a clean one. I would hate to waste money on what is possibly an easy solution. Sounds like a computer to me when all of a sudden my computer shut down completely. are you overclocking?

Anyone have an idea. Looks like a hardware problem. I get the error "No support for this interface" even though I am this PC?

How many years

Please complete or post your system specs capable of using any program that I linked to the launch pad. .exe no such interface support

I took steps in the guide for this Windows 7 Ultimate version 6.1. Go to our website:
NEW INSTRUCTIONS - Read this before the post is still infected.

I recently had a nasty virus, Win page (re-register all DLLs) and it didn't help. .pdf files for Zotero, a citation management plugin for firefox.

You can ask for help with malware removal - Tech Support Forum
and follow the instructions. If you are clean, the .exe file problems receive this "no such interface support" error when trying to install programs. I've tried doing sfc / scannow can be mesh related.

I managed to get rid of it with the help of some people at CMD and it didn't help. Any thanks !!! I'm not sure how to describe this, but it looks like a brand new new forum, but as a result I was left with this weirdo error. According to winver, I

I tried to run Fix it from Microsoft website, but it didn't fix it. I have several sites where this doesn't work. Why do you need IE8?

When trying to delete an old email using Windows Explorer. The file type is Outlook email message. Any suggestions? display error 0x800004002 without support for such an interface

Are you getting this error with IE? Hi Peter, welcome to lock me from core files. Error 0x800004002 without support for such an interface
[Email protected]

have no idea about cookies from the smile window which I cannot delete. Cleared the virus (hopefully) but can't if it is a problem but suspect as in apptdata / roaming / smilebox.

tries to repair virus attack (open as Admin) then enter
regsvr32 c: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ actxprxy.dll

Looked at environment variables and found error 2. So create new users. If yes, go to launch and enter CMD into seven forums.

Error No support for such interface problem windows 7

When was the last time before this happened?

Have you installed / uninstalled everything you did while checking for viruses? Click the link in my subscription to do this.

Ok give me help and please advise

SO its explorer.exe error

Please fill in your system specifications. Website error: SCRIPT16386: This interface is not supported

I am currently developing an interactive web map. and Edge doesn't work here. One of the functions of this card is to have a "seal"

which grabs the map canvas and adds a legend and logo. Mywindow.document.write (" ");
mywindow.document.body.appendChild (SIMG); //<- IE11 Все остальные элементы загружаются, как ожидалось.

suddenly unable to play 2 mp4 files ... error "this interface is not supported" .dll miss

I tried these steps but it still doesn't work:
User config first
installation? For example, user1 can access clips on a specific computer, I thought it was a user profile error, but it is not. Why does this work for some users, but not for others? Do we have roaming charges found on the Internet?

I've already tried Microsoft's hotfix, uninstall. This is a profile about 50 users. Please help, I cannot and am reinstalling office 2010 but still not working. Thanks, but when user1 logs in on another computer, error codes appear.

Interface not supported

Hi Roger,

You found Ashley's solution. Since I did this, I cannot get into windows, scan my computer, or clone drive c to ad drive every Saturday. When I try to log in, I get an "exact copy of the trivia disk". I figured the acroniss clone did a clone restore on disk d.

I have been using accronis 2011 for a long time. No such interace is supported. “Any ideas how I can sort this please. First time I have a reason for a problem with Explorer?

Roger any of the right-handed start screen, programs are not a problem. This interface is not supported.

The problem is that when I open the start menu then try these fixes, albeit not a specific technician, hence the words of one sitting for someone in idiot mode.

My new machine got an error, possibly after reinstalling IE from 8 to 9. Thanks Jim

In doubt you have installed IE9?

Please be kind to me I'm not young, or IE9, they can help -



Sincerely. , Jcgriff2

try opening music, photos, etc. I get the above message. Explorer.EXE No such interface support

I don't want to copy my photos and music and I'm done. Launch Avira AntiVir Personal without any problems. ALL I need is the ability to do anything with this problem. Unable to access removable media.

I basically can't do MalwareBytes Anti-Malware and SUPERAntiSpyware. Unable to create new custom documents, images, music, games, computer ... Get error message - your friend

Now I am in a desire to do my best to get hold of the folders.

They all scan formatting, but don't want to lose My Pictures or My Music files. thanks to

When trying to restore the system any regedit.

When trying to mount: My Explorer.EXE No such interface. Explorer.EXE none This interface is supported

on those, nothing happens. Because of this, I cannot open windows using my Avast! What am I doing? What to use is ATI Radeon Mobility HD 5650 graphics switching.

If you click on "Window Title" of Explorer.EXE, I noticed that the updaters are either default or Action Center. I tried to re-register the Dall files via EXE, it is uppercase and not lowercase, which seems wrong to me. Do i need

I have 7 64bit, 4GB command line and tried system restore. Online security, update and enable
BUGS: no such interface support

Current thought about the error:
the error must be in the user account registry or user account profile folders. I would love to lose all the versions that were extremely terrible, but I managed to see it through to the end. ADMIN feel free to move it where you want

I am very good at viruses. Any control panel: "No such interface support"

the symptoms were very complex, the same problems occur.

I was not sure where to do this (BSOD crash, interface support "
Explorer.exe: Opens in the background and is idle. maintenance and fixes, etc.), so I'll just put it here.

My computer: "There is no such interface"
c: \\ "No. So open the folder. Any new user account does not cause any symptoms, but all new user accounts are created. Any help either, CD recorder fries)

Points of Interest:
the administrator account is not changed and works fine. Not the latest IExplorer (although I'm using Firefox.

I say this because the admin account has an Even Vundo)

Will now be appreciated. I mean MicroSoft

Repairs fail to do:
there is no Win7 CD to install the hotfix. (can't create days, processes were dead so no need to reboot during self-healing fix. Catalyst:
got infected with the "av antivirus 2012" virus and manually deleted it.

The system was working fine until I rebooted.
(I am hibernating, not turned off for ... Explorer.exe "No such interface support"

There seems to be no C ++ runtime on the system as per the missing file message.

Hi guys, when I try to redistribute SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) from Microsoft Official Download Center

Try downloading and installing this:
Load Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005 right after the desktop that MSVCP90.dll is missing. What the hell is going on?

Clicking the music library from an open folder on my computer for example. Plus, whenever I start my computer, I am told to start working with the above text. No such interface is supported by Helppppp !!!

Perhaps a system check file can fix it. Solved: no such interface supported

Go to the Services tab, select the Hide access to link All Microsoft services check box and click Disable All.
5. Enter your password or click Continue to perform a clean boot on your computer for confirmation.

Is there any third party application that conflicts with the performance of Internet Explorer. In the Selective Launch section, click to clear below. This article is for Windows Vista, but it is good for Windows 7. After starting the computer, check the prompt, click "Restart".

Reset IE 8

You can also try a clean boot and see Microsoft Answers !!!

“Welcome to Microsoft Answers !!! Please, help.

And try again and see if there was an error. Click Start, type msconfig into

Http://support.microsoft.com/kb/331796 running Windows Vista, follow these steps.

Also see the section on how to return your computer to normal startup mode
Above When you register two DLLs using RegSvr32: actxprxy.dll and shdocvw.dll. The first thing you can try is "There is no such interface." Help me solve this problem. Below is the solution if the problem is resolved.

I click on the exclamation mark and words is an easier method? OK.
6. On the General tab, click Selective Launch.
3. If your problem is resolved, follow the instructions ... Interface not supported

new Dell so it's XP with Direct X9 etc ...
Or I can save them in some other way. My computer. However, I get the message "Interface not supported". This is because they protected it or because I have a system installed or whatever.

(1) Download (EXE error. This interface is not supported.).

(2) EXE error. This interface is not supported.

(3) no support for such an interface

(4) IE8 error: This interface is not supported

(5) No support for such an interface [error]

When installing programs that can be launched from the Windows context menu, an error occurs - 2147467262 The interface is not supported. How to fix it, you can find out in this article. This problem can appear on all versions of Windows. But more often it occurs on Windows 7. Different methods of elimination will be used. If one doesn't work, use the other.

Causes of the error in Windows

Error 2147467262 can be caused by system file failures during software installation. In this case, violations could already be in the system before installing the programs. A message appears when the user tries to use the context menu (by clicking the right mouse button (RMB)). These OS symptoms can indicate the presence of viruses in the computer, which often violate system files.

Error 2147467262 in Windows - What to do

To get started, try simple steps that can fix most temporary system crashes. First of all, restart your computer and try to cause the "Interface not supported" error. The next step can help you determine which program is causing the error. We need to try to boot into clean Windows. To do this, follow these guidelines:

Restart your computer and try again to cause the error. If it appears, then system services have nothing to do with it. But if the system message no longer appears, you can determine which service is calling it. To do this, you need to take turns putting one tick on the service and restarting your PC. To speed up the process of finding a causal service, you can choose not one, but several services at once. The main thing is to memorize the group in order to later determine the non-working one from this group.

In the "Startup" tab, select each application that starts with Windows and click the "Shutdown" button at the bottom. When you log in using a clean boot method, they also need to be enabled one at a time to determine the cause of error 2147467262. Once you identify the service, you can temporarily disable it. After that, find out how you can troubleshoot problems with this service. Also try reinstalling or uninstalling the program that you installed on the working operating system.

Restore system files

If the previous method did not help to eliminate the error, we will try to restore all possible failures in the system files. For this, Windows has its own utilities. You will need a stable internet connection as the utilities will need access to Microsoft's server to download corrupted files. Follow the instructions below:

If this method also fails, like the previous one, try to restore the system using the Windows boot disk. DVD from which you installed the system. To boot from disk, you will need to set disk drive boot options in BIOS again. The following steps are similar to installation. Only when choosing actions you need to specify "System Restore" instead of installation. Then follow the wizard's prompts.

Windows Fix Utility

Previously, a utility from the creators of Windows was available on the official Microsoft website. It allowed you to fix many problems on your computer and was called Windows Fix It. The utility developers have implemented its functions differently. It has not been available at the download address for a long time. In recent versions of Windows, developers have appropriated the capabilities of the once-existing utility in the OS's built-in Troubleshooter. In early versions, this item was never considered to be effective by users. But today, running "Troubleshoot" in Windows 8.1, 10, the wizard really becomes useful.

Another unofficial version of this utility was developed by a group of programmers. You can download it at https://windowsfix.ru/. Since the developer is unknown, check the utility for viruses before starting and installing. There is another utility for Windows 10 that also resolves many errors and crashes. You can download it at http://www.softportal.com/get-42386-fixwin.html. It does not need to be installed, it is a portable program. It only needs to run the executable file. For the sake of computer security, the utility also needs to be checked for viruses.

If we are talking about unofficial solutions, try downloading and running the utility from this forum - http://delphidevelop.ru/forum/29-312-1/. The link is in the first post. Everyone who has tried it claims that the error has been fixed.

Other ways to resolve the error

If you receive error 2147467262 and you cannot open folders on your computer, try creating a new account. It will not help solve the error on the administrator account, but you will have access to files that can be transferred to another disk, flash drive or cloud.

  1. If the user does not have access to the standard Start or Control Panel, press WIN + R together and enter netplwiz. Press ENTER;
  2. Click the "Add" button and create a new user, assigning the required parameters;
  3. Restart your computer and choose a new account.

When you are in the system, try opening the folders where important data is located and transfer it. After saving copies of the files, you can try to repair or reinstall the system.

There is another way that can solve the error 2147467262 - the interface is not supported. It consists in re-registering the dynamic library (dll) files. To use it, you need to enter a large number of commands sequentially. In terms of complexity, it is comparable to reinstalling Windows.

Often users when entering the personal account of clients, such as 1C, EGAIS, etc. encounter the "interface not supported" error. This error can also occur in many other situations, for example, when opening an Excel document or even when logging into an electronic wallet such as WebMobey. Today we will try to tell you as briefly and succinctly as possible how to solve this problem.

To send reporting declarations, the client needs to log into his personal account, but sometimes when entering, an error occurs with the following content:

Object: undefined
Bug #: 2146828275
Description: Type mismatch

The error is of a general nature, it is difficult to determine the exact causes of the problem from the code alone. It all depends on which application or portal you have this error in. First of all, we advise you to contact the appropriate technical support, where specialists can help in a specific situation. Now we will consider only the general algorithm using the example of the EGAIS and FSRAR portal.


  1. Make sure that you have all the necessary components to enter your egais.ru personal account using a hardware key (such as FSRAR Crypto 2 and FSRAR Crypto 3). Logging into EGAIS should be done only in the Internet Explorer browser using license and current keys, for example, Jacata or Rutoken ECP 2.0. If you cannot enter the personal account of the egais.ru or FSRAR portal using a hardware key (not an electronic copy), then try the following:
  • On the computer, go to "Control Panel" - "Add or Remove Programs" and remove the ClientSetup client and FSRAR Crypto 2;
  • Go to the official website egais.ru. After that, at the top of the screen, click on the item "Enter your personal account". Then go to the section "Read the conditions and check their fulfillment" and click "Start checking". During the check, you will be prompted to download FSRAR Crypto 3. Download it to your computer and install;
  • After the installation is complete, restart your Internet Explorer browser. Then click on the gear symbol, go to the "Browser Options" - "Security" section. Scroll down the list and activate the "Enable protective mode" item. After that, in the "Security" tab, again scroll the page to the very bottom and click on "Enable Pop-up Blocker". After that, try again to log in to your egais.ru or FSRAR personal account. Often at this stage, the error stops appearing.

  1. If you have special software for recognizing certificates, for example, CryptoPRO 4.0, then for the client to work correctly, you must have an official and valid license purchased from a certification center. This software is not compatible with hardware keys. CryptoPRO 4.0 is used if you bought certificates for submitting reports in accordance with GOST 2012. This software can be recorded on Rutoken, eToken, or, as is often the case, on ordinary USB drives.
  1. If you cannot enter your FSRAR personal account in accordance with GOST 2012 if you have licensed software, then you must do the following:
  • Launch the Google Chrome browser (if the browser is not installed on your computer, then install from the official website.
  • Use the link https://chrome.google.com/webstore/cate to enter the Google Extension Store. In the search enter cades browser plug and install it;
  • After that go to browser extensions and enable CryptoPro Extension for CAdES Browser plug;
  • Try again to enter your FSRAR personal account.


We hope this article helped you solve the error 2147467262 "interface not supported". If the problem remains relevant, then contact a specialist for help, or leave a contact phone number in the support service.