What is more popular WhatsApp or Viber. What is better than Viber or Whatsapp Comparative Test. What to choose

The name of the WhatsApp program is based on the English phrase of What's Up? ("What is new?"), Where instead of UP used similar to the APP (Application - application for smartphones).

Whatsapp - Popular instant messaging system. Allows you to send text, video, photos and other data through special chats. Because of its functional, it is considered an excellent replacement of cellular communication, for only Internet traffic is used.

Let's consider the main advantages and cons of this program.

Pros WhatsApp:

  • In addition to working on platforms such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, Nokia Symbian and Nokia S40, WhatsApp has a computer version of the client, as well as a Web version, i.e. You can communicate in a regular browser (for this you just go to the address: Web.Whatsapp.com).

  • Vatsap is already a fairly well-known program (it is especially popular with young people, according to Wikipedia WhatsApp is already more than a billion people), which means that most of your contacts have already installed. The alert that you now also use it will be sent automatically, you will only have to start communicating with the right person.
  • The program synchronizes the list of contacts with your iPhone phone book, because Registration occurs on the telephone number.
  • In WhatsApp you can create group chats to communicate in interest. The maximum number of users for one such chat is 256 people. Agree, this is quite a large number. In the group settings, you can specify its name, as well as set the notification settings. For example, I consists in a group of a residential complex, in the house under construction we bought an apartment. It is very convenient to exchange news with future neighbors, send photos and video from construction.
  • Free audio and video calls that can be done via Internet compound (3G or Wi-Fi), i.e. For such calls, you do not need to pay for the tariffs of your operator, payment goes only for the Internet (megabytes, if you have a lower rate). Operators are periodically complaining about such programs and even had rumors about whatsapp blocking attempts at the provider level.
  • With whatsapp, you can send not only photos and videos, you can share PDF files (books, logs), slideshows and other documents. The only limitation is the file size should not exceed 100 MB.
  • Photos, audio and video materials first go to a special HTTP server, and then transmitted in the reduced version to the final recipient. This saves Internet traffic.
  • You can use in messages marking to highlight * fat*, ~ crossed ~ and _ italic_. To do this, simply place the desired word between the corresponding symbols when set.
  • The program C 2016 is completely free. At the moment, the application has no built-in purchases.

Disadvantages WhatsApp:

Output: Whats App - Comfortable free program for communication with friends! Decent competitor Viber.

Until recently, votional communication on mobile phones and sending SMS had to pay a lot of money. Everything has changed after the appearance of various messengers, allowing to transfer messages for free or for a penny and perform calls. In this regard, users are very often interested in what is better than Vibers or Vatsap?

If you hold a detailed comparison of these messengers, it will be found that they have the following similarities:

  • Binding is carried out to the phone number. When installing applications, there is no need to take place for a long registration during which nickname is created. He only needs to specify the current phone number.
  • A person has the ability to create and participate in group chats.
  • People can send photographs and video materials.
  • Users are available almost instantly all contacts.
  • For programs, a small amount of charge battery is required.

With all existing similarities, both messenger can be used both on smartphones and on personal computers or tablets.

Pros and cons of programs or what is the difference between the Viber from whatsapp

Each of the applications has its advantages. You need to know them well, then he can decide, Vaiber or Vatsap what is better?

Thus, the developer regularly offers the owners of the devices updated versions that are complemented by useful functions and have improved, but at the same time simple interfaces. At the same time, they allow easy access to the settings and can work even with a small data transfer rate. Also, any of the versions of the messenger shows whether a person is from the list of contacts online, and allows you to find out when it was on the web last online.

The Viber application has a beautiful collection of stickers and smiles. Messenger allows the user when sending a message to specify its location. At the same time, a person can also call for free, but only if the device is connected to the Internet at a high and stable speed. Also, people are given the opportunity to change the background in the chat window and regularly add new emoticons to the collection.

What is the difference between Viber from WhatsApp?

For an accurate answer to this question, you must not forget about their cons. So, when using the first messenger, the user will be difficult to make calls if the data transfer rate is small. But when installing the second program, they cannot be performed at all. Especially in the subscription fee at 2 years. Tip for users who will allow them not to suffer and do not decide whether Viber or Whatsapp is better? It is recommended to install both messenger devices. In this case, they will always remain in touch, even if there will be any problems with one of the programs!

What is Watsap and Viber

It is possible that some users are interested in what and Viber and how to use these programs. Well, you can try to give a short and comprehensive answer to these questions.

Messengers and what they eat

The term "messenger" himself means in a wide understanding of this word any program, with which you can communicate one way or another. And today there is a huge number of messengers - with the most different functions. There are messengers for corporate use - only within the same enterprise. And there are those with which you can communicate with the whole world.

Surely old-timers of the Internet remember ICQ - ICQ. So this is also a messenger. By the way, "ICQ" is still alive and healthy, and has changed beyond recognition, he covered with new functions. But the main competitors in the market are. Almost all the articles, they go "Nostril in Nostril". And they are quite simple to use them. Being running on mobile phones, they allow users to correspond, exchange files and even call from one messenger to another.

This is how the answer to the question is what a messenger is. If someone is interested in what the messenger should still give preference, then it is definitely to such a question, perhaps, no one will answer.

All programs are good in their own way. But it was Watsap today today more than a billion people have been enjoyed.

After all, using WhatsApp you can:

  • send text messages to each other;
  • dilute text with funny emoticons;
  • you can also exchange pictures and videos;
  • and, of course, each other - and via voice communication, and through the video channel.

In addition, this program applies today completely free and has official Russian localization.

What does whatsapp differs from Viber?

Considering the difference between the two most popular texts of Viber and WhatsApp, it is very difficult for someone from them to give leadership. In fact, each of them is the same number of advantages and minuses. Answer the question what whatsapp differs from Viber We will try in this comparative test.

Main differences WhatsApp and Viber

Analysis of the functions of both applications leads to the definition basic differences:

  • difference in free;
  • more features in the schedule at WhatsApp, but does not provide the possibility of calls;
  • vIBER has a limited number of connections in conference bonds;
  • Viber transmits high-quality sound and video;
  • viber has the ability to send Dudlov.
  • Well, the full difference in the color range and in the control panel in both applications.

Record from 1 to 3 of 3 entries

What is better whatsapp or viber?

The answer to this question can be formulated so - each of the applications will be better for those who need exactly their capabilities that we consider.

In Viber is available voice connectionwhich is possible if there is internet or Wi-Fi. Both programs can exercise transfer locationBut Viber produces it more conveniently. Restrictions B. file transfer - A huge lack of both programs. There is no possibility to send a one-piece document. Whatsapp applies compression When passing photos. At the same time, Viber does not allow them to compress. On the connection quality They began to complain more often to users of Viber because of failures.

Application functionality:

  1. Viber:
  • the main purpose is associated with the transfer of messages;
  • free calls;
  • you can make the newsletter stickers, "moods";
  • allows the creation of groups of numbering 40 members;
  • photo, video files, from phone, cameras;
  • offline notifications;
  • advertising is missing completely;
  • it is possible to create dudles;
  • brand free app.
  1. Whatsapp:
  • transmits messages in text mode;
  • also allows you to send video files and photos, both directly from the camera itself and with a phone gallery;
  • sending audio;
  • availability of communication for a group of subscribers;
  • offline notice;
  • admissible complete integration with the owner's phone book;
  • the selection of wallpapers installed on dialog boxes is allowed;
  • without advertising;
  • the message may be sent to any number of addresses simultaneously;
  • complete free communication between those who use this application;
  • free to use all the properties of the application during the first year 1 dollar cost further use.

So, summing up our comparison which messenger is better than Viber or WhatsApp - those who are mostly rewritten using their device, it is better to use. And those who make many calls even to other parts of the world - optimal viber.

Choosing a messenger to communicate, we, of course, appreciate the functional features, the possibility of free exchange of information and the security of the application, but one of the decisive aspects is the popularity of the messenger among friends, acquaintances and colleagues. In most cases, the selection of the messenger depends entirely on what your friends use, because the main ideology of using these programs is directed to uninterrupted communication.

Now we will not take into account the fact of the popularity of a certain messenger in your environment, and simply carry out a comparative analysis of the basic characteristic features:

  • Functional features;
  • Easy use;
  • Supported gadgets.

For our study, two sufficiently famous messenger were selected: Vaiber and.

Let us dwell at the first point of the list of characteristics - "Functional features". Basically, the messenger is used to send messages, so pay special attention to the chat. There are a number of generally accepted functions that are characteristic of most identical applications:

  • It is possible to send various media files;
  • Display the location itself and view the location of the interlocutor;
  • Exchange voice messages and calls;
  • There is a book of contacts;
  • A huge line of emoticons is available for free.

If we talk about more unique features, then Viber clearly has a number of benefits:

  • When sending messages, the shipping and delivery time is displayed;
  • It is possible to exchange musical compositions;
  • The presence of a huge range of stickers, which contribute to the usual dialogue new paints;
  • You can independently create schematic drawings, leading your finger across the phone screen, and share them with the interlocutors.

In addition to the usual correspondence, users sometimes use a number of other functions:

  • Group chat (available in both messengers, but in Viber you can create a public chat);
  • The book of contacts (messengers possess identical options and settings in contacts - in both cases there is synchronization of data from the phone);
  • Calls (free calls can be made in Viber, and in WhatsApp, but still there are several nuances. First, it is possible to call in stationary or mobile numbers that do not have installed programs, only using Viberout, but on a paid basis. VIBEROUT The second, video call will also be available only in Viber). In this battle, Viber clearly wins.

If you approach the issue of ease of use, then there are many contradictions here, because some believe that Viber is simple and convenient, others have a completely opposite opinion.

I would like to notice that the interface of the headcap and its color scheme is more condescending and enjoyed by the user's eyes. In addition, in the wagon you can delete several messages at once at the time, while in Vaibera will have to get rid of each SMS separately.

As for the relationship with the devices, here the unconditional leader is Viber. The developers of this application have created perfect versions for almost all popular operating systems. With Watsappa, the situation is a bit worse, because synchronizing data to a different device, in some cases, it is almost impossible.

Thus, according to the functional features and relationships with other devices, the victorious place goes to Vaiberu. On the other hand, it may absolutely every person, regardless of its technical skills. And independently make sure the benefits of the messenger.

What is better whatsapp or viber?

The current messengers have almost completely sent to non-sending ordinary SMS messages in the mobile devices. These programs made SMS uncomfortable and completely unprofitable. In this segment there is already a real alternative, but it is still difficult to place priorities and choose. After all, there are many messengers. What application is the most used: Viber or WhatsApp? What is better from different points of view, and not just with financial?

The smartphone with the appearance in the market of telephone and mobile technicians almost instantly won the love of a huge number of users. Now we can argue with confidence that about the ninety percent of users of mobile devices are the owners of the gadgets of this type.

Purpose of Messenger Program

The properties of the smartphone and its functions, ease of use, permanent and comfortable internet access, the installed operating system made it possible to use such a device for sharing text information, as used to be only on computers. In this case, messages are sent instantly, and there are no money costs. And just such applications like Viber or WhatsApp, today are the most preferred among mobile gadget users.

I would like to consider their positive and negative sides in order to determine which of these applications is most attractive. According to the results of the review, it will be possible to navigate when choosing. So, Viber or WhatsApp: What is better?

It is clear to everyone, for which such applications are being developed: there is an Internet connection, messengers help to exchange text, pictures and photos. Both applications can be configured. But each of them does something better, and something is worse.

Viber and WhatsApp: Differences

WhatsApp application was designed for use on old Nokia smartphones. Since then, many years have passed, and other mobile operating systems appeared on the market.

Viber appeared later. He supported more than a fresh platform and demanded mobile devices for installation. Therefore, we can say that users of very old devices cannot be installed today and use this application. But it has a version for computers with Mac and Windows operating systems.

Whatsapp is not lagging behind and creates versions for Apple smartphones and mobile version of Windows.

If we talk about the Android platform, you need a version not lower than 2.1 to work with WhatsApp, and for a competitor's messenger - 2.0.

Thus, Viber earns one point on a piggy bank for more supported platforms.

User interface applications

After a survey was conducted among users who have access to both applications, the result relating to the interface turned out to be ambiguous. Whatsapp is very simple and possesses an attractive design. In addition, the developers constantly release updates that allow you to change the appearance of the application and simplify its use. For old devices, which was originally created a program, a minimalistic appearance was created. Such he stayed. The program makes it possible to enter text and emoticons in one field. But here's profiles of friends here are quite uncomfortable. Their viewing could be implemented better.

Regarding a competitor's program, Viber, which platform it would be installed, has its own branded appearance and has only two menus. In use, it is no less easy, but due to the presence of the possibility of making a video calls, the user interface is slightly complicated. Therefore, here you can assign one point WhatsApp program.

Requirements for connecting programs

This question is very interesting. Since WhatsApp is an application to send text, a lot of traffic for its work is not needed. Most of all megabytes will leave in order to download the program on the smartphone. The latest versions began to support voice calls, which worsened the situation. Now you need a connection speed higher, and traffic leaves more.

Viber is a bit more functional, as it has video calls. Therefore, the requirements for the United States are also not the lowest. Of course, if a unlimited rate is connected or a Wi-Fi connection is used, no one will pay attention to the number of received and sent megabytes, but when the user pays money for them, video calls can ruin it. Thus, one score in favor of WhatsApp.


According to this criterion, the winner is not possible to identify possible. Each of these applications has a good protection system, encrypting user feeding and their personal data. Therefore, here you can throw each program for one point.

What is more popular: viber or whatsapp? The programs alternately bypass each other. Fans of simplicity choose the second app, and those who often use the video link, first.

In this comparison, the victory with a minimum advantage can be awarded WhatsApp, but all this is conditional. The programs are approximately equal. You need to choose to your own taste.

The struggle between Vatsap and Vyber began many years ago. But it was originally on the side of the second messenger. Viber or WhatsApp, what is better? This question interests many people who are just beginning to understand the possibilities of their smartphone. Sooner or later, they fall into the Play market and think what program to start using.

The best option will be the phased use of both utilities, only then you can like this user, decide on the best option. In another case, you can only get acquainted with dry facts. In terms of popularity, VATSAP was significantly inferior to Weibra, while in 2014 was not bought by the owner of the Facebook. Then the Golden Era of this utility began, which continues until now.

In terms of demand, the wrapper has more than one billion customers. At the same time, Viber boasts only 600 million customers. In essence, the program is very similar, both allow you to communicate with the help of the Internet, send messages and files for huge distances. It does not matter how far your friend is located, get the Internet and communicate with it, sending instant SMS.

VATSAP or Vaiber - we define

It is worth considering the minor advantages of each program. For example, in Vaiber, you can use video calls, which is not in Watsape, and never happened. That is, these programs are the heirs of Skype, which provided this opportunity. That's just this utility worked on the computer and was created precisely for him. The mobile version was not as high quality and popular.

Vaiber and - Messengers of the last generation, with all the advantages of this "weight" category. Choose uniquely the best is very difficult. For example, in Vatsape much more stickers and various emoticons. Most of them are free, whereas in Vaiber, the choice is very limited. The best stickers are paid, which cannot, do not upset people who use this utility.

In terms of speed and functionality, both programs are practically twins. But still it is worth making a choice and finally put a point in this dispute. Therefore, we give an example and consider each advantage separately. Only in this case, you can give an adequate assessment of each program and make the conclusion about their performance. But do not forget that both utilities are leaders in popularity.

What is the difference between Vaiber from Vatsap - from A to Z

The result is a draw. If you need a utility that will make video calls and communicate with people on a landline phone, then your choice will be Viber. If you need a comfortable, beautiful and simple messenger, in which you sometimes you will make calls - it is Vatsap.