Norton Security - Leave all online anxieties in the past. How to disable Norton Internet Security at a certain time how to turn off Norton for a while

The anti-virus program is a utility designed to protect the computer from malicious applications, etc. Every year device security services are significantly improved. So today antivirus software there is a huge amount. One of these utilities is an enhanced version of Norton Internet Security ™, called Norton Security Deluxe. Improved software is called the developers themselves. Make sure the effectiveness of Norton will have to users of PC users. However, the utility may not justify expectations. If the work of the antivirus does not like the user, it will need to be removed. So in this article will consider two ways to remove Norton Security Deluxe.

Note!Anti-virus software first appeared in 1984. The author Chk4bomb and Bochk4Bombom became Andy Hopkins. The first program detected suspicious information contained in the code. The second utility performed the recording and formatting in the BIOS.

The first software whose action was aimed at protecting the computer from viruses, appeared already in 1985. The developer of this utility was Ji Wong. And the DRProtect program was called.

Method 1. Uninstalling Norton Internet Security through the toolbar

  1. Find the Start button on the taskbar. Click on it.

  2. In the window that opens, select the default program string. Click on it.

  3. In the lower left corner of the interface, click on the "Programs and Components" phrase.

  4. In the list of programs that appears, find the desired software. Click on the name of the antivirus two times the left button of the coordinate device.

  5. In the location window, find the "Delete All Data" button. Press the mouse button on this string.

  6. If you want to talk about the reason for deleting software, click on the button "Click here to tell about the reason."
  7. A browser opens. The user will see a page where it will be necessary to estimate the product in the first field.

  8. Select the reason for deleting software or write a comment yourself.

  9. Select the use of antivirus.

    Note!The site is English. If the user knows a bad albion language well, data entry can be a harsh test.

  10. In the last two fields, you will need to introduce your name and I-Mail.

  11. Click on the "Submit" button.

  12. If you need technical support, click on the Norton Support string. Otherwise, close the browser page.

    Note!To close the pages or browser, you can use the following combinations of the keyboard buttons: "Ctrl + W" - closing the open page; "Alt + F4" - closing a browser along with open tabs; "Win + M" - folding all x open pages; "Alt + Space" - Calling a window menu in which the user can close the tab, roll it, etc.

  13. If you did not change your mind to remove the antivirus, return to the program interface. Click on the "Next" button.

  14. Wait until it deals completely.

  15. Congratulations! Norton Internet Security is removed from your computer. To work properly, restart the device by clicking on the Restart Now button. Otherwise, click the mouse to "reload later."

Note!After deleting the program, the reboot may be needed for system folders, in which the DLL libraries are stored or other information is blocked.

Method 2. Removing Norton Internet Security using the Norton Remove and Reinstall utility

  1. Open the browser.

  2. Enter in the Norton Remove and Reinstall search engine.

  3. Click on the "Find" button.

    Note!To confirm your actions, instead of the "Find" button, the user can click on the Enter key.

  4. From the proposed options, select the official website of the developer. Open the link.

  5. Find the Norton Remove and Reinstall hyperlink highlighted in blue. Click on it.

  6. As soon as the program is downloaded, open the folder in which the utility is located.

  7. In the window that appears, click on "Run".

  8. A new interface will open. Find the "Accept" button. Click on it.

  9. Click on the "Advanced Settings" button.

  10. Click on "Delete only".

  11. In the window that appears, find the "Delete" button. Click on it.

  12. Wait until the software is removed.

  13. Restart the computer by clicking on the "Open button. now".

Congratulations! Antivirus program removed.

Video - How to remove Norton Internet Security

You installed Norton AntiVirus, and now you have add-ins installed in Chrome or Firefox, and in addition, Norton displays notifications, suggestions and sounds. How do you turn off all this and let Norton Antivirus do not interfere in your work?

It is recommended to always install antivirus software on a computer. There are many programs such as Avast or Norton on the market. However, these antiviruses can be filled with annoying features. Add browser added to protect you, you get continuous notifications with questions, and, moreover, messages encouraging you to switch to the paid version.

However, all these elements can be disabled. Earlier, we described this on the example of disconnecting sounds and notifications in Avast Antivirus. This time we consider another popular antivirus package, which is Norton Antivirus.

1. Remove Norton add-in from web browsers

One of the most unpleasant things that appeared after installing Norton anti-virus software are superstructures installed in web browsers. If you are using Chrome or Firefox, your browser will now show add-in for additional protection when viewing. In practice, however, their work is not impressive, and sometimes it can even cause mistakes or problems.

  • Remove Norton Chrome supplements

To remove Norton additions from the Chrome browser, run the browser and open the menu in the upper right corner. On the menu, select "Additional tools\u003e Extensions".

A list of add-ons installed in Chrome will appear. You will find superstructures such as Norton Identity Safe or Norton Security Toolbar. Remove them by clicking on Basket icon Next to each of them.

  • Remove Norton add-in from Firefox

The Firefox has only one Norton add-in, which is responsible for displaying the toolbar. To delete it, go to the Firefox menu in the upper right corner and select "Additionally".

The list includes the Norton security toolbar. Click "Disable" For deactivation of the superstructure.

  • Remove Norton add-in from Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer did not lag behind - for him Norton also prepared a set of additions. To delete them, turn on Internet Explorer, and then open the menu in the upper right corner using the gear icon. Select the option here "Supplies management".

A new extension control window will appear. Make sure the "Toolbar and Extension" option is selected on the left. The list of all installed add-in is displayed on the right. Find a section with Norton add-ons. There will be two extensions - Norton Toolbar and Norton Identity Protection. Select both options and select the "Disable" option.

2. Disconnect notifications, sounds and other unnecessary messages to Norton

The remaining parameters can now be configured directly in the Norton AntiVirus settings. Click the Norton icon in the notification area to open it the main window. Then select in the upper right corner "Setup".

Norton has a quick blocking feature of all operation in the background and messages through the "quiet mode" that you can turn on the right. However, this is a temporary solution, because it is impossible to turn on the discrete mode forever - after a while everything returns to a normal state. That is why we will show you how forever disable the most intrusual functions of Norton.

  • Advanced settings

The first place where we disconnected obsessive functions are extended settings. In the Settings window, go to the Advanced Settings tab. You will see the following window.

Find and cancel the following three functions here:

  • 30-day report
  • Norton Notifications
  • Special Offer Notifications

The 30-day report feature displays the notification at the end of each month with a brief description of all actions that have been completed over the past thirty days. Norton's work notifications are responsible for displaying the Norton Background Messages (for example, notification of the start of scanning, etc.). In turn, notifications of a special sentence are responsible for displaying messages encouraging, for example, the transition to the paid version.

Disabling the three parameters specified above will significantly reduce the number of notifications and messages displayed by Norton. Confirm the changes to the button "Apply."

  • Spam Protection Notifications

Another thing that Norton demonstrates is notifications of spam protection. They appear when using Outlook email client. Fortunately, you can disable them.

To do this, go to the Norton tab "Setup" and select "Spam protection". Then go to the tab "Integration with an email program".

Here you can disable all Norton email protection functions. If you want to disable Norton notifications when you start Outlook, uncheck the checkbox "Welcome screen".

  • Notifications after downloading files from the network

Norton Antivirus has a very useful feature that checks the files loaded from the network. However, if you are annoyed by the fact that you receive a message every time the file is in order and safely, you can turn it off. Norton will notify you only if you download a suspicious or infected file.

To do this, go to the Norton settings section. "Network" and select tab "Protecting a browser from invasions."Find the section here "DOWNLOAD INSIGHT"- just below this field called the field "Load alerts".

Many antivirus systems are not so easy to disable - the protection parameters are often installed so that malicious programs cannot get around them. In this case, the full shutdown of the program is impossible by simple exit from it - only a temporary disabling or completion of the process is possible through the task manager or delete the program.


  • Open the Norton Anti-virus window. In the settings of the protection parameters in the "Automatic Protection" tab, put the value of temporary protection - an hour, two, before rebooting the computer, etc. At the same time, you cannot completely disable the program, since such a paragraph is not provided for by the developers at all. This is due to the specific parameters of the protection of your file system, many malware can complete the application of applications on behalf of the user.
  • Try to turn off the antivirus with another way. Click the Alt + Ctrl + Del key combination, while you will have a small window on the screen - this is a task manager. Select the Process tab in it, find the word EGUI.
  • Click on it right-click and select "Complete Process" or "Complete Process Tree". The system will issue a warning that this action may affect the operation of other programs, so turn off the antivirus only if it is really necessary and do not forget it to turn it on for further protection after.
  • If you want to disable the Norton anti-virus system with subsequent removal, click on the Start menu, select the "Norton Internet Security" folder in the installed programs. Select, if any, item "Uninstall the program" and, following the instructions of the system, perform the necessary action. You can also delete the program through the "Control Panel", entering the "Install and Remove Programs" menu.
  • Find the antivirus in the list, select Delete. If the system fails to perform uninstallation, since the program is running, use the task manager and complete the process in the same way as described in the previous step. This item is not very recommended for use, since the computer must necessarily be protected by an antivirus system.
  • Tip added June 12, 2011 Tip 2: How to turn off Norton installed on a personal computer anti-virus software can conflict with some programs when they are installed. In most cases, the installation of programs is blocked, in connection with which it is necessary to disable antivirus for further installation.

    You will need

    • Computer installed Antivirus Norton


  • If you need to disable antivirus software, you can do it with two most common ways. Both methods are quite simple and performed within a few seconds. It is worth disassembling them in more detail.
  • Disable Norton Anti-Virus via the application service menu. By paying attention to the system tray, you will see an active antivirus icon. If the nonsense icon, click on the arrow (in this case, hidden icons will be available). Right-click on the Anti-Virus label, then select "Stop the Protection". Please note that you can not only completely stop the work of Norton, but also to set a certain time during which the program will be inactive. This parameter is also set by the service menu. After the pause time expires, the program will again be launched by the system automatically.
  • Sometimes the program may not respond to your requests. In such cases, you need to complete its work. It is also done with the help of a system tray. Right-click on the program shortcut in the tray, then select "Exit". Thus, the operation of the antivirus will be completely discontinued. To re-enable the program, you will have to start it with a bootable label.
  • If you cannot exit the program, you can complete its work forcibly. To do this, click the CTRL + ALT + DEL key combination, then you must open the Processes tab. Select the desired process and click on it right-click. In the window that appears, click on the "Complete Process Tree" item and confirm the operation. Antivirus will be disconnected.
  • How to turn off Norton - Print version

    Most users faced the situation when the antivirus did not give to open the Internet file downloaded from the network, saying that it was infected with any virus. In most cases, it is convenient and useful, but there are exceptions: you want to download an activator, crack or database of serial numbers. Fortunately, almost any antivirus can be at a time or completely deactivate. Consider how you can disable Norton Internet Security in the last 2013 version. All previous reincarnations of popular antivirus are controlled in the same way.

    Full disabling virus protection

    Click right-click on the Norton Internet Security Anti-Virus icon and choose the item Disable automatic viral protection

    In the window that appears, select the duration of the shutdown. If desired, you can disable Norton antivirus for all the time or before the first reboot. In any case, try to work as little as possible without the protection turned on. After selecting the desired option, click on the OK button.

    As a result, a message appears on the successful disabling of the antivirus.

    Turn on the defense

    To resume protection before the selected period, it is enough to press it right by right-clicking an antivirus in the system tray and select item Enable automatic viral protection.

    Disabling individual elements of protection

    If you need to disable individual security items, it can be done in the anti-virus settings. To do this, click two times with the left button on the anti-virus icon in the tray. The program window appears, select the setup menu item.

    Why disable

    The composition of any antivirus includes a component that protects it from various malicious effects. So, many viruses can adjust the work of such applications for their distribution.

    Self-defense provides a ban:

    Tip: Not all functions may be available in old OS.

    However, sometimes there is a need to disable Norton Internet Security antivirus.

    Such a need may appear in several cases:

    Antivirus stop methods

    You can turn off self-defense with several methods. All of them are extremely simple and allow you to continue to produce any manipulations, up to removal

    Tab Applications "Automatic Protection"

    The algorithm is simple:

    Task Manager

    There is another way off - through the task manager:

    As a result, Norton will be suspended. The next time you restart the computer, it will turn on again.

    Video: Norton Security 2015

    Turn off Norton with subsequent removal

    In order to completely deactivate the operation of the antivirus, it is necessary to turn off self-defense. Such a procedure will be required to delete the program.

    It is done like this:

    Photo: Select the section "Product Safety"

    1. in the application itself, we find the item "Parameters" and open it;
    2. further, we are looking for the "Detailed Parameters" tab;
    3. it needs to find the "Administration Settings" item;
    4. a window will open in which we find the section "Product Safety". At the bottom there is a string "Protection against changes" - in it, set to OFF in it;
    5. after that, press the "Apply" button so that the changes entered into force;
    6. next, in the "Security Request" section, we find a duration selection point. It is required to set the time during which self-defense will be turned off;
    7. at the end, click on the "OK" button and close the program.

    Now you can uninstall the application completely. In some cases, it may be necessary to stop all processes (as in the previous paragraph).

    Important! It is impossible to be on the Internet without active antivirus. Therefore, after installing Norton, you need to immediately install the other. Otherwise, you will jeopardize the safety of your computer.

    Photo: Uninstalling through the control panel

    Disable protection elements

    In some cases, you may need to disconnect individual protective elements.

    This is done in the main menu as follows:

    Finally, it is worth noting that the manipulation described above can be performed only in extreme cases (for example, for uninstallation). In other cases, it is undesirable to do so, as you can jeopardize the safety of the entire system.