What is retweet and what is it for? A new kind of retweet on Twitter What is retweet on Twitter

Today a new feature has become available to all Twitter users - retweets... What is retweet, what new have the developers presented to us and does this innovation have any disadvantages? All about this in our article.

What is retweet?

RT @womtec Here's a retweet.

Not very convenient. The username, especially if it is very long, "eats" a lot of characters and the message may simply not fit into the allotted limit. But now you can forget about these actions. Everything has become much easier and more convenient.


The first thing we saw when we went to Twitter today is a window that says about the innovation and shows how the retweet will now look like.

What changed?

Closing the window, we begin to study the innovation. And here's what we find:

Now you can retweet in a couple of clicks. When hovering over a tweet, the word “retweet” was added next to the word “reply”. And just click on the link to create it.

In your feed, this retweet will not appear on your behalf, as before, but on behalf of the tweet author. At the bottom, under the text, it will be written who made this retweet.

And if you go to your profile, then this retweet will look like this:

Also, the developers have made a separate feed, where all the retweets of the users you follow are published. There you can also see what retweets you did, and what messages you "shared".

And when you go to the page of the user you are following, you will see a new icon. It can be used to enable or disable the display of retweets from this user.

But about whether this innovation has disadvantages and how convenient it is, we propose to speculate in the comments.

In the modern world, a person constantly has to deal with a huge number of new terms, words borrowed from abroad, slang phrases, etc. Most of the young people are aware of all this, but still, many people do not understand what it is about when they say words such as tweet, retweet, like, repost, comment and others. Today we will try to explain as much as possible what is retweet.

1) You can copy this tweet and create your own and post it to your feed. However, practically no one does this.

2) You can retweet. That is, retweet a friend's message and it will appear in your feed and will be available to all your readers.

How do I retweet? Everything is very simple. It's a matter of one click or gesture.

When you open the Twitter app on your mobile device or the official website, you find an interesting tweet. At the bottom of each tweet, you see three icons: an arrow pointing to the left, two arrows, and an asterisk. You need the second character (two arrows). Clicking on it will bring up the "Retweet", "Quote Tweet" and "Cancel" options. How are they different from Retweet and Quote Tweet? If you just want to retweet, click the appropriate option and this tweet will appear in your feed. By clicking "Quote Tweet", you will not only retweet it, but you should also add your tweet. For example, your answer or opinion. This tweet will also appear in your feed along with your reply. Also, near the icon (two arrows) under the tweet, you can also see numbers. Some mean how many people have retweeted. Some tweets from well-promoted accounts get hundreds or even thousands of retweets.

What are we for retweets on Twitter? With retweets, you share information with your readers. Retweets are like reposts on Vkontakte. The more people retweet your tweet, the more people will see it and possibly retweet and follow you as well.

Which tweets are being retweeted the most? These are tweets from celebrities with millions of followers, interesting facts, funny tweets, news, promotions and offers.

However, don't forget that writing your tweets is also important. If your feed consists of only one retweet, people will unsubscribe from you, because you do not carry any personal, unique information.

It's no secret that our whole world is mired head over heels on the Internet, in various social networks and instant messengers. Artificial communication successfully supplants living, and everyone believes that it should be so. Along with the development of Internet entertainment, a special language appears. To a modern person, he seems extremely understandable and convenient, but people of the old school often come from his non-literary nature. Now let's talk about the history of some new words, where they came from, what they are and for what purposes they are used.

and reposts

A lot of time has passed since the opening of the first website on the Internet, and it has become a hobby for many inhabitants of our world to sit and search for information on its open spaces. LJ, forums, social networks, entertainment portals are the main consumers of our free time, and it is they who leave such a harmful imprint on our language, introducing new words and jargon into it.

All new Internet vocabulary comes mostly from English words, the same fate befell those words that we will now consider. So what are retweets and reposts? If you look at the root of the question, then both terms mean exactly the same thing, they just refer to different social networks.

The word "retweet" comes from the English word retweet, and practically did not change its sound and, oddly enough, the meaning. It means the act of copying someone else's post into your news feed. The definition of "retweet" applies to the social network Tweeter, in which people exchange tweets with each other - small informational messages, the length of which does not exceed 140 characters. That is, we can say that with the help of this magic word a person shares certain information of another user, posting it in his news feed and fully retaining its copyright. The word tweet from English translates as twitter, tweet, so it's not for nothing that the emblem of this social network is a bird.

The word "repost", by analogy with "retweet", comes from the English word repost and means the process of duplicating a user's record, which is also called a post (post), to your page (if we are talking about the VKontakte social network) or your news feed (Facebook).

Reposts "VKontakte"

Many definitions are often confusing to many Internet newbies. For example, many do not know what a VKontakte retweet is. And when asked to do this strange action, they are lost. After reading our transcript of the definition of "retweet", what such a word means theoretically is already clear. But what about practice? How can you copy a recording to your wall and not offend the copyright holder? Everything is very simple. With each VKontakte update, retweeting is getting easier and easier. Today, this is done using the Tell Friends button, which looks like a small loudspeaker. Now there should be no questions about how to retweet,

Reposts and retweets on Facebook "e


Probably the most specific portal that exists today. It's a mixture of journaling with social networking. On Twitter, users leave their small notes that are visible to all subscribers, or as they are called on this service - followers. Many people don't understand what Twitter retweets are and why they are needed at all. Indeed, in the case of VKontakte and Facebook, everything is very clear: users share interesting news and information that their friends on the social network may like.

There is not so much useful and interesting data in Tweeter, because what is so supernatural that can fit in 140 characters? But many users manage to write something like this. Basically, these are catch phrases, famous sayings, quotes from actors, writers, etc. In general, entertainment is not for everyone.

What are they for?

Very strange, but many people are simply addicted to retweets and reposts. And this is not about collecting a whole collection of various information in your feed. They set a goal for their posts to get as many "likes" as possible and to be read by the largest number of people with the help of friends who will add the post to their page. But most often repost is used as a means of storing information for oneself, which must be viewed later. Recently, it has become fashionable to search for people interested in something through such records. Many people leave ads on social networks and ask their friends to tell about their post. Sometimes this method gives good results.

Are reposts and retweets so good?

Unfortunately, technological progress does not always have a good effect on some areas of life. For example, some people, after they find out about retweeting (what such posting on a page can help to get), start to almost go crazy. The goal of their life literally becomes to collect as many "likes" as possible under their post by sending it to everyone and everything so that the news will be added to their feed, so sometimes it even comes to spam. This ailment mainly affects people under the age of twenty, who are looking for ways of self-realization in the world, and also trying to become important and famous. Fortunately, it goes away. Not immediately, of course, but over time. With age, people become smarter and taller than all kinds of children's fun that they used to do.

Every day there are fewer and fewer people who don't know how to retweet. All of humanity hopes that this skill will be used only for themselves personally and for the good.

Hello, friends! Not so long ago we figured it out, today we will consider what retweets are and how they are done.

How to retweet a tweet via the official website from a computer

A window opens, with which we can simply retweet the post or add our comment to the original tweet. If you add a comment, then this will already be called a quote.

To quote a tweet, write your comment in the special field and click on the "Tweet" button:

If you do not want to quote or comment on anything, but simply retweet, then leave the field blank and just click on the "Retweet" button.

As a result, we get two news on our page. A regular retweet is displayed on behalf of the owner's account with his own thumbnail.

If it is quoted, it is displayed on your behalf with a comment added. And the text simply indicates a link to the source:

How to retweet in an Android mobile app

In the same way, we find the entry that is of interest to us, and click on the already familiar button:

From the drop-down menu, select the "Retweet" item:

He immediately appears on our wall:

We can also select the "Quote" item from the drop-down menu. That it should be clear from the first paragraph of our article. This is the same retweet only with your comment added. Let's try to push.

Have you been asked to retweet and don't understand how it's done? Then just read our step-by-step guide on how to retweet on Twitter.

How to retweet on Twitter is a fairly simple question and many people find the answer on their own. However, if you want to learn about how to retweet on Twitter, what types of retweets are there, why you need them at all, etc.

Why retweets?

Before you know how to retweet on Twitter, you need to understand what it is and why you need it. Retweets are needed so that you can quickly and easily pass on tweets that you find interesting to your followers. Of course, you can just copy the text of someone else's tweet, but this approach has several disadvantages.

First, copying and pasting takes some time, albeit a little. Secondly, in this case, your readers will not know where exactly you got the text of the tweet, as well as how many people also found it interesting. If you do retweet these flaws disappear.

How do I retweet?

So how do you retweet Twitter? Let's take a look at the most basic tweet that you find interesting:

To retweet, you need to click on the underlined button.

If you do everything correctly, the number will increase by one, and all your subscribers will find the following in their feed:

Opening and closing retweets

However, some people retweet everything, which can be very annoying. You can easily block retweets from such people by going to their page, clicking on the settings icon and selecting "Disable retweets". More or less like this:

Now you will not see this person's retweets. If you are interested in how to open retweets on Twitter, then you need to perform this operation again, only instead of “Disable” select “Enable”.

That's all, now you know what retweets are, how to do them, how to allow retweeting on Twitter and how to disable it.