Pay attention to the signal. How to act on the signal "Attention everyone!" Contact numbers of operational services

The procedure for receiving the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information about an air alert, chemical alarm, radiation hazard or the threat of catastrophic flooding and the actions of the organization's employees on them.

  1. The procedure for notifying employees of the organization and delivering the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information: - air raid alert; - about chemical alarm, - about radiation hazard; about the threat of catastrophic heating.
  2. The order of actions of employees of organizations upon receipt of the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" during working hours and especially the actions of employees of organizations upon receipt of the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" outside office hours.

Introduction: Of great importance in the system of measures to prepare for the protection and to protect the population, material and cultural values \u200b\u200bfrom the dangers arising during the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions, as well as in emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature, as well as in the system of civil defense measures, is warning and informing the population. As a result of the excessive concentration of industry in certain regions of the country, the complication of technological processes, the use of a significant number of explosive, fire, radiation and chemically hazardous substances, wear and tear of equipment, an increase in the number of accidents and disasters is observed, the number of human victims increases, and material damage from man-made emergencies increases. and ecological character. The socio-economic consequences of natural disasters, accidents, catastrophes are great.

Question 1. The procedure for notifying employees of the organization and delivering the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" with information: air raid, chemical alarm, radiation hazard, threat of catastrophic flooding. Timely warning of the population about the impending danger, as well as informing about the behavior in the current conditions, can drastically reduce possible losses, prevent panic and panic rumors, which can bring large negative consequences. Alert is a warning about a possible enemy attack or an emergency. Article 1. Federal Law of 21.12.1994 No. 68-F3 "On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies" gives the following definitions of warning and informing the population: Alerting the population about emergencies is the delivery of warning signals and emergency information to the population about the dangers arising from the threat or occurrence of an emergency of a natural and man-made character, as well as during the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions, about the rules of behavior of the population and the need for protection measures. 2 Informing the population about emergencies is communicating to the population through the mass media and other channels of information about predicted and emerging emergencies, measures taken to ensure the safety of the population and territories, methods and methods of protection, as well as promoting knowledge in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from emergencies, including ensuring the safety of people at water bodies, and ensuring fire safety. Article 2. of the Federal Law of 12.02.1998 No. 28-F3 "On Civil Defense" defines that one of the main tasks in the field of civil defense is to alert the population about the dangers arising from military conflicts or as a result of these conflicts, as well as in emergency situations natural and technogenic character. To solve the problems of alerting the population in the country, a centralized alert system at the federal, interregional, regional, municipal and facility levels has been created and is kept in constant readiness for operation. Creation, improvement and maintenance in constant readiness for the use of warning and information systems for the population in case of threat and emergencies is one of the main management measures carried out by administrations and local governments at all levels to protect the population and territories. The main requirements for public warning and information systems are: - their constant readiness for use; - efficiency of activation of warning and information networks; -use of modern means of notification, communication and broadcasting networks, ensuring maximum coverage of the population, regardless of the time of day, places of its location and residence in the shortest possible time Object warning systems for emergencies are created at facilities, in organizations with a simultaneous presence of people (including employees) of more than 50 people, as well as socially important facilities and life support facilities of the population, regardless of the simultaneous presence of people and provide notification of emergency situations to personnel and the population located on the territory of the object (organization). The owners of the facilities are personally responsible for the creation (reconstruction) and maintenance in constant readiness for the intended use of facility emergency notification systems. When alerting the population of the city about emergency situations, the following are involved: - an electric siren alert network; - street soundproofing lines; - VHF-FM network (broadcasting); - TV broadcasting networks (sound channels); - city cable television networks; - networks of mobile radiotelephone communication; - telephone communication network; - local and object warning systems; - territorial elements of the All-Russian integrated system of informing and alerting the population in places of mass stay of people (OKSION); - other technological elements of the public warning system put into operation, a radio broadcasting network (wire radio broadcasting network), including outdoor advertising and information means, as well as electronic displays located on the territory and facilities of the city. The main way to notify the population about emergencies is the transmission of warning signals and emergency information about emergencies using a network of electric sirens and short information messages through street sound systems, including in the absence of centralized power supply, as well as through communication networks for the distribution of TV and radio broadcasting programs through broadcasting and television broadcasting stations of telecom operators and television and radio broadcasting organizations with a break in broadcasting programs to alert the population about the dangers arising from the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions, as well as about the threat or in the event of emergencies. The transmission of warning signals and emergency information about emergency situations is carried out by all means of communication and broadcasting out of any queue. 5 To attract the attention of the population, an alert signal “ATTENTION TO ALL!” Is transmitted before the transmission of voice information. The warning signal warning "ATTENTION TO ALL" was adopted in the civil defense system on January 2, 1989. The signal is given by turning on sirens, intermittent beeps, vehicles and other means, loudspeaker communication, including those installed on cars of the public order service and the traffic police. Sirens (type C-40) are installed in settlements with a population of more than 500 people. They are located on the rooftops of tall buildings and cover an area of \u200b\u200bsound coverage in the city of 0.3-0.7 km². Transmission time of the ATTENTION WARNING! is 3 minutes. These messages will contain the necessary information about the threat or beginning of hostilities, about the threat or occurrence of emergency situations, their scale, projected development, urgent actions and rules of behavior of the population. 3-fold repetition of the transmission of speech information is allowed. The transmission of speech information should be carried out, as a rule, with the recording of professional speakers. In exceptional, urgent cases, it is allowed to transmit, for the purpose of alerting the population about emergency situations, short voice messages by means of direct transmission or in recording. Means of notification. To notify the population, the All-Russian Comprehensive System of Information and Notification of the Population in Places of Mass Staying (OXION) will be used using public notification and public notification points (PION), public information and notification points (PION), public notification points in transport (PIE) and "ticker". With the help of OXION, on average, about 100 thousand people can be notified during the daytime, and up to 10 thousand people at night. 6 The following can be used as locations for technical means of informing and alerting the population: - main exits, entrances to the city in front of the traffic police posts; - intersections of the main city highways; - airports and air terminals; - bus stations and railway stations; - large shopping centers; - metro stations; - the central squares of cities; - city markets, sports complexes and stadiums. Also, in order to inform the population in places of mass presence of people, other means are used, for example, billboards. Such means are not technical and are not part of the terminal complexes. They are installed mainly on city streets. Outdoor loudspeakers are another effective means of alerting the public outside the home. Their use in order to alert the population is more universal: using street loudspeakers, you can play the sound of electric sirens and then broadcast the transmission of voice information messages. Outdoor loudspeakers are installed in places of the greatest congestion (squares and busy streets, transport and trade facilities, train stations, stadiums, industrial and educational institutions). Information through the media and the Internet is widely used. Information messages are posted on television in news blocks and reports, on creepers, on air of radio stations and on the websites of news agencies, in print media. What about wartime?

In the event of an air, chemical or radiation hazard, sirens also sound first, that is, the signal "Attention to all!", Then information follows. For example: “Attention! This is the headquarters for civil defense and emergency situations. Citizens! Air raid! Air raid! " And then the announcer very briefly reminds you what to do at home, what to take with you, where to hide. There may be other, more detailed information. There are five civil defense signals: "Attention to all!", "Air alert", "Clear air alert", "Radiation hazard", "Chemical alert". "Air raid" - this signal warns the population of an imminent threat of an enemy attack. It is served on radio broadcasting networks, broadcasting stations and television receivers by transmitting text about the danger and information about the actions of the population. The air raid clearing signal notifies the population that there is no more immediate threat of enemy attack. Information about the actions of the population is transmitted through radio broadcasting networks, broadcasting stations and television receivers. The signal "Radiation hazard" is sent to warn the population about the need to take measures to protect against radioactive substances. It is transmitted over 7 radio broadcasting networks, broadcasting stations and television receivers. The chemical alarm signal warns the population of the urgent need to take protective measures against toxic and highly toxic substances. In the event of a danger, information about the actions of the population will be transmitted via radio broadcasting networks, broadcasting stations and television receivers. The signal about the threat of catastrophic flooding is given in order to warn the population about an accident at hydrodynamically dangerous objects (hydraulic structures) of the city, as a result of which catastrophic flooding may occur. To bring these signals to the employees of the organization, object and local warning systems are used primarily.

Question 2 ... The order of actions of employees of organizations upon receipt of the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" during working hours and features of the actions of employees of the organization during non-working hours. In accordance with the established procedure for the use of warning systems, instructions are being developed for duty (dispatch) services of facilities, communications organizations, communications operators and television and radio broadcasting organizations, which must be coordinated with the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and executive authorities authorized to solve problems in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies and civil harrows at the local government. In order to create, ensure and maintain in a state of constant readiness for the use of public warning systems, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies develop texts of voice messages for warning and informing the population and organize their registration on magnetic and other information carriers, organize the installation at the facilities of special equipment for the input of warning signals, the operational duty services are trained. The texts of the messages may have some difference, but in general they should give full information about the emergency situation, the measures taken and the behavior of the population in this case. Some typical recommendations. At the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL", the main means of bringing which are electric sirens: - officials must immediately alert all wire broadcasting nodes located in the notified territory, radio, television and other stations, including the outdoor sound system; population - turn on the means of receiving voice information and wait for a voice message. In case of an air hazard, the “AIR ALARM” signal is generated. It can be duplicated by the sound of sirens, horns of enterprises and vehicles. The text is transmitted over the radio broadcasting network: “Attention! Attention! Citizens! Air raid! Air raid! " 8 Officials should enter a dimming mode and carry out the measures provided for by the Civil Defense Plan and instructions developed taking into account the specifics of the object's activity on this signal. At the facilities, there is an accident-free shutdown of production. Where production cannot be stopped due to the technological process or safety requirements, there remain on duty, for whom individual shelters are built. The population needs to turn off electricity, gas, heating devices and water. Take with you an individual first aid kit, PPE, warn neighbors about the danger, go outside and proceed to the nearest protective structure, keep calm and order. Road traffic also stops. The "Air Raid" signal can catch people anywhere and at the most unexpected time. In all cases, you should act quickly, but calmly, confidently and without panic. Strict adherence to the rules of conduct for this signal will significantly reduce the loss of people. When the danger of air attack ceases, the signal “CLEARING AIR ALARM” is given. Radio and television, mobile loudspeakers are used to transmit the signal. The text is transmitted over the radio broadcasting network: “Attention! Attention! Citizens! Air raid clearing! The air raid is canceled! " Officials give an order to terminate the "AIR ALARM" signal through all public information channels. At this signal, the population, with the permission of the commandants (senior) of the defense structures of the civil defense, leaves them. Workers and employees return to their jobs and get to work. Population - leaving their hideouts and returning to their previous activities in readiness for a possible second air attack. In cities (districts), which the enemy struck with weapons of mass destruction, information about the situation outside the shelters, about the measures taken to eliminate the consequences of the attack, the rules of behavior of the population and other necessary information for the subsequent actions of the sheltered is transmitted to the sheltered. The “RADIATION DANGER” signal is given in settlements and areas towards which a radioactive cloud is moving, formed during the explosion of a nuclear weapon and which is threatened by an immediate threat of radioactive contamination. The immediate threat of radioactive contamination is understood as the probability of contamination of a given area by falling radioactive fallout within one hour. The signal is supplied by radio and television, as well as other local technical means of communication and warning. Provides recommendations on protective measures and modes of behavior. At the signal "Radiation hazard", it is necessary to take an iodide preparation given at the place of work or residence, put on a respirator, 9 an anti-dust cloth mask or a cotton-gauze bandage, and in their absence - a gas mask, take a prepared supply of food, personal protective equipment, items essential and take refuge in a protective structure. The CHEMICAL ALARM signal is given when a threat or direct detection of a chemical or bacterial contamination. At this signal, it is necessary to put on a gas mask (if any) or the simplest means of protection in the form of a cotton-gauze bandage and, if possible, take refuge in a protective structure. A means of protection against damage can be a reliable sealing of the home, which does not allow the penetration of hazardous substances into the place of your stay, or exit from the threatened zone. When leaving the area of \u200b\u200bAHOV contamination, remove outer clothing and leave it outside the living quarters, take a shower or wash yourself with soap and water, rinse your eyes thoroughly and rinse your mouth. Before leaving the apartment, turn off the heating devices, gas, light, extinguish the fire in the heating stove; dress children and the elderly, dress yourself, take with you a supply of food and personal documents, personal protective equipment (PPE), medicines, drinking water. If possible, neighbors should be warned about the announcement of the alarm - they might not hear the signal. Heading to the protective structure (AP) strictly follow the instructions of the posts of the civil defense. If you have taken refuge in the basement, cellar, where there is no sealing and no filtering unit, immediately put on PPE. Flood - flooding of an area with water as a result of heavy rains, prolonged rains, snowfalls, rapid melting of snows, wind surge of water to the sea coast, etc., causing material damage, causing damage to human health or leading to their death. In a flood, water rises rapidly and the surrounding area floods. Flooding - covering the surrounding area with a layer of water that floods the courtyards, streets of a settlement and the first floors of buildings. Flooding is the penetration of water into the basements of buildings through the sewer network (when the sewage system is connected to the river), through various kinds of ditches and trenches, as well as due to the significant backwater of groundwater. If there is a sudden danger of dam destruction, it is necessary to immediately evacuate to the nearest elevated area of \u200b\u200bthe terrain. Remain in a safe place until rescuers arrive or until the water subsides or an official message is given that the danger has passed. Peacetime voice messages: - accident at a radiation facility; - accident at HOO; - an accident at a biologically hazardous facility; - earthquake; - flood; - terrorist act. Before the transmission of voice information, a warning signal “ATTENTION TO ALL! ". Speech information, taking into account the fact that it will be repeated several times, is calculated for about 5 minutes. 10 The texts of the messages may have some difference, but in general they should give full information about the emergency situation, the measures taken and the behavior of the population in this case. For example, there was an accident at a chemically hazardous facility. What information should the population receive? The following option is possible: “Attention! Says the commission on emergency situations and OPB of the city (region). Citizens! An accident occurred at the No. plant with the release of chlorine - a potent poisonous substance. A cloud of contaminated air spreads in ... (such and such) direction. In the zone of chemical contamination ... (there is a list of streets, blocks, districts). The population living on the streets ... (such and such) should not leave the premises. Close windows and doors, seal the apartments. Do not hide in basements, lower floors, since chlorine is 2.5 times heavier than air (it spreads along the ground) and enters all low-lying places, including basements. The population living on the streets ... (such and such) should immediately leave their houses, institutions, enterprises and go to the districts ... (are listed). Before going out, put on cotton-gauze bandages, having previously moistened them with water or 2% baking soda solution. Tell your neighbors about it. In the future, proceed in accordance with our instructions. " Approximate order of actions of the population on a signal: Listen carefully to the message. Do not panic. Cover the respiratory organs with a handkerchief, clothes, if possible, pre-moisten them with water. Hear additional spoken information about the procedure. Then proceed by following the recommendations of the local authorities, the management bodies of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, received through the media. In an accident at a nuclear hazardous facility (nuclear power plant) “Attention! Says the Commission for Emergency Situations and OPB No. -sky municipal district. Citizens! There was an accident at the No. nuclear power plant. In connection with the accident at the No. -skoy NPP, radioactive fallout is expected. The population living in the settlements of the No.-sky municipal district must be in the premises. Seal living quarters and places where pets are located. Take an iodide drug. Please be attentive for further messages. " Approximate order of actions of the population on a signal: Listen carefully to the message. Do not panic. Hear additional spoken information about the procedure. Action: If you are outside, cover the respiratory organs with a handkerchief, clothes, try to hide in the room and start sealing it. If this is not possible, try to cover all open areas of the body with clothing, find any shelter. If you are in an apartment, also first cover the respiratory organs with a handkerchief, clothes, then proceed with the complete sealing of the apartment. Take an iodide drug (preparations containing potassium iodide). 11 Try to seal one of the most suitable small rooms as quickly as possible. Then proceed with sealing the animal and feed rooms. Then follow the recommendations of the local authorities and the EMERCOM of Russia received through the media. In case of flood “Attention! Says the Commission for Emergency Situations and Safety of the No. -sky municipal district. Citizens! In connection with heavy, prolonged rains and a sharp rise in the level of the river "№№№", flooding of the settlement "N-sk" is expected. The population living on the streets (streets are listed) to leave their houses and arrive at (the place of collection is indicated) for resettlement. Turn off gas, water, electricity and electric heaters before leaving. Don't forget to bring your documents, money and essentials. Citizens living along the streets (streets are listed) are not included in the flood zone. But a slight flooding of houses is possible (houses are listed). Residents of these houses should move all documents and belongings to the upper floors or attics. Be attentive to further messages. " Approximate order of actions of the population on a signal: Listen carefully to the message. Do not panic. Hear additional spoken information about the procedure. Act: If you are evacuated, take documents, money and essentials and go to the indicated location. Inform your neighbors, try to notify everyone you meet on the way of the evacuation. Remember, every minute is precious. If you are outdoors, try to hide in the upper floors of buildings. If a flood caught you in a field, forest, etc., you need to identify high places and try to occupy them before you get into the water. If you are caught in a stream of water, use any available means that can keep you afloat for a long time. There may be other options for speech information in case of earthquakes, snow drifts, hurricanes, forest fires, etc. As practice shows, the lack of information or its lack contributes to the emergence of rumors, misinterpretations, stories of various "eyewitnesses" appear. All of this is a medium for the emergence of panic. And panic can bring much more negative consequences than the natural disaster or accident itself. It is important that the information given to the public is correctly understood and reasonable conclusions drawn from it. Conclusion Our actions, in practice, begin at the signal "Attention to all!" and end when we provide ourselves with complete safety of life and work in a particular emergency. The sooner we achieve this, the better and therefore the time factor, together with our correct and skillful actions, plays an important role. 12 The ability of the population to act correctly in an emergency and the ability to use the information received correctly can reduce the number of victims to a minimum. Therefore, it is necessary to know the warning signals of the GO and be able to correctly act on them. Direct protection of the population and territories from emergencies in peacetime and wartime begins with the organization of notification of civil defense officials, RSChS and citizens in the area of \u200b\u200bemergency. In this regard, the control of training all categories of the population to act on signals of civil defense is one of the priority areas of activity of the supervisory authorities. Mandatory requirements in this area are established by the Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.11.2000 No. 841 "On approval of the regulation on training the population in the field of civil defense" and dated 04.09.2003 No. 547 "On training the population in the field of protection against emergencies of NATURAL AND TECHNOGENIC CHARACTER" ...

A system for mass notification of the population in cases, including a military threat, operates on all territories of the Russian Federation. A single sound signal “Attention to all!” Is common for all warnings. Its purpose is to attract the attention of all citizens under real threat. After it, there is a notification about the emergency itself, its possible destructive consequences, and it is briefly reported what actions should be taken by everyone on the signal.

This sound also warns all civil defense signals. These include: air raid alert, chemical alert, air raid clearing and radiation hazard. All of them can be included both in wartime and in peacetime. For example, in the event of a leak of hazardous substances, GO signals may be turned on - chemical or radiation hazard.

Actions of the population at the signal "Attention to all"

How is it served

This signal should cover as large an area as possible, so it can be transmitted by a variety of technical means operating in a given subject. These are warning systems of large industrial enterprises, electric sirens, mobile cars equipped with loudspeakers, horns of all types of transport, television channels and radio waves, plasma city panels.

In some regions, the GO signal is given Attention to everyone occurs when interacting with mobile operators using SMS - mailing. Intermittent short beats in the bell will be heard at railway stations and in the port.

It is represented by short intermittent beeps. A warning, attention-grabbing signal is followed by a text or voice message.

What do we have to do

If the sound of the siren caught you on the street, then you should not rush home. When you hear the Attention All Signal, wait for the text message. Listen carefully and act according to the information received. The message will be repeated several times, so if you have not heard or understood something, listen to it carefully again. You can approach a law enforcement or civil defense officer, he will explain the situation to you.

When you are in the office on a signal, everyone must immediately turn on the radio or television. Some large organizations have civil defense officers. They know what to do in such cases. It is necessary to remain calm and follow all the recommendations received.

At home, take all the documents for yourself and your family members, prepare a minimum set of warm clothes, make supplies of water and pack food and airtight packaging. Further actions will depend on the emergency that has arisen.

What actions of the population on a signal to everyone's attention are provided if an urgent evacuation is announced? Listen carefully to the address and telephone number of the organization point nearest to you. Write down this information. Tell your neighbors, family members, and immediate family members about it.

Do not forget to bring documents proving your identity, as well as birth certificates for existing young children. If there is time, then the collected bag with things and essentials must be signed - full name. and contact phone number. It is very easy to get lost in a crowd and a mass gathering of people, therefore, on the clothes of underage children, also glue or attach notes with the child's personal data - name, age, address, phone number of parents or relatives.

Actions when receiving a signal for everyone's attention should be clear, prompt and in accordance with the voiced recommendations in the warning notification. If possible, do not refuse to help the injured, the elderly and your neighbors. When leaving the apartment, look around carefully. Windows and vents must be closed, all electrical appliances are turned off, the gas pipeline is closed.

At the collection point, go through registration and then obey the responsible citizens for the evacuation of the population.

actions of the population at the signal: "ATTENTION TO ALL!"

In order to protect yourself, as well as your family and friends during an emergency, you must remember the steps that should be taken when this signal is given.

Signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" served by turning on city and industrial sirens, industrial and transport horns, as well as other signaling means.

Having heard the signal, it is necessary to turn on the TV or radio receiver and listen to an emergency message about the current situation and the order of actions of the population.

In places where, due to the remoteness, the sound of sirens is not heard and there are no loudspeakers of the central broadcasting, the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL" and voice information will be transmitted by special vehicles equipped with a loudspeaker system.

Having fully listened and understood the speech information, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations. If you have not fully listened to the speech information, then do not rush to turn off the radio or TV, the information will be repeated again.

Remember that first of all you need to take documents, money and, if possible, a supply of food and drinking water for a day, packed in a waterproof package or bag.

Inform your neighbors - they may not have heard the information being transmitted.

Stop immediately any manifestations of panic and rumors.


actions of the population during emergency evacuation

Emergency evacuation is carried out in case of fleeting emergencies, with a lack of time.

Time is the most important factor in this situation.

Having received a notice of the beginning of the evacuation, each citizen is obliged to: collect all the necessary documents (passport, military ID, documents on education and specialty, work book, certificates of marriage and birth of children, insurance policies, money), a set of outerwear and shoes for the season ( in the summer, you must take warm clothes), a three-day supply of food and immediately go to the collection and evacuation point, the location of which will be indicated in the information about the emergency.

In all cases, at the most transient event, the withdrawal (evacuation) must be organized, not to allow panic flight, spontaneity.


actions of the population during the evacuation in wartime

Evacuation is carried out in the shortest possible time in a combined way (that is, by all types of transport, including personal and foot) through prefabricated evacuation points (EPP) according to the territorial production principle (evacuation of workers, employees and their families is carried out according to the production principle, that is, by enterprises. The evacuation of the population not associated with production is carried out through the housing operating authorities). Children are evacuated with their parents (with the head of the family).

Preparing for evacuation:

It is necessary to clarify in advance the number of the prefabricated evacuation point, its address, telephone number, method of evacuation.

Following the collection point after receiving the evacuation notice, you must:

close windows, vents, gas and water shut-off valves, turn off the electricity;

have a passport, and other necessary documents, money;

you should have seasonal clothes, linen, bedding, shoes - rubber, food and drinking water for 2-3 days, necessary medicines;

for young children, sew white tags (on the inside of the clothes under the collar) indicating the child's surname, name and patronymic, year of birth, place of residence and place of work of the father and mother.

The weight of baggage taken with you must be within 50 kg. per family member. Attach a tag with the name and address to each piece of baggage.

Upon arrival at the collection point:

Pass registration, specify: the method of evacuation, the time of departure to the final destination, who is the senior of the column.

Find out the place of boarding for transport, the place of formation of a convoy of private vehicles or the formation of a convoy and the route of movement.

To board, proceed in an organized manner under the guidance of elders.

On the way:

When traveling on foot or by transport, follow the rules of conduct and follow the directions of your superiors.

When moving on foot, observe the discipline of the march while driving and safety measures.

When following transport, observe safety measures, do not leave it without the permission of a senior.

Upon arrival at the evacuation point:

Pass registration at the reception point and, accompanied by a senior, go to the accommodation point.

The evacuees do not have the right to independently choose places and places of residence and move from one area to another without the permission of the local evacuation authorities.


actions of the population during evacuation

in peacetime emergencies

Evacuation is one of the ways to protect the population during natural disasters, major industrial accidents and disasters.

Evacuation consists in the organized withdrawal (removal) of the population from large cities, other settlements and its placement in safe areas, as well as the withdrawal (removal) of the population from areas of possible catastrophic flooding, areas threatened by snow drifts, large fires and other natural disasters ... The local administration of self-government bodies announces the beginning of the evacuation to the population.

Having received a notice of the beginning of the evacuation, each citizen is obliged: to collect all the necessary documents and things, a passport, a military ID, documents on education and specialty, work book, certificates of marriage and birth of children, insurance policies, money, available personal protective equipment, clothing and footwear adapted to protect the skin, an individual first aid kit and other medicines, a set of outerwear and footwear for the season (in the summer, you must take warm clothes), bed linen and toiletries, a three-day supply of food.

Fold products and things in suitcases, backpacks, bags or wrap them in rolls for convenience, carrying and transportation, attach a tag to each item to be carried with the surname and initials, address of residence and the final point of evacuation.

Clothes and underwear of preschool children must be embroidered with the surname, first name, patronymic of the child, year of birth, place of permanent residence and final point of evacuation.

Leaving the apartment, you must turn off all lighting and heating devices, close the taps of the water and gas network, windows and vents. Arrive at the evacuation point by the due date for registration and dispatch to temporary accommodation.

On the way, it is necessary to follow the established order, strictly follow the orders of the senior group, and act quickly and competently in response to warning signals.


actions of the population in the event of a flood threat

The population is being warned about the threat of flooding. From places threatened by floods, the population is evacuated in advance.

Before leaving the house, everything that can spoil the water is transferred to the upper floors, gas and electricity are turned off. It is necessary to remove household equipment to safe places, close (knock off if necessary) the windows and doors of the first floors of houses with boards and plywood. Taking documents with you (putting them in a waterproof bag), money and valuables, a first-aid kit (medicines), a set of outerwear and shoes for the season, warm linen, toiletries, a supply of food for several days (things and food should be packed in suitcases, backpacks, bags), the evacuees arrive at the collection points by the indicated routes (as a rule, the shortest) by the set time for registration and sending to safe areas. Upon arrival at the final point of evacuation, registration is carried out and accommodation is organized in places of temporary residence.

In case of a flash flood, it is necessary to take the nearest safe elevated place as soon as possible and be ready for an organized evacuation by water using various floating devices. During boarding, the boat or other means must be secured. You should enter the boat one at a time, stepping into the middle of the deck. To sit down - at the direction of the elder. During the movement, you cannot change places, board the boat. Once in the water, you should immediately swim to the nearest non-flooded place. It is better to swim at an angle to the current, gradually approaching the shore. Be very careful not to bump into objects hidden under water or floating nearby. In a bush flooded with water, thick tall grass, you should not make sudden movements - you can get confused. In this case, it is better to swim on your back. When a cramps appears in the leg, it is necessary to straighten it and pull the thumb towards yourself.

Seeing a drowning person, you need to swim up to him from behind, making sure that he does not grab his legs, arms, neck or torso and do not pull in depth. You can take it by the collar, head, forearms, arms or armpits, turning it face up. Swim with a drowning person should be on your side or back, working with your legs and free hand. On a boat, they approach a drowning person against the current, and it is best to raise him from the stern. If there are several people in the water, first of all they pick up those who need immediate help, the rest are given life-saving appliances.

It is important not to give in to panic, not to lose self-control, to take measures that allow rescuers to timely detect the presence of people cut off by water and in need of help. In the daytime, this is achieved by hanging a white or colored panel in a high place, and at night by giving light signals. Until the arrival of help, those trapped in the flood zone should remain on the upper floors and roofs of buildings, trees, and other elevated places.

You must stay in safe places until the water subsides.

For self-evacuation, you can use boats, boats, rafts from logs and other materials at hand. In case of a flood, you should not continue driving in the car, on a motorcycle, the raging stream of water can overturn them, it is better to leave the vehicle.

After the fall of water, you should beware of torn and sagging electrical wires, it is strictly forbidden to use food that has fallen into the water, and to consume water without appropriate sanitary inspection.

Before entering a dwelling after a flood, it is necessary to observe precautions: doors and windows are first opened for ventilation, and before that you cannot use an open fire (an explosive and fire hazardous concentration of gases is possible), it is forbidden to turn on lighting and other electrical consumers before checking the health of electrical networks.


population actions in case of fire

At the first signs of a fire (smoke, burning smell, reflections of a flame, etc.), call 01 or 112 to the unified dispatch service and report the fire (in this case, you must give the address, place of fire and your name).

To prevent fire from spreading into your apartment from the underlying or adjacent floors, it is also necessary to close all windows and doors of the balconies (especially if you leave the apartment for a long time).

In the event of a fire, you must quickly go outside or to a safe place.

In such situation:

do not give in to panic and correctly assess the situation;

try to determine where the fire occurred if in the higher floors, then go out into the street along the staircase, closing all the windows and doors in your apartment. If there is a high temperature and dense smoke on the staircase, you will drop to all fours and visually determine whether you can evacuate in these conditions or not. At the same time, try to protect the respiratory system with a wet rag through which you need to breathe in order to avoid burning your lungs.

In the event that escape routes are cut off by smoke and fire, it is necessary to take all possible measures so that they know about you. To this end, you need to go to the balcony or open a window and call for help in your voice.

If the TV catches fire, you must immediately disconnect it from the mains, and then extinguish with water through the upper ventilation holes of the rear wall (stand on the side). You can first throw a thick blanket over the TV so that the fire does not spread, for example, onto the curtains, and then extinguish the fire with water or a home fire extinguisher.

In the event of a fire in an apartment, if there is no fire extinguisher, available means can be: thick cloth (preferably wet) and water. Burned-in curtains must be torn off and trampled or thrown into the bath, flooding with water. You can also put out blankets, pillows. Do not open windows, as the fire flares up more strongly with the flow of oxygen. For the same reason, one must very carefully open the room in which the fire started.

Leaving the apartment, you need to make sure that there is no one left in it.

When evacuating from premises during a fire, never use elevators, as they are turned off as a result of disruption of the normal operation of electrical networks.

If a fire catches you in a forest, warn those around you. Try to get out of the smoke area immediately. If it is impossible to get away from the fire, enter the pond or cover yourself with wet clothes while continuing to move away from the fire. If there is no body of water nearby, try to dampen a rag and cover your respiratory system. When leaving the smoke zone, breathe closer to the ground (the air is cleaner below).


public action in a hurricane

Upon receiving a message about an impending hurricane:

Close tightly windows, shutters, doors, attic (ventilation)

Remove items from loggias, balconies (if they are not glazed)
which can be discharged by gusts of wind.

Fasten or bring items in the courtyards of private houses, put out the fire in the stoves.

If a hurricane finds you on the street, take refuge in a solid nearby building (shops, libraries, shopping centers, clinics, etc.), in underpasses, ravines, ravines, and other natural shelters.

A hurricane can be accompanied by a thunderstorm, so avoid situations that increase the likelihood of being struck by lightning: do not hide under detached trees, do not go to power line poles.

Do not seek refuge in depressions among the piles of stones.

If you feel the characteristic tickling of your skin, as well as the fact that your hair is standing on end, know that lightning will strike near you. Without hesitation, throw yourself prone on the ground - this will reduce the risk of your defeat.

If you are in the car, stay in it. The metal body of the car will protect you even if lightning strikes directly into it.


actions of the population during snow drifts

Winter manifestations of the elemental forces of nature are often expressed by snow drifts as a result of snowfalls and blizzards.

Snowfalls, which can last from 16 to 24 hours, have a strong impact on the economic activities of the population, especially in rural areas. The negative impact of this phenomenon is aggravated by blizzards (blizzard, snowstorms), in which visibility deteriorates sharply, and transport links, both intracity and intercity, are interrupted. Falling snow with rain at low temperatures and hurricane winds creates conditions for icing of power lines, communications, electric transport contact networks, as well as the roofs of buildings, various kinds of supports and structures, which often causes their destruction.

With the announcement of a storm warning (warning of possible snow drifts), it is necessary to restrict movement, especially in rural areas, to create the necessary supply of food, water and fuel for the house. In some areas, with the onset of winter, it is necessary to pull ropes along the streets, between the houses, to help pedestrians navigate in a strong blizzard and overcome strong winds.

Snow drifts are especially dangerous for people caught on the way far from human habitation. Snow-covered roads, loss of visibility, cause complete disorientation on the ground.

When driving a car, you should not try to overcome snow drifts, you must stop, completely close the blinds of the car, cover the engine from the radiator side. If possible, the car should be installed with the engine upwind. From time to time you need to get out of the car, shovel the snow so as not to be buried under it. In addition, a vehicle not covered by snow is a good reference point for the search party. The car engine must be periodically warmed up to avoid its "defrosting". When warming up the car, it is important to prevent exhaust gases from leaking into the cab (body, interior); to this end, it is important to ensure that the exhaust pipe is not covered with snow.

If there are several people on the way together (in several cars), it is advisable to get everyone together and use one car as a shelter; other vehicles must be drained of water.

In no case should you leave the shelter - the car: in a heavy snowfall (blizzard), the landmarks, it would seem, are reliable at first glance, after a few tens of meters they can be lost.

In rural areas, upon receipt of a storm warning, it is urgently necessary to prepare the required amount of food and water for animals.


actions of the population during icy conditions

Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes before going outside. Use flat shoes, prepare them for ice. To do this, you must use special heels or stick an adhesive plaster on a dry sole. Walk carefully, stepping on the entire sole, while your feet should be slightly relaxed. Elderly people are advised to use a rubber-tipped walking stick.


public actions during thunderstorms

When a thunderstorm starts, close windows, ventilation openings (chimneys). If possible, turn off the power to household appliances and do not use them during a thunderstorm. If a thunderstorm caught you in the forest, then go out to a low-growing area of \u200b\u200bthe forest, do not approach and do not snuggle up to tall trees (especially pines, oaks and poplars). When in a body of water, immediately go ashore. In a thunderstorm, do not lie down on the ground, it is better to squat down. If a thunderstorm hits you in your car, close the windows and lower the radio antenna, do not get out of the car.


safety measures at water bodies

Everyone should remember that swimming in unknown water bodies and unexplored places is dangerous!

The bathing place should have a gentle, sandy bottom, free from plants and silt, without sharp cliffs near the shore.

Those who know how to swim and dive well should make sure that there are no sunken trees, old piles, snags, sharp stones (both at depth and at the surface of the water) in the water and, especially, close to the coast.

In the bathing area, especially on rivers, there should be no strong currents, whirlpools, cold underwater springs, which can lead to cramps in the legs and arms.

Attention! In unequipped recreational areas on water bodies, there are sunken trees, old piles, driftwood, sharp stones, stone ridges and individual boulders, often hidden by a small layer of water and located in the most unexpected places, including far from the coast.

All citizens vacationing by water bodies must comply with the basic rules of conduct. On the beaches and in other places of recreation, swimming in water bodies is prohibited:

swim in places where billboards (notices) with warning and prohibition signs and inscriptions are displayed, swim behind the buoys marking the boundaries of navigation and the sanitary zone of reservoirs;

swim up to motor, sailing, rowing boats and other floating facilities;

jump into the water from boats, boats, piers, as well as structures not adapted for these purposes;

pollute and litter water bodies and banks;

drink alcoholic beverages, swim in a state of alcoholic and drug intoxication;

to bring and bathe dogs and other animals in places of rest for people on water bodies;

leave garbage on the shore, in places for changing clothes;

give false alarms;

play with the ball and other sports games in places not designated for this purpose,

not to allow actions associated with diving and the capture of bathers;

swim on boards, logs, sun loungers, car cameras, air mattresses and other means not suitable for this;

fish in bathing areas;

to enter the territory of recreation of people on water bodies by all types of vehicles.

It is strictly forbidden to use small boats (including jet skis) in the bathing areas.

Swimming training for people should take place in designated areas under the guidance of a qualified instructor. In group training, the size of the group should not exceed 10 people. The group should be supervised by a lifeguard and a medical professional.

Every citizen is obliged to provide all possible assistance to people in distress on the water.

Adults should pay special attention to children while relaxing on the pond!

Adults are obliged to prevent children from bathing in unverified and unidentified places, swimming in unadapted means, playing and pranks in the water and other violations of safety rules on the water. Bathing of children, especially young ones, is carried out under the continuous supervision of adults.

In children's health camps and other children's institutions located near water bodies, the area for bathing children (the beach) should be selected, if possible, near a gentle sandy shore without breaks to a depth of 2 meters.

On the beaches of the kindergarten, plots are being equipped for teaching swimming for preschool and primary school children with a depth of no more than 0.7 meters, as well as for older children - no more than 1.2 meters deep. Children who cannot swim should bathe separately. In places with a depth of up to 2 meters, it is allowed to swim well-trained children aged 12 years and older.

Bathing of children is allowed in groups of no more than 10 people and lasting no more than 10 minutes. The swimming instructor is responsible for the safety of the children.

When bathing children on the site, it is prohibited:

bathing and finding strangers;

boating and boating on the beach;

conduct games and sports events.

It is strictly forbidden to go out on the ice during autumn and spring. As well as the departure of vehicles on the ice during freeze-up and off-season (autumn, spring). Movement on ice is carried out only in places of established, serviced ice crossings, information about which is specially published in the media.

When sinking into the ice, try to get rid of your shoes and outerwear. Take a deep breath, spread your arms as wide as possible and put them on the edge of the hole, call for help. When moving from the ice hole, make sliding movements on the ice with your hands, try to swim onto the ice floe. Do not stop moving until you get out of the water.

10. Actions of the population in emergency situations associated with the release (spill) of accidental chemically hazardous substances (AHOV)

Hearing the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!" turn on the radio and television for reliable information about the accident and recommended actions.

Close the windows, turn off electrical appliances and gas. Put on, if any, rubber boots, a raincoat, take documents, the necessary warm clothes, a supply of non-perishable food, notify your neighbors and quickly, but without panic, leave the area of \u200b\u200bpossible infection perpendicular to the direction of the wind.

To protect the respiratory system, use a gas mask, and in its absence, a cotton-gauze bandage or handy fabric products soaked in water, a 2-5% solution of baking soda (to protect against chlorine), a 2% solution of lemon or vinegar acids (to protect against ammonia).

If it is not possible to leave the infected area, close doors, windows, vents and flues tightly. Cover the gaps in them with paper or tape. Cover the windows with sheets soaked in water. Do not hide in basements and semi-basements in case of accidents with chlorine (it is 2 times heavier than air). In accidents with ammonia, it is necessary to take cover on the lower floors of buildings (ammonia is 1.6 times lighter than air).


actions of the population during radioactive contamination

After receiving a radiation warning signal, you must immediately do the following:

Take refuge in residential buildings. It is important to know that the walls of wooden houses attenuate ionizing radiation by 2 times, and brick walls by 10 times! Recessed shelters (basements) further weaken the radiation dose: with a wooden covering by 7 times, with brick or concrete by 40-100 times.

Take protective measures against the penetration of radioactive substances with air into the apartment (house): close the vents, seal the frames and doorways.

Make a supply of drinking water: collect water in closed containers, prepare the simplest sanitary means (soap solutions for hand treatment), turn off the taps.

Conduct emergency iodine prophylaxis (only after special notification!). Iodine prophylaxis consists in taking potassium iodide or water-alcohol solution of iodine. This achieves a high degree of protection against the accumulation of radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland. Potassium iodide should be taken after meals with water once a day for 7 days:

children under two years old - 1-2 drops of 5% tincture per 100 ml of milk or nutritional mixture;

children over two years old and adults - 3-5 drops per glass of water.

Start preparing for a possible evacuation. Prepare documents and money, essentials, pack medicines that you constantly take, a minimum of linen and clothing. Collect a stock of available canned food, milk for children for 2-3 days. The collected items should be packed in plastic bags or bags and placed in a room that is most protected from external contamination (pantries, dark rooms).

Try to follow these rules:

use in food only canned milk and foodstuffs stored in closed rooms and not exposed to radioactive contamination. Do not drink milk from cows that continue to graze in contaminated fields;

do not eat vegetables that grew in the open field and were plucked after the beginning of the release of radioactive substances into the environment;

do not drink water from open sources and from the water supply system after the official announcement of the radiation hazard;

avoid long-term movements in contaminated areas, especially on a dusty road or grass, do not walk into the forest, refrain from swimming in nearby bodies of water;

change shoes when entering the premises from the street ("dirty" shoes should be left on the landing).

In case of movement in open areas, it is necessary to use available means of protection:

respiratory organs - cover your mouth and nose with a gauze bandage, a handkerchief, a towel or any part of clothing moistened with water;

skin and hair - cover with any items of clothing, headdresses, headscarves, capes, gloves. If you absolutely must go outside, we recommend wearing rubber boots.

Strict implementation of these recommendations will significantly reduce the radiation exposure to the body. The experience of eliminating accidents at nuclear power plants has shown the high efficiency of the recommended measures.


transport security measures

Domestic and foreign experience shows that public transport is often attacked by terrorists. To avoid danger or reduce possible damage in the event of a terrorist attack, you must follow simple rules:

Inform the driver, police officers or station attendants about any suspicious objects or suspicious persons found.

Those who are too flashy, wear a large number of jewelry or clothing of military cut and camouflage colors are more likely to become the object of attack.

To avoid making yourself a target of fanatic terrorists, avoid conducting political discussions, demonstrative reading of religious or pornographic publications.

If a vehicle is hijacked, try not to attract the special attention of the terrorists.

In the event of an assault, it is safest to lie on the floor, and if this is not possible, you must stay away from windows.

On buses

Examine the interior carefully to make sure there are no suspicious objects and persons, and also remember where the emergency exits and fire extinguishers are located;

Pay attention to all suspicious persons and suspicious objects, immediately inform the driver or conductor of their detection;

Do not use your mobile phone near suspicious objects that may be explosive devices;

Try not to sleep while driving;

Do not talk about political, religious topics;

Dress in a neutral, discreet manner, avoid a lot of jewelry, camouflage uniforms;

Don't drink alcohol;

If there is an explosion or fire, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief and lie on the floor of the cabin so as not to suffocate;

If you feel that an assault is imminent, try to stay away from windows so as not to interfere with snipers from shooting at terrorists. When storming, it is best to lie on the floor and not move;

If the bus is hijacked, follow all the terrorists' instructions, do not look into their eyes, do not try to enter into conversations with them, BUT try to remember all the details of the event

In the airplane

If possible, use direct flights with no stopovers.

Leave the plane at intermediate landings. During such a stay, as experience shows, terrorists can try to break on board. It is better to travel by direct flights, without landing

Try not to draw special attention to yourself: do not read religious, political or erotic publications, do not discuss relevant topics. Choose discreet clothes that are not similar in color and cut to the military, leave a minimum of jewelry on yourself, avoid drinking alcohol

If the plane has already been hijacked, remember that any pause or delay plays in the hostages' favor.

Do not try to resist - there may be an accomplice of terrorists on the plane, who can set off an explosive device.

Follow the instructions of the terrorists, give them the things they require.

Do not look them in the eyes, do not react to their behavior, even if it seems overly challenging to you. Try not to draw their attention to yourself, especially those that seem the most dangerous.

Do not react to provocative and defiant behavior.

Do not make sudden movements, do not raise your voice. Ask permission if you are about to move around or get anything from your bag or briefcase.

If shooting starts, in no case run anywhere, lie down on the floor, take cover behind the seat.

The assault usually happens very quickly. It is important not to move, lie on the floor, and fulfill the requirements of the capture group. You should not rush to meet the special forces - those who at such a moment remain standing or holding objects similar to weapons in their hands are perceived by the special forces as terrorists.

You can leave the plane only after the appropriate order, and you should not waste time looking for clothes or personal belongings - terrorists can leave behind an explosive device.

Try to get tickets for the carriages in the middle of the train.

Provided that the seats on the train are seated, those that are located against the movement of the train are preferable.

If your fellow travelers make you distrustful, try not to fall asleep.

Do not turn off the light in the compartment, keep the door closed.

General rules to help you minimize the danger are as follows:

If possible, it is better to take seats in the cars in the middle of the train, since in case of accidents they suffer less than others

If you find things left by someone, do not touch them, but inform the police or the subway about it. In any case, it is better to stay at the maximum distance from suspicious things. In addition, it should be remembered that it is better to stand in a subway car than to sit, as explosive devices can be hidden under the seats.

If, as a result of a terrorist act, an explosion occurred and the train stopped in a tunnel, the following rules must be used:

Open the carriage door, but in no case try to leave it immediately. This can only be done after the contact rail has been disconnected. The driver must inform that the voltage is off and in which direction to move.

Avoid touching metal parts of the carriage. If the tunnel is filled with smoke, cover your mouth and nose with a cloth and try to lie on the floor of the car. This will help you not suffocate.

If circumstances permit, wait for rescuers.

If they shoot

Unfortunately, incidents with the use of firearms have become more frequent on the streets of our cities. Shooting may not necessarily be associated with terrorism: it can be criminal, domestic or hooligan activities.

Hearing shots on the street, we rush to the window to see what is going on there, forgetting that we ourselves may be the victim of a stray bullet or a sniper. Therefore, if you hear shooting:

Do not stand by the window, keep students away from it, even if it is covered with curtains.

Do not rise above the level of the windowsill, even if you are carrying a child.

Do not allow students to enter a room where shots are heard.

If you come across strangers, and then you stumbled upon an injured person, help the victim, call the police and an ambulance.

If the shooting caught you on the street, lie down on the ground and try to crawl behind the shelter (corner of the house, flower bed, stop), if this is not nearby, cover your head with your hands and lie still. When everything calms down, you can climb and change your route to reach your destination.

Schoolchildren should always have a label sewn on their clothes with their first name, surname, and telephone number for communication, as well as medication contraindications, if any.

When traveling abroad

When preparing your trip, special attention should be paid to the history, religious practices and geography of your destination. Write down the phone numbers of the consulate, the embassy and the local emergency phone number in your notebook. Also, ask if any mass celebrations are planned during your trip, or, on the contrary, mourning ceremonies in the country where you are going, whether terrorist attacks are expected in this connection. Also watch out for reports from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which warns citizens about those countries that are not completely safe to visit.

Observe the following precautions at airports and train stations:

Take a seat in the waiting room with your back to the wall. So you can see everything that is happening around.

Do not take up seats by the windows.

Stand or sit near pillars, posts, or other obstacles that can provide cover in case of danger.

Look around, record possible places where you can hide.

Lock your luggage so that no one can plant drugs or an explosive device on you.

If a stranger asks you to bring an object on board the plane, refuse and notify security immediately.

Never stand in front of unattended luggage. It may contain an explosive device. Avoid standing near waste bins, telephone booths, or other objects that may contain an explosive device.

If you have any suspicions, do not hesitate to report them to airport security personnel.

Don't be curious. If there is a commotion or activation of the special services, go the other way without giving in to panic.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation is obliged to know the procedure for receiving the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL".

In the event of a threat of occurrence or in the event of an extreme situation, namely: an accident, catastrophe, natural disaster, air hazard, threat of chemical, radioactive contamination and other dangerous phenomena in all emergency-prone cities, settlements, objects of the national economy, sirens, beeps, etc. sound signaling devices, sirens of special vehicles. This is a single signal, meaning "ATTENTION TO ALL", calling, first of all, the attention of the population to the fact that important information will now sound.

What should be done on this signal?

If you are at home, at work, in a public place and hear the sound of a siren or a sound signal "ATTENTION TO ALL", immediately turn on the full volume of the radio receiver on any program or turn on the television receiver to any local news channel.

At the end of the sound signal "ATTENTION TO ALL", speech information about the current situation and the order of actions of the population will be transmitted to television and radio channels.

All adults need to learn for themselves and explain to children that the sound of sirens is a signal "ATTENTION TO ALL". Hearing him, do not be afraid. Wait for the explanation of its reason.

Having fully listened and understood the speech information, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations. If you have not fully listened to the speech information, then do not rush to turn off the radio or TV, the information will be repeated again. Remember that first of all you need to take documents, money and, if possible, a supply of food and drinking water for a day, packed in a waterproof package or bag.

If you are at work, on the territory of the enterprise or in the workshop and hear the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL", interrupt the work process, end a telephone conversation or meeting, while in a noisy workshop, stop the machine, turn off the machine, and if it is impossible to do this, then approach to the nearest loudspeaker in the facility.

If you are on the street of a city or town and hear the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL", then go to the nearest street loudspeaker and at the end of the sound signal of the sirens listen to the information, follow all the recommendations.

In places where, due to the remoteness, the sound of sirens is not heard and there are no loudspeakers of central broadcasting, the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL" and voice information will be transmitted by special vehicles equipped with a loudspeaker system. In each case, speech information will correspond to the threat or the current extreme situation in the region, city, district, village.

Do not pick up children from school and kindergarten. This may delay their departure to safe locations. There is someone to take care of your children. Their protection is provided first.

Inform your neighbors at the entrance and place of residence - perhaps they did not hear the transmitted information. Stop immediately any manifestations of panic and rumors.

The latest technologies make it possible to immediately determine not only the place and direction of the carrier's movement, but also the time of its arrival. Such technologies provide signal transmission via the warning system to civil defense headquarters and facilities.

Warning signals are used mainly in the event of a surprise attack by the enemy, when the real time to warn the population will be extremely limited and will be calculated in minutes.

It is known that timely notification of the population makes it possible to hide it in 10-15 minutes immediately after notification. As a result, the loss of people is reduced from 85% to 4-7% when the enemy suddenly uses weapons of mass destruction. Therefore, the protection of the population, first of all, depends on a well-organized warning system, the organization of which is entrusted to the headquarters of civil defense.

Actions of the population at the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL"

Every citizen of the Russian Federation is obliged to know the procedure for receiving the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL", therefore, the Main Directorate of EMERCOM of Russia for the Primorsky Territory reminds:

When there is a threat of occurrence or in the event of an emergency situation, namely: accidents, disasters, natural disasters, air hazards, threats of chemical, radioactive contamination and other dangerous phenomena in all emergency-prone cities, settlements, objects of the national economy, sirens, beeps, other sound signaling devices, sirens of special cars are turned on. This is a single signal, meaning "ATTENTION TO ALL", calling, first of all, the attention of the population to the fact that important information will now sound.

What should be done on this signal?

If you are at home, at work, in a public place and hear the sound of a siren or a sound signal "ATTENTION TO ALL", immediately turn on the full volume of the radio receiver on any program or turn on the television receiver to any local news channel.

At the end of the sound signal "ATTENTION TO ALL", speech information about the current situation and the order of actions of the population will be transmitted to television and radio channels.

All adults need to learn and explain to children that the sound of sirens is a signal "ATTENTION TO ALL". Hearing him, do not be afraid. Wait for the explanation of its reason.

Having fully listened and understood the speech information, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations. If you have not fully listened to the speech information, then do not rush to turn off the radio or TV, the information will be repeated again. Remember that first of all you need to take documents, money and, if possible, a supply of food and drinking water for a day, packed in a waterproof package or bag.

If you are at work,on the territory of the enterprise or in the shop and hear the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL", interrupt the work process, end a telephone conversation or meeting, while in a noisy shop, stop the machine, turn off the machine, and if this is impossible, then go to the nearest loudspeaker at the enterprise.

If you are on a city street or settlement and heard the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL", then go to the nearest street loudspeaker and at the end of the sound signal of the sirens listen to the information, follow all the recommendations.

In places where, due to the remoteness, the sound of sirens is not heard and there are no loudspeakers of central broadcasting, the signal "ATTENTION TO ALL" and voice information will be transmitted by special vehicles equipped with a loudspeaker system. In each case, speech information will correspond to the threat or the current extreme situation in the region, city, district, village.

Do not pick up children from school and kindergarten. This may delay their departure to safe locations. There is someone to take care of your children. Their protection is provided first.

Inform your neighbors at the entrance and place of residence - perhaps they did not hear the transmitted information. Stop immediately any manifestations of panic and rumors.

In case of an accident, call 010 immediately

Contact numbers of operational services:

duty officer of the Main Directorate of EMERCOM of Russia on PC: