Adding programs to startup. Setting up autorun programs in Windows How to add a program to autorun Windows 7

Program startup is the automatic launch of an application when the operating system starts. The essence of autoloading boils down to ensuring that you do not manually launch the set of software that you need to work for every day. These are, for example, instant messengers, system software, some utilities for cleaning the disk, and so on. That is why in our today's article we will talk about how to add a program to Windows 7 startup.

The easiest way is to add any application to startup using the standard Seven functionality. We just need to put the shortcut of the program that should start with the OS in a special directory. This is done as follows:

  1. Open the "Start" menu and go to the "All Programs" section.
  2. Next, select the "Startup" section by right-clicking on it and select the "Open" item in the context menu.
  1. Now we copy the shortcut of the application, which should start together with the operating system, into this folder. The next time you start your computer, the program will open automatically.

You can get to the same directory using the Run utility. To do this, you should use the Win + R hotkey combination on the keyboard and in the window that appears, enter the command "shell: startup", respectively, without quotes.

OS configuration

Consider another option that allows you to add a program to startup in Windows 7. It basically uses the standard System Configuration utility:

  1. With the help of the already well-known combination of buttons Win + R, we launch the Run utility, with which we recently worked. In the small window, enter the command "msconfig" and click the "OK" button.
  1. When the configuration window starts, we will need to go to the "Startup" tab. For clarity, we marked it in the screenshot below.
  1. In order to add any program to startup, we just need to enable the icon opposite its name. As a result, already at the next start, the software we need starts automatically.

It also supports the ability to enable autoloading for all applications in the list at once. To do this, we just need to click the "Enable All" button.

Third party software

You can add any application to the startup of the Windows 7 operating system using a special utility. The program is called CCleaner and is available on the official website absolutely free. Therefore, we take a few simple steps:

  1. Follow the link above and download the latest Russian version of the application.
  2. Received the installation file, launch it and, following the prompts of the step-by-step wizard, install the application.
  3. When CCleaner starts automatically, we will need to go to the "Service" tab. Here we select the "Startup" sub-item and start working with the list of available programs.

In addition to working with startup, this application is able to automatically clean up the system, including the hard drive and registry.

Task Scheduler

There is another more advanced option that allows you to add a program to startup on Windows 7. At the same time, we do not have to install any third-party software:

  1. Initially, we go to the Windows 7 Control Panel, using, for example, the Start menu.
  2. Next, we are interested in the section "System and Security", and already in it the item "Administration".
  1. From the list of utilities that have appeared, select our task scheduler.

With the help of this application, you can create and flexibly configure any task within the framework of the Windows 7 operating system. In this case, an intuitive step-by-step wizard will be used, which will not let you get confused.

Video instruction

For clarity, we also attached a training video on this topic.

Summing up

Now that you have mastered the material offered in the article, you can automatically run all the necessary software and not waste your personal time on it. We also suggest asking for help if you still have any questions. One of our experts will instantly react to the appeal of this or that visitor and give him a sensible answer that can help in any situation.

If you often, for example, work with the same programs every day, then it is convenient to automate their daily launch. Namely, to make sure that when you turn on the computer, the applications you need start independently. Below will be shown several ways to add a program to startup Windows 7, 8, 10.

Choose your way of adding a program to startup Windows 7, 8, 10

To automatically start programs, you can use:

  • startup folder;
  • registry;
  • task Scheduler,

Let's consider each of the methods in more detail.

A universal way to open the startup folder in all three operating systems:

  • for Windows 7: click "Start" - type "shell: startup" in the search bar and press Enter.
  • for Windows 8 and 10: right-click on the "Start" - "Run" button, type in the window: "shell: startup" and press "Enter":

This will open the startup folder window:

You can copy application shortcuts to it, which will be launched together with the start of the operating system.

Adding data required for autostart of the program to the registry

Launch the registry editor:

- in Windows 7: "Start" - in the search type regedit and press Enter (or "Start" - "Run" - "regedit")

- in Windows 8 and 10: right-click on the "Start" - "Run" "regedit".

As a result of these actions, you will open the registry editor window:

In the folder tree from the left half of the window, go to the following path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run

On the right side of the screen, right-click and select: "New" - "String parameter" - choose the parameter name so that it is clear what kind of program you want to add to startup. Go inside the created parameter and in the "Value" field add the path to the executable file, for example, you can take it from the property of the program shortcut on the desktop:

The parameter created in this way will automatically launch the program when the computer boots.

Task Scheduler can also be used to start applications in Windows

You can run it through the "Control Panel" - "Administrative Tools" - "Task Scheduler". In the scheduler library, create a new task, on the Triggers (conditions) tab, select New, and in the new window, in the Start Task field, select On Startup.

On the "Actions" tab, set the path to the executable file (as you did in step 2). After saving, check that the task is enabled and reboot - the program will start automatically. Sometimes this does not happen, then in the window when creating a trigger, postpone the task for 30 seconds:

For many, it is no secret that all unimportant applications need to be removed from startup. Well, what if you need to add a particular program to startup so that it runs together with the Windows 7 operating system?

In this article, you will learn how to add a program to Windows 7 startup without installing third-party programs.

Startup folder in the Start menu

If you open the "Start" menu and click "All Programs" in it, then scrolling down a little, you can find a folder named "Startup".

It was specially created to automatically launch programs whose shortcuts are in it.

Thus, adding a program to startup in Windows 7 is to copy the shortcut of the required program to this folder.

To do this, click on the "Startup" folder in the "Start" menu with the right mouse button and select "Open".

This will open the Startup folder for the current user in a new window. If you want the added program to run under all users, then you need to select "Open a menu common to all".

Open folder for startup programs in windows 7

Now all that remains is to place in this folder a shortcut to the program that should be included with Windows itself. If there is no shortcut, then it must be created.

The easiest way to do this is to go to the folder with the desired program, click on the file that you use to start the program with the right mouse button and select "Send" -\u003e "Desktop (create shortcut)" in the context menu.

Creating a program shortcut in windows 7

After that, a shortcut to the program will appear on the desktop, which must be copied to the "Startup" folder so that this program starts itself along with Windows 7.

Moving a shortcut from the desktop to startup

Hello dear readers of the blog site. I am often asked how to create an autostart for windows 7 programs, so that every time the computer is turned on, it starts and plus also with certain parameters. Nothing is impossible. We will look at several ways to do this.

The first one is the simplest and perhaps the most correct one - to look in the parameters or settings of the application that you want to add to startup. Most likely for the majority there will be an option "Start at Windows startup" or something similar. This method is also correct because the program can register specific variables for launching, which in the case of the manual method, you simply may not know them.

The second way is to add the program shortcuts we need to the Startup folder. It works both for the user under whose login you usually log in, and for specifying the launch for all users on your computer. However, for the second option, you must have administrator rights.

The third way is to add a startup string to the Windows registry. We considered how to open the registry.

And the fourth way is to use the task scheduler built in Windows.

How to add a program to startup windows 7

Autostart windows 7 programs for the current user

Ever since the early Windows 95 operating system, Microsoft has made it easy to add programs and shortcuts to Startup. This happens by moving or copying shortcuts with parameters or just shortcuts to a folder specially created for this. It is called StartUp (in the Russian version of Windows it is called "Startup"). The full path to it looks like this: C: \\ ProgramData \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Start Menu \\ Programs \\ StartUp.

You can use File Explorer to move the required shortcuts to this folder, but by default it is hidden and you will not see it. To make it visible, you need to open Windows Explorer and go to the system drive (on which your operating system is installed). In the top menu, select the "Service" item and then "Folder Options". If the top menu is not displayed in the explorer, you must press the "Alt" key once.

Next, select the "View" tab and at the very bottom of the parameters find the "Show hidden files, folders and drives" switch. Switch it over and click "OK". All hidden items will appear in the explorer list for the folder in which you were, including the ProgramData folder.

Please note that you need to navigate by folder names in Russian, although the full path looks in English as I said above.

Now we copy into it all the program shortcuts that need to be loaded automatically at startup.

The method above was a little more complicated than it can be done, but it is useful for a general knowledge of the autorun structure. The easiest way to get to the StartUp folder is through the Start menu.

1. Open the "Start" menu and click "All Programs" in it. In the list we find the "Startup" tab we need and press the right mouse button. In the drop-down list, select the "Open" item.

2. As a result, the same Windows 7 startup folder as in the example above will open. We take all the necessary program shortcuts and move (copy) to this folder. All these operations will be performed only for the user under whose login you are logged in. To add programs to autorun for all existing users, you need to open the folder a little differently.

1. Open the "START" menu and click on "All programs" in the list. Find the "Startup" tab and right-click on it. In the drop-down menu, instead of "Open", click "Open common for all menus". Unlike the previous opening, the folder will contain the entire list of shortcuts for auto download for all users. Add the necessary shortcuts to this folder.

Open the startup menu common to all

For example, for my computer you can see the difference in the picture below.

To check whether the launch of the programs that you added actually works, you need to restart your computer and see if the applications start. Everything worked for me correctly and everything was loaded on startup the first time.

Option for Windows 8

This instruction is applicable for Windows 7. If you want to do the same with Windows 8, you will most likely face the problem that the start button is not in its usual place. For this case, you can proceed as follows.

Click in the lower left corner on the Windows 8 desktop with the right mouse button and select "Execute" in the list or press the keyboard shortcut Win + R.

This will open a window for launching commands and applications. In the input field, type or copy the text from here without quotes: "shell: Common Startup". Click "Ok" and the autostart folder window for Windows 8 will immediately open. In the same way as before, copy all the shortcuts necessary for loading and reboot for verification.

Autostart programs through the registry

This method is not more complicated than all the previous ones. We will create an autoload in the registry.

1. Press the "START" button and type "regedit" in the quick search bar. Then click on the file that appears in the list or press the "Enter" button. Alternatively, you can press the key combination Win + R and type "regedit" in the Run line and click "OK". This will open the Windows 7 registry editor.

2. In the window we need to find the required section. It will also be different for the current user and for all users. If necessary for the current one, then we find the following section: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run... For all users, the section looks like this: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run.

2. In the selected section in the right half-window, right-click and select New -\u003e String parameter

3. Choose an arbitrary name for the parameter (any name you understand, for example, the name of the program that you add with the word Run).

4. Click on the created string parameter with the right button and select "Change".

5. A window for adding (changing) the value for the parameter will open.

It's all! Your application will now load when Windows starts.

Using Task Scheduler to Create Startup

This method is not at all trivial, not many people know it at all, although it is a standard application with the function of launching applications for the Windows 7 operating system.With its help, it will be possible to create a lot of useful tasks with all sorts of parameters (for example, time, day, delay, etc. .). For review, we will create an application launch together with the system launch, and you can continue further study and use yourself.

1. Press the key combination Win + R and enter the command in the application launch line: mmc.exe taskschd.msc

2. Select the menu item "Create task"

3. In the "General" tab, enter the name for our task. I named it Launch Chrome Browser. Briefly and clearly in Russian.

4. Go to the "Triggers" tab and click "Create ...". We select in the item "Create a task:" - At startup and click OK.

Filling in the "Triggers" tab

5. Go to the "Actions" tab and click "Create ...". We select the action type "Launch the program", click the browse and in the explorer select the application to start. At the end, click OK.

6. As a result, your created task should appear in the list of active tasks. After restart, programs will start automatically when you turn on the computer.


For a number of reasons, the user sometimes needs to make certain programs load when the computer is turned on. This is done for convenience and sometimes out of necessity. In this article we will talk with you about how to add a program to startup in Windows 7. I want to say right away that this instruction will help you, even if you have a different version: Windows 8 and XP.

By the way, this article is a kind of addition to the existing article "", from which you can learn other common methods. Be sure to read this article!

When you turn on the computer, your operating system is loaded first and some programs that are already in startup, for example Skype, are automatically loaded with it. But you can independently specify which programs you want to download automatically.

It is important to remember and understand that the programs you have added, for example, in the amount of 7-10 pieces, will slow down the computer boot, since these programs need time to start in the system.

There are various ways to add programs to startup, and some programs have this function already built in. Below I will tell you how to add a program to startup in Windows 8, 7 and XP using standard Windows tools, and also consider an example of how this can be done using the registry.

To add programs to startup, there are programs that perform this operation, but I would not recommend installing them just because of this function. Since you can add the required program to startup using standard operating system tools.

Windows built-in tools

To automatically launch the desired application after loading the operating system, you will need to use the program shortcut. There is an article on the blog in which I examined in detail working with labels, if you want to know how labels are created visually, then this article will help you: "".

To create a shortcut, you need to right-click on the name of the desired exe file and select "Create shortcut".

Then move this shortcut to the startup folder "Start" - "All Programs" - "Startup" or C: \\ Users \\ Your Account \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Start Menu \\ Programs.

In Windows 8, you will need to do it a little differently. Open Run (Win + X) and type shell: Common Startup, then press Enter. Now copy all the necessary shortcuts to this folder and restart the computer to see if you have done everything successfully.

Also, some programs have a built-in function that allows you to put the program at startup. That is, you do not need to add manually, but just click on the desired button. It will be named something like this: "Start with Windows" or "Start automatically with Windows". Well, I think you get the point.

These methods of putting a program into Windows startup are simple and will not harm the system. But we must remember that many programs in startup are not good.

Editing the registry

If you are more confident computer users, then you can use another method: you need to register the autorun of the necessary program in the registry. You need to be careful with the registry, because even a minor error can lead to unstable operation of the operating system.

So let's open the registry. To do this, open "Start" - "Run" and write in the window that opened "regedit", click "OK".

On the left side of the window, navigate to the following branch (choose the one that works for you):

For the user

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run

For all users:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run

Then, on the right side of the window, data will appear, which indicates the programs that start with Windows. In order to add your program to this list, you need to right-click on an empty space in the right part of the window and select "New" - "String parameter". You can give any name, but of course it is better to name it as the program that you want to write in this parameter.

Right-click on the name of the new parameter and select "Change" or double-click with the left mouse button. A window will appear where you need to enter the path to your program, written in quotes. To check yourself, go to another parameter and see how it is spelled out there.

Now you can restart your computer and check your work. That's basically all I wanted to say about how to add a program to startup in Windows 7, XP and 8,

You can also use the scheduler to make the program load automatically at the scheduled time. But I'll tell you about this another time.