Home wireless network. How to create and configure a home WiFi network. What will a home network via Wi-Fi router do?

Each of us knows in which places in our home the Wi-Fi signal is weak or non-existent. And this is very annoying if this is where you desperately need a strong and stable connection. Wi-Fi blind spots are most often caused by distance from the wireless router (wireless signals weaken with distance), thick stone walls, and interference.

If the Wi-Fi signal in your home is not very strong, you may want to consider the idea of ​​a Wi-Fi booster to extend your coverage range. Another option is to use Powerline adapters, which, using additional Wi-Fi modules, will create a high-speed local network based on your electrical wiring. You can also pay attention to Wi-Fi Mesh technology, which promises to improve Wi-Fi coverage so that it is enough for the whole house.

Here are some tips, tricks, and inexpensive gadgets to improve your wireless signal.

Move your wireless router

If your home has poor Wi-Fi coverage, the first step is to look at where your wireless router is located. Make sure it is open on all sides (even if it is not particularly beautiful) and is as close to the center of the house as possible, free of any obstructions.

No need to hide it on the floor, behind your computer or TV. Try to raise it higher: the wireless signal travels down and to the sides much more easily than up.

Does your router have a movable antenna? The signal is radiated to the sides of it, so the vertical position of the antenna is the key to ensuring that the signal does not go wasted into the ground or ceiling.

Update your wireless router

If moving your router still doesn't improve the weak signal, the next step is to upgrade it.

We list the Wi-Fi standards from oldest to newest: 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n and 802.11ac. If you have an old b or g standard wireless router, you should consider replacing it with a younger device, n or ac standard models, which provide a larger signal range and higher transmission speeds.

Why don't you ask your ISP to provide you with a more modern router? If you've been a client for a long time, this may well work.

While these new routers may not improve range by much, at least speeds over longer distances should improve.

You want the best possible range from your new router—assuming your computer, phone, and other tablets support the Wi-Fi standard it offers. An old laptop can hardly boast of ac or n compatibility. Check the specifications of your electronics carefully.

Instead of buying a new laptop or desktop, you can buy an inexpensive wireless adapter that plugs into a USB port. You can also add a new wireless adapter inside the system unit of your desktop, including through a slot on the motherboard, but good luck if you try to do something similar with your Mac!

What about wireless connectivity for your smartphone? The iPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy S4, like subsequent models, are equipped with Wi-Fi up to 802.11ac (including all previous standards, of course), while older models such as the iPhone 4 and 5, Galaxy S, S2 and S3, compatible with only three standards, from the oldest to 802.11n.

Create a Home Powerline Network from Electrical Wiring

We also recommend checking out Powerline adapters, which can create a high-speed home network using your home electrical wiring. This means that virtually any corner of your home will be provided with the Internet without any loss. Creating a Powerline network is as easy as plugging into a wall outlet.

Simply plug one adapter into an electrical outlet near your router and connect it to the router using an Ethernet cable (usually included with the adapter).

Then place the second adapter into an outlet in a distant room. Now, using another Ethernet cable, you can connect anything to it: a digital TV set, a game console, a laptop, etc.

This means that even without Wi-Fi, you can perform tasks that are very demanding on connection quality, such as watching while downloading various TV shows or movies in HD quality.

Powerline adapters act as if they are directly connected to your router - even if they are on the opposite side of the house. You'll need at least two adapters, and it's best to purchase them as part of a starter kit.

The best Powerline adapters can also work as additional Wi-Fi repeaters right there, in the second (third, fourth) room. Their signal, of course, is not as strong as you would get from a Wi-Fi booster, but it is close enough in strength to a new Wi-Fi repeater working at full capacity. Such adapters are more expensive, but they attract with their versatility, and they also provide much higher speeds than conventional Wi-Fi amplifiers.

Pay attention to Wi-Fi Mesh technology

Wi-Fi Mesh technology allows you to create a network of two or more routers working together to provide much greater coverage in a building than any single router can handle. It replaces your current Wi-Fi and is fairly easy to install.

You connect one of the devices that is part of the Wi-Fi Mesh network to a free network port on your router, and it creates a new Wi-Fi network that successfully includes all your Wi-Fi-hungry devices.

Next, you place the second (and third, if necessary) device from the kit somewhere else in the house, usually on a different floor. All devices “talk” to each other and form a single super-Wi-Fi network throughout the house that is both strong and fast.

To create a Wi-Fi Mesh network, you will need a router that supports this technology, such as the TP-Link Deco M5 or Netgear Orbi.

Try Wi-Fi Signal Boosters

A new wireless router or a Powerline adapter with a built-in wireless repeater are the best options, but they may cost more than a simple Wi-Fi signal extender.

Wi-Fi boosters pick up the wireless signal and distribute it again, helping to provide a decent signal from the router on another floor of the house or on the opposite side of the building. It should be noted, however, that they, in turn, can reduce network performance.

The replicator uses half of its internal antenna to pick up the wireless signal, and the other half to transmit a new signal, while reducing the original potential speed of the network connection by half.

This shouldn't be too noticeable for light web surfing, email reading, and the like, but it can have a significant impact when streaming video files or moving files across the network. That's why we prefer Powerline for more speed-demanding tasks.

Wi-Fi amplifiers share the frequency band with the router. Wi-Fi speeds are reduced because the booster is constantly communicating with the router, while Powerline simply operates as a separate device (without sharing bandwidth with anyone), so you get the signal at the same speed.

The Wi-Fi amplifier should be located in the center of the premises, not very far from the main router. If you place a replicator at the far edge of your main network in hopes of boosting the signal there, you will slow down your connection speeds both to the rest of your home network and to the Internet.

Remember that the replicator only amplifies the existing signal. If it is placed in a “blind spot”, where the coverage of the main router almost does not reach, there will simply be nothing for it to strengthen. Move the amplifier to a place with a stronger signal, and the signal coming from it will also become much stronger.

The ideal location for the amplifier is halfway between your main router and the wireless device you need to provide the signal, in an open hallway or spacious room rather than in a cramped area. He should stay away from devices that emit interference: cordless phones, Bluetooth-enabled devices, and microwave ovens.

Wireless operating frequencies: 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz

We need to explain the difference between Wi-Fi bands. We will try not to go deep into complex technical details, but there is no way to ignore this issue.

Wi-Fi can operate in two frequency bands: 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz. The difficult choice between these two frequencies involves interference, range and speed.

Manufacturers claim that 2.4 GHz routers or amplifiers can reach speeds of 300 Mbps, while 5 GHz counterparts have a theoretical maximum of 450 Mbps. Therefore, dual-frequency devices sometimes reach 750 Mbps. Keep in mind that these stated speeds are just theoretical maximums and you won't get anywhere close to them, but you are guaranteed to get great performance from these devices anyway.

One way or another, the use of each frequency has its limitations.

2.4GHz devices face a battle for available space, thus interfering with each other. Also, the 2.4 GHz frequency is divided into overlapping channels. The more overlap, the stronger the interference between nearby networks.

Moving to 5 GHz reduces the interference problem because a huge number of new channels become available and no overlap occurs.

However, the 2.4 GHz frequency has a huge advantage over its “colleague”: range. Shorter electromagnetic waves emitted at a frequency of 5 GHz do not penetrate so well through solid obstacles, such as walls, ceilings, furniture and - unfortunately - people.

More interference, less speed and range; the larger the radius you need, the lower the speed you can get; The more speed you need, the more you will have to remove external interference and work closer to the Wi-Fi distribution point.

Modern wireless communication technologies today make it possible to create private groups by combining several computers into one network. This does not require any special expenses or deep knowledge. Even a beginner can handle this. Despite the widespread and widespread use of wireless access points, many people ask the question, how to create a home WiFi network?

Everyone knows how to use this connection, but not everyone knows how to organize a private group. To understand how this is done, let's first understand what WiFi technology is and how it works. After all, this is the basis necessary to create a wireless private WiFi network.

What is a WiFi network

Did you guess it, WiFi is short for Wireless Fidelity? Which literally means “Wireless Reliability”. In fact, this is a certain standard for broadband communication, which is necessary to connect several PCs to one private group - Wireless LAN.

This technology relieves network organizers from laying cables. At the same time, the data transfer speed is not inferior to cable Internet. In addition to convenience, this technology allows you to significantly save money, since Internet cables are quite expensive.

As you may have guessed, a WiFi network is a number of computers that are united into one group using this technology. In other words, without using a wired connection.

The main advantage is that creating a home WiFi network does not require special knowledge or expense. An access point (or a regular router) has a fairly low cost, making it accessible to absolutely everyone.

It is important to create such groups if there are several devices equipped with WiFi modules in the apartment. This allows you to share information, files, and so on between participants.

As a result of this association, a local private network is obtained, connecting only certain devices. Moreover, you are the group administrator and have the ability to decide who will be part of the group.

How to make a Wi-Fi network at home: Video

Types of home WiFi networks

At the moment, there are several types of WiFi networks. They are classified according to technology standard. And there are 4 types of them:

  • IEEE802.11a – the maximum speed of information transfer between group members reaches 54 Mbits. This standard operates at a frequency of 5 GHz;
  • IEEE802.11b – Version supporting data transfer rates of 5.5 and 11 Mbits. In this case, the range of action is about 150 meters with line of sight and 20-30 meters indoors;
  • IEEE 802.11g - this standard provides information transfer speeds within the network up to 54 Mbits. It operates at 2.4 GHz. Moreover, this standard is backward compatible with 802.11b. The coverage radius is about 300 meters with line of sight;
  • IEEE 802.11n is an increased data rate standard that is compatible with all previous versions. It operates at 2.4-2.5 GHz or 5 GHz. The coverage radius is 450 meters, subject to direct visibility.

As you can see, the versions are capable of operating at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. Of course, the latest version supports the 5 GHz frequency, which means data transfer speeds are significantly higher and the coverage range is greater.

Oddly enough, all these indicators are purely theoretical. In practice, everything is a little different. For example, the actual speed of the 802.11g standard is 25 Mbps, and 802.11n is 100 Mbps. It is worth noting that all modern access points and routers work with b, g and n standards. This allows you to use any WiFi devices that support different standards.

In addition, home WiFi networks are divided into two more types:

  • Local network;
  • Home group with the ability to access the Internet (global web).

How does a home network work?

The organization of such groups solves existing problems with the creation of the cheapest, but at the same time the most convenient and high-speed Internet access channels for users. But to understand how to create a home network via WiFi, you must know how it is built in general.

Conventionally, it can be divided into three stages:

  • The area between the provider and the premises (for example, a residential multi-storey building);
  • Channel layout inside the house;
  • Signal distribution inside the apartment.

At the first stage, high-speed Internet access technologies are used. It is on this segment that the entire data stream is transmitted, received and sent by all users living in the house. As a rule, leased lines, cable modems, and fiber optic highways (information transmission technologies) are used here.

At the second stage, the signal is routed inside the residential building. In other words, high-speed Internet is distributed to apartments. In this case, a separate cable must be laid to each apartment, which will allow the user to connect to the provider. We can call such a connection direct. When connecting an entire house, technology is used to distribute the resource between users participating in the project. The Ethernet protocol is used for this.

The last third stage includes distributing the signal throughout the apartment. In this case, some problems arise with cable routing. However, when using a router, you will only need to install one cable going to the router. The PC and laptop are connected via a wireless connection. However, sometimes it is necessary to assemble several PCs into one group without an Internet connection, for which a regular wireless router is also suitable.

If we talk about a home group, then everything is much simpler. In this case, all PCs are connected to a wireless router. At the same time, in order to seamlessly exchange files and information, you will need to make some settings on the computer itself so that other group members can see and access it.

In this case, the owner of an individual PC (group member) decides which files will be available to other network members and which will be hidden.

How to create a homegroup via WiFi

As for how to make a home network via WiFi, first it is worth noting that modern technologies are constantly developing, improving and updating. Entire departments and thousands of scientists are working on new developments. All this is necessary in order to simplify the lives of ordinary people and allow them to solve everyday problems as quickly and easily as possible.

The same applies to wireless connection technology. It provides fast and easy access to the network, with high data transfer rates. Many people know about access points and know how to use them. At the same time, knowing all the advantages of this technology, people are wondering how to build a home WiFi network with their own hands, without calling a specialist to your home and without paying for his work.

At the same time, creating a home network using a router is extremely simple. To do this you need to make some simple settings. Moreover, each router comes with instructions that describe in detail how to create a home network via WiFi.

How to create a WiFi network yourself: Video

Networking equipment

Probably everyone has already guessed that special equipment is needed to organize a home group. But this is said loudly. This is done using a WiFi access point or a regular wireless router, which, in fact, is used as an access point. So, let's take a closer look at these two devices.

What is a WiFi hotspot

Many people ask the question, how to create a home network via WiFi? This requires an access point that will unite existing PCs and other devices into one group. But before we look at how this is done, let's look at what an access point is and how it works.

An access point is a base station that provides wireless access to an already created network (mobile or landline). It allows you to combine several personal computers, laptops or even tablets and smartphones into one private group or simply opens access to the Internet.

It is worth noting that creating a home network via a WiFi access point does not require any special costs or in-depth knowledge.

To understand how a WiFi access point works, you can draw an analogy with a mobile operator tower. The only difference between them is the data transfer speed and range. If the mobile operator's tower covers about 10 km, then the range of the access point is 200-250 meters, this is subject to direct visibility. If there is no line of sight, the range is reduced to 50-100 meters.

In cases where it is necessary to cover a large area, for example, several apartments on different floors or an entire office building, it is necessary to create a home WiFi network from several access points. As mentioned above, each of them has about 20 computers.

Of course, the maximum number of subscribers reaches 250. However, this is not advisable, since the data transfer speed in this case is distributed between the devices. This means that with a large number of subscribers, the speed drops and the router may freeze. In addition, the data transfer speed is greatly reduced, since it is equally divided between the connected devices.

In the case of organizing a private network in an office building or in a residential high-rise building, as well as in large areas, all access points are combined into one network. This can be done either over a radio channel or using a wired connection. It is worth noting that users (for example, with a tablet or laptop) are able to move freely between routers without interrupting the connection.

At home, a WiFi router combines all available devices into one group. This makes it possible to transfer files from device to device without a wired connection.

How to create a WiFi hotspot on a Windows 8 laptop: Video

What is a WiFi router

In essence, a router (the so-called router) is the same access point, but unlike other stations, this device has an integrated network switch (the so-called switch). It allows users to use the Ethernet protocol. This means that the home group has access to the Internet (the global “web”).

In addition, you can use multiple routers to create a home WiFi network from several routers. Another feature of this device is that it has a built-in firewall. It is necessary to protect the user from network intrusion by attackers.

WiFi router operating modes

In order to understand how to organize a home WiFi network from several routers, you should know in what modes they are capable of operating. So, operating modes:

  • Access point;
  • Repeater (repeater);
  • Bridge.

Each mode is necessary for specific purposes. So let's take a closer look at them.

The “access point” mode in the new router is installed initially. That is, there is no need to install it. In this mode, the user connects his device to a home group based on your router. As a rule, to work in this mode you do not need to make any special settings. The only exception is if Internet access is required. In this case, you should make some settings to the router itself.

Translator (repeater) mode is an analogue of a transceiver. In this case, the router or access point works to receive a weak signal, amplifying it, and transmitting it further at the same frequency to its destination (the required recipient).

Bridge mode is required to expand the coverage area. It is necessary when one access point is not able to cover the entire territory and capture all PCs and other devices. This mode allows you to combine several separate network segments into one large group. It is used to build “links”. That is, to ensure communication between remote devices.

It is important to remember that for routers to operate adequately in “repeater” and “bridge” modes, the SSID (wireless group identifier), channel and encryption type must match.

How to set up a WiFi router: Video

The principle of building a network using a router

To understand how to make a home WiFi network using a router, you should know how a router works.

On average, a typical router has a range of about 60 meters, provided there is a clear line of sight. At the same time, in apartments and offices where the signal is blocked by walls and partitions, the range of operation is reduced to 10-20 meters. At home, such a device is advisable and useful in cases where the user has several WiFi devices, for example, several laptops, a tablet, a personal computer, a smartphone, and so on. Thanks to the router, all these devices can be combined into a home group. In addition, each participant will have the opportunity to access the Internet.

The principle of building a network is as follows. If the group has access to the Internet, then first the provider runs an Internet cable into the apartment (or office), which is connected to the router. Next, you should perform simple settings for the router, in particular, enter your login and password to connect to the Internet. After this, the router performs one task - distributing the speed received from the provider among existing connected devices, such as laptops, PCs, tablets and smartphones.

For a regular local network, in cases where Internet access is not needed, everything is done much simpler. All devices are connected to one router, after which you should configure the PC - enter the group name (must be the same on all devices) and the computer name (can be anything). In addition, you need to provide access to the files. This can also be done in two mouse clicks. After this you get a full-fledged local network.

In order to protect your home group from intruders, you should protect it with a password.

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Which providers provide wireless internet in Moscow? Probably almost everything. The only question is how well they do it! Home Wi-Fi is extremely convenient, because most Moscow apartments have at least one mobile device, for example, an inexpensive smartphone. In this case, using a home Wi-Fi connection is much more profitable and practical. Mobile traffic costs money, so why spend it if you can get by? In addition, the speed of a home connection is still higher than a mobile one, then why spoil your mood by waiting and taking a long time to load? In Moscow wireless internet It has long since turned from a luxury into a necessity, it’s time for you to have one of these! Moreover, AKADO offers excellent and truly beneficial conditions for you: free connection at unlimited Internet rates and the latest Technicolor TC7200.d router for only 15 rubles, subject to concluding a contract for at least a year. Just a fairy tale, not the Internet!

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Basic tariff for wireless Internet

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Internet+TV tariffs with included WiFi router Technicolor TC7200.d

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AKADO’s gift to new clients is a maximum of high-quality services at a favorable rate, which is valid for the first three calendar months. After this period, the price for “Lite” remains the same, and for the “Optimum” and “Extra” sets it changes to 743 rubles/month and 893 rubles/month, respectively. The single comprehensive tariff already includes everything for your comfort: unlimited wireless Internet, digital television with 105, 121 or 152 channels, set-top box.

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Connect unlimited wireless internet in the capital it is not only possible, but also necessary! After all, this is not only convenient and practical, but also... Actually, what other arguments are needed here? Everything at home should be convenient, even the Internet connection. This is exactly what we are creating for you. And we do it in such a way as not to disturb either you or your neighbors. For example, we haven’t made holes in walls with a drill for a long time; this is truly a thing of the past! To connect, you only need your shield and a television cable, which has been lying around for a long time and is boring in your home. This discreet cable actually turns out to be much more functional than you thought it was. With its help, we can just connect you to wireless Wi-Fi Internet at the best rates you can find. Yes, for Wi-Fi you will need a separate device - a router. You can purchase it yourself, and if you are too lazy to read reviews and study the issue, we can easily provide Technicolor TC7200.d, already approved and tested by our specialists, which will not lose its relevance for a long time.

Today, many families have long had a couple of computers or laptops, and sometimes both. Plus to all this there are also smart phones, and maybe a tablet. And, of course, the center of entertainment for every family member is the big one. Up to a certain point, everything usually goes fine, as long as everyone in the house uses their devices, but then the desire for something more appears.

This requires a home wireless network. It helps to get rid of unnecessary wires, be more mobile, and, of course, makes all the media content accumulated by family members available to everyone.
Such home wireless network is organized using a wi-fi router that distributes a signal to many devices that support a wireless connection. Or you can join the distribution using network cables, but for this you will need to register IP addresses for each connected device.

For greater comfort in accessing content, use a NAS server. This can be either a separate system unit with several HDD drives, or a ready-made boxed solution. Such a home server allows you to connect any device wirelessly and watch HD videos, music, play games and much more, and most importantly, store it all on your disks. The home server is also connected to the wi-fi router.

The most common Internet connection options

  1. With dynamic IP (Auto IP or DHCP)
  2. With a static IP address (Manual configuration of the WAN IP address setting field, mask, gateway...)

We will consider the 2nd option, with a static IP address. As soon as you select it, the fields for entering static connection parameters will become active - “Setting up the WAN IP address”, which must be filled in according to the data received from the Internet provider.

Click “No” and fill out all the fields one by one.

It is worth noting that in this case the IP address and other network parameters are fixed; they should be entered exactly as specified by the provider.
If you select the option with a dynamic IP address, or PPPoE or L2TP, then the setup is simplified and the router will receive all connection parameters from the provider automatically. Only for the last two connection types you need to specify the name and password provided by the provider (or in rare cases, the “Service Name”).

Complete the settings by clicking the "Apply" or "Save" button.

In some cases, the provider binds the user to the MAC address (physical address) of his computer so that no one else can connect instead of him. In this case, attempting to access the Internet using the router will become impossible.

To avoid this, the MAC address of the router's external interface should be changed so that it matches the MAC address that your ISP assigned you to (usually the address of your computer's network interface).

This operation is called MAC address cloning, however, this function in the router web interface does not always have the same name.
To clone the MAC address of your computer, which was connected by cable to the Internet before installing the router, enter it in the MAC field of the “Special requirements of the Internet service provider” section in the WAN section, Internet connection tab.

Save the settings by clicking the "Apply" button.

How to find out the MAC address of a computer

To find out the MAC address of your computer and enter it when setting up an Internet connection on the router,
do the following:

1. Click on the computer icon in the task tray (tray), click “Network and Sharing Center”

and in the window that opens, select “Local Area Connection”.

2. Click on the "Details" button to see the MAC address.

The MAC address will be located in the Physical Address field.

Configuring Wi-Fi settings manually

If you did everything correctly and specified the correct connection parameters, then after rebooting the router you will have access to the Internet from the computer on which you made the settings. Open your browser and type
address of any website, for example . The site page has opened, so you can start
to setting up a wireless network (wi-fi).

In the router web interface menu, select the “Wireless” section, “General” tab.

Please note that some routers support wireless networks in two bands at once (5 GHz and 2.4 GHz). Set up your wireless network in the more popular 2.4 GHz band.

Specify the wireless network operating mode. The best option is a universal setup that ensures compatibility with both new and old versions of the Wi-Fi standard. It is called “Mixed” or “Auto” (automatic mode).

Enter the network SSID (Network name that will be displayed when scanning) in the field of the same name. Select a security option in the “Authentication method” field, I recommend WPA2-Personal, read why in the Wi-Fi section. Enter the password (or key) in the WPA Pre-Shared Key field. This key and network name (SSID) will be required to set up access on your wireless devices, so it is recommended that you save them to a file or write them down somewhere safe.

It is recommended to hide the SSID so that your home wireless network was not visible from the outside, but you will still be able to connect to it, since you already know the SSID. To save the settings, click on the “Apply” or “Save” button. By the way, a wireless network in the 5 GHz band is configured in the same way.

Attention! Be careful when updating your router firmware. The need for it is determined by incorrect operation of the router and communication problems. Carefully read the section of the user manual about updating the router software and strictly follow the recommendations. Updating the router firmware is a last resort; you should not resort to it unless absolutely necessary, since there is no such need during the initial setup of a wireless network.

P.S. I would be very grateful if you point out those points that need to be examined in more detail.

In the current age of information technology, the Internet is available in almost every home, and the vast majority of people are familiar with its benefits. But not everyone knows how to make a wifi network at home, although this information will be useful to many. From this article you will learn how to connect wifi at home, why it is needed and what you need to purchase for this.

Advantages of Wi-Fi technologies

Most often, the question of setting up a Wi-Fi network is asked by people who use mobile devices: laptops, tablets, smartphones and phones with Wi-Fi support. Using this technology allows you to get rid of a lot of wires, provide complete freedom of movement and access to the network for many different devices. Wi-Fi is a way to organize both a wireless local network and a way to access the Internet from all devices on this network: that is, you can use it for online games, exchanging data on a local network and distributing the Internet if it is connected. All this makes Wi-Fi a convenient solution for the home, which ensures the high popularity of this technology.

Required equipment

Let's figure out how to make wifi at home. Let's start with a list of necessary equipment. Using Wi-Fi is only possible if you have devices that support it: tablets, laptops and computers with a Wi-Fi adapter. But if there are no such devices, then this can be fixed. And you don’t have to buy a new computer; you can just buy a Wi-Fi network card. This solution is also possible for laptops. Such network cards can be connected via different interfaces: PCMCIA, PCI and others. Recently, Wi-Fi adapters that connect via USB have gained popularity; they are small in size, connect easily and conveniently, and are suitable for almost all devices, regardless of their type, be it a personal computer, laptop or netbook. Often network adapters require the installation of drivers for them; as a rule, these drivers are located on the disk included with the device. Installing them does not take much time and does not require high qualifications.

Wi-Fi networks can operate in point-to-point mode, that is, connect two devices (for example, a computer and laptop) without an intermediary. This solution allows you to use both shared network resources (folders or printers, for example) and the Internet. But it is not very convenient, since when one device is turned off, the network disappears - for example, if you turn off a computer connected to the Internet, then the second one will also lose the ability to use the World Wide Web. Therefore, an additional device is often used - a router (also called a router).

This device is capable of supporting Wi-Fi network and Internet connection without depending on client computers. That is, by installing and connecting a Wi-Fi router, you can truly take advantage of all the benefits of a wireless network. We'll tell you how to set up a wifi router at home. First you need to choose a suitable place. The criteria here are as follows: a network cable must be laid to the router (through which we are connected to the Internet) and the router signal must penetrate all rooms of the apartment. Routers come with both external and internal antennas. It is believed that the signal of the former is much more powerful, which allows them to be used even in houses with thick walls. Of course, the router needs not only a network cable, but also electricity: it is worth considering this point when choosing a place for it. If there are power surges in the house, then it is advisable to install a surge protector to protect important equipment from damage.

Routers come in different models, but the principles of their connection and configuration are approximately the same. First, you need to connect the router to the Internet, since now it is it, and not the computer, that will be connected to the provider’s network, so we will connect the power cord that was previously used in the computer to it. There may be several connectors on the router; the cable from the provider is connected to the one designated as WAN. You can connect a computer or laptop to the connectors labeled LAN to configure the router.

Setting up the router

The graphical interface of each router model may differ; for detailed information, it is best to refer to the instructions. We will study the most important points that you need to pay attention to. First we will need to go to the router's IP address, for example, - this address is indicated in the documentation for the device. In the device's web interface we can configure the Internet connection - this is the most important thing, right? Modern routers support various types of connections, but the PPPoE connection is the most popular among providers. For such a connection, we need to indicate the login and password that were provided to us by the Internet provider when concluding the agreement. It is often necessary to specify the DNS server - this information is also provided by the provider. Some providers issue IP and provide Internet access automatically, without any special settings. In this case, we only need to select the “Automatic IP” item in the “WAN Connection” field. The names of the settings may vary, of course, but only slightly.

An important point in setting up a Wi-Fi router is issuing IP addresses. It can be dynamic, when each connecting device is assigned an IP automatically, or manual, when all settings are entered independently. In the first case, you need to activate the DHCP server function of your router.

Access restriction

If you are learning how to install wifi at home, then you will definitely have to face the issue of limiting access to the Internet. After all, all connections occur without the help of a cable, so it is more difficult to control them. The following options are possible:

  • encryption and password access restriction;
  • restricting access by MAC addresses of client (i.e., connecting to the router) devices;
  • absence of any restrictions.

If you do not use any restrictions on connection and access to the Internet, then everyone within the signal radius of the router will be able to use your Wi-Fi. Of course, your neighbors will be grateful to you, but there are a number of negative aspects: a decrease in your speed and possible traffic interception. Therefore, computer security experts advise restricting access. Filtering by MAC addresses is setting a list of devices that can connect to the router. This solution will not be convenient if you need to provide access temporarily - for example, to guests. Therefore, the most popular way to restrict access is encryption. There are three main types of Wi-Fi encryption: WEP, WPA, WPA2 - they are arranged in order of increasing security and complexity of the algorithms used. WEP technology is outdated, there are ways to quickly hack networks built on this algorithm, so using WEP is not recommended.

In this article we tried to talk about the advantages of Wi-Fi technology. Now you know how to choose wifi for your home and you will be able to use all the capabilities of wireless networks, limiting your network from unauthorized users. Setting up a router is not a difficult process.