Dr.Web CureIt! - what is it and how to use it? How to scan your computer for viruses Dr.Web - full scan What does it mean to move dr web cureit

СureIt - a special utility (from the English. Utility, (a specialized program for performing specific actions) from Dr.Web, designed to remove viruses that your anti-virus "missed". If something does not work out for you, repair laptop can be at the ITSA service center.

The program is intended for non-commercial use.

The site will offer you to download either a free version, but with a built-in system for sending the results of diagnostics of your computer to manufacturers, or a paid one with the ability to refuse to send statistics.

Download the free version by clicking the Download Dr.Web CureIt! with the function of sending statistics ", we get the file cureit.exe, the size is about 100 MB. We launch it by double-clicking the mouse or by selecting the file with the mouse, press the "Enter" button. The program gives us a message about starting in protected mode.

If you want to check the state of your computer "just in case", click the "Cancel" button, then the utility will not interfere with your work in parallel, if the infection on your machine is so serious that it leads to Windows crashes, click the "OK" button. will invite you to take part in the software quality improvement program, check the box or not - at your discretion. But if you don't check the box, the "Continue" button is inactive.

If you have agreed to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program -

we can start actually checking the car.

The window displays the detected threats and progress. As a result, we get a report

To delete infected files, press the "Neutralize" button, by the way, the "Quick" scan takes about 20 minutes. And finally, based on the results of the scan, a report on viruses neutralized. By clicking on the "Scan parameters, you can configure the scan options"

The file we downloaded remains on the machine and you can repeat the procedure at any time, but since the "virus writers" do not stand still, we recommend downloading a fresh file for a second scan. In the new version of the utility (currently version 8.0 is available), in addition to interface changes and a new scanning system, a rootkit search subsystem has been added.

Rootkits (English rootkit, ie "set root" a ") are special software modules that allow attackers to" cover up "the traces of their presence in the system and prevent protection programs (antiviruses, firewalls, etc.) from finding and neutralizing malicious Software In addition, version 8.0 can work with a computer running OS Windows 8.

In the event that you are performing treatment outside of Safe Mode, we strongly recommend that you disable your main antivirus during the scan. This will greatly speed up the check and save you from possible unpleasant surprises.

2. Run the downloaded file.
If you have Windows 7 or 8, be sure to run the file as administrator (right-click on the file and select the appropriate item).

3. Agree to the request of Dr.Web CureIt! enable enhanced protection mode.

4. You agree to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program by checking the box and clicking “Continue”, otherwise the check will fail.

5. Before checking, go to "Options" by clicking in the upper right corner on the "key", select "Settings".

6. In the first tab “Basic” mark

  • "Protect Dr.Web CureIt!",
  • “Block access to the network” and
  • “Automatically apply actions to threats”.

7. You don't need to change anything else in the settings. "OK".
For a full scan of the computer, click "Start scan", to select the scanned items, click "Select objects to scan".

For the first scan, I advise you to fully scan your computer.

8. After checking by the Dr.Web CureIt! the scan results window will appear, which shows the number of detected and neutralized threats, and below the list of disinfected, moved, or deleted files is displayed.

9. If you find a deleted system file in the list and are afraid for the performance of Windows, then it is easy to restore it from quarantine by going to

“Options” → “Quarantine Manager”.
Mark the required file and click “Recover”.

Thus, you will not damage the system and will be able to re-scan for viruses with another scanner, such as or, which may cure the infected file, rather than delete it.

If a threat was detected in the installation package included in the archive object, Dr Web CureIt will move the entire object to quarantine.

Curing some objects requires a system restart.

Available options:

  • Suggest system restart;
  • Reboot the system automatically. Unsaved data may be lost.

Settings section Exceptions

In this section, you can specify files and folders that you do not need to scan, as well as determine whether to scan archives and installation packages.

Scanning mail files is available only in commercial versions of the program.

List of files excluded from scanning

You can specify files or a mask by which the program will determine the files to be excluded from scanning.

Creating a list of files excluded from scanning

To define a list, select one of the actions:

  • Specify the name of the file, or create a mask. For existing files use the button Overview... Using a mask, you can set the part of the name common to many objects. Symbols used:
    • * - replacement of any sequence of characters;
    • ? - replacement of any single character;
    • Others, used not for replacement, but meaning that this symbol should be in this position.
  • Examples of masks:
    • * .jpg - any files jpg;
    • log _ *. txt - files with a part of the word at the beginning of the name log_ with extension txt;
    • file _ ??. doc - files doc, in the name of which after the word file_ there are any 2 characters.
  • To add a file name or mask, click the button Add to.
  • To remove a file from the list, press the button with the appropriate name, having previously selected it.

Settings section Report

The section is intended for making settings in the report creation mode.

The program offers the following options for reporting:

  • Standard, which records the start, stop of the program and threats that were detected;
  • Debug - the most detailed report. Recommended in case of problems with Dr Web CureIt, or upon request of technical support.