Dropbox (Dropbox) - cloud storage of files. Save files from Dropbox How to download a file from a dropbox to your computer

When downloading a zip file from DropBox, you may receive a "Zip file too large" error. This error appears due to the new DropBox rules. Recently, users cannot download a file larger than 1 GB. Whenever you try to upload such a large file, the error should appear: "The zip file is too large." In this article, we will try to solve the problem of limiting the size of the downloaded file from DropBox.

Splitting a zip file

The first workaround is to split the zip archive. You can split a zip file in different ways, in my opinion the easiest one is using the free 7-Zip app.

First you need to download the 7-Zip program. This can be done from the official project page. Keep in mind that both 32-bit and 64-bit options are available, so choose the one that matches your computer's specifications.

After the program has downloaded, launch it, and then find the desired .zip file. When you find it, right-click on the file, then select Split File. Next, a new window will appear. In this window, you need to select the file size. Select your preferred size, click OK and wait for 7-Zip to complete the process.

Now you can upload the zip archive split into 2 or more parts to DropBox and share it with others. But keep in mind, the person on the other end needs to learn how to merge the zip archive after downloading. He should copy them to a folder, and then simply right-click on one of the sections of the split file, select the Combine Files option, and watch the magic happen.

Use DropBox for Windows 10

Another way to overcome the 1GB limitation is to download DropBox for Windows 10. Download the software, then install. After installation, a window will appear asking for login credentials.

To add files to the DropBox, simply right-click on it, then select the Move to DropBox option. If you already have a large file in your account, you shouldn't have any problems syncing it to your Windows 10 computer.

Note-tip on how to download a large number of files from the shared folder Dropbox

A few days ago we had a small but important family holiday. Since the celebration took place in my hometown in the Zaporozhye region, and we live in Kiev, my photographer friend had to upload photos to Dropbox to get them. He has a paid account and it was not a problem for him to download almost 10 GB and give me a link to a shared folder with our photos. I wanted to download all the photos to my computer, but it was not there! I could not connect such a large folder to my free Dropbox "y, which has a little more than a Gigabyte free - the button" To accept"was just gray:

Of course, many experienced Dropbox users have now thought of this handy feature of this service - " Download as ZIP file". To be honest, I also immediately thought about it and clicked on the button. In response, I received another refusal:

Unfortunately, the functionality of the service does not allow marking files in several groups and downloading several ZIP files.
Of course, you can open each photo for viewing and then, using the capabilities of the service, download them one by one. But I had about a thousand!
Having spent a lot of time thinking up search queries in Russian and English, I still haven't found a solution to my problem. I had to think for myself :-) and soon a solution was found.

I want to warn Russian-speaking readers that some screenshots will have windows in Ukrainian - I am Ukrainian, I live in Ukraine and, like you, I like the interface of my computer to be in my native language. I assure you that this will not in any way affect the quality of my instructions.

What do we need?
1. Free download manager Download Master;
2. Text editor Notepad;
3. Browser Mozilla Firefox;
4. Extension (add-on) CopyLinks to the Mozilla Firefox browser:

So let's get started.
1. Install Firefox and Download Master, install the CopyLinks extension, restart Firefox. It is better to close Download Master at this stage if you launched it, since its link interception function will only interfere with us for now.
2. Open the shared Dropbox folder with photos in the Firefox tab and right-click anywhere on the page, select Copy Links subparagraph Copy All Links:

After this operation, all links on the page will be copied to the clipboard. Including links to open photos for viewing (note - just for viewing, but not for downloading).
Now it's time to use the standard Windows text editor - Notepad - and use it to take advantage of one small but very useful trick of the Dropbox service. A little about this very trick: if on the page of an open folder with photos, right-click on a thumbnail of a photo and select "Copy link", then the link will be copied, by clicking on which we will be taken to the page for viewing the photo; but if you add a small command to this link at the end, then we will get a direct link to download the original file, this is the command: ? dl \u003d 1 ... So, let's use this trick. After starting the Notepad program, a new blank text document will open, fill it with the contents of the clipboard using the command Editing => Paste or a combination Ctrl + V... We get something like this:

As you remember, to convert links to view photos into links to download, you need to add the command behind each photo address ? dl \u003d 1 ... Let's do it through the Notepad function " Replace ..."by running it from the menu Editing=> Replace ... or by pressing the combination Ctrl + H... In the window that appears " Replacement" in field " To find"write the extension of the photo files we need: .jpg , and in the field " Replaced by"we write the same extension, but with the addition of our" tricky "command: .jpg? dl \u003d 1 as in the following illustration:

Press the button " Replace all", close the window" Replacement"and rejoice at the result, seeing that our download team has been added to the links for viewing pictures:

Minimize Notepad - it's time to launch Download Master. Launch, go to the menu Tools => Settings, open the section General => Integration and check if the " Track URL in clipboard", if not checked, mark:

push OK and collapse Download Master. Go to the Notepad window containing links, select all links through the menu Editing => Select all or a combination Ctrl + A... Copy the selected text to the clipboard using the menu command Editing => Copy or a combination Ctrl + C... Download Master will immediately react to the appearance of links in the clipboard and start processing them:

After processing the clipboard, Download Master will show us a window " Captured from text", in which we see all the links it intercepted. Since we only need to select links to download photos, we will use the" Filter"by clicking the appropriate button, and in the window that appears" URL Filter Settings"choose an option" Use the following extensions", delete all the extensions listed in the text field and enter there only the extension we need Jpg:

Press the button " Apply"and we see that Download Master selected from all links only links to download files with the JPG extension, ticking each of them with a tick in the corresponding checkbox:

Click "OK" and the following dialog box appears - " Add download", in which we can select the options for downloading the first file in the list of files we need. By clicking the button" Edit"near the field" Save to"we can choose a folder to save the downloaded files. It is necessary to take into account a couple of important points: it is necessary to check the checkbox." Limit the maximum number of sections for injection"and set the parameter" 1 "(so that Download Master does not start downloading each file in several streams), as well as uncheck the checkbox" Get file size when uploading". If you do not take into account these two points, then Dropboxwill perceive the actions of Download Master "a as a browser error (it does not even assume that we are downloading files instead of viewing them) and the file will not be downloaded or downloaded with errors. Having set the necessary parameters, press the button" Start upload". Download Master will show us the last window before starting the download, in which it will offer to automatically add the settings we have chosen to the remaining files:

Of course, we agree by clicking the button " Yes". Downloading files will start and the last thing we need to do is to limit the number of simultaneously downloaded files to 5 :

If this is not done, then some files may be downloaded with errors or under-downloaded - proven empirically. Apparently Dropbox is limiting the number of concurrent connections.

In conclusion, I will add - of course, you can use any suitable software, I just tried to explain how I did it using programs familiar to me earlier. If not only pictures are uploaded to Dropbox, but also files of other types, they can be downloaded using the same algorithm. The main thing is to copy all links from the page, add the command at the end of the links to the necessary files ? dl \u003d 1 and download it all with something.

That's all. I would be glad if my advice is useful to someone.

With all the convenience and possibilities provided, it is not always possible to upload files to the server from the computer or device with which we are working at the moment.

For example, through terrible hardships we got to the Internet to download a file from several hundred megabytes to 30 megabytes (unfortunately, now files larger than this size can be downloaded only by purchasing a paid account on the service: from $ 4 to $ 10 - approx. from 7.04.2013). But to our great chagrin, the reception speed is very low, and the file will be downloaded only after a few hours for a rather long time. But we can’t wait so long, we need to go go about our business, and not lay out the "kerchief" while waiting for the download!

Fortunately, there is a solution! We can give the command to download this file directly from the Internet, without first downloading it to your computer. And a wonderful service will help us with this.

Link Droplet URL to Dropbox

So, first, let's tell our Dropbox about our intentions to use URL Droplet... To do this, go to and click on the link Login:

This will open a dialog for setting the droplet URL in Dropbox. Allow access using the button Allow:

Returns us to urldroplet.com. Now we need to copy the link to the file that we want to upload to Dropbox ...

... and paste it into the field on the cloud:

Press the button Save and we see a message in bourgeois, they say, the file has been successfully queued for download:

That's all. We are waiting for adequate time for processing and loading, during which we go about our business. The status of the operation can be monitored on the page, simply by going to it and clicking the button Loginas we did earlier. The list of uploaded files will be presented under the cloud as follows:

The blue line marks the file in the process of downloading. Red - successfully downloaded file.

As soon as we saw the message under the downloaded file Successful (successful), you can go to dropbox folder on a computer or in an account on a server and enjoy the result!

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Dropbox is one of the most popular resources that provides a virtual space like a flash drive, where you can post your photos, music, e-books, any documents, as well as videos, including large ones. Working with this service actually saves users from using various media, since having access to the world wide web, you can always view your files, download them or change them not only using a computer, but also on a tablet, smartphone or laptop. In addition, you will be able to free up valuable space on your hard drive by transferring some of the information to the cloud, which is already a huge plus for those people who store huge music collections on their hard drives, as well as many memorable photos.

If you are not enough 2 GB, which are provided to all new users, then you can expand the space for free by following very simple steps (for example, connect social networks or bring as many friends as possible).

Where to begin

Any such resource provides for the creation of a personal profile. Usually, users do not have any problems with this, since the registration principle will be the same as on any other site. But after that, you already need to download the software in order to duplicate the files in the storage with those located on your PC. This is done so that in the event of a breakdown of the "machine" you do not lose any important material and can always pick it up from the storage. Now let's figure out how to install the desktop version of the software:

  • You just need to download Dropbox on your PC.
  • Next, unpack the installer and run it.
  • Wait for the app installation process to complete.
  • A window will appear on the screen. Here we enter the data that you wrote during registration.
  • Going to "My Computer", you will see a separate folder where you can put all sorts of objects. There will be a file from which you will learn how to work with the software.

How to create a shared folder in Dropbox

Once you have Dropbox installed on your computer, you can create a folder by placing, for example, pictures in it. It will automatically be uploaded to the server with all the content, and now if you want to transfer images to your friends in this way, then just open access to it. This is done as follows:

  • Without going into the cloud, select our folder and click "Share" in the menu.
  • Enter the email address of the person we want to invite. Moreover, he does not need to be a user of this resource. The user will receive a notification by mail, where he will be asked to register.
  • Wait for the person to confirm your invitation. After that, he will have full access to all files located in the public folder.

Basic settings of the client program

After downloading Dropbox for free and installing it, you can now go to the settings. In the tray, we see the application icon, which must be clicked to open the parameters window, which consists of five tabs (in the menu, click on the gear):

  • General.
  • Account.
  • Import.
  • Bandwidth.
  • Proxy servers.

In the second section, you will have the opportunity to change the location of the folder that the utility created, as well as disable synchronization. In the penultimate tab, you can set speed limits when downloading an object, as well as when downloading it, which is quite convenient if a large number of people use the Internet channel at once. That is, here you set the parameters as it is convenient for you.

(Last update: 30.05.2019)

Good day, my dear readers! I could not resist the temptation to tell the whole world about the free , super reliable, with good bandwidth Dropbox hosting... Who has not written about this wonderful cloud storage for storing files. My goal is to tell you how to use and use Dropbox. Namely how to use an online service to store Scripts, CSS styles, and the various up buttons or social media button images found in many blogger widgets.

Free Dropbox service

For bloggers who, unlike site owners, do not have their own file hosting sites and roam around file hosting services, this is a valuable acquisition. I myself have been using Dropbox for two years, which I recommend to you. The popularity of this service is facilitated by the simplicity and reliability of its operation, combined with the many opportunities that open up in the process of using it. In addition to simplicity, Dropbox appeared in our native, great and powerful Russian language.

Dropbox file hosting with direct download link and script storage for Blogger

Welcome to Dropbox!

Here, everything is simple. First name, last name, mail and password. We agree to the terms of use and click the "Register" button. Next, you will be offered to download the client program from the site (screenshots in English):

Install the client program from the website

Installation is normal, like all programs. The client is set to startup and runs quietly in the background.

Works in the background

A Dropbox folder is created in File Explorer on your computer:

Once Dropbox is installed, it remains to figure out how it works and how to use Dropbox for blogger... Let's say you've installed the related posts widget, but you need to resize the thumbnails. This cannot be done in the code itself, you need to edit it in the script that is on the Dropbox hosting. How to be in this case? Everything is very simple. Here is the scripted code: