Electronic appeals. Written appeal to the mayor


Electronic applications of citizens, including individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as citizens), and legal entities are considered in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 18, 2011 "On Applications of Citizens and Legal Entities"

ELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS must meet the requirements:
1. Appeals are stated in Belarusian or Russian.
2. It is not allowed to use obscene or offensive words or expressions in addresses.
3. Electronic applications submitted by representatives of applicants must be accompanied by electronic copies documents confirming their powers.
4. Applications should contain information on the results of their previous consideration with the attachment (if any) of documents confirming this information.

An electronic appeal is sent through an electronic form:

1. are presented not in Belarusian or Russian;
2. the use of obscene or offensive words or expressions is allowed.
3. contains text that cannot be read;
4. do not contain the last name, first name, patronymic, address of the place of residence (place of stay) of the citizen;
5. do not contain the full name of the legal entity and the address of its location, surname, proper name, patronymic of the head or the person authorized in the prescribed manner to sign applications (for legal entities);
6. contain questions, the solution of which does not fall within the competence of the organization to which they entered;
7. missed the deadline for filing a complaint without good reason.
8. Representatives of applicants do not attach electronic copies of documents confirming their authority.
9. are subject to consideration in accordance with the legislation on constitutional proceedings, civil, civil procedural, economic procedural, criminal procedural legislation, legislation defining the procedure for the administrative process, legislation on administrative procedures, employee appeals to the employer, as well as other appeals in relation to which legislative acts establish a different procedure for their submission and consideration.
10. the applicant has filed a repeated appeal, and it does not contain new circumstances that are important for considering the appeal on the merits;
11. The correspondence with the applicant on the issues set out in the appeal has been terminated.

electronic applications must be considered no later than 15 days, and applications requiring additional study and verification - no later than one month, unless another period is established by legislative acts.
The course of terms, determined by months or days, starts from the day following the day of registration of the appeal to the organization.

ELECTRONIC REVIEW is carried out by submitting a written application or sending an application in electronic form in the same way that an electronic appeal was sent.

ANSWERS (NOTIFICATIONS) TO ELECTRONIC APPEALS sent to the applicants' e-mail address specified in the electronic requests, unless:
the applicant in his electronic application asks to send a written response or simultaneously send a written response and a response to his email address;
the e-mail address contains the e-mail address for which the response (notification) could not be delivered due to technical reasons.

In the event that incoming electronic appeals of similar content from different applicants are massive (more than ten appeals), responses to such appeals, by decision of the head of a state body or other state organization or a person authorized by him to sign responses to appeals in the prescribed manner, can be posted on the official website of a government agency or other government organization in the global computer network Internet without sending responses (notifications) to applicants.

Dear Kharkiv citizens!

You can contact the Kharkiv mayor with comments, complaints, suggestions, statements or petitions in writing, as well as with an oral address at his personal reception or by telephone hotline"The mayor.

The written request must indicate the surname, name, patronymic, place of residence, the essence of the issue raised, comments, suggestions, statements or complaints, requests or demands.

The written request must be signed by the applicant (s) with the date indicated.

The electronic appeal must also indicate the e-mail address to which a response can be sent to the applicant, or information about other ways of contacting him. Application of electronic digital signature when sending an electronic appeal is not required.

An appeal drawn up without observing these requirements will be returned to you with appropriate explanations no later than ten days from the date of its receipt.

The appeal can be individual or collective.

The appeal can be sent by mail, transferred in person or through an authorized person, if these powers are issued in accordance with the current legislation, to the Citizens' Appeals Department of the Office of the Office of the Kharkiv City Council at the address: 61200, Kharkiv, pl. Constitution, 7, first floor, information office or room No. 2. Phones for inquiries: 760-73-39, 760-73-49.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine dated July 2, 2015 No. 577-VIII "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine" On Citizens' Appeals "regarding electronic appeals and electronic petitions", a written appeal can be sent using the Internet, electronic communications (electronic appeal)to the email address: [email protected]website

Legal entities can also apply to the Kharkiv city mayor.

It is advisable to place letters from legal entities on official forms. The letter must have the obligatory details: name of the institution that sent the document, date, registration index of the document, title to the text, text, signature.

Incorrectly executed (lack of signature), damaged or misdirected documents (addressed to other institutions) are returned to the sender without consideration.

Legal entities can transfer an appeal to the Kharkiv city mayor to the Legal Entity Appeals Division of the Office of Records Management at: 61200, Kharkov, pl. Constitution, 7, first floor, room number 6. Phones for inquiries: 760-73-69, 760-75-93.

In the event that a citizen, an authorized person of a citizen or legal entity has a copy of the letter, at their request, a mark is put on the acceptance of the appeal.

The working hours of the departments for citizens' appeals and legal entities appeals of the Office of the Office: every day, except weekends and holidays, from 9.00 to 18.00 (break - from 13.00 to 13.45), on Friday - until 16.45.

In the Republic of Belarus, every citizen, in accordance with Article 40 of the Constitution and the Law "On the Appeal of Citizens and Legal Entities" (hereinafter referred to as the Law), has the right to apply to state bodies in order to obtain an exhaustive answer to his question or to solve specific problems, if the resolution of the appeal falls under the competence of a state body.

The law provides for the filing of applications by sending emails by e-mail state body.

General requirements for applications:

1. Filling in the main details

1.1. An indication of the government agency or official you are contacting.

(EXAMPLE: "Prosecutor's Office of the Minsk Region", Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Moskovsky District of Minsk ", Director of the GROUP" Skidelsky Housing and Communal Services "Ivanov IP").

1.2. We indicate our full name, residential address and e-mail address.

(EXAMPLE: “Ivanov Ivanovich, Pinsk, Sovetskaya str. 7, office 6, e-mail:ivanov@ gmail. com»).

1.3. In the text of the appeal, at the very top, indicate the type of appeal. In accordance with the Law, the following types are distinguished:


2. Statement of the essence of your appeal.

By general rule appeals to government agencies are written in free form. But in order to exclude or at least minimize the number of replies to your requests from government agencies, you should adhere to the following recommendations.

The appeal itself should be short (one or two pages of printed text, depending on the complexity of the problem).

At the very beginning, provide a little information about yourself (name, who you work, etc. everything that you think is necessary for a specific appeal). Then, in a declarative form, tell us why you are writing an appeal.

Next, clearly and clearly state the problematic situation, indicating in which actions (inaction) of state bodies the violation of your rights is (EXAMPLE: failure to provide information, disrespectful attitude of an employee, failure to remove icing on the porch of an entrance, making an illegal decision by a subordinate body, with the actions of HES employees I do not agree, I consider them illegal ... "etc.). State the facts consistently and in detail (you can point by point), be sure to provide all the essential facts and evidence that support your words.

Try to make as many references as possible to laws, decrees or other legal acts that support the legality of your claims. Thus, you will demonstrate your awareness and it will be easier for the official you are contacting to find legal grounds for a positive decision on your issue and at the same time it is more difficult to refuse you without good reason. All legal acts on the activities of state bodies, as a rule, can be found in the public domain on the Internet on the websites of these bodies or on other resources.

(EXAMPLE: In accordance with Article 6 of the Law "On Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Housing and Communal Services", the consumer has the right to: ".. proper quality of housing and communal services".)

It is also necessary to indicate where you have applied before, and what are the results of applications. What do you think they are illegal or unreasonable.

After you have provided all the necessary information on your complaint, you must formulate your requirements or request. (EXAMPLE: I PLEASE: 1. Eliminate icing near the entrance and then timely remove ice formation near the entrance. 2. Bring to responsibility the official who made the illegal decision on ...)

At the end of the appeal, be sure to warn the government agency about the timing of the response to citizens' appeals.

(EXAMPLE: I remind you that in accordance with Article 17 of the Law "On the Appeal of Citizens and Legal Entities", the response to the appeal of citizens must come no later than 15 days, and in case of additional verification, no later than 1 month.)

Be sure to require that you be sent by a separate letter the number and date of registration of your appeal. (EXAMPLE: In a separate letter, please inform by e-mail registration date and registration index of my appeal. )

3. In the case when you need to attach additional documents to the application. Then you are at the end of the text of the appeal with new line write the word APPENDIX and indicate the names of the attached documents and the number of pages of these documents.

(EXAMPLE: APPENDIX: 1. A copy of the act on the performance of work by the specialists of the ZhES No. 17 (on 3 sheets); 2. A copy of the payment receipt for utility services (on the 1st sheet)).

In the first half of 2017, the Novopolotsk City Executive Committee received 51 more appeals than in the same period last year. At the same time, the townspeople began to actively use all forms filing sore questions. The number of oral applications increased from 86 to 95, from 91 to 127 - written, from 60 to 66 - electronic. Three entries were left in the book of comments and suggestions, two of them were grateful to the deputy chairmen of the city executive committee. In just six months of this year, 288 people have resorted to the help of the authorities. With what the residents of Novopolotsk came and whether they received answers to their questions, "NS" asked the head of the sector for working with citizens and legal entities of the city executive committee Natalia KOROLKOVA.

- Natalya Aleksandrovna, what questions did the townspeople ask more often than others?

Almost 25% of the total number of applications - 73 - related to housing and communal services. Basically, the residents of Novopolotsk were interested in the improvement of courtyard and urban areas, the repair of the housing stock. There were also complaints about the unsatisfactory performance of certain communal services. Slightly fewer appeals - 58 - were received on employment and social security issues. 37 of them were related to employment assistance. Also, the city executive committee received 7 appeals from citizens who disagree with the refusal to extend the contract or the amount of payment upon dismissal. They were sent to competent organizations competent to resolve these issues.

- Did the innovations in the pension legislation affect the number of applications?

We note a downward trend in issues related to the appointment and payment of pensions, benefits and compensations, as well as the provision of material assistance. Specialists of the Department of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the City Executive Committee competently and fully resolve all appeals immediately upon receipt.

- The housing issue has always been vital for the townspeople. Is this topic relevant today?

Analysis of the requests showed that it is relevant. The city executive committee received 38 questions related to the sphere of housing legislation. Of these, 18 were from large families wishing to improve their living conditions. In the first half of 2016, 5 families addressed this problem. The growth is due to the fact that for the current year, Novopolotsk has not been allocated funds for the construction of residential premises in multi-apartment residential buildings using a soft loan.

Despite the fact that the term of housing privatization is long over, this issue is still of concern to Novopolotsk residents. Most of the applicants either disagree with the cost of housing privatization, or ask to be allowed to start this legal process in connection with "special circumstances", which is impossible.

- What other questions did the specialists of the city executive committee deal with?

In the spring, the question of the condition of roads after winter turned out to be topical. The cold temperature in March-April did not allow timely commencement of the repair of defective areas of asphalt concrete pavements in city-wide and adjacent territories, which caused excitement among the townspeople. In the first half of 2017, the number of applications in the field of trade and services increased. Most of the questions require clarification of the rules and regulations for the implementation of trade or the provision of services, and also concern the work carried out in the field of consumer protection. The construction sector also raised questions from Novopolotsk residents. Basically, the appeals concerned poorly executed construction and installation work by contractors, the timing of the commissioning of houses.

The number of appeals to the city executive committee on education issues is increasing, although the specialists of the corresponding structural unit are able to solve them independently. To do this, you need to contact the department of education, sports and tourism of the city executive committee.

Speaking about appeals, it is impossible not to touch upon the topic of bureaucracy. Are there any cases in Novopolotsk when officials were engaged in unsubscribing, and not resolving the issue?

No, no such cases have been identified. Unfortunately, outreach work with citizens sometimes weakens. Then the number of requests on the same issues increases. Or answers to their questions that are not entirely clear for citizens give rise to repeated appeals on the same problems. For example, in the first half of 2017, three repeated appeals were received regarding the overhaul of residential buildings, twice citizens appealed, including to the Presidential Administration and the State Control Committee of the Vitebsk region, on the frequency of cleaning the entrances. More than once appeals to higher and regulatory authorities concerned the closure of garbage chutes.

Often there are complaints about the unsatisfactory technical condition of small architectural forms and elements of the improvement of courtyard territories. Specialists of housing maintenance organizations have been instructed to strengthen control over the work with citizens 'appeals, including to prevent citizens' complaints about irresponsibility and lack of initiative in solving their problems.

In general, in the sphere of housing and communal services of the city, measures are being taken to anticipate citizens' appeals: within the established time frame, major repairs of residential buildings and elements of improvement of adjacent and urban areas are carried out. And this, as a result, made it possible to reduce the number of complaints from citizens who are under long-term control in the city executive committee.

Natalya Aleksandrovna, you have already touched on the issue of citizens' appeal to higher authorities. Are the residents of Novopolotsk trying to solve the problem locally or are they immediately looking for help outside the city?

In most cases, city dwellers find answers to their questions in city services. In the first half of 2017, 29 people applied to the higher government agencies. The Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus received 14 complaints, the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee - 15. Eight residents of Novopolotsk would like to improve their living conditions. On the issues of housing and communal services, the higher authorities received 6 questions, including those related to the repair of the roof in the house in the town of Borovukha, the asphalting of Nakhimov Street, the standards for wet cleaning in the entrances, the weak pressure of hot water, the timing of the completion of the construction of the solid waste landfill. Four citizens asked the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus for assistance in finding a job. All appeals were sent to the city executive committee to resolve issues on the ground. If the residents had contacted us initially, they would have been able to resolve their issues in a shorter time frame. At the same time, out of 29 people, only four appealed to the local authorities and then exercised their right to appeal the answer. Subsequently, all appeals were declared unfounded.

In general, Natalya Aleksandrovna, how do you assess the work with citizens' appeals? Is it effective in Novopolotsk?

All citizens' appeals were answered in a timely manner and in full in accordance with the law. If the solution of the issue requires additional time, such an appeal remains under the control of the city executive committee until it is fully satisfied.

In general, the city executive committee has established proper work with citizens' appeals, which must be constantly improved taking into account the legislation and modern requirements of society.