Windows 7 bcd file. Bootable BCD file from scratch with Bcdedit

Recall that Microsoft, starting with Windows Vista, abandoned the old Windows bootloader NTLDRby replacing it with a new download manager - BOOTMGR... The new boot manager code is stored in a special bootmgr file at the root of the active partition. The boot manager performs the boot procedure according to the existing configuration, which is contained in a dedicated configuration data store BCD (Boot Configuratin Data)... This storage is a special binary file named BCD located in the BOOT directory of the active partition (this is the same "hidden" partition with the System Reserved label).

The boot manager bootmgr, according to the boot configuration in the BCD repository, loads the kernel of the Windows operating system installed on the computer. In addition, the loader, based on the BCD configuration, can boot other Windows operating systems installed on this computer (NT / 2000 / XP), OS of the Linux family, mount and boot from a virtual disk file (if) or from a wim image.

The BCD storage is somewhat reminiscent of the boot.ini file, familiar from Windows XP / 2000. However, it cannot be edited directly with a text editor. Modification of the BCD storage is possible through a special command line utility Boot Configuration Data Editorbcdedit.exe (located in the c: \\ Windows \\ System32 directory).

You need to understand that the correctness of loading the Windows OS depends on the correctness and consistency of the information in the BCD boot store, and if this file is damaged or deleted, Windows simply will not be able to boot normally. Therefore, for any experiments with the BCD storage (installing an additional OS with the possibility of dual or multibooting, setting additional boot parameters, for example, those described in the articles "" or ""), it is recommended that you first make a backup copy of the BCD storage configuration with the aim of a possible rollback in case something something will go wrong.

In this article, we will go over the methodology for backing up and restoring BCD storage in Windows 8.

BCD storage backup

Open a command prompt with administrator rights and run the following command:

Bcdedit / export e: \\ bcd_backup.bcd

In this example, the configuration of the BCD storage will be exported to the E: \\ drive (ideally, this drive is some kind of external storage or USB drives) into the bcd_backup.bcd file.

Rebuilding the BCD store

In the event that an error was made during the BCD modification or a certain failure occurred, and the system stops loading normally (for example, errors appear or) it is necessary to recreate the BCD storage. For this:

Restoring BCD storage from a backup

You can replace the current configuration of the BCD storage by importing a previously saved configuration into it using the command

Bcdedit / import e: \\ bcd_backup.bcd

After importing BCD, restart your computer and make sure that all previously available boot options are present and work correctly.

With active work with a computer, the performance of the OS installed on it deteriorates over time, various failures and problems may appear. One of the most common errors is the incorrect operation of the Boot \\ BCD file and the issuance of the code 0xc000000f. What does this mean, and how to deal with it, let's figure it out in more detail!

Most often, error 0xc000000f occurs due to hardware hardware failures

There are a number of factors that cause the 0xc000000f error to appear. Users encounter this code most often during the installation of the system from a disk, as well as during standard Windows startup. So, the following reasons for the appearance of a failure are distinguished:

  • the disk with the installation files is damaged;
  • controller drivers do not work correctly;
  • the BIOS has reset the boot parameters;
  • the bsd file is deleted or damaged;
  • the hard drive does not work;
  • errors occurred in the system drive.

Obviously, having dealt with the reason, you can understand how to eliminate the defect and restore the equipment to work. If you are not a system administrator, then it is very difficult to recognize what caused the 0xc000000f status. In this case, it is recommended to consistently test each of the methods suggested below.

BIOS setup

If the hard drive is working fine, then it is important to check the BIOS. It is not difficult to enter the parameters of this system - hold down the Del, F1 or F2 key in the first seconds after starting the device. The menu here is the same for different versions of Windows, we are interested in the "Boot" item. To prevent the error 0xc000000f from appearing anymore, click on the “Hard Disk Driver” in the list that appears and make sure that the 1st Drive position is a hard disk (SATA). You can use the arrows on the keyboard to control. Having done this, save the new configuration (F10), and restart the PC.

Using an installation flash drive or disk

You can get rid of the defect in another way, for this, a bootable optical disk or flash drive is used. The step-by-step instruction looks like this:

Error 0xc000000f usually disappears after that. If this did not happen, then go back to the settings and select the "Command line" field. Now all that remains is to enter the chkdsk C: / f command and wait for the result. Once the system checks, the DOS line can be closed and reboot done.

No effect even after that? Then follow the same steps and enter Bootrec.exe in cmd. 4 commands are used to restore the disk structure. All of them are very easy to send for execution, you just need to drive each of them into the command line in turn, in the order shown on the screen. Each command performs its function: recording the main MBR of the system partition, searching for the necessary information on disks, creating a boot sector.

A command such as bootsect / NT60 SYS will help to resume the bcd file. After entering it, the computer will offer to start Windows in automatic mode.

Using utilities

There are special programs that you can use to get rid of failures and errors. One of them is Easy Recovery. The application is distributed free of charge through the developer's website, after downloading it should be written to the drive, and then launched, setting the priority in the BIOS.

The utility has a simple and intuitive interface, it will be possible to remove the system error if you follow the instructions described inside. The easiest way is to click on Automated Repair and then Continue. Don't forget to mark the drive where your OS is installed. It is interesting that this program is very popular both among ordinary users and among system administrators and programmers.

The method is effective for all versions of Windows, so you can safely use it both to resume the work of version 10 and to solve problems with XP. In addition to this assistant, there are many others on the Internet: Error Fix, MBRFix, Paragon HDM, etc.


We hope that the methods presented here will help remove the 0xc000000f error from your computer and get it back to work. Do not rush to format the entire system or change the hard disk, perhaps everything is not so critical. We wish you success!

How to fix error 0xc000000f on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10? It's pretty simple. Read the article and repeat these steps on your computer.

What messages does it give

In English:
Your PC needs to be repaired
The Boot Configuration Data for our PC is missing or contains errors.
File: Boot / BCD
Error code: 0xc000000f

In Russian:
Your computer needs to be restored
File: Boot / BCD
Error code: 0xc000000f

Windows failed to start.
Status: 0xc000000f
Details: The boot menu failed because the required device is not available.

Error 0xc000000f - what's wrong with the computer


  1. System boot settings in BIOS have been auto-reset.
  2. The controller drivers have flown.
  3. The system disk is damaged.
  4. System files are corrupted.
  5. The \\ Boot \\ BCD or winload exe file is deleted or damaged.
This can happen due to all sorts of factors: the Windows system was not installed correctly, files or the disk were damaged due to an incorrect shutdown of the computer, power outages, physical damage to the hard disk, when the system configuration was changed, the \\ Boot \\ BCD file was corrupted.

How to fix error 0xc000000f

Method # 1. Checking the connection of cables to the hard drive

If you climbed into the system unit or just moved it before the error appeared, the hard drive connection cable may have come off. Open the system unit and check the cable connections to the hard drive.

Method # 2. Restoring disk boot settings in BIOS

If you have multiple hard drives, their boot priority in BIOS may have changed. Go to BIOS.

To enter, use one of these keys (the keys may vary depending on the developer): Del, F1, F2, Esc, combination Ctrl + Alt + Del, combination Ctrl + Alt + Ins, F10, combination Ctrl + Alt + Esc.

In the BIOS Advanced Setup or Boot section (depending on the developer), we find the Hard Disk Drive Priorities item. We look at which disk is in the boot priority. There should be the one on which Windows is installed. If you don't know what it is called, swap them.

If the error persists, return everything as it was and go to method # 3.
Methods 3 and 4 will require a bootable disk or USB flash drive, if there are none and cannot be done, then go straight to method # 3.

Method number 3. Recovery

Find a bootable Windows disk or create a bootable USB flash drive. To create the latter, we use a special utility for creating a bootable USB flash drive.

For Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10

In the opened black command line window, write chkdsk c: / f / r
We press Enter.

A disk check will run, which will find any errors and fix them.

For Windows 7

On Windows 7, a disk check will run, which will find all errors and fix them.

The error with code 0xc000000f should be gone. If not, try another method.

Method number 4. Using the built-in Bootrec utility

This method also requires a bootable DVD / USB device connected to the computer. The main goal here is to restore Boot Configuration Data (BCD), the file that controls Windows startup.

We repeat all the actions described above, but enter in the command line:
As you can see, there are 4 options that we all use in the following sequence:
Bootrec.exe / FixMbr
Bootrec.exe / Fixboot
Bootrec / ScanOs
Bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd

Method number 5. Windows boot recovery using third-party software

You can use third-party programs for recovery. Among the most efficient and easy to use, we will name: Acronis True Image, EasyRecovery or Paragon HARD DISK Manager.
Download Acronis True Image
(by direct link)
Download EasyRecovery
(by direct link)
Download Paragon HARD DISK Manager
(by direct link)

We download any of these programs. We write it to a disk or USB flash drive (which one has). We insert the DVD into the drive, the USB flash drive into the USB port. Reboot your computer. We enter the BIOS, change the startup parameter to DVD or USB, respectively. Save changes and reload. The program should start automatically. Then follow the recommendations of the Recovery Wizard.

We hope that all of the above helped you fix error 0xc000000f on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and 10.

Working on a computer today is undoubtedly an important part of a modern person's life, which opens up unlimited possibilities for him. Nevertheless, this peculiar barrel of honey also has its own spoon of honey in the form of various faults and problems with the operating system and the constituent elements of the PC. In particular, for Windows OS users, a rather common problem is an error with code 0xc000000f in the boot \\ bcd. It arises for various reasons, thereby determining the difference in approaches and methods of its solution.

Causes of the error on the computer

Analyzing the factors that contribute to the occurrence of error 0xc000000f during the next startup or initial installation of Windows, we can come to the conclusion that the reasons for such a problem may be:

  1. problems with controller drivers;
  2. automatic reset of system boot settings in BIOS;
  3. errors in the system disk;
  4. damage or deletion of the \\ Boot \\ BCD file;
  5. broken installation disk with Windows image.

In general, knowing what caused the problem, it is quite easy to fix it. At the same time, it should be admitted that not everyone and not always succeed in determining the cause of the error with the code 0xc000000f the first time. In this case, the only thing that remains is to test each of the possible ways to solve the problem in action. One will definitely work!

Method # 1: Debug BIOS Settings

So, if after checking the hard disk it turned out that it is in perfect order, the cause of the error 0xc000000f with \\ Boot \\ BCD in Windows XP, 7 and 8 should be looked for in the BIOS. To do this, we restart the computer and by pressing the F1, F2 or Del keys, enter the BIOS. After that, look for the Boot section in the upper BIOS panel and enter it. Next, in the menu that appears, find and open the item Hard Disk Drivers:

As a result, a list of drivers should be displayed as 1st Drive and 2nd Drive. Appeared? Excellent! Then select the 1st line and press Enter. After that, in the window that appears, we find SATA: 4S-WDC WD20EARX-00PASB0 and by pressing the arrow ñ on the keyboard we raise it to the first place in the list. Now press Enter, and then F10 for the changes to the settings to take effect. It remains only to exit the BIOS and restart the computer.

Note that if the reason for the appearance of error 0xc000000f in \\ Boot \\ BCD was caused by incorrect system boot settings in the BIOS, as a result of the performed steps, problems with starting Windows 7, 8 or XP will be eliminated.

Method number 2: Recovering using an installation disc (flash drive)

On computers with Windows 7/8 / XP, you can get rid of the problem with the boot \\ bcd file (error 0xc000000f) using an installation disk or a bootable USB flash drive with an operating system image. In this case, the step-by-step instructions will look like this:

Step # 1: BIOS setup

In the manner described in method number 2, enter the BIOS, open the Boot section and select the Boot (First) Device Priority item in it. After that, using the ñ button, set the CD-ROM parameter (if you intend to use an installation disk) or USB-HDD (if you will use a bootable flash drive for recovery). We save the settings, insert the disk / flash drive with the Windows image and restart the computer.

Step # 2: Restart startup

If the BIOS settings were made correctly, when the system restarts, a window will appear prompting you to boot your computer with Windows. We press any key, and then select the item "System Restore" in the installation wizard:

After that, in automatic mode, the system will analyze the problems in the operation of the operating systems installed on the computer and offer to fix them:

If the proposal to correct the error does not appear, manually select the operating system in the list, click "Next" and select the "Startup restore" item in the new window:

Step # 3: Analyze your hard drive

If the startup repair tool did not work, go back to the system restore options and select "Command Prompt" from the menu. Next, in the command line that opens, we drive in the chkdsk C: / f task and press Enter:

After completing the task, close the command line and restart Windows. If the error 0xc000000f does not disappear after that, proceed with the configuration further.

Step # 4: Entering the Bootrec.exe command

Repeating the steps indicated in step number 2, enter the command line, drive in the Bootrec.exe task and press Enter:

As you can see from the information provided on the command line, there are four commands to restore the disk structure. It is quite easy to send them for execution. To do this, we drive each of the tasks into the command line one by one, confirming their input by pressing Enter:

  1. Bootrec.exe / FixMbr;
  2. Bootrec.exe / Fixboot;
  3. Bootrec / ScanOs;
  4. Bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd:

In addition, to restore boot \\ bcd to work, you can use the bootsect / NT60 SYS alternative command:

In any case, after executing such a command and exiting the command line, the system will offer to start the operating system in automatic mode. The result is quite predictable - the error in boot \\ bcd will disappear.

Method # 3: Troubleshoot with Easy Recovery Essentials

The Easy Recovery program will help you effectively deal with the error code 0xc000000f in the boot \\ bcd file. You can download it absolutely free straight from the official website. Did you handle it? Then we write the program to a disk (flash drive), insert it into the drive and set the startup parameters in BIOS (see step 1 of method 3).

After Windows restarts, Easy Recovery should start automatically. All we need to do is select Automated Repair in the window that opens, click Continue, mark the C drive and click Automated Repair again:

As a result, Easy Recovery will fix the problem with the boot \\ bcd file, which in turn will get rid of the error 0xc000000f:

Note that this program is equally effective for all versions of Windows, including the Vista operating system. However, in addition to Easy Recovery Essentials, you can fix error 0xc000000f with programs such as Paragon Hard Disk Manager; MBRFix; Error Fix 5.3.

Need good advice on how to make repair Windows 7 bootloaderif restoring the startup using the installation disk of the seven did not help. I will briefly explain what the matter is: first Windows 7 was installed on the computer, then the second system needed Windows XP, after installation it naturally started alone, to boot two operating systems I used the EasyBCD program. In the future, XP was no longer needed and I formatted the partition on which it was located from Windows 7. Now, when booting, there is nothing but a black screen. What can be done in this case? More details if possible. Sergei.

Repairing the Windows 7 bootloader

Hello friends! Most importantly, do not worry, your problem is simple and, in principle, a simple tool "Restoring Windows 7 Startup" described in our article should help, but! If this article does not help you, then two others should help:

these articles describe a few more good ways to restore the boot of your operating system, besides them there is another one, so try it and don't just give up.

Let me remind you that you cannot install an older operating system after a younger one, Windows 7 will in no case boot after installing Windows XP on a computer, since the latter overwrites the Master Boot Record (MBR) during installation. Therefore, you have installed an additional boot manager, which is used to configure the boot of several operating systems and has its own bootloader.

  1. I also want to say that file system errors are often to blame for the unsuccessful boot of Windows 7, you can fix them even if the operating system does not boot, all the details are in our other article " "
  2. Friends, in this article we will work with the Windows 7 recovery environment, or rather, with the recovery environment command line. I will give you the necessary commands, but if it is difficult for you to remember them, you can. This will greatly facilitate your work.
  • The Master Boot Record (MBR) is the first sector on the hard disk, which contains the partition table and a small loader program that reads in this table the data from which partition of the hard disk to boot the OS, then the information is transferred to the partition with the installed operating system, to download it. If the master boot record contains incorrect information about the location of the system, then we will receive different errors during boot, here is one of them "BOOTMGR is missing press CTR-Alt-Del for restart" or we will observe a black screen. The problem is fixed repairing the Windows 7 bootloader.

When you removed old XP along with EasyBCD, you left your computer to fend for itself with an incomprehensible boot record and it gives you a black screen as a token of gratitude. To rectify the situation, we will conduct load recoverywindows 7, namely, overwrite the master boot record using the Bootrec.exe utility located on the recovery disk or on the Windows 7 installation disk (friends, if you have a netbook and want to use the recovery environment on the USB flash drive, read the comments first). Also, with this utility, we will write a new boot sector, understandable by Windows 7.

Repair Windows 7 bootloader automatically

We boot from the recovery disk or installation disk with Windows 7, in the initial phase of booting the computer, when prompted to boot from the disk "Press any key to boot from CD ...", press any key on the keyboard for 5 seconds, otherwise you will not boot from the disk

There is a short search for installed Windows systems and analysis of problems that prevent them from loading

Problems are usually found quickly and the recovery environment prompts you to fix them automatically. Click on the "Repair and restart" button, after that the computer will restart and Windows 7 will be restored.

If the problems with booting the system continue or you will not be prompted to fix the problems automatically, then in this window you need to select the operating system that you want to restore, you most likely have one and Next.

First, choose a toolLaunch recovery, it can also solve problems with booting Windows 7

Repairing the Windows 7 bootloader manually

If this remedy does not help, choose a remedy Command line

We enter the commands:


lis vol (we display a list of hard disk partitions and see that “Volume 1” is a hidden System Reserved partition, the volume is 100 MB, the Windows 7 boot files must be located on it and it must be made active). We also see a partition with Windows 7 installed, it has the letter D :, the volume is 60 GB.

sel vol 1 (choose Volume 1)

activ (make it active)

exit (exit diskpart)

bcdboot D: \\ Windows (where D: is the partition where Windows 7 is installed), this command restores the Windows 7 boot files (bootmgr file and Boot Store Configuration (BCD) files)!

"Download files created successfully"

Manual recovery of the Windows 7 bootloader (method number 2)

In the command prompt window, enter the Bootrec command and Enter

full information about the utility's capabilities comes out. Select the master boot record Bootrec.exe / FixMbr.

The operation completed successfully. A new boot record has been written to the first sector of the boot partition.
The second command Bootrec.exe / FixBoot writes a new boot sector.

The operation completed successfully. Exit. Next, we try to load our Windows 7.

Friends, if the commands Bootrec.exe / FixMbr and Bootrec.exe / Fixboot do not help you, do not despair, there is one more tool.

Method number 3

Enter the command Bootrec / ScanOs, it will scan all your hard drives and partitions for operating systems, and if any are found, a corresponding warning will be issued. Then you need to enter the command Bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd, this utility will prompt you to add the found Windows to the boot menu, agree and enter Y and press Enter, all found Windows are added to the boot menu.

In my case, two operating systems were found. Everything can be seen on the screenshot.

In addition to the above method, there is one more, enter bootsect / NT60 SYS on the command line, the main boot code will also be updated.


So, the error is that the first hidden System Reserved partitions should be marked with a red flag on both hard drives. On Windows 7, the volume of such a partition is 100 MB, and on Windows 8, 350 MB, these are the partitions that carry the attributes: System. Active and it is on these partitions that the boot store configuration (BCD) files and the system boot manager file (bootmgr file) reside. And we get these attributes are other sections. Because of this, Windows 7 and Windows 8 won't boot.

Select the first hard Disk 1, click on the first System Reserved partition with the right mouse and select "Mark as active"

The System Reserved volume will be marked as active. Click OK.

We do the same with Disk 2. The Acronis Disk Director program works in a pending operation mode, so that the changes take effect, press the "Apply pending operations" button


As you can see, after our changes, those sections that are needed became active.

We exit the program and reboot. The result of the work is positive - both operating systems are loaded one by one.