Yandex filters - for affiliation, identical snippets, adult content, and aggressive advertising. What is an affiliate filter and how to deal with it? Affiliates Yandex help

I continue to publish materials based on my speech at SEOConference 2015. In this article, we will consider how to check the affiliation of sites in Yandex.

As usual, at the beginning of a little tedious theory for neophytes. If Yandex determines that two sites belong to the same company, then they are considered affiliated; as a result, only one of the sites is displayed in the search results for the same query.

Excerpt from Yandex.Webmaster help:

We try not to index or do not rank high: site groups of the same owner / companyproviding the user with the same goods or services, created with the aim of filling multiple positions in search results and collecting traffic ...

Excerpt from Search Club:

One of the general principles of building high-quality SERP is providing a variety of results upon request... The search algorithm is tuned to provide this diversity. To do this, different approaches are used and many factors are involved. The term "affiliate filter" was coined by SEOs. Usually, it is understood as a general case of the absence of a site in the search for any request simultaneously with other sites ...

With all this, if you write to Plato about the affiliate filter, you will most likely get a reply, something like this:

We do not guarantee the finding of any sites for certain requests in the search results. Yandex's task is to show users high-quality, diverse information on the topic of the request, and in this sense, there are no problems with the requests you specified. Your site is well indexed and searched according to its relevance to user requests. There are no restrictions on its ranking on our part. We cannot consider the question of why this or that particular site is not found or is poorly found for this or that query, why its place in the search results has changed, etc., with a purpose other than improving algorithms, we cannot, this activity goes beyond the framework of our tasks.

And if you bother too much, they may tell you that there are no affiliates at all 🙂

I apologize for the delay in answering. Unfortunately, I can not comment on the "affiliation" of the sites you indicated, we do not operate with similar concepts.

In my opinion, such "excuses" once again demonstrate that Platonians do not see everything that happens with your site.

From the SEO point of view, the problem of affiliation can be roughly divided into 2 types:

  • There is a client who has two (or more) sites and your task is to check whether Yandex considers these sites to be affiliates or not.
  • There is a client who (according to him) has only one site, which for some reason does not rank “normally” in terms of queries, and you suspect that the matter may be in affiliation with some site from the top.

In the first case you need to take two sites and check them for affiliation using a special request in Yandex:

lang: ru ~~ domain: ua<< ( |

If only one site is searched for this request, then the sites are affiliates. If both sites are searched, then they are not affiliated.

Just a few comments on the request:

  • First, make sure that each page is individually indexed, if someone is suddenly not in the know, the "url" operator is sensitive to www / without_www.
  • Domain: ua construction - it is not critical that it is ua, any domain zone will do, the main thing is that both sites being checked have a different top-level domain.

For clarity, an example from and, there is only one site in the search results:

And the opposite example, and, in the results of both sites:

Regarding the second casewhen you don't know for sure if there is a "second site", the scheme is as follows:

  • Take basic queries from SY
  • Check positions on them
  • Select queries where the site is not in the top 50 (top 100)
  • For each request, upload the top 10 (top 30)
  • Modify requests from the syllabus (see below)
  • Check positions for all modified requests
  • Select sites excluding which there is growth

Regarding the modification of queries, let's say you checked the top 10 for [website promotion] and got the results (from 1st to 10th place):


Now we add an "exception" to the original request from the results of each domain, we get new requests for verification:

website promotion ~~ site:

website promotion ~~ site:

website promotion ~~ site:

website promotion ~~ site:

website promotion ~~ site:

website promotion ~~ site:

website promotion ~~ site:

website promotion ~~ site:

website promotion ~~ site:

website promotion ~~ site:

After that, we check the position of the main site against the new list. If there is growth somewhere, then a candidate for the main check has been found. It is difficult to explain in more detail on the fingers, so we watch the video:

And that's all. Questions?

P.S. Did you know that Sasha Alaich (yes, the same author of FastTrust) has now opened his own studio and offers everyone website promotion? If I didn't know how, I would definitely turn to him 🙂

The Yandex affiliation filter is applied to sites of the same owner that are promoted according to the same list of keywords. Most often, this filter includes "on business" - some webmasters come up with the idea to occupy the TOP of the SERPs on their topic, creating several similar sites, but often you can get under it by accident. We talked about some of these cases in the blog.

"Riveting" the same sites, webmasters reason as follows: now my site in the TOP collects 2000 unique items per day, respectively, if I create another one of the same, then 2 sites in the TOP will collect 4000, and 4 sites even more... Alas, this will not happen. Even if your second site reaches the TOP, both sites will be in it for a maximum of a couple of updates or until the first knock of a competitor. And after that, only one site will remain in the TOP for a specific request, the most relevant from the point of view of Yandex.

The filter for affiliates is not confirmed by technical support, you can get it automatically or by knocking on competitors. The first official mention of affiliation is contained in the Yandex Direct display rules:

In this case, the sites are recognized as similar when a significant part of the range of goods (works, services) offered on the sites coincides, which are sold in the same region, and / or there are other signs that suggest that the same goods are offered by the same (affiliated, having close relationship) by the supplier, regardless of the insignificant difference in the assortment, different designs, structural organization of sites, price differences, as well as the belonging (administration) of sites to different person (s).

Google currently has no official confirmation of the existence of this filter. We assume that a similar filter is currently being applied to sites with the same content.

How to define a filter?

Option 1 - we know the affiliate site

Let's say you have 2 sites of the same company that are promoting on the same list of requests. If the site is under the filter, for some queries the first site is in the TOP, the second for them is outside the 50th position. And vice versa - according to other keys, the second site is in the TOP, the first is outside the TOP:

After the update, the situation may change:

Option 2 - the affiliate site is unknown

Enter the phone number listed on the website or your other contact information into Yandex search. Having found a similar site, start analyzing the keys - use the queries for which your site is promoted, or get an approximate list of the keys of the found site (now there are enough services to search for such information, for example, Collect the positions and if, as in the previous version, you are in the TOP for some keys, for the TOP-50 in others, and the situation with the positions found on the site is absolutely opposite - you have come under the affiliation filter.

What to do to get out of the filter

- Check the uniqueness of the contact information on the site

The most common reason for a filter is overlapping contact information.

Put different numbers on the sites. Important! Different people should pick up the phone at the numbers indicated on the sites (a competitor can call, record conversations and send them to Yandex technical support). If it is not possible to specify different city numbers for the sites, specify a mobile number instead of one of them.

The addresses should not overlap either. For example, on one site you can specify the actual address, and on the other - legal or home. It is better not to place the same skype, icq either.

One company name should not be duplicated in contact information on different sites.

- Avoid interlinking between sites

- Avoid Whois / ip / hosting intersections

Error - when registering sites, specify the same Whois data, host sites on the same ip and on the same hosting.

If during registration of different sites you indicated the same contact information in Whois, be sure to hide them in the settings or order the whois privacy protection (private Person) service from the registrar. If you are the owner of a domain in the ru or rf zone, then such information is hidden automatically.
Sites must have different ip, if they are located on the same - change.

- CMS / site structure / design

By themselves, these signs are unlikely to be able to drive a site under the affiliation filter, but together with other signs, the risk of falling under the filter increases.

Change CMS, site structure and design. Removing a couple of links from the footer, slightly reworking the menu in the header, changing the color of the buttons and adding your own watermarks to the images will not be enough. If everything is clear when changing the CMS, then the structure template used should be different, it is also desirable to change the structure of the urls (not forgetting to set up a 301 redirect from old urls to new ones). Do not use the same images and different graphic content on different sites, make the design on the sites unique.

- The same content on sites

If you have a small site, then the content should be completely rewritten. But if this is a large online store, it is almost impossible to completely change the content, change the presentation of the material on the pages. Let your site be 99% of information that is on another site, but present it in a way that is different. Add information that will help you uniqueize your pages and add a touch of flavor to your site. These can be additional characteristics to the product / service, reviews, information on delivery / warranty / return / exchange, etc.

- Same prices

The problem is most common among online stores. In combination with other features, the same prices for the same product / service on different sites can contribute to the imposition of a filter. Prices should be different, a difference of 50-100 rubles will be enough.

- Do not allow sites to be hosted on one Yandex Webmaster / Metrica account

We have not seen any cases of filtering for adding sites to one account, but this can indirectly contribute to the imposition of sanctions. It will not be difficult for Yandex to compare information on sites on one account and come to the conclusion that they belong to the same owner. Submit sites to different accounts.

The same applies to intersections for Direct and the liveinternet counter.

Important!We strongly advise against using this method of promotion.It is better to invest energy and finances in the development and promotion of one project, filling it with unique and useful content, adding new functionality and making it user-friendly.

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Hello friends! I promised you that I will not abandon posting about SEO on my blog, which is why you love it.

Today is another publication from my colleague - Alexey: search engine affiliate filter... It would seem that the topic is old, it is many years old. And why write about it again? Firstly, in search engines everything changes constantly, not only filters and sanctions, but also the methods of their determination. In confirmation of this - while this publication was being written, one of the methods for determining the filter stopped working. Therefore, relevance in such matters is the main thing.

Our post is the most current instruction on the day of publication (in the yard in 2018). Well, and, secondly, I will try to keep it up to date when something suddenly changes.

I give the floor to Alexei.


The so-called among SEOs an affiliate filter is an attempt by search engines to resist the monopolization of search results, that is, to prevent situations when for any queries in the search results there are simultaneously several sites belonging to the same company. Such sites are called affiliates (from the English affiliate, branch).

An example of the positions of the same site, only in comparison with an affiliate competitor, the screenshot clearly shows a change in the relevant document: the page of the first site began to rank in the search, and the page of the second disappeared from the search results, while the pages themselves continue to be in the search engine index.

How to find an affiliate site if you don't know it in advance

How to check resources for affiliation

Method of checking for affiliate filter # 1

The bottom line is to set a special search query to which both resources would be relevant:

We check that both sites are displayed, now we need to group the results, for this we can add some rubbish to the request after the negation operator, for example:

If after grouping the search results one resource remains, then there is affiliation between them, if both sites remain in the search results, then there is no affiliation. Here is a similar check for sites that are not known to be affiliates:

How to find an affiliate filter, method # 2

We can say that this method has experienced a rebirth since some time ago it became inoperative, but now it works again.

The essence of the check is to exclude one of the sites from the search results. Let's consider the example of affiliates and

First, let's enter a query that is relevant for both sites and make sure that there is only one site in the search results, for example:

Next, minus the site that is in the SERP. To do this, add after the request “~~ site:” if the second site after that appears in the search results, then we can conclude that an affiliate filter has been applied.

How to find an affiliate filter, method # 3

  1. Unload the list of requests for which the resource has ceased to be in search or for which positions have started to “blink”.
  2. Collect a list of all competitors for these queries in the top 10 or top 30 search results.
  3. Compare the positions for these queries from your site and competing sites from the top - look for a competitor whose positions are maximally opposite to your site, i.e. if for some request your site is present in the search results, then the affiliate will not be there and vice versa.

The nuance is that checking positions through xml output will not give a result, since somewhere in June-July 2018 Yandex disabled the influence of the affiliate filter on xml results. Therefore, this method works only if you parse the real output, or check it manually in advance.

How to parse real Yandex search results in Key Collector

First, you need to check the settings so that the parsing mode for the xml output is not enabled:

After checking the settings, we start parsing and compare the positions.


  1. Go to the tab: Data collection
  2. We start parsing real Yandex search results
  3. After removing the issue positions, we select the keys of interest to us
  4. Go to the tab: Additional statistics
  5. Select the tab: Positions in the PS
  6. We look at what positions were on the request (pay attention to the target. Pages may change)

Already a non-working method that is not worth wasting time

The method was similar to the one described above, the only difference is that instead of the operator url used domain, and the query itself looked like this:. The bottom line was that if both sites were present in the search results, then one could assume that there was no filter, but if there was only 1 site in the search results, then the next step was a check - the parameter was added to the URL pag \u003d u (thus we ungrouped the search results), and if after that the second site appeared in the search results, then it was possible to determine the presence of an affiliate filter.

It used to look something like this:

Now the work of this operator has changed and it will not be possible to get adequate results.

Another non-working way to check for an affiliate filter

It was necessary to use a citation search by titles. To do this, the page titles were indicated in quotation marks like this (without square brackets):

If there was only one result in the search results, then it could be concluded that these are affiliates. However, now such a request in any case leaves only one result in the search results, even if the sites are not affiliates, for example:

How to get out of the affiliate filter in Yandex

Eliminate possible causes of overlapping filter

If the filter was applied in an algorithmic way, then it is necessary to eliminate all possible causes of its overlap. The sanctions will be lifted automatically immediately after the algorithm stops recording these reasons.

From experience: this period can take from several days to several weeks. If the filter is applied manually, then it must also be removed manually, it will not disappear by itself. Therefore, after eliminating the possible causes of the filter imposition, it is imperative to write to Plato.

Write a letter to Plato

Before contacting Plato, you need to know one thing - Yandex does not recognize such a thing as an affiliate filter. Therefore, you also should not operate with this concept if you want to get a substantive answer.

I can give advice based on personal experience: determine in advance which resource your site is affiliated with, collect statistics on the positions of sites in the search results. In your appeal, ask a question with an emphasis on the consequences, immediately inform that your sites belong to different companies, if there are suspicions why the search engine may think differently, then it is worth adding additional justifications.

For example: below is the correspondence with Plato regarding the affiliation of my promoted site with one of the competitors. Presumably, the reason for the imposition of sanctions could be the same plug-in for generating information about delivery (intersection by design, delivery points, delivery costs), there is also an overlap on the sites on the assortment - about 80% of the goods are the same and some of the positions have identical prices (coincidence):

After this appeal, after about a couple of weeks, the situation changed and the site began to rank normally.

Finally: what do search engines themselves write about affiliates?

“As stated in our Webmaster Guidelines, sites should include original content of interest to users. This is especially important for developers participating in affiliate programs. The positions of partner sites in the search results can be low, since they usually publish product descriptions that are also presented on other resources of the partner network. This means that there is little original content on such sites, such as additional information about products and their categories.

Google experts believe that low-quality affiliate sites are useless for users, especially if there are many similar resources in the affiliate network. These sites are often groups of generic or low-quality pages that host the same content. Users don't like it when they see multiple pages with the same content in search results. "

That's all for today. Thank you for attention. Ask questions and write comments.

And at the very end, I want to announce a future seo post from Alexey, who he described as follows: "in short, it will be something like describing an algorithm for optimizing a resource for BB + a couple of small examples, so this is also half a case."

We have released a new book, "Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Into the Heads of Subscribers and Fall in Love with Your Brand."

What is an affiliate, or why are duplicate sites needed?

To understand what affiliate sites are, you need to imagine an Internet entrepreneur interested in increasing sales. Wanting to bypass competitors, a businessman creates several sites for his company. He plans to promote them according to the same requests and thus take all available positions in the TOP-10. Search engines track affiliates and pessimize such sites. Yandex leaves only the main resource in the search results, and excludes the rest of the sites from the index. The Google search engine uses a softer one - it lowers the network of sites in ranking, but does not remove them from the search results.

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From the point of view of search engines, affiliate sites are web resources owned by the same owner and promoted by the same list of queries. Such sites are subject to pessimization.

How affiliate searches are performed

By what criteria can search engines track a network of duplicate sites? Internet resources will attract unwanted attention if they match the following parameters:

  • Contact information, addresses, phone numbers, company name;
  • Subject (especially if the same content is used or low-quality rewriting);
  • IP address, hosting;
  • Whois registration data for domains;
  • Template or similar design.

Search engines do not advertise a complete list of methods by which they are carried out. It is known that in some cases the assessors (PS employees) perform the check in manual mode. The reason for this may be a complaint from competitors.

Why Yandex affiliate filter is dangerous

If this search engine manages to find a network of clone sites, then it will leave only the main web resource in the search results. At the same time, it is not known by what algorithm the selection of the only site from the group will be carried out. As a result, the owner of a network of Internet projects can incur significant financial losses.

It should be borne in mind that it is quite difficult to remove an affiliate filter. This will require, at a minimum, to change the semantic core of each site from the created network.

How to check a site for affiliates

Unscrupulous competitors can create a copy of your web project in order to lower your position in the search results. In order to find affiliates, you can use one of the specialized services for optimizers or check manually. To do this, you need to enter into the search form a piece of text from the site, enclosed in quotation marks. The easiest way to find affiliate sites is by data such as phone number or organization address.