Free hosting signup php file. What is hosting and why is it needed. Free hosting limitations

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about free hosting options (from) for a site that you may need at the initial stage of getting acquainted with webmastering, when you are not yet sure that you will continue to work on your site and spend money on maintaining it. About what and what you should pay attention to when choosing it, read the link, so that we will not be distracted by this.

Since they practically require the support of PHP (web programming language) and MySql (databases), this is exactly the kind of hosting I would like to get at my full disposal for free. In this publication, I will just tell you about a whole galaxy of such services, and you will already choose one for yourself that is best suited to solving your current tasks.

My first free hosting - what made my choice

In principle, I myself am not a greedy person, and at the initial stage of the development of my blog I was able to pay a hundred rubles or even more per month for a full-fledged hosting. But nevertheless, I did not do this, and for quite a long time I was sitting on the so-called "free hosting" (from, which, by the way, works to this day) and there are several reasons for this.

  1. Firstly, reading the reviews, I realized that cheap hosting can easily be very problematic and buggy, and its administration is not available and is not loyal to users. Free hosting can also easily suffer from this, but at least it is clear why.
  2. Secondly, like any novice user, I decided to make my first Internet project on a free engine (at first it was Joomla, and then I already mastered WordPress) and it would be logical to place it in a free "stall". This does not oblige you to anything, and if you suddenly get bored with tinkering with the site (or something else does not go well), then you can safely quit all this economy without regretting the money spent.

As you probably know, hosts can be divided into those that support the PHP programming language and MySQL databases and those that do not. The latter are found less and less often, but among the free ones they still come across.

With php and mysql we will be able to use hosting to create a site on it "running on the engine" (using a content management system - CMS). The most popular are Drupal, Bitrix, etc. If there is no support for php and mysql on free hosting, then our destiny is just ordinary HTML pages and nothing else (although for a business card site or it may well be suitable).

However, the use of a CMS (engine) itself promises us considerable benefits when creating and maintaining more or less complex sites, blogs, and even more so forums. There are built-in editors "ala Word", and a bunch of extensions to add new functionality, and knowledge of Html, CSS (and even more so PHP) is not required. Just take it and create! In general, the very thing for a novice webmaster.

Seven years ago, after reviewing all the free hosting offers of my current blog at the time, I settled on ... At the same time, I went to all the sites of free hosters and carefully studied the offered conditions. In addition to the availability of php and mysql, which are necessary for WordPress or Joomla, I was mainly interested in the provided hard disk space. At that time, the free option on offered me 300 Mb of disk space, which was the decisive factor in his favor. Yes, in fact, little has changed in seven years:

What else I liked and perhaps you will like is the opportunity to get an already working site on one of the popular engines within one or two minutes after registration. For regular hosting, this has become a must, but for free then it's something with something. For a novice user, this "free hosting" was then generally a godsend, because a number of problems and issues related to the installation of engines (SMS) immediately disappeared.

There was little to do, just add content and that's it - a free site, forum or blog is ready to receive visitors. Although, of course, “add content” is the main thing in creating a website, but at first it seems that when the technical problems are solved and there is no need to pay for hosting, the content will not be a problem to write. In any case, lowering the entry threshold in my case was then the main reason to use the services of

It goes without saying that if you do not need any of this, then you can safely demolish the installed engines. Immediately after registration, you are provided with information for accessing the site via FTP (login and password) and the data of your MySQL database (database name, login and password for accessing it). Also, you are a third-level name (something like this:, which, if desired, can be later, for example, on the site (if you are ripe to buy it, or if you already have it).

I was especially pleased and in an amicable way surprised at - communication with the administration. I have never met such benevolent admins anywhere. It's a pleasure to communicate with such technical support! I am not exaggerating at all, because I could not expect such responsiveness from the owners of absolutely free hosting.

At first I contacted them only on issues related to server problems, but then I became completely insolent and began to ask for advice on issues that had nothing to do with him. What is remarkable, in all cases I received more than an exhaustive answer and help, up to writing small programs to solve my personal problems. How!

But the world does not stand still and over the past seven years there are many free hosting sites worth mentioning, as well as those that already existed earlier were developed. It is difficult to determine the unequivocal leader among them, so I'll just give them a list and briefly go over their characteristics and the opportunities provided. Well, your feedback in the comments will become an additional criterion for choosing.

If you want to offer a well-known and approved free hosting option, then describe it briefly so that you can quickly transfer the information to the article.

10 free website hosting with php and mysql support

I in no way want to single out the leaders and outsiders among the hosting providers listed below that provide free access to their resources, because everyone has their own tasks, and to a certain extent it all depends on the notorious “lucky / unlucky” (what physical the server will get your site, what kind of "neighbors" will be, whether their sites will be bored and much more). By the way, this is so, just in case. In general, you choose yourself, and I will just try to make this choice a little easier for you.

  1. Hostiman Is a rather unusual player in the “free hosting” market, because besides the usual hosting with PHP and MySQL support, he also provides free VPS, which is, by and large, “Wow”. Here you can get space for 2 sites of 2 GB size (with PHP and MySQL) on a modern server with DDR4 and SSD disks (fast). And it's all free!

    However, there are a number of nuances (read about them in a separate section), which are designed to cut off the possibility of using this service in “black and gray schemes”. As I already mentioned, there is also an opportunity to get VPS / VDS servers for free (and very smart ones), but there will be even more nuances for getting them. But “2 × 3700 MHz + 6 gb DDR4 + 40 gb SSD” for free! It's just some kind of holiday ...

  2. Hut - good for small sites (only 100MB of disk space is provided for free) or for beginners at the time of their learning the art of webmastering, because there is support for PHP and MySQL, and access to files is provided not only via FTP, but also via SSH. For an additional fee, you can buy space, attach a second-level domain and much more, but then it will no longer be free hosting. By default, there is advertising, which can also be turned off for a fee. In addition, there are user reviews that this hosting removes sites from free tariffs that have no traffic or it is low. So that's it.
  3. Hostinger - they have a rather "tasty" free tariff plan:

    True, under the auspices of the fight against, etc. Since the beginning of this year, they have introduced SMS activation, which many did not like, because the message is paid and expensive. In general, many are outraged and indignant, because before that they had been sitting on a free tariff for years and did not blow their heads.

  4. 000webhost - bourgeois free hosting with PHP and MySQL, as well as PHP mail and pre-installed Curl, GD2, ImageMagick. Provide 1.5 Giga of space for the site and 100Gb for traffic. cPanel control. You can use two databases, bind five domains. At the same time, it seems like there is no advertising and very decent, as well as the speed of the sites. But somehow everything turns out suspiciously "smoothly". Surely there are "childhood diseases" of all free hosting - glitchiness. But these are only guesses ...
  5. Cpanelhosting Is a young provider with a free plan with PHP and MySQL support.

    It seems that all that is needed is there (you can even choose the desired PHP version from 4 to 7 and, of course, that the control panel is), but there is not enough reviews yet to draw any conclusions about the stability and usability of working with it. It will be important for someone that hosting is issued virtually without registration (the Email indicates and all the necessary data comes to it) and without any SMS there (as in Hostinger recently).

  6. nx0 - pretty nice features of this free hosting:

    True, many users are upset that to create their own account they will have to verify their mobile phone number. Those who value anonymity may not be happy with this option.

  7. BestOf - this project can be compared with the one mentioned at the beginning of, because the approach to accepting sites is about the same. Only Russian-language sites are accepted and at the same time free capacities are provided only to those who like the administration. For example, they don’t publish entertainment, gaming and commercial projects, but otherwise everything seems to be on the level. The guys take under their wing (in terms of technical support) those projects that benefit people and are entirely useful to society. There is support for PHP and MySQL and everything else you might need. But I repeat once again that this "free hosting is not for everyone."
  8. Byethost - another bourgeois free hosting and again, very good. There is everything a webmaster can dream of - a gigabyte for files, PHP and MySQL, five databases, a full-fledged .htaccess file, and no ads. What more could you want? Probably stability, but this can only be verified empirically.
  9. ZZZ Is a Ukrainian provider providing a free hosting service with very good declared parameters and no ads. As is the case, you can only check in practice and unsubscribe just below in the comments.
  10. Beget - a free hosting option from a fairly large provider.

    Actually, everything is shown on the screen. Not that much generous, but quite digestible. The question is again about reliability and stability. It is hoped that a large brand provides some kind of guarantee for the sanity of technical support and server stability.

10 more options for free website hosting

The options for implementing the concept of "free hosting" described above differ in that if you wish, you can easily collect your money (site files, databases) and calmly go either to another free hosting, or to a paid one when you are ripe for this. This, in fact, is their charm. Liberty.

However, there are a number of other options for free site placement on the network, when you do not need to bother with the engine, and there will be practically no technical problems, but you can immediately proceed to the main thing - to fill the site with content. But often such simplicity entails the deprivation of that very freedom, which was mentioned just above. It will be much more difficult to leave with your farm to another place. However, these methods still deserve at least a mention of them.

So, free hosting is also available in at least two cases:

  1. If you decide to use a free (or partially free) website builder.
  2. If you place your site (most often a blog) on \u200b\u200bso-called blogging platforms, which also provide this service for free.

The main disadvantage of these methods (apart from imprisonment of freedom of movement) is also complexity. Either the hoster will do it for you, or the profit will be less than what a “free person” could have. However, if you do not plan to make money on this, then it is quite possible to create a successful project even on a free platform, and the network is full of such examples.

let's let's start with free blogging platformswhere you can start building your website. Their main advantage is the simplicity of setting up the future site and the simplicity of adding materials to it. Among the many similar services of "free hosting" are:

Well, I can offer several options for a snack. getting free hosting together with an online website builder... Their basic features are free, and the creation of sites is carried out at an intuitive level (for many, the "grab and drag" method). True, there is a fly in the ointment - the source code of the sites, as a rule, turns out to be "heavy", and the functionality in some moments still loses to the engines. However, "for free and sweet vinegar."

  1. Ucoz - very popular in runet. Not to say that creating sites on it is extremely simple, but it's still easier than doing it on the engine. The functionality is quite developed, there are detailed manuals, responsive Russian-language support, a bunch of free templates, is friendly with Php and MySql (although it seems to be for a fee), but ... This is the BUT. The more popular your site is, the more ads will be on it (sometimes even so much that visitors will run away from it).
  2. Wix - very popular all over the world. The database is free and quite convenient for novice users, because it supports their favorite concept - take it and drag it with the mouse. This applies to literally everything, including the design of the site. Lots of colorful (if not fancy) free templates. You can read more about it. Advertising is not clogged to capacity like Yukoz, but if you want a little more functionality or remove ads altogether, then you will have to pay for it.
  3. A5 - we can say that this is our Vix clone. In its free version, it is rather limited in functionality, but it is quite suitable for simple sites. It is quite simple and pleasant to work with him.
  4. Nethouse - if you need a website for business (it's strange that you're looking for free hosting, well, yes, that's your business), then this builder will help you build a business card site or even a store, but, however, in the free version you will be quite limited the number of products and their photos.
  5. Jimdo - on a free plan, you can design a pretty decent site with adaptation for mobile devices, and even third-party advertising on it will not spin, which is buzzing. But there are also many restrictions that are designed to "choke your toad" and force the same to fork out. But don't fall for it!
  6. Setup - one more "our" craft (the brainchild of Seopult, as I understand it). Everything is simple and complex at the same time. It's easy to construct a website, but it will be difficult to fit into the Procrustean bed of a free plan.

In general, there is always a choice. A professional who has eaten a dog while creating websites will definitely choose paid hosting, because the problems that arise are not worth wasting his time. On the contrary, a beginner has the main free resource - time, and therefore will try to save money and at the same time gain the necessary experience in stuffing cones. Personally, I did so in my time.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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You might be interested

Hello to all blog readers website . When you create your site, its files must be located on some server. The service of providing the opportunity to place your files on the provider's server is called hosting... To get started with creating websites, it is better to use free hosting with php and mysql support ... In this case, you can deliver almost any CMS (read more on how to choose the right CMS). If there is no script support, then you will be able to work only with the languages \u200b\u200bHtml and CSS (sometimes this is enough to learn only markup languages \u200b\u200band styles). Such hosting will withstand the maximum of a business card site. Even if hosting is free with Php, MySql most likely has ads on it. The only question is how unobtrusive it is. But today, in addition to an overview of all the most popular ball options to place your site, I will show you and free hosting with MySql and Php without ads. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of such hosting. Pros of free hosting:

  1. He saves money (though not a lot of money)
  2. You can get acquainted with the process of creating a site

Cons of free hosting:

  1. A lot of advertising
  2. PHP and MySql support is not always available
  3. Very slow
  4. Limit on the size of each file
  5. Limiting total file size (memory size)
  6. Ownership of sites belongs to the hosting owner
  7. Significant restrictions on file extension (for example, you cannot ..exe and others)
  8. Most often, you can only use a 3rd-level domain. Some offer level 2, but only unpopular domain zones - .info, .club and others.

As you can see, your options are significantly limited when using such hosting. Paid hosting costs $ 5-10 per month and then the question arises, is it better to pay $ 6 and feel unlimited ?! Each person has his own answer to this question. For those who choose free hosting, I will present an overview of the most popular ones below.

Free hosting with Php and MySql support (no ads)

  1. (no ads)
  2. (no ads)
  4. Hut.Ru
  5. Cloud hosting from
  6. (no intrusive ads)
  7. (no ads)

In order not to write a lot of water, I will list the features of each hosting as a list. So it is clearer, more convenient and faster to make the choice. We start with the first and everything in order.

Free hosting and website builder

  • Only legal and legal sites are posted.
  • 2 sites and 2000 MB of space for files on fast SSD drives.
  • RAM 256 MB (others have a maximum of 128 MB).
  • Cloudlinux + ISPmanager 5.
  • Website builder and over 170 ready-made website templates.
  • 232 CMS and scripts in the auto installer.
  • Good technical support.
  • Free DNS servers.
  • Weekly backups.
  • PHP, MySQL, FTP, Cron and more.
  • Choice of PHP versions 5.2-5.6 and 7.0.
  • Free domain 3 level
  • The ability to use your own domain of the 2nd level.
  • Unlimited traffic to your website.
  • No ads on hosting

We tested this hosting and were pleasantly surprised how a very good solution for your site is free.

Registration on the site: Provider

Registration on the website:


        • Websites of gaming topics and other entertainment topics, commercial resources, sites outside the domain are not placed
      • Free domains of the 3rd level
      • Free domains of the 2nd level
      • Support for Cron, FTP and various scripts

Simple hosting supported by a small group of fans of this business. In principle, not a bad alternative to the paid option from providers and the absence of advertising gives a huge plus.

Hosting by

Registration on the


  • You can create only 1 database up to 50 MB
  • Memory capacity - up to 300 MB
  • Support for PhP, Perl, Ruby and other scripts
  • Ability to work with DB (Database)
  • Good technical support
  • FTP access
  • Automatic installation of the engine (CMS) after registration (must be specified during registration)

Quite a good alternative. Moreover, if you have never installed a CMS, the system will do it for you, you only need to indicate which one you will use during registration. This simplifies the installation task.

It often happens that cheap hosting services malfunction, poor technical support and other inconveniences. Therefore, some webmasters choose free hosting, but always with MySQL, PHP, FTP, Apache and other very important things 🙂 As I wrote above, there are often restrictions there, but they are also in the cheap tariffs of the paid option. Personally, I am for the paid option, since free cheese is only in a mousetrap :).

Therefore, today we have a very good option for paid hosting, which can become free. For the readers of our blog, we have knocked out promotional promotional codes by which you can get 3 MONTHSpaid hosting IS FREEfrom the guys from McHost (

For use, they provide hosting at the MAK-4 tariff.


  • Disk space on SSD - 4 GB;
  • Number of sites - 5 pieces;
  • MySQL databases - 5 pieces;
  • 24/7 support.

Additional information can be found on their website at the link above.

What do you need to get hosting for free for 3 months from McHost?

1. Go to the button below and select the Mak-4 tariff.

2. Register now. When registering, you must enter a promo code - 25F3-DF16-5790-EDE9... It is obligatory to enter it! Also, to activate the promo-rate, you need to top up the balance by 100 rubles. The activation payment is not spent, it remains on the balance sheet and is just a barrier against abuse by spammers, etc. After the end of the free period, this money can be withdrawn or pay for one of the hosting services.

3. If you have any questions about registration, you can ask them in the comments.

You can also leave comments on the operation of this hosting here on the page, I think the hosting administration, and everyone will be interested in reading them. We have been using this hosting for a long time and we have it in our article about paid hosting, read:

Test for health and forget to give examples of your free site repositories in the comments 🙂 See you on the new pages.

We offer fast, reliable and modern hosting. Try it yourself and see the benefits!

14 days of a test period on any, even the most powerful tariff

No functional limitations

24/7 technical support

Liked? Just renew!

To continue using the hosting after a test drive, simply renew the service. You will receive as a gift promotional codes for domain renewal when renewing hosting for a year or more!

What tariffs can I test? Any Linux hosting plan. How long is the hosting trial period? The hosting test period is valid for 14 days. After it ends, you can renew the same service or increase your tariff. Who can take advantage of the trial period? Any client site can use the test hosting period, except for users with partner status. How do I use a free hosting test? What are the restrictions on the hosting trial period? There are no restrictions! When using free hosting during the trial period, all its functions are available in the same way as when using paid hosting. What to look for when testing hosting?

Choosing the right hosting service is an important step for anyone planning to develop their own project on the Internet. The speed and performance of the resource largely depends on it. On the site you will find shared hosting that is optimal for your tasks. You can order a trial hosting for free and during the first 14 days check all the features and benefits of the site's service. The free trial period is provided to the user only once. In order not to be mistaken in choosing a service, pay attention to several factors:

  • Website page loading speed. You can use third-party website analysis services to check
  • Uptime
  • Convenience of the control panel
  • Availability and professionalism of technical support
Do I need a domain to test hosting?. ********. **. You don't need to have your own domain. When renewing hosting for a year or more, you can renew domains on your account for free using a special promo code.

Free hosting

For sites with PHP and MySQL support. Install any software.

Use free disk space to store your files.

Free hosting options

Virtualization Openvz

Intel Xeon processor 2 GHz 1 core

RAM 512 MB

Disk 10 GB

Control Panel

Not supported

Name server


you can use third party free NS servers


Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS

Place free hosting in your cart

Select your operating system

Place an order and get free hosting within 5 minutes!

Free PHP and MySQL hosting is a service based on a virtual private (dedicated) VDS / VPS server. The server comes with a free operating system installed and SSH access. Required services: FTP, Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc. are installed by the client independently according to the instructions in the knowledge base.

Free hosting with dedicated IP address

Hosting is ideal for hosting free FTP, and a dedicated IP address will provide access to VDS, even if the server does not open by domain name. 10 GB of disk space will be enough for organizing an average file sharing, considering that you will not store large media files there. Free FTP hosting on a virtual server means the safety of your data and prompt access to them at any time.

Operating systems that you can install on your new hosting: Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS. These are free operating systems of the Linux family, only they can run a server with OpenVZ rendering. Use “VDS Warm-up” to familiarize and test these operating systems, to train and demonstrate their work in educational institutions, to train working with the command line on the server.

You can organize a separate MySQL database server or just a web server, you can combine any software that only can work on this VDS / VPS.

Order a new tariff plan as soon as you feel the lack of server resources for further work. The capacity expansion service is not available in this tariff.

Website hosting with PHP and MySQL

Tariff "VDS Warm-up" is intended for free hosting of any site (including a site in PHP with MySQL) with traffic up to 5000 users per day. These are static information sites, blogs, internet showcases.

Since you have a full-fledged virtual server, you can install any software on it that matches its system resources. The technical characteristics in this tariff do not allow running resource-intensive software, but they do allow working with PHP and its extensions, MySQL with a small database, Perl, etc.

VDS Warm-up does not include server administration services, so you will need to manage it yourself. You can always ask for help from the technical support service, which works for you 24/7, our experts will help with advice and recommendations.

Free hosting limitations

    Additional resources are not provided (CPU, RAM, HDD, IP addresses). The values \u200b\u200bindicated in the table with characteristics are the maximum for this tariff.

    Cannot be changed to another tariff. If necessary, you will have to transfer data to a new server yourself.

    The control panel is not supported (installed independently). Administration service is not provided. The owner independently manages the server.

    TUN / TAP interfaces are disabled. Proxying traffic (SOCKS, PPTP, OpenVPN) on OpenVZ virtualization is not allowed.

    We do not give guarantees of uninterrupted operation and safety of data, but we do our best.

    No discounts or special prices apply to the tariff.

Why do you need a dedicated IP? Can I refuse it?

The advantages of a dedicated (static) IP address for free website hosting and FTP hosting are as follows:

A higher level of reliability and data protection compared to a common IP, which is assigned to several sites of different owners at once. If a DDoS attack is directed to the “neighboring” site, then your site will suffer damage using the same IP address. Similarly, if a “neighbor” is blocked (“banned”), for example, by a search engine, then it will also affect your site.

A dedicated IP address is a prerequisite for working with SSL security certificates. If you want to immediately or later purchase such a certificate in order to provide a secure communication channel between the user and the server (browser and site), then you cannot do without a separate static IP address.

For online stores and sites with payment systems, a dedicated IP address may be a prerequisite.

If you plan to use a virtual server for free FTP hosting, then with a dedicated IP address you can access it at any time, not only by domain name, but also directly by IP. If NS servers are being updated or they are temporarily unavailable (this can happen if free name servers are used), then you will still have access to it by the server's IP address. Likewise, if you are using MySQL or another database server - connecting to the database is possible not only by name, but also by IP.

In addition, our SEO specialists believe that having a static IP address on a website gives it some SEO advantages.

To use our free hosting for a website or FTP, you need to order the “VDS Warm-up” tariff package and pay 90 rubles per month for a dedicated IP address for your virtual server. There is no way to refuse a dedicated IP address in “VDS Warm-up”.

Technical issues

How to install an FTP server?

Installation methods and commands are different for different operating systems. The following is how to install FTP on Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS / RHEL. In all these operating systems, the program that runs FTP is called VSFTPD (Very Secure FTP Daemon).

For Ubuntu operating system, run the command:

$ sudo apt-get install vsftpd

This command will install and launch FTP.

Setting up vsftpd (2.3.5-1ubuntu2) ...
vsftpd start / running, process 1891

For Debian 7 operating system, run the command:

Apt-get install vsftpd

For operating system CentOS / RHEL - commands:

Yum install vsftpd
yum install ftp

How do I migrate my existing MySQL database to your server?

If your MySQL database is located on your local computer or remote storage, then to transfer it to the server, you need to import the database through the console or the database control panel that you are using.

If the database is located on a remote server, then to transfer it to your new hosting, you must first export the database to your local computer, and then import it to your server with us.

Connect to the server hosting the database to be migrated. Run the command that puts the database into a file

# mysqldump -u root -p myolddb\u003e db.sql

where root is the username, myolddb is the name of the database to be transferred, db.sql is the file where the database will be placed on your local computer.

Copy the db.sql file on the VDS to your home directory.

Connect to VDS using the console. If MySQL server is not installed on VDS, run the command:

# yum install mysql-server mysql;

Use the installer that matches your Linux distribution

Connect to the database server on VDS with the command

# mysql -u root -p;

where root is the username. Create a database to which you will transfer data from an existing database.

# mysql\u003e CREATE DATABASE 'mynewdb';

where mynewdb is the name of the database.

Create a user for the database with the command

# mysql\u003e CREATE USER ‘newuser’2’localhost’ IDENTIFIES BY ‘newpassword’;

Here newuser is the name of the new user, newpassword is the password.

Grant user privileges

# mysql GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ‘mynewdb’. * TO ‘newuser’ @ ’localhost’;

This command gives the user newuser all rights to the mynewdb database.

Import the database from the db.sql file to the MySQL server with the command

# mysqldump -u root -p mynewdb

Installing the free VestaCP control panel

The free control panel is supported by all operating systems installed on VDS Warm-up. 512 MB of RAM will be enough for the services to run under minimal load.

Run the command

Curl -O

Run the install script

Everyone knows the saying about cheese and a mousetrap, and therefore most of them simply do not believe in free anything. And free hosting is no exception, especially since the mistrust of them by experienced webmasters with existing projects is not without reason.


The main ones are a third-level domain (often indigestible) and advertising of a hosting service on the pages of your site. These two points annoy users the most.

The list of other inconveniences depends on the specific hosting provider. It even happens that you are given the functionality of an HTML constructor without the ability to install a full-fledged CMS or even use the famous PHP / MySQL bundle.

Who is it for?

In spite of everything, for some people free hosting with all its disadvantages will do just fine. But to whom?

  1. Lovers of testing. If you want to get acquainted with either a specific site, or with site building in general.
  2. For beginners. You are just going to keep your blog or project, but you do not know if it is worth it, if it is your business, that is, you want to exclusively try. In this case, paid hosting can turn into unnecessary expenses.
  3. Greedy. You can make a company website on a free hosting. But just imagine the thoughts of a visitor who came to your business card and saw a bunch of third-party ads and a third-level domain. It will immediately become clear that you preferred one hundred rubles to the convenience of the client.

Is it all that bad?

Classic free hosting with their classic disadvantages is not worth using for serious web projects.

However, the world is not standing still, the competition is growing, and against this background there are already completely civilized free hosting services, devoid of major drawbacks.

One of these is provided by the provider Beget. Its free plan is devoid of ads and restrictions on CMS installation. Moreover, the hosting control panel has a whole section from which dozens of content management systems can be installed in a matter of minutes in just a few clicks.

1 site, 1 database, 1 FTP account, 1000 megabytes of disk space, unlimited number of subdomains - these capabilities will be enough for most small sites. And most importantly - all this is free and without ads.