Image gallery for html product. Web design and search engine optimization. "MB.Gallery" jQuery plugin

Today, responsive design has become number one choice for designers and developers, as more and more people want their websites to run on smart devices. Responsive design draws mobile user’s attention and helps you to generate leads and sales which take your business to another level.

Nowadays, you can create responsive layout for almost everything such as menu, grid, column and even pictures and images. If you want to display your website content, images and videos in a responsive gallery style then the following jQuery Image gallery plugins might help you out with it.

This article includes some of the Best Responsive jQuery Image Gallery pluginswhich will not only enable you to create responsive image galleries for your websites but also display them in elegant styles to make your website more beautiful and visually stunning.

Below is the list of Best Responsive jQuery Image Gallery Plugins worth considering in 2016.

Bootstrap Photo Gallery is a simple jQuery plugin that will create a Bootstrap based responsive Photo Gallery for your images.
This plugin supports variable height for the images and captions. An optional “modal” box with “next” and “previous” paging is also included.
Demo & Download

2. JK Responsive YouTube and Image Gallery

It is a modern, lightbox style gallery for displaying images and YouTube videos on your site. The gallery interface is fully responsive and works beautifully across all devices big or small.
Demo & Download

3. Faba

FABA is responsive Facebook albums and photos gallery jquery plugin that will load all the albums and photos from selected Facebook Page.

There are around 90 options you can edit and you can customize almost everything: animations, hover effects, every part of hover animations, text’s, behaviors, and many more. You can integrate beautiful albums into your project, or web page.

xGallerify is a lightweight, responsive gallery plugin which allows you to create beautiful image galleries for your websites. This plugin is lightweight (3kb of file size), easy to use and comes with number of customizable options and styles.
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Instagram Element is a premium Instagram plugin for bloggers, photographers, models, and anyone looking to increase their presence on Instagram.
This plugin is fully responsive and allows you to easily manage 50+ options and lets you display your photos beautifully on any device.

SnapGallery is a simple jQuery plugin that turns an ugly list of differently sized images into a beautiful, customizable gallery with one line of JavaScript.

It’s completely responsive, customizable and allows you to select the spacing between images, the minimum width allowed before stacking and the maximum number of columns, with more options on the way!
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Eagle Gallery this is modern gallery with image zoom functionality. To manage the gallery you can use gestures or control buttons. This is a fully responsive gallery which has support touch screen and was created for mobile devices, laptops and desktops.

With this gallery you can easily create a product gallery on your internet shop for detailed view and customize it with help of options.

The Unite Gallery is multipurpose JavaScript gallery based on jQuery library. It's built with a modular technique with a lot of accent of ease of use and customization. It's very easy to customize the gallery, changing its skin via css, and even writing your own theme. Yet this gallery is very powerful, fast and has the most of nowadays must have features like responsiveness, touch enabled and even zoom feature, it's unique effect.
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jQuery lightGallery is a lightweight jQuery lightbox gallery for displaying image and video gallery.

Lightgallery supports touch and swipe navigation on touchscreen devices, as well as mouse drag for desktops. This allows users to navigate between slides by either swipe or mouse drag.

Lightgallery comes with a numerous number of options, which allow you to customize the plugin very easily. You can easily customize the look and feel of the gallery by updating SASS variables.
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This is another great jQuery image gallery plugin which allows you to create grid layout gallery for your pictures and videos. This plugins is fully responsive and bundled with number of features like social sharing, infinite scrolling, css3 animations, filters and much more.

blueimp Gallery is a touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image & video gallery, carousel and lightbox, optimized for both mobile and desktop web browsers.

It features swipe, mouse and keyboard navigation, transition effects, slideshow functionality, fullscreen support and on-demand content loading and can be extended to display additional content types.
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nanoGALLERY is a touch enabled and responsive image gallery with justified, cascading and grid layout. It supports self hosted images and pulling in Flickr, Picasa, Google+ and SmugMug photo albums.

Featuring multi-level navigation in albums, combinable hover effects on thumbnails, responsive thumbnail sizes, multiple layouts, slideshow, fullscreen, pagination, image lazy load and much more.
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flipGallery is a free jQuery powered photo gallery with sleek flipping transitions between thumbnails and lightbox enlargements. Other features include dynamic image streaming, auto pagination, auto cropping and transparent image overlay.

This plugin also has a premium version which comes with few nifty features and certainly includes responsiveness.
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Fancy Gallery is responsive jQuery image gallery plugin which allows you to display your images and videos in fancy style. This plugins has lots of customization options and you can add unlimited albums, videos, pictures and much more.

The plugin comes with different hover effects for the thumbnails and titles, which can also be adjusted. You can choose between 7 predefined color themes or just create your own color theme easily.

Balanced Gallery is a jQuery plugin that evenly distributes photos across rows or columns, making the most of the space provided. Photos are scaled based on the size of the 'container' element by default, making Balanced Gallery a good choice for responsive websites.
Demo & Download

16. S Gallery

S Gallery makes use of HTML5's Full Screen API, and relies heavily on CSS3 animations goodness and CSS3 transforms, so it will work only in browsers that support these features.
Demo & Download

17. Ultimate Grid Responsive Gallery

This is a HTML | CSS | JQuery Grid with a Lightbox, you can specify thumbnails for the grid and when you click on it to open the lightbox it will load the normal image, you can specify the text for the captions and for the lightbox. Also you don’t have to load all the images at once (for performance purposes) so you can specify the number of images to load when it first loads and the number of images to load when you click the “load more images” button.

Responsive Thumbnail Gallery is a jQuery plugin for creating image galleries that scale to fit their container.
Demo & Download

SuperBox is a jQuery plugin that takes the whole ‘image’ and ‘lightbox’ one step further, reducing the JavaScript and image load dependence to make lightboxing a thing of the past! Using HTML5 data- * attributes, responsive layouts and jQuery.

SuperBox works wonders as a static image gallery, which you can click to reveal a full version of the image.
Demo & Download

The Ultimate Thumbnail gallery is fully responsive image gallery plugin comes in two layout types (grid and line, vertical and horizontal), with scroll (jScrollPane) or button navigation. Thumbnail boxes support any HTML element inside them.

Image galleries and sliders are some of the most popular jQuery formats. Thanks to them, you can add the necessary amount of visual content to the site, while saving valuable space.

Galleries and sliders make the page less busy, but still allow you to add all the images needed to convey the message. They will be especially useful for online stores.

In today's article, we've rounded up the best jQuery image galleries and sliders for you.

To install them, just add the selected plugins to the head section of the HTML page along with the jQuery library and configure them according to the documentation (just a couple of lines of code).

Choose which of these elements will fit perfectly into your project.

1. Bootstrap Slider

Bootstrap Slider is a free, mobile-optimized image slider with touch and swipe scrolling. It will look amazing on any screen and in any browser. You can load images, videos, text, thumbnails and buttons into sliders.

2. Product Preview Slider

The Product Preview Slider embodies the full potential of jQuery and fits perfectly into any interface. You will also be pleased with the quality and cleanliness of the code of this plugin.

3. Expandable Image Gallery

Expandable Image Gallery is an awesome plugin that turns into a full-screen gallery with just one click. It can be used for the About Us section or to view product information.

4. Fotorama

Fotorama is a jQuery responsive gallery plugin that works for both desktop and mobile browsers. It offers many navigation options: thumbnails, scrolling, forward and back buttons, automatic slideshows and markers.

5. Immersive Slider

Immersive Slider allows you to create a unique slideshow experience similar to the Google TV slider. You can change the background image to be blurred to maintain focus in the main photo.

6. Leastjs

Leastjs is a responsive jQuery plugin to help you create an awesome gallery. When you hover over the image, text appears, when clicked, the window expands to full screen.

7. Sliding Panels Template

This plugin is perfect for a portfolio. It will create blocks of images, arranged horizontally (vertically on small screens), to which the selected content will be anchored.

8. Squeezebox Portfolio Template

Squeezebox Portfolio Template offers motion effects for portfolios. When you hover over the main image (or block), anchored elements appear.

9. Shuffle Images

Shuffle Images is an awesome responsive plugin that lets you create a gallery of images that change on hover.

10. Free jQuery Lightbox Plugin

Free jQuery Lightbox Plugin helps you to show one or more images on one page. They can also be enlarged and returned to their original size.

11. PgwSlider - Responsive slider for jQuery

PgwSlider is a minimalistic image slider. jQuery code is lightweight, so the loading speed of this plugin will pleasantly surprise you.

12. Scattered Polaroids Gallery

Scattered Polaroids Gallery is an awesome flat design slider. Its elements move erratically when switching images, which looks amazing.

13. Bouncy Content Filter

Bouncy Content Filter is the perfect solution for and portfolio. This plugin allows users to quickly jump from one category to another.

14. Simple jQuery Slider

Simple jQuery Slider lives up to its name. This plugin combines JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3 elements. In the demo, by default, only text loading is available, but if you make a few changes, you can add visual content as well.

15. Glide JS

Glide JS is a simple, fast and responsive jQuery slider. It's easy to set up and doesn't take up much space.

16. Fullscreen drag-slider with parallax

This awesome jQuery slider with the ability to load images and text will work for any website. It will delight users with a light parallax effect and slow text appearance.

Hello everyone!
When creating a new web project, developers of all stripes are often interested in the question of how to present different types of images to their users, whether they be photographs or sets of pictures. For this, the inquisitive minds of the online space, for the most part, of course, this space is "bourgeois", are looking for more and more solutions to create spectacular, colorful, and most importantly functional slideshows and photo galleries. For the most part, they are adjusted by developers to the design of the template of the web project being created, or in the form of plugins and modules for a specific site management engine. It is worth looking at modern templates for, not a single theme, with rare exceptions, is complete without some kind of plug-in slider or a simple image rotator. So it is understandable that many web developers want to get something like that in their arsenal and surprise their readers in full, effectively presenting images on their sites.

Continuing the series of reviews of new solutions that I have begun, I decided to put together a more complete collection of interesting and effective slideshows and photo galleries that I have ever met, created using the magic of jQuery.
I want to warn you right away that the resources that will be discussed in the review are mainly in English, but I think who needs it, they will figure it out intuitively or with the help of translators, of whom there are a dime a dozen. And if you look well, you can find descriptions of the technique for creating some galleries and sliders in Russian, since many of our web developers translate in the process of working on a particular project, first for themselves, and then post detailed descriptions of all their manipulations for free access. ...
For example, I did the same, at one time working on the creation mechanism, at first I found a gallery version suitable for me in the bourgeoisie, translated it for a better understanding of what I was doing, and later, I dare to hope, not a bad article about using the Highslide script, with examples of work in various application variations.
And so, enough of the unnecessary lyrics, let's go directly to the review, look, read brief explanations and choose from a huge number of new jQuery plugins and scripts to implement interesting image sliders, photo galleries, slideshows on your sites: with automatic and manual change slides, background image sliders, with and without thumbnails, etc. etc... | Demo

A complete, customizable jQuery image gallery with slideshow elements, transition effects and multiple album options. Compatible with all modern desktop and mobile browsers.

A guide to creating a jQuery-based fullscreen gallery. The idea is to have a thumbnail of the shown full-screen image displayed to the side, with reflection as you move through the images using the arrows or mouse kokeshik. Large images change in slideshow style up or down depending on the transition you choose. The ability to scale the picture, which makes the image in the background for viewing in full screen mode or fit to the page size.

Parallax Slider

Parallax Slider an interesting solution for organizing the display of images in the form of a slide show with manual controls. Attracts the original placement of thumbnails of pictures. The official website has a complete layout for integrating and configuring the slider.

Minimalistic Slideshow Gallery with jQuery an excellent gallery of images with elements of automatic image change, as well as with the ability to manually control the display and selection of images from a drop-down block with a grid of thumbnails. Of the minuses, we can note the lack of viewing full-scale images, but this is the minimalism of this gallery.

It's a full-screen slideshow with auto-resizing images, no mind-blowing effects, simple and tasteful.

Minimit Galleryis a highly customizable jQuery plugin with a large selection of image transitions. With the help of Minimit gallery, you can organize a demonstration of images in the form of a carousel, slideshow, a simple rotator and a simple picture leaflet.

Is a tiny (2kb) jQuery plugin that provides a simple, no-nonsense way to display images as a slideshow.

Is a nice looking javascript gallery with intuitive controls and flawless compatibility across all computers, iPhones and mobile devices. Very easy to install and configure

Unlike many Javascript and jQuery image sliders, Slider.js is a hybrid solution, efficient CSS3 transitions and animation based.

This is a one page template for creating various presentations in HTML5 and CSS3.

Diapo slideshow is an open source project. You can suggest changes or improvements if you want. You can download and use it for free, also nothing and no one bothers to use this slider in your projects. The slider is easily customizable, interesting transitions between the presented content, and you can place anything in the slider, it works pretty quickly, without any jambs.

Is nothing more than another tool for creating slideshows on websites and other web projects. Supported by all modern browsers, horizontal and vertical animation, support for custom transitions, callback API, and more. You can use any html elements in slides, understandable and accessible for beginners, distributed completely free.

JavaScript Slideshow for Agile Development

Implement your slideshows with this awesome jQuery plugin. A highly customizable tool so you can build your content presentation according to your requirements. A data format is used to provide easier integration with external data or data from your CMS. This is a new version and written from scratch. The developers have tried to describe the entire process of working with their brainchild in an extremely clear and intelligible way.

- jQuery plugin that allows you to convert unordered lists into slideshows with attractive animation effects. In a slide show, you can display a list of slides, either using numbers or thumbnails, or using the Previous and Next buttons. The slider has many original animation types, including cube (with various subspecies), pipe, block, and more.

A complete set of tools for organizing all kinds of presentations of various content on your web projects. The bourgeois guys did their best, included in the clip, almost all kinds of various sliders and galleries using the magic of jQuery. Photo slider, photo gallery, dynamic slideshow, carousel, content slider, tabs menu and much more, in general, there is a place where our irrepressible imagination can roam.

This is a jQuery slideshow plugin that is built with simplicity in mind. Packaged only the most useful set of functions, both for beginners and advanced developers, providing the ability to create simple, but at the same time very effective slideshows that are user-friendly.

- such a simple slider built on jQuery, simple in all respects, does not require special skills, I think many will come in handy for the implementation of slideshows on their sites. The plugin has been tested in all modern browsers, including the slower IE.

jbgallery is a kind of user interface widget written in javascript of the jQuery library. Its function is to show one large image as the background of the site in full-screen mode, several images as a slider. All view modes have view controls. An interesting solution in its own way, where it is not even standard.

It is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin for displaying your photos as a slideshow with transition effects between images (seen and more interesting). jqFancyTransitions is compatible and extensively tested with Safari 2+, Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 2+, Google Chrome 3+, Opera 9+.

Is a free jQuery plugin for viewing images and any other information in the form of a "lightbox". Popup with controls, shaded background and all, simple and tasteful.

Another jQuery plugin from the Lightbox series, although it weighs in a disgraceful way (9 KB), while it has a bunch of opportunities to work with. There is a decently designed interface that you can always improve or customize with CSS.

Already from the name it becomes clear that there is nothing fancy, we have a very simple automatic image scroller with completely absent controls. Who knows, maybe just by its minimalism, this slider will attract your attention.

Image rotator with different types of transitions. It works both in automatic mode and on click, it is set up quite easily.

- a full-fledged image gallery rather than just a slider. Thumbnail preview and the ability to choose the transition effect, full support for all browsers, a detailed description of the integration into a web project and free distribution.

It is an implementation of ready-to-use slideshows using scriptaculous / prototype or jQuery. Horinaja is a kind of innovative solution, because it allows you to use the wheel to scroll through the content placed in the slider. When the mouse pointer is outside the slide show area, the change occurs automatically, when the pointer is placed over the slide show, scrolling stops.

A chip from a series of the simplest image scrollers, though with the presence of viewing controls, respectively, works in both automatic and manual modes.

s3Slider - jQuery plugin, creates a slideshow from an unordered list of images and can be easily implemented on any web site.

This is a jQuery plugin that is optimized to handle large volumes of photos while conserving bandwidth.

Vegas Background

The Vegas Background jQuery plugin allows you to add beautiful full screen background images to your web pages, all with slideshow elements. If you carefully study the intricacies of working with the plugin, you can find many interesting solutions, of course, if only you need it.

- a slider as a slider, no more, no less, with captions for images or announcements of articles and simple controls, using the "typing" method.

Is a lightweight (about 5 KB) javascript for organizing image viewing. Automatic resizing and scaling of large images, allows you to view the picture in full size within the browser window

PikaChoose jQuery image gallery version 4 is available! Pikachoose is a lightweight jQuery slideshow with great features! Integration with Fancybox, great themes (though not free) and much more are offered by the plugin developers.

Checks the number of images in your list and dynamically creates a set of photo links in the form of digital navigation. In addition, clicking on each image will move forward or backward, and you can also flip through the images depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe click on the picture (for example: clicking on the left side of the picture will move the slides back and forth, respectively, for the right side of the image).

Another jQuery slider that fits perfectly into any WordPress template.

Another development of "Nivo", like everything that the guys from this studio do, the plug-in is made with high quality, contains 16 unique transition effects, keyboard navigation and much more. This version includes a dedicated plugin directly for WordPress. So for all fans of this blogging engine, Nivo Slider will be just right for the theme.

jQuery plugin that allows you to quickly create a simple, effective and beautiful slider for images of any size.

Piroboxis a lightweight jQuery "lightbox" script, viewing is carried out in a pop-up block that automatically adjusts to the size of the image, with all the controls.

The creators of this gallery offer quite an original presentation of the pictures. Images are displayed as thumbnails in the form of a wave, when you click on a thumbnail, we will contemplate a medium-sized version of the picture, click a second time and you will have a large image. You can consider this an experiment, but you must admit that something new and unusual is always interesting.

Full screen slideshow with HTML5 and jQuery

To create slideshows and display pictures in full screen mode, the developers used the Vegas jQuery plugin already familiar to you, which contains many ideas and techniques previously described in detail in the group's articles. Attracted by the presence of HTML5 audio elements and the style of execution of transitions between images.

Another development of the Codrops team, a full-fledged and functional image gallery, however, what's the point in describing it, you must see it.

Picture slideshow, pictures disappear right in front of your eyes, the effect is amazing.

Is a JavaScript framework for an image gallery built on top of the jQuery library. The goal is to simplify the process of developing a professional image gallery for web and mobile devices. Possibility to view in pop-up window and in full screen mode.

Quietly, we begin to get used to it and wait for new works from the Codrops team. Please get a great picture slider with a great 3D transition effect to view pictures in full screen mode.

Another WordPress plugin in the series of slideshow organizers. Easily integrates into almost any design and offers many customization options for experienced users as well as inexperienced ones.

Another plugin written for WordPress will make it much easier to organize slideshows of pictures or any other content on your blogs.

Nice slideshow plugin for wordpress integration. Xili-floom-slideshow is installed automatically, and personal settings are also allowed.

Slimbox2 is a well-established WordPress plugin for displaying images with "Lightbox" effect. Supports automatic slideshow and image resizing in browser window. Anyway, this plugin has many advantages over other plugins in this series.

This plugin, widget allows you to create dynamic, manageable slideshows and presentations for your WordPress website or blog

This WordPress plugin converts gallery-embedded images into a simple and flexible slideshow. The plugin uses FlexSlider jQuery image slider and user personal preferences.

Is a WordPress plugin for organizing slideshows of photos, pictures from SmugMug, Flickr, MobileMe, Picasa or Photobucket RSS feed, works and displays using pure Javascript.

A simple slider like this for WordPress and more. Nothing superfluous and cumbersome, the work is done in a minimalist style, the emphasis is on stability and speed, it perfectly connects to the blog management engine.

In my opinion Skitter is one of the best wordpress sliders. Attracted by the stability and speed of work, not too prominent controls, transition effects and a fairly simple connection to the theme.

Is a WordPress plugin with which you can easily and quickly organize a gallery of images on your site with the ability to view in a slideshow mode. The display can be either automatic or fully controlled with thumbnail display and image captions. | Demo

Shows all pictures for a post / page as a slideshow. Easy installation. This plugin requires Adobe Flash for the version with transition animation, if Flash is not found the slider is working normally.

Another simple WordPress slider that shows post images and short article previews. I use just such a plugin on this blog from time to time.

Meteor Slides is a jQuery-based wordpress slider with over twenty transition styles to choose from. The author called the plug-in "meteor", probably implying the speed of work, perhaps I did not notice anything about meteor.

oQey Gallery is a complete image gallery with slideshow elements for wordpress, with embedded video and music capabilities.

It is a slideshow with flash animation elements for viewing images and videos on websites and blogs. You can place this slider on any website, stuff it in any size and with any content you like.

Flash Gallery plugin turns your regular galleries into stunning image walls, with support for multiple albums per post, full screen preview and slideshow mode.

WOW Slider is a jQuery image slider for WordPress with great visuals (Explosion, Fly, Blinds, Squares, Slices, Base, Fade, Stack, Vertical Stack, and Linear) and professionally designed templates.

Promotion Slider is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to jazz up a simple slideshow, or implement multiple zones of rotating ads on the page, because it is a highly customizable tool, you will have full control over what you show in the slider and how the module works generally.

| Demo

New in version 2.4: support for drag-n-drop sorting of photos directly through the WordPress editor, as well as the ability to add photo links to main images. (IE8 may have bugs, works fine in all major browsers. Authors promise full support for IE8 in the future.)

| Demo

The final chord of this review will be this WordPress plugin, another slider with interesting visual effects for selecting and changing images.

I look at all of the above and I am amazed that it must be a flight of imagination for human people, and this is not all that variegated web developers have heaped up recently on the topic of organizing images on web projects. It's great that it is now possible to bring such great solutions for creating galleries and slideshows to life.
I dare quietly hope that in this collection you will find something interesting for yourself, close up your own, unique gallery or slider, to the delight of your users and, of course, to yourself, your beloved, but where without that ...

Web design with jQuery is easy!

AD Gallery - photo gallery with miniatures.
Installation and configuration

In many cases, a beautiful photo gallery on the site can be made using a carousel with thumbnails that open by clicking in a large window. To create such a gallery, only HTML and CSS tools are enough (see, for example, the article Creating a photo gallery in Photoshop), but the use of free library plugins gives much more possibilities jQuery... For example, consider the photo gallery AD Gallerydeveloped by Swedish programmer Anders Ekdahl.

This photo gallery allows you to choose several options for changing images, displays a scale with thumbnails, previews and text under the pictures, has a slide show mode, and many other useful functions. The plugin works correctly in most browsers, including IE 7, 8, etc. One of the options for the photo gallery AD Gallery shown below (example working as always):

Installing a photo gallery AD Gallery

First, let's create a new folder on the site and name it ad-gallery... Then download the archive and unpack it into the created folder. We'll have two js scripts in it, a CSS stylesheet and some auxiliary images.

Next, you need to add to the title of the page with the future photo gallery inside the tag ... the following lines indicating the paths to our new files, and a small JavaScript to initialize AD Gallery:

Important note: if your site uses multiple plugins jQuery, it is more convenient to move the jquery.js file (preferably the latest version) to the root folder so as not to download it several times. In this case, the line of reference to it will look the same for all plugins. In particular, for our example, it turns out like this:

It is not recommended to use several different versions on one page. jQueryso that they do not conflict with each other. In this case, be sure to check the work of plugins with the installed version jQuerysince not all versions are interchangeable.

For placing images (large - big.jpg and thumbnails - small.jpg) use an unordered list nested in several tags

... For our example with five pictures, the HTML code looks like this:

Don't worry too much about the values \u200b\u200bof "divs" and just copy the entire container by placing your images in tags. The number of images placed in them can be any. Pay attention to the way of displaying inscriptions under enlarged pictures: attribute title gives a common name, and alt - detailed description. To implement a picture link, use the attribute longdesc (third image).

As you can see, installing the photo gallery AD Gallerylike most plugins jQuery, very simple and does not require any special programming knowledge.

Configuring Photo Gallery Settings AD Gallery

Most of the photo gallery appearance settings AD Gallery done with CSS rules in the file The main ones are provided with Russian comments and do not have any peculiarities, that is, difficulties.

Animation and other parameters can be changed in the file To do this, open it in the editor or in Notepad and at the very beginning you will see lines with comments. By changing the values \u200b\u200bof the parameters and viewing the result in a browser, you can customize the work of the photo gallery in accordance with your tasks. For example, the line
effect: "slide-hori", // slide show effects: "slide-vert", "fade", "resize", "none", "slide-hori"
defines one of five options for transitions when changing pictures.

The size of the photo gallery window is automatically determined according to the largest image. Therefore, it is desirable that the pictures are not very different in height, otherwise there is a lot of empty space.

Photo gallery AD Gallery it is convenient to use with a small number of pictures. If your collection consists of a hundred or two images, then waiting for all of them to scroll is too tedious, and not every user will "reach the middle of the Dnieper." Unfortunately in AD Gallery there is no slider for quickly moving through the thumbnails. Therefore, for large photo galleries, I recommend using another jQuery plugin - PP Gallery, which is discussed in the next article.

For other programs for creating photo galleries, image carousels and slideshows on the site, see and in the section "

Hello! In this article, we will consider how to make a nice and conveniently sorted gallery in jQuery.

A beautiful, easy-to-sort gallery is a wonderful thing for your site that will delight you and your visitors. Today we will look at a very easy to install and configure plugin for the library JQuery - Filterizr.

Despite its ease of use, the plugin is quite lightweight and effective. Let's take a closer look at it.


To see how the plugin works, go to the official website, and here it is already in front of you!

You can choose to sort by city, nature, industry, sunrise, sunset, or show all photos (default). There is a button Shufflewhich will allow you to shuffle the images. Buttons ASC and DESC sort pictures in ascending and descending order respectively. If you want to find some image by position or description, select the desired item in the drop-down list and enter your query in the search field. When you hover over the image with the mouse, the image turns from black and white to color.


To download the library, click the button Download or use NPM:

Npm install filterizr

The plugin is already configured out of the box, but if you want to overwrite the defaults, you can either:

1) Pass an object with parameters to the constructor JQuery

Var filterizd \u003d $ (". Filtr-container"). Filterizr ((
// parameters

2) Rewrite parameters using setOptions () method in object Filterizr.

Filterizd.filterizr ("setOptions", (
// parameters


Default parameters:

Options \u003d (
animationDuration: 0.5,
callbacks: (
onFilteringStart: function () (),
onFilteringEnd: function () ()
delay: 0,
delayMode: "progressive",
easing: "ease-out",
filter: "all",
filterOutCss: (
opacity: 0,
transform: "scale (0.5)"
filterInCss: (
opacity: 0,
transform: "scale (1)"
layout: "sameSize",
selector: ".filtr-container",
setupControls: true

More detailed instructions and a description of each parameter can be found at