Where are the passwords stored in the Yandex browser. Viewing passwords in the mobile version of the Yandex browser. Saved passwords in Yandex browser. Where passwords entered in any of the Internet browsers are stored

Internet Explorer

Browser, Web browser (from the English Web browser). Where can these same browsers store user passwords? Understanding ...

Let's start with the most popular and well-known browser - Internet Explorer (IE) from Microsoft. It stores its passwords, naturally encrypted, in the Windows Registry, along with the hash of the website URL:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Internet Explorer \\ IntelliForms \\ Storage2

Opera - web brouser

The fastest and most popular browser Opera uses its own storage format to store passwords. The file which contains the passwords is called Wand.dat, it is in the user profile:

for Windows XP

C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Admin \\ Application Data \\ Opera \\ Opera \\ wand.dat

C: \\ users \\ Admin \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Opera \\ Opera \\ wand.dat

Google Chrom browser

Google Chrome — the most secure browser stores user passwords in the sqlite database, the file is called Login Data and is located in the user profile:

for Windows XP

C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Admin \\ Application Data \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ Default

for Windows 7; Windows Vista

C: \\ users \\ Admin \\ AppdData \\ Local \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ Default

Mozilla Firefox

And of course, Mozilla Firefox is the most extensible and customizable browser. It, like Google Chrome, uses a Sqlite database for storage. Passwords are encrypted with Triple-DES and BASE64 encoded. The file in which passwords are stored is also in the user profile, the name is chosen at random - "random_name.default"

for Windows XP

C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Admin \\ Application Data \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles \\ "rendom_name" .default

for Windows 7; Windows Vista

C: \\ Users \\ Admin \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles \\ "rendom_name" .default

The following programs will help you extract passwords for all these browsers:

FirePasswordViewer, ChromePasswordDecryptor, FirePasswordViewer, OperaPasswordDecryptor, IEPasswordDecryptor are all easily found through search engines. But don't forget that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. Any archive containing these programs may contain "malware"

where browsers store their passwords

* All paths in this material are shown for the user "Admin"

Yandex Browser, like other Internet browsers, allows you to save passwords. If the password was saved in the browser, then any user who has access to the computer will be able to see this password. This is just one of several reasons why I strongly discourage saving any passwords in browsers. However, today we are not talking about that.

So, you have Yandex Browser. It is not difficult to look at passwords in it, provided that they are saved. Actually, this is how the browser request to save the password looks like:

Accordingly, if the user clicks "Save password", it will be saved.

To view the passwords, click on the button with three stripes and select "Settings" from the menu.

Once in the settings, we lower the page to the very bottom and click on the "Show advanced settings" button.

We are looking for the subsection "Passwords and Autofill", and then click on the "Password Management" button.

Here we see the saved passwords (under the asterisks) for this or that site, as well as the saved logins. If you click on the "Show" button, respectively, you will see the password.

Hello! Today I will tell you how to view saved passwords on a computer in a Yandex browser. Yes, it also happens that you need to change the password, but in order to do this, you will have to enter the old one. But sometimes people forget their own protective words, so they have to start a tedious recovery process. It also happens that you want to log into your account in a different browser. Difficulties can arise here too. Therefore, I will try to put everything on the shelves for you.

How to see saved passwords internally

For our convenience, such a function is available right inside the browser. In order to use it, it is enough to follow a few simple steps:

When all the settings are done, the browser will do everything right. Well, now, let's get to the very bottom:

That's all. Now you can easily write it down, or copy it to paste it into a form for another web browser, such as Google, Mozilla or Opera.

How to see the password under the asterisks

In some cases, it is faster and more convenient to fetch the password directly from the login form to any service, if, of course, you already have a login and asterisks are shown.

To do this, click on the key combination SHIFT + CTRL + I, after which the web developer panel will pop up. And then you will need to click on the item selection button, which is located in the upper left corner of the panel itself, and then select a password, that is, click on the asterisks (black circles). Please note that everything will change immediately in the panel. This happened because we were thrown to the very piece of code that is responsible for entering the password.

Further, in this piece of code we are looking for the item input type \u003d "password "and double-click the left mouse button on the word password. After that it will become editable and all you have to do is replace this word with" text ". After that the asterisks will be automatically removed, and all the secret content will be displayed. But don't worry This only works for you and only once, that is, after refreshing the page, everything will return to normal.

By the way, it works in other browsers such as Google Chrome, Opera or Mozilla Firefox.

Crome Pass Program

If you want to view the saved passwords in the Yandex browser without going into it, then I would recommend that you install the program Cromepass... The program itself gives out all the available credential data that you saved in the browser. Moreover, it takes information not only from Yandex, but also from any Chromium-based browsers. This means that this application is also suitable for fans of Google Crome, Opera, etc.

To download the program, go to official site and click on the corresponding link. Below you will see translation files, including Russian localization. But to be honest, I would not even advise you to bother about this. Even if you don't know English, you can figure it out. So go to the archive with the application and run the file inside. The program does not require installation, which is its undoubted advantage.

When the app launches, you will have a bunch of confusing entries. In fact, these are the addresses of the sites that you have ever entered, and if you scroll the slider further or open the window to full screen, you will see the Password field. But, of course, it will be much more convenient to find the site you are looking for. To do this, click on the search icon and enter part of the address. or entirely.

Immediately after that, we will be thrown to the first entry, which contains the part of the word that we were looking for in the search.

And now, you can double-click the left mouse button on any line, after which the properties will open. Here you can find out all the ins and outs of your current account. Moreover, in addition to the login and password, it will describe the type of account, and even the complexity of the code word.

Browser extension

Like any other browser on your computer, Yandex also has the ability, and, what is most interesting, it takes them by default from Opera add-ons.

To see the password under the asterisks, you can do the following:

  1. Enter the add-on store. To do this, click on "Menu" and select "Add-ons".
  2. Next, we go down to the very bottom and press the button "Directory of Yandex browser extensions".
  3. Now in the search box enter Show Password and install this add-on by clicking the corresponding button.
  4. When you are informed that the add-on is installed, it will already work. Now you just have to go to the site where the password is located under the asterisks, and just click on this field. Asterisks and circles will immediately change to the code word itself and you can rewrite or copy it.

  5. If you suddenly want, then this extension can always be easily removed. Just go back to Menu - Add-ons and then find Show Password and either disable it temporarily or delete it permanently.

You can also install other extensions that you, for example, used in the google chrome browser, for example (A very cool add-on for quickly entering passwords and viewing them), or Unmask Password (an excellent add-on for viewing the password under the asterisks). How can this be done if in the Yandex browser itself it is possible to install only opera add-ons? Everything is much simpler than you think. Just go to google extension store by copying this link - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions and inserting it into the Yandex browser. It will open in the same way and you can set everything up in the most usual way. what you need, only everything will be installed directly in Yandex.

Well, that's all for me, I hope that you will no longer have any questions about how you can view the password through the Yandex browser. I hope you liked my article, so do not forget to subscribe to my publics on social networks, as well as notifications and a channel on YouTube. I look forward to seeing you again. Bye Bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

Save passwords in the browser is a convenient option: you do not need to re-enter them during authorization; plus - you can not rely on your own memory. But what if the authentication data from the sites is saved, but forgotten - and you need to get it? Let's look at the Yandex Browser as an example, how to view saved passwords.

In what cases the password cannot be viewed

First, we will exclude problem areas. No tricks will help you find out logins and passwords if:

  • the user does not save them, or trusts this function to a third-party application;
  • the user profile is unlocked, but the passphrase from him is unknown - and you should not "reveal" other people's secrets;
  • windows user profile is locked: Protect technology does not allow to open the file where the passwords are stored Yandex browser.

Where passwords are stored

Even 5-7 years ago, code phrases in popular applications were in a file in the form of unencrypted text. Since then, technologies for protecting personal data have increased significantly. The file where passwords are stored in Yandex Browser on a computer is encrypted. Data is written as hashes, not text characters. If you try to decrypt such a file, then even a powerful PC will not be able to cope with this task with continuous operation for the next hundred years: the algorithms are extremely resistant to hacking.

Content of the personal data file. The sought after is in the fourth line, but encrypted as a hash. There is no chance to decode it.

Knowing where the saved passwords are stored in Yandex Browser is useful only for backups. It is convenient to keep on hand such important data in case of problems with the operating system or hard drive. The Ya Login Data file is located deep in the depths of the user profile: C: \\ Users \\ here_ should_ be_user_name \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Yandex \\ YandexBrowser \\ User Data \\ Default

How to see passwords internally

So, you won't be able to decrypt the file. But you can look at it using the tools of the application itself. By the way, the instructions on how to view the letters and numbers under the asterisks in the browser are also valid for other Chromium-based programs: the algorithm will work in Vivaldi, Opera, and Chrome. Only the names of the menu items and tabs may differ.

So, let's look at an example of how to view saved passwords:

  • The main menu (the icon with three stripes on the top right) - Password Manager.

  • The entire list of saved accounts is shown, the addresses are listed in alphabetical order. When you select a specific site, the following window opens.

List of all saved accounts

  • Mini-window with the website address, account name, and asterisks. How do I view my saved passwords? Click on the "eye" icon on the right. The security system will prompt you to enter your Windows user profile information.

Recall that information about where Yandex browser passwords are physically stored is unnecessary. This file cannot be decrypted.

Why passwords are not listed

Most likely, the authentication data was simply not saved. Another option is that the saved password is lost in a long list. Use the first automatic search of the site: simply enter a few letters of the address.

Did not work out? Try to find the required string manually. The sites are listed alphabetically; Cyrillic domains are located under Latin addresses. If the site name starts with a number, then this site will be at the very top of the list.

How to view saved passwords in Yandex Browser on a smartphone

Now, how to view passwords in Yandex Browser on Android. In the main menu of the application, press the menu button (3 strips) and select the Password Manager item. The interface of this section repeats the same section of the desktop browser. A list of sites with saved passwords is visible.

Just click on the desired, and a window will appear with asterisks. The same "eye" icon will help to replace them with real letters and numbers.

Password Manager in the mobile version repeats the interface of its desktop brother

Unfortunately (or fortunately!) Protect technology does not allow to take a screenshot manager on the phone. Yandex rightly fears cybercriminals and malware that can access applications and send screenshots to third parties so that they can see the password on someone else's smartphone.


It is not difficult to view the password saved in the browser. The problem is different: an attacker who has access to a computer can find out confidential information as easily as the owner himself. To reduce the risk of data loss, do not leave your computer unlocked even for a moment away. Instant PC locking is carried out using the Windows + L combination: now an outsider will not be able to delve into the depths of Yandex Browser.

Today, any Internet user is registered on at least 10-20 sites: in social networks, forums, blogs. And then there are mailboxes, online games, and other various services.

Of course, you can't keep all the data in your head. But here smart browsers come to the rescue, which save all logins and automatically enter them when visiting sites. Simple and convenient.

But on the other hand, it plays a cruel joke on us. After all, over time, we forget this data. Fortunately, you can always view your saved passwords in your browser. Anything - Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Yandex. And below we will look at how to do this.

Most often, the data have to remember, for example, after you have decided. After all, after this procedure, you need to manually enter them on all sites.

Let's start with the popular browser - Google Chrome. Indeed, today it is used by 40% of PC users and 47% of mobile device owners. It's easy to view passwords in Chrome. To do this, do the following:

Yandex browser

The second most popular browser is Yandex. It is used by 17.6% of PC and laptop owners. The statistics among the owners of mobile devices is also quite good - 4% and 4th place.

It is very easy to view passwords in Yandex Browser. After all, this is done in about the same way as in Chrome.

Here you can also delete passwords in Yandex Browser if you no longer need them. To do this, click on the cross in the right corner.

Mozilla Firefox

The third most popular browser is Fire Chanterelle. It is used by 12.9% of PC and laptop owners. Passwords in Firefox are stored in a slightly different location. But the essence is about the same.

Opera 40.0

And the last browser is Opera. Almost 10% of Internet users and deserved 4th place.

What to do if the browser has no saved data

Sometimes, the browser settings may not contain data for a specific site. They refused to keep them (as a pop-up window) or accidentally deleted .... What to do in this case?

The easiest option is to use the password recovery form. Now it is on all sites. New data (or instructions for their recovery) will be sent to your email.