Google is unable to set a default folder. Change the default working folder. Application cannot be installed due to insufficient memory

I'll start from afar. The best option for installing Windows is to initially split it into several logical drives (most often there are 2). In one of which the system is installed, and in the others everything you need (movies, music, images, etc.). And the correct thing to do would be to “give” the system a maximum of 100 GB, and divide the rest or leave it on another disk. The wrong ways would be: leave about 30 GB for the system and not split the hard drive, but “push” everything into one. After this, the system will need to be constantly cleaned and it will be difficult to determine what is where.

For example, on my 500 GB laptop the hard drive is divided into 100 and 400 GB, respectively, for the OS and my needs. This is approximately of course, because The structure of hard drives will not allow for even division. And even if you buy an 8 GB flash drive, you will get something like 7.5 GB. But that's another story. You get the point.

But even if your hard drive is divided correctly (at least 70GB is allocated for Windows), then sooner or later the time will come when there is not enough space and Windows will “ask” you to delete the excess. When this happens to me with a local disk where I have my data, the toad strangles me in order to delete something from films or installer programs. You have to contrive and either delete it, or transfer it to disks, or to a portable hard drive in order to somehow preserve what was there (you know, a habit). I don't think I'm the only one who has this problem.
But if this happens to the disk where the system is installed, then it’s even worse (at least for me). Here you feel sorry for the installed programs and you need to decide which ones to “sacrifice” in order to save space.
You can, of course, clean what you have using utilities. Clear all garbage in the form of temporary files and folders, the recycle bin, the registry and everything else you can. But sometimes this is not enough and not much space is freed up, but it is enough for the first time.

Now closer to the essence of the article.
For those who don't know, I'll explain. If you think that what you are “throwing” on the desktop, delete files and folders in the trash, save files in My Documents, Music, Downloads, etc. then nothing happens to the space on your system disk - you are deeply mistaken. The desktop is not a separate disk. This is just a “shortcut” indicating a location on your system disk. Therefore, when you load all these places, you are loading your disk on which the operating system is installed.

In this article, I will look at a couple of ways to make sure that such inconspicuous folders as Programs and Profiles are on another drive. Why is this method good? Yes, you can independently choose a folder to save your installed programs and games (moreover, 90% of them ask you to indicate the folder where they will be installed, and the remaining 10% are installed without asking), for downloading music, pictures and other things. But very often it happens that when installing, users simply click on the button Further without even thinking about what is written there (well, and along the way they install other programs from the developer or toolbars in the browser or something else) and in the end everything is installed on the system drive. If someone thinks that this is what is needed - that games and programs should be installed in the Program Files folder, otherwise the computer will die and the program will not work, then I will refute these thoughts. It is no coincidence that programs ask where to install them. To put it simply, they don’t care where the files are located, the main thing is that the path to them is indicated in the system files and registry.
It’s the same with profiles - often you simply don’t think about the fact that there is a folder with movies on your desktop or download files from the Internet to the Downloads folder. Meanwhile, this loads the disk.
And after the OS writes to you that there is not enough space, you start deleting programs and games (sometimes necessary), sacrificing them for the sake of space. Or you could just look at the desktop or folders with music, pictures, downloads and other things.

That’s why I’ll show you how to make the default installation of programs and games on another drive, as well as profiles (which, by the way, sometimes also accumulate a lot of garbage in the form of temporary files of various utilities). Having done this once, it will remain until the system is reinstalled.

How to change the default installation path for programs and games to another drive?

Then copy from C:\Users (C:\Users) Public folder in D:\Users.

Go to the Registry Editor (how to do this is described above) and go to the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList. In it you need to change the files Default, Profile Directory and Public

change the value of %SystemDrive% to D:. It should look like this:

Reboot and see if it worked.

Whenever users launch Windows Explorer, the GUI shell for operating system Windows will open folder default, which stores the current user "My Documents"(V Windows XP or earlier versions) or "Documents" folder(in Windows Vista) to the logged on user's home directory. IN Windows OS user folder My Documents installed by default, which is what most users expect to use folders to manage documents and files, thereby Windows Explorer opens My Documents folder by default, which is convenient for most users.

If you are using another folder as a working folders and you need to access another folder, which saves more of your files than My Computer folder,by using Windows Explorer you can change the settings default folders and assign another folder the default is that whenever Windows Explorer will be launched, it will display the contents of another folders instead of My Documents folders.

How to change the default folder in Windows Explorer

1.Click the button Start, then All programs and accessories. If you are using the context menu Windows Explorer eg for Quick Launch or Desktop, skip this step.

2.Right click on Windows Explorer(or its shortcut) and click the button Properties .

3.B Windows Explorer Properties, click on label tabs.

4.By default, the text box after "Target" will show the value as below:


Change the Target text option field to the following:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n/e,

Where represents the full path to the new folder that you want to open by default on startup Windows Explorer. Spaces should not be omitted.

For example, if you want Windows Explorer ran and showed the C:\ folder, the target path should be something like this:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n/e, C:\

Or, if you want to go directly to the C:\MyFolder\ directory, the line should read like this:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n/e, C:\MyFolder\

A special case is to change the default setting, so that everything is displayed at the highest level of drives and folders. To show this, use the following entry as the target of the context menu when opened Windows Explorer, you can select from all folders and drives, not just My Documents folder:

%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n/e, /select, C:\

Above syntax Target with "/select" opens parent folder, so that you can “select” from all folders(or drives) that are accessible at the same level of the directory structure.

5.Click OK.

This trick works on most operating systems Windows, including Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Error code 20 indicates that you have a problem related to a general network failure - the main TCP connection was forcibly closed for a number of reasons. Error code 20 can be caused by many situations, but mainly these are compatibility problems between the installed application and the system software, due to which the connection is forcibly terminated. Outwardly, all this looks like a network level problem, for example, interruption of the Internet connection, lack of communication with the proxy server, etc.

Method 1: Reset Google Play Store settings
Resetting the service settings quite often helps solve problems with various errors. It is done as follows:

Method 2: Uninstall Google Play updates
Everything is done in the same way as in method 2 described above, with the only difference that instead of “Clear cache”, the “Delete updates” button is selected. The application will return to its original version, in which it worked normally before installing the updates. If the problem is really in the new version of the software, or the Android device, due to technical imperfections, cannot handle these updates, then the service will work in the mode familiar to the user. No new features, but fine.

Method 3: Editing the /etc/hosts file
This system file in Android devices is located at /system/etc/hosts. It is used to block access to unwanted resources. Initially the file contains a single entry localhost Due to the actions of attackers who want to block your Google account and receive money for unblocking, the market address may also appear there. Remove this line, returning the hosts file to its original state. For such actions, you may need to obtain root rights. We have repeatedly described how this is done on various devices on our website.

Rebooting your smartphone or tablet is the first thing to try if the Play Store suddenly refuses to work due to the “Code 20” error. Alternatively, the cause could be a system freeze (users encounter this situation quite often). The most interesting thing is that a reboot often helps not only with problems with the Play Store, but also with problems that arise with other services and applications. It also happens that the device has rebooted, but the market does not want to work. Then you can try other methods.

Method 5: Delete Google Account
We warn you right away: By deleting your Google account, you may lose necessary and important information, so it is recommended to create a backup copy (sync data) in advance.

Now you are ready to delete your Google account. When you log back into your device from it, you will be prompted to restore the information from the backup.

But let’s return to the procedure for deleting a Google account to normalize the operation of the market. After creating a backup, you need to return to the previous menu and this time select “Delete” rather than “Sync.” Click on the appropriate button, then restart your smartphone (tablet) and log in to your account again. Usually, deleting your account helps get rid of problems associated with the operation of Google services and error code 20. If this does not happen, try other methods.

Method 6: Completely reset all settings of your Android device
A full reset (returning the device to factory settings) is a radical and effective method, but it requires preparation. Otherwise, you may lose valuable information. Sync your data - create a backup as shown in method 5 above. Make sure this procedure completes successfully. Now you can go to “Settings”, find the “Backup and reset” section, where you can perform “Reset settings”. After this, you need to restart the device and restore the information using a backup copy.

As you can see, the proposed methods are quite trivial and do not differ from the manuals for eliminating problems associated with other errors when working with Google Play. If you know more interesting and effective options for fixing the error “The application could not be installed in the default folder” (error code: 20), please tell us about them in the comments. Perhaps your method will be the only one for some of our visitors.


From the Help menu, select Help for Microsoft Word . If the assistant is enabled, it will appear. If the assistant is turned off, a help window will appear. To enter a question in the Help window, go to the Answer Wizard tab. To view the contents of the help, go to the Contents tab. To find help for specific words or phrases, go to the Index tab.

To view help for a menu command, toolbar button, or screen area, select What's This from the Help menu ? and click the object of interest.

To view a tooltip for a dialog box option, click the question mark button in the dialog box and click the option of interest. (If the dialog box does not have a question mark button, select the option you are interested in and press SHIFT+F1).

To find out the name of a toolbar button, hover over the button and wait a few seconds.

Directions for finding help

▪ For best results, enter a complete sentence or question in the Assistant callout, rather than a single word or phrase. For example, to find help on printing multiple copies of a file at once, type print multiple copies of a file at once rather than just print.

▪ To enter a question about the program Microsoft Office For a list of topics related to this question, click the Answer Wizard tab. If the Answer Wizard tab is not visible, click Show.

▪ To limit the range of Help topics that are displayed, click the Index tab. If the Index tab is not visible, click Show. Enter or select a specific word or phrase from the keyword list. The list of found sections can be modified by adding or removing keywords from the search terms. In this way, you can narrow your search until only the sections and keywords you need remain in the list.

▪ If the user is not programming, the assistant displays help topics related only to the use of Office .

Programming help topics are available in the assistant only in components that allow you to develop programs.

Copying a file

Click the Open button

To copy a file saved in another folder, find and open the folder you want.

Right-click the file you want to copy and select Copy from the context menu.

If you cannot find the file right away, try using file search tools.


1. To copy a file to another folder, find and open the desired folder.

2. Make sure there are no selected files in the folder list, right-click the folder list, and then select Paste from the context menu.

3. If at least one file is selected in the list of folders, the Paste command will not be available. 1

Deleting a file

¨ Click the Open button

¨ To delete a file saved in another folder, find and open the desired folder.

¨ Right-click the file you want to copy and select Delete from the context menu.

¨ If you cannot find the file right away, try using file search tools.

1 Note. It is possible to select several files for copying at once. See instructions for selecting multiple files.

What is a working folder?

Documents can be stored in any folder on your hard drive or on a network drive. Typically, all documents are stored in one folder so that they can be easily found when you need to open or save the document. Microsoft Windows contains a folder named « My Documents » , which can be used as a repository for frequently used documents. If you work with a large number of documents or with documents of different types, you can place them in folders nested within a folder « My Documents » .

« My Documents » - default working folder

When you first open the Open Document and Save Document dialog boxes after launching Microsoft Word, the default current working folder is « My Documents » . This default folder is the current folder in any installed Office program. In addition, if the panel is installed Microsoft Office, then the folder « My Documents » is also current and opens using the Open document button on the panel Microsoft Office.

To view a list of files in the default working folder when opening or saving a document, in the location bar, click My Documents

Changing the default working folder

Change the default working folder for Word, you can in the Options dialog box on the Location tab ( Service menu ).

Change the default working folder for all programs Office, for the button and command Open document Office on the panel Microsoft Office, Can:

➢ renaming the folder « My Documents » ,

➢ by moving this folder to another location,

➢ renaming the folder,

➢ by moving it to another place.

If you have already changed the default working folder for Word or other program Office, the folder you select will remain the default working folder.

Many users of gadgets running the Android OS have found themselves in an annoying situation when, while installing a new application, the system displays a message that you cannot install this application in the default folder. Verbatim:

Failed to install the application to the default folder. Check your device's folder system and try again. If the problem persists, try fixing it yourself. (Error code - 20)

The error can appear even when there is enough free memory on the phone, smartphone or tablet. This often happens due to the fault of Android developers. This error may occur, for example, after the release of the next update package for Android. However, there may be other reasons.

In any case, something needs to be done about this. This article will help you get rid of the “annoying” message and continue to enjoy the stable operation of your Android phone, smartphone or tablet. In some cases it helps, instead of Android internal memory.

Error installing the application, failed to install the application on Android.

So, what happened happened, and in this case there is no point in clutching your head. The problem needs to be resolved, if the error “Failed to install the application” appears, you have the following options:

  1. The simplest (so to speak, for dummies), but 90% effective method is a banal reboot of the device or Soft Reset (In the most difficult situations, a Hard Reset will be required). During long-term operation of the system, various errors accumulate in it, and the RAM is overloaded with running processes. In addition, one of the services running in the background can create a conflict situation. A reboot will clear the RAM and clear accumulated errors. As a result, the application should start without errors. If not, look further.
  2. Another common reason is the lack of free memory on the phone or flash drive to install programs. To fix this problem, first, check whether the required amount of memory is free (it is better to calculate with a reserve). To clear the RAM, you can try and reboot. If there is still not enough space to install the program (application), go to the “Settings” menu, select “Applications” and delete those that you do not use, or erase other unnecessary files. For example, you can copy photos and videos from the device to a computer or laptop and delete them in Android.
  3. The error may also occur due to the incorrect operation of the Google application store itself - the Play Market. To fix it, you need to again enter the “Settings” menu, select “Applications”, click on Play Store. Using the menu, you need to clear the cache, erase all data and remove all recent updates. Next, reboot the device and try again to install the required application.
  4. If the problem described above is still related to the operating system, then you have 3 options: roll back to the previous version, wait for the next update to come out, or install a different Android OS build. The latter method is not advisable if the device is under warranty.
  5. Sometimes, an application installation error on Android may appear due to synchronization problems. If there are any, then you need to clear the cache, delete data and updates in the Market, Google Services and Google Services Framework. Next, in the synchronization settings, uncheck all the checkboxes and reboot the device. We set the settings as before and reboot again. After the update the problem should go away.
  6. It would also be a good idea to check Android for viruses. Make sure you have it installed and do a full scan.

By trying each of these methods, you will most likely get rid of this error. However, if a miracle does not happen, which is unlikely, then you always have the last option - contacting a service center or warranty service.

Questions and comments about the article are welcome.