Hotkeys for Yandex browser and Google Chrome. Hotkeys for Yandex email Yandex Russian keyboard

It is simply impossible to earn money on the Internet without a browser, and productivity depends on how comfortable it is for you to work with it.

As with many other programs, there are special keyboard shortcuts that allow you to perform various operations. Using them helps save time.

Browser hotkeys are used by all professionals. It would seem a trifle, but the seconds that you save turn into minutes, and then into hours of free time.

We already talked about it once, but that article will be more useful for people working with texts.

Useful browser keyboard shortcuts

Saving even a little time means making more money. Hotkeys for Yandex browser, opera, chrome and other platforms are practically the same.

Memorize them and apply using any browser:

  • Alt + Backspace or Left Arrow - Back function.
  • Alt + Enter - The entered URL will be opened in another tab.
  • Alt + Enter - to view search results in a separate window.
  • Alt + Home - go to the home page.
  • Alt + Right Arrow - Forward function.
  • Ctrl + 0 - standard scaling.
  • Ctrl + 9 - go to the last tab.
  • Ctrl + D - save the resource in bookmarks.
  • Ctrl + Enter - Adds .com and www to the entered value in the address bar.
  • Ctrl + F, F3 - search within the page.
  • Ctrl + F4 - close the page opened in the browser.
  • Ctrl + F5 - press to refresh the page without clearing the cache.
  • Ctrl + G, F3 - search the next record page.
  • Ctrl + H - simple opening of the journal (history).
  • Ctrl + J - go to the history of downloaded files.
  • Ctrl + L, Alt + D, F6 - select a link from the address bar.
  • Ctrl + N - useful for opening a new window.
  • Ctrl + O - helps to easily open files in the browser.
  • Ctrl + P - go to the printout of information from the page.
  • Ctrl + S - save data from the page to the PC.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Del - goes to clearing history, cache and other data.
  • Ctrl + Shift + T - opens the page that you closed the last time.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab - Moves to the previous tab (to the left).
  • Ctrl + T - open a new tab.
  • Ctrl + Tab - Moves to the next tab (to the right).
  • Ctrl + U - open the page code.
  • Ctrl + W - close an unnecessary tab.
  • Ctrl + minus button, Ctrl + scroll wheel down - zoom out.
  • Ctrl + plus button, Ctrl + scroll wheel up - zoom in.
  • Ctrl + a number from 1 to 8 - allows you to move between tabs.
  • End - easy transition to the end of the page.
  • Esc - press to stop all downloads.
  • F11 - activation of the "Full screen" mode.
  • F5 - to refresh the page with clearing the cache.
  • Home - go to the beginning of the page.
  • Shift + Backspace - forward function.
  • Shift + Space, Page Up - Scrolls up one screen.
  • Space, Page Down - Scrolls down one screen.
  • Alt + F4 - hotkey to close the browser.

It is unlikely that you can remember them right away, you need to train. But when you study each combination, you will notice how convenient it is, since you practically don't have to pick up a mouse.

There are others on our blog to help you save time.

Even if you're just spending tons of free time online, try learning some of the commands. This shortens your movement, which can lead to fatigue. Train yourself, using hot keys when working in a browser will not be superfluous.

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  • Android app Yandex.Keyboard, version: 18.3.4, price: Free

How many keyboards I tried to use on my smartphones - I generally liked everything. I could not single out one of them from the crowd of the others, each had at least some small flaw. And I ended up settling on the Gboard keyboard. The craft from Google suited almost everyone: not clumsy design themes, comfortable key layout, settings for correcting entered text, continuous input, custom dictionaries, the ability to change the keyboard height, etc. From the inconvenient, I can only note the need to switch to additional keyboard blocks to enter special characters. Well, switching input languages \u200b\u200bwith a space bar swipe "was not delivered."

What kind of devil have I installed on the "Aquarium Yu Plus" Yandex.Keyboard? Whether in search of a new one, or after an unpredictable surge of patriotism - I don’t know. But, having installed it, I did not delete it, because looking at the "Yandex" keyboard, I somehow did not find any visible differences from Gboard. Is that the language change button is nestled to the right of the spacebar (Gboard is on the left), but in the extreme version it also migrated to the left (although in the settings you can return it to its old place).

I am especially touched by the inscriptions on the spaces of both keyboards. Gboard can boast of a statement of the current input language, which is sometimes even useful: for example, the letters of the English language from German are not immediately distinguishable. But Yandex.Keyboard publicly announces that this key is a space! We didn't know ...

But the difference between these keyboards is different: each Yandex.Keyboard key is equipped not only with the main letter of some alphabet (Russian or English in my case), but also, in the manner of a physical desktop keyboard, has an additional character drawn in gray small print just above the main letter character. A long press on a key will enter an additional character, while a short tap will enter the main character (as in any other keyboard).

There is also a visual and tactile difference: Yandex.Keyboard has smaller side margins, that is, the distance from the extreme keys to the edge of the screen is less. When using a smartphone in a bumper or case, at first it causes some inconvenience: my finger often rested against the side of the bumper, but then I got used to it. But on smartphones with a curved screen or 2.5D screen, it will be the best!

So, it's enough to compare products from different developers; I focus on the domestic product.

In general, Yandex.Keyboard is very user-friendly. There is continuous input, there are input prompts (including from dictionaries), there is an indication of the pressed key (increase); Previously, there was a switch between languages \u200b\u200bby swiping on a space, but in the latest (extreme) version, this chip was cut. There is a voice input activated by a long press on the spacebar.

I have never used voice input before, probably because there was no need. But for completeness of testing, I tried it, and I put the keyboard in obviously difficult conditions: I forced it to record two voices at once - mine and my daughter's. Was funny. We laughed. Yandex.Keyboard tried to write down our laughter in letters / words. We laughed even more. But seriously, I didn't think it would be that easy with voice input. The main thing is to swallow hot porridge and speak more or less clearly. And don't whisper. You need to pause between sentences, otherwise the keyboard will cram everything into one sentence. But if you pause (a second or two is enough), a dot will appear and your next words will begin with a new sentence. If the pause lasts five seconds, the microphone will be muted, but the keyboard will remain in voice input mode. To turn on the microphone, press the button with the microphone sign.

Let's go over the Yandex.Keyboard settings. They are divided into two tabs: "Design" and, in fact, "Settings".

The promising word "design" hides just a selection of themes, of which there are currently six:

  • light gray with black characters without highlighting keys;
  • light gray with black symbols and rectangular white keys;
  • black with white symbols and rectangular dark gray keys;
  • dark pink with white characters without highlighting keys;
  • black with white characters without highlighting keys;
  • dark gray with white characters without highlighting keys.

    What can I say here - the choice is very small, and if you consider that you cannot create your own themes, then it becomes completely sad. Although you can always console yourself with the fact that I have to go, not checkers.

    But in settings you can walk a little.

    The choice of languages \u200b\u200bis immediately striking - it is on the top step of the pedestal. The set of languages \u200b\u200bis not particularly rich, after all, the keyboard is intended for users of post-Soviet countries.

    You can use no more than three languages \u200b\u200bat a time. Or two languages \u200b\u200band an optional numeric keypad. Or just two languages. Or one language (possibly with a numeric keypad).

    There are really general settings concerning automatic capital letters and periods at the end of a sentence (as well as spaces after punctuation marks), vibration feedback and sound of keys, and enabling / disabling the indication of keys (increasing), and displaying / using additional symbols. It also offers a choice of the mode of placement of punctuation marks during voice input: automatically or manually (unfortunately, I saw only dots in the auto mode). You can also enable / disable an additional and separate top row for numbers and increase / decrease the overall height of the keyboard.

    Next, we fall into the settings for continuous input, although there is nowhere much to fall through. It is only offered to choose how to use the keyboard swipe: to enter text or to switch layouts. I am somehow not used to continuous input, so I use a swipe to switch between languages \u200b\u200band an additional numeric keypad.

    The next item of settings is more complete, and it deals with fixing the test. Automatic, I mean, fixes. This is where you can view your custom dictionary, add something to it, or fix / delete it. With one movement (but, however, with confirmation), you can clear the entire user dictionary. Next to the auto-correction settings for the words being typed, the "Emoji in hints" item has also been added.

    In addition to the general settings, there are additional settings. Here you can select the sound of keystrokes and the strength of the vibration, if you use them. I do not use. You can also enable the display of the search bar from Yandex on the notification panel (if you need it, please; I like the search bar in Smart Launcher much more). And finally, you can activate the collection of input statistics in order to say to yourself in a month: I entered one hundred and three (or fifteen million sixty-eight) characters during this month.

    And finally - the layout settings. There are also few points here - only three. The first is to select the position of the globe (language switcher). The second is to display a separate semicolon key (separate from the full stop key). This is an undoubted plus for this, because commas have to be set quite often and therefore I am glad to have a separate key. But the separate keys for the letters "ё" and "ъ" (this is the third one) I somehow do not need.

    This is where the settings unexpectedly end, because the items "Feedback" and "About the application" do not count as such.

    Additional features (questionable as necessary)

    There are a few more points in Yandex.Keyboard that are clearly not striking. And in general it is not clear whether they are needed, these moments. I suggest paying attention to a key with three horizontally located dots, enclosed in a horizontal rectangle. When you click on it, a bunch of so-called emoji appears. Well, everything is expected.

    But this is in any other keyboard. In this particular keyboard, emoji are only a quarter of the magic ellipsis possibilities. What else? There are also gifs. Isn't it a very necessary thing for any keyboard? In the top row of switch icons, select the second one - with a picture of the sun over the mountains. GIFs, like emoji, are divided into categories.

    Moving pictures are great, of course, but here's the result ... it's not instantaneous, although predictable. I chose, for example, a rabbit in the "Work" section, and what did I get? I received a text link. This link will open the selected rabbit gif in the browser. It would be more interesting, of course, to immediately get a GIF in the text, but ... But not every document supports GIFs, and a potential recipient may not be happy with such an investment. And so there is a choice: either just ignore the link, or open it and ... do something (for example, write back: "Are you an idiot?").

    The third quarter is the ability to determine your (and not only) location and send it in a message. It is enough to select the item "My place" (GPS must be on) and, after making sure that your coordinates are correctly determined, press the Enter key. As a result, we get a text of the form "I am here - Russia, Merchant province, the village of Nizhnie Vershki". And plus a link for Yandex.Maps or other maps that you have deigned to register on your smartphone.

    This may already come in handy. I have had situations when in an unfamiliar city I could not explain - where I am now exactly. And then I sent a couple of lines to "Telegram" or even SMS, and the recipients of such a message will receive both the postal address and coordinates on the map. Convenient, convenient.

    The last option is on-the-fly translation into a language selected from the list. First, we see a preview in the keyboard window, and after pressing the Enter key, the text in the original language is erased character by character and also appears character by character, but in another language. The animation of the translation is beautiful but slow.


    What do the people say about markers? Like, taste and color ... all markers are different. Well, I don't know ... As for me, all markers taste the same. They taste like plastic. So the virtual keyboards for Android, plus or minus, are all the same. I used Hackers Keyboard and Gboard for a long time, and for a short time a dozen others. If you do not take into account all kinds of synchronization (for example, user dictionaries), discard continuous input and forget about all sorts of practically unnecessary additional features and chips, then for undemanding users (to which I, without hesitation, I include myself) all keyboards functionally (did I use this word correctly?) do not differ from each other. There is only one difference - in color. As with felt-tip pens. My Yandex.Keyboard seems to lack a variety of themes, but, on the other hand, I tried to use the GO Keyboard and could not come to terms with bright parrot themes (although I must admit that some of them are even nothing).

    Thus, Yandex.Keyboard is no worse or better than other virtual keyboards for Android. I recommend that you use the one you are used to. And Yandex.Keyboard can be installed for the sake of interest, and then, after familiarizing yourself with the possibilities, you can delete it. Or leave. That's your business.

    Let there are still drifts of snow outside, but the sun is already bright in spring, so let your mood be joyful and spring. Read Helpix and do not forget to walk in the fresh air a lot - it's good for your health.

  • Hello, friends! Hot keys make it easier for the user to use a particular program. So, for example, you do not have to navigate through various menu items to select a tool or perform a specific action. Knowing the desired key combination, you can quickly execute the desired command.

    In this article, we will look at various keyboard shortcuts that can be used while working with the Yandex browser. There are a lot of them, so there is no need to memorize everything.

    Choose from the list those that will be useful for you, for example, quickly navigate through the tabs and open a new browser window. With frequent use of the selected combinations, you will quickly memorize them, and then you can learn a couple more, when you remember them, learn the next, and so on.

    Hotkeys for different tasks

    Almost all programs have hotkeys, and the Yandex browser is no exception. In the browser, when you open the context menu, or the main menu, opposite some items, you can see various key combinations. They correspond to the item opposite which they are indicated.

    For example, if you often browse the History, then just press Ctrl + H on the keyboard, and the window you need will open. As a result, you don't have to click on various menu items, and you will save time.

    Now, let's take a closer look at what keyboard shortcuts can be used in Yandex.Browser.

    Browser tabs

    Browser window

    Browser address bar

    Browser bookmarks

    Browser history

    Working with an open page

    Go back page Alt + left arrow
    Move one page forward Alt + right arrow
    Reload page F5 or Ctrl + R
    Reload the page without using the cache Ctrl + F5
    Abort page loading ESC
    Scroll down 1 screen Space (space)
    Scroll to the bottom of the page End
    Back to top of page Home
    Open Yandex search main page Alt + Home
    Save Page Ctrl + S
    Print page Ctrl + P
    Zoom in on the page Ctrl + +
    Decrease page scale Ctrl + -
    Return scale to 100% Ctrl + 0


    Search on page

    For developers

    Other combinations

    Open task manager Shift + ESC
    Close browser Ctrl + Shift + Q
    Choosing a different account Ctrl + Shift + M
    Calling Help F1

    How to change hotkeys

    Hotkey combinations may vary from program to program. It is clear that if you have been working with the program for a long time and use several combinations to perform certain actions, then I would like these combinations to be used in another program.

    Unfortunately, the developers of the Yandex browser do not give such an opportunity to their users, and no matter how you would like, you will not be able to change the keyboard shortcuts.

    Remember the hotkeys in the Yandex browser for those actions that you perform most often, and your work with it will become much easier and faster.

    Hello everyone There was a case, I installed the Download Master program, many people know this program, but if something I remind you that this is the most popular rocking chair. That is, like a torrent, but for regular files that can be downloaded from sites. So. I put this program in a shorter time and Yandex Browser was installed along with it. And it happened because when installing Download Master, I did not remove the left checkboxes. That is, I blunted the campaign

    In general, as a result, I still have a Yandex button on the taskbar. This is such a trick so that you go to the Yandex search engine. This button is intended simply to quickly open Yandex search engine and start looking for something in it

    Look, this button looks like for me, I think that you also have:

    By the way, you see on the left another icon so unusual, it also appeared when this button, if you press it, then a modified Internet Explorer browser with a movie search site will appear:

    Apparently in this way they are trying to promote this film search to the masses.

    If you click on the Yandex button, the following window will open:

    In general, I think that everything is clear with this Yandex button, the main thing is that it is not a virus and does not load the processor.

    How to remove Yandex button?

    If this button turned out to be unnecessary for you, then it is better to delete it, it is very simple to do it. In principle, it can be removed from the taskbar, but I don’t know how smart it is, so I’ll show you how to do it in a more traditional way, so to speak.

    So open the Start menu and click on the Taskbar there (and if you have Windows 10, then there this item is in the menu, which is invoked by the Win + X buttons):

    Then we find the Programs and Features icon:

    A window with installed programs will open. Here you need to find the Yandex button, right-click on it and select Delete:

    And that's it, it will be deleted without any messages. But what is most interesting, the button itself on the taskbar remained. I did not immediately understand what the joke was and did a reboot. After it, the button seems to still remain, but already in an inoperative state, see for yourself:

    When I pressed it, the following window popped up:

    Then click Yes. It turns out that the button was deleted, but its trace remains ...

    If you also had an orange browser button, to remove it, right-click on it and select Uninstall program.

    Hotkeys are designed to speed up and simplify the user's work on a PC or laptop. They will replace distracting mouse movements.
    Hot keys are pressed simultaneously (all at once). One combination can contain from 2 to 4 keys.
    This list contains a lot of hotkeys. It will be very difficult to remember everything. Just choose for yourself a few combinations that you need the most and remember them. The rest can be seen later. To do this, add this page to your browser bookmarks using the combination Ctrl + D 🙂

    Key combinations usually use modifier keys - Alt, ⇧ Shift, Ctrl, Tab↹, sometimes the ⊞ Win key

    Common Windows keyboard shortcuts for working with text, windows and other elements

    Hotkeys for working with the clipboard

    Ctrl + A - select all elements in a window or document, for example, to select all text in the editor;
    Ctrl + X - cut elements or text (to the clipboard *) (or ⇧ Shift + DELETE);
    Ctrl + C - copy elements or text (to the clipboard) (or Ctrl + Insert);
    Ctrl + V - paste text or an item from the clipboard (or ⇧ Shift + Insert);
    Ctrl + Z - undo the last action (can be used several times);
    Ctrl + Y - redo the last action (or undo the undo action).

    * The clipboard is an intermediate (temporary) storage of data (text, files, folders, images, etc.) for transferring or copying in different programs, or within one program. In Windows, data in the clipboard is stored until the next copy or shutdown of the PC (if you copied one item and did not paste it anywhere, and then copied another item, the first one will no longer be available in the clipboard). There are programs that extend the capabilities of the clipboard.

    * RMB - right mouse button (respectively LMB - left);

    Hotkeys for moving through text, selecting text

    Ctrl + ← - move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word;
    Ctrl + → - move the cursor to the beginning of the next word;
    Ctrl + - move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph;
    Ctrl + ↓ - move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph;
    ⇧ Shift + Any arrow + Space - select several words or elements in the direction you need;
    Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + Any arrow - select a piece of text in the desired direction;
    Ctrl + B - switch to bold text / and back to normal text;
    Ctrl + I - switch to italics / and back to normal text;
    Ctrl + Home - go to the beginning of the edited document;
    Ctrl + End - go to the end of the edited document.

    Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts

    The vast majority of these combinations will work in previous versions of MS Windows, including XP and Windows 7.

    ⊞ Win - open / close the "Start" menu;
    ⊞ Win + ← - move the program window to the left edge of the screen;
    ⊞ Win + → - place the program window to the right edge of the screen;
    ⊞ Win + - maximize the program window to full screen. If the window was placed to one of the edges, then it will occupy 1/4 of the screen at the top;
    ⊞ Win + ↓ - minimize the active window. If the window was placed on one of the edges, it will occupy 1/4 of the bottom of the screen;
    ⊞ Win + D - show / hide the desktop (instantly minimize all open windows);
    ⊞ Win + M - minimize all windows;
    ⊞ Win + ⇧ Shift + M - maximize all minimized windows;
    ⊞ Win + TAB↹ - switch between open programs on the taskbar (Aero Flip 3-D);
    ⊞ Win + Home - minimize all windows except active / restore all windows;
    ⊞ Win + ⇧ Shift + ← / → - move the window to another monitor;
    ⊞ Win + T - flip through icons on the taskbar. Key ↵ Enter - select the desired icon;
    ⊞ Win + a number from 0 to 9 - Launch the application, the icon of which is fixed at the position corresponding to the number;
    ⊞ Win + A - open the Notification Center;
    ⊞ Win + B - select the first icon in the notification area (you can navigate to others using the arrows);
    ⊞ Win + L - change user or lock the workstation;
    ⊞ Win + ⇧ Shift + M - global search;
    ⊞ Win + U - open the Ease of Access Center;
    ⊞ Win + W - open Windows Inc Workspace (sticky notes, screenshot);
    ⊞ Win + Pause - open system properties (the same as the properties of the "My Computer" icon);
    ⊞ Win + + - turn on magnifier / enlarge the image by 100%;
    ⊞ Win + - - when the magnifier is active, reduce the image by 100%;
    ⊞ Win + Esc - disable screen magnifier.

    Hot combinations for working in Windows, Explorer and other programs

    Explorer is a Windows program in which you browse Windows folders. Hotkeys and shortcuts will greatly simplify your work in File Explorer.

    F1 - call help for almost any program;
    F2 - rename a folder, file;
    F3 - activate search;
    F4 - display the list of the address bar in the explorer;
    F5 (or Ctrl + R) - refresh the active window;
    ⊞ Win + E - open the explorer;
    Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + N - create a new folder;
    End - go to the most recent file in the folder;
    Home - go to the very first file in the folder;
    ← Backspace - go back through folders;
    Alt + ↵ Enter - show properties of the selected item (or full screen mode for a player or a command line window);
    F11 - full screen window;
    Alt + F4 - close the current element, window, program;
    Alt + Space - show the context menu of the active window (the same as RMB * on the window);
    Alt + TAB↹ - Switch between open windows, programs;
    Ctrl + TAB↹ - flip through the tabs in the program;
    Ctrl + a number from 1 to 9 - will move to the tab by number;
    TAB↹ - navigate through the parameters in the program (menus, lines, flags, links);
    ⇧ Shift + TAB↹ - go back by parameters;
    Space (space) - check / uncheck the box;
    Any arrow - select a button;
    Ctrl + Alt + TAB↹ - move between open elements (you can use the mouse or arrows);
    Ctrl + F4 - close the currently open document or tab in the program;
    Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel - change the scale or size of icons;
    Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + Esc - start the task manager;
    ⊞ Win + R - open the Run dialog box;
    ⊞ Win + F1 - Windows help;
    Ctrl + O - open a document, file, page in the program;
    Ctrl + S - save document, file, page;
    Ctrl + P - print the document;
    Dragging with the mouse + Ctrl copying an object;
    Dragging with the mouse + ⇧ Shift - move the object;
    Mouse drag + Ctrl + ⇧ Shift create an object shortcut.
    Holding Ctrl + mouse clicks - select several objects (for example, to copy several files or folders);
    Holding ⇧ Shift - select several adjacent objects;
    Esc - cancel (for example, close the drop-down menu);
    Alt + letter - call a menu command (usually this letter is underlined in the menu, or becomes underlined after pressing Alt (see the picture below);

    Screenshots, games, and other useful combinations

    PrtScr - take a screenshot (screenshot) and place it on the clipboard;
    Alt + PrtScr - take a screenshot active window and put it on the clipboard
    (to insert into the program (Paint or Word, or another, use the above-mentioned combination of Ctrl + V);
    ⊞ Win + PrtScr - take a screenshot and save it in the folder with images;
    ⊞ Win + Alt + PrtScr - take a screenshot of the game;
    ⊞ Win + G - open the game panel to record the progress of the passage;
    ⊞ Win + Alt + G - record the last 30 seconds in the active window;
    ⊞ Win + Alt + R - start or stop recording;
    ⊞ Win + P - switch between display modes (if there is a second display).

    Hotkeys in Internet browsers

    Hotkey combinations work in almost any browser, such as: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Intertet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Yandex Browser and others.

    Working with tabs and windows

    Ctrl + T - new tab;
    Ctrl + N - open a new window;
    Ctrl + W or Ctrl + F4 - close the tab;
    Ctrl + TAB↹ - flip through tabs;
    Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + TAB↹ - flip through tabs to the left;
    Ctrl + a number from 1 to 9 - go to the tab by number;
    Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + N - create a window in incognito mode (there will be no history or other traces of your stay after you);
    Ctrl + LMB (by link) - open the link in a new tab;
    ⇧ Shift + LMB - open the link in a new window;
    Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + T - open the last closed tab. You can open all the last closed tabs;
    Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + Q - close the browser (works in Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser);

    Working with the current page and navigation

    F11 - enable / disable full screen mode;
    F5 or Ctrl + R - refresh the page;
    F6 - moving between panels - the action is like the TAB↹ button, but F6 does not follow the links, you can quickly go to the address bar or to the bookmarks bar, for example;
    Ctrl + F5 - refresh ignoring the cache (load the page on a new one);
    Alt + Home - open the home page;
    Ctrl + P - print the current page;
    Esc - cancel page loading;
    Ctrl + S - save the page;
    Ctrl + O - open a file;
    Alt + ← or ← Backspace - back;
    Alt + → or ⇧ Shift + ← Backspace - forward;
    Space or Page Down - One screen down;
    ⇧ Shift + Space or Page Up - one screen up;
    Home - to the top of the page;
    End - to the end of the page;
    ⇧ Shift + Esc - open the browser's task manager (when tabs and windows hang);
    Ctrl + mouse scroll wheel - zoom in / out the page;
    Ctrl + 0 - restore the original page scale;

    Working with bookmarks

    Ctrl + D - add a page to bookmarks;
    Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + O - open the bookmark manager;
    Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + B - enable or disable the bookmarks bar (below the address bar);


    Ctrl + F - search the page by words (to find the required text);
    Ctrl + G - search further;
    Ctrl + ⇧ Shift, F3 - find the next value when searching the page;
    Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + ⇧ Shift, ⇧ Shift + F3 - find the previous value when searching within the page;

    Development tools

    Ctrl + U - view the source code of the page;
    Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + J - open the JavaScript console;
    Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + I - open developer tools;

    Address bar

    Ctrl + L or Alt + D or F6 - select the address of the current page in the address bar (it is convenient to write a new address, or copy the current one);
    Ctrl + L ← Backspace - delete the word before the cursor;
    Alt + ↵ Enter - open the dialed address in a new tab;
    Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E - go to the search bar (Google or other PS);
    Ctrl + ↵ Enter - add www elements. to the address and open the resulting URL;
    Alt + ← - move the cursor to the previous word;
    Alt + → move cursor to next word;

    History and downloads

    Ctrl + H - watch history;
    Ctrl + J - watch downloads;
    Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + Delete - clear history, cache, and other data (you can choose what you want to delete);