Ip tv player in Russian. IP-TV Player - IP-TV. Simple view of the channel list

Main features of the player

  • fast and easy deployment mechanism in the provider's network;
  • recording streaming files;
  • very convenient auxiliary window that displays basic information about the current broadcast;
  • the ability to control video using the keyboard;
  • viewing unencrypted protocols;
  • flexible settings for each channel;
  • support for working with TV programs in JTV format;
  • convenient scheduler for viewing and recording;
  • function of background recording of the required number of channels.

Pros and cons

The advantages of this program:

  • simple interface;
  • tV recording function;
  • simple video stream control mechanism.
  • mandatory availability of IPTV service provided by the provider;
  • lack of a function for working with Internet channels;
  • narrow application specialization.

TV Player Classic. Application for recording and watching online TV. Supports a live stream from a video camera, allows free viewing of about 400 channels from all over the world, can duplicate a picture on a second monitor and TV.

RusTV Player. A free utility in which you can conveniently watch Russian TV channels online. It also offers listening to numerous popular radio stations in more detail.

Features of installing and configuring the player

  • click "Next";
  • remove unnecessary marks in the parameter settings;


  • click "Install";
  • click on the "Finish" button.

After that, a shortcut with the program will be displayed on your desktop. Click on it and you will see a preset window.
Here you need to select a provider and click on the "Ok" button. After that, you will see an interface with the displayed list of channels:

Channel List

Then it only remains to make individual settings for the player. To do this, click on the corresponding icon located in the lower right corner. In the window that opens, mark the item "All settings". Next, we carry out the settings of the item "Telegram address" ("JTV archive") by selecting the first line.


We also configure the cache (milliseconds) by setting the number 5000:

General settings

Leave the rest of the settings as default.

IP-TV Player will enable comfortable viewing of TV channels provided by your provider.

One of the popular ways to watch IPTV Internet TV on Windows devices is to use the free IP-TV Player. IP-TV Player is a shell of the famous VideoLAN VLC media player, adapted specifically for watching IPTV.

In this article, we will talk in detail about its configuration and capabilities.

1. Download

Some providers - IPTV providers - may post modified builds of IP-TV Player with an integrated playlist of TV channels on their websites in order to simplify the process of setting up the player as much as possible, thereby pleasing their customers. Why not use such a service provider? On the site of the latter, instead of a playlist, you can download the installer of the modified player and use the preset settings during the installation process.

If the provider did not show concern for their customers in this way, the original IP-TV Player assembly can be downloaded from the official site of the player borpas.info/iptvplayer.

2. Setting up playlists

The original build of IP-TV Player comes with a choice of built-in playlists. At the final stage of installing the player in the column "Select a provider" you can leave the preset item "Internet, Russian TV and Radio" without changing anything. This is a playlist for a wide audience of users (regardless of their provider) with a selection of federal channels and radio stations. The contents of this playlist will be fully available only to residents of Russia, users of other countries will not have access to all TV channels on the list. This option can be used if the provider does not provide an IPTV service or, for example, does it for an additional fee. If the provider is an IPTV provider, you can search for it in the drop-down list of the "Select provider" column. The creators of IP-TV Player offer a selection of playlists from the largest providers in Russia and Ukraine.

If the required provider is not in the drop-down list, you must select the second option and enter either the web address of the provider's playlist, or use the browse button at the end of the line to specify the path to the “.m3u” file. The web address or ".m3u" file of the playlist must first be obtained from the provider's website. We use the same option for any IPTV playlists downloaded on the Internet.

After setting up the playlist, IP-TV Player will start. To select one or another TV channel for viewing, you must first display the list of channels in the player window. This is done either by pressing the Enter key twice quickly, or by pressing the L key once, or by pressing the button on the player's toolbar. The channel list is removed in the last two ways.

How can I change the configured playlist in the future? Click the settings button on the IP-TV Player toolbar (or hotkeys Ctrl + P) and in the window that appears, check the box for displaying all settings.

The player will restart with an expanded list of settings. Work with playlists is carried out in the "General" tab. Here you can select the item "Load preset from the list of providers" and go to the setup stage with a drop-down list of providers, as when completing the installation of the player. Or you can enter the web address of another playlist in the empty field, or use the browse button to specify the path to it if it is stored on your computer in the “.m3u” file. After that, you must press the "Update" button.

Another setting for playlists is "Switching between channel lists", it allows using the "Add" button, respectively, to add different playlists to the queue so that you can conveniently switch between them if necessary.

3. Favorite channel list

IPTV playlists can contain more than 100 TV channels, therefore the creators of IP-TV Player have provided the ability to create custom lists of favorite channels. When you select a TV channel, an empty heart will be displayed on it. Clicking on the heart will fill it, and the TV channel will be included in the list of favorite channels. This list is accessed at the top of the list of all channels, in a small menu.

4. Surfing channels

The channel surfing function is designed to automate the search for interesting TV content. To start it, you need to call the context menu inside the player (in the video image) and select the appropriate option. A grid of TV channels will appear in the IP-TV Player window, and each of them will turn on in turn for a couple of seconds. As soon as interesting TV content comes to light, you can uncheck the "Surfing channels" option in the context menu.

5. TV program

To watch a TV program on the selected TV channel for the coming days, you must press the button in the form of a clock on the player's toolbar or the G hotkey.

6. Aspect ratio

If the TV channel image is clouded with black mourning stripes around the edges, you can experiment with changing the aspect ratio. When you press F6, different aspect ratios will be applied alternately to the playback image.

And with the F7 key, the picture is adjusted in width to the size of the player window or to full-screen mode.

7. TV channel settings

And with the aspect ratio, and with other parameters of each individual channel, you can experiment in the player settings. Turn on the desired TV channel, press the settings button on the toolbar (or hotkeys Ctrl + P), switch to the "Channel" tab. Here you can adjust the contrast, brightness, saturation, image tints, deinterlacing, audio track (for TV content that supports multi-channel audio tracks) and other parameters.

The choice of the audio language is configured in the "General" settings tab.

8. Taking screenshots

The image displayed in the IP-TV Player window can be captured by creating a screenshot using the corresponding button on the player toolbar or by pressing the F4 hotkey. To create screenshots at once with the required dimensions, the creators of the player provided the option "Video window size". This option offers a choice of several screen resolution options that will be automatically set for the picture played by the IP-TV Player.

If you need to take a lot of screenshots, in the player settings, in the General tab, you can specify a specific path for saving them. The same path will be used to save video recordings of TV broadcasts. Below this setting there is another one - "Container format", in it from the drop-down list you can select the format of the media container, into which the video recordings of TV broadcasts will be recorded.

9. Video recording of TV broadcasts

In most cases, for video recording of TV broadcasts, it is worth leaving the preset PS media container format. In this case, the output video will be saved in the universal MPEG video format.

For video recording of TV broadcasts, there is a red button on the player toolbar that starts and stops recording a TV show on the current TV channel. But the creators of IP-TV Player went beyond this function and provided the possibility of video recording of several TV broadcasts in the background. If you get an overlay, and your favorite TV shows on different TV channels are broadcast at the same time, you can watch one of them online, and the other (and even several TV shows) can be recorded in the background of the IP-TV Player. To do this, on the TV channel being recorded (in the channel list on the right), you need to call the context menu, select “Record in background” and set the recording time - a specific interval or until the user stops manually. And you can switch to another TV channel or close the player altogether. If there are active processes of recording TV broadcasts, when closed, IP-TV Player will be minimized to the system tray, where, without giving any signs, it will work in the background. You can stop recording a TV broadcast (or several TV broadcasts) by calling the scheduler window. The latter appears when you press the “R” record icon on the TV channel being recorded. The scheduler can also be called using the context menu in the player window.

10. Increase the size of the cache

If hangs are observed during IPTV broadcast, you can try to solve the problem by increasing the IP-TV Player cache size. In the "General" tab of the settings, in the last column "Cache (milliseconds)" from the drop-down list, select a higher value than the preset value - starting from 1000.

  • Definition of IPTV player
  • Download IPTV player
  • Installing an IPTV player

Definition of IPTV player

IPTV player is a TV broadcast player, which was created on the basis of the VLC player. The IPTV player is specially unified for watching IPTV.

Key features of the IPTV player:

  • Function of recording streaming video and audio to file
  • JTV Program Support
  • View unencrypted streams Http, Librtmp, rtmp, udp-multicast.
  • LUA script support
  • Search for multicast channels
  • Background recording of unlimited channels

Download IPTV player

You can download the IPTV player from the official website http://borpas.info/iptvplayer

Installing an IPTV player

So, you have downloaded the installer for the IPTV player "IpTvPlayer-setup". Run it. The "IPTV Player Installation Wizard" appears in front of you. Here, I advise you to check the box next to the "Select options and installation folder" line.

This will enable:

  • directly select the place where the IPTV player will be installed,
  • create a desktop shortcut
  • allow all users to use the IPTV player

If you are not going to transmit IPTV over the local network, you can skip the checkbox opposite “UDP-to-HTTP Proxy”.

Then, click the install button - and in a few seconds the program will be installed. You will see the corresponding window "Completing the IP-TV Player Installation Wizard". Click Finish to exit the installer. Installation completed, the following shortcut appears on the desktop:

Setting up an IPTV player for watching IPTV on a computer

In order to view IP TV using an IPTV player, you need to do the following:

Launch the "IP-TV Player" program. You will see a window for selecting an Internet provider. I advise you to choose an empty profile, since your provider may not be in the drop-down list and the IPTV player will not always find the data it needs on the network using the built-in link.

The following window appears in front of you:

As you can see in the upper right corner "Channel list is empty". In order to add channels to the IPTV player, you need to add the “M3U” file (.m3u) with the list of channels to the player, or specify the address with the list of channels http: //. To do this, go to the IPTV player settings (click on the gear).

A menu appears in front of you, in which we put a tick in the line "All settings".

Then you see the full menu of the IPTV player. Select the "General" tab and the line "Channel list address (M3U file)."

If you click on the arrow in this stock, a submenu will drop out, in which we select "Select a file with a list of channels ..."

If you click on the arrow in this stock, a submenu will drop out, in which we select "Specify the address of the channel list ..."

We register the address manually or copy a previously saved link. It looks like this:

After you have done the above, you will start IP-TV

Conclusions on the use of IPTV player

IPTV Player, I would describe as the best software for watching IPTV. With the IPTV Player, the following is possible:

  • For each channel, the aspect ratio of the video picture (3 × 4, 16 × 10, 16 × 9, etc.) and the number of output audio channels (left channel, right channel, stereo, 5.1, etc.) are configured, as well as when the presence of several audio tracks, you can select the broadcast language
  • There is a possibility of scheduling enabling and disabling IPTV Player for recording or watching video
  • The ability to simultaneously display multiple channels on the screen
  • Controlling the player using keyboard shortcuts, here are some of them:
  • F3 - background recording channel
  • + / - / * - increase / decrease / original image size
  • Enter channel list twice
  • Up / down / left / right arrows - navigate through the player
  • On the information window under the video window, you can adjust the volume, stop / resume playback of IPTV television

And all this is far from all the advantages of IPTV Player, a free program that will allow you to comfortably watch TV channels on your computer.


How to watch IPTV on a computer - installing and configuring the player

I think you perfectly understand that digital IPTV has a number of advantages over analog cable TV. Otherwise, you would not look for information on how to watch IPTV on a computer. Some of the advantages of IPTV are simply obvious and visible to the naked eye. For example, to watch your favorite show live on a computer, you no longer need to buy and install a TV tuner, but just install an IP-TV player. In addition, IPTV can provide the client with such additional services as Time Shifted TV, Video On Demand and other services.

You can connect to IPTV using a specialized set-top box or using software in the form of an IPTV player. The set-top box can be purchased separately or rented from your Internet provider, if of course the company provides such a service. In my case, the set-top box can be obtained from the provider for free use, but first you need to pay its collateral value, which will be returned when the TV set-top box is returned.

However, on my TV you can install a special application and watch IPTV without using this set-top box. Therefore, for me it is unnecessary for now, especially since my provider does not encode the signal. To receive IP-TV format on a computer, you need a specialized application and a list with TV channels, which is usually provided by the provider. There are several good software players for playing IPTV on a computer. Some of them are: VLC, PC Player, IP-TV Player.

I suggest using a free and universal VLC player that plays not only network broadcasts, but also works under the popular operating systems Windows, Linux, Mac OS.

Download VLC media player from the official website to play IPTV on your computer.

Before proceeding with the installation and configuration of the program, I would like to say a few words about connecting to the network.

Internet connection diagram.

If your computer is directly connected to the cable of the Internet provider, then you are not using intermediate network equipment in the form of a Wi-Fi router. You can immediately start installing and configuring the VLC player. But if you use a Wi-Fi router on your network, then make sure that it supports Multicast (IGMP protocol). It should be said that the transmission of an IPTV router via a LAN cable or Wi-Fi are completely different ways of organizing IP-television.

From the point of view of theory, in order to watch IPTV over a wireless Wi-Fi network, you need to activate the WMF function (multicast over a wireless network) in the router. In other words, the IGMP Snooping function must be enabled on the network device, which monitors multicast traffic. Remove encryption from the wireless network, make it open, allocate it to an open group without access to the Internet ... In addition, the network device must support udpxy or you will have to use a special UDP to HTTP application to convert the traffic.

One of the IT-publications described the test carried out with IPTV over Wi-Fi and in summing up the results noted an unstable broadcast (freezing) at a distance of 3 meters with a "break" in the image. I think with the advent of new standards and protocols, this statement is in a sense already outdated. Everything is in your hands and the choice between LAN (method and circuit for crimping twisted pair without clamps) and Wi-Fi is yours.

Secondly, it should be remembered that when transmitting IPTV over a wireless network from the source (router) to the client (computer), you may experience a delay in the video or audio signal. However, the transmission quality depends not only on the equipment, but also on the organization of the wireless network.

Usually, for the normal operation of IPTV on a computer in the network device itself, no additional settings need to be made, but this is not always true. As you know, the router must support IPTV and in particular the IGMP multicast traffic control protocol. This protocol is used to support video streaming and must be enabled in the IPTV router. That is, you must enable multicast routing (IGMP) for the VLC player in the router.

During a small experiment, I found that the ASUS router with the Asuswrt firmware stubbornly did not want to let IP-TV with the default settings on the computer, but the activation of the mentioned function put everything in its place. The same cannot be said about the budget model TP-Link TL-WR741ND, which I once unlocked and use to work with another provider. I did not include any options in the control panel (everything is at the factory settings), and IPTV and the notorious DLNA work like a clock. I wrote about connecting a media server to a TV here, here and here.

It will not be superfluous to make sure that the antivirus or firewall you are using on your computer does not block IGMP. In some cases, to support IPTV on the router, you need to update the firmware. After the update process, support will be activated automatically. The configuration tab has different names depending on the router manufacturer. For example, in an ASUS router it may be called IPTV, and on a KEENETIC network device it may be called "IPTV".

Installing and configuring VLC player for IPTV.

VLC media player is quite popular in its circles. A distinctive feature is that it does not need additional codecs and fully supports multicast streams. As you know, multicast is the main form of IPTV delivery. To watch IPTV on a computer, you need to download the VLC player from the above link, install it on your machine and add the channel list to the playlist.

The VLC player installation process is standard and I will not dwell on it in detail. Download the installation file, run the installation wizard and follow its instructions.

Accept the license agreement and go to the component selection page.

Here you can leave everything as it is and move on.

Specify the desired installation path for the player and wait for the process to finish. It remains to launch the program and add a list of channels, which, for example, can be taken from your Internet provider, if, of course, it provides a service in the form of IPTV.

The list itself can be downloaded (has the .xspf extension) and added to the player's playlist or registered its network address. If you decide to choose the first option, then after downloading the list to your computer, select "View" in the player and go to the "Playlist" tab and drag the file into the special field. Double clicking on the selected channel will play it.

The second method is more convenient and I like it more. After starting the VLC player, follow the path: "Media" - "Open URL ..." and on the "Source" page, select the "Network" tab. Here you just need to register a link to the channel list and click the "Play" button.

You can always select the desired channel in the playlist. This is how the IPTV setup on the computer is done in a simple way. This is probably all. Enjoy your viewing! While!

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl + Enter.


IPTV player does not work on the computer

IPTV player does not work on the computer.

  • Reinstalling the IPTV player.
  • Boot Windows in safe mode in order to exclude the influence of third-party programs.
  • Configuring anti-virus protection

The very first thing to do if IPTV does not work is

Reinstall IPTV player

  • Download the latest version of the IPTV player program from the official website of your Internet provider.
  • Download "fresh" playlist or URL link from the same official site.

If after you reinstalled the IPTV player and put a "fresh" playlist or the URL link the player does not work, then you should do the following-

Exclusion of devices affecting the operation of the IPTV player.

  • You need to turn off the router, switch and or any other device through which your computer connects to the cable of the Internet provider.

  • Connect the cable of the Internet provider directly to the computer, which must play IP TV.
  • You set up the Internet on your computer.

Restart IPTV player, don't be afraid to restart it several times. After starting, wait 10 seconds. If nothing changes, play the channels yourself, the first channels in the playlist may not work. If the television works, then the router or other device that you excluded is to blame.

If all that you have done does not help, do the following-

Boot Windows in safe mode in order to exclude the influence of third-party programs on the operation of the IPTV player.

  • Press start shutdown button "Restart"
  • As soon as the computer starts to turn on again (POST test passes), you press the F8 key. If you have Windows 8 then this article will help you.
  • In the Windows boot menu that appears, select the line called "Safe Mode with Loading Network Drivers"

After booting up the computer, launch the IPTV player.

(If the computer does not boot into Safe Mode, you should consider reinstalling Windows)

If the IPTV player does not work, then most likely the problem is with your Internet provider. You should contact technical support. If the TV works, then there are problems with the software of your computer. That is, programs and or a program are installed on the computer that blocks the operation of the IPTV player.

We remove programs from startup that interfere with the operation of the IPTV playera.

  • Boot your computer normally. Click "Start" and the line "Run." Or the second option, press the key combination Windows + R on the keyboard.
  • In the "Open" line enter the command "msconfig".

  • In the window that appears, which is called "System Configuration", select the "Startup" tab.

  • In this window, you can see all the third-party programs that are loaded with Windows. Press the "Disable all" button and the programs that are in front of you on the screen will not load automatically.

  • Then press the "Apply" button and the "OK" button.

  • Next, the system setup will give you a message asking you to restart your computer. You choose to reboot.

After the computer has restarted, check if the IPTV player is working. If it works, then the reason is in one or more programs that are loaded with Windows. You can search for this program by "trial and error" - re-enable all programs in startup and disable programs one by one, until you disable the one that blocks the IPTV playera.

Configuring Windows Firewall for IPTV.

If the operation to disable startup items did not help, then you should disable Windows Firewall or add IPTV player to the list of permissions to launch Windows programs. This can be done as follows:

  • Press the "Start" button in this menu, find the line "Control Panel" and click on it. You will see the following window, in which we go to the "System and Security"

  • From this section, move on to the Check Firewall Status menu.

  • And then you go to the section "Turning Windows Firewall on and off"

  • And now actually turn off Windows Firewall for all types of networks. To do this, put periods in the lines "Turn off Windows Firewall (not recommended) and click OK."

  • Restart the IPTV player and if it works then the problem is in Windows firewall. It is better to turn the firewall back on and for the IPTV player to allow the program to run through the Windows firewall. To do this, in the "System and Security" section, click on the line "Permissions to run the program through the Windows firewall".

  • In the visible list of programs, find the IPTV player and put a checkmark in front of it. Then click the "OK" button.

  • And after these actions, the Windows firewall will not block the operation of the IPTV player.

Configuring anti-virus protection.

If all of the above didn't help, then it's time to disable your antivirus program. Check if the IPTV player is working. If it works, then it was because of your antivirus software. Some antiviruses, even after disabling all protective screens, still block the operation of the IPTV player. In this case, only uninstalling the antivirus will help.


Download IP-TV Player for free

With this player you will get access to all existing IPTV programs. You can download the best-of-its-kind tool for watching IPTV Player online content at the very bottom of this page, but for now let's figure out all the features of the application.

Each of the channels is configured individually here, while you can record the broadcast to your hard drive. JTV channels are also supported. The interface of the program is made in Russian, it will not be difficult to deal with it, especially if you read our instructions to the end. A good quality of IP-TV Player is the ability to watch videos from a secure SHTTP channel.

The developers have equipped the software with support for TV tuners via WDM. While this support is not complete, it will be fixed in the future. You will also be able to work with the IP-TV Player through the keyboard, this makes the process easier, however, with the proper skill. We will not talk in general terms for a long time and move on to a detailed description of the program ...

Program overview

As soon as the smart TV program is launched for the first time, you will see a small window with a drop-down menu where you can select one of the IP-TV providers. There is also the possibility of manually entering the playlist address in M3U format.

After we select the channel, the main window will open with a list of available programs.

As you can see, the main program window consists of a viewing area, a list of available channels and a lower control panel. If you click on the viewing area with the right mouse button, a context menu will appear in which you can: expand the picture to full screen, display it on a second monitor, start surfing channels and turn off the playlist. There are also some settings, for example, "Video window size", "Control", "TV program", "Scheduler" and "Settings".

The bottom panel contains the standard keys: play, stop, record, open a file and adjust the sound. On the right side there are screenshoter buttons, a settings key, TV program, channel list and a navigation button for switching to the previous and next channels.

When we click the "Record / Stop Recording" button, the process will begin. In doing so, we see the recording time and the size of the output file.

After a second click on the red circle, recording will stop and the file will be available for viewing.

The creation of screenshots works in the same way, just click on the camera icon and see a thumbnail in the upper left corner, it confirms the creation of a screenshot.

In order not to miss your favorite show, IP-TV Player has a program. You can call it with the button with the clock image, turn it off with it.

If desired, the channel list can be disabled so that it does not take up useful space in the program. This is done with the button indicated in the screenshot.

IP-TV Player settings

A small gear on the right side of the bottom panel of the program calls up the settings, divided into 4 categories, let's talk about how to set up the IP-TV Player.


Here we can overwrite the server settings and add the channels that appeared when the program was first started. To do this, click on the inscription: "Load preset from the list of providers".

All providers you choose will appear in a special list. It will be available by clicking the line "Switching between channel lists".

The directory where screenshots will be saved is immediately installed. To do this, click on the icon with the image of three dots.

A number of parameters are also configured immediately, including:

  • the language of the audio track;
  • audio card;
  • Network interface;
  • cache (milliseconds).


The additional settings menu consists of a number of parameters, we will consider them in more detail ...

Boot with Windows, follow the scheduler

This item allows you to add a program to your OS autorun or scheduler.

Use GPU acceleration (if any)

With support for this technology, for example, NVidia CUDA, you can get a significant performance boost. It will be the graphics adapter that will be loaded, and the processor will be freed up. The PC's graphics adapter is better at handling video streams than the CPU, which is mostly concerned with arithmetic operations.

Fit video to width

Using this item, you can scale, the video will be full screen, while some of its parts will be cut off due to the mismatch of the sides.

Show clock

If you set a checkbox opposite this item, a neat clock will appear on the IP-TV Player screen.

List on the left side

If there is a check mark, the channel list will safely move to the left side of the screen.

List scroll bar

A convenient option that creates a scroll bar, with which you can quickly scroll through a large list of channels.

Simple view of the channel list

The active state of this parameter makes the channel list more readable. Useless icons disappear, font and line spacing are reduced, resulting in more information to fit on one screen.

Show button in taskbar

With this option, you can display an icon in the taskbar, by which you can always quickly call the player.

Detach control panel

When this function is activated, the program will look like this.

Custom interface colors

Here you can customize the main color of the IP-TV Player interface. It will not change much from this, but it will still be possible to diversify the boring black style.

Demo mode

In this mode, as indicated in the explanation, the channels will change independently.

Allow smartphone control

This option allows you to control the player via the WEB interface.

Use OpenGL instead of DirectX / Direct3D

For those PCs that, for whatever reason, do not support the library from Microsoft, or slow down when using it, there is an option to work through OpenGL.


In this section, you can adjust parameters such as contrast, brightness, hue, saturation and gamma. There are also preset profiles, deinterlacing (elimination of interlacing), aspect ratio, frame cropping, mono mode and audio track selection.

About the program

Here you are presented with information about the current version of IP-TV Player, there is a link to its official website and a reference book written in Russian.

How to install IPTV Player on a computer

The IP-TV Player application is completely free, so you won't have to look for a crack, a license key or an activation code. Just download the application from the link below and start installing.

  1. Run the file downloaded to your computer from our website, just find it on your PC (by default it is the "Downloads" folder), and double-click the left mouse button.
  1. At the beginning of the installation, you need to specify the installation path. You don't need to do this, but often you have to change the target directory. For example, if there is not enough free space. To make the folder customization options available, select the checkbox above the "Select options and installation folder" item. Next, click on the "Browse" button and select the directory we need. Finally, click "Next".
  1. At the next stage, we will be offered to install additional software. These are Yandex panels and the start page, we disable this function by putting the switch in the "Parameter settings" position and uncheck all three check boxes from their positions. At the end, click on the virtual key with the text: "Next".
  1. But that's not all, they will try to give us Yandex Browser again, if you don't need it, just remove the checkbox from the "Download and install Yandex Browser" position. Finally, click on "Install".
  1. The installation of the program has begun, it will take no more than one minute, we are waiting for the end of the process.
  1. Finish the installation by clicking on the button with the text: "Finish".

This completes the installation of the program, and you can proceed to watch your favorite channels.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the program include:

  • minimalistic interface;
  • the presence of the Russian language;
  • complete free of charge;
  • wide functionality;
  • broadcast recording;
  • the ability to pair with Smart TV, for example, Samsung;
  • the ability to control the program from a smartphone.

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages here. Of the existing 30 channels on one provider, only 10 worked for us, for the purity of the experiment, we tried others, the situation has not changed. In particular, Rostelecom, Luganet and Novotelecom failed to launch. The green Dot Stavropol did not want to work either. No matter how hard we tried, there is no image. Other programs start instantly.

Briefly about the main

Nowadays, many people use IPTV television. IP-TV Player is an excellent program for them, there are a lot of channels from Russia and Ukraine with a program guide. If you have reliable access to the Internet, broadcasts start almost instantly, and the recording function will not let you miss your favorite show. The app is suitable for Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.

Downloading IP-TV Player

You can download the latest Russian version of IP-TV Player for free a little below. The distribution is taken from the official website, you can download it without tedious registrations and sending SMS. Using the same file, you can update an already installed program.

Direct link:

Developer: BorPas-Soft


Setting up and capabilities of IP-TV Player

One of the popular ways to watch IPTV Internet TV on Windows devices is to use the free IP-TV Player.

IP-TV Player is a shell of the famous VideoLAN VLC media player, adapted specifically for watching IPTV.

In this article, we will talk in detail about its configuration and capabilities.

1. Download

Some providers - IPTV providers - may post modified builds of IP-TV Player with an integrated playlist of TV channels on their websites in order to simplify the process of setting up the player as much as possible, thereby pleasing their customers. Why not use such a service provider? On the site of the latter, instead of a playlist, you can download the installer of the modified player and use the preset settings during the installation process.

If the provider did not show concern for its customers in this way, the original IP-TV Player assembly can be downloaded from the official site of the player borpas.info/iptvplayer.

2. Setting up playlists

The original build of IP-TV Player comes with a choice of built-in playlists. At the final stage of installing the player in the column "Select a provider" you can leave the preset item "Internet, Russian TV and Radio" without changing anything. This is a playlist for a wide audience of users (regardless of their provider) with a selection of federal channels and radio stations. The contents of this playlist will be fully available only to residents of Russia, users of other countries will not have access to all TV channels on the list. This option can be used if the provider does not provide an IPTV service or, for example, does it for an additional fee. If the provider is an IPTV provider, you can search for it in the drop-down list of the "Select provider" column. The creators of IP-TV Player offer a selection of playlists from the largest providers in Russia and Ukraine.

If the required provider is not in the drop-down list, you must select the second option and enter either the web address of the provider's playlist, or use the browse button at the end of the line to specify the path to the “.m3u” file. The web address or ".m3u" file of the playlist must first be obtained from the provider's website. We use the same option for any IPTV playlists downloaded on the Internet.

After setting up the playlist, IP-TV Player will start. To select one or another TV channel for viewing, you must first display the list of channels in the player window. This is done either by pressing the Enter key twice quickly, or by pressing the L key once, or by pressing the button on the player's toolbar. The channel list is removed in the last two ways.

How can I change the configured playlist in the future? Click the settings button on the IP-TV Player toolbar (or hotkeys Ctrl + P) and in the window that appears, check the box for displaying all settings.

IP-TV Player will restart with an expanded list of settings. Work with playlists is carried out in the "General" tab. Here you can select the item "Load preset from the list of providers" and go to the setup stage with a drop-down list of providers, as when completing the installation of the player. Or you can enter the web address of another playlist in an empty field, or use the browse button to specify the path to it if it is stored on your computer in the “.m3u” file. After that, you must press the "Update" button.

Another setting for IP-TV Player playlists is "Switching between channel lists", it allows using the "Add" button, respectively, to add different playlists to the queue so that you can conveniently switch between them if necessary.

3. Favorite channel list

IPTV playlists can contain more than 100 TV channels, therefore the creators of IP-TV Player have provided the ability to create custom lists of favorite channels. When you select a TV channel, an empty heart will be displayed on it. Clicking on the heart will fill it, and the TV channel will be included in the list of favorite channels. This list is accessed at the top of the list of all channels, in a small menu.

4. Surfing channels

The channel surfing function in IP-TV Player is designed to automate the search for interesting TV content. To start it, you need to call the context menu inside the player (in the video image) and select the appropriate option. A grid of TV channels will appear in the IP-TV Player window, and each of them will turn on in turn for a couple of seconds. As soon as interesting TV content comes to light, you can uncheck the "Surfing channels" option in the context menu.

5. TV program

To watch a TV program on the selected TV channel for the coming days, you must press the button in the form of a clock on the player's toolbar or the G hotkey.

6. Aspect ratio

If the TV channel image is clouded with black mourning stripes around the edges, you can experiment with changing the aspect ratio. When you press F6, different aspect ratios will be applied alternately to the playback image.

And with the F7 key, the picture is adjusted in width to the size of the player window or to full-screen mode.

7. TV channel settings

And with the aspect ratio, and with other parameters of each individual channel, you can experiment in the settings of the IP-TV Player. Turn on the desired TV channel, press the settings button on the toolbar (or hotkeys Ctrl + P), switch to the "Channel" tab. Here you can adjust the contrast, brightness, saturation, image tints, deinterlacing, audio track (for TV content that supports multi-channel audio tracks) and other parameters.

The choice of the audio language is configured in the "General" settings tab.

8. Taking screenshots

The image displayed in the IP-TV Player window can be captured by creating a screenshot using the corresponding button on the player toolbar or by pressing the F4 hotkey. To create screenshots at once with the required dimensions, the creators of the player provided the option "Video window size". This option offers a choice of several screen resolution options that will be automatically set for the picture played by the IP-TV Player.

If you need to take a lot of screenshots, in the player settings, in the General tab, you can specify a specific path for saving them. The same path will be used to save video recordings of TV broadcasts. Below this setting there is another one - "Container format", in it from the drop-down list you can select the format of the media container, into which the video recordings of TV broadcasts will be recorded.

9. Video recording of TV broadcasts

In most cases, for video recording of TV broadcasts, it is worth leaving the preset PS media container format. In this case, the output video will be saved in the universal MPEG video format.

For video recording of TV broadcasts, there is a red button on the IP-TV Player toolbar that starts recording a TV broadcast on the current TV channel and stops it. But the creators of IP-TV Player went beyond this function and provided the possibility of video recording of several TV broadcasts in the background. If you get an overlay and your favorite TV shows on different TV channels are broadcast at the same time, you can watch one of them online, and the other (and even several TV shows) can be recorded in the background of the IP-TV Player.

To do this, on the TV channel being recorded (in the channel list on the right), you need to call the context menu, select “Record in background” and set the recording time - a specific interval or until the user stops manually. And you can switch to another TV channel or close the player altogether.

If there are active processes of recording TV broadcasts, when closed, IP-TV Player will be minimized to the system tray, where, without giving any signs, it will work in the background. You can stop recording a TV broadcast (or several TV broadcasts) by calling the scheduler window. The latter appears when you press the “R” record icon on the TV channel being recorded. The scheduler can also be called using the context menu in the player window.

10. Increase the size of the cache

If hangs are observed during IPTV broadcast, you can try to solve the problem by increasing the IP-TV Player cache size. In the "General" tab of the settings, in the last column "Cache (milliseconds)" from the drop-down list, select a higher value than the preset value - starting from 1000.

IPTV Player - a popular program for Windows designed for watching TV channels in the IPTV standard. Thanks to this program, you can watch your favorite channels from more than a hundred different providers, using only one Internet. It works on the same principle as cable TV, with the only difference that video data is transmitted not via coaxial cable, but via a global network. The program is easy to use and does not need any specific settings, so we recommend downloading IPTV Player for free on this page. Just add a playlist of channels that are distributed on the Internet and enjoy watching.

Features of the program:

  • Choose from over a hundred providers.
  • Displays a list of channels and TV programs in the application window, indicating the start time of each program.
  • Fast switching between channels.
  • Record a video stream, including in the background, with saving to a file on a local computer.
  • Taking screenshots of individual frames.
  • The function of recording broadcasts on a schedule.
  • Individual customization.
  • Support for TV programs in JTV format.
  • Adjust the parameters of brightness, contrast, saturation and color gamut of the video image.
  • Partial support for TV tuners via WDM driver.
  • Application control from the keyboard.

Setting up IPTV Player

Setting up the program is quite simple. Install it first. Create an empty text file on your computer and set it to m3u playlist format. Find a free active iptv list on the internet. Copy its contents and paste into your file. In the program settings, specify in the "channel list address" field to its location. After that, hundreds of TV channels will appear on your computer.

In addition to watching streaming video, IPTV Player supports playback of local video files of popular formats. The playback controls are standard: there is pause, scrolling, volume control. Additional features include autoloading, application of color profiles to the toolbar. The program does not work with encrypted channels, there is no access to Russian channels from abroad. You can download IPTV Player for free in Russian from us... During installation, it may offer the installation of Yandex elements and other third-party applications that you can opt out of.

Recently, IPTV has become the main means of television distribution. With stable internet connections with high data rates, streaming media is gaining in popularity. The same happens with IPTV, that is, television in data transmission networks using the IP protocol.

Choosing an IPTV player

There are many providers out there offering inexpensive packages that are much better than what you see on the most famous streaming TV sites. Most of these service providers provide files with the M3U extension, which contain all the information about the TV channels along with encoded links to the servers. They can be launched from any program for watching TV on a computer.

There are numerous player options available for all types of devices, including smartphones, smart TVs, and some Android set-top boxes. However, there are not many working players for PCs running Windows 10 and Mac, so this article reviewed some of the best free software for watching IPTV on a computer, compatible with modern and old versions of Microsoft OS, as well as other operating systems. Some of these players just run M3U file lists and some also support EPG. However, you should make sure that the provider does provide an electronic program guide, similar to the one found on Samsung smart TVs or set-top boxes.

If you don't have a paid IPTV provider yet, you can watch live TV on your personal computer by downloading and installing one of the following free applications.

VLC Media Player

This player is already well known and is often used for viewing and listening to media content on almost all devices, including tablets, smartphones, PCs, Macs, etc. This is not just a standard media player application, it also supports streaming video. That is why the player is considered to be the best program for watching IPTV on a computer. The player can run any M3U and M3U8 files without any problem. The only downside is the lack of EPG support for streaming channels.

It is a well-known media player for Windows and is also available in the Google Play Store under the name VLC Player. According to user reviews, the program for viewing IPTV on a computer perfectly copes with its tasks on a Galaxy Note 8 smartphone, a laptop with Windows 10, a TV set-top box and a Macbook Air. The only thing missing is the version for Samsung smart TVs running Tizen.

Users note the following features of VLC. The media player plays all files, discs, webcams, devices and streams (if you set the appropriate parameters), supports most codecs, including MPEG4, MPEG2, H.264, WebM, MKV, MP3, WMV. This is a program for watching IPTV on a computer on Windows, MacOS X, Unix, Android, Linux, iOS platforms. It is free, no spyware or ads, and does not track user activity. It is also the best player for watching TV, which interface is compatible with MX Player.

To work with the application, just download the installation from the developer's website and install it on your PC. You will also need an M3U playlist. It must be loaded, for example, using the menu item "Media - Open file ...". After that, you can select the desired one from the opened list of channels.

MyIPTV Player

The player is developed by Vbfnet and is available for download in the official Windows 10 store. This program for watching TV on a PC is considered one of the best in running all types of M3U / M3U8 playlists. However, this will require uploading your own playlists as they are not included in the application itself.

The program has a built-in ability to remove any offensive content. This is the best desktop TV and movie streaming player according to user reviews.

To start the video, you just need to load your M3U playlist from disk or a remote source. Among the main functions of MyIPTV Player, users note support for HTTP Live (HLS) streaming, automatic grouping of channels based on their data, filtering them and the ability to add manually in the application settings.

IPTV Extra

This player for watching IPTV on a computer has the same functionality as the previous one. According to user reviews, it provides high quality streaming of channels from M3U / M3U8 playlists. Allows you to import playlists from your local network and the Internet, add them to your favorites and watch whatever you like. This is a simple app for Android TV or Amazon Fire TV. The version for Android OS can be downloaded from the official Google Play store, and for Windows - on the Microsoft website. Installation and configuration are standard.

OTT Player

This is a service that allows you to concentrate all IPTV in one place and use your own playlists on all devices running iOS, Android and Windows Mobile, as well as Samsung and LG smart TVs.

You can load and edit playlists by adding or removing channel groups directly from the user panel. According to reviews, the electronic program guide is available only for Russian TV channels. M3U / M3U8, XML and XSPF playlists are supported.

You can download a program for watching TV on a computer from the developer's website, after registering on it. When installing on a user's device, you must enter a login and password. Channel lists can be downloaded from the Playlist page of the application. After clicking on the search icon, an explorer window will open, in which you should select your files and click OK. Then you need to enter the address of the site providing IPTV services and the name of the playlist. After loading, the playlist can be supplemented, and the channels can be sorted, moved, organized into groups. By opening the playlist, you can enjoy watching the selected program.

Perfect Player

The application is developed by Niklabs and is available for download for almost all platforms. The best thing about this player for watching IPTV on Windows, Linux and Android is that it supports various EPG formats including XMTLV, Movies TV and JTV. The player not only runs standard M3U and M3U8 playlists, but also XSPF.

According to user reviews, the application allows you to watch any TV program, supports UDPXY (UDP-to-HTTP proxy) and video plugins for watching online videos. The player and OSD display correctly on windows and displays of any size and resolution. The program saves all the settings of the channel list, which will not be lost after the update. It is possible to work with multiple playlists and EPG, group management (add, edit, group delete).

IPTV Player Free

This program for viewing IPTV on a computer, developed by VUCOM, is freely distributed (as its name clearly suggests). It is quite lightweight and can be used as a free online streaming player for Windows 10 PCs. Also available on the Android platform.

Some of the main features of the player are as follows: it allows you to watch IPTV from the provider and free TV channels from any other source on the Internet, supports playlists of Android applications and provides lists of open channels from more than 100 countries.