The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process. Information and communication technology. ICT technologies The main information process for communication technology is

Tatyana Yakshimbetova
Information and communication technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

One of the priority areas informatization process modern society is informatization of education - the process of ensuring the education sector methodology and practice of development and optimal use of modern information technologies oriented towards the implementation of psychological and pedagogical goals of training and education. System education makes new demands on the upbringing and training of the younger generation, the introduction of new approaches that should contribute not to replacing traditional methods, but to expanding their capabilities.

Informatization of preschool education is a complex, multifaceted, resource-intensive process, in which children, teachers, and the administration of the preschool educational institution participate.

This is the creation of a single information educational space of preschool educational institutions; and use information technologies in the educational process; and development of integrated activities; and project activities; and active use of the Internet in education.

Informatization of preschool education opens up new opportunities for teachers to widely introduce new methodological developments into pedagogical practice aimed at intensifying and implementing innovative educational ideas educational process.

Application information and communication technologies in preschool education is becoming increasingly relevant, as it allows the means of multimedia, in the most accessible and attractive, playful form, to achieve a new quality of knowledge, develops the logical thinking of children, enhances the creative component of educational work, maximizing the improvement of quality education among preschoolers.

The use of ICT does not include teaching children the basics Informatics and Computer Science. This is before Total:

Conversion subject-development environment

Expanding the ability to understand the world around us

Using new visuals

Use of ICT in preschool educational institutions

as a means of supporting OOP

as a means of interactive learning

System development incorporating ICT

as a means of interaction with society

as a means of interaction with the families of pupils


Work with children

Working with parents

Work on self-education

Importance of using ICT

Unlike usual technical training aids information and communication technologies allow not only to saturate the child with a large number of ready-made, strictly selected, corresponding way organized knowledge, but also to develop intellectual, creative abilities, and what is very important in early childhood is the ability to independently acquire new knowledge. For today information Technology significantly expand the capabilities of parents, teachers and specialists in the field of early learning. The possibilities of using a modern computer make it possible to most fully and successfully realize the development of a child’s abilities.

Ever since a child first sat down in front of a computer monitor, there have been debates about the benefits and harms of early teaching children to play games according to certain rules and the basics of computer literacy.

Arguments "behind"

provide a person-centered approach

promotes the child's intellectual growth;

the so-called "sign function of consciousness";

voluntary memory and attention improve;

cognitive motivation is formed;

motor coordination and coordination of the joint activities of the visual and motor analyzers.

ability to independently acquire new knowledge

development of voluntary motor skills of the fingers

Arguments "against"

exposure to electromagnetic radiation from the monitor;

sitting for long periods of time;

and as a consequence of this - the appearance of fatigue,

nervous-emotional tension

Applications of ICT for development preschoolers:

1. Using the global Internet

Modern education It’s hard to imagine without the resources of the Internet. The Internet has enormous potential educational services. E-mail, search engines, electronic conferences are becoming an integral part of modern education. You can find it on the Internet information on problems of early learning and development, about innovative schools and kindergartens, foreign early development institutes, establish contacts with leading experts in the field education. Therefore, in recent years there has been a massive introduction of the Internet not only in school, but also in preschool. education. The number is increasing information resources in all areas of children's education and development.

Using Internet resources allows you to do the educational process for preschoolers is information-intensive, spectacular, comfortable. Informational-methodological support in the form of electronic resources can be used when preparing a teacher for classes, for example, to study new techniques, when selecting visual aids for GCD

2. Using a computer to keep records

A computer can provide an invaluable service to educators and “advanced” parents in drawing up all kinds of action plans with the help of organizing programs, keeping an individual child’s diary, recording various data about him, test results, building graphs, and generally monitoring the dynamics of the child’s development. This can be done manually, but the time costs are not comparable.

3. Use of educational computer programs

The computer can enter a child's life through play. Game is one of the forms of practical thinking. In the game, the child operates with his knowledge, experience, impressions, displayed in the social form of gaming methods of action, gaming signs that acquire meaning in the semantic field of games. The child discovers the ability to endow neutral (up to a certain level) object with game value in the semantic field of the game. It is this ability that is the most important psychological basis for introducing a computer into play for a preschooler as a gaming tool.

Benefits of use computer:

presentation information on the computer screen in a playful way arouses great interest in children;

carries within itself figurative type of information, understandable to preschoolers;

movements, sound, animation attract the child’s attention for a long time;

allows you to simulate life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life

problematic tasks, encouraging the child to solve them correctly with the computer itself are a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children;

V process Through his activities at the computer, the preschooler gains confidence in himself and in the fact that he can do a lot;

4. Use of multimedia presentations

The most effective form of organizing work with a computer in kindergarten is conducting media classes using multimedia presentations.

Multimedia presentations, which are built taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers, including entertaining questions, games, colorful animated slides, are excellent assistants when conducting educational activities. They make it possible to optimize pedagogical process, individualize the education of children with different levels of cognitive development and significantly increase the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical activities.

Multimedia presentations are a convenient and effective way of presenting information using computer programs. It combines dynamics, sound and image, i.e. those factors that hold the child’s attention for the longest time.

The basis of any modern presentation is relief. process visual perception and memory information through vivid images. Forms and place of use of the presentation (or even a separate slide of it) in a lesson depend, of course, on the content of this lesson and the goal set by the teacher.

The use of computer slide presentations in process teaching children has the following dignity:

implementation of multisensory perception of material; – the ability to demonstrate various objects using a multimedia projector and projection screen in a many times enlarged form;

combining audio, video and animation effects into a single presentation helps compensate for volume information received by children from educational literature;

the ability to demonstrate objects that are more accessible to the intact sensory system;

activation of visual functions, visual abilities of the child; – computer presentation slide films are convenient to use for output information in the form of printouts in large print on a printer as handouts for classes with preschoolers.

Each presentation may include not only slides with pictures and text, but also clips, recordings of the speech of the teacher conducting the educational activities, cartoons, etc.

The use of new unusual methods of explanation and reinforcement, especially in a playful form, increases children’s involuntary attention and helps develop voluntary attention. Due to the high dynamics, material is effectively absorbed, memory is trained, vocabulary is actively replenished, and the imagination and creativity.

By mastering the skills of creating presentations, the teacher gradually enters the world of modern technologies. It is also possible to completely build a move directly - educational activities on the slide, which saves time and facilitates the use of material for the development of verbal and logical thinking, such as crosswords or puzzles.

Modern society - Information society, developing based on the use of new information technologies

So way, informatization of education opens up new ways and means of pedagogical work for educators.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the use of computer technologies in the activities of a preschool educational institution teacher allows the introduction of innovative processes in preschool education, improve all levels of management in the field education, expanding access to information resources, helps develop computer skills and enhance creative imagination and imagination.

The goals, methods, and means associated with the dissemination of new ways of working with information and modern means of communication are changing, traditional didactic means are being improved and new ones are appearing, in particular, information and communication technologies. Currently, the use of information and communication technologies, both proprietary (purchased) and developed by the teacher himself, has become firmly established in the pedagogical vocabulary.

The expression information and communication technologies is understood as an information source containing graphic, text, digital, speech, music, video, photo and other information aimed at realizing the goals and objectives of modern education. The inclusion of ICT in the learning process becomes necessary and inevitable, making the learning process mobile, strictly differentiated and individual.

The use of information and communication technologies makes it possible:

  • use game moments when explaining new material or when monitoring students’ knowledge on a studied topic;
  • make wider use of clarity when explaining new material;
  • make the lesson at a more modern level;
  • increase students' motivation for the subject being studied;
  • students' compilation of computer developments is an element of research activity.

Today it is impossible to imagine a modern lesson without the use of information and communication technologies. Modern computer equipment acts as a means of organizing and equipping the educational process:

  • as a means for creating information and methodological materials and documents (plans, notes, methodological developments);
  • as a means of providing visibility (presentation);
  • as a means of searching for information;
  • as a means of information processing (construction of charts, graphs);
  • as a means of storing information (databases, methodological developments);
  • as a means of communication.

It is worth noting that lessons using a computer allowed:

  • improve the quality of material absorption by 15–20%;
  • reduce the time for studying a new topic by 2–4 lessons.
  • automate computational skills and grammar skills in a shorter time (1.5–2 times).
  • reduce the number of errors by 5–10% in student tests.
  • increase the speed of work completion (2/3 of the class complete the work in 15–20 minutes), make lessons emotional and memorable;
  • implement an individual approach;
  • strengthen the independence of schoolchildren;
  • change the nature of interaction between teacher and student;
  • objectively assess students' knowledge;
  • improve the quality of visibility.

The use of information and communication technologies has become an integral part of modern culture, including in the field of education. Increasingly, the applied nature of the use of ICT is giving way to its educational and developmental capabilities. Possession of them allows each child to more fully realize the personal potential and opens up great opportunities in the practical activities of the teacher.

The main goals of information and communication technologies in primary school:

  • to create conditions for deeper, higher-quality productive learning by students of the main issues of the primary school course, the development of intellectual and cognitive activity;
  • ensure the development of educational and practical activities of students aimed at developing relevant skills;
  • reflect in tasks information from the surrounding reality that expands the possibilities of using the skills developed in the course;
  • develop students’ combinatorial abilities, attention, flexibility of thought processes, ability to compare and analyze;
  • to form logical thinking, memory, the ability to subordinate attention to completing tasks;
  • develop the ability to generalize, the ability to listen, reason, think, find answers using existing knowledge.

In my experience, given that the main activity of children seven to ten years old is play, I am convinced that the use of ICT in lessons in primary school contributes not only to the enrichment of vocabulary, but also to the quality of learning. As is known, visual-figurative thinking predominates in children of primary school age. And new technical means put the material being studied into a modern and exciting form and become an active stimulator of the cognitive process of younger schoolchildren.

Taking into account the different levels of preparation of schoolchildren, differences in the development of memory, thinking, and attention, the teacher, nevertheless, is forced to focus on the average level of readiness of students.

As a result, most students work quite actively in class. Everyone knows the problems that arise with the education of schoolchildren who have a higher or, conversely, low level of mental activity, as well as those who miss classes due to illness. One of the ways to successfully teach these categories of students may be the use of computer teaching systems in the classroom. A combination of traditional teaching methods and modern information and communication technologies can help the teacher in solving this difficult task.

Application of information and communication technologies in primary school lessons.

In my work, I use ICT almost every day, because... One of the obvious advantages of such lessons is increased visibility, which helps to cultivate the artistic taste of students and improve their emotional sphere. The educational effect of lessons with media support is enhanced by sound illustrations, musical accompaniment, animated and sound effects. These effects are accompanied by developmental questions that provoke students to dialogue and comment on what is happening. As a primary school teacher, I use information and communication technologies in various forms in my lessons. This includes accompanying the explanation of the material with a presentation, and the use of video fragments, paintings, drawings, diagrams, and other media objects in the explanation. I use them in interactive, innovative teaching methods: creating educational mini-projects, rationally searching for information on the Internet, using ICT materials to confirm the put forward educational hypotheses. ICTs are used at all stages of the learning process: for updating knowledge, when explaining new material, at the stage of consolidating and improving knowledge, skills, repetition, control, and for preparing homework.

The use of information and communication technologies facilitates and simplifies the process of studying the material and makes it interesting to control the assimilation of what has been learned.

In mathematics, Russian language and the surrounding world lessons in grades 1-4, when studying various sections, I use the following digital resources:

1. Virtual school “Cyril and Methodius” - lessons in elementary school (Russian language, mathematics and the outside world). What attracts me to these digital educational resources is the well-presented theoretical material, its professionalism and logical presentation; interesting and understandable test tasks to check the mastery of the studied material.

2. Methodological manual with an electronic application, “Master class for primary school teachers (grades 3-4) on the Russian language, mathematics, literary reading and the world around us,” Moscow Publishing House “Planeta”. This manual is a collection of lessons with a multimedia application to most of them in the form of presentations, video clips, and tests. The application also contains interactive games for students in grades 3-4, which help me organize frontal or individual testing of students' knowledge in class and in extracurricular activities.

In extracurricular activities, as well as in preparation for final certification in the form of tests (integrated tests), I use and recommend to students: testing and measuring materials (Final certification at the end of primary school) Uchitel Publishing House LLC, Volgograd, 2014. In this resource, the theoretical sections are compiled on the basis of the entrance exam program. Each section is supplemented with test tasks with detailed answers; tests are offered for self-testing of knowledge, to which tables with correct answers are given.

In the lessons of the surrounding world and Kuban studies, the use of ICT is even more appropriate:

  • bright photos of animals and plants,
  • dynamic models allow us to better understand the flow of biological processes and phenomena,
  • conducting quizzes and competitions,
  • a wide field for student project activities.

In extracurricular activities, as well as in preparation for final certification in the form of tests, I use and recommend to students:

  • lessons for the elementary school of Cyril and Methodius;
  • Great Soviet Encyclopedia;
  • Great Encyclopedia of Russia;

When preparing for a lesson, I widely use presentations compiled by me, my colleagues, and students, which reflect theoretical material, various experiments, assessments, tests and answers to them, quizzes, and crossword puzzles in all subjects.

A gaming computer environment, connecting with a specific educational task, allows the child to learn the material as if unnoticed by himself and at the same time, which is very important, to apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities, mobilizing his skills and abilities, developing initiative and creativity; develops memory and concentrates attention.

Particular attention is paid to ICTs created to consolidate the concepts of significant dates “City Day”, “February 23”, “March 8”, “Space”, “WWII”. Teachers adjust them annually based on the capabilities of their class. I use the creation of presentations in the Power Point program to improve the effectiveness of educational sessions with children and the pedagogical competence of parents during parent-teacher meetings. Moreover, the presentation can become a kind of plan for a lesson or event, its logical structure, i.e. can be used at any stage of the lesson. I have created a series of presentations for classes, holidays, and parent-teacher meetings.

For example

1. A poster or slide is an analogue of a regular poster. Such a poster contains a definition, rule or formula, various images (for example, portraits, reproductions, photographs), as well as diagrams, tables, and texts.

2. Poster - illustration - I create mainly on the basis of colorful encyclopedias that are available in the school library (for example, the world around us).

3. Poster - task - I use it when studying a complex topic, I rely on a selection of questions and tasks, accompanied by colorful drawings.

4. Presentation - I use it in several formats: slide shows, dynamic drawings, colored step by step using buttons, with narration. The presence of navigation allows the display to be carried out in the form of a dialogue. (Example: Presentation with narration).

5. Videos (animation) - I use them in so-called “video excursions”, for example, on the topic “Birds”, “Human Structure”, etc.

6. Illustrated training module – contains text and graphic parts that are inextricably linked with each other.

7. Interactive figure in which information unfolds depending on the user’s control.

8. Test tasks - I use them to control students’ knowledge.

I use independently developed multimedia presentations, as well as ready-made ones (multimedia lessons, electronic textbooks, interactive simulators, encyclopedias, etc.). Using Internet sites, I select visual material for my lessons: pictures, photographs, audio files, sound effects, video files, films.

Presentation allows me to illustrate my story. This makes it possible not to overload the visual space, fixing attention on the object being studied.

I use presentations effectively at various stages of the lesson; visual perception of the objects being studied allows us to quickly and deeply perceive the material presented. When explaining a new topic, creating slides makes it possible to use animation, which helps to present the educational material step by step. Selecting objects and moving them along the slide focuses students’ attention on the main thing in the material being studied and helps to draw up a plan for the topic being studied. This type of activity allows me to show creativity, individuality, and avoid a formal approach to conducting lessons.

I monitor students’ knowledge using MimioStudio: equipment for testing the quality of students’ knowledge. I develop tests for testing knowledge in subjects myself. When conducting tests, tests, and independent work, each student answers these tasks and independently receives the result of his answer on the screen. There is an open, objective assessment of students' knowledge. This is very important for the child. He sees that the grade does not depend on the desire of the teacher, but his real knowledge and skills are assessed. The fear of receiving a grade is removed. The student can see the percentage and quality of his knowledge.

Thus, we can state the fact that the use of computers in teaching primary school students seems appropriate, and experience is in demand.

However, the use of ICT is not a goal, but a means of learning. Computerization should only concern that part of the educational process where it is necessary. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with ICT. After all, ill-considered use of computers affects children’s health. The continuous duration of classes with a PC should not exceed for students: 1st grade - 10 minutes; Grades 2–4 – 15 minutes.

There is an absolutely free unified collection of digital educational resources on the Internet, which contains educational and methodological materials that guide teachers in the introduction of modern teaching methods based on the use of information and communication technologies. It includes sets of digital resources for a large number of textbooks used in Russian schools, a variety of
thematic and subject collections, as well as other educational, cultural, educational and educational:

  1. - YIRO (primary school).
  2. - Children's portal "Sun".
  3. - children's fairy tale magazine “Read-ka”.
  4. – portal of the company “Cyril and Methodius”.
  5. - book of fairy tales.
  6. - Children's World website. Children's songs, cartoons, riddles, etc.

Mathematics lessons turn into a fascinating journey through the pages of famous fairy tales, as a result of which children quietly learn the basics of mathematics without feeling monotony and boredom. Thus, the unsuccessful course of the game due to gaps in knowledge encourages first-graders to independently achieve knowledge in the game or seek help from the teacher.

During literacy lessons I use multimedia games from the “Lessons of Cyril and Methodius” and “ABC for Kids” series. Together with animated characters, my students get acquainted with the letters of the Russian alphabet, learn to recognize and construct letters, compose words, sentences, and relate a word to an object.

“Aunt Owl's Lessons” help me make my lessons bright, colorful, and emotional. The fairy tale plot in the educational program leads to the fact that children are looking forward to meeting Aunt Owl. Traveling through the country of Letters, they happily come to the aid of the inhabitants of the fairytale forest. The motivation for learning in such lessons is very high. When looking for information, the multimedia encyclopedias of Cyril and Methodius, the “Big Encyclopedia”, “Children’s Encyclopedia”, “Encyclopedia of Animals”, “Encyclopedia of Health”, etc. help out. In these disks I use not only illustrations, videos, but also texts that are adapted for children's perception. When conducting combined lessons and lessons on discovering new knowledge, I use a multimedia textbook on all subjects “Lessons of Cyril and Methodius”, CDs from the series “Family Tutor”, “Super Kids”, etc. These multimedia manuals help to clearly and intelligibly explain the material, prepare your own presentations, complementing their isolated materials: video fragments, sound files, animations, drawings, tables, graphs, diagrams.

I also use ICT when conducting ongoing monitoring of students’ knowledge and their level of mastery of the material. I use discs from the “Trainer” series on the Russian language, mathematics, the world around us, “Phrase”, “Family Tutor” and other programs with test systems.

I actively use Internet resources in my work, which are of the greatest value for widespread use in the educational process. These are educational Internet portals such as.

Russian educational portal (, “Primary School” magazine (www. openworld/ schooi), newspaper "September 1" (www. lseptember. ru), and others.

The use of information and communication technologies allows a differentiated approach to the learning process for younger schoolchildren, taking into account their individual characteristics, increases motivation, which contributes to the formation of a positive attitude towards learning, and gives a creative teacher the opportunity to increase and diversify the volume of educational information. The lesson becomes bright, exciting, memorable, and the teacher’s prestige increases in the eyes of students and parents.

The computer is a powerful stimulus for the creativity of children, including the most infantile or disinhibited. The screen attracts attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve when working with the class from the front.

I conducted a study of children’s attitudes towards the use of information and communication technologies in the classroom.

The survey was conducted according to the following criteria:

  • I love classes with cartoons and presentations;
  • I don’t like classes that involve showing cartoons and presentations.

As a result, students loved classes using interactive tools 100%.

Some of the students in my class have a certain skill in working on a computer, and are happy to make presentations themselves, so Polina Larkova prepared a presentation for a lesson on the surrounding world

Compiled by: Gamzaeva Ashura Rabadanovna technology teacher of the MKOU "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School" of the Kizlyar district, Republic of Dagestan.

Report on the issue:

« Application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in technology lessons . »

The use of information and communication technologies opens up new opportunities for teachers in teaching their subject, allows them to increase the effectiveness of learning, the intellectual level of students, instill self-learning and self-organization skills, and facilitate the solution of practical problems. The teacher has the opportunity to increase visibility in the teaching process. The use of computer technology in lessons allows us to make each lesson unconventional, bright, rich, and easy to remember.

Goals of using information technology in the classroom:

make the lesson modern (in terms of the use of technical means);

bring the lesson closer to the worldview of a modern child, since he watches and listens more than reads and speaks; prefers to use information obtained using technical means;

establish relationships of mutual understanding and mutual assistance between teacher and student;

help the teacher to present the material emotionally and figuratively.

Currently, the use of modern educational technologies, including information and communication technologies, which ensure the personal development of the child by reducing the share of reproductive activity in the educational process, can be considered as a key condition for improving the quality of education, reducing the workload of students, and more efficient use of educational time.

The use of ICT in technology lessons allows you to diversify the forms of work and student activities, activate attention, and increase the creative potential of the individual. Building diagrams and tables in a presentation allows you to save time and design the material more aesthetically. Use of illustrations, drawings, etc. foster interest in the lesson; make the lesson interesting. In technology lessons, the use of ICT allows the use of a variety of illustrative and informational material.

Using a multimedia project, slides and presentations created in Microsoft Power Point are demonstrated. Using this technology allows you to:

Increase the level of visibility during training;

Revive the educational process, introduce elements of entertainment;

Save a lot of time in class.

Schoolchildren enjoy working with the computer and are happy to participate in activities. Stimulation of cognitive interests among schoolchildren is caused by the novelty of visual teaching aids.

The use of computers is effective at all stages of the pedagogical process: at the stages of presenting educational information, mastering educational material in the process of interactive interaction with a computer, repeating and consolidating acquired knowledge and skills, intermediate and final control and self-monitoring of achieved learning results. This approach allows you to individualize the learning process.

Research in recent years has shown that people learn 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, and more than 50% of what they see and hear at the same time. Therefore, ICT elements are very important and need to be introduced into a traditional lesson.

Competence of a modern teacheris a complex personal resource that provides the opportunity for effective interaction in the educational space and depends on the professional competencies necessary for this.

The use of ICT in technology lessons allows you to diversify the forms of work and student activities, activate attention, and increase the creative potential of the individual. Construction of diagrams, instructionskart,tables in a presentation allows you to save time and design the material more aesthetically. Use of illustrations, drawings, etc. foster interest in the lesson; make the lesson interesting. In technology lessons, the use of ICT allows the use of a variety of illustrative and informational material. ICT is appropriate to use when studying individual topics and sections of the labor training technology program. This is due to the following factors:

1. This educational area provides, first of all, for the formation and improvement of practical skills in methods of processing materials, modeling and design. Consequently, more time should be devoted to the practical activities of students in the classroom.

2. Insufficient number of multimedia discs in the school media library. The available discs have a narrow thematic focus and are not without a number of advantages. Such as the professionalism of the programmers, beautiful graphics, contain good animation, are multifunctional, etc. But for the most part they do not fit into the outline of this particular lesson of a particular teacher. With their help, it is impossible to achieve all the goals set by the teacher in the lesson.

All work done during the lesson with all the notes and notes made on the board can be saved on the computer for later viewing and analysis, including in the form of a video recording. A teacher working with an interactive whiteboard can increase the level of perception of material through a combination of various forms of information transmission - visual and audio. During the lesson, he can use bright, multi-color diagrams and graphics, animation accompanied by sound, interactive elements that respond to the actions of the teacher or student. If necessary, if there are students in the group with low vision, the teacher can enlarge one or another element shown on the board. Visualization and interactivity are the main advantages of an interactive whiteboard. Interactive whiteboards correspond to the way of perceiving information that characterizes the new generation of schoolchildren using computers and mobile phones, who have a much higher need for testing and independent work).

Thus, new information technologies, used methodically correctly, increase the cognitive activity of students, which undoubtedly leads to increased learning efficiency.

Use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process contributes to:

Developing students' interest in the subject being studied;

Stimulating the activity and independence of students in preparing materials, working with literature, and extracurricular activities;

Formation of teamwork skills when discussing problems;

Ensuring objective control of knowledge and the quality of student learning.

Computers serve as an aid to save time and make work more efficient: search for information, solve more problems (and reduce homework), analyze results, take advantage of the graphical capabilities of the computer, help develop students’ interest in the subject being studied, stimulate cognitive and creative activity and independence of students, the formation of communication skills, ensuring objective control of knowledge, the quality of learning by students.

ICT has the following advantages:

allows you to increase the effectiveness of visual clarity;

makes it possible to use clarity both for front-line work and for individual activities;

the possibilities of visual and auditory perception are expanding (not only still images, but also animation and sound);

The Internet allows you to access additional information and, using it, diversify the types of tasks;

working with an electronic textbook allows you to more clearly organize the development, training and control of the material being studied;

makes it possible to develop the creative abilities of students, diversify their creative activities (creating presentations, projects, essays, etc.);

compactness of accumulation and storage of information;


demonstration of hard-to-access material (virtual laboratories, virtual excursions, etc.);

provides the widest opportunities for self-testing at all stages of work;

fast processing of results;

helps to increase cognitive activity and motivation in acquiring knowledge through a variety of forms of work;

independent work of students becomes controlled and manageable;

ICT makes it easy to extend a teacher’s work experience and his model of teaching a particular academic discipline to other teachers.

When presenting new material, the presentation becomes my assistant, because... The presented material is partially shown on the slides, and I can only supplement it, add my comments and explanations to the most difficult moments and images.

The use of multimedia presentation in the educational process allows you to improve the quality of learning and save time spent on methodological activities.

Presentations can be used to explain new material, to review covered material, and to organize ongoing monitoring of knowledge (presentations-surveys). Presentation-surveys contain questions-tasks addressed to students; they may include materials displaying key experiments of the topic covered or demonstrating a studied physical phenomenon. The question for the student is contained in the title of the slide; comments and explanations to the pictures are given by the teacher during the presentation. Such survey presentations can be designed for a frontal oral survey of students or a frontal individual written survey (test, written test, independent work).


The use of multimedia products is relevant because schools, as a rule, do not have the necessary set of tables, diagrams, reproductions, and illustrations. However, the expected effect can be achieved if certain requirements are met:

recognition - compliance with the information provided;

dynamics - the timing of the demonstration should be optimal. It is very important not to overdo the effects;

well-thought-out image video algorithm ;

optimal size - this applies not only to minimum, but also to maximum sizes, which can have a negative impact on the educational process and contribute to students’ fatigue more quickly;

optimal number of presented images on the screen. You should not get carried away by the number of slides, photos, etc., which distract students and prevent them from focusing on the main thing.


It is undeniable that in a modern school a computer does not solve all problems; it remains just a multifunctional technical teaching tool. No less important are modern pedagogical technologies and innovations in the learning process, which make it possible not only to “invest” in each student a certain stock of knowledge, but, first of all, to create conditions for the manifestation of students’ cognitive activity. But information technologies, in combination with correctly selected (or designed) teaching technologies, create the necessary level of quality, variability, differentiation and individualization of training and education.


1. Friedman L.N. Visualization and modeling in teaching - M.: Education, 1984.

2.Babansky Yu.K. How to optimize the learning process. -M.: Education, 1998.

3. Matyushkin A.M. Problem situations in thinking and learning. -M.: Education, 1982.

4.Pikasisty P.I. Independent cognitive activity of schoolchildren in learning - M.: Education, 1990.

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Educational information and communication technologies


Information and communication technologies (ICT) are increasingly penetrating various areas of educational activity every day. This is facilitated by both external factors associated with the widespread informatization of society and the need for appropriate training of specialists, and internal factors associated with the dissemination of modern computer equipment and software in educational institutions, the adoption of state and interstate programs for informatization of education, and the emergence of the necessary experience in informatization among all more teachers.

Let's consider what the concept of information and communication technology includes, how it was formed, what opportunities the use of information and communication technologies in education provides, the main types of information and communication technologies and software for their implementation.

1. The concept of information and communication technology (ICT)

Before you begin to study information and communication technologies, you need to find out the essence of the key concept. To do this, we will consider the concepts of information, information technology, and communication technology, which are of decisive importance in the formation of the concept of information and communication technology.

Currently, there is no single definition of information as a scientific term. From the point of view of various fields of knowledge, this concept is described by its specific set of characteristics. Let's consider some definitions of information that exist today.

Information is information transmitted by one person to another person orally, in writing or in some other way [Kuznetsova];

Information is information about objects and phenomena of the environment, their parameters, properties and state, which reduce the degree of uncertainty and incomplete knowledge about them. [Astakhova, p. 4].

In information theory, the concept of information is defined as communication, communication, in the process of which uncertainty is eliminated (Shannon).

In the works of logicians (Carnap, Bar-Hillel) and mathematicians (A.N. Kolmogorov), the concept of information is not associated with either the form or the content of messages transmitted through communication channels, and is defined as an abstract quantity that does not exist in physical reality, also just as there is no such thing as an imaginary number or a point that has no linear dimensions. That is, these and a number of other experts expressed the opinion that “information” is an abstract concept and does not exist in nature.

Information (from the Latin informatio, explanation, presentation, awareness) - information about something, regardless of the form of its presentation (Wikipedia).

So, most often the concept of information is defined through information, knowledge, messages, signals that have novelty and value for the recipient.

Information technology (IT, from the English information technology, IT) is a wide class of disciplines and areas of activity related to technologies for creating, storing, managing and processing data, including the use of computer technology. Recently, information technology is most often understood as computer technology. In particular, information technology deals with the use of computers and software to create, store, process, limit the transmission and receipt of information.

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, information technology is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, and engineering disciplines that study methods for effectively organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as the social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this.

I.G. Zakharova identifies two main approaches to considering the concept of information technology: in some cases they imply a certain scientific direction, in others - a specific way of working with information. That is, information technology is a body of knowledge about methods and means of working with information resources, as well as methods and means of collecting, processing and transmitting information to obtain new information about the object being studied.

It should be noted that information technologies, unlike production technologies, have a number of functions that reflect their information essence. These properties are reflected in the interpretation given by I.V. Robert: “Information technology is a practical part of the scientific field of computer science, which is a set of means, methods, and methods for automated collection, processing, storage, transmission, use, and production of information to obtain certain, obviously expected, results” [Robert I.V., S. .25]. As can be seen from the definition given by I.V. Robert, she refers to information technology as “the practical part of the scientific field of computer science.”

Another component of our concept is the concept of communication. Communication refers to the exchange of information between living organisms (communication). In computer science, telecommunication technologies are considered. Telecommunications in international practice mean “transfer of arbitrary information over a distance using technical means (telephone, telegraph, radio, television, etc.)” Jerry Wellington. Education For Employment. The Place of Information Technology. -- London, 1989. -- P. 19.

In education, when talking about telecommunications, they often mean the transmission, reception, processing and storage of information by computer means (using a modem), either through traditional telephone lines, or using satellite communications.

By combining the key characteristics of the concepts of information, information technology, and communication, we can define the concept of information and communication technology (ICT).

Astakhova E.V. uses the term “infocommunication”, which is close in meaning to ICT. By infocommunications, she understands information, computer and telecommunication technologies designed to provide organizations and the public with information and communication products and services.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) include three components (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Components of ICT

Klokov E.V. uses the term "information and communication technology (ICT)". By ICT he understands “a wide range of digital technologies used to create, transmit and distribute information and provide services (computer equipment, software, telephone lines, cellular communications, e-mail, cellular and satellite technologies, wireless and cable communication networks, multimedia , as well as the Internet)" [Klokov, p. 100].

Taking into account the concepts discussed, information and communication technology can be understood as a set of tools for ensuring information processes for receiving, processing and transmitting information that consistently lead to a given result.

2. Goals of using ICT in education

The goals of using information and communication technologies in education correspond to the needs of society in obtaining high-quality and affordable education.

The use of information and communication technologies in education, according to I.V. Zakharova, traditionally comes down to two main directions. The first is to use the potential of these technologies to increase the accessibility of education, which is done by including in the education system those individuals for whom another method may not be available at all. We are talking about distance learning.

The second direction involves the use of information technology to change what is taught and how it is taught, that is, the content and methods of learning in the traditional classroom.

In accordance with this, two main goals of using ICT in education can be formulated:

1) improving the quality of education;

2) increasing the accessibility of education.

Pointing to the existing contradictions in simultaneously achieving the quality and accessibility of education through ICT, Zakharova I.V. proposes a number of principles to resolve this contradiction.

A simplified, but unfortunately widespread, view states that everything is decided simply by the widespread introduction of information and telecommunication technologies, which are credited with truly magical powers. And in this case, society is offered a very simple solution - it is enough to provide educational institutions with computers and telecommunications and education, as if by magic, will become better, more accessible and cheaper. But even the best and most advanced technologies adopted by teachers and students, without adequate reorganization of the educational process, have a demoralizing effect and are simply wasteful. Essentially, this is the same as bringing an illiterate person to the library and waiting for him to learn to read fluently and navigate books.

3. Types of educational information and communication technologies

Systematic research in the field of application of information technologies in education has been conducted for more than forty years. The education system has always been very open to the introduction of information technologies into the educational process, based on software products for a wide range of purposes. Educational institutions successfully use various software systems - both relatively accessible (text and graphic editors, tools for working with tables and preparing computer presentations) and complex, sometimes highly specialized (programming and database management systems, symbolic mathematics and statistical processing packages) .

At the same time, these software tools have never met all the needs of teachers. Since the 60s, in scientific centers and educational institutions of the USA, Canada, Western Europe, Australia, Japan, Russia (formerly the USSR) and a number of other countries, a large number of specialized computer systems have been developed specifically for the needs of education, focused on supporting different aspects of the educational process.

Let us list the main types of educational information and communication technologies allocated abroad today:

This list does not pretend to be a classification, since various types of information and communication technologies overlap with each other. To demonstrate this, we will decipher each type.

Computer programmed training is a technology that ensures the implementation of the mechanism of programmed training using appropriate computer programs.

Studying with the help of a computer involves the student’s independent work to study new material using various means, including a computer. The nature of the learning activity is not regulated here; learning can be carried out with the support of sets of instructions, which is the essence of the programmed learning method that underlies the CAI technology.

What distinguishes computer-based learning from previous technology is that while it is possible to use a wide variety of technological tools (including traditional ones - textbooks, audio and video recordings, etc.), then it involves the use of predominantly software tools that ensure effective independent work of trainees.

Computer-based learning involves all kinds of forms of transferring knowledge to the learner (with or without the participation of a teacher) and, in essence, overlaps with the above.

Computer-assisted assessment can also be an independent teaching technology, but in practice it is an integral element of others, since knowledge transfer technologies are also required to have a special system for assessing the quality of knowledge acquisition. Such a system cannot be independent of the content of the discipline being studied and the methods used by the teacher in traditional teaching or implemented in the training program.

Computer communications, providing both the process of knowledge transfer and feedback, are obviously an integral component of all of the above technologies when it comes to the use of local, regional and other computer networks. Computer communications determine the capabilities of the information educational environment of an individual educational institution, city, region, country.

Astakhova E.V. uses the term “new information technology” in a meaning corresponding to the concept of information and communication technology we considered - information technology that uses computers and telecommunications. The author identifies the following types of new information technologies:

1. Database technology and DBMS.

2. Knowledge base technology (accumulation, structuring and storage of knowledge from various fields).

3. Technologies of e-mail and telecommunications access to information remote from the user or its carrier.

4. Computerized office collaboration technology.

5. Technologies for using integrated application packages (MathCAD, AutoCAD).

6. Hypertext technologies.

7. Multimedia and hypermedia technologies.

8. Computer graphics and visualization technology (3D-Studio, Flash).

4. Software for educational information and communication technologies

information communication technology education

Systematic research in the field of application of information and communication technologies in education has been conducted for more than forty years. The education system has always been very open to the introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational process, based on software products for a wide range of purposes. Educational institutions successfully use various software systems - both relatively accessible (text and graphic editors, tools for working with tables and preparing computer presentations) and complex, sometimes highly specialized (programming and database management systems, symbolic mathematics and statistical processing packages) .

Zakharova I.V. identifies the following categories of educational information technology learning software:

* teaching, monitoring and training systems,

* systems for searching information,

* modeling programs,

* microworlds,

* cognitive tools,

* tools of a universal nature,

* tools for ensuring communications. Tools are understood as programs that provide the ability to create new electronic resources: files of various formats, databases, program modules, individual programs and software packages. Such tools can be subject-specific, or they can be practically independent of the specifics of specific tasks and areas of application.

Let us take a closer look at the types of software that will be used primarily for the implementation of educational information and communication technologies.

1) Systems for information retrieval. Information retrieval systems, or information retrieval systems, have long been used in a wide variety of fields. But for education, this is still a fairly new type of software. At the same time, modern requirements for information competence require a high level of knowledge in the field of searching, structuring and storing information. Teachers can use themselves and also offer students various information retrieval systems: legal reference systems (“Garant”, “Code”, “Consultant Plus”), electronic library catalogs, Internet search engines (Yandex, Google, Yahoo), information -search systems of scientific and technical information centers, etc. Finally, electronic dictionaries and encyclopedias, hypertext and hypermedia systems are also systems for searching information, while simultaneously performing the functions of an automated teaching system.

2) Tools for ensuring communications. A new impetus for informatization of education is given by the development of information telecommunication networks. The global Internet network provides access to gigantic amounts of information stored in different parts of our planet. Many experts consider Internet technologies as a revolutionary breakthrough, surpassing in its significance the advent of the personal computer.

Computer communications tools include several forms: e-mail, electronic conferencing, video conferencing, Internet. These tools allow teachers and students to share information, collaborate on common problems, post ideas or comments, and engage in problem solving and discussion.

Electronic mail (e-mail) is an asynchronous communication medium, which means that in order to receive a message it is not necessary to agree on the time and place of receipt with the sender, and vice versa. E-mail can be used both for communication between two subscribers and for connecting one or many recipients. It is advisable to use these features of its work to establish feedback between teachers or training programs and one or more students, regardless of their physical location. E-mail is also widely used for coordination and feedback in distance and open learning.

It should be noted that the educational capabilities of electronic mail (e-mail) are the most accessible of all information and telecommunication technologies and at the same time the most underestimated. Special mail programs are based on similar principles, and, accordingly, serious professional training is not required to use e-mail. E-mail has very wide possibilities for improving the quality of the educational process. This is both a means of additional support for educational and cognitive activity, providing excellent opportunities for students to communicate with the teacher and with each other (and confidential communication), and a means of managing the progress of the educational process.

If possible, it is advisable to build access to e-mail into training programs so that the student has the opportunity, if not to get advice, then at least to ask his teacher a question in case of difficulties or to express his opinion about the work of the program.

Using e-mail allows you to increase the efficiency of teachers. When working with a large flow of trainees, this can manifest itself to a greater extent if questions are discussed by email, in virtual seminars or working groups specially organized for this purpose. Here it is necessary to take into account that not every student will voluntarily engage in this type of educational work and, accordingly, a specific reward system is required.

In conclusion, we note that of the listed types of resources, e-mail should become a mandatory tool for every teacher. In an educational institution, it can be provided without access to the Internet, within the local network. Its simplicity, “harmlessness” in comparison with other resources, the highest possibilities for both individualizing work with students and organizing their collective activities, allow us to call this technology mandatory ITS for a modern educational institution.

Electronic conferencing is an asynchronous communication environment that, like e-mail, can be used for fruitful cooperation between students and teachers, providing users with a kind of structured forum where they can express their opinions in writing, ask questions and read remarks from other participants. Participation in thematic electronic conferences on the Internet is very fruitful for the self-education of teachers and students. Electronic conferences can also be organized within the local network of a separate educational institution for conducting seminars, lengthy discussions, etc. The asynchronous mode of work of the student promotes reflection and, accordingly, thoughtfulness of questions and answers, and the ability to use files of any type (graphics, sound, animations) make such virtual seminars very effective.

Videoconferencing - unlike the previous form, is synchronous in nature, when participants interact in real time. Here it is possible to communicate one-on-one (consultation), one-to-many (lecture), many-to-many (teleconference).

This communication technology is currently used mainly in higher education institutions, which have an extensive network of branches. The main obstacle to widespread use is expensive equipment, which is not always available in local training centers (branches) of the parent educational institution.

Internet technologies. The following Internet technologies are usually considered to be basic:

WWW (English World Wide Web - World Wide Web) - technology for working on the network with hypertexts;

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a technology for transferring files of arbitrary format over a network;

IRC (English Internet Relay Chat - turn-by-turn conversation on the network, chat) is a real-time negotiation technology that makes it possible to talk with other people over the network in direct dialogue;

ICQ (English: I seek you - I am looking for you, can be written in three letters) - a technology for conducting one-on-one negotiations in a synchronous mode.

The specificity of Internet technologies is that they provide both students and teachers with enormous opportunities to choose sources of information necessary in the educational process:

* basic information posted on Web and FTP servers on the network;

* operational information systematically sent to the customer by e-mail in accordance with the selected mailing list;

* various databases of leading libraries, information, scientific and educational centers, museums;

* information about CDs, video and audio cassettes, books and magazines distributed through Internet stores.

Telecommunications means, including e-mail, global, regional and local communication networks and data exchange, open up the broadest opportunities for students and teachers: prompt transmission of information of any volume and type over any distance; interactivity and prompt feedback; access to various sources of information; organization of joint telecommunications projects; request information on any issue of interest through the electronic conference system.

The main requirement that must be met for software intended for use in the educational process is the ease and naturalness with which a student can interact with educational materials. The corresponding characteristics and requirements for programs are usually denoted by the abbreviation HCI (Human - Computer Interface). This literal translation can be understood as “computer programs with human-oriented dialogue.”

Information and communication technologies make it possible to collect, process, store, distribute, display various types of information and, using electronic means of communication, interact with people geographically distant from each other. Professional interaction of teachers online requires knowledge, skills and abilities to use ICT in teaching activities. However, professional training of teaching staff should not be limited only to training in information and communication technologies, but also to training in modern pedagogical technologies (person-centered learning, project method, training in small groups, etc.). These technologies complement each other: through modern pedagogical technologies to modern teaching tools - ICT and vice versa.

Questions and tasks

1. What concepts is the concept of information and communication technology based on? What are its key characteristics?

2. What are the main goals of using information and communication technologies in education?

3. Give examples of information and communication technologies used in education. Give a brief description of each type.

4. What advantages and disadvantages does a participant in a virtual seminar receive compared to taking part in a traditional lesson?

5. What software tools of information and communication technologies are responsible for the “communication” component?

6. Why is it said that email creates an asynchronous learning environment?

7. How can the use of ICT change the nature of the educational process?

8. How can the use of ICT provide the opportunity for each student to implement an individual educational trajectory?


1. Astakhova, E. V. Information and communication technologies: a textbook in 3 parts / E. V. Astakhova; Alt. state tech. University named after I. I. Polzunova. - Barnaul, 2010. - Part 1. Information security. - 82 s.

2. Vladimirova, L.P., Modern information, communication and pedagogical technologies in education,

3. Klokov, E. V., Denisov, A. V. Technology of project-based learning // School. - 2006. - No. 2. - With. 29-36

4. Kuznetsova T.Ya. Descriptor [Electronic resource]//RSL, 2004.-Access mode:

5. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system / Ed. E. S. Polat. - Moscow, 2010.

6. Polat E.S., Bukharkina M.Yu., Moiseeva M.V., Petrov A.E. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: Proc. allowance. - M., 2001.

7. Robert I. V. Modern information technologies in education. - M., 1994.

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ICT (information and communication technologies) are processes and methods of interaction with information that are carried out using computer devices, as well as telecommunications.

The role of ICT in modern society

Currently, one can observe a constant increase in the influence of media technologies on humans. They have a particularly strong impact on children: twenty years ago, a child would rather watch a movie than read a book. However, today, under the powerful pressure of information, advertising, computer technology, electronic toys, game consoles, etc., people are becoming increasingly disconnected from reality. Now, if a student cannot avoid reading a book, he no longer goes to the library, but downloads it to his tablet. Very often you can observe the following picture: a group of young people is sitting in a park, square or shopping and entertainment complex, they do not communicate with each other, all their attention is focused on smartphones, tablets, laptops. If this phenomenon continues to be observed, then soon children will completely forget how to communicate. And so the ministries of education of many countries on our planet, instead of developing schoolchildren’s interest in live communication and learning in general, decided to follow the path of least resistance and give children what they want. According to some experts, a child’s brain perceives new information better if it is presented in an entertaining form, which is why they easily perceive the data presented in the lesson with the help of media (in connection with this, the use of information and communication technologies in education is constantly growing today). It’s hard to argue with this, but the other side of the coin of such an educational process is that children stop communicating with the teacher, which means their ability to think decreases. It is much better to restructure the educational process so that it is not boring and always maintains the child’s thirst for new knowledge. But this issue will have to be left to the conscience of officials.

Concept of communication and information technology

The processes of informatization in modern society, as well as the closely related reform of educational activities, are characterized by the improvement and mass distribution of modern ICT. They are actively used to transmit data and ensure interaction between teacher and student in the modern system of distance and open education. Today, a teacher is required to possess skills not only in the field of ICT, but also to be responsible for the professional use of information and communication technologies in his immediate activities.

The term “technology” comes to us from the Greek language, and translated it means “science”. The modern understanding of this word includes the application of engineering and scientific knowledge to solve specific practical problems. Then information and communication technology is a technology that is aimed at transforming and processing information. But that's not all. In essence, information and communication technology is a general concept that describes various mechanisms, devices, algorithms, and methods of data processing. The most important modern ICT device is a computer equipped with the necessary software. The second, but no less important, equipment is the means of communication with information posted on them.

ICT tools used in the modern education system

The main means of ICT technology for the information environment of the education system is a personal computer equipped with the necessary software (systemic and applied in nature, as well as tools). System software primarily includes operating software. It ensures the interaction of all PC programs with the equipment and PC user. This category also includes service and utility software. Application programs include software that represents information technology tools - working with texts, graphics, tables, etc. The modern education system widely uses universal applied office software and ICT tools, such as word processors, presentation preparation, spreadsheets, graphics packages, organizers, databases, etc.

Development of information and communication technologies

With the organization of computer networks and similar means, the education process has moved to a new quality. First of all, this is due to the ability to quickly receive information from anywhere in the world. Thanks to the global computer network Internet, instant access to the planet (electronic libraries, file storage, databases, etc.) is now possible. This popular resource has published more than two billion different multimedia documents. The network provides access and allows the use of other common ICT technologies, these include email, chat, lists, and mailings. In addition, special software has been developed for online communication (in real time), which allows, after establishing a session, to transfer text (entered from the keyboard), as well as sound, image and various files. Such software makes it possible to organize joint communication between remote users and software running on a local personal computer.

7. Ensuring learning flexibility.

Negative impact of ICT tools on students

Information and communication technology, introduced into everything, leads to a number of negative consequences, including a number of negative psychological and pedagogical factors influencing the health and physiological state of the student. As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, ITC leads to the individualization of the educational process. However, therein lies a serious disadvantage associated with total individualization. Such a program entails the curtailment of the already scarce live dialogical communication of the participants in the educational process: students and teachers, students among themselves. It essentially offers them a surrogate of communication - a dialogue with a computer. Indeed, even a verbally active student becomes silent for a long time when working with ICT tools. This is especially typical for students of distance and open forms of education.

Why is this so dangerous?

As a result of this form of learning, throughout the entire lesson the student is busy silently consuming the material. This leads to the fact that the part of the brain responsible for the objectification of a person’s thinking turns out to be turned off, essentially immobilized during many years of study. It is necessary to understand that the student already does not have the necessary practice of forming, formulating thoughts, as well as dialogical communication in a professional language. As psychological studies have shown, without developed communication, the student’s monological communication with himself, precisely what is commonly called independent thinking, will not be formed at the proper level. Agree that asking yourself a question is the most accurate indicator of the presence of independent thinking. As a result, if you follow the path of individualization of learning, you may miss the very opportunity to form a creative process in a person, the origin of which is built on dialogue.


To summarize, we can note another significant drawback of information and communication technologies, which stems from the main advantage - the general availability of information resources published on the Internet. This often leads to the student following the path of least resistance and borrowing ready-made essays, problem solutions, projects, reports, etc. from the Internet. Today, this already familiar fact confirms the low effectiveness of this form of learning. Of course, the prospects for the development of information and communication technologies are high, but they need to be implemented thoughtfully, without manic totalization.