How to quickly read all messages in VK. How to read a VKontakte message so that it remains unread. How to read unread messages in VK

There are several tricks that allow the user to read the received messages in VK and make them appear to be unread. This is the perfect opportunity to see the sent text, and the person who sent it will not realize that the message was viewed. Thanks to the solution of the question of how to read messages in VK so that they remain unread, it may be possible not to respond immediately, which is important in a limited time.

To study the received message and at the same time leave it visually unopened, you will need to activate the function associated with receiving notifications. Here you need to follow the steps:

  1. The resource is being logged in.
  2. You need to enter the settings.
  3. The transition to "Alerts" is made.
  4. All tabs related to dialogs should have check marks.

After that, you need to wait until the visitor of the social network contacts. If notifications are connected, you can find out about the arrival without any problems. After receiving the notification, don't read it right away. Initially, you need to look at the corner at the bottom of the screen, where a special notification will appear with the person's avatar and his name. In this place, the text is finely written. You do not need to activate and do not close, it will look like read. It is enough to close the tab in the browser and re-enter. The notification will disappear without much issue.

Easy way to read incognito notifications

There is also an easier method of reading the message so that the sender does not guess about reading it. To leave a message completely unopened, you need to go to the "Messages" menu. After receiving the message, the machine will put down the number 1 next to the corresponding item. You will need to click on it.

This will keep the message at the top and remain gray.

You can simply examine the text that is visible on the screen without activating it.

It will remain unread visually. The method of how to read VK messages so that they remain unread is suitable for small messages, you cannot read it in full, you will have to leave it for later.

Summing up

You can use special phone apps to leave messages unread. They allow you to start the VK invisibility mode, you can see everything you need and leave no traces. The AppStore or Google Play offers a huge number of similar applications, you can choose the most suitable in terms of functionality.

Vkontakte with the interface update has a convenient opportunity for convenient communication. Compared to the classic view, you would have to open a new tab each time for each individual user. In addition to pleasant work in your personal account for communication, this function is pleasant in that it is also easy to delete the history of correspondence of dialogues of an individual user with the help of it, without loading a message each time in a separate tab.

Of course, such a feature as clearing the entire history at once does not exist by default. You need to either go through all the users separately, or download a special browser extension. Another way that we will consider, will go to replace such extensions.

Below we will consider 4 ways how you can delete all VK messages.

1. Delete messages in classic form

This is not the best way to delete all Vkontakte correspondence, but nevertheless, we will briefly review it.

Clear the history of all dialogs with a specific user in the classic form of the Vkontakte interface.

To do this, open a correspondence with the person you are communicating with and want to get rid of it. Above, hover the mouse cursor over the three dots as shown in the image and select the item from the context menu " Clear message history».

And so you do with all other messages.

2. Deleting messages in the new Vkontakte interface

Go to my messages and scroll to the very bottom, then hover over the gear and select "Go to new interface".

Transition to the new interface for more convenient work with messages.

This is how the new dialog interface looks like:

In the screenshot in the left column there are users with whom I correspond. In the second column, my correspondence with a specific user. Now, to delete the correspondence of the desired person, I select the desired person in the left column, and in the right column I hover the mouse cursor over the ellipsis, as in the first option, and select the appropriate action. Or just hover your mouse over any message, a cross will appear and click on it.

The advantage of this method from the previous one is that you do not need to download a separate correspondence history each time.

3. Extension VkOpt 3.x for quick removal of all dialogs

Perhaps the fastest deletion of all dialogs at once. VkOpt 3 like a programmed autoclicker. That is, everything that can be deleted manually can be automated. Just for this, the developers of this extension have created such a brainchild to simplify labor-intensive work. The extension can do a lot of things, from downloading an mp3 track to deleting it from all groups at once. You just need to select the desired option and the application will do all the routine work for you.

Choose in which browser we want to use this extension and install it.

Note!!! At the moment of this writing, VkOpt has not yet fully updated the functionality designed to work with the new VK design. Therefore, this method temporarily does not work. But I am very sure that sooner or later the functionality will be updated, or some other similar extension will appear for a narrow focus. Just go to the extensions directory and see for yourself, maybe by that time there will be something new.

Great, after installing this extension, just go to private messages and in the upper right corner click on [ Dialogues]. Then delete all incoming or all outgoing dialogs.

4. Bulk delete messages - script for IMacros

At the moment, the most desperate ones who have a lot of dialogues, I can recommend the IMacros extension for chrome. In short, do the following:

Go to the new messaging interface. How to do this is described in the second method.

Go to the Vkontakte page using your login and password, after which you can close the tab.

Next, create any macro record, then edit it. Alternatively, navigate to the Demo-Chrome folder directly to the left of your browser. Select any test template that iMacros offers and edit it with the right mouse button Edit... Then download the code in a word document. Copy it and paste this copied script there:

Save. Next, select this script and make the appropriate settings as shown in the screenshot below. Current leave 1 a in the field Max indicate the approximate number of correspondences to be deleted. In our case, the screenshot shows that 13 correspondences of different users will be destroyed. That is, the template will be executed 13 times.

I myself do not understand macros, therefore duplicated code sections are unnecessary, instead of them you need to add either a pause or a condition. However, I am not eager to understand the intricacies of the macro, so use what you have. In this case, the macro works fine for me.


New updates from Vkontakte have made the work in correspondence much more pleasant than before. However, with such innovations, many extensions temporarily did not work. But this is until the developers themselves update the browser add-on. But what to do with programs that offer to delete all VK messages at once? So far I have not found such programs. All programs that I propose to enter a username and password should not be installed in any case. Moreover, you have to stand, so as not to accidentally pick up a virus.

). But what to do if you suddenly need to access remote correspondence?

Now we will analyze how you can view deleted messages in a contact..

If you have deleted one or more messages in a conversation, you can restore it right in the chat window. To do this, click on the "Restore" link.

Please note that if you delete individual messages in this way, they will be saved in the dialogue of the user with whom you are chatting.

After restoration, messages will be available in standard mode.

If you have completely deleted the dialogue with the user, it is possible to restore it through a request to the support service (see).

Go to the page:


Please note - the brief help says that a copy of your conversation is kept by the user with whom you are texting. Therefore, you can ask him to send you the entire correspondence history.

But let's get back to communicating with support.

In the block "Describe your problem", type any text.

Below are instructions to help you solve the problem. If you did not find the answer there, then press the button "None of these options work.".

You will be moved to a new window. Here click the "Ask a question" button.

Submit your request in a special form. Ask to restore your correspondence with the user. Specify the address or id of its page (see).

It remains only to wait for the result. The answer will be displayed on the "My Questions" tab.

Checking the VKopt extension in operation

Before preparing this material, I analyzed the information regarding the recovery of deleted messages. Many have advised using the VKopt extension. Allegedly, with its help, you can collect all the statistics of your messages (see), and view any dialogue, including the deleted one. I tested this extension in operation. Here's what I got.


Select the version for your browser, and proceed with the installation in standard mode. After that, go to your VK page.

Set the parameters as shown in the picture below. Then click the Let's Go button.

Wait a while for all data to be processed.

As a result, you will get the following result.

All your dialogs will be collected here. Pay attention to the column "Last message"... The date and time are indicated there - and they are made in the form of a link. The developers say that if you click on it, you will be taken to a dialogue page. Even if it was deleted.

But this feature doesn't work! I deliberately tried to delete the correspondence with the user, then went to it from the "Statistics" page. As a result, I got to the general list of dialogues.

I covered all 3 methods in a short video tutorial.


As you probably understood - the fastest way to view deleted correspondence is to ask your interlocutor to throw off the message history. All other options take time.

Don't be discouraged if the support team refuses you. Try to reasonably explain the essence to them. After all, the messages remain with your interlocutor. This means that they are not deleted from the database. It is logical to assume that they can restore them if they wish.


Please ask your question in the comments with a description of the problem.

We and our users regularly discuss possible problems and difficulties. Together we will sort out your problem.

VK users often ask themselves the question: how to delete all messages? It is very easy to get rid of an unnecessary message, but if you have a lot of dialogs and want to delete all of them, it can take a long time, because you need to mark each separate message and press a key “Remove”!

    • Delete messages one by one and by dialogs
    • How to delete messages or clean the VK wall using programs and extensions

In order not to sit for hours over the monitor of your computer and not click the mouse 200 times, read this article!

Video course about making money on VKontakte

Sometimes a large amount of unnecessary correspondence accumulates in VK: this also includes spam, which must be eliminated immediately. In such cases, it is advisable to delete all messages with one click. If you need to remove friends from VK, then read the article " How to quickly delete VKontakte friends?».

Delete messages one by one and by dialogs

First, let's consider the traditional way to delete messages on the VKontakte social network.

To perform any actions on VKontakte, you must register on this social network and log into your account. In order to get rid of messages that were sent to you by VK users in one fell swoop, you must follow these steps:

1. Go to your VKontakte page (the first step to perform any function or operation in this social network). Choose a section "Messages", where all the letters sent to us are stored.

  1. To delete one message, you need to select it by checking the box on the left, next to the user's avatar, and at the top of the screen, click on the button that appears "Remove"

3. To delete all correspondence with this person, simply click on "cross" on right;

and confirm the action

Another option is to go to the correspondence, click on the three dots at the top of the screen (to the left of his avatar) and select the option "Clear message history"

then confirm

Thus, letters from this user will be completely removed from the archive.

To save your time and effort, delete all correspondence with the user at once - it will turn out much faster than if you delete one message at a time.

If several hundred dialogs have accumulated in messages, the process of deleting them will take a lot of time. From your page, you can only delete each correspondence separately, but there is a way out of this situation - use extensions.

How to delete messages or clean the VK wall using programs and extensions

Previously, it was possible to clean the wall using the VKopt program, but at the moment this function is disabled there.

But users have access to the Toolkit extension, which can not only delete all messages, but also perform a lot of other useful functions for cleaning the page. You can install it only from the Google Chrome browser.

  1. First, find and install the Instrumentum extension on your computer. To do this, in the Google Chrome browser, click on the three dots in the upper right corner, then select "Additional settings" in the popup menu and go to "Extensions"

  1. Click the button "More extensions" at the bottom of the screen

Develop your Vkontakte community wisely:Explore the complete guide to making money on Vkontakte

3. Enter in the search the name of the extension - Instrumentum, find it and click "Install"

4. Confirm the installation. It only takes a few seconds.

5. When the extension is loaded, click the button "Log in via VKontakte"

Click in the window on the page that you want to clean. You will see a list of options that are available to you. With the help of this extension, you can add everyone who submitted applications to friends with one click, as well as delete all outgoing tickets or clean up photo albums. You will find a large number of options in the menu.

Have you encountered a situation when too many incoming messages accumulate in VK, but there is no time or desire to read them? At such a moment, you want to have a tool that allows you to read everything at once. And there really are such tools. Today I will tell you about how to read all messages on VKontakte at once, I will describe several services and methods, and also tell you about how to cancel sending a LAN to your interlocutor.

Subtleties of reading messages in VK

First, let's talk a little about basic things. How to understand if a message has been read in a VK dialogue? Unread incoming and outgoing messages are flagged differently.



  • On the desktop version of the site, unread dialogs are highlighted and marked with the number of new drugs.
  • The mobile app will only have a number.

Having opened a correspondence with new messages, they will be marked as read.

Many VK users read their messages this way, manually. But few people know that there are services that can mark all unread drugs as read. And then I will tell you about them.

How to read everything at once?

So, the first way to read all messages in VK at once is to use the ViKey Zen browser extension. This extension adds additional functionality, including the ability to read all unread drugs with one click.

How to do it:

The more unread dialogs you have, the longer it will take to complete the task.

Done! In the future, you can re-access the extension and use its tools.

The second way to read all messages on VKontakte at once is to use the AutoVK program. This is a smart bot that performs most of the routine and similar tasks in VK in automatic mode. You just need to give it a command and specify the settings (if any). To use the service, you need to do the following steps:

Done! The program will notify you as soon as it finishes the operation.

And finally, the third way is how to read all the dialogues at once. Unlike the two described above, it is intended for users of the mobile application.

Every time you receive a new message in VK, your smartphone notifies you about it. Users of the Android operating system using the official VK application have an excellent opportunity to mark new drugs as read without reading them. This requires:

Done! The only drawback of this method is that this operation must be done with each dialogue separately.

How can I cancel sending a PM?

Many users are wondering if it is possible to cancel an already sent message in VK? I will say right away that there is such a way. Only this is not really canceling, but deletion.

In addition, there will not even be any identification marks that you have removed the PM (unlike, in the same editing, when the mark "(ed.)" Appears next to it).