How to change the interface language in Foxit Reader. How to change the interface language in Foxit Reader Foxit Russian

Foxit Reader (Foxit Reader) is free software designed to read electronic files in Portable Document Format or abbreviated PDF, which, unlike the official application for working with documents of this format from Adobe, is less demanding on system resources and significantly outperforms Adobe Reader in performance.

Features and Benefits of Foxit Reader

The main advantage over software of this kind is, first of all, the speed of the program. The difference is especially felt when working with documents containing a fairly large number of pages, here Foxit Reader is noticeably faster than not only, but also many other alternative pdf readers, for example.

Another advantageous feature of Foxit Reader is an integrated security system that reliably protects files from malicious software that poses a threat to user data. In addition, the program is equipped with a convenient search, it is possible to add comments, fill out forms, and integrate with popular social networks and web services, all these and many other features make Foxit Reader the most optimal tool for reading and working with PDF files.

Foxit Reader has a simple and convenient interface in Russian, which can be easily configured in accordance with the highly individual preferences for each individual user, and the basic functionality can be expanded thanks to numerous add-ons.

Download Foxit Reader for free, no registration.

Foxit Reader (Foxit Reader) - free software designed to read PDF files.

Version: Foxit Reader

Size: 105 MB

Operating system: Windows

Russian language

Program status: Free

Developer: Foxit Corporation

What's new in version: list of changes

Foxit Reader Is a multifunctional free program in Russian for reading and editing PDF files. The presented version runs on Windows 7, 8, 10 operating systems and can be used to open, view and print electronic documents in PDF format. Unlike other free programs for the same purpose, it has a simple interface and additional useful features.

With it, you can enter annotations into the document, add the desired text, edit the original document. Also you can convert PDF files to plain text format. Foxit Reader free download you can without registering on our website.

Foxit Reader is very lightweight and takes up minimal space on your computer. Thanks to this, it starts quickly and does not load memory at all, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the speed of the computer as a whole. The program is distributed completely free of charge and is an excellent alternative to Adobe Reader, which you can also download from our website.


All you need to do is run the original installation file, which will install the program automatically. A new technology, DocuSigh, was introduced, with the help of which the manufacturer of the program provided the ability to save and send documents by e-mail, while protecting them with a digital signature. You just need to register on the DocuSign service and start using this function. To download Foxit Reader on Windows follow the link below in this article.

After installing the program for viewing and editing PDF files Foxit Reader, you can see that the interface is made in English, in this form, for a person who does not know the terms, and indeed, in general, in English, it is quite difficult to use it. Fortunately, the developers took care of people belonging to a different language group, including Russian, by making the interface language change available inside the interface itself, without complicated downloading additional files from outside.

In order to change the interface language to Russian in Foxit Reader, it is enough to perform several actions.

Open the "FILE" tab in the program menu and select the Preferences item.

In the list of settings on the right, select Languages, then check the Choose custom language box and below select the desired language, in this case Russian.

After clicking Ok, the program will download and install the required language pack itself. After restarting the program, the Foxit Reader interface language will be changed to Russian.

In new versions of the program, this is done almost automatically. Launch Foxit Reader. From the File menu, choose Preferences, then Languages \u200b\u200band check the Choose custom language checkbox. Mark the line Russian and click Ok. If the Internet is working, then a window will appear:

Click Ok. After downloading the file, a window will appear:

Press Ok again and after a few seconds the program menu will be Russified.

You can also Russify manually. In older versions of the program, this is only done. Go to and download the Russification file. In the top menu of the site, select Download. On the Downloads page, specify the version of Foxit Reader installed on your computer. Foxit Reader version can be viewed in the program help (Help menu) in the About Foxit Reader item. To do this, in the Select Product ... line, click on the triangle and select your version of Foxit Reader in the drop-down list.

Then, in the list of languages, select Russian on the second page and download the file lang_ru_ru.xml (mts_lang_ru_ru.xml). Right-click on the file name and select Save As ... Remember the path to the saved file, otherwise you will not find it later.

The site recommends creating a lang folder in the Foxit Reader folder and uploading lang_ru_ru.xml there. The Foxit Reader folder is located in Program Files or Program Files (x86) in the Foxit Software folder. In new versions of Foxit Reader, you need to create an additional ru_ru folder in the lang folder and place mts_lang_ru_ru.xml in it. In older versions, the lang_ru_ru.xml file was located in the Foxit Reader folder itself.

Try different options and keep the one that works.

Now launch Foxit Reader, go to the Edit or File menu, then to Preferences, Languages \u200b\u200band check the Choose custom language checkbox. Mark the line Russian and click Ok.

Restart the program and check - the menu should be displayed in Russian.

Foxit Reader is a popular free software for reading electronic documents in PDF format. You can download Foxit Reader for free on our website right now, you can prefer it, of course, but it's worth noting right away that the latter is more cumbersome and demanding on system resources. It is also inferior in speed of work.

Foxit PDF Reader is less than two megabytes in size. The Russian version is presented.


Foxit Reader is a multifunctional program. What is she ready to offer the user:

  • High startup speed.
  • Friendly and intuitive user interface.
  • Guaranteed protection against threats and confidentiality of information (without your permission, the Internet connection is impossible).
  • The presence of bidirectional text.
  • Ability to copy text with formatting.
  • Create PDF files with comments and the option to save or print them as such.
  • Convenient full screen viewing without toolbars.
  • Scaling at choice - 100%, snap to window borders or to page width.
  • Foxit Reader program in Russian - the choice of language in the menu easily Russifies the software.
  • The function of reading only the text part of the document - no pictures.
  • Ability to open bookmarks, but without reading page thumbnails.
  • View multiple documents.
  • Creating screenshots of documents and saving to the clipboard.
  • View and print PDF portfolios.
  • Availability of a portable version.
  • Document Library for SharePoint - View PDFs through a browser.
  • Sharing information on social networks - integration with Facebook, Twitter.

Foxit Reeder

No installation required - just unzip the file. It is designed for Windows 7, Windows 8 (32 & 64 bit), Windows Mobile, Linux, Android, iOS, Symbian.

So, we recommend that you update or install the latest version. As you can see, it has useful functionality, and despite its lightness, it has a number of tools. You can download it using the link below the text.