How to monetize mobile traffic. How to monetize your mobile audience - Mobidea review. What types of monetization exist

Hello friends! You will probably shower me with slippers, but I will say once again that the share of mobile users is growing rapidly every day. This is no longer news, but a reality to which you need to adjust.

Of course, the entire Internet industry is gradually realizing the soon leading role of mobile traffic. At the moment, many have acquired mobile versions of sites or responsive designs, but still not everyone knows how to monetize the constantly growing share of visitors from mobile devices. Today I will just tell you how you can profitably make money on mobile users using Teasernet.

Needless to say, before (1-2 years ago) I myself used the Internet only on my home PC. He deliberately delimited the time with and without going online. Now the network has become so much a part of everyday life that, one way or another, you constantly go online through your mobile phone or tablet.

I like to analyze open statistics liveinternet across all sites in the system. Let's look at the growth in the share of mobile operating systems: android, iOS.

It turns out that in Runet the share of users who access the Internet via mobile devices has already exceeded 50% (if we take iOs for iPad, windows phone and smaller operating systems, it turns out to be around 60%). In fact, overwhelming data that makes you think about a lot. Windows no longer rules, Karl!

In the near future, earning from this audience will be the main source of income for many sites. It is in this regard that it is necessary to correctly approach the monetization of mobile users right now.

I analyzed some of my resources and got between 15% and 38% of mobile visitors. Advertising on my projects is not targeted at about this number of users.

Teasernet recently launched a novelty that everyone has been waiting for - two new formats: mobile banner and fullscreeen. All are geared towards mobile users and look good on websites.

I decided to test FullScreen on one of the sites. The share of the mobile audience on it is about 31%. Here's an example of an advertisement.

Left - how it looks on the site. On the right is what is advertised. Ads can be easily closed by clicking on the cross, without clickanders or any other surprises. I've seen similar blocks on other projects. They did not cause any negativity in me. This format is normally perceived not only by search engines, but also by visitors. The amount of mobile traffic on the experimental resource has not changed.

What did you manage to earn?

CTR - 4.6%. From 1000 impressions - 51 rubles. I can’t say that the income figures are staggering, but there are 3 significant "buts". First, if you still haven't monetized mobile users in any way, then this is a good additional income for the site. Secondly, advertisers are just moving into this format. In the near future, I'm sure the price for the transition will be higher. Especially

Have any of you already monetizing your mobile audience with Teasernet? How is it going? I would be glad to see your feedback and opinions on this type of earnings!

Monetizing mobile traffic is a rather interesting topic and until the market has consolidated its position, you can get high dividends by working hard in this segment of attracting the target audience.

Traditionally, all network projects are focused not only on various browsers, but also on the mobile version, since an additional source of traffic has not hindered anyone yet. Monetizing mobile traffic will convert users who visit information resources from mobile devices.

Today, there are many strategic techniques and technological solutions that will help you effectively convert social, search, and mobile traffic.

Converting traffic from mobile devices

To convert traffic from mobile devices, it is enough to select universal and proven technological methods that will help to automatically select thematic banners and broadcast them online. The most reliable and proven systems choose the most profitable and interesting banners with a high efficiency ratio, which allows the owners of network projects to increase their income.

A high level of income from converting mobile traffic is obvious, the main thing is to correctly approach companies that are engaged in marketing planning and are able to monetize any traffic using high-quality marketing tools. It is recommended to place only from trusted and large advertisers, it is imperative to adjust to control the ratio of the thematic focus of the broadcast advertising in relation to the content of the site.

The service must provide high-quality technical support, since if failures occur, then no high traffic will help achieve the goals. The user should not feel the difference from which input parameter he uses. The recoil speed should be at the appropriate level.

The selection of a successful and profitable banner will provide high relevance for the audience; it is best to broadcast advertisements on landing pages that are distinguished by high traffic rates. To effectively monetize traffic, you can use automated systems for promoting mobile applications or use the services of specialized exchanges.

Mobile traffic monetization is valued for a number of reliable and proven factors that determine the popularity of this approach:

  • the majority of users access the Internet through mobile devices: tablets, phones and other gadgets;
  • the volume of mobile traffic is growing rapidly, which makes it possible to expand the channel of exposure to the consumer;
  • already today demand significantly exceeds supply and traffic from mobile devices is much more expensive than desktop traffic.

The main secret of success in converting mobile traffic lies in the search for universal technologies, since this market has not yet been fully mastered, so there is every chance to get the bulk of the income in such a simple and so far unknown way for many moneymakers.

Many webmasters are sure that mobile site traffic is the most "worthless" and your earnings do not depend on its level at all, because using a mobile device, users will hardly download something, and banners will not be shown to them at all.

Based on statistics, some sites have about 20% of mobile traffic, and this is not a reason to be upset, because and there are ways of monetization for this option.

Many affiliate programs offer you to monetize your mobile traffic through redirects that are created after modifying your .htaccess file.

For example, if a user goes to your site from a cell phone, the system detects his browser and redirects to the update page of the browser platform, after which the user is prompted to send an SMS for which you will receive money.

But you should not immediately rush to this type of earnings, because by doing this, you can lower your rating and users will permanently abandon your project.

In addition, the Yandex search engine has already begun to fight redirects and after they are found in the .htaccess file, the site can fall under the AGS and disappear from the search results forever.

Speaking of mobile affiliate programs, I would like to highlight Tapclick, which offers to monetize mobile traffic through ads of different formats:

For such a monetization of mobile traffic, no one will accuse you of fraud. Redirects are the last century, now they are used only by owners of adult sites, as they greatly spoil their reputation.

In addition, within the system, there is the possibility of building a referral network that brings you 5% of your referral's earnings... Also, the positive side of this service, I would like to note detailed statistics.

Monetizing mobile traffic with pay per click

TeaserNet, one of the most popular teaser networks on the Runet, offers to install two ad block formats on the mobile version of the site. There are always enough advertisers here, and prices per click are normal:

Installation of banners will take a few minutes, after which you can forget about it. Visitors will see the ad unit at the bottom of the screen, or they will be shown full screen.

The formats have their pros and cons, so it's best to test each one to determine which traffic converts best with. To know what you can count on, look at these statistics:

As you can see, from 1000 visitors, on average, 50 rubles comes out. Not the biggest revenues, however, it's a great option if you haven't monetized this type of traffic at all. Even 1,500 rubles a month are never superfluous.

Moreover, this is not the maximum indicator, on TeaserNet there is a calculator for calculating the approximate income:

The subject matter of the resource plays an important role, because somewhere mobile users are interested in advertising, and somewhere they try to close it. You need to test each resource individually and look for ways to increase conversion.

Pay per install mobile traffic monetization

If you want to earn money through your site by advertising mobile apps and receive install rewards, it is better to use affiliate program aggregators.

There are many suitable offers available on the same Admitad:

As you can see, $ 1 is paid for installing the game, this is a normal reward. You attract 100 players and get $ 100. There are also more lucrative offers, mainly commercial programs that need to be installed on devices with IOS:

Webmasters who do not monetize mobile traffic lose a share of the profit, and sometimes a very significant one. It can be obtained through partner networks tailored for mobile devices. They analyze website visitors and offer each advertising content that is relevant specifically to him.

Those who do not have their own visited site make a profit from paid targeted and contextual advertising by promoting their publics on social networks. Traffic from them is beneficial, since many users access the Internet from portable devices in order to visit social networks.

Mobile traffic monetization schemes

Mobile affiliate programs are intermediaries between advertisers and webmasters (partners who provide targeted traffic). In the PP account, they make the necessary settings and monitor conversion statistics, use ready-made advertising materials and generate affiliate links. The wider the functionality of the service, the easier it is to conduct in-depth analytics of advertising campaigns, track efficiency and improve sales, subscriptions, and installations.

Targeted actions of users who are attracted by a webmaster are called leads.

For each lead, he receives a monetary reward. Services, goods and mobile applications that the advertiser offers to target users are called offers. The webmaster either manually selects them for his traffic, or entrusts the selection to a system that distributes it to offers depending on gender, country of residence, age and other parameters of visitors.

Depending on the type of leads, the following models of work in the PP are distinguished.

  • CPA(cost per action, or payment for action). You receive a reward when a person who follows your link performs a targeted action - registration, subscribing to a newsletter, filling out a questionnaire, going to a specific page, and so on.
  • CPI (cost per install, or payment for installing the application). You get a reward if the user you referred installs the advertiser's app on their smartphone.
  • CPM (cost per mille, or payment for 1 thousand views) - a model in which the partner is paid money for every thousand impressions of the advertising material (banner, teaser).
  • CPC(cost per click, or pay per click) - the partner receives a reward for each unique click on the banner / link, regardless of whether the user has performed the targeted action (lead) or not.

Why foreign mobile traffic is profitable

The monetary reward for the brought foreign client is several times higher than for the Russian. For example, for installing an application in Runet, PP pay an average of 7 - 100 rubles. If we draw parallels with Western affiliates, then the rates for a lead there reach 1000 rubles or more. For example, let's take the rewards offered by advertisers in M obidea:

3 myths about working with Western affiliate programs

The fears of Russian webmasters about entering the foreign market are based on three pillars. Here are the main myths that keep them from switching to earnings in the bourgeoisie. I will try to dispel them and explain that there is nothing wrong with that.

  1. Difficulty getting payments.Foreign affiliate programs offer payments to PayPal, Payoneer, bank card. In fact, there is nothing supernatural: you need to understand these payment systems once - and the withdrawal of money will occur without problems.
  1. Not knowing the languageand. The interface of foreign PCBs is intuitive. Experienced webmasters are quite well versed in the terminology, since it is identical to that used in Runet. Tasks that require deep knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bare usually delegated to specialists: translators, copywriters, SEO-optimizers, and so on. As a result, the collection of key phrases, the writing of foreign texts and the creation of promotional materials falls on the shoulders of professionals. You just have to calculate the return on investment and set up cheap traffic channels.
  1. High entry threshold... If you drive paid traffic to advertisers' sites, then the entry threshold will indeed be higher than in the Russian-speaking segment of the mobile market. However, you can start by developing your own sites and social media groups with game and app reviews. It will take more time to generate traffic than buying paid advertising from third party sources, but you will get a semi-passive and permanent source of income.

Mobidea mobile software review

Is originally a foreign affiliate program with coverage of 200 markets around the globe. She has been working for over 10 years and offers 569 general and adult offers.

Mobidea has recently started cooperating with the Russian and CIS segment. The company is considered a leader in its niche. Mobile content has over 600 clicks per month. More than 20 thousand webmasters and advertisers from six European countries are registered in the service.

Affiliate program advantages:

  • A wide range of proven offers that give high conversions;
  • automatic distribution of traffic by one link to the most relevant offers for maximum conversion;
  • remuneration for the webmaster - up to 80% of Mobidea's income (there is no such offer in the Russian-speaking segment)
  • rich tools, detailed statistics for in-depth analysis;
  • convenient search for offers with filtering by country, category, OS, restrictions (ban on redirects or adult content).

Tools for working in an affiliate program:

Overlay promotional materials (the ad unit is on top of the website page) and popunder (pop-up window), banners;

FROM links with the ability to generate subaccounts (this is a part of a link that is created to track statistics on various traffic channels);

Smart Link technology to automatically direct visitors to offers, taking into account geolocation, device operating system and other parameters;

Postback URL Is a technology for tracking advanced statistics on leads on external resources (trackers).

Another tool isPerformance Fallback - allows you to adjust the cost of every 1000 ad impressions. If it turns out to be lower than the one set by the webmaster, then the system redirects the visitor to another offer, which is previously indicated in the settings.

The minimum threshold for payments is 100 euros. Withdrawal of earned funds is possible onPayPal, Payoneer, Payza and Paxum.


The advantage of foreign mobile PPs is that they offer significantly higher rewards for leads, which are calculated in euros and dollars. In the conditions of the shaky Russian economy, entering the Western market is an excellent opportunity to rise in the crisis and become independent from the surges in the value of the domestic currency.

Start earning with Mobidea

Mobile traffic - Internet users who use mobile devices to navigate web pages. As a rule, this type includes all devices with SIM cards (smartphones, tablets).

Every year the mobile market is developing, gadgets are becoming more powerful, and the size of the screens allows you to comfortably use the device to view information on the network. People are already accustomed to being in touch here and now, being able to book a hotel, buy tickets, and quickly check mail.

The share of online purchases made from phones is constantly growing. The number of mobile visitors to the network is constantly increasing, Russia occupies the 5th place in the number of cellular subscribers. Mobile traffic has long been a niche in its own right. Roughly, every third user goes online from a mobile device.

Earnings on mobile traffic

Mobile traffic is the most profitable for monetization. Transfers from phones are more expensive than transfers from stationary computers. This encourages webmasters to develop this very direction.

You can understand how many mobile visitors are on your site by setting a special metric, for example LiveInternet. There you can see the most clear picture of the traffic composition. What percentage of mobile users, what operating systems, browsers and regions.

On an average website, the content of transitions from mobile OS reaches 25%, but the figure may be higher, depending on the topic.

Mobile internet users are usually busy people who use their phones to find information. Such traffic is more passive, leaving comments less often from the phone, making purchases, going through various sections, including advertising. But all this is easily corrected at the stage of optimization for devices.

In addition, at the beginning of 2016 Yandex released the Vladivostok update, which allowed responsive sites to rank higher than sites without a mobile version. Therefore, mobile issue differs from desktop one.

Website optimization

Optimization for different devices is an important and fundamental step towards generating revenue from mobile traffic. If the user is not comfortable with finding the basic information for which he came to the site, then there can be no question of clicking on an advertisement.

There are two ways: responsive design, or a full-fledged mobile version of the site.

Adaptive design:

  • Simple to execute.
  • Doesn't require development from scratch.
  • One URL is used.

Suitable for blogs, online stores with a small number of products, business card sites and one-page websites.

Mobile version:

  • Speed \u200b\u200band user friendliness.
  • Ability to go to the full version of the site.
  • Uncomplicated development.
  • Additional domain to which the redirect goes.

Suitable for any type of site. Ideal for blogs and large online stores, banks and hotels.

You can check the site for adaptability using the Mobile Friendly service. This is a superficial comparison of methods. Each has its own pros and cons, we recommend that you study this in more detail. The optimization option will affect the final conversion.

In addition to responsive design, it is also important to increase the page load speed. The average download time from a mobile device is 7 seconds.

  • Use readable fonts.
  • The content must be sized to fit into the viewport, and the scrolling must be vertical only.
  • Zoom in on all buttons and active elements. It should be convenient for users to perform the targeted action.
  • Don't use plugins. Some smartphones have limitations in supporting certain plugins.

Traffic monetization

For monetization, consider the option of installing advertising. There was already an article on the rules for choosing a reliable network for partnerships. In order to start the process of making money, we need to select the ad formats and proceed to installing the ad network code.

  1. Mobile redirect - redirects users directly to the advertiser's website. A very popular format and one of the highest paid. It does not annoy users, since the URL string is hidden, and the spoofing of the address remains invisible.
  2. Mobile FullScreen - usually the banner is displayed on a dark background, on top of the site and closes when you click on the cross in the upper corner.
  3. ClickUnder - opens a new tab for the user, where the advertiser's page is located.

These three formats allow you to monetize the maximum number of users. By the way, the speed of the mobile Internet will not affect your income indicator. Clicks are counted and paid immediately.

In pursuit of high earnings, do not forget about safety. Unfortunately, search engines do not favor such advertising, and can pessimize the site. Don't forget to check with your network manager for what solutions they suggest. Typically, networks are uniquely coded to help circumvent the stringent security requirements.

Well, the standard type of advertising is. It is used by about 95% of all webmasters. Attractive informers fit organically into any content and encourage users to click. Teasers are used no less frequently in mobile versions of sites than in desktop ones.

Teaser networks provide a high rate of traffic buyback. The very scheme by which mobile traffic is monetized is standard and is the same as on the desktop. Only the solutions for which such mobile traffic is merged are changing. However, now more and more advertisers have begun to purchase mobile transitions to sell their products.

So, to summarize: track the composition of traffic using a metric, optimize your site, choose for work, and start earning!