How to open the Windows 7 registry. How to open the registry. How to open Registry Editor if it is locked

Registry Editor

So, if the registry is a Windows database, then you need a certain tool to work with this database. Such a tool in Windows is the Registry Editor. Please note that you will not find a shortcut for this program on the Desktop, or in the button menu Start. The average user should not know about the existence of this program. Therefore, we will proceed as follows. Let's press the button Start and enter the word regedit in the search bar. You will see in the section Programs paragraph regedit.exe(Fig. 1.1). This is the Windows Registry Editor file that we will use throughout the book.

Rice. 1.1. Finding Registry Editor

Click on the link regedit.exe to start the program. First, you will see (with standard security settings) a User Account Control UAC window with a warning. We must agree with the message, that is, press the button OK, and finally we will see the registry editor (Fig. 1.2).

Rice. 1.2. Registry Editor


Another way to launch Registry Editor or any other programs whose executable file names you know is to use the standard program launcher. Run the command: Start All Programs Accessories Run. In the Open field of the window that appears, enter regedit - and the registry editor will open.

You can launch the Registry Editor if you have the appropriate rights. Launching a program that requires elevated privileges once again shows how dangerous a program can be in the hands of incompetent users.

Now let's look at the program itself. Its interface resembles Conductor. On the left you see a hierarchical tree with folder icons - these are registry keys. As with regular folders, which can contain subfolders, sections can have nested subsections. On the right side of the editor we see the names of the parameters, the type of parameters and their values.

Let's take a closer look at the registry elements.

Root partitions

All Windows 7 registry settings are grouped into five main sections (sections are also called keys), called root:







In fact, there is another section in the registry. It's called HKEY_PERFOMANCE_DATA. This section stores performance information, is used by the system and is not intended for manual editing. It can only be accessed programmatically.

All root sections begin with the word HKEY and contain subsections. Root partitions cannot be deleted or renamed.

Practical lesson

Select any of the root partitions with the mouse and right-click to open the context menu. Make sure the menu commands Delete And Rename blocked.

Let's look at each root partition.


Chapter HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT includes information about file extensions registered in the system, the relationship between file extensions and programs that should work with these files.

The section also contains information about ActiveX elements, stores a list of type libraries and much other system information. For example, this section stores information that when you double-click on a file with the extension TXT should start Notebook.

This section has an alias HKCR, used in scripts and programs. In most cases, this section is of interest only to very experienced programmers.


Chapter HKEY_CURRENT_USER contains information about the user working with Windows 7 in the current session, as well as about various system settings related to the current user: desktop view, screen settings, printer settings, parameters of the programs used.

Nickname for this section HKCU. This section is the most used in settings. Most of the parameters described in this book are located in this section.


Chapter HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE stores information about the computer configuration (software and hardware) that does not depend on a specific user. The settings in this section are valid for all users of this computer.

The alias for this section is HKLM.

It is interesting to note that subsection HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes is an almost complete copy of the root partition HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.

This section is the second most popular with manual settings. There are many options that work in sections HKLM And HKCU, but nevertheless it is recommended to change the settings for an individual user in the section HKCU and do not touch the settings for all users unless absolutely necessary.

Chapter HKEY_USERS(pseudonym HKU) contains information about the profiles of all users of this computer.

This section is almost never used by users. It should be noted that this root partition is related to the partition HKEY_CURRENT_USER, which is actually a copy of a subkey of the root partition HKEY_USERS, which stores information about the current user.

The purpose of this section is often misinterpreted. Let's look at its components in a little more detail. In this section you can see several subsections of a certain sample (Fig. 1.3).

Rice. 1.3. Subsections of the HKEY_USERS section


Some users mistakenly believe that the section HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT can be used to import parameters HKCU, expecting to apply them to all users. It's possible that this will work in some cases. However HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT rather, it refers to settings that regulate processes before the user logs in (for example, the default keyboard layout).

HKEY_USERS\S-[long set of numbers]

Also in the section HKEY_USERS There may be several subsections with sets of numbers. The long string of numbers is the SID (Security Identifier). A security ID is assigned to each account, so the number of such subkeys depends on the number of users who have ever logged into the system. To find out your SID in the system, you can use several methods. For example, you can run the command line utility whoami.exe, which comes with Windows 7, with the option /use r:


To run this command, first run the command line interpreter with the command Start All Programs Accessories Run by entering in the field Open the window that appears command cmd.exe or just cmd. A window will open in which you need to enter the above command by pressing the key after entering it Enter(Fig. 1.4).

You can also see the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList, which contains a list of all SIDs as subsections. Look through all subsections and look for the parameter in them ProfilelmagePath. Your SID is the one in which the value of this parameter matches the name under which you log in (Fig. 1.5).

Rice. 1.4. Using the Windows Command Line

Rice. 1.5. Viewing the ProfileImagePath Parameter


Root partition HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG(pseudonym HKCC) stores information about the settings of the equipment that is used by the computer in the current session. It is also a copy of the subsection HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware-Profiles. This section is practically not used by developers in programs and scripts.

So, we looked at all types of root partitions. Each of them has many nested sections (subsections). Their number varies for each computer. This is due to the fact that each user installs his favorite programs and games on his computer. If the application is installed through special installation programs - installers (Setup.exe, Install.exe, etc.), then new subsections and parameters are added to the registry. Later, you learn to find such sections and change them as you wish.

Physical location of the registry

The registry itself physically consists of several files located in the folder %SystemRoot%\System32\Config. Part of the files for the section HKEY_CURRENT_USER stored in a folder %SystemRoot%\Profiles\Username . These files are protected and are of no practical interest to the user.

If you still don't understand what it means %SystemRoot%– read on – in the next section we will talk about what it is.

Types of parameters

Settings are the second important part of the registry after sections. Each parameter has its own name, value and value type. Let's look at the most commonly used data types.

REG_BINARY– Binary Value is a set of binary data that can be edited in hexadecimal format. This data type is used to store information about hardware resources.

REG_DWORD– an integer (DWORD Value) can be specified in binary, decimal and hexadecimal formats. This is one of the most commonly used parameter types. Very often it works as a kind of switch: 1 – on (True) / 0 – off (False). There are two types of DWORDs in the Windows 7 registry: a 32-bit value and a 64-bit value.

REG_EXPAND_SZ– Expandable String Value is used for file references. In addition to arbitrary text, the value of a parameter of this type can include special variables. During system processing, they may be replaced with specific values, such as folder paths. The following variables are often used in this capacity:

%systemroot%– path to the directory in which the operating system stores its files (for example, the directory C:\Windows).

%windir% – similar to the previous variable. Its difference from %systemroot% is that the variable %systemroot% cannot be overridden, and the directory to which the variable points %windir%, can be changed using the window Environment Variables (Control Panel System and Security System Advanced System Settings tab Additionally button Environment Variables).

%systemdrive%– replaces the system drive letter (usually drive WITH:).

%userprofile%– substitutes the path to the directory storing the current user’s profile.

%programfiles%– replaces the path to the folder where Windows installs all programs (usually C:\Program Files).

%username%– substitutes the name of the current user working with the system.

computername%– substitutes the computer name (used when accessing a computer over a network).

REG_MULTI_SZ– Multi-String Value is typically used to represent lists.

REG_SZ– text string (String Value). This is one of the most common types of data in the registry.


There are several other types of data used in the registry that cannot be created using Registry Editor. Resources of these types are created programmatically: REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR, REG_LINK, REG_NONE, REG_RESOURCE_LIST.

Basic techniques for working with Registry Editor

Using the Registry Editor, we can create new sections (except root ones), new parameters, rename existing sections and parameters, change parameter values, delete sections (except root ones) and parameters. We can also create backup copies of the registry and restore the registry from copies. You need to be especially careful when working with the Registry Editor.


The editor does not have a command to undo the last action and all your operations are irreversible. Therefore, if you accidentally deleted a partition and forgot what it was called, no one will help you. No one - except yourself, if you, before performing any operation with the registry, create an archive copy of it.

To create an archive copy of the registry, run the File Export command in the registry editor window.

A window will appear to select options for saving the file (Fig. 1.6).

Rice. 1.6. Creating a backup copy of the registry

In this window, in the field File name you should specify the name of the file into which the registry will be exported. In the parameter group Export range should choose Entire registry or Selected branch, and in the window for selecting a file storage location, select the desired location, in our case it is - Desk. After pressing the button Save the registry will be exported to the specified file.

When creating an archive copy of the registry, remember that it has a very significant volume - about 100 MB or even more. Registry export operations take up to several minutes to complete on modern computers.

In practice, they usually create backup copies not of the entire registry, but of those branches that are being edited.

In order to export only the selected registry key, just right-click on it and select the command from the context menu Export. A dialog box already familiar to us will appear, in which the switch will automatically be in the position Selected branch and the full path to the partition will be indicated in the text field.

If the system behaves incorrectly after changing the parameters of a particular branch, you can quickly restore it using the command File Import.

Another way to protect yourself from problems associated with registry modification is to create a system restore point.

To create a system restore point, run the command Start Control Panel System and Security System System Protection and in the window that appears (Fig. 1.7) click the button Create.

In the window that appears after this, enter the name of the recovery point and click the button Create.

Once a restore point has been created and you have made changes to the registry that you need to undo, you can restore your system to the desired restore point. To do this, call the tool System Restore team Start All Programs Accessories System Restore(Fig. 1.8).

Window System Restore is structured as a wizard that will guide you through the steps required to start the recovery process.

Rice. 1.7. Creating a System Restore Point

Rice. 1.8. System Restore


Always create backup copies of the registry or a system restore point before modification.

By the way, it is advisable not only to keep the saved backup copies of the registry on the same disk on which the system is located, but also to copy them to other reliable media: another computer, CD, flash drive.

Creating a new partition

To create a new section, you need to select in the left window the one within which you want to make a change. Next, select Edit New Section from the menu. A new section will be created on the left side of the editor, ready for editing, and you can immediately name it. You can also use the context menu to perform this procedure.

Practical lesson

Launch Registry Editor. In the left window of the program, expand the section HKEYCURRENTUSER. Next, find the subsection in it Software and right-click on it to open the context menu. Select commands from the menu Create Section. By default a section will be created New section #1. Give it a new name right away. Type a new name for the section, for example Test, and press Enter(Fig. 1.9). If you accidentally switched to another window and the name of the created section became uneditable, do not be alarmed. Click to highlight the created section New section #1 and in the context menu select the item Rename(or press F2). The section name will become editable and you can set it.

Rice. 1.9. Creating a new partition

Create a new parameter

Now let's learn how to create new parameters. First of all, you need to decide what type the parameter will have. Next, you need to select the corresponding section and, right-clicking on it, select the item in the context menu Create String Parameter(or any other). Next, you need to select the desired name and set the desired value.

Practical lesson

Let's create two new parameters in the previously created section Test.

Select a section with the mouse and right-click to open the context menu. Select commands sequentially Create String Parameter. You will have a new option New parameter #1, ready for editing. Enter a new name instead of the default name, for example CatName(Fig. 1.10), and press the key Enter. You have just created a new parameter that does not yet have a value.

Rice. 1.10. Creating a new string parameter

Double-click on the created parameter (or call the context menu and select the command Change). You will be presented with a dialog box where you can assign a new value to the parameter. Enter some word, for example Ryzhik, and press the key Enter(Fig. 1.11).

Rice. 1.11. Changing the value of a string parameter

Now let's create another type parameter DWORD. Let's try to do this in a different way. On the right side of the Registry Editor, right-click on an empty space to open the context menu and select commands Create DWORD Value(32 bits).

A new type parameter will be created DWORD under the name New parameter #1, ready for editing. Type some name like CatAge, and press the key Enter. Now you need to assign a value to this parameter. Double click on the parameter CatAge and enter in the text field Meaning number 8 (Fig. 1.12). Please note that you can enter either a decimal or hexadecimal value.

Rice. 1.12. Changing the value of a DWORD parameter

In this case, in both systems the number 8 looks the same.

So, as a result of our actions in section Test two new parameters have appeared, CatName And CatAge, with set values ​​that indicate the cat's name and age (Fig. 1.13).

Rice. 1.13. New section with two parameters created

Export section

As a rule, settings are exported before making changes to the registry (backup) or in order to create a REG file for subsequent import into the registry of another computer or during an automatic system installation.

Above, speaking about creating an archive copy of the registry, we have already touched upon the issues of exporting the entire registry or its individual branches. Now it's time to practice this activity using our walk-through example.

Practical lesson

Try exporting the partition you just created Test. Find and select it with the mouse in the left window of the Registry Editor. Right-click to open the context menu and select the command Export. In the dialog box that opens, enter a file name, for example cat.reg, to record the partition settings and save it to Desktop(Fig. 1.14).

Deleting a partition

Deleting a partition is not too difficult. Just select the desired section and press the key Delete. You can also delete using the context menu (command Delete) or through the menu Edit Delete.

Practical lesson

Delete the previously created partition Test. To do this, select it, press the key Delete on the keyboard or execute the section context menu command Edit Delete. Before deleting a partition, the system will ask you to confirm the operation (Fig. 1.15).

Rice. 1.14. Export the selected registry key

Rice. 1.15. Prompt for confirmation to delete a registry key

Answer the question by clicking the button Yes, and the partition will be deleted.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that after an erroneous deletion, you can only cancel the operation if you have taken care in advance to archive the registry or create a system restore point.

Importing parameters

To restore saved data in the registry, the import of settings operation is used. To do this, select commands from the Registry Editor menu File Import... and in the file selection dialog box, specify the REG file to import.

Practical lesson

Open menu File Import... and in the dialog box find the file cat.reg, which was exported in the previous example. As a result, a window will appear with a message that the section settings and parameters contained in the file have been successfully added to the registry (Fig. 1.16). You can be sure of this. If no changes are immediately visible, try pressing the key F5 or select menu View Update.

Rice. 1.16. Importing Registry Settings

In order to import a REG file into the registry, you can simply double-click on it. For example, when we double clicked on a file cat.reg, which was recently unloaded from the registry to the Desktop, the system displayed a warning as in Fig. 1.17.

Rice. 1.17. Warning when importing a file into the registry

Answering Yes to the question imports the file into the registry.

The REG file can be imported into the registry from the command line using the command


Type in the command line (assuming that you have on your disk D: there is already a file test.reg)

REGEDIT D:\test.reg

A series of warning dialogs will appear on the screen and the file will be imported into the registry.

The Registry Editor allows you to print the selected section to a printer or to a file using the command File Print...


The Registry Editor has a very useful menu that speeds up work. It's called Favorites. With its help, you can quickly add the desired section to the list, which you will have to work with often.

It is worth noting another interesting detail: the next time you start the Registry Editor, it always opens on the partition that was last worked with.

Practical lesson

Let's put it in Favorites section we created Test. Select it in the Registry Editor and select the menu Favorites Add to favorites... A dialog box will open Adding to Favorites Folder(Fig. 1.18). If desired, you can change the default save name and click the button OK to confirm our action. Now click on any other section and close the editor. Open Registry Editor again. On the menu Favorites find the line Test(or the line with the name under which the section was saved) and click on it. You will immediately go to the desired section.

Rice. 1.18. Saving a section in the Favorites folder

Knowledge about opening the registry can be useful to users who are going to solve the problem with malicious software that changes utility settings and destroys traces left on the system. The methods for opening the vault are quite easy and do not take much time. The registry itself has a tree structure in all versions of the Windows operating system, which will undoubtedly make the life of any user easier. Below, we will look at several ways to open the registry.

Method one:

One of the simplest and most convenient ways is to use a dialog box. To do this, you need to perform the following steps: - Use the key combination WIN + R; - In the Run window, enter the command regedit and click OK. After opening the registry, the system may require repeated consent to launch the program, which you must do.

Second way:

This method is also simple and convenient for opening the editor. This time we will use the standard function of searching files on a computer. If you are working with the Windows 7 operating system or earlier versions, then you should open the Start menu and enter the regedit command in the search field. This process will not take much time, about 10-15 seconds. After finding the desired file, right-click and the registry will launch.
If you are using other versions of the Windows operating system, then use the following methods to open the search: - Windows 8 OS does not have a standard Start button, which confuses many inexperienced users. To open the Start menu, you need to press the WIN key; - Windows 8.1 version has virtually no differences from the seventh; - In the tenth, more current version of the operating system from Microsoft, there is a Search Internet and Windows field, which is located in the taskbar. But you should remember that this method is not suitable for the Home version of Ten.

Third way.

The last method refers to running the executable file itself. The registry, like other programs, can also be found on the computer in the system folder of the operating system. This is the most common file with the .exe extension, which can be launched with the right mouse button. Before opening, the system will ask the administrator for permission, which you must confirm.
But before you launch the registry, you need to find the file itself. Traditionally, files of this level are stored in the following folders: - C:\windows (for all platforms); - C:\windows\System32 (32-bit platform); - C:\windows\SysWOW64 (64-bit OS). Sometimes, in a 64-bit version of the Windows operating system, instead of the required regedit.exe file, a file with a similar name regedt32.exe may be stored in the folder. Don't panic, this file performs the same functions as the original version, and also has additional functions.
There are times when the required file is missing from all of the above folders. If you encounter this problem, then look for the utility in the WinSxS folder, which is also located along with the system files.

Login problems

Using one of the methods presented above, a Registry Editor window will open on the screen, thanks to which you can control the computer system. But in some cases, opening becomes impossible due to a ban on a particular virus or the administrator himself.
If you encounter the first case, then use a regular antivirus or try to restore the previous state of the system (press F8 during boot and select the desired category). You can also simply copy the regedit.exe file from another working PC, but this may interfere with the performance of certain applications.

If logging into the registry is prohibited by the administrator, then this error can only be corrected by changing the registry key. To check the ban, you should open the registry key with the address HKCU\Software\Microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System. In this place, find the DisableRegistryTools item and find out information about it. If the value is 1, then the registry is disabled by the administrator. Zero, which means the problem lies elsewhere and to solve it you will have to resort to third-party programs.

The Windows registry is a directory (hierarchy) of data with files where special values ​​and commands are written. It is necessary to form the correct configuration of installed components, files and system settings. This directory contains values ​​for monitoring and proper functioning of hardware, software files, and stores profile data generated on this computer.

Why do you need the Windows Registry?

The directory contains important values ​​containing information about the configuration of the Control Panel, lists of installed software, system policy data, file associations and other information that is recorded in the Windows registry database.

For example, how to open a window - in full screen mode or not? And it contains a corresponding value - it is read and the window shape takes shape according to the recorded value.

It is considered an integral and very important part of Windows OS. By changing certain values ​​in it, you can make fundamental changes in the operation of the system, both positive and negative. Many viruses masquerade as this directory by inserting certain values ​​that cause the computer to function differently or perform different functions specified in it. Programs that speed up the functioning of the system enter set values ​​into the registry, clean it or optimize it. Through this directory, you can disrupt the system, restore it, change the configuration of the desired program or an entire array of data.

Editing can be done in several ways. The most basic and accessible is the standard method, which is used by experienced users and beginners. Remember that editing any directory branch may lead to various changes in the functioning of the system, so you should only go into the registry with a full understanding of the actions being performed. So, to launch the standard registry editor in Windows 7, click the start button and enter the name of the utility into the search (copy and paste), which is available in every Windows - regedit.exe. Also an analogue of this program is regedt32.exe, so you can perform manipulations in the registry using one of the presented utilities. Click the icon above. So it opened...

How to open on windows 8?

The versions of Windows 7 and 8 are not very different, so launching the editor is similar to the seventh version. On the start panel or in the tile menu, you need to enter the value regedit in the search box. You will see a familiar directory of files, but instead of folders and files, you will see a registry hierarchy with the ability to open, view and edit any branch.

Opening on Windows 10

In the new Windows 10 system, the standard registry editing utility is launched in the manner described above, since they decided not to remove it from the system, so you can edit the registry on Windows 10 by running the regedit utility. You can launch the regedit program not only using a search, it can be opened through Explorer if you follow the path: my computer, double-click the local drive C, then open the windows folder and run the regedit.exe file in it.

In addition to the built-in program in OS Windows for editing the registry, you can use third-party applications that cope with the task just as well. Advanced Regedit, Registry Workshop, or RegCool are excellent options. By installing any of the presented programs, you can edit the Windows registry very quickly and easily.

Post tagged: windows

How to enter the registry in windows 10/8/7/XP? (Video)

Many novice users are wondering how to enter the registry in Windows 10, 8, 7 or XP. No matter how much you go through the Start menu items, you won’t find a shortcut to the registry in it! How to open the registry in Windows?

The fact is that any thoughtless change in the registry can lead to catastrophic consequences for your computer. To prevent inexperienced users from causing trouble, access to the registry was hidden.

Promise yourself that you will not make rash changes to the registry so as not to harm your computer!

Details about what a registry is, how it works, and how it can be used can be found in this tutorial.

For any version of Windows, there are several ways to launch a program in which you can change registry settings (it is called “registry editor”).

How to open the registry in windows 10

Let's start with the latest Windows 10, and consider two options for accessing the registry.

Launching Registry Editor - Method 1 for Windows 10
  1. Click the "Start" button with the left mouse button (or the "windows" key on the keyboard);
  2. When the Start menu opens, type the command “regedit” (without quotes) on your keyboard;
  3. At the top of the search menu, under the inscription “Best match”, the item “REGEDIT – Execute command” will appear, click on this item with the left mouse button;
  4. If a confirmation window for launching Registry Editor appears, click “Yes”;

The Registry Editor window will appear in front of you, in which you can make changes to the registry itself.

Launching Registry Editor in Windows 10

Launching Registry Editor - Method 2 for Windows 10
  1. Click the “Start” button with the right mouse button (or the Win+X key combination);
  2. In the menu that appears, select “Run” (these two steps can be replaced with one key combination Win+R);
  3. In the “Run” window that appears, type “regedit” (without quotes) and click “OK”;
  4. In the launch confirmation window, click “Yes”;

The Registry Editor window will appear, and you can start making changes.

You can clearly see how to enter the Windows 10 registry in this video:

How to open the registry in windows 8/8.1

To launch the Registry Editor in Windows 8, you need to follow the same steps as in Windows 10, if you have version 8 and not 8.1, then you do not have a “Start” button, so in the first step of the first method, press the “windows” key, and then everything according to the instructions above.

Detailed video instructions on how to enter the registry editor in Windows 8 (8.1):

How to open the registry in windows 7

To open the Registry Editor in Windows 7, you need to follow similar steps:

Launching Registry Editor - Method 1 for Windows 7
  1. Type the command “regedit” (without quotes);
  2. Click at the top of the menu, under the inscription “Programs” on the inscription “regedit”;
  3. When prompted to confirm the launch, select “Yes.”
Launching Registry Editor - Method 2 for Windows 7
  1. Press the Win+R key combination on your keyboard (hold down the windows key and, without releasing it, press the R key);
  2. In the “Run” window, type the command “regedit” (without quotes) and click the “OK” button;
  3. Confirm the launch of the registry editor with the “Yes” button.

Both ways to enter the Windows 7 Registry Editor can be seen in this video:

In Windows XP, opening the Registry Editor is slightly different:

Launching Registry Editor - Method 1 for Windows XP
  1. Click on “Start” with the left mouse button;
  2. In the right column, find the “Run” item (both steps can be replaced with the Win+R combination)
  3. In the “Run the program” window, write the command “regedit” (without quotes) and click the “OK” button;

Launching Registry Editor in Windows XP

Launching Registry Editor - Method 2 for Windows XP (and not only)
  1. Open File Explorer (you can use the keyboard shortcut Win+X);
  2. Go to drive “C:”;
  3. Open the windows folder;
  4. Find the "regedit" file and run it.

And, of course, a video version of opening a registry editing program in Windows XP:

The second method is suitable for all of the listed versions of Windows. Moreover, you can cheat a little:

Once you get to the “regedit” file, you can create a shortcut on your desktop and greatly simplify access to the Registry Editor in the future.

You can find out more about what a registry is and how it works here.


Today you learned how to enter the registry in all current versions of Windows OS.

In total there are three methods:

  1. Search through the Start menu by entering the command “regedit”
  2. Using the Run command and typing "regedit"
  3. Opening the "regedit" file located in the C:\windows\ folder

And one additional way: having reached the “regedit” file (third method), create a shortcut on the Desktop.

In the next tutorial, I plan to look at a way to save (back up) certain parts of the registry before changing them.

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Registry in Windows: how to find it

Sooner or later, both an advanced user and a newbie may need to edit the registry. Why might this be needed? For example, the installation of unlicensed software, which is widespread in post-Soviet countries, often requires the removal of certain entries from the registry. Or you caught a virus and want to remove a banner demanding money from your desktop. Sometimes even when installing antiviruses it is necessary to adjust the registry. And then the user asks the question: how to do this? Let's figure it out from the very beginning.

The registry is a huge database where all the settings and parameters of the computer are collected, connected devices, installed programs are indicated, as well as what was previously installed but has already been removed.

In this article I will describe ways to open the registry depending on the operating system installed on the computer.

How to open the registry in windows XP

To open the registry in Windows XP you need to perform a number of steps:

How to open the registry in the operating system windows Vista and windows 7

The work of opening the registry in these operating systems differs little from the previous option, but here it is easier to organize the search for the required utility immediately through the search.

To do this, on the Taskbar, click Start, at the very bottom of the pop-up window in the column called Find programs and files, enter regedit.exe, then “Enter”. Voila, access to the registry is open!

If for one reason or another you cannot enter the registry through a search, do not despair, all the methods described above that work in Windows XP have not been canceled for subsequent versions, such as Windows Vista and Windows 7.

How to open the registry in the Windows 8 operating system

If your computer is running the now popular Windows 8, it will be useful for you to know that no innovations in accessing the registry have appeared in this version. You just need to go to the Run command input window and call the regedit.exe utility. I have already described in detail how to do this above.

Another easy way, suitable for all versions of Windows, is to simply go to the windows folder located on drive C and double-click on the regedit.exe file.


There are also specialized packages for working with the registry, for example, a program called RegEditX. They may be needed by those who often encounter the need to make changes to the registry.

Finally, I would just like to remind you that if you are not an “advanced” user and do not know how to handle the registry, it is better not to delete or make changes to the data, and also do not under any circumstances rename folders or files in the registry. Adjust the registry only if you are absolutely sure of what you are doing.

And although the help of the registry can be used very effectively in solving various practical problems, you should still do this carefully and accurately, otherwise your computer may behave very unexpectedly and unpleasantly. Incorrect handling of the registry can lead to the crash of the entire system, but no one wants to frequently reinstall Windows and lose data. Good luck!

Four ways to open the Windows registry

In operating systems of the Windows family from Microsoft, the registry plays not just an important, but a key role, being responsible for the operation of both itself and its components, as well as installed programs. At its core, a registry is a special database, built in a hierarchical order, which contains the complete configuration of computer hardware and software, as well as their operating parameters and data. The only exception is Portable versions of programs; they do not store their data in the registry. It will not be possible to work directly with the database, since its data is stored in different places in the system directories. For this reason, in order to open the Windows registry, a special editor is used - regedit.exe. Separately, I would like to warn you that any thoughtless manipulations in it can lead to complete inoperability of the operating system. Currently, there are 4 ways to launch the Windows Registry Editor.

1. Search in the Start menu This option is the simplest and most convenient for Windows 7 and newer versions, up to “Ten”.

Click the “Start” button and simply type the word: “Regedit”. Let's look at the search results:

Then just click on the shortcut and launch the application. If you are working with the rights of a regular user, without superuser privileges, then you need to right-click on the icon and select “Run as Administrator”.

2. “Run” window This is probably the most classic method that was used even before Windows XP. You need to open the “Start” menu -> “Run” or press the Win + R key combination. The following window will appear:

In the “Open” field, enter the same application name as in the first method and click the “OK” button.

Note: The “Run” dialog box can also be called through the Task Manager by selecting the “File” -> “New Task” menu item.

3. Through Explorer You can open the Windows registry editor through regular Explorer or any other file manager (Total Commander, FAR, etc.). To do this, simply open the system drive and go to the windows folder:

It will contain the executable file for launching the editor. Just double click it to open RegEdit.

4. Command line Well, the last way is through the command console of the operating system. It is probably the most inconvenient, since you first need to open a command prompt with Administrator rights, and only then, using it, run the “regedit” command.

Nevertheless, this option for logging into the Windows registry does exist and may well be useful in some unusual situation.

If any of the above remains unclear, here is a good video instruction:

The Windows Registry Editor is a large database that contains all the settings, parameters of Windows and equipment connected to the PC. Now we will tell you where the registry is located and how to open it.

We figured out what Registry Editor is. Let's look at all the methods on how to open it.

Launch by searching in the Start menu

  • Click the Windows icon on the bottom bar to open the Start menu.
  • Type regedit in the search bar.
  • Launch the found application.

Launch using Explorer

The essence of the method is that you need to run the system file:

  • Open Windows 7 Explorer.
  • Go to the system disk directory.

  • Find the Windows folder.
  • It contains a regedit file, run it.

Running using the Run window

Let's use the command interpreter:

  • Press the Win+R keys at the same time.
  • In the Run console that appears, enter the regedit command.
  • Click Enter on your keyboard.

Run using the command line

You can open the program to edit the registry through the system console:

  • Open the Start menu.
  • Enter “cmd” in the search bar.
  • Right-click on the found application and select “Run as administrator”.

  • The command line will be displayed on the screen.
  • Write regedit in it and press the Enter button.

Direct launch from explorer %windir%

  • Use the Win+R keys to launch the command interpreter.
  • In its line, write %windir% and press Enter.
  • The system folder will open. Find the regedit file in it and double-click LMB.

Launch using Task Manager

  • Press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
  • The task manager will launch.
  • At the top of its interface, click on the “File” item.
  • Select "Run new task".

  • In the new window, type regedit and press Enter.

Creating a Registry Editor Shortcut

  • Right-click on a free area of ​​the desktop.
  • Among the context menu items, hover over “Create”.
  • Click "Shortcut".

  • The Shortcut Creator Wizard will appear on the screen.

  1. In the line “Specify the location of the object” you should enter regedit.
  2. Then act according to the prompts.

Solving startup problems

There are several reasons why the Windows 7 registry does not start:

  • A virus has entered the system.
  • The administrator has prohibited editing the registry.


In case of viruses, proceed as follows:

  1. Download the AVZ utility from official website.
  2. Run it and update the virus databases.
  3. In the main AVZ window, open the “File” menu.
  4. Select Troubleshooting Wizard.
  5. Among the categories, use "System problems".
  6. Danger level: “All problems.”
  7. Wait for the scan to complete. Then click "Fix flagged issues."

Local Group Policy Editor

  • Call the Run console using the Win+R hotkeys.
  • In its window, write gpedit.msc, then press Enter.

  • In the left window of the interface, select “User Configuration” – “Administrative Templates” – “System”.

  • On the right, among the values, select the item “Prohibit access to registry editing tools.”

  • Right-click on it and select “Edit”.
  • Three options will appear. Select Disabled and apply.


Now you know how to run regedit in Windows 7. Use any method convenient for you. By the way, you can use similar utilities to edit the registry, such as O&O RegEditor.

What is a registry

The storage, called the registry, is a large database that stores information about the parameters and settings of the vast majority of nodes in the operating system. This settings library is used in most Microsoft operating systems, and Windows 7 is no exception, where the registry is also present.

Registry is a hierarchical database in which all information is built in the form of a fairly convenient table and an adjacent window where file and settings parameters are displayed. If you have certain skills, any user has the opportunity to go into the Windows 7 registry editor and independently make changes to the settings that interest him. However, it should be understood that this is a rather delicate tool, working with which requires caution, since incorrectly specified data or an incorrectly changed parameter can lead to problems with both the functioning and the immediate loading of the Windows system as a whole.

To record any changes and make configurations in the Windows OS registry, a special editor is used, the use of which we will discuss below.

Where is the registry editor in Windows 7

To enter the Registry database editor, the system uses the corresponding “regedit” command, which translated into Russian means “registry editor”. To log in, users should follow a few simple steps:

The registry editor will open in front of you, which will contain 5 collapsed folders, the names of which begin with “HKEY”. Each of the available sections contains information about the corresponding settings in the system.

And in order to understand where the corresponding registry key is in Windows 7, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main purpose of each of them:

One of the settings that average users of the seventh generation Microsoft operating system are often interested in is autorun. Users are often interested in where the startup files for their configuration and enable/disable are located in the Windows 7 registry.

Of course, there are corresponding folders directly in the operating system interface, as well as windows for regulating the launch of software along with the operating system, but sometimes you need to disable or enable the startup function directly in the registry. In order to do this, users need to follow the following instructions:

Now that you know where the Windows 7 registry is, you can make most changes to system settings yourself. However, as we noted above, we do not recommend that you overly optimize the system to your liking. With insufficient skills, changes in the registry can cause harm to the PC, if we talk about its system part. In some cases, you can even damage the system partition so much that it will require reinstalling the operating system.