How to polish scratched glass on your phone. How to remove scratches from the monitor completely: methods, tips, how to get rid of defects and white stripes on the screen. Baking soda polishing

Everyone, even the most tidy owner of the phone, is faced with such a problem as ugly scratches on the screen. If these are major defects or even cracks, then either buying a new phone or a complete replacement of the screen can help. However, what if they are cosmetic in nature? Is it possible to remove scratches from the phone screen myself using home remedies without going to a specialized workshop? We will try to answer this question in our today's article.

Using toothpaste

One of the ways to remove scratches from the phone screen is to use the most common toothpaste that almost every person has in the bathroom and does not need to be purchased specifically for this purpose. Due to the abrasive properties, which help the paste to clean the tooth enamel, small scratches can be completely removed.

The composition is applied to the treatment site with a paper towel, soft cloth, cotton swab or soft toothbrush. For polishing, you literally need a pea of \u200b\u200bthe product. We gently rub it into the place of damage and remove scratches from the phone screen in a circular motion.

The rubbing lasts until the scratch becomes invisible. Remember to remove any toothpaste residue from your phone with a soft, damp cloth or a damp cotton pad.

Gel paste

Another option, how to remove small scratches on the phone screen, is to use gel-like toothpaste rather than ordinary toothpaste. This option is more gentle. So let's get started:

  1. It is necessary to prepare or soft matter, on which a little gel toothpaste is applied.
  2. The paste is gently rubbed into the defect site. With the help of movements in a circle, we remove scratches from the phone screen.
  3. To remove excess paste, wipe the phone with a damp cloth (the cloth is moistened with clean water).

Means for removing scratches on cars

Car scratch removers can completely erase or minimize scratches on your phone screen.

The method of application is simple. Anti-scratch cream is applied to a cotton pad or soft cloth, which is then used to wipe the phone with gentle circular movements.

Fine-grained sandpaper

And it's not a joke. You just need to get out sandpaper with the smallest grain size in advance and practice on an identical surface in order to practice and know specifically how to remove minor scratches on the phone screen.

The essence of this method is to polish or grind the edges of a scratch. The surface of the screen becomes concave, but visually flat and without damage, because the reflective edges of the scratch disappear.

Using baking soda

Soda is the most affordable way to remove scratches from your phone screen. But there is a certain sequence:

  1. Soda and water in a 2: 1 ratio are mixed in a small bowl or cup.
  2. Stirring continues until a thick homogeneous paste appears.
  3. The finished paste of water and soda is applied to a cotton pad or soft cloth, which is used to wipe the scratch of the screen. Rubbing in is done very carefully.
  4. The remaining excess of the soda solution is removed with a damp cloth.

Powder for children

How can you remove scratches from your phone screen with baby powder? Very simple: you need to make a paste by adding a little water and use it in the same way as a soda solution.


Any vegetable oil is used to make the screen shine. For rubbing in, literally 1 drop is enough - and the worn out phone will shine again, at least for a while.

Glass polish

If your phone screen is glass, then you can use glass polish (it is only necessary that it contains cerium oxide). There are two types of such polish: powdery and pasty. If you buy the first, then to get started, it must be diluted with water to the consistency of cream.

For safety, it is better to protect all places with adhesive tape that can be damaged in the process, such as holes for the speaker, a connector from a charging or headset, a camera module. If even a small amount of polish gets into any opening of the phone, it can permanently damage the device. If you plan to polish not the entire screen, but only parts with scratches, then the entire surrounding space on the phone can also be pasted over with a protective tape.

The direct application of the polish to the surface is carried out using a special soft polishing material using vigorous circular movements in order to clean out the scratch. To maximize the result, it is advisable to wipe the polished surface with a clean cloth every half a minute - say the reviews. It is not necessary to press intensively and forcefully on the surface during processing. After all, polish has an abrasive function and can contribute to the appearance of other scratches.

To complete the work, you need to wipe the entire smartphone with a polishing clean and dry material in order to finally get rid of all dirt stains and excess polish.

Some phone models (for example, "iPhone 8") have not only a glass screen, but also a glass back panel. Having polish, you know how to remove scratches from the iPhone screen and clean the entire body of microcracks.

Paste GOI

This paste for polishing precious metals, glass, mirrors and plastic is sold as a solid green substance in one-kilogram cans or containers in specialty stores or car markets. The composition includes chromium oxide.

How to remove scratches from your phone screen? Reviews say that only one type of this paste is suitable for polishing - "extra thin No. 1", since others will be too rough for such a delicate matter. Before starting work, you should wipe the phone screen from dust and other dirt for a better and faster result.

To polish the screen of a mobile phone, a soft material is rubbed with GOI paste, which is then used to process the surface of the screen. The pasta bar is very hard and dense. Therefore, for easier application of it to the fabric, add a few drops of oil to the paste.

After finishing work with the paste, wipe the screen with a slightly damp soft cloth.

Deeper scratches and cracks

How to remove deep scratches from your phone screen? Of course, all of the above methods will not be able to completely remove serious damage to the screen and deep cracks, but at least they will be able to make them less noticeable, and then the screen will no longer look so sad. Cracks and similar defects cannot be completely eliminated.

Before using any of the above methods of dealing with scratches, you need to determine exactly which screen on your phone model is made of plastic or glass. If the instructions with the description of the gadget have not been preserved, you can use the description of your device in online stores or on the page of the official website. Determining the composition of the screen surface will help you choose the right material for treating the damaged surface.

The demand and popularity of mobile devices today is very high, therefore, the specialty of repairing phones, and in particular displays, is quite in demand and widespread. So, in the absence of free time and a desire to take risks, trying to overcome the unpresentable appearance of your phone yourself, you just need to contact a workshop that provides such a service and has experience in eliminating screen scratches. However, in this situation, it is better not to chase a low price, but to contact a reliable specialized service center.

If you have one of the latest models of smartphones, then you should also find out if, in addition to the protective function, there is an oleophobic coating on the screen, which makes the process of using the phone more comfortable and pleasant. If such a coating is present, then it is better to completely abandon or use all abrasive polishing materials as carefully as possible so as not to risk and damage the oleophobic layer. After all, the use of such a phone after abrasive processing will be less comfortable.

Prevention of occurrence

In order not to "google" on the Internet, is it possible to remove scratches from the phone screen at home and how to do it, it is better to do everything possible in advance to protect your phone screen from various kinds of damage.

What can be done:

  • At the very beginning, when buying a phone, put protection on the screen.
  • Wipe the display regularly.
  • Carry your phone carefully, especially in a bag or with you in your clothes. Try not to come into contact with sharp objects.

Installing screen protectors

The most vulnerable part of any smartphone is the touchscreen. Due to mechanical stress, it is often scratched. To prevent this unpleasant situation and not to remove scratches from the phone screen, you can use a relatively inexpensive but reliable accessory: film or reinforced glass. Such a protective mechanism is definitely worth installing, because its installation or replacement costs several times less than purchasing the entire screen module. If we talk about the price, the film is cheaper, but it does not give a 100% guarantee of safety, but only excludes the possibility of microcracks and scratches. But glass is at a higher price, but the guarantee of protection of the fragile surface of the gadget is practically complete. If dropped, the screen will not be damaged. Will take the whole blow

Wipe the display

Usually small scratches are the result of dust, sand and other small particles on the phone's surface. Wipe down the display regularly with microfiber. Such a procedure will not only remove scratches from the phone screen, but will also improve the performance of the device. After all, the touch screen can lose sensitivity due to dirt stains that remain from handprints, faces, etc.

Neat wearing

In the modern pace of life, it is impossible to live even a second without a telephone, so it should always be with a person. For this reason, when moving, they put it in a pocket, bag, purse, backpack, etc. But in these places there can be not only a phone, but also other objects with sharp ends (for example, keys), which cause both minor and irreparable damage. Therefore, it is extremely important to always check where the phone is put and what is there next to it. It is advisable that the bag or pocket be closed. This will prevent the possibility of accidental slipping of the phone while moving.

How else can you protect yourself from scratch problems?

In order not to burden yourself with protection settings and regular anti-scratch procedures, you can choose a mobile phone that already has heavy-duty glass. For example, you don't need to remove scratches from the Gorilla Glass screen.

The phones have a special glass. Gorilla Glass is chemically hardened to resist shock and scratches. It is manufactured by Corning. This company has been experimenting with chemical glass processing since 1959. Since 2010, leading mobile phone companies (such as Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, NTS and others) have begun using heavy-duty Gorilla Glass as a screen surface on their models. So, buying a smartphone with a Gorilla Glass screen, you don't have to worry about how to remove scratches from the screen of Samsung phones and other leading modern manufacturers.


So, we figured out how you can remove scratches from your smartphone. As you can see, there are many ways to eliminate defects. And all of them are easily repeated at home without experience.

During operation, any phone, of course, loses its presentation. The owners strive to keep their favorite device as long as possible in the form in which they once got it out of the box. That is why many people have a question: is it possible to remove scratches from the phone screen and how to do it so as not to damage the surface even more?

So, let's answer right away: you can remove scratches, and in our time there are many ways to do this. And we will list all the possible options below.

How to remove scratches with toothpaste?

Every home has this wonderful remedy - toothpaste. You can use it to remove scratches from your phone. However, it is worth making a reservation: the paste acts only on minor scratches. To clean the screen, you need to drop a small amount of toothpaste (no more than an average pea diameter) directly on its surface, and then rub in a circular motion until the damage disappears from the screen, or at least until it becomes less noticeable.

Baking soda is another affordable way to remove scratches

In addition to toothpaste, most often in any home you can find baking soda - at least the old classic red and white packaging with the coveted word "soda". The principle of action of sodium bicarbonate is similar to the action of toothpaste, although there is a significant difference, advantageous in our case: soda has more abrasive particles than toothpaste, which makes it a stronger tool - it allows you to remove both large and small scratches.

To polish your screen with baking soda, follow these steps.

  • Mix baking soda and water in a 1: 2 ratio. For example, for one spoon of baking soda - two tablespoons of water, so that a homogeneous abrasive mixture is obtained.
  • Apply the resulting mixture to a piece of cloth (preferably cotton, but the material does not play a significant role), and then grind the damaged areas of the screen (or better - the entire screen), in other words, polish. By the way, the rag should not be wet, just a little moisture is enough.
  • Remove the remaining mixture from the screen.

Baby powder - cheap and cheerful

Oddly enough, you can also polish your phone's display with baby powder. When using this tool, it is very advantageous that the talc, which is present in the powder, acts as a gentle abrasive - it reduces the risk of spoiling the screen of the device.

The preparation and use of a mixture with baby powder occurs by analogy with a mixture with soda - the powder is diluted with a few drops of water and mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then, with light movements, the composition is rubbed into the surface, and the excess mixture is removed.

A culinary hit on the screen scratch problem

At first glance, using oil as a polish seems insane. However, in practice, this method proves to be very effective and simple.

  • First, you need to apply a small drop of any vegetable oil to the surface of the screen.
  • Then the drop is rubbed into the screen until the surface shines, that is, all scratches are no longer visible.

Car polish is another effective way

Above, we have described all those methods that can be applied by almost every person, since in any home you can find some of this. The following methods are suitable for smaller groups of people, but their effect is much more noticeable. So how do you use car polish to remove scratches from your phone screen?

  1. The process is similar to polishing a car - a little polish is applied to the surface of the phone screen (a drop, no more).
  2. In a circular motion, the substance is rubbed into the screen, again, until all the scratches are no longer visible. Usually, the action of the remedy appears immediately, and the result lasts for a long time.

Removing scratches with GOI paste

GOI paste, a green solid, was developed during Soviet times specifically for polishing various surfaces, especially glass, ceramics and stainless metals. Nowadays, the paste is also used to polish phone displays.

  • A small amount of substance is applied to the screen.
  • In a circular motion, she rubs into the screen.
  • Remaining funds are removed.

As a result, the surface of the phone becomes pristinely smooth, as if the phone had just left the factory.

Screen polishing with Displex paste

The action of Displex paste is very similar to the action of GOI paste. The only difference is that the Soviet innovation is universal and suitable for polishing various surfaces, and Displex paste was created specifically to return a pleasant look to the displays of devices.

We will not describe the polishing process with a list - this has already been said many times above, you can accurately take the algorithm for removing scratches using GOI paste as a basis.

  1. From the very beginning of operation, it is worth protecting the screen of the device with a film or, better, with tempered glass, so that later you do not have to worry about scratches and remove them using the tips given by us.
  2. After polishing, it is also worth protecting the screen of the device so as not to polish it again. Thus, you can protect yourself from unnecessary work, and the screen from constant polishing.

So, there are many ways to remove scratches from the phone screen. Some of them are available to everyone, and some require additional purchases. Be that as it may, screen polishing is a good solution if the surface of your favorite phone has long ceased to please. Let the device serve you as long as possible and not let you down at the most inopportune moment.

If during operation the screen of a smartphone or tablet is covered with scratches, then you can return it shine and smoothness at home. For this, ready-made kits are purchased, including polishing paste and special napkins. However, you can use proven folk remedies that work no less effectively and will be more economical. When carrying out the procedure, it is important to be careful not to scratch the display even more.

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    Before proceeding with the procedure for removing scratches, it is worth performing a number of preparatory steps:

    • turn off the phone;
    • seal all external connectors (for headphones, charging, etc.) and the camera with masking tape or electrical tape so that water and other means do not get inside the device during operation;
    • the action of the selected composition can be tested for a start on a small area, for example, in the corner of the screen.

    Some scratches can take a long time to remove. But in the process of work, do not rush, otherwise you may damage the display.

    Methods for polishing watch glass from scratches and other damages at home

    Ways to remove scratches

    To remove scratches from the phone screen at home, you can use proven folk remedies. They can be found in almost any home and do not require additional costs.

    In addition, in specialized stores you can buy ready-made compounds and tools for removing microdamages on the smartphone display.

    Vegetable oil

    If there are no deep cracks on the screen, it will be enough to polish it with sunflower oil. This will help to hide the grid of small scratches and return the display to its original appearance.

    Procedure steps:

    1. 1. Apply a few drops of vegetable oil to the screen.
    2. 2. Rub it in thoroughly with a cotton pad.
    3. 3. When the display is flat and smooth, wipe it with a soft dry cloth.

    This gentle method is also suitable for removing scratches on the iPhone screen.


    Ordinary toothpaste will also help get rid of scratches. You will need:

    1. 1. Spread a little paste on a cotton pad.
    2. 2. Wipe the scratched display in a circular motion.
    3. 3. When the damage disappears, polish the screen with chamois, flannel or microfiber.


    More serious damage can be removed with baking soda. This will require:

    1. 1. Mix baking soda with water until gruel.
    2. 2. Apply the resulting mixture to a cotton pad or soft cloth.
    3. 3. Wipe the display in a circular motion.
    4. 4. After removing all scratches, wipe off the rest of the composition with a dry soft cloth and polish the surface with it.

    Soda has strong abrasive properties. Therefore, wipe the screen carefully so as not to scratch it further. At first, you just need to lightly press on the cotton pad. If the integrity of the coating is not compromised, you can gradually increase the pressure.

    Instead of baking soda, you can also take baby powder. It also contains abrasive particles.

    Paste GOI

    You can also return the phone to its presentation with the help of GOI paste, known since the times of the USSR. It was used for polishing optics, glass of various devices and for cleaning jewelry.

    Mode of application:

    1. 1. Put some machine oil or vegetable oil on the screen to make it easier to slide.
    2. 2. Apply a small amount of GOI paste to a soft napkin.
    3. 3. Sand the scratched display.

    After that, wipe the renewed screen dry with a soft cloth.

    Car polish

    You can also use car polish to remove scratches from your smartphone screen. Instructions for use:

    1. 1. Apply a drop of polish to the display.
    2. 2. Rub it all over the screen with a cotton pad.
    3. 3. After removing micro-damages, wipe off the remnants of the product with a dry soft cloth or a special napkin.

    Car polish should be removed especially carefully. It contains chemicals that are harmful to the body through constant contact.

    Special means

    If you want to professionally restore your phone screen, you can purchase ready-made compounds and tools for removing scratches. Among them are:

    • Displex. This paste is comparable in effectiveness to GOI paste. In addition, the HAMA Displex set includes two napkins in addition to the polishing paste. One is a soft microfiber for rubbing in the paste. The other has an antistatic effect for final polishing.
    • Polirun. The set from this manufacturer also includes paste and two napkins. However, a felt pad is used instead of an anti-static polishing pad. The paste is characterized by the presence of trace elements that lead to heating of the touch screen. As a result, the screen becomes smooth and shiny.
    • You can also purchase various wipes specially designed for polishing the displays of phones, tablets and laptops. They are used together with both improvised and ready-made tools.

    Previously, there were a large number of CD polishing products. Now discs are practically not used. However, polishing compounds for them are quite suitable for removing scratches from the phone screen.

    Preventive measures

    To prevent scratches from appearing on the display of a phone or tablet, certain rules must be followed:

    • Together with a new smartphone, it is advisable to purchase a protective film or protective glass. They will prevent the appearance of cracks and scratches, which fully pays for their cost. For example, the new generation Gorilla Glass 4 protects the screen from shattering, even when dropped on tarmac or concrete.
    • Wipe the screen regularly. During operation, dust and other contaminants accumulate on it. Small particles can scratch the display.
    • You should also periodically polish the screen, erasing greasy fingerprints. Immediately after the procedure, it is recommended to stick a new film or put on a cover.
    • A smartphone or tablet must be carried either in a special tight case or in a separate pocket. The device should not come into contact with small change, keys and other objects.

Every year there is a growing number of people who feel inferior if they leave home without a mobile phone. It's no secret that some people take their mobile phone even in restroomto read the news and check your mail while sitting on the toilet.

Today, a mobile phone is no longer a luxury, it has become a necessary attribute that makes it possible at any time to get in touch with the right person, read the news, listen to music and forget about problemslooking through pictures and playing exciting games. Meanwhile, trying to be always connected and keep up with life, we expose our cellular to many dangers, as a result of which scratches... Most often, this trouble occurs for those who carry their phone in a pocket of trousers or a bag without a special case.

How to remove scratches from a smartphone screen at home

The screens of all modern mobile phones are touch-sensitive, made of tempered glass with an oleophobic coating. This coating makes the display surface resistant to mechanical damage and capable of repelling dust, grease and dirt. It is almost impossible to scratch the screens of flagship smartphone models, but in inexpensive mobile devices, the oleophobic coating wears out over time, and the display loses its attractive appearance.
1. To remove scratches from the display of mobile devices, you can use various polishes designed for polishing CD disks or car body. You can buy polishes from shops that sell computer hardware and car parts. Apply a small amount of polish to the mobile phone screen and polish the screen with a cotton swab for 2-3 minutes. Polishing agents penetrate and fill in scratches, masking them and preventing light refraction from distorting. After polishing, scratches disappear by themselves, and the screen looks like new. There are a great many polishing agents on sale today, but most often they use abrasive paste for this purpose to remove scratches from the surface of CD / DVD discs " Disc Repair".

2. Polishing is the most gentle way for the display, because the glass becomes thinner by only a fraction of a micron, and its transparency returns almost completely. The screens of mobile devices can be polished with any pastes that do not contain grain more than 0.5 microns. This property is possessed by paste GOI", "Crocus"and" Polarite"which you can buy from cell phone repair shops. Cover the phone case with masking tape to avoid getting the paste on it and corroding the paint. Then apply a few drops of machine oil and some paste on the screen, and rub the screen with a soft cloth. If the cloth gets dry , apply some more oil and paste to the screen. After thorough wiping with a cloth, not only small but also large scratches will disappear from the screen. To fix the achieved result, apply a little polish to the screen and wipe it again with a clean cloth.
4. Remove scratches from the screen of a mobile phone, you can also use jewelry powder. This powder contains wax and aluminum oxide. Apply a small amount of jewelry powder to a piece of lamb's wool with leather and polish the glass. Some people use colorless toothpaste instead of powder, but we do not recommend using this method for removing scratches from smartphones' touch screens. It can only give a good result when removing scratches from Chinese-made mobile phones.

The most effective way to remove scratches from mobile screens is to stick protective film on the display. The protective film will prevent the appearance of scratches, and in order for the screen to always please with a beautiful view, you just need to change the film. If you have tried all the methods, and the scratch still remains, then the only way remains is to replace the display. This service is now provided in any cell phone repair shop, and the new panel, as a rule, is no different from the one that your cell phone had at the time of purchase.

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How to remove scratches from your phone screen? Almost every owner of this gadget needs the answer to this question, since in the modern world we use it every day. Regular use of the phone, be it Iphone, Samsung, Nokia, Lenovo, Sony, Meizu, Xiaomi or Huawei, sooner or later leads to the fact that small or deep damage appears on the case or screen of the device: scratches, scuffs, cracks or chips. Of course, you can contact the service center for help, however, this is not at all necessary, since you can return the gadget to its former appearance on your own. In our article, we will tell you how to remove scratches from your phone screen, what folk methods you need to follow to fix the problem, and what professional tools will be useful to eliminate scratches and abrasions.

Traditional methods for cleaning the screen

Traditional methods for cleaning the screen of a mobile phone are quite effective, so you can use one of the options that we offer you below.

  • Before starting the procedure for removing scratches, you need to turn off the gadget.
  • Using scotch tape or electrical tape, glue the headphone jacks, charger, holes with volume and power buttons. This must be done so that during the work on removing scratches from the screen, foreign liquids, mixtures and concentrates do not get into them, which will adversely affect the functionality of the phone in the future. Keep in mind that this procedure will take you more than a couple of minutes. Small scratches can be removed quickly and without much difficulty, but with deep damage you will have to suffer. So, what folk methods should you resort to in order to partially or permanently get rid of small and large scratches?
  • Baby powder. With the help of baby powder, you can not only eliminate minor damage from the display of a mobile phone, but also from its plastic case. The recipe is quite simple: you need to mix the powder with water until a thick gruel is formed. The resulting mixture should be applied to the scratched screen and wiped with a soft cloth, preferably microfiber, clockwise, without applying much effort. Baby powder contains talcum powder, reacting with which scratches become less noticeable or even disappear altogether if they are insignificant.
  • Toothpaste. Using toothpaste, you will, in the same way as using baby powder, mask or completely remove scratches and abrasions from the screen and the plastic case of your mobile phone. Simply dab some dentifrice on a cotton ball or swab and rub it into the surface with gentle circular motions. At the end of cleaning, remove the remaining paste with a damp microfiber cloth.
  • Vegetable oil. Minor scratches and minor abrasions will disappear if you use regular vegetable oil for this purpose. You can use corn oil, sesame oil, olive oil or sunflower oil - this is not fundamentally important. Literally put a drop of liquid on the phone screen and rub with a cotton pad in a circular motion until a shining shine appears and oily spots disappear completely. The effect of using vegetable oil can hardly be called long-term. However, for a short period of time, you can forget about superficial damage to the screen.
  • Soda. This product is available in every home, as it is used by housewives not only in the kitchen. Baking soda is a multifunctional product that can be used to remove scratches from the screen of a mobile device. It is not at all difficult to prepare a mixture: in a 1: 2 ratio, mix baking soda with water until a slightly thick slurry forms.

    How to polish your phone screen from scratches

    The resulting mass must be applied to a cotton pad, swab or cloth and rubbed in circular movements on the area of \u200b\u200bthe screen or the plastic surface of the case damaged by scratches. After that, you just have to get rid of the remnants of the baking soda with a cloth, which must first be wetted.

  • Egg and alum (potassium sulfate). Take an aluminum container and mix the white of one egg with one teaspoon of alum in it. Put on fire and keep until the temperature reaches 65 degrees. Allow the solution to cool and then soak a microfiber cloth or cloth with it. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and put a cloth soaked in the prepared solution into it, first placing it on aluminum foil. Keep inside until a piece of cloth is completely dry. Then take out and place in cold water for 30 seconds. Only then can you wipe the mobile phone screen. Yes, this method is the most difficult among other folk methods, however, it is just as effective.

So, we have shared with you the methods of removing scratches from the display of a gadget known to us, which are common among the people.

Removing scratches with professional tools

Removing scratches with professional tools will solve your screen damage problem in no time. This refers to the use of polishes for cars, furniture, special pastes for masking scratches.

  • Car and furniture polishes. Moisten a cotton pad or swab with the product and rub in a circular motion into the surface of the screen, as well as the plastic case, if there are scratches there. Finally, it is imperative to remove the remnants of the substance from the phone and prevent the contact of abrasives on the skin during further use of the device.
  • Special pastes. Here we can offer you two types of products: GOI paste and Displex. The first option is suitable for polishing glass, metal and ceramic surfaces. GOI paste can remove scratches from both touch and plastic screens of mobile phones. You just need to put the mass on the display and rub in in a circular motion until the damage and abrasion disappear. Displex paste is used in a similar way. Don't forget to remove the remaining traces of the product at the final stage of cleaning With these methods, you will get rid of shallow and small scratches.

We also offer a video for watching, which will undoubtedly come in handy.

We hope that you will not have any problems with deleting these damages later. Good luck!

GSMForum.RU: Russian GSM forum\u003e Mobile devices\u003e Sony / Sony Ericsson / Ericsson\u003e Sony\u003e Sony - hardware repair\u003e Sony LT25i Xperia V camera glass rubbed

View Full Version: Sony LT25i Xperia V

07.01.2014, 02:28

Hello, I have such a misfortune. I scratched, by my own stupidity, the protective glass of the camera lens on the Sony Xperia V. As a result, the pictures became cloudy. It is especially annoying since I bought the phone quite recently and chose this model precisely because of the good camera. Now I don't know what to do. Links are popping up in Google about some kind of magic GOI paste that can fix scratches.

How to remove scratches from a smartphone screen

Has anyone tried using it to restore lens glass? I myself live in a village, so I won't be able to get to a service center or a good craftsman, and the same paste (if it really can help in such a situation) will have to be ordered through the Internet. Or just order a new camera?

Yes, there is such a paste. More often, jewelers use it to polish precious metals. Note for polishing. But scratches, and even on glass, cannot be removed with its help.

07.01.2014, 03:21

Hello, I have such a misfortune. I scratched, by my own stupidity, the protective glass of the camera lens of the Sony Xperia V. As a result, the pictures became cloudy. It is especially annoying since I bought the phone quite recently and chose this model precisely because of the good camera. Now I don’t know what to do. Links are popping up in Google about some kind of magic GOI paste that can fix scratches. Has anyone tried using it to restore lens glass? I myself live in a village, so I won't be able to get to a service center or a good craftsman, and the same paste (if it can really help in such a situation) will have to be ordered through the Internet. Or just order a new camera?

In your case, change the glass. The paste won't help, or only a little.

In Moscow, refurbished prices are very cruel, from 1800-2000 for glass replacement. In this case, the work is a second.
I ordered glass on ebay myself, I'll wait three weeks and come, the issue price is 140 rubles apiece.
The process itself is captured on a two-minute video of some German male hands on YouTube:\u003dQkmzVpDDZSc

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The screen on the touchscreen phone is cracked - what to do?

According to statistics, cracks that appear on the screen as a result of not too careful handling of mobile gadgets are the most frequent reason for contacting repair shops. And this is not surprising, because the display is the notorious Achilles' heel for any, even the most expensive and eminent mobile phone. What to do if the screen is cracked on the touchscreen phone, let's figure it out together.

What to do if the phone screen is cracked?

So, there is a problem - after the fall, cracks appeared on the screen of the mobile phone. How to act in this situation and how dangerous are they both for the phone itself and for its owner? It all depends on the degree of damage received. For example, if there are one or two cracks, and they do not interfere with the normal operation of the mobile gadget, it is quite possible to do with half measures - stick a protective film or glass over the screen. In this form, the phone will be able to work for a long time, and dust and moisture cannot get into it through cracks. But if the screen is covered with craquelure from the smallest cracks, then you can't do without a visit to the repair shop. The touch screen can be fully restored only if it is replaced using special equipment.

How to remove scratches from your phone screen

At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that replacing a cracked smartphone screen can result in expenses equivalent to half the cost of a new mobile phone. Therefore, in some cases, it makes sense to think about replacing a broken gadget with a new one.

Is a cracked phone screen harmful?

Mobile technologies appeared not so long ago, but immediately overgrown with many myths and conjectures regarding the harmful effects on the human body. In particular, one can often hear the opinion that a cracked screen turns the phone into a time bomb. But in fact, the only harm that, hypothetically, it can cause is to scratch the wearer's skin during a conversation.

Good day.

The surface of the monitor screen is a "capricious" thing, and it is quite easy to scratch, even with a slight careless movement of the hand (for example, when cleaning). But small scratches can be easily removed from the surface, and with fairly common means that most households have.

But right away I want to make a remark: there is no magic and not every scratch can be removed from the screen surface (most of all, this applies to deep and long scratches)! The chance of removing large scratches so that they cannot be seen is minimal, at least I could not. So, I will consider a couple of ways that helped me ...

Important! You use the methods below at your own peril and risk. Their use can lead to the refusal of warranty service, as well as spoil the appearance of the device (stronger than a scratch). Although, I will immediately note that significant scratches on the screen are (in most cases) a denial of warranty service.

Method number 1: removing small scratches

This method is good for its accessibility: almost everyone has everything they need at home (and if not, it will not be difficult to buy, and it will not ruin the family budget :)).

What you need to get started:

  1. Toothpaste. The most common white paste will do (without any additives). By the way, I want to draw your attention to the fact that there should be a paste, and not a gel, for example (by the way, a gel, usually, is not white, but has some shade);
  2. A soft, clean napkin that does not leave lint (a napkin from glasses, for example, or, in extreme cases, an ordinary clean flannel cloth will do);
  3. A cotton swab or ball (in the first aid kit, probably, this is);
  4. Petrolatum;
  5. A little rubbing alcohol to degrease the scratch surface.


1) First, moisten the cloth with alcohol and gently wipe the scratch surface. Then wipe the surface with a dry cloth until the surface is completely dry. Thus, the surface of the scratch will be free from dust and other things.

3) Then gently wipe off the toothpaste with a dry cloth (rag). Again, you don't need to press hard on the surface (this way the toothpaste will remain in the crack itself, but you will wipe it off the surface with a napkin).

4) Apply some petroleum jelly to a cotton swab and then run it several times over the crack.

5) Dry the monitor surface dry. In most cases, if the scratch was not very large, you will not even notice it (at least, it will not catch your eye and annoy you, drawing attention to yourself every time).

Method # 2: unexpected effect of drying for nail polish (Nail Dry)

The usual (seemingly) varnish drying (in English, something like Nail Dry) also copes well with scratches. I believe that if there is at least one woman in the family, she will be able to explain to you in detail what it is and how it is used 🙂 (we, in this case, will use it for other purposes).

Scratches on the monitor screen: A child, while playing with a typewriter, made several scratches in the corner of the monitor screen.


1) First, the surface must be degreased (preferably with alcohol, everything else can do much more harm). Simply wipe the scratch surface with a lightly moistened cloth with alcohol. Then wait until the surface is dry.

3) Use a cotton ball to wipe off excess gel.

4) If the scratch was not too large and deep, then most likely it will not be visible! If it was large, it will become less noticeable.

There is, however, one drawback: When you turn off the monitor, it will shine a little (a kind of gloss). When the monitor is on, no "glitter" is visible, and the scratch is not striking.

That's all for me, I will be grateful for other tips on the topic of the article. Good luck!