How to reboot a touchscreen phone. Turn off or restart a phone with a non-removable battery. Video: stuck when turned on

In an emergency reboot of devices with removable batteries, everything is quite simple: you remove the back cover of the device, remove the battery, and then put the device back together. However, the vast majority of modern phones do not include removable elements. Today we will talk about how to restart a phone with a non-removable battery if it freezes and does not respond to user actions.

Let's first look at the standard reboot methods using the physical buttons of the device. Try holding the power key for 10-15 seconds and wait until the smartphone turns off completely. If this does not happen, then repeat the procedure several times.

The second option is to reboot into recovery mode. This mode is activated by a combination of two buttons, but they are different for all manufacturers. Many devices are rebooted by a combination of the volume key and the shutdown button. Other smartphones use a power button and a key under the screen. Find the specific combination for your phone. This can be done on the official website of the manufacturer or from the instructions for the device.

So, hold down two keys for 10-15 seconds until the recovery menu logo appears (the screen should be different from the usual boot logo). After loading, a menu will appear in English, in which you need to select the System reboot now option. Highlight this option using the volume up or down key and then apply it with the power button.

If you are constantly experiencing freezing of your mobile phone, then it is best to do a factory reset. Please back up all personal data in advance and reboot the device again in the Recovery menu. Then use the Wipe data / factory reset item.

Rebooting Apple devices is only slightly different from working with Android devices. If your iPhone is frozen, then first hold down the power key for 10-15 seconds. On older models (up to iPhone 6), the button is located on the top edge of the case. On newer generations, the key has moved to the side panel.

If the standard option did not help, then use the forced reboot. To do this, first hold down the Home key, and without releasing it, press the power button. Hold this combination for a few seconds.

The option with a key under the screen is only suitable for older models on which Home is a physical button, not a touch button.

On newer iPhones, a forced restart is done by pressing the volume down and power keys.

Computer control

If rebooting the frozen device using the physical buttons was not successful, you can try to "revive" the phone through the computer. However, for this you need to meet several conditions. First, the Android phone must have USB debugging enabled. Second, you need to install the ADB Run utility and driver on your computer.

You need to connect the device to your computer via USB and open the ADB folder on your computer. Hold down the Shift key and right-click on the explorer. From the menu, select the option to launch Power Shell in this folder. Then use the fastboot reboot .iTunes command. However, this tool does not allow you to turn on or simply restart the iPhone. You can update or install new firmware, and during one of these procedures, the smartphone will restart automatically.

If the phone has a low battery level, you can wait until it is completely discharged, and then connect to power and turn on the device again.

Video instruction

Check out the video before getting started with the practical steps to force restart your phone.


So, we have told you about all the methods for rebooting a frozen phone. If you have any problems or additional questions on the topic, then we will wait for comments on the article. Our experts will familiarize themselves with your situation and then give useful advice!

Technology has firmly entered our lives, but our favorite gadgets are periodically not without failures. At any time, a computer, smartphone or other everyday devices may freeze. In this case, don't panic or get upset - just follow the simple instructions for working with gadgets from different manufacturers.

Of course, the best option for rebooting is a removable battery. In this case, special wisdom is not needed - you just need to take out the battery and then put it back. Since when you remove the battery, the gadget automatically turns off, and after installing the battery back, you can turn on the smartphone again.

But today, a special fashion is typical for smartphones with non-removable batteries - so such a little trick with removing the battery will no longer help us. But in fact, there should not be any difficulties here, if you know the correct procedure.

Freezing a gadget is a permissible phenomenon, so you should not be afraid of a problem, you just need to know how to solve it. In our article, we will consider effective ways of emergency shutdown if it is impossible to get the battery.

First of all, it is worth considering the question - what does a non-removable battery in a phone mean? As the name implies, this is an integrated battery that you cannot get yourself.

Non-removable battery phone

Today, gadgets with such a battery are firmly rooted in the global mobile device market. Once, for the sake of compactness and beauty of its devices, Apple began to use this approach, and over time, the trend was picked up by many competitors.

The principle of working with such a battery allows you to make the device itself much more compact, more sophisticated, with increased airtightness of the structure, better protecting the internal elements from dust, moisture and mechanical damage.

How to turn off a phone with a non-removable battery - secrets of working with Apple iPhone

Hold the power button and the Home button at the same time for a few seconds. Thanks to this method, you activate an emergency reboot of the gadget, while you will be able to save all your data. Also, such a shutdown is not accompanied by a reset, which distinguishes the method from more drastic solutions.

Hold the Power button and Home button at the same time

Non-removable battery phone stuck - what you need to know about Sony devices

On some Sony models, the cover can be removed. In this case, after removing the cover, it is enough to find the Power Off button - clamp it with a thin object and hold it.

Press the Power Off button with a thin object

When working with a non-removable cover, simultaneously press the volume rocker up and the power button. This method has also been tested in practice and immediately turns off the device.

How to reset a smartphone with a non-removable battery for HTC owners

Here, too, there is no need to be afraid of special problems. Moreover, you can use two effective methods to choose from at once - we delay the power button until the restart. Or we simultaneously hold down the volume rocker up and the power button.

And useful information for owners of Samsung gadgets

We hold the power button for about 10–20 seconds. When you feel the vibration, you can safely let go - the gadget has gone to reboot.

Press the power button

How to turn off a smartphone with a non-removable battery for other models

Also, let's not forget about other manufacturers. Including you can remember the models of Explay, LG, Phillips and a number of other companies. In fact, their reboot principle is almost always identical - we just delay the power button. If this method did not help, simultaneously hold down the phone's power button and the volume rocker (down or up).

Enjoy the world of digital technologies and work with your favorite gadgets - we will help you with this and publish useful tips for working with mobile devices. A one-time or occasional "freeze" is not a serious problem, you just need to follow our instructions. But with the regular occurrence of such a problem, we still recommend contacting a specialist, having given the device for diagnostics - so as not to lose your data at the most inopportune moment in the event of a "freeze".

Use this guide to learn how to turn off your non-removable battery phone if it freezes or becomes unresponsive to any screen or button operation.

Turn off frozen phone with non-removable battery possible without cutting and physical disconnection the battery itself. It is enough to know a certain combination of actions... Algorithms differ for different device models.

Don't worry, they are all absolutely working and relevant for 2018-2019.

How to forcibly turn off an Android smartphone with a non-removable battery:

Pinch power button and hold until the device is turned off
Pinch power button and volume up key before shutdown
Pinch power button and both volume keys (only for separate buttons!) by holding them for 10 seconds until they turn off or longer

How to force shutdown iPhone:

Press and hold power button (Sleep / Wake) and volume down key before the screen turns off
If it doesn't work, then try hold this combination of buttons even longer
Old variant - clamp home button, and then power button (Sleep / Wake) until iPhone completely turns off

If none of the methods helped, then use our selection of combinations to force restart phones, tablets, players and other mobile devices.

Sometimes there is a failure of hardware keys, pressing which, nothing happens. Even less often, a breakdown disables the motherboard with a freeze of the image until the battery is completely discharged - the device simply does not turn on in the future. Have this repair done at a service center.

So far, not a single device has been created that would be devoid of various kinds of crashes and freezes, and it does not matter which brand this device is from. The developers are constantly improving the software and its optimization with hardware, the situation is definitely improving, but not yet resolved.

For what reasons can the phone freeze? These reasons fall into two large groups - physical breakdown and software malfunction... In the first case, most likely, the device will have to be carried to a service center, since not everyone will be able to repair the phone on their own. Better - when the system crashed. Why is it better? Because it is easier to get rid of this malfunction and you can do without going to the service center.

But what if the phone is frozen completely and does not respond to commands, and the phone is needed right now in working order. It needs to be rebooted. Different phone manufacturers have some differences in how to force restart. Let's consider each of them. Before us is a situation: the phone is frozen, does not respond to commands, what should I do?

Android devices

If an Android phone or tablet is frozen, then there is an opportunity to restore its operation in several ways:

  • Hold the power button for a few seconds and wait for the shutdown / restart pop-up menu and restart the phone. If the phone freezes completely, this method is unlikely to work.
  • Press the "power" button and the volume down button at the same time for a few seconds, after which the phone will turn off and start a regular reboot.
  • The current method for devices manufactured before 2015. Most phones at the time came with a removable battery, which means that this could be another way of emergency rebooting.

These are all emergency reboot methods for Android. They will work on both smartphones and tablets.

What to do if the phone constantly freezes?

The device may not disturb you with one-time freezes, but remind you of glitches on an ongoing basis. In this case, you need to decide something. For what reasons can there be freezes in the device.

  • Out of RAM.

Devices often experience a shortage of RAM when using several applications at the same time, as well as in heavy programs and games. In this case, you need to "kill" unused programs in the task manager by pressing the "recent programs" button on the device.


It happens that some applications have a big impact on the processor, which, in turn, may not have time to cope with tasks. Background processes can also affect the processor. In addition to freezing, you can feel it physically by touching the back of the phone, which will be very hot. This can be corrected in the same way as in the first case.

  • Cluttered memory.

And creates a large load on the system. That is, when the memory is 95% full, working with files can proceed slower than when it is 60% full. Numerous small files have the greatest impact on memory speed; it is more difficult for the system to index them and search for the requested file at a particular point in time.

  • Remove apps you can do without;
  • Monitor the state of RAM;
  • Do not bring the phone memory to full capacity;
  • Install "cleaners" programs to free RAM and clean up cache and other garbage.

Hard reset - hard reset

An extreme and radical way to get rid of phone freezes is to completely reset the system settings. When you reset the settings to factory defaults, all information from the device will be deleted, so if you need to save some information, it is recommended to do.

You can reset your phone settings directly in the system through the settings. This option is located in the "backup and reset" item, which will have a single button. After pressing it, all information will be deleted from the phone, and the phone will boot in a post-factory state.

You can also make a hard reset through a special recovery menu, if for some reason you cannot reset it through the system. This menu was created for such cases when there are problems with logging into the system. To do this, on the switched off device, simultaneously hold down the key Home, power key and volume up key, this combination may differ for some device models.

The so-called will turn on. Navigation in this menu occurs through the volume buttons and the "power" button. In order to reset the phone settings to factory settings, you need to select the wipe data / factory reset menu item, after confirmation, the operating system will return to a state like after purchase.

iPhone 4, 5, 6

If your iPhone 4, 5, 6 does not respond to commands, is frozen in the system or on the logo screen, the only way out is to resort to an emergency restart. In order to do this, you need to hold down two buttons on the phone: "home" on the front of the device and the button "nutrition" on top of the device.

We hold these buttons for 10-15 seconds until we see that the screen has gone out, then the buttons can be released, and a screen with the manufacturer's logo will appear. Then the phone will start loading normally. If this did not happen, press the button again "nutrition"... We use this method only in case of emergency, as it can harm the stable operation of the operating system.

iPhone 7 and up

With the release of the seventh iPhone, the "home" button changed its mechanical mechanism to a touch-sensitive one, which means that now it cannot be used for a forced reboot, since the sensor may not work. Of course, the manufacturer foresaw this moment and suggested another way.

Now, to restart the phone when it freezes, just hold down the button "Power" and volume down button... We hold down the buttons for about 6 seconds, after which the device will start to boot normally.

Restarting and Restoring iPhone Using Computer

You can reboot a frozen iPhone through a special program on your computer - ReiBoot... To restore the functionality of the iPhone, you need to: turn on the program, connect the iPhone to the computer, wait until the program and the iPhone find each other, while you do not need to press any buttons on the phone.

After connecting, a special menu will appear in the program, in which you can correct errors with freezes and completely restore the phone's operation. Of course, the program will solve problems with loading the phone, if it crashes in the program, it does not restore a drowned or broken phone.

Another way is to restore the functionality of the iPhone through a proprietary program iTunes... This method will erase all data from the phone, so it is better to use it as a last resort. To restore the phone, you need to connect the iPhone to a computer with iTunes pre-enabled, while holding down the "home" button on the iPhone. After the connection, in the program menu, you can select the item restore device.

These methods will work on iPad as well.

The Android operating system is regularly updated and improved, which has a positive effect on the performance of smartphones. However, there are various glitches that lead to slow device operation and sometimes freezing. This problem can be solved by simply turning off and on the phone. But let's figure out how to reboot Android if it freezes in more detail.

Why Android smartphone freezes

After conducting a number of analyzes, experts have identified the main reasons for freezing phones... The most popular ones are presented below:

  • Lack of free space.
  • RAM is full.
  • Applications are being installed or updated.
  • Mechanical damage to the device.
  • System error.
  • A sharp drop in temperature.

It is difficult to independently determine the cause of glitches and freezes of a smartphone. Therefore, the error correction principle has general character, that is, any of the methods below will work to solve the problem.

The presented instructions have been working for a long time, and accordingly are suitable for most smartphones and tablets. Do not rush to feverishly press all the buttons at the same time, but first find the key responsible for lock screen.

Now hold it down until the selection menu appears, where click "". Usually the list appears after 10-15 seconds of holding the key. There are times when such a function is not active, then just select " Power off". The smartphone should vibrate and dim the display. After a short period of time, it will automatically turn on. If this does not happen, then manually hold down the power button.

There is a harsher method of restarting a smartphone, which is called forced... It should be noted that this is a universal way to return a smartphone to its normal state.

Unlike the previous instructions, where it was necessary to select certain parameters, here it is necessary to simultaneously hold down 3 buttons: volume control, power and HomeKey.

The last key will have to be pressed only on Samsung phones and tablets, in other cases this should not be done.

Method 3: hold down two buttons

Most modern devices come with a non-removable battery, which does not allow you to turn off the gadget simply by removing the battery. Then the method of holding two keys comes to the rescue. It is very simple and works on all popular phones.

Its principle of action is based on the simultaneous clamping volume and power buttons... After doing this, the device should automatically turn off and on. Of course, this method has one huge drawback - if the necessary keys are broken, the gadget cannot be rebooted.

Method 4: full discharge with soft reboot

It should be noted that this method is time consuming, but there is no doubt about its effectiveness. First you need to completely discharge your phone. A refrigerator or freezer can help with this. Put the device there for a while and wait for shutdown.

After such a "shake-up" let the smartphone lie down for a while in the warmth. Then do a soft reset: hold the power button for 5-10 seconds. According to statistics, in 90% of cases, the gadget comes to life and begins to function normally.

Method 5: pull out the battery

The first thing that comes to mind when an Android phone hangs up is to simply take and remove the battery. This method also takes place. If the phone has a built-in battery, then you can try to gently remove the cover and disconnect the cable from the battery. Such manipulations are recommended only for those users who not afraid to break the device.

Now put the power supply back in place and turn on the phone. In most cases, the gadget will return to a normal operating state.

There are situations when the device freezes without even turning on. This can happen when loading the Android logo or phone company ( for example atXiaomithis is the logoMi). There are two ways out: remove the battery or turn off the smartphone using the buttons.

In the first option, simply disconnect the battery, of course, if possible. In the second case, hold down the power key until the screen goes out. This action usually requires 5-7 seconds. Then start the device again.

In principle, if the smartphone is frozen on the Android logo, then any of the above methods can be used to solve this problem. But there are situations when, after holding power keys Nothing happens. Then you can try to restart the gadget through the menu.

  1. You can switch to recovery mode at the same time holding the volume button up and on.
  2. A list that is unusual for an ordinary user should appear on the screen. Here you need to choose " wipe data - factory reset". Who does not know, then navigation through the sections occurs using the volume keys, and the power button is responsible for the choice.

Please note that using this method will erase all data on the smartphone. Therefore, it is recommended to use it as a last resort, when it is impossible to bring the device out of a failure in other ways.

In order to avoid errors and failures in the subsequent work with the phone, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the useful tips:

  1. Clean up space on the device in time. Clogged memory is the main reason for freezing applications.
  2. Regularly check the gadget for viruses. In the presence of Trojans, the smartphone works much slower.
  3. Avoid sudden changes in temperature. In cold weather or extreme heat, the phone can start to slow down and even freeze.
  4. Try not to drop your tablet. If such a weighty device falls, it is possible damage to internal parts, which will lead to crashes and errors in work.
  5. Do not install complex programs on a "weak" phone.

Video instruction

Answers to popular questions

Holding the power button does not restart the smartphone.

It is possible that a serious failure has occurred in the system. Try to completely drain the battery using the above method

Thus, having carefully read the material, you can restart your Android phone if it suddenly freezes. Follow the presented recommendations and there will be no problems!