How do I access the deep web and darknet? What is the Darknet

Interest in the darknet is growing, this is a sad fact. But many people misunderstand what it is. And confused with other terms.

We will tell you what the darknet is, why you need it and how to use it. All information provided below is solely at your own risk.

What is the darknet

There are many darknet networks in the world. Some are in trend today, others are out of date. But the first visit to any darknet will be a shock and a revelation for you. Especially if you do not remember the Internet of the early 2000s, the creak of a dial-up modem and payment for traffic over the cable.

On the darknet, connections are established only between trusted nodes (friend-to-friend "friend-to-friend") using special ports and protocols. Server IP addresses are hidden. You can't access the darknet through a regular browser like Safari or Chrome.

The networks are decentralized, so they are not controlled by one single person. This provides users with some leeway.

Sites on the dark web often use Tor encryption technology. It allows you to hide the identity of the user and spoof the IP address, as well as hide the resource from prying eyes outside the network.

But that doesn't mean that the entire darknet is only accessible through Tor. If you need a website protected by Tor encryption technology, you must use the browser of the same name. However, there are also networks based on I2P and other technologies.

Darknet or deepweb

The darknet is often confused with the "deep internet". In fact, the darknet is a part of the Internet, a network within a network that operates according to its own protocols and algorithms. Deepweb is pages that are not indexed by search engines. They may not exist at all until someone needs them. For example, they will be created in response to a database query.

The search engine cannot find pages in deepweb. And on the darknet, it's easy. This, of course, is not about Google or "Yandex".

Will they be jailed for entering the darknet

In this case, the laws do not work against the average user, but against the creators of blocking bypass tools and providers. For example, the Tor browser is prohibited in Russia, as it makes it possible to bypass the blocking. But there is no responsibility for using it yet.

So if you go to the darknet “to see” and “just ask”, you will not be punished or fined. But it should be understood that all other actions also qualify from the point of view of the current legislation. For example, selling drugs, distributing porn or stealing money from bank cards.

How to search for sites on the darknet

Another popular service is Fess. It indexes the .onion segment better because it is built on the Tor engine. You can also use the search engines not Evil, TORCH, Ahmia:

And then there are link directories like The Hidden Wiki and oneirun. The resource "Godnotaba" is known from the Russian ones.

Of course, search engines on the dark web are weak. Ranking is set by programmers, in many cases manual filtering is used, and the speed is extremely slow. There is no question of setting up search and taking into account personal preferences. But, as they say, what are they rich in ...

Search results are entirely up to you. Queries in Russian are not a problem, of course. For example, here's what they offer for treasure men (people who make bookmarks with prohibited substances in residential areas):

This, by the way, is considered a cool design:

And what, there is only weapons, porn and drugs?

Not at all. For example, one online library, previously popular in Russia, has gone to the darknet.

Tor has mirrors of major torrent trackers, resources such as the anonymous Q&A service Hidden Answers, gaming and entertainment portals, and even its own literary magazine Torist. Since the connection speed is low, you don't have much fun.

However, there are enough hacker sites and resources with other illegal goods and services. For example, you can buy fake documents, government documents. a number on a car, order assistance with a loan, an attack on a server or breaking through a mobile or a copy of someone else's SIM card.

There are also resources of prohibited organizations - nationalist, neo-Nazi, terrorist, extremist. This is where the content really blooms and smells, falls out in tons and is actively discussed.

There is not the most aggressive censorship in Russia. In the same China, the "Golden Shield" system operates, which blocks access to the vast majority of resources, as well as new nodes of the Tor network. However, VPN and proxy solve the problem. And the authorities will not ban VPN, because they know that all external business communications are built on VPN.

North Korea was out of luck. They don't even have access to the darknet, and they can only access the Internet with Kim Jong-un's permission. Moreover, the entrance to the rooms where the computers connected to the Internet are located is carried out by passes.

Why the darknet is dangerous

There are many sites on the darknet that exploit "zero-day vulnerabilities" - holes that developers are not yet aware of. Such vulnerabilities allow, for example, to spy on you through a laptop camera and microphone.

By opening Tor, you make your computer part of the onion network. And due to this, you can become an accomplice of major crimes that hackers commit - for example, brute-force passwords or DDoS attacks.

Or your computer starts to slow down because someone starts mining on it. And recently, tools have appeared that continue to exploit the power of your computer, even when you closed your browser (an invisible window remains).

Often, pages on the darknet can disappear from the access zone for a while or disappear forever.

It is dangerous to download files on the dark web, including documents for Word and Excel. The likelihood of contracting a virus from them is much higher than in the open part of the Internet.


"DarkNet" is the dark layer of the Internet, which can only be connected through a special browser - Tor. The Darknet is characterized by a higher degree of anonymity, therefore it is in it that communities engaged in illegal activities are concentrated - arms, drugs and bank cards. But there are also legal projects - libraries,. People choose this network for freedom of speech and privacy.

How to enter the "Darknet"

It's pretty simple. It is necessary download Tor browser from the official site. It is highly discouraged to download Tor from other resources. such a distribution may contain Trojans that can declassify your online presence. Next you need install browser.

When you first log in, you need to choose from two options: just connect or configure the network parameters. If you want to use a browser to access a blocked site, for example, then select "connect". If you want anonymity, then you need the "customize" option. Tor works in the same way as regular browsers, but in a more complex scheme, which negatively affects page loading speed. With it, you can visit both hidden and regular sites. Make sure it is configured correctly, follow the link -\u003dru.

How Tor Browser works

The essence of the work is reflected in the onion logo. Just like her, the connection consists of layers - a chain of proxies. The information passes through 3 randomly selected network nodes. On the client side, before the packet is sent, sequential encryption occurs for each of the nodes.

Thor browser for mobile devices

For information on how to log into the darknet from a mobile phone, see.

Darknet sites

You can find links to popular sites on the Russian darknet at The project was created for informational purposes. All transactions on prohibited sites of the Tor network are illegal and punishable by law. The project is for informational purposes only and is intended to provide a general understanding of the TOR network.

Sites in the Tor network are located in the domain zone .onion... Below is a list of some of the resources:
not Evil - search engine on the Tor network
TORCH is another search engine
Flibusta - book library

More links in the material.

If you are confused by the address hss3uro2hsxfogfq.onion, then it should be noted that almost all sites on this network look like this.

The Onionland community also exists on Reddit. You can find all kinds of links there too.


It should be noted that using the Tor browser does not guarantee the anonymity of your actions. Information and offers from the web may be false. Beware of scammers!

How is DarkNet different from DeepWeb?

"DeepWeb" or "deep Internet" is information that is not indexed by search engines and is located in a closed part of the Internet - in private networks. For example, government data warehouses, which can only be accessed by password.

Google only indexes a small portion of the internet. By some estimates, the web contains 500 times more content than what Google returns in search results. The links that Google and other search engines return when you enter your query are referred to as "shallow website" while all other non-searchable content is referred to as " deep web" or " invisible web».

Much of this information is hidden simply because the vast majority of users do not consider it relevant. Most of it is removed from the databases, as Google is either not interested in it, or crawling is prohibited. IPhone app content, files in your Dropbox account, logs, court records, and private social media profile data are all examples that are not indexed by Google, but still exist on the Internet.

Deepweb vs Darknet

Darknet (DarkNet) - a private network, connections of which are established only between trusted peers, sometimes referred to as "friends", using non-standard protocols and ports. The Darknet differs from other distributed peer-to-peer networks in that file sharing occurs anonymously (since IP addresses are not publicly available), and therefore users can communicate without much fear or government interference.

The deep web is often confused with the darknet, also called the dark web, black web, and black web. Simply put, the deep web is all information stored on the internet that is not indexed by search engines. You don't need special tools to access the deep web; you just need to know where to look. Specialized search engines, directories and wikis can help users find the data they need.

Many of the best general deep search engines on the Internet have been shut down or acquired, such as Alltheweb and CompletePlanet. However, some tools still work:

  • DeeperWeb is Google's deep search engine.
  • The WWW Virtual Library is the original index on the Internet, more a directory than a search engine.
  • Surfwax - Indexes RSS Feeds

Specialized search engines are generally better for finding information on the deep web than general ones. For example, if you are looking for a lawsuit, use the search for government or national records. If you want academic journals, try Google Scholar or the J-Store. The more specific your search is, the better, otherwise you will simply end up with the same search results as on Google. If you need a specific file type, such as an Excel or PDF file, learn how to specify a search for that file type (for example, enter "file type: PDF" in your DeeperWeb query).

The dark web is a small part of the deep web that is hidden on purpose. A dedicated tool is usually needed to access websites and data on the dark web. The most common types of sites on the dark web are marketplaces where illegal goods such as drugs, firearms, and stolen credit card numbers are bought and sold. The darkest corners are used for hiring hitmen, human trafficking, and child pornography exchanges. However, the dark web contains content and data that can be accessed anonymously. For example, it could be a blog, forum, chat or private game server.

The beauty of the dark is anonymity. Users are free from the prying eyes of governments and corporations.

The Dark Web and Tor are often used by journalists and informants to exchange sensitive information, including Edward Snowden himself. For example, a data dump of Ashley Madison was sent to a site accessible only to Tor users.


The dark web is not one centralized location. Just like the surface network, it is scattered among servers around the world. The most common way to access the dark web is through Tor, short for The Onion Router. Darknet website URLs are often added with ".onion" instead of ".com" or ".org", indicating that they are only accessible to Tor users.

Tor is a network of volunteer relays through which the user's internet connection is relayed. The connection is encrypted and all traffic bounces between relays located around the world.

So how do you get on the Tor network? The easiest way is to download and install Tor Browser. It was built on top of the Firefox browser, so you can browse the web just like you would with any other web browser, except that all traffic is automatically routed through the Tor network. Be sure to download Tor Browser from the official website so you don't risk downloading malware, spyware or any other virus to your device. Officially, the Tor Browser is only available on Windows, Mac and Linux, so many experts advise against using third-party mobile browsers. who use the Tor Network.

Traveling the dark web

You can now safely browse the dark web, but if you plan on doing anything more, there are a few precautions you need to take. If you are planning to make a purchase in the dark web market, for example to buy illegal drugs that could save a dying mother, you need to create a fake identity. This means creating an encrypted email with a new email address, using an alias, creating an anonymous bitcoin wallet, disabling Javascript in the Tor Browser, researching vendors, and more.

Obviously finding these websites is the first task as they won't show up in Google search results. Several search engines that index .onion sites include,, and NotEvil.

Reddit is also a valuable resource for finding the dark web or deep website you're looking for.

We cannot stress that security and anonymity are of the utmost importance to those on darknet websites. Your ISP and government may not be able to view your activity on the Tor network, but they know that you are on the Tor network, and that's enough to draw attention to you. In fact, a recent US Supreme Court decision meant that simply using Tor was a good enough reason for the FBI to seize any computer.

VPN over Tor vs Tor over VPN

VPN allows the user to encrypt all internet traffic and route it through the server. VPN combined with Tor further enhances user security and anonymity. Tor provides anonymity and VPN provides privacy. Combining them reduces risk, but there is an important difference in how these 2 tools interact. Let's discuss Tor over VPN first.

If you connect to a VPN and launch Tor Browser, you are using Tor over VPN, this is the most common method. All of your device's internet traffic goes to the VPN server first, and then it jumps over the Tor network before reaching its destination. Your ISP only sees encrypted VPN traffic and will not know that you are using Tor. This way you can access the .onion websites.

Tor over VPN requires you to trust a VPN provider who can see that you are using Tor and keep metadata logs, even though they cannot actually see the contents of your encrypted traffic over Tor. Traffic logs contain the content of your internet traffic such as searches and the websites you visit, while session logs contain metadata such as yours when you logged into the VPN and how much data was transferred. Traffic logs are more important than session logs, but both are bad for anonymity.

Tor over VPN also does not protect users from malicious Tor exit nodes. Since Tor nodes are made up of volunteers, not all of them play by the rules. The end relay before your traffic goes to the target site is called exit node... The exit node decrypts your traffic and can thus steal your personal information or inject malicious code. Also, Tor Tor nodes are often blocked by websites that don't trust them, and Tor over VPN can't do anything about it either.

Then there is the less popular VPN over Torwhich the official Tor Project website recommends. In this case, the order of the two tools is reversed: Internet traffic first goes through the Tor network and then through the VPN. This means the VPN provider does not see your real IP and the VPN protects you from those bad exit nodes.

The big drawback is that your ISP will know that you are using Tor. VPN over Tor is considered by some to be more secure because it maintains anonymity throughout the entire process.

The main disadvantage is speed, due to the presence of all the nodes through which your traffic passes. Tor itself is a significant bandwidth limitation. Adding a VPN to it, however fast, will make it even slower, so please sit back and wait ...


I2P is an alternative anonymous Tor network. But, unlike Tor, it cannot be used to access the public Internet. I2P can only be used to access hidden services specific to the I2P network. Also I2P cannot be used to access .onion sites because it is a completely separate network from Tor. Instead, I2P uses its own brand of hidden sites called "eepsites".

Why use I2P over Tor? Disadvantages: the I2P network is less popular and cannot be used to access regular websites and is not so easy to use. Both networks use a peer-to-peer routing structure combined with multilayer encryption to make browsing private and anonymous.

However, I2P has several advantages. It is much faster and more reliable than Tor for a number of technical reasons. The peer-to-peer routing structure is more advanced and does not rely on a trusted directory for routing information. I2P uses unidirectional tunnels, so an interceptor can only capture outbound or inbound traffic, not both.

It takes longer for the user to configure I2P than it does to install Tor. I2P must be downloaded and installed, after which the configuration is done through the router console. Then you need to configure individual applications to work with I2P, for example, you need to configure the proxy server settings in a web browser.


Like I2P, Freenet is a standalone network on the network that cannot be used to access sites on the public network. It can only be used to access content uploaded to Freenet, which is a peer-to-peer distributed data store. Unlike I2P and Tor, you don't need a server to host your content. Once you download something, it stays there indefinitely, even if you stop using Freenet.

Freenet allows users to connect in one of 2 modes:

  1. Mode Darknet allows you to specify who your friends are online and only connect and share content with them. This allows groups of people to create closed, anonymous networks composed entirely of people they know and trust.
  2. Mode Opennetwhich automatically assigns peer-to-peer networks. Unlike darknet mode, opennet uses multiple centralized servers in addition to a decentralized peer-to-peer network.

The configuration is pretty straightforward. Just download, install and run. When you open your browser, Freenet is ready and running through its web interface. Please note that you must use a separate browser to use the Freenet network anonymously.

Darknet, Darknet, Darkweb and a dozen more synonyms - all this is the name of the same, namely, a collection of websites hidden from the eyes of ordinary Internet users. You will not find them through your favorite search engine, this is a part of the network hidden from prying eyes. It has its own laws and rules that have nothing to do with the generally accepted ones, and sometimes even violate them. I will try to tell you about what the Darknet is and what any person who wants to get there needs to know.

What is the darknet

The modern Internet can be compared to a huge city. A kind of megalopolis, where there are a lot of neighborhoods in which respectable citizens live - sites. A high level of culture reigns here, the order is especially vigilant. In addition, there are workers' quarters, where the culture is simpler, and are not condemned for strong expressions and distribution of not very decent materials. However, as in any other city, there is a place that is hidden from prying eyes, where rules and laws reign, which are not at all similar to generally accepted ones, and sometimes even violate them. This is where the darkest things on the entire internet usually take place. So it is no coincidence that this place got the name Darknet, that is, in Russian, the dark network.

The Darknet is the most closed section of the world wide web, where even search robots do not enter. An ordinary Internet user is also unlikely to get here by accident, although the one who really needs it will get where he needs it without much difficulty. The more Internet censorship develops, the more the dark web becomes in demand and the more convenient tools for working with it become. Content in Darknete is intentionally not indexed. And if in the rest of the Internet site owners are trying to increase the rating of the site and increase its traffic, in the dark segment they try to make the site as less noticeable to users, especially to law enforcement agencies. For this, encryption, special software, as well as non-standard domain names and protocols are used. All this allows you to hide the IP addresses of the server on which the sites are located. That is, it remains possible for all users to visit the site, but it is almost impossible to find out who the owner of this site is.

The Darknet is a private network in which the connection between users takes place using non-standard protocols and ports, which allows achieving a high degree of anonymity due to the hiding of IP addresses.

Darknet history

The history of the darknet dates back to the 70s of the last century. It was when the prototype of the modern Internet was developed - the ARPANet network. Already at that time, the military department decided to develop a network "for its own". Almost until the beginning of the new century, only a limited number of people knew about this closed network. The first information about it appeared on the Internet when it became known about the invention of The Onion Router (TOR) system, which made it possible to establish a connection through a variety of proxy servers, which would be protected from eavesdropping and tracking, since all data is encrypted.

By the way, the Onion extension, which is used in the Darknet addresses, came from the name of the new technology. Despite the fact that the onion routing system is free and anyone can download absolutely legally necessary software, its protection and security are at the highest level. According to statistics, the number of Tor participants in the world is more than 10 million people.

How to get to the Darknet

Almost all Darknet sites use Tor technology to encrypt data and hide their identity. It allows the user to securely maintain their anonymity on the network, hide their identity and change their location. The same thing happens with sites located in the Tor network. To get to such a site, you must use the same Tor encryption tool in the form of a special browser. However, not all sites on the Darknet use the Tor network. There are also those who use alternative technologies, for example, I2P, although the principle of interaction between the user and the site remains the same. To visit the desired site, you need to use the same encryption tool as the web page hidden from prying eyes.

However, the TOP technology is the most widespread on the dark side of the Internet, which means that if you want to get into the Darknet, you will need to download and install Tor Browser on your computer. This can be done easily from the official website. For more convenient use, it is better to choose the version in Russian. Working with the TOP browser is almost identical to working with any other, you can figure out the intricacies in just a couple of hours.

Search engines Torch or Fess

As I wrote above, the content of the dark web is not indexed by conventional search engines. Nevertheless, users of such sites are not left without a convenient service. The most famous analogs of Google and Yandex in the Darknet are Torch, Grams or Fess. They are similar in their functional features. However, users note that Grams has very spammy results. Torch, on the other hand, is generally weak in sorting the rendered sites. The first in the search results may not be large sites, but completely random pages. But the least complaints about Fess. True, here you also need to remember that in the dark part of the network, all the most interesting is on forums, on non-indexed forums.

Godnotub Catalogs and HD Wiki

The solution to this problem on the public Internet was found even before the search engines appeared, and it is called - directories of links. It is a kind of collection of useful links from which the user selects the one he needs. The most famous are the HD Wiki for the English-speaking audience, as well as Godnotaba for those who, apart from Russian, do not know other languages. True, when working with directories, you need to remember that some of the links will turn out to be inoperative due to the fact that site owners often change their location and domain name for even greater anonymity. Often these are sites that sell illegal goods and services.

Darknet currency

The main currency of the Darknet is the bitcoin cryptocurrency. The popularity of this is due to the specifics of crypto-money, payments of which cannot be tracked, as well as the people who send and receive them. Although Bitcoin is far from the only currency circulating in a hidden part of the World Wide Web. Ethereum, which Vitalik Buterin invented, Zcash, Monero and a number of other cryptocurrencies are also actively used. In any case, if you are going to buy something on the Darknet, you will definitely need your crypto wallet.

Darknet sites

There are not many sites on the darknet. According to various estimates, about 4-8 thousand. Besides, not all of them are associated with the sale of illegal goods or illegal actions. In the dark part of the world wide web, there are quite useful libraries, torrents and just forums where freedom of speech is not a simple sound. In any case, I repeat, a random person just won't get here, and the one who comes does it consciously. I would like to introduce you to the most popular resources of this part of the Internet.


Hydra is a Russian-language anonymous trading platform that has essentially become a social network for everyone associated with the drug business. More than 90% of the goods sold here are drugs. Anyone can register, it is enough to come up with a username and password. The site has a chat where users can chat. Posting messages about the sale is paid, but this does not deter sellers of a specific product. The greatest interest on the forum is caused by three sections: Faq department - where details and secrets of how the drug business works, Hyperlab - recipes for preparing all kinds of drugs and Jobs - where those who wish can find vacancies for sellers and small couriers.


This is the name of the most popular and informative Darknet forum in Russian. His specialization is defense and self-defense. The main sections of the forum are weapons, where books are presented, as well as instructions on weapons and their manufacture, tutorials on the production of explosives, lessons on self-defense and sabotage. In the part of the forum dedicated to safety, there are a lot of materials about methods of wiretapping, surveillance, their detection and protection. The section on information security tells about encryption methods, special programs and utilities that allow you to anonymize your behavior on the network.


Russian-language platform that allows you to buy or sell cryptocurrency. The only difference from ordinary exchangers, which are full in the open network segment, is increased anonymity. In particular, the exchange does not require authorization, confirmation of transactions and, moreover, you can pay for cryptocurrency from terminals. Technical support works well on the site, which helps to solve all problematic issues.


The betting industry has made its way to the darknet. Totet is a Russian-language totalizator where you can place bets on certain events. The only difference from other sweepstakes is that bets are made in bitcoins. This means that bets are made anonymously and it is impossible to track the winner.


Yes, there is a mirror of the largest social network on the darknet. Why is this needed? The service is very popular in countries where Facebook is banned. For example, in China and other countries where the government restricts access to some sites.


It is one of the largest dark side markets on the internet. The site is completely in English, and although registration on it is free, it is very complicated - you need to fill in two dozen fields. Trading on the site is mainly for bitcoins, and the range of products presented is almost the widest in the entire darknet. Here you can buy drugs, drugs, the circulation of which is prohibited by law, personal databases, anonymous bank cards, jewelry, weapons and much more.


An anonymous dark web mail server that is in high demand. True, the demand for it is mainly from very specific users - hackers, ransomware, spies, and also spam services. The letter can only be sent to another address in the Tor network. In order to send letters to mailboxes of the open segment of the Internet, you have to use additional software, which, however, stops few people.

Secrets of the Darknet

Naturally, it is impossible to shed light on all the secrets of the darknet without exception in one article. The word "dark" itself implies that all sites in this segment are hidden from outsiders and it is simply impossible to quickly get into the most hidden sections. They are not indexed by search engines, not even Darkweb itself, so this will require a personal approach, and sometimes an invitation from an already reputable community member.

In short, everything is like in the criminal world, from which, as well as from its secrets, it is better to stay away. In addition, one should not forget that in this network segment the user is practically unprotected. Attackers can spy on them using built-in webcams and microphones. Use the power of their computers for unauthorized mining or DDos attacks. And of course it's worth remembering that Tor technology was invented by the military, who can still use it for their own purposes.

The darknet is a very interesting and equally dangerous thing, so it's not a big exaggeration to say that most people don't need it. In the open segment, you can easily find most of what is hidden on the darknet, unless, of course, you are looking for a drug courier job. In addition, there is a huge number of divorces and deceptions on the darknet, and no one and nothing guarantees user rights. And the preservation of anonymity is also a big question, because otherwise no one would have found the creators of trading platforms selling illegal goods and services, and from time to time such high-profile arrests occur.

Many have heard the term "Darknet", but few know what it means. It is a forked anonymous network, where every visitor can go unnoticed if desired. It is inhabited by hackers whose location or identity is completely impossible to calculate. At all times of its existence, this network was interested not only by ordinary users, but also by the authorities of different countries. If you want to know how to get on the Darknet, read this article.

What is the Darknet?

According to the definition from the Internet encyclopedia, the Darknet is a hidden or dark network, the connection of which occurs between two computers, and not like a global one, between servers. Non-standard ports and protocols are used for connection here. It is based on various VPN tunnels that do not communicate with each other. In order to enter DarkNet, you need to use a special browser, more on that later.

The darknet is a peer-to-peer type of network. The exchange of information between two users is carried out in complete anonymity; it will not work to get into the Darknet using a regular browser. This makes it possible to get away from persecution by the authorities, communicate on any, including prohibited topics, discuss interracial relations, religions, and so on. The anonymous network has long become a haven for various illegal organizations, hackers, arms and drug dealers.

Sometimes the term "darknet" is used for the general concept of defining anonymous nodes on the network, it can refer to "underground" technologies that refer to illegal activities. In any case, every experienced Internet user will tell you that being on the Darknet is unsafe. You can often hear advice that it is not worthwhile to agree with any offers in the form of advertising, and even more so - to download files. Using just one software to stay on an anonymous web is far from enough to go completely unnoticed.

How to enter the hidden network DarkNet

For parents whose children are often on the Internet, there is good news - access to the Darknet from a regular browser and the global network is not possible. In order to get into the dark web, you need to use special browsers.

The thing is that the hidden network always uses other data transfer protocols that differ from the standard ones. Sites here also end differently, for example, .i2p or .onion. And in the names of the sites themselves, character sets are used more often - http://slpwlkryjujyjhct.onion, this site is a store of various goods.

Onion domain names use the Tor browser to access sites with .onion domain names.

This is a special browser, data transfer here is carried out using a chain of proxy servers. A proxy server allows users to hide their real IP address by replacing the user's address with their own. Thus, a high level of anonymity is achieved through a number of intermediaries in the form of proxy servers. But, as already mentioned, this is far from enough for the authorities to be unable to establish your identity.

The Darknet also has its own search engines, the quality of their work is far from Google and Yandex, but for a start they are quite enough. There are also directories of links where you can get the addresses of forums, chats and shops popular here. Visitors are strongly discouraged from turning their attention to sites with shocking content.

Consider the directories and other resources popular on the Darknet:

You should also know that the audience on the Darknet is far from being as extensive as on the global network. Italy is in first place in terms of the number of users worldwide - just under 200 thousand. Approximate rates of visitors in France, Spain and Holland. In Russia, the network is used by 50 to 100 thousand Internet users.

Other features of the Darknet

Unlike the global network, the DuckDuckGo search engine is in high demand on the Darknet. Here he is preferred because of the peculiarity of his work. This search engine does not collect any information about the user and does not track his actions.

Experts say that the entire Internet is divided into 3 main parts - Darknet, Deepnet and the global network. We are already familiar with two of them. Deepnet is a part of the web that relies on pages not indexed by search engines. That is, pages that do not appear in the search results when requested in Google or Yandex. You can get to such pages from a regular browser.

At the same time, the global network, oddly enough, takes only about 4%. There are suggestions that deep and shadow networks are not at all a layer of the global network, but are presented as separate branches. In turn, the hidden networks are divided into several separate ones, and in order to get into a particular Darknet, you need to download the appropriate software.