How can I change the headings of a single publication? Now let's look at how to create a category

Hello! As always, webmaster Alexander is with you. Today we will continue our acquaintance with the world of web technologies and learn how to create headings for the site. But before we start, I'll make a small digression. As you know, websites are a great source of passive income. In the article I told how one friend of mine launched a website that now brings him 100,000 rubles. net profit per month. Agree, it's cool!

So I, when I learned about its results, also thought about creating my own website. A lot of work has already been done, and today I have a little joy! Today the number of visitors who came to my site from search engines has reached a new record high!

1,133 hits from search engines per day , friends! And that's just search traffic. The total attendance was more than 2,000 people per day!

That's it, guys! The project is growing, and this cannot but rejoice. My goal is 10,000 unique visitors per day, and we are gradually getting closer to it. Well, what is a site without articles, and articles - without headings? Let's get down to it now!

Other articles for beginner webmasters

Creating categories in WordPress

Let's take a step-by-step look at what you need to do to create a new category in WordPress.

1) In the administration panel, go to the section Recordings.

2) Go to subsection Categories.

3) In field Name enter the name of the category. In the example in the picture, this is Housing Law.

4) In field Label you need to enter a label that will allow you to link to the category in the URL. This label will be placed at the end of the URL, so that you end up with a link pointing to this category. The heading label should consist of numbers and Latin letters. Spaces are not allowed, but they can be replaced with underscores if desired.

5) In the list Parental select a category that will be parent to ours, that is, our category will become a child of it. If you do not want our heading to be someone else's subcategory, select the Parent item in the list no.

6) In field Description enter a small text that briefly and succinctly describes our new heading. Be sure to fill in this field, this is important for SEO promotion!

7) Push the button Add a new category.

Done! A new rubric has been created. To consolidate the material, be sure to check out this video:

Well, in conclusion, I would like to say, dear readers, that if you decide to create your own website, never stop and see it through to the end! Many people start and abandon the process in the middle, knowing that the site is a very profitable thing. I am sure: You are not one of those who are satisfied with a boring employment in some office. Therefore, you will definitely create a website that will bring good profit!

The WordPress platform has a tool called Categories, which, if used correctly, can achieve great results. In this article, we will analyze the methods of creating a WordPress category, using categories to keep visitors on the site. We will also analyze how to correctly name the categories and where to place them.

You may have wondered is it worth using rubrics or perhaps it's a worthless tool that you don't need. If so, then this article is especially for you, if you are sure that the headings are needed then you will also find portion of useful tips.

What are WordPress categories

"Headings" or as they are also called "categories" were designed to group blog postson a specific topic. WordPress categories linking your posts into certain nodes, the information core, which also serves to improve and speed up the search for the necessary data for the reader.

Creation and name of headings quite a scrupulous occupation, although at first glance everything may look completely different - simple and natural. I assure you it is not so! It is worthwhile to take a responsible approach to creating headings and filling them with records, so that later you do not waste time editing them.

Correctly creating categories in WordPress

You can watch a video tutorial on creating and setting up a category, or read a text guide.

In order to create a rubric you need to go to the menu "Posts" / "Categories".

Going to this menu, we will see a form for creating a category, a list of already created categories, their labels, descriptions, hierarchy among themselves, as well as the number of records in this group.

Initially, we are interested in creating a rubric, and this is what we will do further. Let's analyze the first way to create a category:

  1. To start set the name of the WordPress category.The title should be thoughtful and appealing. We will talk about this a little later.
  2. Assign a shortcut to a category, which will be specified in the category url. If your links and domain name are written in Latin letters, then it is worth giving labels in the same way, although this is not a rule.
  3. We indicate the parental affiliation of the category,if such is of course available. This is required for a large number of headings, or for a more specific grouping in a certain range of topics. Appointment of subheadings.
  4. Specify a WordPress Category Description... If you need to describe a heading for a better understanding of what this category is about, then feel free to express your thoughts in this form. You can also learn more about how to display this description.
  5. Having finished entering the data for the category, click on the "Add a new category" button, after which you can place your posts in it.

    The second way to create a category is to add a new category directly from the text editor where you create your posts.

    This creation takes place on the right side panel of the editor, in the "Categories" item. As we can see, when creating a category directly in the editor, we do not get the ability to set a label and description... But don't be upset, we can always enter this data by editing the heading as shown in the previous method.

    After adding a new category, we can immediately identify the current article in the newly created category, this is quite convenient.

    How can I change the headings of a single publication?

    It so happens that you are mistaken when choosing the category to which the publication will belong. It doesn't matter, everything can be changed quickly enough.

    The action plan is as follows:

    1. We go to the admin panel.
    2. Go to the menu item Records / All records.
    3. Find the post for which you want to make changes.
    4. Click on the change button (below the post name).
    5. When editing the entry opens in the right column, we find the "Categories" block.
    6. We remove and deliver the necessary checkboxes opposite the headings.
    7. Click to update.

    In this way, you can change the headings for publication.

    Setting up a category widget in WordPress

    To get a list of categories in WordPress and display it on the site, you usually use the Categories widget. To add a widget to the sidebar, just go from the admin panel to the "Appearance" / "Widgets" menu tab and drag the "Categories" widget to the required area, after saving the settings, the list of categories will appear on the site pages.

    After you've dragged the widget to the sidebar, you can make the following change settings:

    1. Change the name of the heading block. For example, change the word heading to "Categories", "Topics" or any other word.
    2. Select the display method as a drop-down menu.
    3. At the end of the heading name, add the number of entries in this category.
    4. Show a strict hierarchy of headings, highlight subcategories.

    How to name WordPress categories correctly

    In order to name the new category correctly it is necessary to accurately determine its future content. When creating a heading, we must know in advance what entries will be in it, on what topic they will be written and what purpose they will have. It is very important!

    As soon as we let's decide on the topic of the headingwe have to come up with a generic title that would fit all the articles in this group. For example, our site is about cars, and we have ten posts about the VAZ car brand, which contains descriptions of ten different modifications of this model. Will the name for this heading "VAZ" be common to all entries? Of course! Based on this concept, we must name the rubrics correctly! If you do not know how to call it then remember this "WHA" and give the same general name for your topic, in one or two or three words.

    Where and how to host WordPress categories

    How categories can keep visitors on the site

    Categories are inherently a site navigation and search tool. The more interesting the names are and the more accurately they reveal the topic, the more effective their use will be.

    So, back to our car site, our visitor went to the site from a search engine for a specific request about "VAZ", read what he was interested in and was already thinking to leave, but then he sees on the site a link to the category "VAZ News" or something in this spirit. HE thinks yes, what if I read outdated information and comes in to read what's new about this car brand. This method can increase the number of clicks on your site, which will give weight in the eyes of search engines and even more attract customers or readers.

    In this non-tricky way, categories are able to keep your visitors on the site longer.

    Finally:use headings, group records, make it easier for your visitors to search, make interesting and informative names for headings and you will get your share of the reward for this. Hope this was helpful.

This article focuses on the issue of the site.

First, you need to install the "Categories" block on the cover of the site. I will proceed from the assumption that this block is not on the site (see Fig. 1)

(fig 1)

Go to the WordPress site editing panel (). Then in the console, click the Appearance and Widgets tab. You will be taken to the "Widgets" page. Next, find the "Categories" panel and click the "Add" link (see Figure 2)

(fig. 2)

You will be presented with the "Category Widget" page (see Figure 3). On this page:

1. Select the right or left side column on the cover of your site, where the block with headings will be located;

2. Choose how the block with headings will be located on the top of the side panel;

3.After selecting the position of the block, click the "Save widget"

On this page, you can also select additional features that visually affect the site.

(fig 3)

After that, the "Categories" panel will appear in the place that you selected(see fig 4) ... To change the location of the "Categories" block, click the "Change" link on the panel.

(fig. 4)

There is another option for moving the "Categories" panel to the side columns. To do this, find the "Categories" panel on the page of available widgets and by clicking on it once with the left mouse button and without releasing the button, drag it to the desired side column. Then release the mouse button and the "Categories" panel will automatically be fixed in the column (see Figure 5)

(Figure 5)

Click on the triangle in the "Categories" panel and the panel will expand. Then, at the discretion, select the proposed functions. After all the changes, always click the "Save" button (see Figure 6)

(fig. 6)

See how the "Categories" block will look like on the cover of the site (see Fig. 7)

(fig. 7)

Now let's look at how to create a category

In order to create a heading or several headings. In the management console, click Records and Categories (see Figure 8). You will be taken to the "Add New Category" page.

In the line "Title" enter the name of your category. For example, I entered the name "Education".

Slightly lower in the line "Label" enter the same category name, but only in Latin letters.

If you create only the first category, then, accordingly, you will have one for now, and you will not be able to select a parent category. If in the future in your original heading you want to create chapters or sections, then you can select the original heading as a parent and then the newly created heading will be located in it.

After entering the name and label of the category, click the button below "Add a new category".

(Figure 8)

After that, the newly created heading will appear in the list of created headings. If this is the first and so far the only section, then it will be one. Since I have several headings, they are all displayed in this list (see Fig. 9). If it becomes necessary to change the name of the category, you need to click on the name with the mouse.

(Figure 9)

After that, you will be taken to the "Change Category" page. Here you change the name and label, respectively, to any other. After changing the name, click on the "Update" button (see Figure 10).

(Figure 10)

In order for the heading to be visible on the cover of the site, it needs a more or less interesting article and corresponding photos in the article. Or just post interesting photos. Then put a tick in front of the previously created heading and click on the "Publish" button (see Fig. 11)

(fig. 11)

The second way to create a rubric.

1. First write an article and / or upload a photo, or better, or both together.

2. Open the "Categories" tab by clicking on the triangle;

3.Click "Add a new category";

4. In the active line, enter the name of the category;

5.Click the "Add new category" button and the category will be created automatically.

(fig. 12)

See how articles and headings will look on the site (see fig. 13, 14)

(fig. 13)

(fig. 14)

If you find any inaccuracies or incomprehensible moments, let us know in the comments.

Hello, friends. The Business Experiment continues and gains momentum. And in this article I will talk about creation of site categories , I will show in the video how I created categories for my experimental site, how to create categories faster and more conveniently, how to create a description correctly, and why it is all so important. Go:

And let's go straight to the video tutorial, which shows almost everything you need. Read the rest under the video. We look:

I think now everyone understands how to quickly create categories on your site and where to enter the description of the categories. Now let's talk about equally important things regarding the headings of your site:

How to come up with a name for site categories

Do not forget that the names of the headings should also carry a semantic load. And if my experimental site has a heading “Everything about sports”, then I post there articles about sports, and not about sports betting, news, etc.

But best of all, when the names of the headings are both key phrases and carry a semantic load, for example, the heading of this site "", which tells about all the methods of site promotion, and other similar headings.

Why does the site need categories

Headings are needed so that site visitors can easily navigate on it, so that they can quickly find the information they need on the relevant topic. It is very convenient for visitors, and can also have a positive effect in site promotion, because site categories are also indexed by search engines as separate ones.

How many categories does a site need

Here the flight of fantasies is unlimited. Over time, the site always has more and more headings. Personally, it’s always like this: first, a number of headings are invented, then articles are written for them, the site is being developed, and by chance the idea of \u200b\u200ba new additional heading appears, then another, and so on. So come up with as much as you can, and then come up with more.

Creating a category description

This is a very important part of creating rubrics! As I said before, search engines index categories as separate pages (search queries). At the same time, some also allow indexing the description of these headings. I'll say right away that I don't know how to determine this. Those. it turns out that the description is indexed as a separate page, and the more correct it is written, the more likely it is to get into the TOP for a given query (category name).

Therefore, the description should be created, like articles for the site - with all the keywords, fully, but not forgetting about the human factor. If all this is always taken into account, then, of course, it will not get worse.

Don't miss new articles on this site by subscribing to new articles on the right. But do not forget about the old and very important articles, which provide the most essential basics of all the basics of creating and maintaining blogs and websites.

I wish you success!

And remember: everyone can make big money on the Internet!

WordPress headings are an element of a site's taxonomy that improves site organization and navigation. WordPress categories are created by the site administrator. By their structure, they can have a tree-like structure with an arbitrary nesting depth of child headings.

The meaning of creating site headings and attaching each article to a separate heading is to improve site navigation for users and increase the relevance (preference) of the site in search results, among search robots. It is believed that search engines "love" strictly organized documents with a hierarchical structure of subordination, as this allows them to more easily bypass sites when crawling.

Important! In the WordPress system, unlike other systems, it became possible to attach one article to several categories. This technique increases, although the system assigns the main and secondary headings of the article.

Managing WordPress categories

The form for adding a category is pretty simple. It is worth paying attention to the "Label" for the heading. The category label will be reflected in the URL of articles and categories. If you do not fill in the label, the system will generate it on its own. If you are using transliteration plugins, the shortcut will be translated automatically. You can add a heading label yourself. The label on the site, like the name of the section, must be unique. When using the same labels, the system will automatically add a hyphen-separated number to them.

The description of the section is optional, but for optimization is desirable. The description should be small, characters 160-165 and unique within the site and the Internet. Some topics show a description of the headings on the site when opening the heading archive. How to beautifully design a page of headings read in the article.