How to make charging faster. How to charge your mobile device faster. Types of batteries and their features

An overview of the current reasons for the slowdown in phone charging. Several ways to solve slow charging.


Almost all modern smartphones and tablets are equipped with large and bright displays, and powerful hardware is hidden under their body, which requires a lot of energy to operate. Any tablet or smartphone, by virtue of its purpose, should be able to work on a single battery charge without the need to recharge as long as possible.

However, in addition to the size of the battery, the speed of its recharging is also of great importance. Thanks to new technologies, almost any modern gadget is able to replenish the battery charge to the maximum in about one hour of power from the outlet. But, unfortunately, it often happens that the charging speed declared by the developers does not correspond to reality or disappears over time.

In our article, we will analyze the possible reasons why the phone began to discharge quickly and tell you how to speed up its charging.

Which phones charge fast?

  • It is logical to assume that the fastest-charging smartphones and tablets are those with a fast charging function. However, the mere presence of this function does not give any guarantee that your smartphone will charge faster than others.
  • The fact is that different models of smartphones from different manufacturers have batteries with different charge volumes. Accordingly, the larger the battery, the longer it will take to charge to the maximum.
    Reviewers from the popular English-language publication Phonearena in 2016, based on our own tests, we compiled a graph where you can compare the charging speed of the most current smartphone models. Oddly enough, smartphones from manufacturers turned out to be the worst of all Apple, Sony and Huawei, and the leaders in charging speed are Motorola, OnePlus and Lg... We suggest that you familiarize yourself with this schedule yourself:

The phone stopped charging quickly, began to charge badly - for a long time and slowly: reasons

If the speed of your smartphone suddenly dropped significantly, then this could happen for various reasons. The problem may lie in both technical and software problems. Let's take a look at the most popular reasons the phone charges slower:

Weak power supply

  • Absolutely all modern smartphones have the ability to charge not only from the outlet, but also from other devices, such as a computer or an external power bank via a USB port.
  • Although the USB port is supplying sufficient voltage ( 5W), the current strength, which directly affects the charging speed of the battery, is much weaker in it than in a standard home outlet on 220 volt.
  • USB 2.0 ports have a current limited 500 mA, and in USB 3.0 ports, the amperage is increased to 900 mA... The amperage in a home outlet is significantly higher than in USB ports. Accordingly, the battery will be charged through the socket at maximum speed. It all depends on how much power the battery and cable can withstand.

Damage to the adapter or wear on the battery

  • Slow charging speed of the smartphone may be due to physical damage to the charger. Broken charger cords with metal fibers protruding from them are not capable of carrying enough current to quickly charge the device. In some cases, smartphones connected to a power source with damaged cords, on the contrary, are discharged.
  • If the smartphone has been in use for several years, then it is likely that the reason for the slow charging is a "spilled" battery. The only possible solution to this problem is to replace the battery. Fortunately, today it is possible to replace even built-in batteries in special services.

Problematic firmware

  • There is an opinion that the operating system of a smartphone does not affect its charging speed in any way. However, this opinion is erroneous. In any operating system, system processes are constantly active, which, in one way or another, consume a certain amount of energy. Even if the smartphone is in sleep mode and connected to an outlet, some of the energy will be consumed by these processes, which, in turn, will slow down battery recharging.
  • In beta versions of mobile operating systems, there are often many processes running at the same time that do not close even when the phone is put into sleep mode. The same applies to unofficial firmware downloaded from the Internet. Therefore, the best solution would be to abandon the beta version of the OS and wait for the stable version to be released.
    It is better to bypass unofficial firmware altogether, since they affect not only the battery charging speed, but can also completely kill your smartphone in the literal sense of the word.

How do I make my phone charge faster?

If you have ruled out all the reasons described above for which there may be a problem with the charging speed of the device, then the only thing you can still try is to use an adapter with a larger amperage for charging. The main thing is that its voltage does not exceed standard 5W.

There are also several rules, compliance with which will help speed up the charging of your device:

  • Charge your smartphone in off mode;
  • If you are waiting for a call or SMS, put your smartphone into sleep mode and put it on charge;
  • If you need to use a smartphone in charging mode, turn off the sound on it, lower the screen brightness to a minimum and activate flight mode. In flight mode, you will not be able to use the Internet or receive calls;
  • Do not charge your smartphone via USB ports or wireless charging stations. Use an adapter plugged into an outlet;
  • Get yourself an external power bank. It will not affect the charging speed of your device in any way, but you will always have an additional source of energy at your fingertips;

In conclusion, I would like to warn you against using applications supposedly created to save battery power and increase charging speed. Such applications are actively advertised for devices based on the Android operating system, but they do much more harm than good.

Applications such as GO Battery Saver, Battery care, Amplify and others will constantly scan the system for unnecessary active processes in the background, thereby consuming battery power at a terrible rate.

In addition, many of these applications are filled with intrusive advertising links, which, if clicked, can result in a virus infection on the device. To disable unnecessary background processes, it is best to reboot your device frequently.

VIDEO: Why did the smartphone start charging slowly?

Hardly anyone today can imagine their usual day without a smartphone. This device serves not only for communication, but helps in study and work, replaces the player, camera, computer and video camera. Therefore, if the battery of the gadget is discharged at the wrong time, it can turn into a real disaster. How to quickly charge your phone and what to do to maximize battery life are the answers to these questions in our article.

Most mobile phone owners have Android devices. If you need an emergency charging of the gadget, you can use such life hacks.

  1. Switch your smartphone to air mode. This option enables blocking of all signals coming to the device. Therefore, the battery will be able to charge 25% faster than in normal mode.
  2. Disconnect the phone. This method will allow you to minimize energy costs. Of course, this will not work to receive and send calls while charging. But if the situation is critical, sacrifices must be made.
  3. Give the gadget a rest. After putting the battery to charge, you need to move away from the device. After all, even just turning on the screen additionally drains the battery.
  4. Remove the cover. This advice is especially relevant during the hot season. Indeed, in a protective shell, the phone receives additional overheating to what is already in the environment. A cooled battery can charge more efficiently.
  5. Charge with a wall outlet. The USB port of a computer or laptop does not provide fast charging, just like popular wireless devices. Only standard cable and 220 volts.
  6. Use a quality adapter. Cheap chargers not only slow down the charging speed, but also negatively affect the operation of the gadget. Better to get a normal device from your phone manufacturer.

With the help of special programs, you can speed up the charging time of your Android. The DU Battery Saver and Avast battery saver apps ensure optimal power consumption, increasing battery life by 15 - 30%.

Very fast iPhone charging

Owners of Apple devices can also significantly speed up the battery charging process with helpful tips.

  1. Power saving mode helps you charge your phone quickly. After all, the less energy the device consumes, the faster it will replenish its reserves. The iOS 11 model already has a quick switch button for this mode; in older iPhones, go to the battery settings.
  2. If you do not use the gadget while recharging, the process will go much faster. In the case when you have to get out and every minute is precious, it is better to turn off the phone altogether.
  3. The included "airplane" mode allows you to charge your iPhone up to 30 - 40 percent in half an hour. Indeed, in this state, network search, wi-fi, GPS and bluetooth are turned off, which affect the energy consumption of the device.
  4. Removing the protective case from your iPhone will speed up charging. The whole secret is in the heating of the battery, which occurs under the additional "clothing" and requires energy for cooling.
  5. Apple recommends using the original device to recharge the battery in its rules for use, and also using an outlet rather than a USB connector on your computer.
  6. If there is no other way out, and you have to use USB charging, you need to turn off synchronization, which draws additional energy, and also make sure that your computer or laptop does not "fall asleep."

To optimize battery consumption, you can use the Mobile Doctor pro iPhone app.

Ways to quickly charge Windows Phone

Newer models from Microsoft, such as the Lumia 950 XL, have a tuned battery with a function that allows you to charge your phone very quickly. In just half an hour, the battery was accelerated by 50 percent.

But the secrets of extremely fast charging will be useful for the owners of smartphones of this brand.

  1. No need to touch your phone while charging. This uses the remaining battery power to backlight the screen and open applications.
  2. It is worth putting the gadget into "airplane mode". This optimizes the operation of all applications and reduces the functionality of the device. But the battery recharge rate is increasing.
  3. A radical and effective method is to turn off your phone. Nothing will distract the smartphone from its energy recharge work.
  4. It is necessary to give up wireless charging and the method via the USB port of the computer. They work too slowly, so they are not suitable in an emergency.

Powerbank worth buying. Then, if the drive is charged, you can connect a device to it, and even if slowly, but charge it right on the go, if you need to rush to the road.

It became clear how to charge the gadget as quickly as possible. Is it possible to use the precious charge that the battery has received especially carefully?

This requires:

  • close all unnecessary applications at the moment;
  • make the screen brightness to minimum;
  • disable mobile data, wireless network, if you do not use them;
  • set the minimum time in the settings to automatically turn off the gadget screen and lock it;
  • remove additional vibration mode;
  • connect headphones to listen to music, do not use speakers;

turn off system sounds.
And the following tips will help you make your smartphone battery last much longer from one charge to the next.

  1. It is better not to charge the gadget to 100 percent and not to discharge it to zero. The battery is more suitable to be in a state of 40 - 80%, which prolongs its service life. Therefore, if you choose between several charges a day for a couple of percent and complete emptying, and then a full charge, then the first option should be preferred.
  2. Once a month - one and a half, you should completely discharge the battery of the gadget, and then do a full charge cycle to the maximum. This process adjusts the battery threshold settings.
  3. It is necessary to use an original, so-called, native charging device. Only it ensures maximum safety of the device and preserves the factory characteristics of the battery.
  4. Do not overheat or overcool your smartphone. Temperatures below 40 or above 35 degrees are no longer suitable for using gadgets. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the device from the sun, heating devices and extreme weather conditions.
  5. If the battery is not in use, it is better not to store it completely discharged, it must be brought to at least 30-40 percent before removing it. Otherwise, the battery will have to be discarded after several months of improper storage.

By listening to advice, you can make sure that your smartphone is always ready at the right time to help in communication, work or study. It is very easy to follow the rules, you just have to be willing.

Smartphone users, regardless of "religion", that is, which device (iOs or Android) you have in your hands, know that you shouldn't leave the house with an empty battery. What to do when only a few minutes are left before going to work or on business. In today's article, we will find the answer to an acute question: how to quickly charge the phone so that it will work at least 3-4 hours. We will warn you right away, we do not live in a fairy tale and it will not work to fill the battery in 30 seconds to 100%, such technologies are under development.

Manufacturers of Android gadgets have repeatedly announced the so-called "Fast Charge" function. Samsung, Motorola, HTC tried to solve the problem of fast charging the smartphone without killing the battery of the device, some of them succeeded, but for the general mass it remained at the level of marketing illusions.

For example, the Samsung Galaxy S5 can be charged up to 30% in 15 minutes from zero percent, a good indicator, but still not the ultimate dream of many users. Unfortunately, Apple does not declare this function in its devices, but it is there! Fast charging of the legendary iphone has become especially relevant with the release of the energy-intensive iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 7, 7 Plus to the market, let alone the 8 model of the iPhone, which, according to statements, will have a capacity of 3000 mAh.

Since the overwhelming majority of devices do not have a built-in emergency charging function, a little below we will analyze how to quickly charge almost any phone in 10 minutes, give examples and even attach a video instruction.

We use a powerful power source

The first thing that comes to mind is to take a more powerful power adapter, the decision is correct, but you need to know some life hacks.

Not many people know that the iPad comes with a powerful charger that gives out 2.1 amperes, with it you can charge not only iOs devices, but also Android smartphones, whether it be the Galaxy series or any other. You just have to replace for a while the regular iPad lanyard with lighting connector, with micro USB, fortunately, the adapter has a USB connector.

If there is no such power source, no problem, you can purchase a power supply unit that produces 2.1 amperes minimum at any store like "Svyaznoy" or "Euroset". There are a lot of similar devices, the main thing is not to take cheap Chinese fakes. They work on the strength for a couple of months and, what is most sad, do not give out the declared current, there are also power surges.

To understand how long it takes to fill the phone battery with energy, you need to be able to correctly calculate the charging time. It sounds more complicated than it really is.

The principle of the charger is quite simple, when the charger is connected to a network with a voltage of 220 Volts, the voltage drops to 5 V and is converted into direct current. To calculate how long the smartphone battery will take to charge, it is enough to know the capacity in mAh and the output current of the unit. Take, for example, the common output values \u200b\u200bof 5 V and 1000 mA, this means that with a battery capacity of 1000 mAh, it will take about 1 hour to fill the battery to 100%. For a standard smartphone, the charging time will be approximately 2-3 hours, provided that the original charger with a calibrated output voltage is used.


Specialized programs will help not only if there is an urgent need to recharge the smartphone (iPhone or Samsung, it does not matter, for all platforms there are similar tools), but also in cases when the battery on the phone is quickly and unexpectedly discharged. Let's take a look at how to save battery power for each platform separately.

Android platform

How can you save battery power using DU Battery Saver and avast battery saver apps for android platform?

DU Battery Saver app can manage power profile settings. A modern interface and many useful options will help you save cell phone energy. The operating time increases by 10-30% if you follow all the tips and tooltips carefully.

Avast battery saver is not far behind in functionality, Samsung owners simply have to install it in order to extend the life of the device by several hours. The application will help to optimize the power supply schemes of the Android OS.

iOs platform

The Mobile Doctor pro application for iPhone will help you figure out which of the applications or interfaces is eating up the device's battery so much. An excellent informative program for those who like to control their device completely.

Other ways to recharge the battery

There are a lot of banal and at the same time unusual ways of filling a device with energy. Let's consider some of them.

We use a computer or laptop

How can I charge my phone without using a charger? It's simple, plug the cable into your computer's usb port. Some models of laptops and PCs have a special connector with increased output voltage, up to 2.1 amperes. This will answer the question of many users of smart gadgets, how to quickly charge any phone from a computer via usb. The charging time in this case will be no more than 2 hours for iOs and Android smartphones.

We charge the battery directly

Connecting any charger directly to the battery will help restore the battery to work, even if the power controller on the iPhone or Samsung has burned out. To do this, you need to connect the battery contacts to the so-called "frog".

How to charge the phone with a frog - at the top of the video you can see how, using the antennae of the charger, the phone's battery is charged directly, without using additional straps and controllers.

So it's quite possible to charge the phone battery without the phone itself, you just need to know what means to use for this.

Turn on power saving mode or air mode

Enabling the power saving mode for iPhones and Android devices will help reduce the charging time of the smartphone's battery by 20-30%, that is, in real terms it will be 20-30 minutes. If you need to fill the indicator up to only 30-40 percent, it will take no more than 30 minutes, when the air mode is on.

Air mode disables network search functions, disables wi-fi, bluetooth, GPS wireless interfaces. All of this significantly affects the power consumption of the device, therefore, the battery is charged at an accelerated rate.

Question answer

Is it possible to charge a regular phone with charging with a higher or increased current strength?

Yes you can, but be careful. Too much voltage can damage the power controller, and replacing this module is expensive. Do not exceed the current more than two or three times, the battery will not be able to take any more, but it is quite possible to set the microcircuits on fire.

Is it true that fast charging kills a li-ion battery?

When using quality accessories, it is not realistic to kill a smartphone battery. But if you conduct experiments and charge with a current of 3-4 amperes, then 100% you will have problems with the battery. Perhaps he will survive several cycles, but the consequences will be sad, in any case.

The adapter with increased current can be used only in emergency cases, which does not kill the iPhone until the end of the warranty.

How can I charge my phone through headphones?

No, this is possible only for some devices, for example, the iPod has this function. There are such technologies for smartphones, but they have not gained popularity due to the lack of ease of use by the end user.

How to charge Samsung phone or iPhone via wifi?

There is no such possibility. Power controllers have not yet been invented that can capture microwave radiation from wi-fi transmitters and convert them into energy to power the batteries sufficiently. If someone is trying to sell you something or impose an iPhone or Samsung alteration service, you are a charlatan. Most likely, he will simply ruin the device and disappear with the money.


On the net you can find a considerable number of instructions on how to increase the battery life of your phone on Android or iOS, but there are almost no materials telling how to make it charge faster. In this article, we will take a closer look at this issue.

Charge your phone from the mains

The most obvious option is to charge your phone from the mains rather than using a USB cable. This is due to the fact that the current supplied to the USB ports, in most cases, is lower than that required for normal charging of the phone, which leads to a decrease in the battery charge rate.

Turn off your phone when charging

It will also be useful to turn off your smartphone, or at least switch it to "in flight" mode. So he will spend less energy, or not spend it at all.

If you cannot remain without connection, then it makes sense just not to touch the phone while it is charging. After all, turning on / off the screen and using the network consumes battery power, which can significantly reduce its charging speed.

Avoid overheating or hypothermia

Due to the design features, smartphone batteries discharge faster when overheated and when overcooled. Accordingly, battery charging under such conditions is slower. Accordingly, in order to avoid this, it is enough to charge your smartphone at room temperature and not leave it in direct sunlight or under an air conditioner.

Optimize USB charging

To do this, first of all, it is worth turning off synchronization when connected to a computer, since this rather energy-intensive process significantly affects the speed of charging batteries from USB. Also in the first paragraph, we said that the current strength in the USB ports is less than that of network adapters. But that's not all, because USB ports are different and the current at a 2.0 standard port will be less than with 3.0 standard, so it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the performance characteristics of your computer and connect the phone to ports of later standards. Also, not all laptops supply voltage to the USB ports when they are in sleep or hibernation mode, this is also worth considering.

Service your battery

Lithium-ion batteries are rather capricious devices and require at least once a month to function properly. Calibration is performed by running the battery through a full cycle, that is, you need to fully charge it, and then discharge it until the device is completely turned off.

Some smartphones have the unpleasant property of discharging at the most inopportune moment, and therefore sometimes it becomes necessary to charge the device as quickly as possible. However, not all users know how to do this. There are some tricks by which you can significantly speed up the charging process, which will be discussed in this article.

A few simple recommendations will help you complete the task, which can be applied both together and each separately.

Don't touch your phone

The easiest and most obvious method to speed up charging is to simply stop using the device for this period. Thus, the power consumption for the display backlight and other functionalities will be minimized, which will allow the smartphone to be charged much faster.

Close all applications

Even if you don't use the device while it is charging, some open applications will still consume battery. Therefore, it is necessary to close all minimized and open programs.

To do this, open the application menu. Depending on the brand of your smartphone, this can be done in two ways: either press and hold the lower center button, or simply tap on one of the other two. When the required menu opens, close all applications with swipes to the side. Some phones have a button "Close all".

Turn on airplane mode or turn off your phone

To achieve the best effect, you can put your smartphone in airplane mode. However, in this case, you lose the ability to answer calls, receive messages, and so on. Therefore, the method is not suitable for everyone.

To enter airplane mode, hold the side power off button of your phone. When the corresponding menu appears, click on "Flight mode" to activate it. This can be done through the "curtain", having found there the button of the same name with an airplane icon.

If you want to achieve maximum effect, then you can completely turn off the phone. To do this, do all the same steps, only instead of "Flight mode" select item "Shutdown".

Charge your phone via a wall socket

If you want to quickly charge your mobile device, then it is worth using only the outlet and wired charger. The fact is that charging using a USB connection to a computer, laptop, portable battery or wireless technology takes much longer. Moreover, the native charger is also much more efficient than its purchased counterparts (not always, but in most cases, for sure).


As you can see, there are several good tricks that can significantly speed up the charging process of your mobile device. The best of them is to turn off the device completely while charging, but it is not suitable for all users. Therefore, you can use other methods.