How to make a YouTube channel without an account. How to create a youtube channel and upload your first video! Create a YouTube channel from your phone

How to create a YouTube channel correctly. I wonder if there is at least one person on the network who does not want to create their own YouTube channel? I doubt it. Everyone understands that YouTube is growing in popularity every day.

It is available to everyone, easy to understand, and most importantly, free. YouTube makes it possible to communicate with each other, regardless of location; quickly transfer information; sell goods and services, promote your own or someone else's brand, promote partner products, attract traffic to sites, blogs, channels.

Many interesting features and functions are provided by YouTube.

What you need to do to access YouTube

To access YouTube, you need to register a Google account and. If you have already done this or there is any registration in Google services, then write the word "youtube" in the browser or click here ... A page will open with 2 login buttons: bottom left and top right.

Youtube login button

Any login button will lead to this page:

Enter your Google account or Gmail details, which are the same. This is how you are logged into YouTube. But this is not yet a YouTube channel.

What can you do on YouTube

- put "Likes";
- mark videos that you like;
- subscribe;
- receive recommendations from YouTube.

You can not:
- add videos yourself;
- comment on other videos;
- you will not be able to create playlists.

In order to do this, you need to properly create a YouTube channel.

How to create a YouTube channel

What is important to do BEFORE creating a YouTube channel?

The channel is almost created, there is only one last step left and now I propose to stop and answer the questions:
What will be the channel: personal author's or for business, firm? If personal, then with your own name or with a different name? What is the topic of the channel? What materials will you upload: news videos, educational, entertaining, children's, selling?

Important tip:
When choosing a channel topic, pay attention to 2 points:

  • Does anyone have such a topic on the net and already promoted? Look, think about it, in any case you need to know your competitor by sight.
  • Money and prospects. Let me explain - can you make money on this topic? Prospects are assessed from this point of view, in 3-5-10 will the need for this topic disappear? For example: the passion for photography is squeezed out in the market by shooting with cameras.

When you answer these questions for yourself, then enter in the browser bar. In the upper right corner is the Login. Click and enter your Google account and Gmail inbox details. You need to confirm your personal data via SMS or voicemail to your phone number. This is done only once during registration. The phone number will not be tied anywhere, you can use the phone of any familiar person.

One more detail, if you are on the YouTube site with a Google account, you can click on the Add video button, YouTube will offer you to create a channel, as in the picture:

And now you have entered your YouTube channel.

Hi guys. Outside the window, summer is in full swing, without stopping from work (it's great when you can take it with you), we are planning a new trip and 2 rafting with friends in our native Perm region.

In the previous article, we looked at the steps with you, and today we will deal directly with creating our channel on YouTube and then setting it up.

I’ll explain right away that without a Google account, you cannot create a YouTube channel. If you have previously registered and created a single Google account, then in order to create your channel, you need to sign in to it. In this case, you can skip the instructions for creating a new account and go to the section of the article "How to create a YouTube channel".

Well, and who is a completely newbie, let's start by order.

How to create a new Google account

Step 1

Go to and in the right corner we press the blue button "Login".

Step 2

In the login window that opens, click "Create account".

Step 3

We fill out a standard questionnaire, all the necessary data to create a new profile.

In the questionnaire, you can use your email address, it is not necessary to create a new one in the system. For example, I have an account created for my Maylov e-mail.

The phone number can also be left blank, but in the future, so that all functions are available (official affiliate networks, etc.), YouTube will still ask you to enter and confirm the number. So it's better to use your number right away.

I also advise you to do double authentication by SMS after creating an account, then no one will be able to enter your profile with all Google services, including YouTube.

Watch the video tutorial.

How to create a YouTube channel

Creating a channel is even easier.

Step 1

Return to, in the left column, click on the "My Channel" tab and you will see a window for creating a new channel, or go to "YouTube Settings".

And in the very first settings tab, click "Create channel", there are two buttons.

Step 2

A window appears in which you need to write what your channel will be called.

There are 3 options for how to name the channel:

  1. If it's a personal channel, then we leave our first and last name.
  2. You can name the channel with the name of your project.
  3. Sharpen under the target search query. I talked about this in the article about how to choose a theme for your channel (the link will be later).

In any case, the name of your channel can be changed later.

All! Congratulations! You have created a completely empty new YouTube channel. Now I will also consider how you can create a second channel and basic account settings, and in subsequent articles we will deal with setting up the channel itself (appearance, optimization, design, etc.).

How to create a second channel

You can create multiple channels on one Google account. To do this, go to YouTube Settings again.

You will see instead of the button where it was written simply "Create channel", the button "Show all channels or create a new one" appeared.

Consider the required account settings

Who created a new Google account, let's look at the account settings, do not confuse them with setting up all the functions of the channel itself. We will set up the channel itself, as I said, later, all in order, so that you don't get confused.

So, we go here again, where they pressed the button "Create channel".

On the left are the settings tabs.

general information

In this section, in the future, you can change the channel name, password, watch all your channels and create a new one.

By clicking on the "Advanced" button, functions will open with the help of which you can:

  1. Set channel URLs. (For example:
  2. Link a channel to a page on Google Plus.
  3. See sites that have access to your account.
  4. Delete your channel.

Linked accounts

In the second tab of the settings, you can link your channel to a page on Twitter, and when you upload new videos to microblog Twitter, news about the added video will be automatically released. Since I manually publish news about the release of a video to social networks, this function is disabled for me.


This is where you can customize what your preferences will be shown to users and subscribers. You can hide which videos you liked, who you followed and which videos you uploaded.

I think many have met the dull "footcloths" of text on the Internet. Such that it is impossible to read them without nausea. Sometimes they are difficult to understand, which is why they lead to fatigue, fatigue and confusion in the head.

Video materials are another matter. They are more popular among Internet users than articles. They are more interesting and simpler.

Where are the videos posted? The most popular video hosting site in the world is YouTube, with several million channels and new content every day. This is where you can find a new audience looking for simple, understandable and interesting videos.

But before you start uploading videos, you need to learn how to create a Youtube channel. I will talk about this further.

Create a Google account

Since the video hosting is integrated with the most popular search network in the world, you will need a Gmail account to register a channel on Youtube. If you don't have it yet, then start it.

It's very simple to do this: take 2-3 minutes. First, go to and look for the Sign In button in the upper right corner.

Now you have a Gmail account, which means we move on to the next part of the article - how to register with YouTube and create a channel.

YouTube channel registration

I think you had no problems with your Google account. If so, then congratulations - the only thing left is to create the channel itself.

Go to the website and click on the profile of the man in the upper right corner, a list of available actions will open below. Select "My Channel" and click:

A menu for creating a channel will open (in the screenshot below). Click on "Create Channel" (below, in the right corner) and proceed to the next step:

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is here that you choose the name of the channel. Options: your first and last name, project name, search queries, or something else. In any case, mistakes are not scary: after you create a channel on YouTube from your computer, you can change the name.

After 5-7 seconds of waiting YouTube will take you to the following page:

This completes the creation of a YouTube account. Congratulations: now you have your own channel on the most popular video hosting in the world!

How do I create a second channel?

Each of us is interested in different topics and manifests ourselves in completely different ways. It is not worth “mixing” topics that are different from each other in one channel: the audience will not understand such a step and will slowly begin to decrease.

The way out of the situation is the second channel. Fortunately, creating it on YouTube is simple and free. Let's figure out how this is done.

You can create multiple channels on one Google account. To do this, go to YouTube Settings again:

Your account window will open, and at the very bottom you will find the option "Show all channels or create a new one". Next, do the same as when registering your first account.

How do I set up an account?

For the channel to function normally and give out what you want, it must be configured. This is done very simply too.

The first step is to go to your account settings. I'll take a screenshot from the previous section, since everything is the same:

A menu will open to help you do various manipulations with your account. Let's consider them in more detail.

general information

This is where you find yourself from the very beginning. The section is notable, first of all, by the "Advanced" button, by clicking on which you can:

  • change the URL address of the channel (so that the search bar does not display incomprehensible letters and numbers, but the keyword or name of the project)
  • link the channel to your Google+ account
  • explore sites that have access to the channel
  • delete channel

Linked accounts

Here you can link your Twitter page to your YouTube channel. This is convenient and useful: when you publish a video, the news about it will be automatically downloaded as a “tweet”, and the entire audience will see it. Due to this, you, without making almost any effort, increase the number of channel subscribers at the expense of the Twitter audience.


YouTube makes it possible to change the preferences shown to different groups of subscribers and users. In addition, information about your likes, downloads and subscriptions can also be made inaccessible:

For example, if a video is intended only for a part of the channel's users, it can be hidden for everyone else.


YouTube sends notifications for every user action on the channel (subscription, comment). There are many of them, and you can partially (or completely) disable the function:

Use these tabs to customize your own YouTube channel and start uploading videos.

What's next?

Signing up for a YouTube account is the first, but not the last, step in. Next, you need to create playlists, design a channel, upload videos to it, optimize them and do many other things. At first glance, this is quite difficult, but in reality everything is much simpler.

Over time, master the mobile versions of YouTube - there are applications for iOS, Android and other operating systems. You may even need to learn how to create a YouTube channel from your phone. In fact, this procedure is no different from registering from a computer, however, the design will be somewhat different.


A YouTube channel is a great tool for promoting a website, blog or. Ample opportunities for video processing and a large audience make it possible to increase the number of subscribers and users on other resources.

You can promote the channel on video hosting and separately, as an independent project. In this case, you should decide in advance with, and also understand which users the channel will attract.

This concludes the tutorial on creating a Youtube account. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. Experience in registering channels is also a plus - perhaps you can supplement the article by writing about what I missed.

See you soon on the blog pages, dear readers!

Channel decoration

The default channel looks like this:

One of the main factors of promotion and traffic (in addition to interesting videos) is the appearance and attractiveness of your channel, the so-called channel header. Therefore, I immediately advise you to change it.

Click " Add channel decoration«

We have 3 options for changing the theme: from the standard themes offered by YouTube

2. Download from the Internet

3. Create your images

The same goes for the logo.

Linked accounts

Removing the download limitation for long videos

Each channel created has a limit on video uploads longer than 15 minutes. To remove this restriction, you must verify your account. Go to the channel settings, click on. Next, enter your phone number. After a couple of seconds, you will receive a six-digit confirmation code. We enter it and voila. The restriction has been lifted.

As you can see, nothing complicated. It remains only to upload the video to your new channel.

I deliberately didn't talk about all the settings. As a rule, the above is enough to start the channel launch. The rest of the features (such as channel monetization) will be needed a little later, when you gain a certain number of views and channel subscribers.