How to restore on windows 10. Hard disks and RAM. How long does recovery take

The emergence of Windows 10 clearly marked the moment when using a computer turned from a complex and troublesome business into a familiar phenomenon for absolutely everyone who encounters it on a daily basis in private life or at work. Consumer qualities were maximally improved and parameters were unified in it. In turn, the latter are collected in clear and convenient groups, in which you can easily find solutions to everyday problems associated with the use of a personal computer. But a number of questions that can confuse even an experienced user remain. For example, Windows 10 system recovery after a crash.

Reasons and solution

The spread of broadband Internet has led to the fact that it has become available to everyone, without exception. The scammers reacted extremely quickly, and a whole type of Internet resources appeared, the main task of which was to force the user to download another infected program. A virus that got on a computer could cause damage from minor to physical damage to iron. Malware is one of the causes of PC software failures.

Another reason is power outages. Sudden power surges can negatively affect the smooth operation of Windows. After a strong jump or emergency shutdown, the computer may not boot in the usual way again.

Hardware failure of one of the components of the PC is the most likely cause of failure. Elimination of problems in a specific case without replacing or repairing an unstable part is a temporary measure. Be attentive to your computer and timely carry out preventive work and diagnostics so as not to wonder how to restore the Windows 10 system.

The solution to the problem is almost certainly possible in five basic ways provided by the Windows publisher. In principle, there is nothing complicated.


The procedures can be as follows:

  1. Rollback point.
  2. Reset to factory settings.
  3. Using a backup copy.
  4. Installation from a recovery disk.
  5. Treatment from a boot device.
  1. Running Windows 10 System Restore when it boots but fails, it is best to roll back to a restore point. We need to press Win and Pause (on a laptop also FN). Having pressed them simultaneously, we will get to the "System Protection" menu. The good news is that all personal information will be saved - this is not an installation of the system "from scratch", but just a rollback of it at a certain point in time. Restoring Windows 10 to its original state is like going back in time.

A list appears with all available points. When creating, when you come up with a name, indicate it so that later it would be clear what its creation is connected with. Then it will be easier to choose at the right time. And always keep the point at which everything worked like a clock. This is what you should choose if the problems are big.

  1. very convenient service. Launch

Options → Update & Security → Recovery.

Factory settings are the initial state. We choose it. You will be prompted to save the files - we recommend that you agree.

You will be presented with a list of applications that will be removed. Please read it carefully if something important will be removed.

You will see information about the reset procedure and its possible consequences - read it and make sure that everything suits you.

If everything suits you, click "Reset". Then the familiar interface for starting the newly installed operating system will appear.

  1. You can restore Windows 10 from a backup. The system does the backup on its own. She remembers her condition and keeps original casts from that moment. All characteristics and parameters are involved in saving. And it allows us to reanimate broken Windows. Let's see how to make such a copy.

To implement the method, there is one condition - the archiving function must be enabled. If so, then go to Update & Security.

Select "Backup Service" and click on "Add Disk".

This will search for available third-party drives and list them.

You need to select the desired device, which will be backed up, and click on it. The backup function will be activated.

In the future, you can restore Windows using archive files.

  1. For those with a recovery drive, you can restore the Windows 10 operating system with some attractive additional functionality.

Insert the device and turn on the computer. Set it up in BIOS as bootable. Next, loading will start from it and a familiar menu will appear. We diagnose the PC again and enter additional parameters.

The screenshot shows a list of possible options for action:

  1. This has already been covered earlier. The only difference is that we told how to use rollback when the OS is loaded, but if it does not load at all, then you can get to the point from here.
  2. For those who have an image.
  3. The third point is for advanced Windows users. It allows us to identify and fix specific bugs in our system. You only need to know about them.
  4. For administrators familiar with the command system (it has existed since the days of DOS) there is a command line. Allows to solve other specific tasks;
  5. We have already considered it - reset to the initial state.
  1. The last way to fix boot errors if Windows 10 System Restore isn't working is to take the installation media. It probably comes after the first, initial OS installation. Everything is similar to the previous version. Only you will be prompted to either install or restore.

We need a second option (arrow on the screen). And then we ask you to search for and eliminate faults.

The first road is to a full reset with or without data saving (which will mean a complete formatting of the boot volume of the hard drive). The second is additional parameters that you are already familiar with.

The advantage of the boot disk is that you don't have to do anything here yourself - this is the last option if Windows 10 System Restore does not start when the operating system boots.

BIOS - a set of utilities that are installed on the motherboard, which make it possible to turn on the device to install the OS. With its help, Windows 10 is loaded, the data carrier is selected, the range of thermal sensors is indicated, various parameters are configured. If the system stops booting, errors crash and the standard recovery fails, you can use the BIOS.

How to restore Windows 10 via BIOS.

But this method can be used only if you have an installation disk or a flash drive with a distribution of a licensed operating system with the version and bit depth that you have installed, this option is not possible without an external drive.

First of all, you need to start by configuring the BIOS to read the disk immediately upon startup.

If the preparation of automatic recovery does not make it possible to restart the computer normally, you need to do it forcibly by holding down the shutdown buttons for 10-15 seconds, as soon as the system starts to boot, you must press one of the keys: F1, F4, F3, Delete, F8 (say exactly which exactly you need to press it is impossible, since it depends on the model of the motherboard on your device).

In the instructions for the computer or on the manufacturer's website, you can look for which key you need to enter. Most PCs use the Delete button, laptops can use the ctrl + alt + esc key combination.
After the BIOS starts, go to the Boot section.

You need to find the parameter "1st boot device", which can be located in the section "Boot Device Configuration", "Advanced Features", "Boot", "Boot Sequence. There you will need to set a parameter for a CDROM or PXE UND I disk to boot from a USB flash drive:

Press "F10" to save the result, insert the disc into the drive or connect the USB flash drive that contains the distribution kit, then reboot the device.

After the computer boots up, the initial system installation menu appears, where you will need to click on the "System Restore" button.

The menu "Select actions" will open, you need to select the item "Diagnostics".

Then go to the item "Additional parameters".

Then click on the "System Restore" item.

After clicking, a window will open with a choice of a restore point.

Startup Repair scans your computer for errors and fixes them as they are found. You can try to run the utility, but in most cases, after searching, it usually displays a message that the computer could not be restored.

If you had a rollback and your Windows was successfully restored after the above steps, then this field will need to go into the BIOS and return the hard disk boot priority back to the first place.

- How to restore Windows 10 via the command line.
If you did not create a checkpoint, you can try to restore the Windows 10 system through the command line. To do this, you also need a bootable disk or USB flash drive with the Windows operating system, which is installed on the computer.

In the "Additional parameters" section, select the "Command line" item

In the window that opens, type "fixboot".

Then the action must be confirmed by pressing the "Y" key.
After restoring the Windows 10 bootloader, the system needs to be checked for corrupted system files.

Solutions for problems with damaged system files

  1. The operating system boot sector is damaged.
    In the command line, you need to enter "fixboot", press "Enter", then enter "fixmbr", press "Enter". The windows boot sector will then be restored. The computer can be restarted normally.
  2. The boot file boot.ini is missing.
    In the line you need to type "bootcfg / rebuild", then press "Enter". Confirm all possible questions of the system by pressing "Y" and "Enter".
  3. Corrupted config in system32 folder.
    Insert the disk with your OS version into the drive, enter “cd repair copy SYSTEM C: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ config” in the command line, and then press “Enter”.
  4. There are no files "ntldr" or "", the system displays the message: "NTLDR is missing at Windows startup".
  5. Enter in the command line "copy X: \\ i386 \\ ntldr C: \\", press "Enter" (Where X is the letter of your drive, and C is the letter of your system drive on which your OS is installed).

System recovery via the command line with the computer turned on.

If you do not want to restart your computer, you can restore the system through the command line from Windows. To do this, you need to insert the disc into the DVD-ROM with the PC booted up. Then start the command line by pressing the hotkey combination "Win + R" and enter "sfc / scannow" in the search row of the "Run" window and press "OK". After that, the broken system distributions will be copied from the boot disk automatically. System restore, rollback is pretty quick and problem-free.

The Windows 10 operating system is very easy to use. Any user will be able to understand it and even cope with certain problems on their own. Unfortunately, sometimes there are too many errors, and they cause damage to system files or lead to other serious problems. The Windows restore option will help fix them.

Reasons to use Windows recovery

The main reason is the failure of the operating system to boot. But this malfunction itself can arise due to various factors. Let's analyze the most common:

  • damage to files by viruses - if OS files are damaged by a virus attack, the system may malfunction or not boot at all. Therefore, you need to restore these files for normal operation, as there is no other way to fix the problem;
  • incorrectly installed update - if an error occurred during the update or some of the files were installed incorrectly for another reason, then instead of completely reinstalling the broken operating system, its restoration will also help;
  • damage to the hard drive - the main thing is to find out what the problem is. If the disk is physically damaged, then you cannot do without replacing it. If the hitch is in how it works with data or any OS boot settings, recovery can help;
  • other changes to the registry or system files - in general, almost any changes to the system can lead to errors in its operation, from minor to critical.

Recover directly from the Windows 10 system itself

Conditionally, you can divide the recovery methods into those used before the system is booted and those that are used already when the system is booted. Let's start with a situation where Windows boots correctly and you have the opportunity to use programs after it starts.

Using a restore point to roll back the system

First, you need to configure directly the system protection itself, so that it is possible to create and store restore points. To do this, follow these steps:

Now you can proceed to create a restore point:

When the point is created, you need to figure out how to return the system to the state at the time of its creation, that is, to roll back to the restore point:

Another way to access restore points is in the diagnostics menu, which opens through the "Settings" Windows 10 (Win I). This menu works in exactly the same way.

You can also use restore points through advanced system diagnostics options

Resetting the operating system to factory settings

There is another way to restore in Windows 10. Instead of a complete reinstallation, it is possible to simply reset the system to its original state. Some programs will become inoperative as all registry entries are updated. Save the required data and programs before resetting. The very process of returning the system to its original form is performed as follows:

  1. Press the Win + I keyboard shortcut to open OS Options. There, select the Update & Security tab and go to the System Restore section.

    In Windows Settings, open the Update & Security section

  2. Press the "Start" button to start the recovery.

    Click the "Start" button under the item "Reset the computer to its original state"

  3. You will be prompted to save the files. If you click "Erase All", the hard disk will be completely erased. Be careful when choosing.
  4. Regardless of the choice, the next window will display information about the reset, which will be performed. Study it and, if everything suits you, press the "Reset" button.

    Review the reset information and click "Reset"

  5. Wait for the process to finish. It may take up to an hour depending on the options selected. The computer will restart several times during the procedure.

Video: Factory Reset Windows 10 Tablet

System data recovery through "File history"

"File history" - the ability to recover damaged or deleted files for some time. It can be very useful if you need to get back missing videos, music, photos or documents. As with restore points, you must configure this option correctly before applying:

This way, you will be able to recover files, unless, of course, the disk has been subjected to complete data wiping. Now let's figure out how to recover a lost file:

Video: recover Windows 10 on your own

Non-login recovery methods

If the operating system does not boot, then it is more difficult to restore it. However, acting strictly according to the instructions, and here you can cope without problems.

System recovery via BIOS using bootable media

Using a bootable drive, you can start system recovery through the BIOS, that is, before Windows 10 boots. But first, you need to create such a drive:

Nothing else is required of you. The boot drive will be created, and you can proceed directly to the system recovery. First you need to open the BIOS. This is done by pressing different keys when turning on the computer, which depend on the device model:

  • Acer - most often the buttons for entering the BIOS from this company are the F2 or Delete keys. Older models used whole keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl + Alt + Escape;
  • Asus - F2 almost always works, especially on laptops. Delete is used much less often;
  • Dell also uses the F2 key on modern devices. On older models, it is better to just look for instructions on the screen, since the combinations can be very different;
  • HP - laptops and computers of this company enter BIOS by pressing Escape and F10. Older models did it using the F1, F2, F6, F11 keys. On tablets, F10 or F12 are usually used;
  • Lenovo, Sony, Toshiba - like many other modern firms use the F2 key. This has become practically the standard for entering BIOS.

If you did not find your model and could not open the BIOS, carefully study the inscriptions that appear when you turn on the device. One of them will indicate the desired button.

Once you get into the BIOS, do the following:

  1. Find First Boot Device. Depending on the BIOS version, it can be located in different subsections. Select your OS drive as the boot device and restart your computer after saving the changes.

    Prioritize the download of the desired device

  2. The installation will begin. Check the language and, if everything is correct, click "Next".

    Select language at the beginning of installation

  3. Go to System Restore.

    Click "System Restore"

  4. The recovery menu will open. Select the Diagnostics button.

    Open the system diagnostics menu in this window

  5. Go to advanced options.

    Go to advanced diagnostic menu options

  6. If you've created a system restore point before, select "Restore Windows using a restore point." Otherwise, go to Startup Repair.

    Select "Startup Repair" in the advanced options to fix operating system errors

  7. It will automatically check and fix the boot files. This process can take up to 30 minutes, after which Windows 10 should boot without problems.

Creating a bootable disk from an image

If you still need a bootable disc for system recovery, and not a flash drive, then you can create it using the ISO image obtained earlier, or use a ready-made installation disc with the same OS version. Creating a boot disk is done as follows:

In case the recovery fails, you can always simply reinstall the operating system using the same disk.

System restore via command line

The command line is an effective tool for solving the problem with loading the OS. You can also open it through the diagnostics menu, which was opened using the boot drive:

Another way would require specifying the section name:

  1. Enter the diskpart and list disk commands to find the value you want. You will be presented with a list of all your drives.
  2. You can determine the required disk by its volume. Enter the command disk 0 (where 0 is the number of the desired disk).

    Enter the specified sequence of commands in order to find out the number of your disk

  3. With the disk selected, use the detail disk command to get the required information. You will be shown all partitions on the disk.
  4. Find the area where the operating system is installed and note the letter designation.

    Use the partition name you learned from the bcdboot x: \\ windows command

In addition to these, there are a number of other commands that you may find useful:

Just try entering these commands one at a time: one of them will cope with your problem.

Video: Windows 10 Boot Repair via Command Prompt

Repair error recovery

When trying to restore the system, you may receive an error with the code 0x80070091. It is usually accompanied by information that the recovery has not been completed. This issue occurs due to an error with the WindowsApps folder. Do the following:

Windows activation key recovery

The OS activation key is usually written on the device itself. But if a special sticker with a key has worn out over time, you can also recognize it from the system itself. To do this, the easiest way is to use a special program:

If you need to find out the key before activating the system, then you cannot do without contacting the place of purchase or official Microsoft support.

Setting the required screen resolution

Sometimes, when restoring the operating system, the screen resolution can fly off. In this case, it should be returned:

Password recovery in Windows 10

If you have forgotten your operating system password, you should reset it. You can request a password reset for your account on the official website:

You should be prepared for any computer problems. Knowing how to recover your system in the event of a problem can help you rescue data and get on with your device without reinstalling Windows.

Let's try to restore Windows 10 and deal with many options in ascending order of complexity. Actually, they have a lot in common: in all cases without exception, except for the full recovery of Windows 10, we need a backup.

To begin with, the most important files and documents, and ideally the entire system disk ... To ensure the reliability of the system, it is necessary to secure the most important disk - the first, system one, as well as our user information, that is, documents. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Resetting the computer to its original state
  2. Using File History
  3. Using restore points
  4. From the system image
  5. Using a disk

How to restore Windows 10 to its original state

First of all, you need to pay attention when we want to restore Windows 10 to its original state, this is the "Restore" function. To do this, open Settings \u003e\u003e Update & Security \u003e\u003e Recovery and click the Get Started button.

There are two options for action. Return the computer to its original state. "Reset" with the removal of all installed programs, with or without saving personal files. The last resort should be used in an emergency ... and with a backup of all valuable information.

The last item on this menu offers a clean installation of Windows using the new Refresh program - this is the same reset, only with the subsequent reinstallation of Windows 10 from the "distribution" automatically downloaded from the network. We will use this method only in cases where the usual "reset" will be impossible.

In both cases, first take care of backing up your documents and photos - unless, of course, they are stored not in the "cloud" and not on a separate disk. Remember: resetting the system only affects the main, system drive; all other drives on your system remain safe.

Recovery disc

If the computer refused to start, then an installation disc or a recovery disc that we created earlier will come to our aid (Read: How to create a Windows 10 recovery disc). To start from removable media, you need to do some settings. Using the boot menu to install the boot from USB Flash Disk, only then we will boot from the disk.

Once in the recovery environment, multiple tasks will open before you, even rollback to the initial state if other methods do not help.

Recovery modeWindows 10

Recovery point

Creation of "restore points", that is, backup copies of configuration files and important system files. They take up little space, but they will allow you to reanimate the system in the vast majority of cases. Windows periodically (usually when new programs are installed) takes snapshots of the system state. And if you have several such “points” at your disposal, you can return the system “back to the past”. And not until the birth of life on your computer, but just a day or so ago, until the "glitch" appeared.

To do this, we need to go to the old System Restore menu in the Control Panel (System and Security section) - you already know that the easiest way to get to it is by typing the word "Recovery" in the search bar.

Click on the line "Start System Restore" - a "calendar" will open in front of us, which will list all restore points. And at the same time - and the programs, before the installation of which they were created. And if you know for sure that your system was "damaged" by a video card driver, you just need to find its name in the list and roll back to the date before its installation.

One subtlety: By default, the "restore points" system in Windows 10 is disabled. And if you are going to use it, then even at the first start of the computer with a "fresh" system, it must be enabled and configured. This is done in the System Restore Settings menu: please note that for each disk on your computer it is enabled separately (if there are several of them on your computer, I recommend limiting yourself to the system one). In addition, you can adjust the amount of disk space allocated for storing "points" - the more you allocate space, the more "points" the system can store.

The Windows 10 recovery procedure is reversible: in case of failure, you can easily return the system to a previous state

Using File History

It is better to store documents and photos from the very beginning in the "cloud", that is, not in folders on the Desktop, as we are used to, but in storages like Dropbox or OneDrive (if you prefer, create a shortcut for these folders on the Desktop) ... See How to use cloud storage.

If you do not trust the Network, store them in special folders in Documents, and enable OneDrive Backup in the system settings, and if you have a separate storage device (for example, an external USB hard drive), use Backup using File histories.

Unfortunately, this method only protects your information, but not system files; it will not help restore Windows 10 after a crash.

If you are interested in Windows 10 recovery, then you've come to the right place.

Let's figure out how to get Windows 10 back to work without using third-party programs.

System Restore

This option will help fix errors that appeared after installing software, Windows updates, changes in the registry, and the like.

The resume function allows you to revert registry settings and protected system files to a previously saved state - to one of the checkpoints that Windows creates automatically.

The user's documents are not affected.

Regeneration points in the "tens" are created before installing programs, drivers, system updates, or just every 7 days. In addition, the user can create them manually.


  • Go to the control panel, open the "Recovery" applet and select "Start System Restore" from the list of commands.
  • Select the checkpoint created before the crash and click Finish.

  • During the execution of the task, the computer will be restarted. After 5-7 minutes, Windows 10 will return to the state that preceded the problem.

The resumption of the system is also available when Windows 10 does not start. If the download fails, you will see the following instead of the welcome window:

By clicking the "Additional recovery options" button, you will be offered a choice of action. Here you need to click on the "Diagnostics" item.

After that, you will open the already familiar window with a proposal to select a control point. Follow the instructions and wait for the wizard to finish.

Restoring your computer to its original state

This option will help you deal with errors that the System Resume feature does not resolve, or where suitable checkpoints are missing or not generated.

Restoring Windows 10 to its original state can be done:

  • With the preservation of user files and a number of preinstalled programs. In this case, all system settings, drivers and software installed by the user will be reset.
  • Without saving personal data, programs and settings. This option reverts the system to a clean install state. No user information will remain in it.

Important! On computers and laptops where Windows 10 was installed by the manufacturer, a third option may be available - restoring to factory settings. This deletes not only user data and settings, but also the contents of non-system hard disk partitions.

Returning to the factory state without saving personal information is used as a last resort - an alternative to reinstalling the system in case of intractable failures, as well as before selling the computer or giving it to another user.

How to return Windows 10 to its original state

  • Open the Start menu and click the "Options" button.

  • Select Update & Security from the list of options.

  • Then select "Recovery".

  • In the Reset this computer section, click the Get Started button.

  • Then select the option you need: "Keep my files" or "Delete everything".

In about 40-60 minutes, Windows 10 will be back online.

Rollback to a previous version of the system (Windows 7 or 8)

This method is available only to those who installed the "ten" in the order of updating the previous OS - "seven" or "eight". And it is possible only within a month after the update.

This will save the user's files in personal folders, drivers, software and settings of the previous system, and everything that was in Windows 10 will be deleted.

To roll back to the originally installed OS, launch the Settings app from the Start menu, open Update & Security, then Recovery, and select Revert to Windows 8.1 (7).

If this item is not in the parameter list, then the function is not available. It will also be unavailable if the user has deleted the Windows.old folder from the system partition of the hard disk.

Reinstall Windows 10 from a recovery drive

This option will be useful for those who previously created a regeneration disk. A backup copy of the system with functional parameters is saved on it.

To create a recovery disc, do the following:

  • prepare a blank DVD or USB flash drive (the minimum storage capacity is determined individually) and connect to a computer;
  • open the "Recovery" section in the control panel, select "Create a recovery disc" and follow the instructions.

The finished Windows backup media should be stored in a safe place and not used for anything else.

How to restore Windows 10 from a backup

If the system boots, open Settings -\u003e Update & Security -\u003e Recovery and Reset your computer.

After rebooting into the recovery environment, select the "Diagnostics" and "System Image Restore" section.

Advice! If the system does not boot, you need to start the computer from the CD with the distribution kit, but instead of installing (Install now) select "Repair your computer".

  • Select the system image for the desired number.
  • If necessary, specify additional options, such as formatting the disk.
  • Confirm your consent to the rollback and wait for it to complete.

Windows will be automatically restored while saving user files, software and settings. The system state will be the same as when the backup was created.

Windows 10 boot repair

Resuming the Windows 10 bootloader is also done by starting the PC from the tens installation disc.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Connect the drive with the Windows 10 distribution to your computer.
  • Select "Repair your computer" instead of installing.
  • In the Select Action window, click Diagnostics.
  • Next, in the list of additional options, select "Startup Repair".

In some cases, automatic startup recovery does not give results. Then manual overwriting of the bootloader files and the boot partition of the hard drive can help. How to do it:

  • Open a command prompt in the Advanced Options window.

  • Follow the instruction bcdboot.exe X: \\ Windowswhere X:- the letter of the system partition on the hard disk.

In the Recovery environment, partition letters are often not the same as those assigned in Windows. To determine them, you can use the console utility Diskpart from the system distribution kit.

Type in the command line one by one:


List disk

Sel disk 0 (or 1, 2, 3 - depends on where the bootloader is located if there are several physical drives on the PC)

Detail disk

In our example, the letter C is assigned to the boot partition, which means that the restore command is written as follows: bcdboot.exe C: \\ Windows.

To fix a boot failure on hard drives with MBR markup, you need to run 2 more commands in the console: bootrec / fixmbr and bootrec / fixboot.The boot partition code will be overwritten.

How to restore Windows 10 system files

To restore protected system files in Windows 10, use the application SFC.exelaunched on the command line with the parameter / scannow.

Scanning and fixing takes about 20-40 minutes.

When SFC finishes working, a report (CBS.log) will be generated and saved in the C: \\ Windows \\ Logs folder. From it you can find out which files were damaged and restored.

Windows 10 recovery

Although Windows 10 is highly functional and stable, it may need to be restored