How to collect letters from different mailboxes in one place. How to set up mail collection on Yandex from any other mailboxes? How to collect all mail in a box

Hello to you, my dear readers! In today's post, I want to tell you about one wonderful mail collector program

Mozilla Thunderbird

If you have several mailboxes on different services, for example:,,, is on, then you simply need this program.

I felt its charm as soon as I installed it and started using it. I will briefly tell you that this the program connects itselfto all of your mailboxes and shows their contents. That is, the beauty is that you do not need to enter each individual mailbox, enter your username and password (after all, this takes up your precious time).

Mozilla Thunderbird will do it all for you, and for free ...

Great! True? Want this program on your computer? Then let's install it and start using it !!!

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To the record "Collect all your mail in one program. Better not to invent it !!! Mozilla Thunderbird" 24 comments The most active commentator at the end of the month receives a cash prize.

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    Lesha! Hello! Keep it up!
    The information is super!
    I have a smartphone, so I thought for a very long time how to set up mail in it.
    I read it, and the settings are right there!

    This is a program - from a mozilla! Do other browsers also have mail collectors? Can you tell us about this?

    I heard that other servers have a collector, but I didn't bother with that!

    It will be interesting to read the info!

    And many simply do not know that this is possible ...

    Now, as far as I know, almost every mailer offers to connect other accounts of other mailers to it. In any case, in Google and in Yandex, this can definitely be done. But I installed The Bat program for myself and this bat collects my mail from three mailers by itself 🙂 it is convenient because the entire design of mailer pages is not loaded (I do not have unlimited Internet), only the letters themselves. And it turns out faster - what is it worth downloading only letters, and what is the whole page with its links, pictures, plugins, etc. 🙂

    Andrey Reply:
    May 16th, 2012 at 9:40 pm

    The Bat is my first email program ...
    Even Outlook came after her ...

    Anastasia Reply:
    May 16th, 2012 at 10:52 pm

    Outlook was the first to be "captured" by my husband, so I got a "bat" at my disposal \u003d) She was in the Windows installer. So, watching out of the corner of my eye, I did not see much difference between them.

    OH! If I collect all my mail, I'm afraid I won't rake it. Too many emails arrive every day!

    How to think of it! Chinese, almost complete clone of TheBat !, but completely free Foxmail program. It allows you to view the headers of letters on servers and download only what you need. The number of boxes is unlimited, you can apply a password. Although I myself have stopped using all sorts of mail programs. You can view emails directly on the server without downloading them to your computer. It is also safer. And if you are impatient to save the letter, then you can simply select the text and transfer it even to a notepad, even to Word, anywhere.
    All mailers can collect all letters in one place, but in this case, letters arrive with a significant delay! But. Reply:
    November 19th, 2013 at 7:04 pm

    This program is very, very useful. Since webmasters have several mailboxes, it is not convenient to go to each one. Here all the mail is in one place, and as soon as the letter arrives, it is immediately visible.

    Just setting up, and the question is: how to enable sound notification of new mail?

    everything is wonderful, only he defines Yandex in the com segment and does not connect to ru, at least kill yourself…. it seems that all the settings are correct ...

    Great program. Everything reflects and works well.
    The only drawback is that it is impossible to GO ON THE LINK specified in the letter.
    In the settings, I did not find how to reverse this situation. Maybe someone has thoughts?
    Thanks in advance.

Probably, only a few did not face the problem that their email address no longer liked them or they just didn’t need it. But what if a large number of contacts are associated with the box, which you would not want to lose.

The first solution that can come to mind is to create a beautiful new address and constantly check the second one. It's complicated. In this case, we start to create even more mailboxes and get confused with a lot of addresses.

There are many inconveniences here: there is a risk of forgetting the password, the address continues to annoy [email protected], when you are the director of a serious company, and much more!

There is a solution and it is very simple. And comfortable.

When you have created a mailbox with an ideal address, enable collection of letters from old mail. All letters from connected mailboxes can be found inside the main mail in the folders of the same name. Everything is neat, clear and orderly.

The collector saves time switching from box to box and allows you to completely switch to a new address without fear of someone being left unanswered.

How to setup?

Yet again. Everything is very simple. We tell:

  1. Go to your mailbox settings;
  2. Select the "Mail from other mailboxes" section;
  3. Enter the email address and password for the mailbox from which you want to collect letters.

After connecting a new address, you will see it in the general list on the same page.

In this section, you can easily manage the collector: pause, delete or add additional boxes. The collected letters will be stored in a separate folder with internal subfolders that you created in the old mailbox.

By the way, if you are determined to use a beautiful new address, but you are too lazy to notify everyone who is still writing to the old mail, set up filtering rules with an automatic reply from the new address.

To do this, set up a filter and enter your old address in the "If letters to whom" column. Select the "Reply with message" action. If you indicate the address of the new mailbox in the message, then everyone who will write to the old mail will receive an answer and will not lose your contacts.

We've created our own top ten email programs, detailing each application on this list.

So let's go.

comparison table

Read also: Keeping anonymity: 10 services for registering temporary mail

Mail client name The cost
Free of charge Website
Free of charge Website
It is possible to purchase a monthly subscription for 269 rubles, or buy the program offline for 7499 rubles Website
Since 2018 Available only for the corporate sector Website
There are two versions:
Lite is free;
Pro - $ 12 is a subscription for one calendar month; $ 45 is a lifetime subscription.
Free of charge Website
Free of charge Website
Free of charge Download
Free of charge Website
Free of charge Download

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Perhaps one of the most famous email clients is the Opera mail program.

It is completely free, which is good news.

It is worth noting that this resource is an integral part of the Opera browser. With this it is possible to send and receive emails with ease.

For those people who are browser users, the email client is ideal, since it has a similar appearance and software of the same name.

  • The program supports such protocols as pops, imap, smtp;
  • The application has a built-in function that suppresses spam;
  • The email client has a comfortable interface;
  • The program is especially convenient for those users who have the Windows 7 operating system installed on their personal computer;
  • The program is equipped with thematic sorting of emails. The rules for distributing messages by topic are programmed by the user.
  • With this application, it is possible to view an unlimited number of emails, thanks to a comfortable navigation through the tabs.

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The following email client, Mozilla Thunderbird, is ideal for many users, as it has all the features one could dream of.

The developers of this program did a great job, because the mail client differs from its competitors by an excellent security system that will not allow third parties to take over your personal information.

Distinctive features of the email client:

  • This program, like the previous one, supports such protocols as smtp, imap;
  • It is possible to remotely enter the mail client;
  • The application is easy enough to customize for yourself;
  • The program allows you to manage several mailboxes at once and receive messages in a single folder;
  • Convenient system of tabs, as well as a convenient address book;
  • It is possible to easily filter emails;
  • The application allows you to check the spelling of the letter you have written.

Newbies will be delighted to have a feature that lets you quickly search for a specific email.

This email client has many languages. The program can be used in forty languages, which include Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and other languages \u200b\u200bof the CIS.

There is a lot of additional content on the Internet that can be installed in addition to the standard functionality of this email client.


Read also: How to create a mail on gmail: Complete instructions for 2018

The next mail client we are obliged to tell you about is the Koma-mail program.

In this application, you will not find the functionality that we described in the above mail clients.

But this utility can be installed on a flash drive. Koma-Mail is the leading free email client that can be installed on.

Distinctive features of the Koma-Mail email client:

It is also worth noting the convenience of this email client when working in Windows.

After all, the convenience of using this application lies in simple coordination in managing the list of contacts, having a calendar, and the availability of work in Russian, Ukrainian and other CIS languages.

It should be noted that the application can run in nineteen available languages.

Thus, the program has many advantages, so it can be an excellent replacement for paid email clients.


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The Bat! Mail client is not inferior in functionality to previous programs.

Here you will not see unnecessary services that can interfere with your work, however, the application has settings that will help ensure fast and comfortable work.

Features of The Bat! Email Client Software:

  • increased level of protection of personal data of windows program clients;
  • the ability to work using an unlimited number of accounts;
  • automated sorting of correspondence;
  • built-in support for rss channels;
  • russian-language user-friendly interface;
  • the program works with high-quality spam protection;
  • easy control and parameter setting.

There are two versions of The Bat! Mail service:

  • professional;
  • home.

Despite the many advantages of using this email client, the disadvantages include some omissions in the correct work with HTML letters.

Otherwise, the program is quite decent and in demand.


If you do not like the above email clients with their functionality, then in this case you should pay attention to the SeaMonkey program.

For it is in this application that there is a wide range of settings and useful tools.

Distinctive features of the email client:

  • The application is equipped with an rss aggregator;
  • With this program it is possible to send instant messages;
  • It is possible to use several e-mail boxes at once;
  • The application allows you to create messages in text format;
  • The program's security system is actively fighting spam.

As mentioned above, this program includes a large number of settings, but this fact does not in any way affect the organization of work with e-mail boxes.

Another interesting email client that I would like to present to your attention is called Mailbird.

Operating system users may find similarities with the Sparrow browser.

For the second year in a row, this program has received the well-known IT World award as the best email client for the operating system.

The developers of this application are well aware that many of their users want to have a mail client on their personal computer that is different from everyone else's.

Read also: Yandex Mail: Complete instructions for registration and configuration (2018)

Inky email client is one of the most beautiful and modern programs. It is worth noting that this application is absolute, which is good news.

With the help of this program, it is possible to work with several e-mail boxes at once, and there is also a function of cloud synchronization and comfortable visualization, which has a choice of theme color.

The manufacturers of this email client have provided the program with automatic sorting of incoming and outgoing emails according to relevance.

Messages from permanent contacts are marked with a blue drop. Such a sign means the highest importance of the message.

The program will automatically mark persistent spam with bright drops and lower it down the list.

  • Additional settings for convenience and comfortable work
  • Creation of rules (filters) - automatic distribution of letters into folders and protection from spam
  • The function connects other mailboxes to mail from Yandex. Other mailboxes mean that this is mail from another service (for example, [email protected] or Mail from Google) or that these are letters from the Yandex.Mail mailbox, but this mailbox has a different address.

    When you connect another mailbox, all letters from the additional mail will be added to mail from Yandex. That is, you get a large number of letters in one box. You can also reply to letters from another mail in Yandex, while the recipient will see an address other than Yandex.Mail.

    It is very easy to connect processing of letters from another mailbox (for example, from [email protected]), but for this you need to know the username and password to enter this mailbox. So, the transition to the connection of processing letters from other mailboxes is on the left, under the functional menu and is signed "Add your mailbox".

    Only login (with extension, for example, extension - "@") and password are entered. The icons at the top of the page show which mail services you can connect (you don't need to click them).

    If successful, a message appears stating that letters will be added within 10 minutes, and under the folder selection menu, a mark appears about the added mailbox.

    Letters will be added those that have not been read, so I advise you to clean the "Spam" folder in the additional mailbox before adding. In my case, 130 letters were added, not counting those 70 that went to spam.

    You can select those letters that came from additional e-mail using the button with the additional mail address (under the folder selection menu). We click on the address and only "additional" letters are shown. "

    Let's consider how to respond so that an additional mailbox is shown (not Yandex, or Yandex, but with a different name).

    I choose one of the letters from additional mail, they are all marked as unread.

    That is, in principle, the whole difficulty. Above the text of the letter, it is indicated from which mailbox to send, and by default, this is an additional mailbox.

    To change the sender's address (if you want the letter to come not from an additional mailbox, but from Yandex mail), click on the sender's address (at your address) and then select from the proposed ones.

    To change the settings, disable mail collection or delete an additional mailbox, click on the word "Configure" under the folder selection menu.

    All means of communication are good. The Internet has expanded our capabilities by giving us forums, chat rooms, email or e-mail. Many users today have multiple e-mail boxes and accounts. It's getting hard to work with everyone at once. Each time you need to log out of one account and go to another in order to check your mail. This process takes time and makes you nervous. In order to put together all your mailboxes or e-mail, you need to connect them with a special program - a mail client. There are several variants of such programs on the Internet. One of them is the free Mozilla Thunderbird email client.

    Small giant Mozilla is famous for its software products, which are gaining more and more fans and admirers every day. Free email client Mozilla Thunderbird is a powerful tool for collecting all mail from all accounts and mailboxes. Just as Mozilla looks after its reputation, Mozilla Thunderbird itself has a number of advantages.

    This is a high degree of protection and security (the program does not use the Internet Explorer engine, which displays the display of messages in HTML, so all the standard vulnerabilities do not affect it in any way). Naturally, it is necessary to make a reservation: all attached files, especially those with the * .exe extension, must be checked with an antivirus program, since the attachment may contain malicious code. There is also an internal HTML editor and HTML browser, which makes it possible to display correct HTML codes and create virtual folders. The convenient interface of the program will make it easy to understand the work of the free mail client Mozilla Thunderbird, even for a schoolchild. Filters and virtual folders conveniently organize the archiving and sorting of letters. The ability to change the design style only gives additional points. Supports RSS feed and news. Thanks to internal technologies, all mailboxes can be combined within the program. For example, you have one free e-mail on your Yandex account, one on, and another on All mail from these mailboxes can be received directly into the program. Just set it up (enter the POP addresses of the mail servers and the addresses of the SMPT servers) and use it to your health! Many popular mail services are already registered inside the program and you don't have to configure anything. Just enter your username, password and receive mail.

    Free email client for collecting letters from multiple e-mails - Mozilla Thunderbird will never let you down at the right time.

    File size: 21.4 MB, but may change as the project develops.


    * if you have any questions, please write to us about it.