How to create a second YouTube channel? Is it possible to create two pages for one number on VKontakte? Is it possible to create two

Find out if it is possible to register 2 pages in VK for 1 number. Here you will find user comments on whether it is possible to create two pages for one number in VK and link 2 pages to 1 VK number.


Indeed, this can be done, but only if you have access to the page to which the phone number is linked. To begin with, go to the page in the "Settings" tab and turn over until we see the "Change number" button. Enter the phone number that is already attached to the page in the "New number" line and press the "Change" button.

Now we should receive two SMS, in which just a number will be indicated, as well as a translate with text and a phone number. You don't need to close the page and enter anything, you shouldn't either.

Now we go to the tab with another domain of the social network VKontakte, that is, if you are on, then open now we leave the tab on the main page and click "Become a member". We enter the phone number, which will also come to you, but it will already be from another page. In conclusion, go to the first created tab and enter the password that was sent to us at the very beginning. That's all that is required of you.

Can I link two pages to one number on VKontakte?

Some users need to create not one, but two pages for one phone number, so they ask themselves the question, is it possible to link two pages to one VKontakte number?

Indeed, there is such a method, but you will have to spend a little time and be sure to have access to your personal account, which is already registered to your phone number, and a new SIM card that has not yet been linked. As a result, it will remain clean, it's just easier to register.

First, go to the settings and in the tab where the number change is registered, enter the second number. You will receive an SMS with a code to your old number, which is designed to unlink the phone from the page. We are not closing or introducing anything yet.

Now go through another browser to the main page of the social network and click "Become a member". Here we also enter the second phone number and receive a message with a code and password.

Go back to the page we started with and paste the code into place. It turns out that both pages are registered to the same number.

It may take some time the first time, but if it is necessary to do something like this again, changing the number and binding will take much less effort. Now you know the answer to the question, is it possible for VKontakte to create two pages for one phone number?

The creation of a second channel may be required for a variety of purposes. Someone needs earn more on YouTube, and someone just has accumulated material on a different topic, and he wants to use it for another channel.

It is important to note that all channels on YouTube have a specific focus, so if you have an interesting video on a different topic, you do not need to put it on an existing channel - it is better to create a new one.

Regardless of the reasons, now you can create a large number of channels from one Google account: up to 200. True, managing such a large number of channels will be, to put it mildly. difficult 😁, so it's better to stay at 2-3.

How to create a second YouTube channel: a description of the process

You need to log into your account first. Then in the upper right corner, click on the icon. A menu will drop out where you will need to select the settings.

Click on the "create channel" option in the "additional features" section

After that you will be prompted to create a new page

And after that, create a new channel. Enter its name, category and save, and then proceed with registration.

When creating a channel, keep in mind that its name must be written immediately and without errors. You will have the opportunity to fix it, but not immediately. And if you do confuse something, it is better to start the whole process over again, because removing an unnecessary channel is easier than correcting mistakes.

Grow your YouTube channel wisely:Find out how to promote your YouTube channel and make money from $ 10.000

Both channels will now be reflected in your profile - by clicking on the avatar in the upper right corner, you will see a list of channels linked to this account. You can switch between them by clicking on the icon of the desired channel. And all the money earned from clicks on advertising will go to a single Google Adsense account.

Although the channels are linked by one account, they are independent of each other.

If traffic in one of the created channels drops significantly, which affects income, the rating of the second channel will not be affected in any way.

And one more thing: when creating a new project, you can assign users to administrators. This option is now actively used by those who promote a large number of commercial projects and are unable to deal with all of them. It's very convenient for a variety of reasons, but don't forget about the risk of losing your account. Therefore, be careful and do not trust unverified people.

If you have one popular channel, you should think about creating a second one.

This has obvious advantages:

  1. Ability to upload accumulating materialthat does not fit the theme or format of the main project.
  2. A great chance to grow your audience. If one way of serving is not satisfied with something, you can always try another. Likewise for topics and everything else.
  3. Accelerated promotion pace. If you already have one popular channel, it will be easier for you to draw attention to the second. The more implemented projects, the easier it is to launch new ones. Some video bloggers so they became celebrities in their niches.
  4. Income growth. First, it's easier to get advertisers' attention with two channels than one. Secondly, broadening the scope means you can take more orders. Thirdly, if the advertiser is satisfied with the cooperation with you, he will post messages about himself on two channels at once. Consequently, your profit will increase ...
  5. Security and stability. Even if one project was complained about, the second might be fine. Likewise, with a drop in interest in one of the channels.

However, the second channel also means risks. For example, if it is blocked, then the sanctions may apply to the second. Therefore, in some cases it makes sense to link projects to different accounts, despite the inconvenience.

Channels are created not only for earnings, but also for commercial purposes. Some company executives, having registered a YouTube channel on their account, can easily create a second one for their own needs.

So, all the main points related to creating a channel are described above. The rest concerns management and promotion. And they are not as difficult to understand as it seems at first. Good luck!

If you are interested not only in the topic of making money on YouTube. but also other ways to make money on the Internet - go here: 50 best ways to make money online

For an ordinary user, one page in any social network is enough to communicate with friends. But to promote your own products or services, one profile will not be enough. What if you use one SIM card? How to create a second page in VK for one number? Are there such ways at all?

Just a couple of years ago, social network profiles were registered to an email address. But the VK administration made identification by number mandatory. For most users, the innovation did not create any difficulties. But administrators and moderators of groups, smm-managers and people who turned VK from a communication platform into a main place for making money, had to face many problems. Bots are profiles of non-existent people. They are used to send invitations to groups, add to friends. Bots are often banned. Sometimes it is impossible to restore a page after blocking. Previously, the "fallen soldier" was quickly replaced by a couple of new ones. But when the process of creating the second page became more complicated, I had to spend time looking for ways to bypass the system.

The owners of old pages registered in 2010-2011 are lucky. Five years ago, questionnaires were linked only to e-mail. If your main profile was created in those years, then you won't have to puzzle over how to make the second page in contact.

Just register in the usual way, linking your account to a valid phone number.

Of course, do not forget to indicate your real last name, first name. In this case, the new page will be easy to restore after hacking. It is enough to contact the administration and provide a photo of your documents in real time.

But not everyone is so lucky. Many have already managed to score the main number into the system. Are you one of them? Do not despair. Let's try to trick the algorithms of the social network. How do I add a second profile? We need a page tied to the phone. As we found out, you already have it. Action plan:

  1. Go to the profile settings.
  2. Change the first or last digit in the specified phone number.
  3. Save the settings.
  4. Register a second account with your old phone number.

The option of registering two VK pages for 1 number does not always work. Some users are lucky, some are not. What if you're out of luck? Read on!

How to create a second page in VK without a phone number?

We'll have to install a specialized application to significantly expand the functions of the social network. For example, read other people's messages, with one click unsubscribe from dozens of publics and, of course, register 2 pages for 1 number.

After installing the application, you must go through authorization and select the "create a new profile" function. The familiar registration page with forms to fill out will appear on the screen. Come up with a password, login, enter the required information. The final step is entering the phone number.

The program bypasses VK algorithms, allowing you to link a second account to the number that you have already used for registration earlier.

Some applications for creating a second page in VK without a phone number are actually a common virus. Its main goal is to steal data from your work accounts. Before using a program like this, make sure it is actually working. Read user reviews online.

You already know two ways how to register two VKontakte pages for one number. None of them give a 100% guarantee of success. Do you want to protect the second profile on the social network from hacking, blocking and restore on occasion? There is only one way out.

One phone number - one social network profile

In connection with the appearance of thousands of fake pages, the VK administration has tightened the conditions for using the social network. By registering an account for a non-existent number, you risk losing it the first time you block it. For example, for sending invitations to your group. Can I create two VK pages for one number? Can. Is it worth investing in promoting a bot whose life will be short? Decide for yourself. A new SIM card costs a penny.

To prevent the number from being blocked, it is enough to replenish it for the minimum amount and make a couple of outgoing calls per month.

Having real phone numbers on hand, in a few minutes you can create as many VK work profiles as you need using your real name, surname and photo. If they are blocked, you can always restore them by contacting the administration, and then use the accumulated customer base!

How to create a second page in VK for one number: is it possible to make 2 pages for 1 number?

To communicate with friends, an ordinary user, as a rule, in any social network, just one page. However, to promote your own services or products of one profile, unfortunately, it will definitely not be enough. What if you only use one SIM card? Find out here - how to create a second page in VK for one phone number? And are there any similar options?

How to create two VK pages for one phone number?

  • The owners of old profiles who registered on the social network before 2011 can rejoice. After all, five years ago, VKontakte profiles were tied exclusively to e-mail. Thus, if your main page was created in those years, then you definitely won't have to think about how to make a second profile.
  • Register according to the standard scheme, simply by linking the page to a valid phone number.
  • Of course, you will need to provide your real name and surname. In this case, the new account can be restored without any problems in the event of a hack. It is enough just to contact the site administration and provide a photo of your documents online.

True, not everyone is so lucky. Many have already managed to score their main number into the system. Do not despair if you are one of them. Let's try to cheat a popular social network. How can you create another page? To do this, you need a page that is already linked to your mobile phone. So, your next steps:

  • Go to your profile settings.
  • Change the last or first digit in the indicated phone number.
  • Save the settings.
  • Register the second page to the old phone number.

Registration of two VK accounts to one phone number, unfortunately, does not always work. Some are lucky, others are not. What to do if you are still unlucky?

How to create a second page in VK without a phone number?

To use the following method, you will need to install a special application that significantly expands the functionality of the most popular site. For example, using such an application, you can read other people's messages, unsubscribe from dozens of groups with one click and, of course, register two accounts for one phone number.

After installing the program, go through authorization and select the "Create a new profile" button. The registration page will appear with various fields to fill out. So, you just have to come up with a login with a password, as well as enter the necessary information. The last stage is entering the phone number.

The application easily bypasses the algorithms of the social network, making it possible to link the second account to the mobile number that you used to register before.

It is worth noting that many applications for creating a second VK account without a phone number are in fact viruses. The main task of such a program is to steal your data. Before using such an application, make sure that it is actually working. Be sure to read the various user reviews on the Internet.

Today, the question of whether how to create a second Instagram account... Many will say or think about whether they need a second account and why ask such questions at all. Despite this, they can lead to a huge number of examples when you need not one, but even several accounts. Let's bring up a frequently encountered situation. You do business online, namely Instagram. In this case, you will need at least one more account in addition to your personal page, in order to promote your own, upload there photos of the goods being sold and their descriptions. Agree that this is much more convenient and practical than interfering with everything in one account, both personal and business. Another fairly common case is when people are Instagramming their children or even pets. A separate Instagram would also be useful here. Usually, when you log into your main account, the application on the phone or the site remembers your data and redirects you directly to the main page.

So, in order to be able to make another page, you first need to log out of your main profile. In this case, the Insta login or registration page will open in front of you, as shown in the picture above. As we can see, you can either go through the registration procedure. In order to go through this procedure, you will need to register an email account other than the one specified in the main or first account, as well as come up with an interesting, memorable username and a strong password. That's it, the second account has been successfully registered.

We have already learned is it possible to create a second Instagram account, but this is not all that we would like to tell in this publication. Not the computer seems to understand everything how to do this. On the phone, not everything is so obvious and simple, although it is also not difficult. So, go to your first account via a smartphone. As always, enter the name and password (Figure 1 below).

Next, on the page that opens, we find the settings for your account at the top (or a gear, or parallel lines for Android). We touch on the parameters (Figure 2 above). Then we go down almost to the very bottom of the page and find the link “Add account” there, as shown in picture 3 above. After that, the Instagram login window opens again in front of us, where we already fill in all the fields, entering the data of the second account.

Previously, it was impossible to manage several accounts at once from a standard Instagram application and you had to download some third-party app for the second Instagram account... There were and are a lot of such programs or third-party services. Among them are such as Instagram and Onlypult... Now Instagram itself declares that it is possible to use and link up to five accounts in this social network without using third-party services. You simply link all your accounts and develop your business even faster, or simply promote a second account through the first using various methods, including subscribers, which you can order on our website.

If you create two or more accounts, then go to one of them and add the second page in the parameters (read above). Next, we go to our conditional Account 1, where next to the account name the checkmark is down, as shown in Figure 1 above. We touch this checkbox - a menu with Account 2 drops out (Figure 2 above). If you touch Account 2, then go to it. By analogy, you can also go back to Account 1.